1v I -ft " ; -. . " -''1- V - - .'- !k;:BavI !v:l , ;- . -A. 1 i .. ... ,-' d 4 t- lxv.; . ... .. - ' 3 - 5." V 9v Mi . ' ki . I ! ! 1 ' 1 rn. : E S u 4 ii Published every 9JiAt;-r;' r - JOSfiPH GALES & SON, ; Pi, Dollar 9 oer annum half in advance fAOVKUTISBMENT i ipntrth in thr; isame'i t5ronortioru"..CoirMtJ ktcTTOi!r thankfully receivei;..;LiiTTiBKa,.to the Editor must be, pott ptuiu ; ;''CFr'orn the Washington Chronicle. We think? the following Sketches of some of the 3 w; leadFmr'rnen of Our country VU11e" foil nd in- terestm Jd.our.reaaers ai a jaistance. . h c re 'indebted for them.to a work of .fancy entitle he Wanderer in -Washington which made its 'appearance liithij City last winter and whkh may ndt have been. read by 'niany of those by k whom ourjourfial may be seen! . They are from -' the pen of-one who .has h& Omeopportuni ties Cj observing closely the' characters of those . he his sketched! ': We commence wlthht . r;- : A; tall; thiti, Bu t cjisnjfied lobkins:-man cow approached,;, to: whom Alarion intro brie ' the re ma much ' wiiii1itVinl depth of though W and Witre tnaue m a spirit ii ireeuoinanu lenr-r ct in European court9 ; but.ir was precise- ly such as i should not only iook torf-vj9ut iesirei;Tn a niaa'hoid'ing a highoffice in a tepublici " y '.V :: 7. V H e i s ju fit the , m ml tshou1 d select to ethibi jijto. the European world as a 7 fiiie specimen of the Airincaii characterbld, e ri i e rjirH n gi ndepe ndent an d p e rseve r h g 5 ; wit ha gehi us ; th'i. t sbnsrat ho imped nientjnd amind thatcjU of noanger ee indigence, and rising byjTapid gradations; ;tti;theank of anVbraor legislator, raihis "ter'arid Wtatesman V the same inOalljand a alT;d!spIay in that versatirtty and power which are the: characteristic 'lirtlibn I thinks has said,; thatf geniuVis 1 4 bbie r va tio ti V bu t i t req u Ires gen l us t o ob serve. : i he secretary i , uas oeen a close, arid , a ecu ra te obse rye of me n and thing; and has suffered nothinjg to escape him, hich'couIdVadd.' to th e unfailing re -sources5 of bis mind..;His know! edge'o I" m e a .. has not been derived from books, but from a long intercourse'; with the living world, in x hich he-has mingted as Vriuch Trom ne c essity asj clioicev ThVvariqul scenes th fo vhfciv he: has passed ha ah him to see ;a fidH its :. s iudy the d ive rs i fi ed ' charac te r o f his ipecies,.and :to comprehend : the inliu -enCe under xwhich(ha liesitid'pri nj?sseaid may have his'folliea J but there is geherallj1!iscbverable, d oes at j;rea tjdea! dooci js4n se,; ?sagacity 1ira':certam,yiere infirmltyJof noble tnin(J8 i" lbut;hi8 ambi- lioii has never interfered with hispAlriotism or caused- him t rat verse fromrrne course f - r ' ' a r ' of telulnessy f it has been correctly rer x marked by. a Warm friend of his' that, the. spf ead.;pf, uu i ve rsa I f reedom is thefirst an d and'whether she fl ipped herwings over, the Cordilleras of Americti, .'or reposed oh tlie cla&i6 plains SkiWil"r:fc - tan oKd el icioiis'vat lies of Greece, she was sure to meet'iri him friend that" no casualty ouldlteri and! ho personal interest. could changed As an lorator,' the Secretary of -i stands high in the estimation of his cou ntryineh. "His mind voice, tig" re ra nd attitudes, give to what he says a splendor and-power , which all admire, and which no o n e ca n 1 iste nltd w i thou t con v i c ti o n or d e- liiht. if 4. .4 'i 4Vrfe wielded ari: almost magic power over, a legislative body,7 amL seems " to ex - - efcise heaVly t h e sa me fasci nation over thijse who come: rwith in ! the ahge of his ih- fiuehce 4,It its the asVeWdahcybf g;enius the sWa'o X; any iyilr-rise aboi e; tlie" dense r'T Atmosphere : that surroufids it.-; ;Tifere are, ;:too ju his I' ma nriers,j tntatan absence ofall ?hau tpjur , m stii mticH appureh t' candor,! ah d such ah e v i- oence or openearjeunessnat nojone can. refuse'h1irt;hisxoufiiehc when ne uecoines i acquainttu Vjw ltlhim Tie hiis ivtitli j hgop; af i stocracy s I u irki ng iii - Us "heart and hothifg0fthat contemptible priue wnicn W4ii not., stoop Jto, notice . the loiy and the' humbled fliioughimeritorious .....t .... J lTj-! l J n. . . 1. .1:1 and worj hf, beca u se" th ey: are not iurrou nd ed blithe traj)ptoa p A-jr of. waUlw lie'ff&i beli piaeVilbphe :-v Va ? I S P Pl'ticsamiimi v a t a iiiure' el e yVteil ' ppi ntrlwiki8Kuld he at titi nl t, wll 1 J am su re, pmlu iee'iip t hangci in the nature of hi3 feelin,?pr thexharac- torofhis minjl.V: 4 - MR. 'RUSH. 4 ! : AKotexeeelinxt?n fi?; neatlymfiertert three t?,mei"for T) Uar,r and ;t wenty-fi ve cents for everv siicceedine oublUcation : those of srreftt- f enabled njVtd perceive that! .was in company off noord inary i rid ivfd ua! f expected-! t I TH erelwas! m f d ign i ty thari grace in his manner ; jrt Ranted that pni isVa'nU ease which; 1 hadjoft en witness- I th.wlu.tujotfexcreyouiself'sojtn'uchL : -BttsineTuccecd'id-'''rfAnv'old "chierl ftnJ. Iaternart t liuprowmenf fcon the t A . ir i -i-eu, s ageh(temao Of, grejtstiavity.Qri. stepped torlh into tliir centre or thtpm:T'' fSo m WW ' l A . . 'i II . . - '.H - . V , w-i a - V ' ' j . , " . -T " ' - i.' :r. - ' . . -IMV . W ' r M E.K..M lift X. ' ' ' '.. , W : -. '. Oft ..i - n ' t - - ; pol iteTaff ii bl e'and cou rteou s to all rpay ing the 7sarne: attention' and "irranifesting the same rrspect.ta a-subordinate clerk thatlhe would, to the highest officer of goVernm ent. Kis countenance', you observe,;! mild and nrpnnftiWsinsv and -.stronarlTv? indicative of the ge'ntle and beneVofejii qqalities,Jof his heart- -'He; is a man offine taste'and xhl - tivHfedymindrYbats, perhaps - somewhat dpficient"in;finniess and energyof charac-t ter'-'o.-thatV'siniplicity4-vWc.n,;oughriat-. ways, 'in 'my opinion, io ciiardcicri? a. ic publican, lie ajds altfthe ease and urbani tyvof a gentleman accustomed ta?the most refined and polished society. f He has been aDroau, ana inoun nas4 irceiy. uiiiign?" in "the most Dulished circles, be'remains still the same, and has neither acquired ad ditional crace; nor Iost;thosetraiU oFre- publicatnsm byl which he ; was always dis tinguished. 'He? fs, Mike the Secretary' of i . a good sDeaKer, ana. once uneu uie first'UW. office under ahfe government;. I ne law, saiu t, seems.to pe a favor ite profession in thi9"Vcoun try." r -.It is so," replied :Marionv " The law fro nr:the nature of our institutions; and the character of our government, vopens an al-, mostcertkin road to distinction in the Uni ted States. J .cThe man whn has acquired the tale tit of extemporaneous speaking, and possesses a mind of ordinary powers, is al most, sure lo rise. 10 weaun or political nil: portance,AU Cabinetihave been lawyers, and have dis- tinffuished themselves more, or ; less at the bar; The Secretary of the v; , v :g and writes" witli great neatness, and some times elegance. Hiaofltcial papers'or com munications discover an intimate, acquain- '. t L 1 1 j. - .' 1.' ? 1 1 .1 tance witn-ine suojeqisf 11 wnicn ne 1 speass, and they are composed hi a style of great cienrhess andprecision. His; mind, is, I th i ii kiho re'e I e ga n t than solid more acute tjhantcpni'prehensi ve al most al way s risi ng aboVe mediocritvi and seldom; it; ever, des cending bebw it. sHe has filled se vera I important olhtes untler government, and filled them' all with credit to hiniselfand advantage tc i-tlie'iifttion'V ' f - ' t : MR. SOUTH ARO. ir" He said, he was like two of the other members of the Cabinet, "therfabuicatdr of his own ! fojr t u 11 e'j t hat he hVd rea I ized the al fegory: of. Ape lies, and hul ri sen a I m os t withpu t JexerUon. to the ru nk henow holds: Hehas receivedf: said Mii rion a classical education; andpassed through the usual course of col legia te studies with credi t, 1 f not with distinction. -tie was once I un derstand, a teacher, in'a private family, af terwards studied -the law, w-s considered as a man of ilerit3 while at the bar,; and was finally brought; like most of our cou ti trymenuiinto political : life. He first be came a1 Senator; and subsequently the Se cretary; 6f ihe - duringpVH ol two ad ministrations. His present situation is not ca I c u I ate d 1 6 : d e ve I o pe th e t al e n t s b e po sesses, and though he may be respected and esteeined, I do not think he can be dijtin guished4 while he reinains where he is. The business of his oflice Js not, ; certainly suited tp the nature of hjrmer pursuits, studies , Or habits ; it tsajnewsphere; to which he niust; tn ? areat? dt-gree, e a sfrangef andjii whichhe cannot' revolve with much base or splendor. Hc.ie, more over, hampered by the peculiar -organization bf Juis pep;irtmenj,,"and;tnust some times come in contact with other bodies rolling in the same orb, which he cannot avoid;ahd with which it would' be difficult to unite.-- rThere is,1 however, 'a good deal otxhz fortiter ih re mixedupwiih the swer viter in ttiodo, ' in his compost tion. H is manners are quite repabltcan, and his dis position amiable. ' . W e;cannbt judge of hiai as 'statesman, because'he has not yet ex hibited a'uy. thing on whi h '. wecan predi cate,' a correct opinion. It is said that his Speeches evinced talent, and that his' poli ticalvies were generally, right, if they were.not alwaVs ,the;most lucid or'exten sive." There is "nothing 1 think, very cha racteristic abou t Mr. r no promi nent feat u res or. stn k i ng t ra its of m i nd :or disposition are displayed by which we can distinguish hm from other men of talent. I ri conversation, heddes not rise much a bove mediocrity, and jo ,his i(ficial charac ter, there is r; nothing r remarkable of . pe- cuiiari',' l;l . . vTrtEiWINNEBAGOKS. - The deptatiotrpf lodians from the hebago' tribe had a ? form atinterview last Week, .with the Presiden t,at ,Washi ngton. In fullcourt dress, Jiind with an abundance of paint and feathers, 4hVy approached Mr. Aaamsin;sihgie file, 'and 'having grasped his" hand retired to the seats prepared; for Refreshments ,were then' passed' around, . --.t- - 1 f 1 . - ".....-''" saysane iNationai ifktnigencer, anu u was some whatAvhimsyical to setfM adeirasipped f ro m - c u t " gl as .4 bf A hese stern - f ea tu red y i sitersiiwhowere accustomed to Jap ,;water fronrthe running- brookfpruaff'Whjsky from - (he hbrriotVa slaughtered' el k 5 ? aad tojobserve with what avidity they feed oil macaroon Vndotherpiteconfectjdharji whosefastes'had seldom'4 been better5 re- guled than .with the reeking entrails of the he brought near the President and waved over his head. v;It was the calomet of peace. 10 iiieu uegair an naraugue in iow,:guii,u- r.al tcesj accompanied witfi much easiest an Indianof half blood 'reported them in cuuvey - , n , fiiaa tosee you.' vl noia out this nibe.'and il 'take vour band; in fnWiishior v. s f- . 1 bather,:; A cloud bas been between usileraiiy. speaking;; noToads, no carriages,:np It was thick and hlaek.: ? I f.hntiaht: nnr it would never be remb ved"Bti t I tio w see your fae.::JttJookk - upon'me'ple'asantfy; - 'jpatner.a long way is stretched between xnere were inose wnoiai(ume u was blockedlup. tTheysaid the Red men could not pass it. I" attempted it. It' is like uie piain paip wmcil COOUUCIS lO Hie Urrearae cuuppcu snaw, or a .ueai ife. Spirit.:, l ' 1 : - f I . "ramer-wnen 1 came in n ightlof your beautiful. My norf' I should nome. it looked wmte and.n heart reioiced. ; I "thoooht talk Withyou; 1 , ' 1 I r U FstthW. thp Hfnf ' finirii. v9v tn hia! children, the t Winnebaaoes, a pleasant I pianu 11 is gooa -fio smoKe 1 1 nave"lt I here"-tbuchinff with his! finder the bowl I of the pipe 1 give it you in peace. is-true They- told me .your heart 4 was . .' m . " - - '1 " 1 t . blackt It isnot soi v We salute in ' I : I - Father I say no morej ; My talk is lit- l le. -1 am ai chierramon-my Deonle. Biitne fs here wnbfwill sneak to you soon, I and itell you: betteriur thoushts?'! . K I m. iic ucycripiiuii ui me SUCCeeoing Cereal hVonyJs detailed in the olloWS . : il . v: : V lll 4 ne address . . L j i'.J r 1 beinc endedi a youns Win-1 neoago advanced in obedience to a- stomal I Li- ...;' f , , . . 7 K. -I Lu iue uiu warrior, lanu ngnred tne pine .1 ct: e v v. .;ft flro efr,ir L i fn? ' - F' - peated in the course of tlie afternoon. - The with nre struck-from a Hint.- j. he p:pe x , . t - - c - .uo ili. iJ 1 t .r practicaf test which;he invention of Mr was Inen presented to the President, the '. . - -1 -i.:-r ti!i V iti ;.-': " sit -' I 1 a- 1 Y mansnas mus undergone, nas comp ete chief stdl holding lis ste He inhaled a j y 8atisSed everv ne Who witnessedf itk SrS X 8,nr rM:g?n - J86?6-1- tentness.anu uttered a low murmur of sa , 11 ;u r ---'j 1, ' , ea?:h,0f .h,f lr,bc V. wf made lover in Tor - : ...i ; 2:.i u rML lay one hand upon it while he plelged him r'ra? rV. with the btner; proceeded ;to dictate to the interpreter his repl : 'X'u'1K:"H ;y'""! " 4aytpthis chief, Irejoicp to see him. He and his brethren are wel coiiie to me a n d my ; ch i I d ren, :. j " Te I him, . i t has grieved me that a cloud has been between us v but I am plea sed equal ly with ;him,'. that , i t has been dissipated. 4 It. id : dispersed' like the funes of; the pipe we have smoked. --f May it never close ddwq upon us mote! y v Say I am gladj he and his ; com pan ions1 meet on. this propitious day. . ;Bid him look, to the face of tlie heaven s. ' No cloud 'S tnre. i ne sun snines orintiv on us. The Grea t Spirit looks down and smiles upon Our;meeiiri Say I hbpesaTOeuhl w his path in peacectheibodetof 1L light his fa- f h e rs. 14 When he is gone, : J, will Ibbk u ft on this;pipe wi th pleasu re , a nd should I liear ever after that to place of pacific, any hostile dispositibhspreak forth among this 'ation towardsiny brethren and childret I. wifl say it is impossible, j For I bave the word of a vVitint-bago, which must be true, - . that this people pledge tlieir am mine. and. have given this pipe in sincerity. ' I r, ty with oken or 4 say I yesterday Deiieid with satis faction the sports o' himself and - His asso ciates, as they practised their ancient tvnr dance upon the green beneath my windows. But a higher pleasure I now experienceT and one the -memory of which will! endure in cordially greeting fhimwithin these walls, and reciprocating ' assurances of plighted concord. 99 Each of these periods, so! soon interpre ted, drew forth a hoarse plaudit from the savage auditors. Once it swelled to a dea- fening howl, inf acknowledgement of .the compiimeni paiu.ui uie tuviujauie intern- ty of their word.- ' TheRappahqnnock River, j A. yery in teresting account is given in tbe lak.Fred ericksburg '.Gazette,, f 'the. ceremonies of breaking grtund on theRappalianriock'Ca. naland of laying a stone as a memorial of that eyent,. near the site ot the contempla ied basin, 'onZtVeduesdayN lasr. A long '& splendid: :Pccessi on was form ed M r. -whichvvas followed byan -eloquent and a n i m al ted add res S :on he pa r t of, C olS to r- ro w, he President of nhe Rappihaimbcic Company; WhereuppQ; . the ; President assisted by: udge Cpalter, ' putrCtbeT first spade into the earth, wjiich was announced by the discharge oPArtillery. A targeand respectable;' u mbetj pT tiie I friend s of jthe Canal subsequentiy eel ebrated ;tKe joy fu I event bya dinner at Blackburn JsTaverri"-- We shall seixe the'1 ftraopportunity.of publishing the 'whole article from the Qa zetteiVVe sincerely i conffratulatej'the bdinl. llowispn; Master of the! Masonic Lodge No 'delivered a 4 short but appro priate Address on laying the.cornrer.ston'e Vaeam'A'ariffati0rLrIn Baltimore with fin;theViast'eighteen months upwaids-nf inu,uuu uouars nave oeen. investea.in me j establishment of new steam boat lines. It I line of travel by;means of steanv boats arid 1 siagesy i rom 4-i-Orioi if ooutji waroiy ,as. iar las navannan; .wnicn Willi superseae -mucn I Ul ie travelling now periorineu.uy ca a-,- I - lr ' ' ' . . r"V " i1 Travelling TurAewTHere are, sen- I inns no sUooers. no beds.V Theonlv car- 1 riaes are: plan k laid upon rough wheels - ';J.drawn:w cordi.-brlboffaloe's'T'the.'.o.nly finns are siaoiesmieu wun cnoppea siraw , uic umr suhucis ait;, yyiiaiyuu, uwr uivft I up on the roadand carry to where - you I may fctop for the night 5 and the only beds board. - Such is the4 state of. travell mg, both intEuropeari khd Asiatic Tjurkev.v , l'j j. " V , &r. fFalsh ' ' " - ? . , . - '-''vy- The Rail Road Car. A very rsuccess- fill arid trulv kjitisfrt.urv iinfriinp.nt vas made on Saturday afternoons with this ira-1 ponaiu niveiiiiou 01 fli .uman's ui iiieij establishment of Mr. J. Y.: Cra 22 Bait i more street extended.4 A temporary rau- IJengthv was laid down, upon which the car 1 r.t t. '-.ilia il. i ' ! v. 1 1 art I ha fiBKilnalt. maiifhdrl '.lf-rill pounds 1t was laden with .13 pigs of . iron wei ghingclDOpoundsjjan d 1 n - add ition inereto, 4 gentlemen p re to, 34 gentlemen placed' themselves opon' it person at 150 pounds the eh tlre weight, of vaf M uu vl,u Mvu amuuicu w ouy pvimuar witbxcas.e incredible as-it 'mar scjn'by. mit man only III 'The experiment was witness- .j r..i. -.l-.,. :n: k - .j , r if v. respectable citizens, and was frequently re,- high -value and importance in Rail-Road JfraspoftatJon, antn itmuHkt e ' 1 L. r.t " - of Kail-Koads overcwals. As we have have it! use on the creat Work they'have " .charge and jt must prove of almost in caiculablcadvantage; BaltSfati f ttasis-ll is hot often that one; sees a: ny thing remarkably good. jnthis lipe j and that is a little surprisihtoov :when ye bote howbften tfietalent bf vthecouo try is brought into play. Some , hundred thousands (aremanofactureiljam bual ly ni augreh igb tart or Io w v tartffl .That again , may aCcoup t for the d flic ul ty of say i ng any thinga toiice 4 beautiful and neM?" as the lpbet has iti i Acertainidea is not suspected; of being expressed ip more: than a given number of modes. JThe combination of wordsmu9t; at last be! ex? hausted.C (3od toastsheyeV; deca sional yi meet J; wjth.JAriil s'"jp(iodp)fbr the genuspoliticaliuyoin was:. lately runkl) itfc -a ebmtioh" inMiddletbwnbonh point' iBal&PrtridU. ,-' 1 ' f The Jacksonians who came m at the elev entn nour tuey snau uaye every man nis pen -but let them wait for the chancre. (IMcMcplfinecdote.'bM fu! Inwing Shcci dote- is rel ated ttyi Si r Astl ey- Ooope r i n his jectu res de I i ye fed in Lo n doo.. v It? singulari ty ' andquaiutness wil 1 amuse everpreaderj" t 'ri' "An old Scotch physician, for whom , I had a great respect, rand whom 1 frequently- m e t fj i ro fe ssio n al ly i n th e i c i ty, , ii sed ; t a say as we .were -entering the patients' roomuogether, ,'vWeel,- Mrster Cooper we haj-ohry two, things; tb'keep, in meeud, and they'll searye us for.here andX hereafter ; one s-a I ways .to haveuh'e fear of the Laird before our ees, tnat ?ill do for hereVlcr $ & the. t'other is to keep; your booels open, and that will do for here.. ."' , '"-'-v :Mdeorological.Y which has fallen ? in this place since the firsVday of September last, is as follows September," ;A . Inches.S' ; ,;v October,-' . -'l.'S"' : - November,'," - - 1.2V' J December, ; " ,t 2.8.- . . January '-' " 3.2 . pn Salurday thel0th - inst. - the; Therr doors', sfbod- at 9.5 of Fah renheius scale Th e r c ol des t ' wea the r -vthat, h as j occu r red since the membrjT of-the present : inhabit tants was in1815, when. the.-Tiierhiome-ter .exposed about 'sun-rise,; Stood at 8. .The n vers at this; place were, frozen' oer and aftbrded ' good skating.-Lawon, Zi n his History of Carolina 'mentiuosa-xradi-'' tion ofthe I ud ians, that .about', 100 y ea rs before his time, the- Sounds: ; were frozen bver.. Snows which t were'- fpriiierly fre quent hereKarenbw rare.v'On . the whole it appears that our vvinterst are srbwi n? Guilder t:The? changes'' of - tern perature. howe ve are vfrequent - and violent. -r-tn genraljv'burweathervls determined "by the i course of the wind.v? An Easterly, wind com inonlyj brings.' rain f and yariWesterly na,as geoerauy ensures us lair weamer. North wind brings cold vweather, and a ingscoiajveainer, and a i,V. The North-west m -: - --v-.c -r..j uth wind wans is thought the coldest prooably b- cause parU.M of the qualities of the two points bet weeri which 1 blows: .lViwan tells us that the Indians called the N. V the cold wndtfew. Succt.j V; rFor- SaUvtir R6ht. ' . fpHA-TiValuab!ersfand W FWetteville Street - l.r, recently occupied as a Grocery, ; by-Alioi Sims, and former Iv bv John V . finnL-A a a r- Ifectionary Store. Apply to . RAleigh $6th 'Jan'y. j I . : 42. ,V for sjilk ir-rr Shares of Stock, in the State Bank of ft.r -North-CaroHna, for which bonds with irood security,; will beeceived in navment. Purihr partiCuUr can be learned pn application at this Jan, 27, 1829. 42 tf Twelve or Fifteen 1 TALUABLE NEGUOES 'for sale, in the vi T .emity of Jtaleigh; Apply to the Printers. 24th Janl829.j C - . . 41 ' v-T..l'-ca.tjO.te Of : 1 eiltlCSSce. -' Hardin County Cou rt, Nov; Term; 1 823. V ; JiobertMcNaify et ah '4 v Boyd JlcNairy.et;al. heirs of J.-Hamilton, dec. riwortn-tjarolina: tlt:i ordered bythe Court. xnat inis praer, wun tne suDstaiTce-Ot the com.. and that the last publication he made at, legist 30 day s previous to t he next term of this Court, 'and if the Defendants do not answer the cm. '-. ' . plaint, the case be set for hearine exparte. and J heard accrdingjly ' at the next terin of thia COurt A true Copy.'-' k'-;t ';..:. .t. ;;v"Ir?vY!s h. boyle, cik & fast. The: substance of the complaint is,! that there is a tract of 1000 acj-es of land granted to the said John Hamilton; lying in said, county of Hardin, which waa'in the life time of ,the said grantee, given: tcrjtheCpmplainantsr;tOthe; exclusion of the other heirs, w hich said gift is prayed to h e : confirmed, and a Jeal title to the.said land vet ed in. the Complainants in pursuance of the.'jjifK ', ONj the2na Monday inlarch next; will be . soldat the Cvurt HouseiaSr.owhil!, Creenc county, he folio wip; tracts of land or so ro iich thereof as will be svifficienttbjpay tax due there-' on, foe the years 1824 and 1825, and cost of ad vertrsin, (agreeable to act of Assembly, 1B27 tia KMmtj j 250 acres given in by rihoa Carr, for 1824 & 5 do Jesse Murphrey 1824 &. 5 200 do i 671 'do' 30 : do f Maf. Murphrey : ,185 Cath'i. Porter 1824 & 5 Spiers'Murphrey - r 1825 "Vm. Rauls -1824 &. 5 ', '-Jas. B'Hookeri J824 & 5 . Aug. "Williams 1825 : John Huff 1824 & 5 ; Wm. Kasberry . 1824 8c 5 Henry Bell ; , 1825 : Mary Coward ; 1824 & 5 Wm. Farmer 1824 & 5 Ben. HartsfieidU; 4825 do v do do ' 406 300 ,22 168 270- do do do do do ; do v do , do do do 87 do 140 do 280 x do 225 J&6'.: 125 do ;v.do, - -do.--'-clo do; '"- 7 d . " . . da ', ,d r "'.'do. I'Ope Albntton V : . 1 825 337v.do 182 1 dd Jesse; Hrand 1824 -4824 '1824' '1825 1825 Isaac Pate 25 do 67 do '52;do 634 do Itichard Li Tison . vj phathart' iKason Lemon. E sin . ;do thy Stephen EaioiC Giardlari, Sec. 48 110 .52 '63 MO 4jCj:,QO ; Frahcis TOraen 1824 & 5 do: do ?S t EUztJTh!g-pen 1824 & 5 do : for Clara Thiprpen 1824 Sc 5 ZACHABIAtI ELLIOTT. Jari.'l,.J829.r-.: 39 4t y ' A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , ; Published in the City of Washington, QTihis Paper has been established at the Seat' 41 of the General povernnient, under auspice's which the Vubliahers think favorable' to the en cotirafjement of a Periodical devoted, as it is, to. the diffusion 'of. Literary, Scientific and useful miscellaneous information' 'Its object has been, as it will continue to, be, to promote the Cause of , Letters, and to spread, wjthin . Its ranjje, a know ledge pf all lhaVmayibe new interesting and, va- luable, in Science, :L3terature,? and the Arts,' to-' gether.with the latest foreign and domestic In-, telligence. ; Mere V party disputatfons are, and shall be sedulously avoided, and nothing will be admitted bat- what may .tend ta enlarge aiut in-, teresl tle mindrrand improve and benefit the heart." ,-: , - - r, - t ; . . , Av Summary of the Proceedings of Congres wjll,v during the Sessions, be" regularly Tgiven. ; . r ... - ,;,r. ; : v ' - QCJ", Tba Chronicle is published: every Satur f day arid is printed in. the b est-' m anil en on a large;$heet; (imperial . size.)- Price' $1 per aiu ' MuiUjTor, ou ji paia in aavance; . :- - ' , - '' ' ' 1MJ"J" 1111 11111 " 1 "" 1 11 '" 1 . - rianrax uounty.. ' -:; In Efjuify-Fall Term, 1823. - ? . Avi .William E. SluRe-Compiamaijt.t- '-: i.!,. z;-' ,;. a . ' - . .. George W., Gary, Robert r.'.WlL. Perkins1 and: o, s- Stephen Burrows, Oefenda.iti.' . ' IT appearing to the satisfaction cif, the Court .thar Robt,.F. .W.lI. Perkins resldei beyond the limits of this;State ?: II is rdered by . ths ourt:thatpubJieationbs.ihade.iii'the IUleih Register for 3 months, that unless he appear by the second day of next term, and "put in an an- V sweriplea or demurrer I o the Complainant's bli'--iVwill Jbe taken jra confesso, and. set Tor hearir.' ex pari t id to him;Vv i ;r Witness, ;.lidmund :B.: Freeman," Clerk and w ON motion of 'the CompUinants, and it ap peajpingfto the sitisfaction of Jthe Court, that i " the Defendants are all citizens of the Stf e nf r tne :4th Monday after the 4th Monday in Sent t3' : liu a. fiiucman, . k. f -': x - i- ' vf if r . -aCi?, antauiiaweneiisio tiipositton wuttijonguucoutopipe mms nana, wmcnir: ' V -v-. i-v- - ; - 1 1' v1v-,-.'V -'..--m' wt. : l- I ."V: .r-t-v':' -; iti'.1 " -

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