I i : . :. -s--. .' it: 1 It: t V II! .1 -V: " ' 1 - - - - was consutuuonau Yiiouircv vfe1 Faav jnaue was iuvuivr iii -the observations men ;sbueces lnAvh1bhj IJtlun ou:p)itical system ;;cSpI.?rr' .iftUhafscriptjoi fefti$t)est annlie g-en'ce ad l.entcrprb of individuals, thau t;'- Sx"t " Lift - .. . f-ki-i- ;v. " IV 'r''i;v.y- t c 4ue?1 ?.eau rn t ?ve uut c on iia e n cjp i n tn e ; ma i W fexcejjitibnjst :tctherieral rulebWexi ; VlvfVirmihcaseshlchcal L me compeienvvaainoniyi- ana wmcrc are not nicousisLeuu wun ine sreneraiiiy oi ine rule vS : ' ' 'X ; Posp that all 'nations' concurinta perfeet j ' j ' 4 freedo'm of cbmraerqial intercourse. Were ! ; 1 0 ! s teTas e- U ey Hv 6u 1 d , I ' : a .c o ri m ir - lql Viutir thn hiit'nnanntinn n a mur K . o the S0 vfe ral distri c is "cbnipos i hg a parti cti - jf i lar-nation,' k !;;?p4:- ,4 . that has set the; example. vjNp. nation can, j: ? j 'r;: indeSateidooi until a' reciprocity, i i - At- leastDeiehsured X prbbrfVthe fabiiliar case othe. navigation euipioyea j,ma ioreign commerce, v 11 a f j 'i f-f ''$i:;3p'ati.on,;aqing ' to 1 the'rul c' btney 1 n ter- ih j Ij? )L 5 jpbslnjgi atbu n teryaili iig protections f 3 ts i vi porisriree oi uur y, wiuisi lisiown -vessels t&?&, - art sabiyct tota' duty Jn foreign ports the tr t'ili'i-v '-. ruimms euectHs.so oyvrwus, umi me wanu- I 1 '"V " auvocate, lor me u: till to j mustlmntfrbin a uni eory in questttm versa! application rvtency to a;ii V intervar between the , peace: of 1783 and the estaoiisnment or ine preseni ; vonsiitu-. vtionof tHeEUnited States thwarit of a J; "general jaiif hbrity to regulate , trade is -knbwifitb Lhave" badr this.conseqehce.--f SAnd have not the pretensions and policy , j fcfev-f 'tc$Veab; regu late " itselfV 1 m iglit;. soon ?I t i vif iK rc 1 attl byothe r nations, "in to a Js 5:? 'subseimericy 1. V :t it erly exliibi te d by G reatBr 1 tai n given v. " ; Warningofa like result from a renuncia- y jjlion oi f ail ctiuiiterYtiiiiug .i cuiuiiuiis uu ' , : the part of tlve United States ? .AVere she J ? J fpermUtedbyconferr H tionslof he domain,tIiename of Colonies, "v;. - to open If rbm these a trade for herself, to -; C'. foreign cou n tries, and tpeXcl u d c, at th e , "-WrV same i jmea f eciprocal trade to such Co- tmade ofthe .nionopoleedotbetracedr ftlts c&racter 5 will pdun just re " lief," by supposing that one of the Coloni- 'tKa!ppened to be 'inv thcTyicinityof Great- ' ' Bf tain ; or that qne o f theseIs lands in ?P:W" vthat viclnityshouidreceivxt) hameahd: I b0 rerea!in f the peculiar privileges; clainiedr;;Colb :0fjie&l&jVtodt manifest, that iri this case, rtt' the; faVored" Isnd .' wigKt e:madcrthe sole " ; Jndiufd f bfl'thB commerefaj intercourse 1: vv with Ibreign nations.' and tl parent ? S ttb lelteroisSfci from an 5' i 'mrffftprocoi, irauc. 1 ruiu 7 aei uiuer ports, ';l;iiUfoJ,her nations i ver speptp ,f$ o f ou illcbmm ercial career as: an In dependt- ' . cnt Feopie ana ,ac. successive epoens un derithexifting Cbititutibnbpth inle-; ; r?nslatiyediscussibns ; i iWptiations Joie claims were repelled l":?-''"on: )' S lonV and anoOier r tlieAvhole being, strict. 1 ! I A ohe0 anpthcc .portJthesapiet nation j j ? tradpU ! 1 Vit that the pareiit'cliH ntry : wlienje veiit ir'V opens a COiouiiruu iyi aiy. o aiic.ni fc Hi" nati6r'iharo:ehts This is common sens i a n d com m on ri gli t It istUl jnbf is if mb -4 V i )f ! '"It is ill 'cnbrmity ) ' FLt f 2 usage ottalt nations other trjan Ureat-liri- f i.'j'.,v;nirt...whnrh nave col on i PS. u riomr nt thnso :Ti4ti'btia 'are known to' adhere to the inbnbii Vi;Hil;lePbiyof d chnstancvVhich r.ircumfcfnnroc ucrjnitBut it is alsoknownthattwhen- er-, cause Yt;ha:s jexpeiebtfoeh; JLCCftTinDl, yasldictated mercial marine.: PotinVeyerj tnat consiaeraiio tb say nothing Dehlnarlc and i 1 1 vWr. p n f o reed a colonial. monoDoly. The ceinarkli, iudeedobvious; that the ship- pi llg 1 1 UCIaicU; 1 1 unit f HP m n ua. ;vu u t v j vw of supplied from Jthe parent colonies mit;be4mp!oye tih anji et bpned for 'f thehf in J snppl is irom.:ibWaa..s fKlcipjrsbranjeb nnl vru 1 eof i ntercou fseamonir i ndepend - pnt Icbminunities' : ! and no; nation ouiht tdmitdoctTinefcbr adobfearilinvaria tj'leboliicylMch.oluld preclude - the couh terac wn measures 1 necessaryr w - euiurc beTDetuai pace tasuppositiohl itis to Be fHrdtno it ' I esscliim en cai "tHarifa'ii iiiver-. Skl'-treeiibm:jftc6mmerc gillie effect of atatnons'-'thiriC'omme'ir bialand ihanu fa ictu i ring nations f of lthe worici in; raising ine: .wages-iuuui,- auu, the cost of its products ; with a; like ef- fecti on the charge "of freiglit and insu rance, need neither proof nor explanations Inriiero'determintK tion o f econbm y, ' be twee n d epen di ng on fbreisi supplies, arid encouraging domes tic luDStitues'I the jpVobable peribcls df ,war jwth thepr b'abte: periods 6f peace y and the cost of ,- - - ' a a? 'r ' . aomcsnc encouragemeniinnipesoi ueacc. with .the cots added to foreign articlet times. otv:war.vvK,..i. .v in J&During theJast century theperibsof war . anu peace nave uen oeari equau .Xheffectof-aVtate price' df imported articles,' cannot.be - es timated ; with exactness. It is" 'certain, however,. that the increased price of par- ticuiar articles may . maKe ic cneaper, 10 Slaking, for the sake of illustration, ah equality in the twbi periodsvand 'tli.ecost pfan imported yard bf cloth in, the time of war to be nine and a hal f dollars, and in time of. peace to be, seven dollars, whilst the'same cpuld at all times be manufac tured at home, for efght dbllarsitis evident that a tkriff of one dollar and a quarter on the imported jard woufcl protect the home manufacture in time of peace, and avoid a tax of one dollar and a half imposed by a state of war. . - ; : ' ; ' J It jcannqt be said that the jnanufactp nei which cquld not support themselves agai list fb ceign c o m jpetition in periods, b f peace, would spring up of themselves at thelteciirrence of wir prices It must be obvious to every one,x that, apart from the difficulty of -great and sudden changes of employment, no prudent capitalists, won Id engagesin expensive: establishments of any sort, at- the commencement of a viar of an uncertaj n d u ratio n, w i th a cef tai h ty o f hav ing! them' crushed, by the return of peace. 1 f The strictest economy there fre suggest, as exceptions to the general rule, an esti mate in every, given c . of war & peace periods and prices wi h interences there from' of the anount of a tariff which might be afforded during peace; in order to avoid ; heltax resu ! ting from war. - Anil it wil f ccur at once, that the inferences will be strengthened by adding to the supposition of' wars ; w ho.y . foreign, - that of wars i n which our own country might be a party.' 3. It is'an opinion in which all must a reef that np natioti. ought to be unnecessa rily dependent on others fr the munitions of public defence, or for the materials es sential ;Vb a naval force, where the nation has :a marilirae' frontier or 1a foreign com niVrce to protect. r To this class of excep tions to the theory may.' be atlded the-instruments of agricpUure, and of ihe mecha nic arts which supply Uie other primary vaptsof the community. The time has been, wheti many of these were - derived from a foreign source, and some of them blight relapse into that dependence, were the -J encouragement - to Jthe- fabrication; of thtnn at home withdrawn. - But, as ali fo- reigp sources fnusi oe. name to jnterrupti: ons,! too inconvenient t be haatart-d,' a provident . policy . would. favor ah internal andindependent8ource as, & reasonable exception to the general rule of consulting cheapness plone.;; ' ' ; ': ; ? ;4.i There are cases, where ,a 4 nation may be so far alvancedin the prerequisites for a par titular 'branch of. manufactures, that t h isr i f phce .brough V into iex is' ehce, wpii Id 0 p ppr t -1 1 se If 5 ii nd y e Q u n 1 ess ai dedttnit t s n a sc htiii a n d in fa n t ta te by :pu bl 1 c e n cob ragehnt, and acoofide tectibn, migltt remain, if not altogether for a ' Iog time unatteuiptetl, or attempted withujsoccefsa jls not our4 JcottbpIpianuK &.c tiy-y fa 1 r examp)e5 However favorbd byj anadvahtagewu comtiiand bf the VaiSr material, and a iiiachinery which dispen ses tp o extranrilinary a portioW'wit h tna puaf labbrVvit: i quife probable ihat wth- ou t, ti 1 v i ib pu lie gi ven by a war c u t ti rig-off loreign sunpue?, auq uie ipatronage 01 an early lariff, Htnight pot even yet have es- tablklheii itself and pretty certain, , that u .won in oe rar snort of rne prosperous. con- ,y-purchased bylth 1 tit ii V snrese u t maturi t Vl''.r rsed it ty 5 SJiou hil it happe n," as ; has been su - pfctedfpbe5an blject f thbughVnot'bf a foreign goyernnient itsef,1 of its great ma- nut d? urbs Canlisis; itb-st rngle VMn the" - K f 'f 3 ti u i ac ji r js fa 11 e HtVe;c; u s (b nrerian a n t i c I pa fed j v'al;it wbultf surely ib sucliV case, be Ipcumbent M U e Jiepilop : to lh e'l et. a lotre' pit icy , as to patr hc yH. h ii v',g.M. oiuiiiercev'f' 6.v" It isa common bbiec ic br a deficiency of thecom-1 otner orancjnes iounapern . Franceat least; coma 1 inotana ivnvbrn Arl r n Ir I illlfV' XUl lb I Uses Uliti itiai auvi. vi v ; t iium vm''"'mi'v lvl i-1' -V"' Jl '- '-". 5 .T'- . v. . vwun, at - JaiM-' oFfK-havitinState8'-6rraU SwedienV.WichjiayRrareWJ ivimu i m f tnrr niirupi vmu.jiiui iiiulii iiivi w 1 1 id is ;jVprospeit andas ;laiaViaKt iirx mav take Dlace aJorms:an xcepiiow o th e ; ff en era I nolle vXn-o ueiubti r Bri∈!hr webbtJi,iUfrW growtlistto p-rsecuiei exlesjrom ye lie rltiil stamlft ha t Iferi I k: inj. ha jfi ctu re, iow uiishingjan favoritebranqh were II iotifhewitiiat: iinfgrlUo.nat frtn couiitr iesriin ? which mart-- Spainand TPjapdtrs, jon the, loss bfl liberty in?FIbence:,ibd ibtl-er cirie; an lfipm lahiiersjatid France , into .IiiglWnla8'4: hove nbceil.-QFrapklin's Canada pdmph In -the selection bf cases here made, afs exceptions to! thc'-.tlM t" ffonf-lyV?, none have been incl udetl which weri deen ed controvertbl. And if I have1 viewed Vhem, or a part of thm only, in their trpe Ifgliti they sho w, wh a t ; was tb be jstio w 0, hat the power, granted, to Congress to epeburage-; dumesiiCiproducts bV4 jregul;i ions of foreign trade, was propeily grant ed, j has m uc hj as t he po we & - is.' in - effect cifined to, that b(lyiahd In ay;: when. ex ei ciWd wiih a sound legislative discretion, orovide the better for. the safety and pros- peiity 'ttf the nation. 4 -y,; :'.'Jp.r"j With great esteem and regarn.Vf I. : V; AS1E8 MADISON.- ; JosEPrtlC.TCABELjlvEsq. r' X ' ' VERY; LATE FtOM EURO! E. r - :;,. i New- York, Jan, 16. After an almost Unprecedented dearth of European news, at length four rjackets have arrived : namely, ships Charles Car roll, Clark;j and Montario, Bukup, from Havre, sailed 17th' November, andj Char lemagne, Robinson, sailed 3d December 5 also ship Columbia, Delano, from London, sailed 3d December.! By these arrivalsi we have received our regular files of Hay re and Paris papers, from 4th Nov , to 2jd Dec. inclusive. I T V - j ; j - The political news is by no means iri teresting nothing has occurred jn. any quarter of much importance since our last advices. : The; commercial intelligbnce is rather gloomy'the following extract of a letter from Liverpool dated .27th Nov. is far from being cheering- '. J . - ' Coon- The market is in a very dull state.; The arrival of some vessels of short " passage with those ? detained by the previous prey al ence of easterly jvinds, some failures in Glasgow andi on of a Banking house in London, , have caused some people to get alarmed, and brought sellers into market at .reduced prices. The daily business may be about 1,500 bags, but it is done in such a manner as to give it the appearance of being alto1- gether in a dead condition. oomet large parcels of Uplands have been sold at 6di makes wnicn is a iuu reduction of tu. ana in all a decline of d since the be; inning of October. Fair Uplaiuds are now worth 6d " ,; .j .. " Grain dull 5 1,500 brls. Flour rj per fTuscarora, from Philadelpliia, wei iriea m price ancHa few lots were sold at 42s the rest was withdrawn the qualijty was ve ry i n d i ffe r e n t, cparse7 01 ly a nd s m el I i lig or garitc." ,,. . : ... .r . : t FROM THEfSE AT OF WAR. 77ie Campaign tenfJe(L--As ye suspect ed, the story of the great Battle at Chum la; and of the slaughter of 30,000 Turks is al together unfounded 1 The R issians have gon into winter I quarters, ; satisfied wun me laureis tney nave; won at y arna. Z Dates from Odessa of Oct. 27f, state that two corps of the Russian army arfe resting iii the environs of Varna, while the -fortifications are repairing- Ano ther corps rtias marched 1 o rfcih fo ce ihe army besieging Si listria and the " 1 est lof the troops vf ai;e' about to, take Up ' their winter quarters on: the banks of tiie Dan- .pbe.;- '....,;,; r ..-'., . ':k- g: Ayiolent storm is said to have occur red in the iBlackSea, in which ma Hy-ves1-; eelsrwere lost-. Fears .were en te rtained fori Admiral jBreig'sr' ,squ ad ron. 'i '. i The Grand'Vizier, (to, whose bad gen era! ship, as ''welt aiuto'etrchery of Jussbfl the1 falirotTjiVarba isjattibuted); has been deposed, and; Mehem'eti the no-' ble defender of that fortress, has b een ap pointed to that higTi office. --r A i' : ! fJlockade'oftthelDardanm ract of .aietter;,latedXripstevN Ambassajdors of the three Powers i; re said, to have add ressed tb Ctu n t Capo Id Istrt aj8apbieBarJp persist in re fusin g tb se nd PI e ii i p btn tiary who mayf takfc Jpartih the iriegOcia- nuns reiaiiT I vetO the; pacihcation oftf reecey l. 1 vi nou 01 : me iimiis oi xnax state wilj forthwith take plab withotjt-fe .;;:na,.f;Ti,.ltJ-lv'-:!; u; "I1 Wn; t:8"1?? -0f ixne1 "f iFi4nni.'ir' mrtpui from, ine i srciicr .r it mitt r n fil 1 J h f TOil U Ct iOlVYof J t rjtacfu res?i nauj.t gr a u ua i iy gro wu pi p1rb$jertustae?asv tjl y by hefaj ( of the Greek? enioi re ;' frojol itay lto Vhe JEmpress!lbtheot fiidd0nlTtlSet Vbrthel'sstafi'Vabln'etlw to bey e jfaypfrb f .eaciBmn olf the'Fiurbpejm Jfburnai3hini!th tne6th: OctobbKi-: Aettfrpni existence of CaC trearypbf allijanbetweep Russia and PrusSia'aS, no longer doubtful, and adebii ? tjiaqaccordi ng ftp i tlie i sti pulan tibnsl ofV'saiill treaty;v XOOvOOO 'Prussians Villentevthe kluomCotodkupoii the Ifirtifnoyeiifen isK rmytn" Jm'anicV-btct'j'afc brdiriarisittings earnest ( so icitationsbfUheHahbveriah Government to hasterit&UecisionihtlieC aiair reierreu vo it uy tuau uuvci i 0.7 gaintthe'i)ttIot:BMhsw Befnadotte have resolyed to fora;a convention! of aniity,y&c: as SPpn as the treaty of: jFredericsham shajl' be madelfr ewish Controversy relative to His 'Majesty's health; The - favorable: representations which have; recently been pu blishedi have emanated from; a certain quarter have. been sent trom a certain om ce inserted as advertisements and intended to;de- ceive--A are aihM&lirhe Ministers know personall y as; little of the real state of the King's health as the? newspapers that boast of it! They are forbidden, to approach Windsor j and fak mystery.. 1a in row u over uie Jving a muess, wnicn vvui be the subject pf .'much animadversion' as soon as Parliament meets. We say the Ministers are forbidden, and we call upon. Mr- Peel to deny what we assert if it be u ntru e-Morn 'Jour;X:$ - : J ... : Catholic Emancipation'-yirP O'Connell, at a meeting of the Catholic, Association, in Dublin, saidi; that upCto tte 6th of Oct. three successive applications had been made by the British Ministry, thrbugh the Hanoverian Minister at Rome, for a Con cordatum, arid that thPope had declined entering into - any ; treaty s on tlie subject until the Cathol i cs of Ireland ; were e man cipated. Mr. O'Connell said he was au thorized to make his statement t v ', The King-held a Court at Windsor, on the 24th Nov. v at which Mr. Barbour, the Minister from the United; Stated pre sented, tb the . Ki ng by the . Earl, of ; Aber deen, and delivered his Credentials as Mi nister from the United Statbs. llis Ex cellency was most graciously Weceivcd- u The Earl of Belmore is appointed ' Go vernor of Jamaica. X ; t ;: . . ,; ; t Affairs of Greece, 4c The last Castle of the Mbrea surrendered- on the 50th of Oct- when the whole of the Mbrea was e vacu ated : 'by . the Turks ; but; , nothing i& said of the return of the French -troops ; on the contrary, it was reported that that, army was to be increased to ;25,0a6 fl Nav'afino was occupied on. the 26th 0cti by the 8th regiment of the line. TheGen eral in Chief had chosen Modbn fo his residence, but had gone for rshbrt period to Patras. Gen. Sebastian'i had the corii mapdiduring his absence. 1 Xhe 35th fprnt the 'garrison at Mod on, and j the27thoc cupies Corona but that tdwn -was to be gi ven up on the 29th to the Greeks who had sent:two French officers;' under Gen. Ni- cetas, to take possession of it. Xun'd on the Yadkin. WILL sell a Plantation of ,900 acres of Land on the Yadkin, 300 of which are of the best quality low grounds. 200 in good cultivation, . with cogvenient Houses. " - . Also, several other snaallTractsying dn the Yadkin of fine quality: -Negroes wiil be taken for one-half the purchase--"' v - ;. .'. - JAMfcS WELLBORN."- Wilkes; Janl 0 1829. r-, J :37 3m. " VAY from Capp's . God 3Iine, Meek lenbiirg County, N- C. ;on the l&ih of Autr. last, a Ngro rrian named Nicodemu-about 20 years of age,' 5 feet 6 or 7 inches highi dark cooi plexion, with a scar on .One" of his. cheeks, as well as recollected on the c left.. , He tboic witi him Wl irge grey Mare, 16T or 17 hands higli, with a switch tair;Bad Negrias been traced from' Ciiarlotte.to : Torrenbe X Jt?.ads on t he- States vdlei Road -nhence through Salisbury to Greens borongh? passing himself by differei.t names and was advertised in the Beffister oM2t1j Seht. (through an error of the writer,) by the name of uennts. 11 js ; expected he has gneto;th fieighborlwiod ir which he was raisrd w Inch' is supposed to be near Tarborough "or Hidifax Hj s;iid her wast raised ,by a Mri PowelUV 'Av person set uring titrh-irt iaih and eivinnfbrina :tipn so tliat we.majr get him again, shall be.rea- sohably regarded, r"-' V" ;-v". .. ''V'i . )- 'trM''y'.- NATli'JL. HOUUS. Mpunt;Moiune, Irede1 CountyVw " ? I Dtcembcr Slst, "1828. -.it ; N Bl The Marc above adverttsedshai heeii wna onnampion,' ana returnea Ao u& owners, :.'-:s ";;. . ; j.!. . 37-3t -: TWI? f I to sell the place within a mile of tlills ..borbiitr h: on- whlrfi" V nrW ccciriia ; Tk ..... 205 acr. bctit orie half clearedteu acres of : uu. mc uaiance in woixu. i he finished jn the I.f.eti manner -iney consist! a JJwclhne-Hbuse if ,oVe;r neessa;uutliousea. Ferebe?anlV Whittliiirst "niwi i ? " XTh? President and Trust ees of tlie Univciity ot'North;Carpliii4, V ' ppfebdantj;- . JLbni ,f-complamt agiUst the Dmr1 -heri iintt wnet'ebvl the v r t ru t . ,i,n whokuii 10 qr.iiwj intestate, ,o V bn1y son arid heiv of;Mohn Ricrbsan, form' i hi id cpjintyf PariKleb') who died bS f uic yriii how anu j t?u intestate ; tftat the say John Uichardson served. as an :ns",irn in jOth recent of the .brihOarolina Inie-intk yi-; of: the Reyoliitiou, in such a manner eUitle;hirato:a tPt-Pj. the relief compensation pi the Officers and Soldiers nf c , Jfrre. fur tweritr-fivehimrTpl OI .1, v u i. tu:xi -. . ' acres said Jonathan Richardson also died, without ver j.f V..K u.7m v. u,iScH 10 oe clone, or as. stgnedatd arrant ( that the Complainants enti tied to satd .warrant, and that ird,; 1 k . issued to-them only or one of. their ancestors nefenrtants. fraudiilpnflir .;,k:t - .. ' .c Comm.ss,onersof the State; of Nortli-CaroW apposed for, the sole purpose of delivering- ti the military claimants under that State, and those plaiminrunder them their M-arrants, caused and WFHfV; under 'some false and groundless and fraudulent pretence, the warrant which th plainants were entitled to, tq be issued to them the Defendants, in consequence of the alleged deatli of the said John Rtchafdson without heirst' by. No. 582, which recites upon its face, thatat wa& issued, for the services of tohn 'Richardson an,.Ensign in the line aforesaid, in the Revoliu tionaryjWaf hat said Defendants caused the said warrautto be brought; jto Tennessee, - and located in.lheir.names.upon a tract of land, situ. ated in what is now Fayette county, and on the 24th day of Jan. 1825, a grant for said land wa issued to the ml for ihe same, founded on warranty Nand thz titleto said land so far as it ia vested oy ?aia. grant, now exists in said Defen, dauts, who claim the same in opposition tb Com plainants. 'and. keep them out of possession ; and prays that the title to said land, may be divested out of the "defendants, and vested in Complain. anty and that'such otlier'and further decree may be made in the premises, as to fcquity shall seem meet, and the nature of the case reauires i And it appearing- to the satisfaction of the Court, by me return 01 uie 3iicrn oi Aiaaison county here, in, and the affidavit , of the Complainants' SolicW tor, that the said Defendants, the President and Trntiee of the University .of North-Carolina, are not inhahitants of -this-State, but that the said Defendants ar? a corporation,' chartered by the State of North-Carohna, and that the individual members of said corporation are all citizens and inhabitants of said State of North-Carolina tand they having failed s to- teriter their appearance herein, according to Law and the rules of this Court :It is therefore ordered that thev enter their appearance ; herein aL the next Term of this Court, to be held on the 4th Monday in the moiph of March next, and plead, answer or de mur to the Cprnplainants'ibill of ? complaint, o therwise the same "will be taken for confessed a- gainst them, set fr hearing ex ptrte. and tha matters thereof decreed accordingly and it is farther orderedV thnt a copy I of this order be tortn witn published tpr tour weeks in succession in the Raleigh Register, a newspaper nublished in the; City of Raleigh.cin the State of. North Carolina. A copy tlL C ''.I -.a- : ' Test,--. '."I . -H"-f : ROBERT; HUGHES, LUrkand Maata - State tfttrth-CaroUna Tn EquityFall Term; 1828. j ? Anthony" A. Wyche,- Complainant. Edwin Whitehead, Wm T. Williams. Sam'?: w. i 4 Tu-nstall & Jno. D. Amis, Defend'ts. fT appjeariog to the sitisfictibnof the Court, that Samuel W. Tunstall.and Wm. T. Wil liams, two of, the Defendants in tins case, are non-residenU: It Is '6rdecdthat4publieation he made in the Raleigh . Itegister , for three months, that unless 1 hey, appe:ir'bvy the second, day of next term, ami plead, .answer of demur to the Complainant's billfit will be taken pro confesso. and set for hearing ex:parte, &s to them. -:Wimess,fEdmuhd B. PreemajiClefk1 & Mas ter ofthe.Cbui t of Equity for the county afore said, at office, -the 4th Mondav after the 4th Monday In September, 1828. :K -l, . 1 -V". : 28 3mo. 1 'State; of fcorthCaroliiia, 't-l - v JBurke Countlj. - Superior Court of Law ; September Term, 1823. . llargaret Conway, f 1 ' Xw.'. , - C Petition for Divprce. - Jdhn Conway. 3. v , OHDERED 'by CburC thaV publication be .-made for three months-in the Italeigh Re st nd Western Car.linian, that the Defend ant appear at neitt Courts and pleadtin the 4th Monday of March next. A ''; v; : : , i.ven under my hanJj'C- 'il -V. ty :OC- ;ir-.WM..ERWJN, Clerk. -, Hartltn County CoUri, NovTerm, 188. ,'xyi:';Bobert.?Mcm u ,: 'U-''. - C :': V'- ' .' Boy d IAchxjI et alijheira jof J, Hamilton dec. ; . iiimuuii ui Hiicruumuiamanis, ana.t an- peanng lotne SiUisiacuon ot the Court that 'tpkint. be published : in the' Haleigh Register ' a newspaper .printed in Raleigh,- in the State ' of .. Noxtharolin.-, ' fonrweeksin succession, "and that the Just publication be made at least 430 'bVy s previous to tlie bextWm Of this Court; and il the Defendants do not answer the cqci plntjthe case be set for hearing ejcparte, and lieard- acbbnlinIy." at ; thej hext term of-this i,' Court, y i A trueCopyUV- . 'v; -ilhej substance Pof :lhe.cbmplaintisV that there is a tract of 1C00 acres of land granted to the said John Hamilton, lying in said county of. Hardin, which was in l he life time of the said grainee, given .to the Complainahts; to the exclusion of tlie other heirs,-' which said'gift is prayed to be cdnfirmedt and a legal title tothe'said landvest ed jh theCbmplainanti in pursuance of the gift 5ATjHyan at the School House inear the residence', of Mrs. Charles. niri'mt!s Northwest iof .Raleieh. , 'Ht jnus. be competent tP teach the Langaages, with at r- uiiari Bec..n.- ' - SJ -- .'.'.: . " '"' 7 ; . - .-'-" 1 '- ? - . ' t l;'-; .-

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