'.:-fr::' J .-C n iVJ 1 N '-.x. vA JK-Ji V --V IN ITv.-, ..v--s. . f --i -i . - n ' - ' " ' tiIi ' . creep over ; ijieV, .Mjr onguehowtver. was not compressed ,'nor. siteht. iMy.crie n.;tiTihe(X every vToesb at ana;rmAT ujr 4t 'vii Doilart per annam-half in: advance Wot exeeanzMem lines; neatly lweTtetJ three . times. tor a tnlfar, and twenty-five 1 cejrts for " everv sticceedinjr pnblicrt,ionf Ihoae.or ffreai r; lhinh ih thfe anme trnortion,"...CoMMU v.riTi) thankfullrTeceiVed..L,TTBS;tp the KdUol rnhk bV o paid, s y . . t Vom Me Token. . -THR IitlOWEI) ALIVE' ' 0 f 'hi been jieat' and am-Taliyp -,;Not Ii f whom the gallows ha nce claims hrnutrhf back intj thU btathna: w.orliaiRain v Viectncity anu .warm- uiauKtjvv. v uj . oFa cl.ss;pryuns. sarsjpon, who, & succeeded in finding the organ of "port dest ruci i ven i very V. beau t i fill ly develop ed, were iust b?cininafiamue themselves itt making a pimrjdead man kick ami gnnr anit 'roll! hiaeyesi and wiiigbis arms about ' ItkV -another Mo)litieauxr or ;Toi Crib- ""Nor " by falling into a8ynvprV have, 1 been 'hurried Drematurfly, fif st ' into a-coffiV and net into a grave, by greedy heirs, ,ivh; tiVen then thought I hadilive'l tobloug,vt ? raised intdlffe'iigin .ttiane ffentlemenv ;the resurreciionists, Ukt jiiri'l M r, tl i Klgson," who . has I at ly7 1 rea t ed tlie ivdtld to n c'.apjer of-underwfoud - life .biography in the tie wsjwpers.f Nor yefV a- aain have I beVn frozen to dath,, and pre served i by an avalanche, likeacriCkeX in iiinber.Vonly to beiwarmed, again into ex itence bya greatiJanuary thaWv like tin celebrated Dr Dodsdey; who, it was fately said to have been atertaied; had just been .wakefled by a shower ot sunueam fr 'ni h comfnrtab'ei- apjif a . hundred andHxtyv three years and a-half, which he had t ken Tbeheathan iceberg at fhefontof Mont Bim w IS u t y e t i i . i s Vn e vert ft e I e ss ce r tai n tha t I "hae, been dead, not only fairlv ahdrlegui1' matly"buf honorably lead and no lesi 'certain inaitL-atnnow auye y. vntitxir ine rule "will bear reveritngy and yetbord-gool affer being made tut read, a man that is bnrti to. be drwned wiirnever be hataedr I hope still io live, to a god ol d ge. . - " I have-often? hvarU - people sat that the easiest way in the world to di is by drown- ing. ; imJeed I tave iisieneu to graye ui-.cusoiisutt'thiafiqoej4tlon,--and.ihave.ae-tualty'seen whole circle of sensible tnen concur' in the ppitimn, and ote that it was .'jlexf to nothing- -a! mere pastimeto ,be rowtTe!d.;t Such disfcuions are very.coin monin the Country -especially at coroners' inquests when some por (VlloW is about to expiate .his crimes by.the.gailows; But rnow came mese pujpioiogiMs oy Mneir iu tormtion ? Who has eyer been hanged and tfro w n ed . bot h a n d a fte r wa rd s .been lucky onough-to come back a second time, and tnake an affidavit as ithe; easiest method if getting out of the wArJd ?:Those who, be Uieve thii doctrine, had; betters try the ex- jMriroenT,7ueiore turjr incucai.e opinions that nercHarice niay induce some pretty iilted maiden to leap into the cold embrace of a river as ar -aubstitule for an ungrMteful if lover, wnose nearv na rrasuu ju ueiieve W colder, still. ; After they have r ide tlie thaf, my 'wurd'fqr it, if tbey'survivej they i Wil-f at Jeast so fartiuestion the correctness ot theirHheoryj : as to adoj; the -more; rati on.! , conclusion, '.that . if -druwoipg. be'ihe ijasiesr methotLof dying'J they Jadbetter ': iv e soberly and honestly, sav jheir iiraver, and ciing to life as lon; as til y can witbho- ine scenes oi,my ooynoou f were in me vallev ! AVyoiiiing-rendele'd claicgrpund by ne of the sweetest minsirels hf th age and really, poetry aside, one of. the i sweet- et and Joyelrejst spots I n cfe a t ianT. I .-;-w as h swimiiier fruftUmy very infancy ud and . & ihe -.period tf which, I am 'now ; gting!o vpeakV.I could rsport iminth'& billow's hke i dolphin, Not that I would compute.my V el f w i th Lea 1 1 d e r. on Lu rd ; Bj n m.- V S t i 1 1 , had slSeen otioue' side of ithe-; Hellespont. iHi a mooiKlight night, and bad;', seen the were;loud for help, and my -appeals were vehement a s the paraly sis increased, I and nw strength was' exausunsr. , ichkm two of mv friends were by ny side. y Aiy friends!' Yel" But they came, not witnin my reach, aud .only : swam timidly arbund me..!'t st reicneo ineor my nanit, plpred them . to saveme. (They took-it not x but ; looked pile, and; sbfinkingly, be ough 1 1 h at I wi iu I d i o t jgra pplew i t h t he m . will oqLI repIted--:.nd da not- forvine next iritunt I was beneath thej iurfacej rid breathfng another element.. -( . v - r The. thought now came shuddering oyer me; that my" I ast "hour wks come, and Uiat, mv .soul Wasabout to be demanded by its M'akeivf My lung played heavily'; but 1 had THjJpaiiritke jbe tftotjghts tf friends who were etver me.- A; thousand-recol I - ctiori hunted through my brain in an tw s'ant-mv ther, my sister, anl AJinette the love Vest maided , of:' the valley. My throatwM Enlarged, and atvery breath I seemed' to inhale an ocean., mv ug crcQxv fdiallow I was full K O God !;J could not breathe-and a .weight, S'coM and ponderous cme upon oy heart and f deemed -"to run duwn likef a- clock iweeni,rr 1 I was uij'ht. anu'rtoe,. tern- nest that was about me was sweeping" mh nlnn. I wen'ied to be hurried througe thp air and the stones' over which I vas dragged, appeared, rugged and "fiightful. Kvervi ihino" was revui viusr arounu , me , - - r 4 . i . iJ . , . .,,:. t-v ... ' - . 'woke,f iheSuhwais shining cheerfulfy into the windowjif thy own apartment; .in, ,m father's' cot Uge,' and T'jny s weet and only . slster-Mary,? 4w asliangtngverline wat ch ing.for jEhe moment whetr I should awake, and an; i ou sly wai ti ng to ; an ti ci pa t insf'oVy wishes, 'arid administer to'evfy "wanCV . NJy fond atster Ijmetliinks? LWethee no w, : be iitli tig v er m e a s t h e n -1 by I y e ly. countenance expressing the deepest:solici t u d e for- my si t u a ti orr,: a n d t h el t vel j est j o ' at every favbrblelsyiopVom and thyjiibf pensive blue, eye beaning with delight a thy Un wortfi y .broiherawokei as lit wete, once mrtf into existence. . ; -s ; Bu t M a tyde'a rj noor en sainted M V y ""H Knn tuore VjVI atiy andr long -ari V.. t he y -ar stncei un t the midst -;of -you th and ueauty sne, was cut uown i JiKe flower, whie.L" after ? entering gates of death, am still living ! he he wiul very 4. - y?hepHiriSf Walter ?, fi 1 faith ? i oe .1 ni ng's n une at t ast . f ne verra ni ait ijhbsell,;a 'ifyou'v WeVe vrookiii,- at ihitn 10 rough-1 h e w r o rig Ve n V 9 a t et 1 e sco pe ! Only" see hts haufis I -VhtCi Uig V;'QpJ firm bar k ojhTs lians sHoul.d, h& i4 inar;i ti t a fft J ha ts jSi r V n I ter,i; had - J seeii j.tiafrp'jnair .than jaitbvth Jtn'seJls thae H uns i How' are,' ye "tJTr, Walter :?v H;iw are Ve Sit ? 'I'm glad .viu see you : looking saeiweell;v trlad itit see y Now am na a vfulevl V Nrfhi 4to ber peakiii.'til 1 Arijeemage; as" it it wreLord bl -s him the', verra leeyiu t glory orutUfiH : ': r vVf i-V Laintl oir the Vad kiti; T WlLUsell a PIanatfon of acre cfL-md ltron the!Yadkin,:3Q-Xorhic are of the best quality law gnjuadsi: -2JX Jrt good cult ivatior, with convenient '-House.- Tr i', ' - ' v Also, several other smalLTracts lyra-on tKe Yaclkm ot mie qiMlity. Nt rpes will be tIie tor one-tialt the purcbase wilices; Jani 1 0-1 829.;r-1 eu m-s , NoHhl fequ es t p j$ t e ri ty t be. i n for ed, -'Aal ' Leslie' $ is "the best likeness fpf: Walter Scott eyerVachiev'etlfacc,1 figure, iiir'y .man nerall characteristically icow yleteJ' Lesli& is genuine genius V4 blaf lodged inr Jail so 'that' I srt hr. heavens PITCAIRN ISLANDl c fThe ship B'SMnn, I at--ly arrived in E i gland froto the Pa:ifi: Ocean .i, during her tihas been in tlanger id stiflering frotna v isi tation wh ich : t h reatens :.t o prb ve as f, ti I U t he earthly! b a ppi uess of.i ts inhabi t ant s as did the entrance ot tlie serp'M .intoE- tfen. :Tht first settlers atT Pitc4 rnN- Is- landv without looking-forward -o tiiern- iurai increase or meir coitnv, .seected l.jr apernianenti!resrden'cevV';situatun'Yroni ; ;; 4. Carpenter wanted.; Y; : i"vj.- -. ' . - .'- . I , wish to employ; a "jgle'mjn who'is arouse Qarpenter, by the month or yean Oae ..from' the Country -: would be preterred. -j Nojhe.ji sed kp nly Without a recommendation lbr sobriety "nd industry. kt , f . . - .- - Raleigh; Feb. 10, 1829. M4JYSI0fr BOTES, r. ffi n;..' '; ' ' r lull t::V. J i ! i :- ..! v w m9r-' ' .i . . . - a . - - , .... 1 III T - . . ' t,- VV.- " HAT ST. 1 FAYETTEVI LLE, " NOJlTH-CAROLINAi nd -the arth alternately I which, , delihtfuf; asJt his been esteemed, VITT? TiTT! seemed, above and 'nea-h me. .Every u u '. -re leanui i u-ingex- Ormolu of JUDD'S and recently of the thing was magnified ?hd c.nvolsed. , The peed by faomie John Am.,nhe ioun, TcWK sun V.s 'bp.iAl.ot, and Vevery moment Jt cf.Pwf.e SiSpuWlc grew" darker and m.reteirible. , 7, C her of no small , Wuon of it, s dUurves, liaf he has rented the MANsrotfHOTKL, Atlengtli it was. calm." I breathedla- though bets far advanced fn ItfeJ 'He has situate in the centre LfousjnessmtJm to n, and gnini' The sun stood stilland the tones mintainetl bu patriarchal way over thr that the ame u now open for. the re.cept.on of whpiinth mp ILv nn thefround inhabitants of Pitcairn, for nearly' 0 years, Boa-dera and Travellers. l - ; Zl I could noTrlse fo? mV wesSrV H Wrt in thJer 1789, that a.Uf of th, The premises have been, lately, completely uv -I..COUIU .pot r jse, ,ior rmy We,SH wa? : e i ..i .. r. - n t ni nrt im na nt L tithe e5trensive-rans'e,f heavier thiiii lead. .1 he. sun looked vel-l low,, and the heti vens appeared: of gold t . . - j i v ; -!t r ..... ; J t J j rparlors, 'Dinin?; Dancing and Bar Kroms aretill in amutiny, aud havr g committed then k,v-r.,,t,wi , rr r.ha,iM..nnV.edrth aninc'ence t of r'.r' -' ,?"niwniinr uwu ui;iu-s, iw Nevi BctU und Heddinm the stanies, wen pro No faocv could paint the m t ,e scene thktr'was about me.' -The peb a0J Pen JtMff ",e, ey..ol life waves v.ded with Folder and Gr.m and tuithtui iiwiew. hlf's nenVfltK'wrH all neirl and Gilded proceeded .with the vessel toO ahei e 1 His BsrconU.n the c'oicest Wines attU tiq-iors. DleSOeneam were all pe irlS, ana gllUea . -ioine.! there, and Jr aftr. eteeted y himself in PhitadelphiYaiKl Lar- fish seemed gently flyingTthroigti tlm air, "ne party reiuainea there, ana w-re att?rr der aortl at tl limeVUH. best provision of all gw,rius and beautiful as the . tints re- wards carnel to Ei gand ;ried anil con- the and ,icacits 4f,the ,Vasorfs-role flect-di by.-the prism. They ; cadte and eiMnedi though subsequently pardoned by his charges wdl be moderate to Mitt tne difficuW fl.fAi :ii utl..- the King ; the others,;under tliel guidance tv of the times.- a- , ' K" m ram .ai-'BB.B w m mm a a w k , . r m. m a a t- .1 - t ,w .- - -. 1 c a -1 a - . . r - - ,Tetvl)ullars -'Reward. TJ ANJAVAV from the subscriber, one? about JLr the-lOth of Decemher liMi ta negro Avomn oamed L.V UIAi , -She is hgUf -complected, t II and slim, - and 'about 35 years olcL: SheTnrmWl , ived in Haleierh, N. C. hiit it is inprt f-.T f -Hirking about Camden. S.-C. l-'w Jl sjiv e the a bovp rewarded sh--is delivered to me In Colum CO fx. is January. 5. JUSTsPPBmSHBD. vV.NI for sale at,tlle,B6okstorfof J, Galea and XJL' Son, la RaMg-h, pKce three'dollars. a new - rMH"op ofv the Office, aud Duty of. Justice cf 1 the Peace, and - a Guide to Shef fTs, - Coroners. Klerks, .Constables and, othe.r; ; Civil. Officers in uic VUH3UUU1UIIS in i4i om;c iuvoi Hie UO;'etlr' ' StattjsVand a f col feet ion:bf :lhe mst approved forms for the use of these ORicers: . ; - z The. nevtTidiltTon of this;, valuable . Wort-con- - tains-besides jits f former- usefTd matter, the siib stance of all the important vActs passed by- the - uenerai,A9semoiy4rrom tne -tear to the present penoo, wmcit appear unue tneir proper -betis., , ... - , 1 - -v-r : - Oilers for this new; Work' will be duly attend- " - eato, mm anvpart ot th.e Stattv. ; - ; Feb. 1, J829., ;; -v'j. 4 CLOTflIN(x STORE. ISAAC C. PATfttPGE,;tibrmerly R; Tlaley ' -- respectfdly. infurwvs thejctizens of llaJeih ' and its vicnityf JLhat be has on; hand an assort-5 jnt nt of U EA DTJUADE CLOTHING, MATS. f ; Hebas just received a uft.ly of fine Moleskin ! Ve&ts; black silk Cravats (first quality),. Nava rino" Stocks, black silk Stocks. Cravat Stiff nerr. Lmen Collars, &c. which he will sell low. At the estabHshmontin Newbern, with which he is connected) is a -young- man Jat ely from York, ; well skilled in the artof THttjng in tha latest and most -fashionable -style? 'Tiiose there fore wha leave'their meavjrs with him, will he furnished widi -neat anl durable ClotMiugy ou.tbe mot acrommodating terms.' ."- .. . ;- - -. " ' ; ' Baleigh,-Feb. 9, J828. L ' 45 2t turrets7' of gold - Harmony ' 6f niander, Ltf ut-'iBbgh , rhVy- Chose a lot cation, and for the good management of the. Man ivishiug sweetness appeai-ed U ' atin wnic was admirably adaed to th ,V,Iot. ' , V ; . V..; 1 V', Iv l.fcV film n;ni..'. f 0;i. ;i th.f;h a romantic youth, sought lor aov ubode sczlv sides shinin. as' the v-moved, with ,n',ne onne onpryjs anus . r tne. t-.ic.nr, 1 emerjitf and gold : prr" "i'""V-t -j; . . V" r',;,i, rhe earth sevmed every where, covered n lor wnmn, it is siu.:instigaa . them Wlh rnlll nn.l lha h..nntlls Hut.nrallU lit w i-.t "iauzm inrii mill- k a - i aa aam a mm -B.aam Kfliiia 111 r m m m ui a a avB. - n.neu wiin the must rav fiil th atma.nhoranil rnumletP th n- purpose . t COHCal.neut; a its rM:k l.unl rJiantiitenf - that tanajthmit. hip, ;..;r; rv I coasts woi Id; prevent-.the safe i landing m f tfiitig w.,3 charming to the eye, grateful to lf-1 the senses, southing to the spirits, and d - iicious to tne soul, l was happy. A'gnin 1 siw the heavens toivuU un seemeil agitdtel, anjd a I urge -boa t- was( gntiing; iiirougn tne am aDove. : Men ap-1 Having -liad xlonar - ejmenence: m tvo.:, well known Hotel in, Philadelptiiav ml intending to devote his entire a'ltvntion to tlus'establihment, he assinea the Traveller and .the ubltc every Xf-nion, vi.n the ;utvantas.e,oT mat experience, is nktls-t-d for their com'o t. rens;, and a-ratih- ht be sent in fnurVuif'nrl : i n e in. n ere; tney remai nen t in r s letyi though an i pepedicou w is fittetl put by ihe British "Ad'iiiralty, 'wiih;.ihe epress de sign of searching out their, re rrat. Tne expedi:ioti was a -fruitles .one.jTweiily ' fCT Seats in Messrs. 'Mall et,t?s Lines of Sta es' viz, Chrlestoni Camden and Norfolk, can he taken at this Hotel, nd wdlbe secured in all other Lines uf Staff's leaving -Faycp.eyille. F-yefevdIe, Jan. 7,iwy. - .r, 40 -warn Heaven 1 ihe agony of that blae ! I felt it a moment, but If recollect it' no 'more 1 wis lost my inocnory died in that, strug gi e : f i - ht; ; 1 he .- next sensation ; ot which I haveatiy, even tjie most conf .sed and itidistiiict,- recollection; was thai of being annoyed by a multitude of demons, ho seemed to ttke delight r in aflictiHg me. l hey tumbled' me about, and chafed ii ". . i ' i me with countless nanus, as though each were iinareus. Tnen strange, confused. rolger he had IMPORTANT S ASiSI Pv, when-chance led Capti Mayhew A jvy' f rirtdq Stnrk P?r , ..tNrtucK-t.;to iUshoj-es, which "JxC -CS? ;a- , ? ptQCUyCsrc. found laid ilnwrt in CTMrrnt9 rh'arii1 " ,v ' 1 f " ' ds uninhabited. His astonishment wherr .PUliAT Pff?""1-0 me TJecu . J ' " . ., , r ' - ii ' i ML -ed hvT Nahaniel,Hu t.'tor purpos-s.th'-reiu he rwas hailed from a. canoe, by sev-rat CjntVmed,,I ah.dl oflV.? fors-fe. for Cah on young men who declared them elvfs. naj Thttrsdayi; 26tfi inst.: at theDweUincr House "of live i ; met piace, .aou yet wnn spoKe-iine i saia.tiuni, in rranicun county,-, aoout'- tav .--.f ttogusu laugudge,: may. easny oe iuugei He was conuutteu to a village oi surp issu ing neatness and beauty; "and introduced Toil Dollars Reward; 1 -'"V- TJ AN AWAY from the subscriben Jivlnjr in JSuO JaspVr , couidy, Georgia,- a ' NerS 'F-: 1 natntKi j At-Kk .tJe is.yellow .complected, o teet 6 inches and a halt high, Veil ,made, very:bri,k In his oiodojls, has a remarkaMe scur du his" left hand occasioned by a burn, also a large scar over hi left shoulder blade. He will aim for Eavette- ville North-CarolinaV a he t was brought from umt placet Wo years ago by David St vnson. .v iieoovcr -re warn win oe given to any for a ppi ehendi ng said negro and. 1 61 ?i i sr person -him "m some safe Jail, so that I get hfmJ r Jailors are re questtdi if aid. negro-should be fJged with them to gire information by letter' as quick as poTble; r . . . ' JOH S PA RKS. Jasper County,' (Geo;) Jan.M6. ; 4l oaw4t ; - " State: of Narth-.Cdrblinaii ; J , B.urke Qquntyv" r : - -, SuperiorConrt of, I aw v September Ttfita,,1823. : Margaret Conway, S f 1 , ' -l. ' ";t. 7s '.C Petition for Divorce. - -John Conway." Si OltD KRKP, by vCoiirt, tliat ubTication be -. made for three months -:.iivth;-Iialeigb Ite gi.t r, and yeiemC;r.dnih,.tJJ the Defend-' ant appear ai next Courti and pkauVpn the 4th J' , 4 1 i tjiven under mv bun and all Ins Land m f rankbn count ab.ut2,000l v V,' v- WM.KPWIN, Clerk.' into a community vhere" vice wan-'Unprac ttcetl, because - utiknown;'. At ihat. time. acres a dscriptim of-which is-Jeemed unneces- a,aiy, as it ia presumed those wtshinto purchase it' wilLview it before the bv of s tie.1 "is stock ODy K. . KKWIN, p. C. arid muttering sounds of uueaithly voices 808' lfetre! were tn,X four inhabitants, f Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs bVnit 2u0?headl f AN AWAY' from the iubWrir, living nine began to fall upon inv ear Vet all Was besides binill children.. In 1814, SirThur ofShee, alt his Household and Kitchen., Fumi;) ft miles est of Randolph C.. II. -on Wednes- dark and cold, and l could neither mZT mas Stains' cbunted forty".' , ; Vi- re, las r-o,J Ml k.nds pxen uni Cirtj and x nu,hi; the l6tV.f April last; is Negro b .y, n.r mbL thu v ' " , - Mlr Since that oeriod. an occisional visiter ,oU9 ;l,7.s mehidea in said Trp-t; iiiVryr-- HrC is38 years old. about 6 f et hib, bur make the e Sort to do-. r.At dengtn l.nc?.inf Pe.rmu f.n Mr .si? T"?!fr being all the.'p.opeuyi belonging to ;the;aaidthinii ma(!er, qqtck Vm.keO. 'ad very dark- no I succeeded in - raising vC eyelid;, and a'PtcW brought some brief naranon Ulll- -m Ffailkin countimonwh.ch-there puUr caught a'g)impae of light. But they were of lts contJ,,wtl con"r,n;2 the details pre- are two large, and excellent Stills. , 5 - tookVith him maity articles' or.clofh'.rig. rr. ly heavy as !etd; - and straltwaV alt waitulr hiusly laid before the public, of the rap- . The ?,e to.cdmmence on Thursday the 2th thln,Hmong wbich, aid a FuVHat, half , worn a-aio.t The next effort Wlm13' id growth of its population, Vnjf oTjUtit f rJ eonti.iiM? from d,v to , day mtalu is pair-of Twilled dove c lorcd PantahWs, a i t i 1 i - , , f. -?"-.Wtaa m Te SUCCS- :ll,3lniini-heii Mlritv 'I'b HloLm I., w- so,d: Am iD1 tUe Utl ls be9ld lhat on wnicn J-ansey Pantaluoos, and two M'xl Coafvnd tul,,and J could distinguish moving objects undiminished felicity . Ibe tSlosoin,.liKW- n llvrjj; xhtr9ftm a tract of 5 ot eoo acr.s MhK f r the I best. i.dormatkm I ran get. heJSoi a .snir ts I thnuo-ht th.vtn :.?.a ever, is the, bearer of bad tidings contern' nn c.vAd nk -T-i ' f ; , rim J?j1l . " . i - . - v- . - . i - - - i.'.i... i irrr niM. l-kcii ui niniaiiu.' a. nrt i la i iiv. i n beauuiulpi ieatesr ot; pesiobefeooing to ;mei thtifirii hu :lfay"e'fwtde lie vf 'A' by d oi ti i 1 1 fV 1 o i;ut,liaM yoilOvtttttComp jtVIt!hd.e weslai tJieJrTdS otf:uu clever -: a?r&$i. lep)rbni T ihvereof a pfSipiUuis t?fck, VuftvnVsVc s1iiVeldutiiint'. a o c i t r o ri te ,spo i ; I o r was ode whjer tHe'tor- and irfurlously bver i hiiiiua beueath us t iese aqUaVictsiwt3iO re a t d a h it V w 1 1 il ly tattoo what was to be , done with me.- I longed to exert myself, but it was impos sibfe-rl lay powerless.'' .A chilly , sensa- uuiijjci aucu 5v une irame, anu I oe gan to1 fiave jus sufficient consciousness' to know that tlie wheels (if flip mxrhino stood still; And stiilvthe . moving ' objects iroumi c"'ueato- cnte and vex me. irig them. ,They have expressed' anxiety to be transferred to ' atiotheV part -of the globe, aud have petitioned the i government 01 xj'igiuuu. i gram mem a seiueiuenti iu Nevv.South: Wales. ' ' 4- A 6ome of the incidents to which we have alluded above," have been" the! themej ,of JVlary '.Kussel-,M.itfordV muse well j as : W M, H . BATTLE.' Trustee- 6ih Feb. 18J9. , 'V - J , 46 t los a &dRD. t -4 v I - rresetitlv mv b isotn. which eeottI nrps- .. - -iv . 1-, - - . . 1 . . 1 ritah glow oj warm n ip rhe region o? the hearti uittouai compliment; to tne geiitus ot out trymeofeie, and Da,)furt, vini id work. 1 the nnntiiiff and enjrav ofihe'porfrait irValter Vf RS- MARY ANDREWS returnsber. thanks i-VJl -to. the pituens f Kaleigb and. ids',yicinUy; for the encouragement she b-s metwitttrinthe lllLIKEKY UUSlNKSSIand intonns them that site still continues to curry ontlrat occupatiour &.t!iat all orders confided to he' will be proTojui ly and :fjiitlifullyiatiend.elttoYSbe:Jb-gs.'Jeave further to make kliowitto theni that Bhe ' is -"ire-pared to" DYlirat tiie shortest -.noiiceX.adtes Dressts, Hon nets; See and SCOUlt tieiitlemens' Coats and Paiitaloons jWalso'itO!. CL.KA!T and ICKPAtlt Ujhnets. O- Her Shop is kept 200. jards ,-. Noitb of the W here she ; is ? a I- bich hadvfaiii" cottltanduioiia des fkai flegrees'ieltieu;itfigi'ng.eiranril.:vhundred' 'i..-ij.'te-rr.u:T?retr'.',jr ' r - f. 1 1 .v. r xyant4 cjianj?ejcitt W ROKeVJaillln Ashboro k aiibthedefiihtftilensa U on the night of the 6th U ivafrow rockyH)edandddyi:ig Vniundta-rrnei a boy and a girl Said ooy: I ?eep.pnhiioiitoryvtiUrried:iwaY-untiHu ?-K&f-Wfr Kmmm'imm mmMmhmMm $M2l2&&m!m K) . the 1 4utlieJ cofvxin u WaVbrolitD afidKiti? iWarWVe t" Jr'i:" "lFVisis - " J' .mfined i. -Uj.il about 15 montht.-'Tlie i.vr,r:-'.iW liiey win' ootu proDaDiyt attempt to i - --4 , . J OTTO f"li tree ersonsV aVman jmd'wife;. The r Mnf r,ctedaH,fc ibove rewardwi'Lbe- pyen.for their ..apprtrff ! j,tr muvtttiurrTr.i:''Jor'lillin,'s- .n'MWuneidRtftiiml-Tselllniin. i.' "ii -i - i vVi Vu-r C'T"-r J ? so,nu.ciencry tfnue,. or confinement 1,1 n scanty, -wilHe r,c !te.1 iuuavnir.it!. Kuher - -?;r-.i-vyh?l TOoHtbfttmKia -!-J. -'-:- Jw,- ,a.?r; .-'. v -.v.-- a Fel(,vis:aoouL30i-ye-ul!,aoMt-5-teetvlO inches tiigh, light complexion, lias a; scar on 4rft f6t.- Said boy'- passes for- free 'man, is a boy. of considerable ,ullress and "pertness : A hes hi ,w.r: caleg. .,42.. I'cr: sale. Reivdrdi:? lodolh Countv, Inst. Mwo necroes. calling btmV It John tjhss. irtven to a Mu tatto, a- tree man bv j nanie ol tSrifti n Stu rd" by which he passes as free man. . - O J - :SAMUL HALE. :Dec, 33. . , -.Ti ' " ' " 22 6t.- State of North-Carolina., ; vs-.'V' ' Kuthel fold County. ' ' .ShperiorCourt of Law -October TerrnvlSSS. " v l,- vVilliam Hicks elEria-beth Hicks.. "j-C s.: T. . Petitloh for liuorce. r - . IT appeari ng .tol he 'satisfaction of tlie Coart,- that JStuabeih tlicks, the defendant, U not an inhabitant of thi State; it is ttiert-fore ordered by. the CoiirO thV ', publlc.itioa. be made' three' rnon hs ia,the ttateigh .Register, .giving notice to-,thexlc;fnda!;t tnat he appear at the next Su-' periorlJou'rt of Jaw to be h'dden in Rutheiford tov on the 3tl M"nday after the 4tb lIonday'"in -Marchiexf then and there to answer, ilead or demui ,'to said.;' petition, '-.otherwise it will be ta ken pro con fesso and adjudged '.accordingly.-'? ' -WitVess James Morris, .ulerkbtjour said Court, v at office the 3d Monday ai;ertbe 4th 'iioptlay in.'. SepteinDer,l8i5t ant cf the 53d year cf W.z i: depehdeiice oi tlie United Staves. - . I H '! 1 " '- " ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 i -: ; ForCalt- or itent, - I B1H AT: Yaluafele stand on' Fayvltei lie Ttreet,' -;l.recentry"oecupied-as A GroceryV Uy , Allen I .m ami tutmeriy oy, jpiuj VioiK-ie, jas a to s-. -, . ! Raleigh 26th Jany.: . ir.ShirraW StcVm Ihe StateTllani cT Ji'-.oWhi5arolirt3;tor wh'xlt bon .s wii-i gool

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