. -, .- . .... - , . . , ' i 1 : : ; : t- i ; - v - v. y?y - - . ? :-yyyy' . . I- - I i1 i X-" 'Y .V ; j' 7".t . f if v.- . . , . V OursMethe'titahs of rair.deligrhtftil peace; .' ' ' f i r 1 'I-'. -J f --v'v-s.c"! .'f vj," 'i 7-; ', . Af! ATI RMV;: i : " - - - . - - I 1 1 ruu i . - . . f I r.l -U-tV 'will nlnni a thv ri ad. I . J 1 i At Dollar p erannum-lialf in; vftnce -L-Lri;nr9., rfr Jinefil neatlv ins'erte'd three '.t-.' for Q Dnltar. and twentv-five cents tor cerv iuccecditie publication ? those of gTeat- cr 1enjrth..in tne-;saTne-pToppriiuii....-r-M7 jrtorriowr than syuiiy fcceiveu.v - s :U GOV E RNM ENT OP rTEM ' To obtain; if po paWions igonevofth hi-heat aiiamment f oar.natare.- )uraac life iu beyond 7doubrf the, ;wisraic four pistiohfi'-i.'sv-A" - v V 'v -7 ' It-is thiswhich pouons ine enjojinrui. umentsjto hrw its lrnportance crpwu us Irom ?erj quarieiv mnt fruitful; source or miCHiei of individuals, oTerturns the order oi soci tiy, and strews thepath of rlijc: wth ;so Bianj miseries as to "make it indeed ay ale nf tears. - "c zl'jr-' --'Vv,7";., All those ereat Tscen'es of public' calarrf it v which we" beholilvVvith astonishranf . mnd horror, have originated from the source of Violent passions. . ?: ; i V:V -These have - overspread tne, jsann j wiv W66t!.hed : these have stained the 'atS48 iii's ilngerv 'arid filled the.pDloned bowl. AiiJ may we not iidr: these; have nerved h arm of i!he duellist when raised asains His friend have multiplied the sorrows of yvidawhood,and reduced many children to the distress, of orphans and roboed'.'thr fcuuntrv of-verv many who oap;ht.fio hiv6 reserved their fivesTor her service. rThet, In tverf age',' haye'i furnished too'ycfipioaa suatVria'ls lor the orator's pathetic; decla Tn.ttin; and thevpof t?3 tragic :song.-n r ' Theh let u remember that'of - small in cidents the system of human nature is chief lv comuosed AThe attention .which" res- jiects theses when suested by real benig nhf- of tempe'f;s-oKaroore ' material to 1 "the happiness of those aroundus. than. ac- 'jtions which carry -the appearance oi greai .i:ln;f nrl nfni7nri -n V shuutd" ne -ver account any rules -of .behaTjour-iSjbe- Jow our regaru wnicn. tenu.io ccmem vnc t ndearingltieof fnendship, especially;jn that familiar tntervie w; which belongs to 'doraestic.'Iite.-; t;v , y. . 7v , -Here all the Virtues of temper; find an applyinjr- for;;'theni:'wiU please sa.theylired. mtrfl .:4acl John 'JC -V Anderson W.m 7 P.' Lindsay J ames Armstrong Mary;-Limlwy; Alice 2'.;7V Averett James --y-fv Ldly Fre'lencfc. V berhathV, SmitK::.; Lewis ';itB-''r Abernahriaiy: It. ";.!.77l.. B,NV-;lviserv Jarnea-'A. 'A 1 Blaclc man CoU C. , flT v 1 Icoraptc Samuel do -rt.o ak -. -" i ' ': ' i . ' J ?''-'n Bro w n ; Wro'i ; : Moorhorn "Slanery'; Browh James A' ,7'? McCuIlers Hajnetc r Brown " Ahthony "r ; favey Dempsey B-? Bass Catharine Medlra jDader, 8. .4-' lJailev'T6omakJ:V'74i7...Maytbn John K. ; Brasneld David ; . .i i-M ore- Fewriy '. BrasfieId.AlGd7;.i-a!itcheB'Nancyt Bowman Louiia 7 llorris U illiam A. . v Kiddle E iza . : noma jQiin Barry- Rev. John B romfi d J aoies Allayer. David Mayer Elias Rarham Benjaoaia V ; .McDonald M, v V ; B-.t'rhani.;NichlaH Jv.;M, 'HcNimII 'A;;u;s:.Tk-r;.'. v; Brkddv Mirv Jana ri . lianeum W;,.R Tt 1 . Battle Dr. Jer. ; : Battle ;j.hn A. 7 Boddie Dr; Bennett' Brands Charles o " Burns James ' I',-. .VV 7 Blunt John B. Belton Joha ; Brew pter J. ,V .-1 r: Carpenter'Georjre f;n:vis Kev. .ionn ,Wewspm':Ji ( Oiiv "v Kance Jame?: Vl."; v Nance tieorga:;; V Uoicr Billy Kelson T WjUism ; r; Kail Elisabeth 7';;;: WorWood ' Auguitla i "'vj.Ofeg 'John B. J" , . Clements Anderson - v7l"erry Mary rA. Caldwell David F.f vi fperrir MikaiAh Copeland BurwU 7 , 'Pilkinton' Ferebee ample range..' ;7 r . It is here the fibres of our; heart are so compl-telv inteVwoven.' that our happiness, in a zreat mcosurci is iu uui tt- Jog.;.;- , , ' 1: v.' - - ;llow unfortanate that ;wi thin this circle, aacred -to friendship, .weshou d ever'thin.k ourselves at liberty, to 5 gi v'ejkinrestrained rentrto the caprice of passions and homor; 'Whehon the contrary there-tmoe.Ithan any where: else;' it concerus os to .attend .' to the governmentf our hearts,; to check what is violent in wir temper,"andrsoften 'vthat ii harsh in our'manners;' ' i'.z yyy THE above reward -will be . pveq for the ap- prehendinp negro boy SAMUEL, who Jeft jne about the 25th day, of December ;lasu; ,r He nh very dark brown, ;,approachtng to'lraost a Vlack i haaa.knotbr scar on . his urehead, is about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, speaks with great 1 "boldness and confidence when spoken to relative to his papers, which I ave. good. reason to be Eeve he has obtained."' r His dress is very good. consisting of a blue frock cloth coat and panta lo.ns ablack suiv a dark gray sealskin cap, a -furred and wool .hat.' booU, Hr is about 21 YPtn of ace. S'f aroapDrchensire that .he is en- deavoring to get to Philadelph.a or, NewYork. ' -Captains of vessels will do well to recollect Jlhe - -severity f the law upon this subject. . ; ' , -f .7 - CHARLES. . YAXWX.- ;.Chanet HilU N. C. Jan. X -( 36flm i Tle "Editors of the Petersburg Intelligen- ana Kicnrnona inquu-er. wjh pieasc inacn ' the above 'one month and .forward their accounts 'to theubscnber and they sliall be immediately discharged.' J ' fir f;;.' :i Jj'--'Z:r ; ;', PZtIVATS SCHO OL. 7 STflHE ensuing session of Mr; DwiehiVSchool wUl commence on 3fonday, the. 3d day of ' . ' i't ..t: . -aanusry -nexu, ah, oranenca .oiriingiua ana -CUsstcal Education will-be taught. v-; Terms Sli O," payable in advance. " vlt r yresli'-'Garden'. Seed '" L'TIAVE just received, .' thefdlq'wlng' Carden ' "jLt'-jseed, which they warrant fresh and of" the ,Vinr. veara erowtbv:;.- . f -??f ion? Blood, fleet ; , 3irly;rurnip do -, 7V, V. Manuel Wurtzel: '-' Karly June Cabbage j- York -7: :do - V '7V Solid Celery,' white Citron '' Melon . : -r-: . i Nutmeg o;;i;;vrru .White. MuMardC; . Brown "'do -? ; 7 ; ' s . SugaTloaraov nasturtium : ' v-': Large Drumh'd;do Large . Dutch Parsnip treert Globe Savoy do j?Curled Parsley Vf r .Ited .Dutch'. fyy VilovLarge Orange Pumpkin .Karl Pram'e Cucumber Itou.id SpinacH 7r: vr' Loug Greeo " do ..?:' Early Bush. Squash; ; i Itoie LeUuceivery earlyVinter Crookfteck'do Sjleaia do large head VegeUble Oystsr " ' :' nVnni ball do superior ,' 'Curled CrcsV - ;; tf V ' Madeira j do excelleut Pepper Grass j: . ; Ice Coas. do ' -V;"". -Chinawjirf-Beani'''; . Scarlet d.TRadisIi Early.Jdohawk'o 7 h Long Sdmon;do7'X Srnail Lima r do' C h erry l,Turnip do' v Eurly Hotspur Pe as ' kcd Uniou. lare 7 : :v, -A :WashiiVgton db"1 WhiteVaruj: do :'.'Ut?2A ' I JuneV:..;v "dd- Case Dudley v; Cole Geo; . ? , J Cole Ormond 77 Carr'Mr;;:-;.:- ","l-tD.7t7; Daniels Mr : Dunn Willi' Dunn Jerry 0 Dunii Bolhng M: Dargan Col. : v? ' . Dodd Robert -' ?V Dawson Catharine A : Del k; David; : Davis Henry , V ; ' ;' Eiiis Daviii a;"; a- ' Eaton L." v 'f .. , Eaton Benj. C.; Edwards Jos V' '?7-i- -'yt F."'"7 7 Fort'FOster', ii.'.-r Fowler, David ' -Fowler Mary L;5" Fow.'ec Hrnderson Fuller Mary . Fr?crtan, Alexander. Fish James 7 '-v V' French' Kt r uben 3 7- .:.-G.;-; Gnizelear John sh- ' Gairelt,Rlls'f. :';f -'v Grady, Dennis r - ;j Grady 'James y ; George Sach; George 'Jesses ,v . Goodloe Judd j v a ' , Greeiie John IL-' -.. fv V.- H. -High Win.,- :. ,. 1 tlenddn Josiah , ; Herring' Abel 7 Holland Geo. : HartafieM Andrew;- Hartsfield Hichard ,' Holderfitld Danial 7 Hicks Howel ' ' Howell Thomas ' Howell Margaret Heilgpeth VVro. Harrison Mary E- Hope MimN..;"1 Hackney Joseph l , Hughes Nelson B. T , jkvws lama 5 Pearson G. Padget Suannah Paymaster of Pensions 'P rtHt Fi ath yy-. ; -Powell-Lorenza-A ' Pope Arthur - - ? Pickens Janies IUV " . Ilex John v . Ruffin Henry 2 Roge'rDmry i Robeson Battle Houae James . Horton Wm. Hunt Augustus ' Jonllain Charles ; Jones John V " -Jones Rachaelf JosrS Amelia Mv Jones Austin Jones Green -Jones' Tignal". Jafvis Sloses" - r-rt Juckson Col Jos.,;';' Justice. David 2 .j T J, James ilint on :- "I Jordan "Jonathan. c ; Ingraham Duncan ; Ivy Nathara RlchaKlsbh Andrew 2 '.' Rerioiier Daniel C , .. wKJ,oles:Eryh T j . Robards Thomas' 'RagSilale Benjamia 'Rivers Mry An Sugg Dr. 0. 3 ; v, 7 Smith El enor " J " -"Smith'W m. 2 7- ." Smith Samuel . B. 2 -Smith Richard 'iV 7 ;-Sm.h la.c , , '.Smith John i2 -V Smith Asa ,T. 1 7 " t , 4. Stohe Jonathan T. f-1 Shambl Jt-rard lf, " j Sttian Tas well :. i; ' Scarbrough Nancy l 7 ;'; S i lions W jibe 2 . , XScot4 Martiq ,' .L . . Scarc Latayette7 ; - ; Sorrcll Elizabeth; ''Strickland Clem ; v 7 Strphen40ii Jonathan ; Siinras'K.mbough J. - V Thompson Solomon . Thompson Nathaniel ' Tavloi Eliza ,V ,;- 7:v?Tlrower Jesse . V Turner Tbomss -7' ;; Town i'Ithic-1 ' ' , -Trewblla Henry; . , Tredwell Dinah C ' v Terrell Nath.nia Vi '. :-; v. , VVaiighan Stephen VandegT'tfE. JL' ahd the nublicBhatrthe ibove Academv'will be resumed on the 1st Mon- lay in -February next.T,v- V-. -ij.;;. -i- ' The uimbst Attention will be paid to i the mo rals , n d fie h a ri o r o f t h ey p i hg. Indies placed jn hi SemVn ry'f and its retf eil. -pleasau 8t heal thy situation, its salubrious aif and fine; spring waer, misie iHis7 Miaic vucji(.c iw rbuth.;r: .This Academy Jas'been'under her care or, the last ; - se veil 7 y t-ars, aV$donly ne ease 70 f sickness has occurred dunri l his time", ibe principal part ;of her'pupU mntjiinheahhv mparts of ihe. State.tVBemg.bnly few miles frotn thetStatre, rbsd; ; her Academy snoras opportuiiuies lor; c-arenis- an.avirmfr.aians f f egu1:ir. communications ; with theirXChildreii oCWarda; '0&i$$i0 - in aunnion XO mc- usual rienicni.i uj r.avtiicaijnm rtdt Plain and OrhamentkUNeelAyki Ik f oung Ladi esi w;d V-betrist uced .x Geography; Hstor Astroniimy, :CheniistryV ;iJo:-aiiy - PhU top hy, -Myt hoiog - : Dt aw ing and, Paiiiti tig: gri Velvet- Music kct'te r vTa k s Bard . and Tuition $5Q per Swion. ;uc $20. Painting (n:Vt Ivet 7Fir;Draw: igt- f atntme. on spr, joj recuie w or,- no cx tra chrge:will he madej--ct;-.;7, ?;'WarTa'ountyi7.De. 30'; -.'tlT. The Tarboro; Pre ss and : Free man's; Ech o -will jnert , the above three; weeks and jtorward trieir btlls'to this office -f - county: Nct; this institdtiori will .be "s arj xt under ihe f he7SubsCTiber2 'assisted by- HssonT) Alf l EC Si HILLVa';7eico Universityi r.As the Subscriber is preparing his baildings ;foir .a! pernianent establishment and wllldeyote! himself enrirelbhi'tioj Schbolparenta mav restiasstiro Sertld n: shal Ifb e made ; toi ad va'neer his pupi fs both In moral and i ntelfectuar imprbivemehUSK wni oe, f,.a uu tuition 1 y per session, jjayaoie inativ"iahpe.' -i. Mid ?iy: is situated two; miles below, th e main . Stage Road, ten;nillea from7rrentofV&f6ur- Shocco pringr. Forhealt h.it ,1s exceded by. ho situation in t he State ,rr;4 yeajrthWe' weriromiort S uttents aiid Cribt" al case of fever becurreid? Should,- ho vever, medical Taid b er reouredtbie attf iH ion pt , ur, jonn.-. wrievwiiose ssmi as Physician Is iritVriot tq noneijn Jfie-tte,'w.ll h;e at hand s he resMes JtfiryeStudems-w posure, to extraig i'iice .and dtssi jt a sior-p or gm-snop wtinin nve roues oi me i-tIn7-tJie7gover.nment. of Midway -Academy;' the klH E exerciser in tliese Inssituiiojis will be re m. Sitmed on MondavtlM; 12th Januafv next x ineTwaie AChUemy unuer.ijne supenntenaanre 01 M r. James D. Johns-n, and the - Fein.de, uiide.r. tftat of the Rev.' Joseph .Labare; .as-heretofore! iPyly 7Jf HOS. B. LITTLEJ O HN, Pres't; yin urc.. io-o-i -: . .o The Edenton Gazette a andTab prof Fi:e e Pre-a,' will insert the abbv 3 Aveeks rid forward their accounts o, the Postmaster at xfcr.k .rfivci pal wjll.. pU rsuje' tha course 'whice-.would Vith his yn "childrefi. lHe;will adviseandd-; mbhfsfr j';h eret1i ese; fail, ; the" f pd iwill jbe'rei smted tbutwiih paVe a n iv p up) 1 shall ; be d e emed irtcorritji ble irt i iisor. i WAKiV&D. ;4 'Younr WentIemanv-wJibi-ls7w-ell-viiiali"fiet'tb take charge of an Academy will learof an dvantageous7 situation in' the AVe stern ' part ot State, by toakirig an,early applic uin at tlm Othce. A Cli-gjuiait-! who wnulJ' bel willing to Preach a part iifiistme, -would be pre tarred HaUigtv if c. 3, ' vi t S- S 7 . ' ' 26 ' i MMEDl ATELY; after the adjournment of the Legis tat ure. VI hs; J on' x , HayVo 0 y,;- w il l b e prepared to accmmola;e ten or.-.tvi eivfe gentle--men with ' Boai d tor, the yiJ M.s. p. vuuld dsp receive weekly, or .transient Boarders. .7 .; 7 Ni B. Terms as modeiate as tfjose ori-any gem , de h. Dec. '.7'7- derly. conduct ,' "or ; habiiu.dly 7 jnatteptive;ta' hi: tudie2. his "parent or 'guardiahrwiH be, immedi aieiy imormea mereor, is- v 4 . . i ysV''t CHARLES A. H HILL; Af'M. ?19we6w8t;7 JVaniedHoiircha r 1 FIRSTnt ATE PL ANTTipNj ilying in ei , ther Guilford, Itahdolphi Orange'or Chatham ,C pun' ijes, con taining frorh 3 to 7500 acresj with a good run and fall of water,' suitable for a mill or distillery. Any? persoh;prVp jsel I such pf opertyJt-wi A 'pease 'ebmmuoicate to it his office theirpanxes;; within Wuchv,plantaii how far, from wa? er carriage, f a nd other particuT lays wit Ii. rfegard Jb the fences xi said property. App locations ihadt to. tliVQffice; . on or' before th e 1st of Feb. 1829, ,wdl be attended to, &c.&.c. ANAWAYfrbro the Subscriber in the month ''M- Of Jiine last 4 brightmuHo- man about 5 feetO ibche bigh,slenderl inadeV widi? mak.btthj tut 7of a.kTufe bh bnetblljis checks, -; 2 br3 :inchesrlongf The iiarhe otV the said he. gro is DAYYahd oit:eumes calls hlrnxelf ftii? V(7oAn.tfHeiWa '.'seen i in the neighbbrhood cf Halejsitbtn'UVlasten 'Ui;si .;when a horia was.f stolertWdvit s7cbiijectuTed . bv- him.' to vchablec lunt .tcr gt itd the .North; where it ts.supppseo.neias ;gpne ;rne' above reward , gien -'foihis apprehension atill notice so 7 xnat i get pira . again. i'ir".- DELIA HAYWOOn. . iRajeii;iS:lR28: 21 JUST POB&SUED ; JtNDfbr Tsale at theBookistbre of J;Gales slid J viaSonl in Ilaleih; price three ilol Jars. new J lditlotlk 'oT;t.he xllrcea4!)ity --of a Justice cT ; ; the;PeaOeahd a Guide 10- Sherfls, Coroners, Clerks, Constables aridbther Civil ! Officers in 7 NbrthrCarplina;;"Vt;i ; the Cpnstitmibnsofthis Skate and of the; United ' J States nd 4 ;cbl lectipnbf the mosC approved formsfbT7the usetof these pfficerslXV ,. -; ;". . , -;he;new;ition-otj)his tains besides!) its former ..useful matter,' the sub- r" ; stance by" tha General ssejtablyirom present period, Which appear under their pro ; OrdewfitW ed'tofroni any part of theStateV---v V Pet$2'8 v ;-;, fTTG ALES :'SOn Havefust received the mMtfViQsoursyfa Christ ; . Sniaa and Ne W fVaa'A6"1? 9r 7 gina PiecSfs i n Mrs.SigouTO7Mss Frnci, Messrs. Paulding . Haller; kcrciyal Pjckering McHenry, Barker," j Willis and ' other 'American ,' Writers t and r i bellished wit h 'the ; fol lowi ng ) beautiful Engraf; I . ings'bythe ntt3Artistar 't'y 'c- 7- -.:' : I; Presentation plat epffTi 21 H esitation, : "... ; ' . ; v u 2 Tli Sisters ?; J S The lady of Ruth ven, SjJLyAslep ,7 4 The Glove. mm-llQ Tbe Shipwreck, ... 5 ThcjPowcr jot Loye,! llfThe Contd Captive, 6 Chapeaude :paillo ji3 Eitnal pecorations,7; .The. whole beautituliy enclosed, m an elegant OrnamentedXae.v.-.f;, ;;.' f ',';; .,.":'' , ' Ralgh OthNov. ' - -y ? ' y 77 -; ; , State;dff And to be Jiad;at J.'Gjles and Sou's Bookstore, ; Fi i El N UAI B E K$ ) C V H 1 T 0Ni Adfjre sstd tb;the Peopierot ;Nbr'th-fjirorina',- on 'sv Ceritt :. . j j' .J:5.7-!;7'Dc-3. ; .27-- 75 . . State of iStU'tli-Caiuiiaii : n AHlGTUN t OCN I ;Vj 7 ' lir EaoiTr Fall Term, A. D.! l328i 7i' ;i. 1 1 Frileyi Jones "v J" K. King Arrnsted ; ', Keynybd.John Ku'nsman Henry ',S&"' -'i ' ;-L Lane Edmund - :.; Lane Martha A. Lane Nathaniel. .; Lane Edy; ;. - c yr Vandegriff Leonard -. i'Wheaton Sterling M. , . Wht atbn Mary R. -; VbKlird fc." Thoaapson . "Woodstrd Jo'm . - ' W'y nn . Robt r t .-. - i' 7,: Whitehead John . . . f - - Watson James ' ' r;;77 Williams WmV ;.V v W I hams M k ' - " " . Wreob flowed . WadkinJaines-W. Wilson Samuel F. 7. -Walton Sarah A. ; Wahori'Timothy J. IVaitbn 'Marth, ?;i Wimiy Zacharia .7 ;4 j, x ;Warren bar ah , W'hii worth Allen v y 'i.1Vatt;welj:" , J .,v':. Wood Newton ' '.'c-f . t Western Sun Lodge- " ..Wiggins . Jamea : Young- Elijah y William Jones, Thomas Janes,: Jane Jones, Tho- na n. amaw Ana f rancy iu wiie,--.jnaumie ; Jones, by Lvi Fagnh, hir Guardian, .and Fri lly Jones, by Win.'FaganSen. his Guard an. J Tappearingto the. satilaction of tli'e Icourt.Uiat ''r TJmas Jones i resides without the limits.of ine state : il ia oruerea inaipuoncaiion oe maue three months; in theRaleigh Register less he appear and answer at the next Courtof , Equity to be 7 held . for ,;.thejCountt'.of v aimgtoo on. tne aecona , ionaay . jin Marie n next; Judgment' pro cSnfesso. will ; be taken agaiust mm. i f - . -i est, .7 c 1 7j;;GOELKT,.C. M. E.,W. C. " 'Court bf Pleas and Quarter, SeasibnsAj "y-'y- 'y" November -Trm. 1828.VitV-.5 The President and'DirectorS of the, State Bank, 4 v -; Origriiial Attachment. Speneer D. Cotton and .Thephilus Parker sum f ,-:7- monetl as Garnibhees.-7-'vS.i;t, " IT ippearinir to the. satisfaction "of ihe Court tft it the defendant is not a resident of this State . It is tll-refore,, ordered, that publication be made for six yeck in the ; Raleigh Reeister, that 'uri less the defemlant make his personal appearahce at the Cburtof.pie.s and Quarter Sessions, fob held for the county ot. Edgecombe, at.the. Court hp'ise Jh ; l'-u bbrotig February next anl replevy aiid p 1 ead, j udg m e nt hy def ault wHl lie tajie-ri ffkibst, nd tv levied on condemned, subject to'the plainlifls ecove.':;e.fi:-S:; u Witness. Michael ITearn; Clerk of. said Court, 1 at oflice, the fourt h "M hd y of November,. 1 828. MICHAEL H E A B N, C . C that un Superior.; : Sta te o f Worth-Ca rolina: ; f -7 j Halifax Gbunty.v vlnEquity Fall Verm, 1823. " William E. Siiine. -Complainant, . George W; Gary, Robert . F. ; W . H, Perkins and . Stephen Burr own. Defendants. . IT - appe'anhg to .the,-satisfaction of; the Court that' Uobtt F.7VV '11. Perkins resides beyond the limits of-f this State,;.. ,It is rdered by the Court,; that publication be made ih.the Haleigh ncisicr iur j uiuiiui?, iiwi uuicss uc appear y -Teiiriessee.i Gottorr- Spinterl informed, that .have cotnmenced; the Machine M tkin Business, in the, City of Kaleigh, at the Shop formerly;;oecupied rby.i MTj Cbbbsi northwest of the'Stateaouse'Persons iwushibg to avail themsdfiyesot ourjabor-saying" Machine, are requested to apply-soon Letters fot Patents, or infbrTnation,'-will meet with immediate 'atten tion. ; . M'':M ; wMiTB;: anderson,: y&pytu. l3anderson: Dec. ia. -? .- Hi;';i:t;3Q v-:;7ti77 the secoita aay ot :next j.term, anil put in .ah an sweir plea or demiirrer to the Cbmplaipant's bill," if will be taken pro corifeasofi and set for hearing ex 'Piiriti'M'i'i him. -r-'C IfyK'':. r 'Z .11 - W ituesVv Edmund ;B. Freeman, Clerkand Master in , Eijuity, for Halifax county, at? office, tli SlonIaftetheUtMmidayl-in Sept, a!;! - Nov 1828.:, 1828. 7 - 1 j EDM. B. FREEMAN; e; KVEfel N: B ri ng and; t unej' Pi a nos ' as ' 1 eretPtore,. y Orders ill bfe,thankfuuy . received, and properly attend- 1 c. if DANIEL PECK,7P. ,M. 4 v fElegdntlmBaiund t : ' . i 1 i irv . a r . ul k ik w w w w. . - - i;-r';:;. ''inrj V v -v-:ri-i.V-:'c;v;-" The TOKEN, with 15 elegant Engravings, The GEXiwith 1$ yy'idayndo The'AlULEr;.wit FRlENDirP!S: OFFRIN0;with Ll do (do) The REMEMBER ME, with T ;j do rhe T ACISM AN; with J-t X'ne ; ATL A NTIC S O U VEN1 R, With 12 -- j": On s. -- fHlS ESTABLISHMENT hasun rJL ry extensive Tepaira ana improvement; ana is' njw open lor the reception ot Cora party, Tlie situation of th'S Establishment Is one ofthe most desifaole in ihe; City bPllaleiglii ;jbeing sit-1 uated'onthe NprtbgSide;of within the;iinmearate' vicinity ot the two Banks: The charges, wiirbevttniformancl mod prater cmv responding with the, present loWpricesof prn visions- r Man. AndxHorsej ,ione! dpllalanjfilty, ceiita per dayi The best; Liquors ,:"wiJ I always be - kept C ithe-B:r- and V no Vexpense" will bespared-iri; proirivfiin subscriber assures ,the public thaV;nothin shall beaniing ou his part tq make them lcomforta ble.: . " r i - vv 1 K. P." GUION: y 1-N. (B.Board by -;the year one-hundred and twenty dellars, payable quarterly, 'i r'-A : fr - ; " . - : r - V iv PiG xhon 7 y FautttevilUi Nov. 3, 1828: .71 T a meeting of. theTPresident Tind 'Directors iA.-oFthe: Cape Fear. Navigation iCompanyj.; Jfif ma icetQivea, ' I nat a uiviaena or . jwo per -on the .Capital Stock ofUaid.Companyi .be. The WINTER'S WREATH, with 13-. clo: " - j .:-- v: ii... : ' . 7 . . - I -ma icetoivea -1 nat a uiviaena or, two Dercent fTtHri undersigned solicits thenotice of all those . ,jl , wno -are.-iona or'insiimentai. fiiusi.c'io;-se venal new pianos of his ort he offers f r . sale ,tic lower Hhah lristrUments brought fVm theV6rth; of?lhy TJ nder "i. conviction that themntejials throtighbut are of the"best kipd, he feels .po hesitancy In warranting hern; in very; instance 4d; stand weii., in 'tune- :yy-y- '-yf; z?yy dlr't: y C's "Second liand7Pianos 'taken inchahge vfbr new bneV j and ajl.; repairsjdone' with neatness and ilespatchV; WESLiiYvWillKERn Raleiglij Nov-: 151 828. c:'m t20 sti Will ed to,-v :v--' f 1 H E S ubscri berthas ;det L ;tjr lOyouHg men years old and upder,:io'n; price of $30 per Session. .71.; i'-He" hasa ftbujeTbr' ''trt Li-vr jfe4lt3t.T WaVrenjtbnJan' '; 171 RO l the Subscriber;: Ii vlog sixhdes West of jLdieigi3 or he;25t December ;lasti :3e gro Man named IS A AC ii; Said Isaac ialabobt 60 years ot age spare mae ana MacK coinniexiou, and thin, visage. "j He. was 5 jmrchSsed .of the es tate 'of the lateJ bhujll aywobd cJind will endea vor, I expect,- to make bis WaV to Wilmington; in this State. .J will jrive FIVE DOLLARS 're waru ior nts appreuension. - ' : - A; ;- ; j s ; : 4mintonnjones Raleigh, Jan. Z, -v-r , 36 r. 1Y1SII to employ la-Teache7 for my School .-jor.-iiie neatyycarv.x. gve-.. gooa wages, but theTeacher must be qualified -to prepare .the.'Students;fof : the Uhiveraity. Any commu nication, addressed to meYo the 'Post Office at Hayesville,- Franklin county, C. shall . be nromritlv attended to.- " "v-Jt :-:lfr .V-: w tjoiXN DH AWKIJfS. ,lev. Ifthfl828. ; - y r 53 " 4 1 tf OKt the2nd'ir)?toiid i" will be 'ild at the Court House, 'in Snowhili;, Greene ' eounty, the following tract $7 pf laiHl, or' so. mucb thertof asMiIl be shfficient tp pay tax due there on; for the years and 71 85, and cost, ot ad vertising, agreeable to act .'of Assemb ly, 1827 250 acres given in byRla CHrry;(br. 1824 Sc 5 OO do;.7 vdovJesXe- Murpnrey 1SJ4 &5 200 7dd: do Marg.uipnrey ' 7 7 71825 6717do y:dk&Z&ikUfc Porter 4824 & 5 iSO'of'o Spiers f Murphrey v 1825 406do 1' I'v;db;,-lVfm; Rauls ;7 1834 5 300'i'do y do V'Jf&.:B, Hooker 7ld24 & 5 7J22f do 168 do do do ; Aug. . Williams J ihn Huff 7; 1825 1824 iL S 27pdb ;?7vdo :7, Wnu Rasberry -1824 & 5 i"db?7l-!:dd':Hehry BelM;'- ';.v'-:.-vlrf25 10:-:b'f m'aoV.MiyC6warctsl824 & 225 v 'db ; .do'--Ben. Hartsfield 1 25.;v'do'- do ,;7.gpope' Albrition"-:--- '337idQ'&ay- Jesse lirand 7 7 .' 182 ;do5:rd---k' IsaacPate ;';7f 'y ' '25; do 'v. WdOl ;;itichard I; Tjsoh. ' -t&ry da7;do;jphiitbah' T. Eason .52idof."dol-LemQn;'.E isbb.';;- ' 63fdo t I. ' do y Stephen Eason 18 35 1825 1824 1824 1824 1825 1825 1825 i (List eel "by Stephen Easbii 1 Guardianrlic. ) '4' do i 0 dtor 7Asniey Eason I824 &. il0;do sto-; Francis Thigpen 1824 US 152 db tdo i .Elia'th Tlnerpen 1824 U 5 763 do; .JaiOII.8294 -d for C inraTriiigpen lB24,r5 " ZACHARIAti E LLIOTT. ; 0 9 4t WAKE COUNTY. ; Poult 6f Pleas jarid Quarier :Sesisi ons, " Fin ny Utley, widow of Wil- tliamJtley,'decM.j :-;PZ'&Vimi:.r- K""J:7i7 VPetition for Dowetv Thoroas7iJtleysnd others l 7 , - v A! paying oeen maue appear to tie court, tnat one of the Defenoants, to wif,. Thomas Ut ley, livestbeyond;the;Wrai the ordinary ; process . can not be served ion him : Irit is theretbribjmlered by . t)te Court, that ad- -veffiseirient be m:de In the .Raleigh Register lor six.week, for said Thomas' lb come for war I and ansi wer, &c. : to said petition,; onv or before the . ' next7County;Cputt of Pieas7 anj; Quartftr tes sipns,tnbe7heldat the; Cpur(f . HoUfe in .Raleigh, V bnhe d M pn it wiji jbetakeH a decree w ill ' be made acco; dnig;to the pr.yer of said petitipn. Uy&:& JVn.;KlNG, c. c. JiilStjttebC iNllirUfirolinSs;-:' ;;:;;Ruferid County'v y. s Superior Court ot Lwr October Term, 182; iy Wlli iarn Hick s t ;7E tiz abetn Hicks. ; J 'ik&r&i &PetUio.;for Dfvbrce.' -,v7 J- '?.. :TT7apfrini;iblhe SHtisfactibn fthe' Court, illthat-Elizabeth is not n irihabitani of th?sr;S'rateTJt.U--therrfbre 'ordered ; by tlie' Court -that publication " be . made tiir e mbnihs ; irijthe?,f&leig!r notice tVthe defendant ttiat he appear at the next S u- Werior Court oKl iw toJe hi Iden in Rutherford tony im., the 3d Afonday atier tlie 4th Monday in iiarchhe)ct,:then and thereto answer,' plead or 7 demuj to sa ta?, ken. pro confesso and adjudgid 'accordingly. , . . . ' Witness, James Morris, Cltrk of our said Court, at office tlie 5dMonday after tbe 4ift Monlay in September 1828,- "and pf the 53d year , of tlie; In-. , dependence brthe United States. ? i - J ;;- c ;-v---7'Jamesi MORnis..cik. 1 1 1 . TJ1ROM a I-ot in the suburbs of Raleigh, on tus jS;.23d uit..' , a, - 7 ,!ft4i0 Mares, pnee dark Bayj close, built, with white Star in her forehead, with new Shoes on " kr hind fee't.is 4 feet 40 inches hih. aid frort -8 tu 10 years -o:d.The;ot her a bright II iy, iizs k large oliz' in her. face, 2 hind lesf wh'tei' is nearly 5. tpet nih, ana 11 or V ye .rs old. . . v . Five Dollars R.-waad will be given to aay p:v sonVwho wdl "restore said MaT" t Lroy P W ford,' Raleigh or two duliara ftad,i balf fur tithi ot tnm.' t ) s Jan. 19, 199: n 3drer Skinned do;;, .--Blue Imp. Dwarf 7do - in9rAioyyS n the. Capital Stock of ;Said. Company. ;be;and Orange Carrot . Ige 'MaronvfitV "do; ! 1 . fc.cbi'es of whi :In'cari bba4;Sy early me ihrebv declared; payable at Fayette - 5iin,ri 32,83 ,pnlialioA at heT Pebt Offitei'- ty 'i ? viQeoa the lit day of February. next. i ryy-yV : 'yty -rirV: ' - X; y:::Xy&Xs - en.- v.s JOHN CttUBOH, lTrrar.i '. . - - h .;Xy'-.-,?o: ''y--zy;: x vi;; . . - . A , " ' -'iii-ij!!is -v' " 7-77 ; yj; .7;-.77-rr4;;rj- V -v.. -

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