- . : - - .. :. V t , ' - . - II , . - - ' V vJ ' 1 .- - - - - ' . vv - .'-. . . j . ... , ,'. ,-- . . .. . - .-.V 1 f i r.. ' . . j. ..'.-, - - - v SSS 'liSSSSBl lTrFiiisT.R ATEPt ANTATl'ON, lylnty.in 'ei- -fl'RS.lLUCSrespectfutly inforrad her friend? "Yvirtue of a DeediTrast executed to ;AKAVAYpam'UeubWibbrin the month , '" li PabVaheA every XxJxkv at- nd Frtdat; by therfiuHford, ttando1pht OranRre cJt Chatham ;OfB.-and tfieubhc, that the , Exercises the IBhyZArtSFvr, beanng d?te the 5th Sept. XSe'of Jne Ust a. r1 mulatto man, about - mcl-PlT ft AT 1? VVhX'' V" rountiescontninfrom3to500 acres, with a above 'Academy will be resumedon the 1st Mon- 1823 to secure, the payment of certam ;lebts . 5fet JOinchehh' $Tnder made, ultbl' tbcJ ' -itrV lvunre Rood run and fcllof water, sitUable foV a milKor day in February next' L! , Vf" -" thVin inentioned jwill be. sold at public, sale, niark of the cut of Aif wi .one ufjus cheek, t. Five JDollart per annum- Halt in aavance ; .in' - n'ne ivUhimftn The utmost stttention wdl be naid to. the mo- on Thnrsdivl the 8th .tanuarv. 129. at the r,i, 2 or 3 inchrk lnto 'fKi .J. i J X D YE'RTIS K M ENTS Hot eednixrtif,ieatly inserted tree - times for a DoUar; 'Vweinlyvcntam everr sqccedincp)iilipftiph -S ;. tljrtse;t KTJP!-r. -jt .'.'. '.'i'.r ' ii:. i-.:''' ir(t'M"f tri er ienirtn in iiu: sanie -proyui ijui..v.v;- icATiossiaiuuay, . j. ji v .; re the' Kdi tors must he pott jaiflr .SfhHE ensuing- session Mr.I)wi?hta School IX ' will cofrtinence on'JWf nday', ,the'3d January. e xt: All branches, ofiEriglish .Clissical Education will bet mgbt. -' - Terms SI 5 SO., potable in advanced -K- am AWAY, from the-BubicribcrliyioFr nine 1ft, mile's-West of Randolph C. IU on Wednes- dav night, the 16th bCApril last,is J&egro b y, rtiarro : ftarrv is JS veara old; about 6 feet high. thinly' made, jquick-apokehi. andery rdarkV no 'particular marka recollect ed'bout .hTm. Harry tOOBLWJtn mm many arucics V linn, imong- which',. are a Fur Hat halfprrl, a ir. of Twilled dove colored Pantaloons; a pair of fjnsey Pantalotjns, and two Mixd.Coats and frm the best information' I can- et, be haagbt a &eo.p:tss, given to) a4MuUttoaTie';ni;;by,tbe name of Griffin Stturd; by which be passes asa freemati. j " SAMUELfALE. . Dec; 23.-1-?-'5- : : ;3fr Fresh ) GlaT'denSil t V- r HAVE jus? received the following , Garden ."Seedj hIclV they warrant fresh: and of the present yearfs growth z -tt 'f f .Y1 L ng Blood Beet -Solid Celery, white -:": jSarly'-Tornip do' V Citron.iMelon5 ;", : - Manget :Wurtzel r ; V .Nutmegrda " : :r. i ISarly June Cabbage- hite Mustard 'i,r :V. . -York V-. do 1 Brpwn ddv s Sugarloaf do 7. v Nasturtium 4 .ff Large 'Dmmh'd. do , J'liarjje Dutch Parsnip i Green Globe'Savoy do' ; Curled. Parsley I v- ry Xetl liutch - : . ;-. do j . Large Orange Pumpkin Earlv Frame Cucumber Uoand Spinach. - C Long GVeen ? -Jda:- k'.Eavly Bush Squash.. Hose Lettuce,rery early. Ulnter Crobkheck; do ; Silesia, do large bead. Vegetable ptr J Tennis ball do superior 'Curled Crss i: ,C :V Madeira' do excellent Pepper Grass iA Ice Cosa-!do:;::"''V.,"'Cihina'.DwarfBeansVV.v Scarlet S T.,KadisU ;;Early Mphalc dtf- -J. vtong 5alm6n:' do Small Liaiao X do , Cherry Turnip do : .EarlyMlbtspur.Peas -lied Oion, large 7 C k ; c'S.i0."0 White Portg. do ; June . d.-;;- Silver Skinned do" ",?. Blue Imp Dwarf do ; .Orange Carrot ; JUarge. Alarrowijii , u. , 22, 182SA " --:-'v? 32; I Raleigh, Dec. ' j State of North-Carblinal ; - ; Edgecombe County r - ' j ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions - - - "; nNoVeyiber Term;. 1828. 77 The President and Directors of the Stale Dank, Bennet Barrow -.V" 'A; OriginalAttachment Spencer D.-Cotton and Theophilus Earker surn- . A moned as Gifhisheesi5 ITtioDearinir to. the satisfactrori i of .the Cotirt that the defnd.uitls not a resident of this State j - ltis therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the jtaleighjltgistef, ;: that un-i les. the defendant make luspersonal appearance at'the Cotirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jo be ' heltl for thecounty otEdgecombe, at the Court house ij Tarb'orqugb, onthe, fourth Monday in February next, and replevy and plead; judgme nt bv dcfiult will be taken airainst, and the proper ty leyi' d on condemned, subject to the plaintifTs iecovei-y. ' . . -. V''''''J:i7&7?; i-. M'itiiess. Michael Hearh, Clerk of said Court, " at bfiice, the fourth Monday of November, 1828. . MICHAEL Hi:AIlN,-C..Cr;t . 7 Halifax CoiintyK1' r. V In Equity-Fall Tenn 18234 'William 1S Siune-ompbmnt; J' Geor-e W. Gary, Robert F. W, H, Perkins and I r appearing to the satisfaction of -the'Cburt that Robt.'F.AV. If'. Perkins reaides beyond thii limits of this State : ;Jt is ordered; by L the Court, that publication be made In the Raleigh il ister for, 3 months, that unless -lie -'sfppear by auc Kfiiy ui uexi ierm, anu'puiin , an an Master in Equity, forl lalifax county, at office, the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday' in Sept. 1328. EDM. B. FllEEMAN c. k. E.TV r' i v :r77-i- 1 28 3mo;i ; State :ofJftivth-C& itje Cuu'Uy Courl of Jiea and Quarter Ses- BeUi t fioos,ov. IV rm, 1828.' Cu.lcn CaneLari." Judicial attachment.retiirned -' 1 (to this term. t Levied on a ' . ' f negro girl, the properly of ha'f netwood.J Charle Fleetwood. V 1 . "7r appealing to the 'satisfaction 'of Xe' Court, JL that the defendant' Charles Fleetwood has re ro yi d yithurUijc limits of: this State,;'o "that tfieordmnry pnicess of law cannot,.be served oh bun i It is therefore ordered by Jhe CouiV that piiblication be made in the. Italeigh "Regis terj for " three months' for the said Charles Fleetwoodi that Unless he appear by himself or some, agents yi.ul replevy said property, on. or beforp the ,se ooud Mom! ay-' of February next, " J udgment by d.fauit viiil be taken against him, 'and the pro-, jUTiVlcvied. otr condemned lo, the use'of the tfvui 77.. 7y7 (liv-drderof Die' Court,) 0:. 'A7. ' .M : r ; i:'-'7 E A. RIlODEigClV.: ; : A" City lot for jSale- 7:: 'rH-L be sold to the highest bidder, ort the -J prciniV,' on Tuesday the'oOth inatant,"at '?'cUck in the afternoon, theDwelling: f jouse a:ul i-Ai t!je c.'Miveriient OiithiiilJVipi anil A'nr - - - -- -,7- -- , " vv Hirer, plea .or demurrer to the Complainant's bdl, . it ill be taken pro confesio,-and set for hearing .' ax parte as to him. '7 '-7- 7 ".j7 ';' Witness, Edmund B. Freeman.-Clerk and ' ; lclt lili'l..- ?1 3 uicrcui ueiojigmg; laiiy ine reMepce the Ii?v. Dr. MPhectcr,fbnnfahraxStreef. iutneCiiy otillcigX r. ,U vl';. I r.i.of paymetit'Cadi'brHnFanproved truaiic fctyettucr of ttii liauks f the b late: sell 5uch property ; wi . I- - please communicate to thelsfof FebVlS29 Wall be attended, to, &c. &C the Schoo Mousehear the residence ''pf s; Mrs j: Chxrles; nine miles North wetI:of Kaleigh. He must be competent to jeaehihe Languages, with Appljal:Mr.)Chalea:"ii Dec. 8th.w27 State qfcNpHh CcMliiiajt -V "5"' - SL,, Court of Pleaa anl Quarter. Sessions-' , . ; V: f:. pNovmber: Term; ,;1828 i.";; -Cl--' ' rittietonVrSnie. $If il on DCtrro Lydia. S"T 'appearing to the satisfaction -jf the: Court, JL that the defejidant inhTaase is not'an iuhk bitant of the State iIt is therefore ordered that publication be made for iis successive weeks, hi tie Rafeigh Register,' that Unless hep; make h is. personal apjiearance at the next Court ,of Pleas arid Quarter. Sesinns'.to be helcTfo'r the County of - Halrfax at 'the Court-HfiUe iu Halifax town, on the-third-Monday re plevy arid- plead",, -judgment iby default will be taken 'against.hjmi -and.tlie-propertv levied oh condemned subject' tothe plaintiff's recovery. " Tested -r- M. II - P BT'T WAY, Clk. - MID WAY ACAD KM Y, ; ; 1 : FlIANKLiN CQUNTY, N: C. 1 fSIHE Exvfci-ies of this jnstituiioii will be a 7 gain renewed ton thelfirsr Moudy In Janu ary 'next, under tl)e imnjediUte instruction of the Subscriber,' assisted by his on DANIEL S. HI LL. The. coursc, t)f S J udies will be conform able to' the plan f Education as adopted at our University." As. the Subscriber is preparing his ooiiaings ror, apcrmaneiir, eswousumenr, Will .-devote himelt entirety' to. the duties of and li is ex- Schogl,' parents may rest assured. that everv ertiuii snail oe maae to ac vance his pupils both in morafand intellectual m prove men t.' Hoard will be $40, and tuition gib per "session," payable 111 advance. .;' ; ;.: j - ? :7 v,.JHid vay .is situated' two Stage Road teu miles -from Louisurg, sixteen from -Vurrr uton U. four from the Shoccu Springs. For health, it is exceeded by "no situation in the State t tor 4 yearn, there were from forty. to. sixty Stutlents, "and not a csLse of lever occiirred.-r Should, hbeyer, niedicaL aid be reqtiired,, the attention f ;Dr. John ;BrMlie, whose, skill as a Physician is:inferior to-"''one in the Stale, -. will be at hand, - as he. resides "within two miles of Mid way. . The '. Students', will be barred from ex posure to extrnvajr-nce aud dissipation, as there" is not a store or giN-sliop within five, miles of the Academy. -f '' , " '. ' 7 , ' fin me-overnmeiii 01 Jiiaway icaciemy,. ine DainitNJil 3all mi 4 I Vlof rw a ; tw 1 1 I a auiiilil with "his own children. He will advise an o . act-1 monrsh where "these fail,' the rod will be re sortetTtol , but witli parental prudence. ' When any pupit shall be deemed incorrigible in disor-1 ueriy conuuci,, or Jiiauiuiaiiy niatieiuive. iu. 1119 studies. his parint or? miaTdian will be irnmedi-ateiy- informed thereof. I ' 11 UItAUL.ES A..1JIL.L,, A. Now, (3th, 1828. - 19-eow8t 7 - -j WakfeyFore'stSch ool v ' ; X JllIREliY iAform my friends, and others de siroiis of educalhig their children and wards, that the School'ntaT mv - residence . will recom mence on. the first Monday of the' ensuing year. Iloth sexes - will be instructed in the - various branches usually, taught at Academies, by aii ex perienced arid. competent teacher. ; Board .can be procured in respectable families at a reason- aoie price ; ana tneterms or tuition win pe mo derate ..-Wake Forest has always been consider ed as. healthy, as any: place this side the moun- t'aiha.r- ::... :'7-'X"zi-'' - ?S-i.-:-.:"".:7"-:-'' jilliose Who'roay come , from abroad, - will be treated with kindness and attention ; and every. endeavor will be made to advance them in their studies; 4 r . '-' -. Dec; 1,' 1828. f?7': CALVIN JONES. 7-:.A , 28 3t State; of NorthCarolina, .', - ;W A m 1 N GTON CO U NT Y. - ' T In EauiTr. Fall Term, A. D. 1823. MmJ- friley Jones; , ? ,' William Jones;Thoinas Jotes. . Jane Jones, Tho- mas jl. Snjaw and - Nancy, h is. wife, " Charlotte Jones, by Levi Fa gan. her Cjimrdian, arid Fri Jey Jones; byxWmt Fagan, Sen his Guardian. f Tappearing to tlie satisfaction of the cdurtthat ; Thomds'j ones , f.esiiles without the limits of tUk Statei4i ordered that publication be made three months in the Raleigh '.Register, thatun less he appear and arisWer at the next Superiur Ccurt f Equity to be teld;'fbr' th: C6untyv6f rVashingtoi ;on the - second ; Monday ip March riext,' ' Judgment -pro cpnfessb will be 'taken against him;iv-;- -:l ;--v',;t'frest,lVsr -: .'- ":-77 - - ;. ! yJtisti Published. ::" -' And to be li3d at J.G iles'and Son's Bookstore; i V TH K NUM imtlSOFV AUL I ON, Addressed to the People Jpf North-Carolina, on a Central Rail Roi-d through the State. Pce T5 Cent,. v -Vv?' V'-V J'Dec;3...r. .;:27i; OR ACE A M.E'ibeSitist,p fpphf his'ProfessibTial Services to the inha- As;.his,stay in Raleigh) will berlimited to a' few days ionger,i.pe.rs6ns wishing his ; atteritjoh to Mieir Teetly ,;are respectfully .retjuestcd:, to call Xf .ilis'.Room is In the huildirigntly occupied ' 1; :Dcil. :"V ;'".rv ' -':' V 'eV; . fC m ot.ffA Kv ill k1 Iltjt7u;jtvi T - . --V" 7 1 rectors pany, It Dpr-ceiit on the Capital Stbcfe of !,satd Companywb"alld iff e. same. H; her ebydeclared; payable" at Fayette ville, on the-' 1st 'xfay-if February: next:' .-. v 77' - . vJOilN C RUS O E rreasrf . ; : a .i.a.meeitng ot ,jnp rresuienw ana 11 jTA. ot-:tlieCaje4J-ear, Navigation Com 'iim' fKoird. . 1 liat a Llivfuend ot two jLadies pla9ed In this.Seminary'sjand',its retired, pleusant & heai- thy. situation, its" salubrious air and. fine . spig Water, m ke J t a 'Very desirable rresidencefdr youthThis'AJcadfemhas (or or the laslf 4eyeprei ickness has Occurred ttkffngjth ifriei although s uc in irit;iuai -oi.-iicr uuuus woe iroui uic urni uiiiit-asuipans tr.inc outitr., : v.t; ictitg Uyf- a fe w, mil etf from the S.jfage ,rda4f :helr, ;cadern affoidsplyortuhities; of regular communications with their,' Children andvVVarcls.gr'v; . In addition to the usual Elements of Education a nd , ' Plain a nd Orname ntal ,Need 1 e Work,4 the yog Ladiesill be;instrue Hiitory Asiroi4my iChem losophy: ; : M ythrilbiarvi Drawnhe kind rPainUhg on Velvet,- Music &cr vU ' .1-v v :;Mv y H Tk rm s Board and ' Tuition 4S50 per S ession. Music S20iu Painting on Tel vet' $5.- For Draw ing Painting on Paper, or Jjeedle Work, no ex tra charge wiir b made. M 41' 7'& ' ' rif WarrenjdiniHt GO The Tarijoro Press and Freeman's Echo "will ihserti tlie above threes weeks:.and forward their bills-to thiroffice,- 7 1 m 'ffIHE exercises in these jnantutibha will be re .ssumed on Jlonday, the 12th Januar- next ? the Male Acadeiny under the soperintendance bf Mfi James ;TJ. juhrts(u and tliel FemuieV undr 'it HOS. 13; LITTLEJOHN, Pres't. . n 9th Dell.;t82S,;:;:i;oiV: -7- j - 28 ' OtjVTne Edetiton Gazette arid Tarboro' .Free Presswjll insert the above 3 weieks .and forward their accounts', tli the VostmaieU at-ijDifnrd.' ; JIanagers Office, v4 f fRichmbhil, Va lt Det.a8S. To be drawn 31st tliis Month, (December.') i Unly 1 1,480 rickets: '.; S50,dpo ; ) , sio,ooq 5,000 3i;2,ooo x5 of 600 2,500 . ' .5 Of 1000 . 5 of .500. 90 ; . 60 v4fj 36 of 100 -'7 36 of 7t S6 of - 80 ' 36 of '' 36 of 50 360 of . 1' S 3,780 of 50. Whole Tickets SS0, Halves SI 0,lQuar- . ters S5, Eighths 82 50 Address your! orders to - - YATES St MclNTYRE. ! Richmondj Va. or Charleston; S".0. Where in the: last N. Y. Consolidated,. Nb. 7, 37, 38, Capital f $4,000 was sold and paid, and in the last Disml Swamp, 19, 31, 53, a Capital. of $500, was sold and paid to a gentleman fin Smithvi"e, N- C YATES 5c M' INT Y RE 1NOTICE; ON Ttisday, Ithe 13th day of riext month; t)c-pfemise?i will'be rented oilt to the hj. on -. - '!"'' i i - - n . . . ........ . t . aR.e county, miles jsoutn or Itaieiirh. tor tne orintvv T miles South of Raleigh, foi ensuing year belonging to the estate of Joseph uawKins, oec u uona wuit goott security win be required. ; Notice is further given, that one Of the Executors will atteml at the same time J and place, with the bonds given for the purchase of property of fhe Executors of :jos. jHawkms, in Dec last, at said Plantation, v It is hoped 4 general payment wiliBe made. And on ThUrs da', ' the 15th day of the same month, one's or more of t' ie said Executors will attend in'the Ci ty of -Raleigliiat the vTayerh 6f. Mrs. Jeter, with the bonds due for the purchase of property; of said Execiitorsi att wo different sales, one in Nov, 182r, and one iri Dec. 1827. r .Wht:CaiTb'ex- pected otherxpisti, -than ; a general 'rmymenV from those "in Raleigh r, 77 , DENNIS O'BRYAN, i ") ;V1L1M WILLIAMS, Cl: - MICAJAllT. HAWKINS. V 2 Dec. f;N.:B. Oth, 1828. ,ol --Ids. iltie or. more of the above named Exe cutors will attend at the bouse of M r. J no S treh- pard, Juri in the County fit', Moore; on "; Monday' ill e 19 th of f a ri; 1 829, r;vi 1 1) 7 1 he b on d s du e ; t o r the 'purchase of property 1 of . said J E xecutbrs, (which belongetl to their Testator Jos. Hawkins) in Uec. Iasti in j ,M 00 re and Chat ham 'Counties, and for the purpose of renting out sameVpia tions-in. Moore, Chatham Varid Cumberland. iaata It is. hoped a general attendance will be given. ;!AiStbre tojllenti. ;1-. GrnilE S tore arid Warehouse; lately 1 occupied mA by, vvutiam snaw, atceHsea, ana wiudi . is perhaps, as well situated "for. Business as any other in the City, may be rented j on application 7 Dec. 22.- 32tf ;-'-. ?2 fl RttMn8. ) 1 . m ? - " lllR. ftnms EST AH LIS II MEN T has undergone, ye -IJL rV extensive repairs and 40lprovementS and is nbw open: for; Jhe reception fvorBpany.- Tbe'sitimtioh of xs ' Es;ablisifmeriJ i otreof the most deshablem repbiidin witii ihe present low prices, of pct- visioua. Man4' arid ; Horse, one,-do! lar and fifty f cents p er day 3 aiempers or tne Legi siatu re will beti charged, jbrie t dollar. PeidayV :toBe Who have -.'rbortis toijtheriiselves will be charged for tlein , Sugar and Iiqyorsf ;a!lkinds.;ari4 of the; beit, have just beert received rfrorn New York,' and .will be J Ornish ed to members as low asltfiey ca he;hadjhtph bestLiqubrs wilC also. be!kptat tnBar-inilnoperise will.be spared in providing for the .Tble.The subscriber assures tiieipnblic tl lat Vnothi ng" shall betNvarilirig ' 00 his partto make-thero" comfortaC .BbardIby1he-"year one hundred and twentyucfiiars,- rspay.able quarterly,- J ii ;i Ifjh rals and Behavior of the yon r-N 1 1 dence o'f said Ftyxl all his lloii-ieliold and U:tch- en Furniture Ihe. Crop (A Cottoii Coj -iv Fodder and: kl 1 th e stock of patt le,' J I orse.sV Mules and 6g;aJgej:num lloVfa. tened nd rieafiyttbri mark etii One ieasureJCafriaj?? AhIarness, t pneght Also, at "the s:me. time" and . pjace net ween 20: and 0GrjOam6nghiclWerisa ,n rst rate; jsiacipsmitn, -ana several, vaiuaqieoae 5fenNJXAio t H'TraeV6f-'jCa-wh ertHt ib e said Fox "iio'w jiVeV tn'bwiV-Xy the' name Qtjidss House thereon is .-.iarge'i'aiiU .comqdiou$JwHh all nWpssarvi'rMtfc hliildinin. and -' is1 sitntd -on me miam stage roaa irom i,outsDurg to itaeign,i.x 2 miles south of the ,foriner, and - is cjertainly; pne of the', most pleasant and .health in County. , v -7.7 y-. 77'-f7jp4: K7;-7A:7' containing 1465 cresV adjoining , the Wm.Gi Jones vand others. Thus tract lies, on both sides of the Staa'e Road abbdrmidwayvbet- tweeb;Warrerit0n and .Lbuisbttrir;;v Jt-hasorK,.it, a considerableVportion ;6f !v .ground . in gpod order . for cultivation. Is One other. tract contain ing 9jJ acres, adjoining the lands of John Cook Baldwin Perry, and others. Tetins of $(il6--U& ori approved' ne paper. Peat. Re state Uank U contniue from day to day until the whole is! will disposed; of V t AV M. A H EN DE LL, (Yusteek; Louisbtirg, Dec. 13, 1828: ;, . , 7 i29- s FOR SAL 15 ! If itrteU' fn ccW'tUgt. ls Witlifn'o m.to fJltlo ' .1 JL -borough; on which I now reside f.t-T l r 1 . - .1 : rt - l j: 1 1 nere are U5 acres,? about one nait ctearedi, teiiiaeres, ot ieaaow ianci ana tne oaiance in wooo.s i tie improvements, are all new, and finished in- the ; hest manner- :thev consist of a .D Wt dlrmr House. cpritajning eight rooms--witli fireplaces, besides passages, clsets, , Etc a large Warn nd Stablesi arid otlier riecessury OuthOuses.Hl'liere are se veral (never failing Springs of the best water, on tiie tict, iaiid a Jrge and wear selected' truit Orchard.; . y 'V ;- , y ' ' 7-- -,' ; ' 7?' . Af-7 I wjll sell tbis property;; .on :the mostjiberal term si cither for monf y orr easy credits or. V ill exchange., it for-Negroes or-Western lands. :y Apphcatum may be made by 'letter to the; sup scriber, ' at IIillsborbugU.4 . : ; f'-Ty 7':' - - .".": ' W. ANDERSON r.'-'Ny.-l5..v-;:.:;0. '7y -S7 V'V f 21 eptf JTILLbe : T J uary n Superior C LL be sold, jon Saturday; 31 st'day. of. Jan ty , Superior CoUt t pf La wrank Eqiutjv at the late d weili n g h otiset'Svi I ha rn FCtil lcrs Esqi jle c4 Two Tracts of Land belonging ''to-saiddecU. KsJat, lying'in said county.on white, Oak. Creek, being! the resideuce. f the decd.-last before his deativ. ' Each tract js aidto couatin 'sijt fiundred and fjrty acres. 5 They 'erv 'taken up and secu rd martyr years past;,6y oULrMr. .iosph Lane;' when sur ve vors were" n ot Very particular i ri their. calculations ; It ir belleyeit therelorey tlird.dJ tracts . contain pitiQhmore ' laml - thaii. ivabpve mentioned. Surveys wiirhe made-Ihereoit her fore the day of sale, ; ' Six, - twelve laieighteeli mtiUbscredit will be giveni Negotiable notes, payable at either , of the Banks in Raleigh, will UC latVCll III JJ IllCill. ' ..' .' , .-. - : I : , '-J. ,. . ii. SANDERS Gdardian; ! 30 ;Def 18. 7 yr tl'enriessjee ; Cotfou Spit-r rytHE friends of Domestic a Improvement are 8. ' informed, that ;we have f commenced jhe MachijnM.ikiiig Business; ;' the City of ' Raleigh. atthe Shdp iformerlyroccupied b north jvest of t he SitateUouse. - ' Person s (vi fsh lhg are requested & .apply obh: Letters tot Patents or, iriFormation ;will meetwitli imirietUateCatteri': tion. '7 ,-W ii.-'ANDESONJi-: EU Lr ANDERS ONil t 5Dee:t6-. ' ov nnilE undersigned . solicits; 1 he notice of all. those A.v who are fond of instrumental niusic. 1 to se- v erJd je vv Ri a nos" of his p w n manaifact rite; which he oflt rs f r sale much lower than Instruments brought frum the JS'ortli,' )f the same qifalifyi IJndeif a'jyonviction that fhe materials irouglibu are 01 tne nest Kina, ne, Tteis nesitancy in yaiTa tftting-- them ,: iri- evr vClbstauce ; tof:stnd :'bnd hand Pianos taken in exchange for well in Sec new oues ; ana an repairs uuite wjiu neatness anid despatch. ; V" '-AV ES LEV. Wil LTAKER. ;f Hltal4igb," Nov. 15, 12i;v.;:;;205 A N;; 13.11 a villi? ariassortrileiit of tlie bstfer- man tri 1 gs, th e ; S u b sen per will cont mue 1 0 string will b edto. uul tune '-PianoS as h retofore. . Orders thankfully receivedjand properly atterid 75 E PAIR KDior ; Pntett as ii fet ofre,';atVt li e M-fc shop bl"j ther Subscrbe continuance ol XhCi public favor isolicitecL -' 777:X7 Nov4 15! h, 1,828. t i , Vni lnnnjjpnflprtnh TOliir. i T rjtr JntiKt V take cUarge nf a1A advantageous - situation; iri-tlte J W estern: part ot f the State,.by making a ri early application at;thi OfficeT A Clergyman :w'-vr.unibe5rjUi-' rreacnt a part oinis twic,- woui'i oe.prererrea. Raleigh, .c;;3;0 f.-t.4.-'f.si i- : .-r 7 ifOTicm? SWtktf t olemriln aHTeaflhelor''rininol I for th e" M&ai v erSrlS 1 W U ei veiroadwai-es: buthe achiuM !b?iua theStndents fori't h)eytyi;raiiyA nfsicotnm nlcatlojti, ddressetV to ;tne, to' th e Post Office at tlayeWille, FrankIincourity JiiCiiallhe promptly uvtenaea.to. JOHN D HAWKINS 10t!vlS2?.i . ;"-':. 5 feet JOiflcheshiHt;; $Tnder ,roade, with' the mark of the cut of knjf jyn one" of ids cheeks, 2,or 3 incites longv. Thy me.of tiier.said ne. gro.lsf)AVYaiHlon,ei$nieaall8 hlmselt'Davy lAtVejohn, -He vas soei in the neitrhborhood of gh - vithm;the iastHea lavs: whenf a 7 horsft i .u"-i S t'liijcuiico,, oy; nirn. . to erbhmVtpx :?suppp$ed he IwsVgpntjrhfehbve reward -wlll.be giveqTdr b4sappipeherisiQn arid nbtico so ! that ! ct him again. '. '-,-V. k; "V ,- yt;S-tV:5tp'DEu Jatetgh'.N6yl6.3fQ 21" .::;- ' . rrr Cf3rr 71 rr h r r ty-rrrr r 5 ;.'v-.. -.vf7,c xJXyjf oix y.- y--u, . ND1cr &deat the BoOk-storft of Ji OaleVand riuVSbn, tri RSIeigh ; price three dollars, a- new EditTon of the'Office . aijdLD uty. of a. Justice of, - the Peaces and a Gqide tolSherills.f Corbnersl - vr' est and other; Civil Officers in North CKnaVrWith;' ab apperidixcontainiiig "7 !clie;.'CQnsfkutibnAo arid f the; iJnited States, and a col lection f the rnofet" approved forms fothef use of the'OfficeTS v v 77'7 r '.: fiiWiiew Editionf this Vajuabls Work. coW""" mirishesides its v former ; tiseftif mailer. ih siih- stinceViof 11 the important 5 Acts passed hy. the wnerai ssem v ed o, from any part of the Siateii -., ' '"7 1 v ;? - ' r".- - a -T . 4 -GALES & SON have justrect-ived thevlT1 d-LANTlti SOUVENIR for 1 820 st Hhricf- masarid Ne w; Year's plfermg-cbiisistingbfori ginal Pieces in Prnse and Yerse, by. Mrs. Hemans Alri. s tgourn er, ,M iss '.Franc s, M essrs. Pau Idi ngf H;dIeck.Percival. Pickering-: McHnrv. Rarkr 1, - 1,. .,. . . - v . WilUs,-'and other Amtrican Vrters ; and em bellished Withthelfoliowirigybeahtiful Eogray.; fngs, dv tnenrst vnists- .' ..--- 1 Presentation Plate, ; k TItesitatian, y T V 6 The lady of Ruthven," 9 Tlie Unwelc Guest 10 The .Ship wreck, ' 11 The Cont'd Captive, 12 Eitriai;"l)e(corations. enclosed h an elegant- ; 3Lov;e Asleep;M:; 5-The Power of Lbvey: 6 Chapeau de Paiile, ' E 7 The whole; beautifully OmamejiUxl Ca'e. I v ,; V "CRal-ib ;10tii Novvf ' v-'T-- States of Fen riGssrie ftA hnr',i Jlalei s ln the District Chancery Cpurf, at Jacksbi 'C-lX ep'ienio.er'i'.e'ao 7 :77: , ';!. v-; lletweeri,John Richardson . ..v. ,. .- and Cafeh Wichardson, ;iii.; ' J .' ; ; , ' frts, 6y:their. guahliait, jGforge: 7''7U "'''- ' v' ,'-.'i Ferebee, arid J, WiiitehurstaDd; ; :f:.:i " :': :; '-'".' jplljisy drigrialB'ili- '7:.n:Z''&hd77: :t.'-:'f'-'' ' 'TlurPresTderitnd Trustees ; " tbe:..ynivityofNonh-Crolja-l Defendants. :,; -' " 7-x; "J of said county, (of Carnden) who diedtetweu tne years lisu ana iyu intestate ; that the said f 61uiHtohard.sonTeel:'.A8tafi fBrisWhu.-in the 0th regiment of the !sfortJi Carolina line, in iho ,r.itE' ui luc ivcYOHuiuu, in wicn a inannir as tn entitle hirajtb a military; land W iirant, accoruing to th laws of said tat e,f passed; for the relief fit rrtHE Complainants; having filed their original ' " jL'biliof complaint againstVthe DeferidantSy whereui anil whereby?" they .set forth'krid ) ct rru " 1 . ' plain, that heyj, the ; sii John L;. Caleb, and , Oily, fcrerhe pnly cliildreivand heirs at Law of JonartianjUchardsonV bite of Camden corihty, N.' " ' " CfWhoVdiedjn l82or litJ23;inttate,; who wat ); 1 orilv son andJieir of Yn!m liir.li a prUr'rt.v fnrm.rltr ' j t- - . . . - : - - ..w.,raw.i..v.ir conipensation oft heOfficv-i s-and Sofdiers of said , line, for twenty- liuricfed .-,raiid sixty 'acres .7 ' i hnt th jt. said J oh n irichaidson died wi t hou t e vcr haying 'drawn; or authbrisei it toi bedbrie, r,a.'.v signed Jns?;Warrantfb the- ' said Jonathan Richardson a is; idied,' without ever navingorawn or autiiqnseo it to, be ritne, or as slff ed said "Varrrt ibat;th e CbmpUioanta are epti to Said warrant, and that it should have issued to them only or ;ont)ff their anctrstors but tliHtn AhV, lOtndayof August, 1S21, ; ;the ef(?rid:irits, fraiadiilently comblniiig witlk c Commissioners ;of t he S tatef of North-Carolina; j appohited;fornhe able rpiirpse1 of -delivering tar1; '' the military clailnants under ;that SXate, and those claiming nnderj them their; warrants, caused and ' procured, -under soriie false andgroundless and irauauientpieieuce,uie warrant wpicii tue Com- " -plairiaiiisye.re'ntlI to to be issued to them, the Deiendanis; ihj 4ea1tlv!nf rhea1ciJphn K cliarusuu without heirs, r' .'hy.o4-58whiclriteaupon it was' issued for the services ofJolinRicbardson, an, Ensign hi the liueVtoresaid T'ln TtUv- ReVolu- -tipnaryj VvVar that said'. Defendants caused the said warranty tpsbet- brought tol Tennessee, and Ipcated iriitlieinames'upbn a tract of la nd, fiif u- i ated inwbJat is npw Fayette cottnty, and on the J4th ybfari;:ib25a grant for said land was Issued to tljem on said varfritarfd th ,ti$elto''sardUandb;vfar'-as'it is ' vesteiihsaidgat Defen cla'its who clai i n the ,'safne i nop post ti on I o Com plairiants, an&keep hem put of possession' ; and prays tltat the tittii to said land, rnay.be divested -bV of iheVpjfeitdant and vested iriComplain-'--'; antsaridjthat; aUier apd further deciee majr ue maue in, tne preipises,-as to equity shall seem. tneeyta ami ihe'riaUij'oith'eJ cryse : requires'' . And -ii appearln ; 'fJiTeturii Tit the Sheriff of ftladison count y here-' n'and;th'0:af foriJiltf;the said l)i?rendU .if'.O'flheniie'N are v notlrilrabitaritFpf tliis- State but that the said ; Defendants are a 'Jc orporati 6 n,; chartered 'by'r the Stateof Nrtn individual , enibBfa'id cpfTipratiort.; are 11 citizens and fnJiabitarits of said State of J.!orth-Carolina s and they baying failed tont Hheir; appearance -hereihjaccpTdhiioXa rales - of , thia. f Court It is .therefore ordered that they enter hcir app-eafacTUe'rem' ; at the 'next Term of '. Ihi.Qbt'irt.toi J&'ief'heTd .i&h;the'i4tli ":MbodaySn the ; mpo.th 3f Marclf nv-xti'and plead,"aswer or de mur .toiliej COiriplaiiiarits! bill of complaint," o thefwlse 'thes;imewill be taken for confessed a inst therririetV for. hearing ear ' parte, and, the matters thereof decreed. 'ccbrrlfctfc and it is furiherfforaerdth Orler be. forthwith pubVhed fbrfour wejeksin successioa; in the.liaUigtv'Ut-gtstrr, a newspaper published, in;ihe ttyfBaleigh .ihei State of North "Carol!nCArcopgJ"'; iV-..-'y.. :7j '-. " ,( j77 !Te ':' 1 f ' --''-' -' "i ; x -.. " ' ROBERT HUGHES, 'H 7: Glerk arid JUter '-- c i .- ii J k 1 7 :'; "'-is '.' .? 7: "--, 7 ':i - h :v-.

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