" 1 i,m -y;' . . . -J V i ,V - . '.vr., r .i . . . ,,.., 1 r , i , -i . i n i ' I... i i j j i i ii i , .'rm . -n - ' . ' " - ' a Not feseeeaioif wea7iaep neatly insericu.. times for IloHartna,twemy.nvc ocr.. Neverv succeeding publication : those of gTat: tv lenffth' in the same ptoportion:iCoMMy- xtcvriW thankfully tfceWea.-f-ITtTV " the Editors must be jpoi iaidf v- "i i z ? Z-7 'From he'Mbern Spectator.: 1M ( a: BRIEF narhati : fthetraveltransacUonsiindobser n after mv arrival at Aur oay L;a;fpH -nil th emigrants isent out br the Society of,v friends in-Norfh-CaroHna; 1 in tin'pieasanilv situated, and veryuc.H dts- sattstieu.i Aney cjmipiauieu iu u m. the 'proprietors of the lands for whom they laboured,- had entitely disappointed them lor" nor divining1 th prto net ions wijic n wi cjr had "raised said they had labored hard fof tWo years nam! a haifnd had received but from six to'ten J o(! an acb, as compensa tion furtbeir.laboil during the above.timc, Th,ey saidrihey had rather be slaves jnN Cuolinaythao', to remain there" under the treatnvMil they, had received" since their I -Went tromAnxS Uayes to rori aurn ice, was admitted jto-ilVsonAliiateriewj.witti u'f i'","'t ,'Vl? f. . . . . , .- ' " General nginc.q 1 v presented itne- rresi-1 dent wuh some testimonials in jny iavor, irSo someinsiructins;whibh Vhl receivi effrom Nathan Mendenhalt, Clerk to jhe nf ,iirrnanent ' freedom and' equal -.tight , They also had hojjcs that; thetr migrants Would haveha laisv 'G'ovefnmetitSTy'S cnnclusibnfrom seeingja pubUcationpur- tiortinr to be his Uhe President') answers tOjnterisa&ries cNewV5 orkefpecttngithe aamissioo or free peoplelqf ixMoii t from the ISjat antalfayiia l luiU'f I o: , he had bVomisedto gi ve ahem lands and equal j privileges - with Hay Uen :iti2ens-suieu iiuai ine ouict-j, 1 Wasa ;;mVm:bef;fjiatt yet belonging among thenv between four andj-five hundred per- !soni:df-coioufrrwh send to free governments . as fast as their n ature es would mitv and as soon as they atihat j ihooDtrob iejnGoVern'meiWwb XthrnilanjdsVhdVfur ":or-fewro iia ny o f the m mVgh 1 1-bet i hd u ccit to e mi te to thiGoverninea vou fd become ;u ef u I i tizejns as a'griciij u raltets? mechanics, i the complainiof durremigrantssiated tJiat r had " been! aciuatec bjmtes of philanihropy andflection theni ! nai; aj .seeiusH',,CI , " l9 .rv-- hearing their complaiursv my feelings were :wiwiuleji mubjeated to the Presilenty GnerjiUn Who'siek 1 English; uTbek Pres dentassuVeStoSirtnat appUed; tVhim should have lands giyeii to them on i the mibntains--H4tatedt that all their iverhmnltla tjifis. HelpoWe'ia but said ;Kes f inclifiedtt emigrants cbniin svith pfoprietbrs bttlan work on snares lor. toe urst tnrcs w ter-theirafrivaliddrin r on 171 Attain ' th Ian u a?e.' ma hn ers 'ami 1 u t H erp res h cei of su ch b f. my country me .'OS ' I in a v .'l e e n pf u j Krr iu au in ii t j& ppcu Co txx imis etl bf Uie J ii sti ce "b f "Pea ceVJ h' fet' st'inp ly or, o taoies ; tne p oy.erumcn t , vv i i'Trneassj? t''Lhe erpre t$h0i d J 6 vhiitrlaribfi'sjfpreseiicevCause Uuof (K& entisr it illrtetedvhdi hfeated'aaordln ;l4liit;tC : t.n(y pruVed Vliatthescs' people, hadatise tH,c'nipt:iiiiit; will be your duty n.oV cert withtne:J if slice ioacet;tb'redres's t'te otievAnces Iheir mv hvetjperienced Ji'Lusuitt'perh isjm&y. "be'found g'liljjr of having ill treated, them, r UutCtf,4on"th con tf a ry,-tr h a t a ppea r- on e xain rrai ion, tUnt trt;e people Jiave coiiipluiiicd viihout ftu v i .. W -e)w i ! i irY!b in mi 1 1 e e v sh ! I t h en - Hayti ot I no' ivenneay viun y. ' bounty, N. C.2 in'lB28U ft 'l; - :-V IVvnnrrWr my krrivdl at A or Caves' I Yrlv Meeiins of Fnencts in Moi th Caro-j lrtiV,' avean pccouqt of the number of enu? grants Jhe'JSocietjhad sent-stated that their inducement 8endingktKem wya to m.. tk thi i nfft'tinlable ; rblesil)2 c torn " dt ine cou n iTyi wrw n i c u fev wulilbleiUalifiedr to- vreceiivbrK plaints of vtfiev'emWani ii I. ; i . &btiety;diFr;teh wulVtiotwuAi 'Vch';&f4cctird mgly d fdlfirbugh'jtfeVal JiiginaeiibGenewVMa th;'prtnctpa hjnr5 to vconvokein fnfepreienc6,i;iindviu what- tKe laws have prrtvfflel ir.their tights as Hatien".&'c. - IjnformefJlihe Presi. dent ihat,hh.nlci womaa.naniffd Hagarf wH formerly-belonged to me; hm vrho waa m v hnmVwithe-that from" feelings fyrn- path y ; 1' w a Ind ucsed ' ta take: h e r-aUo he c fon;;Alej:a'iitier-wisneii.iQro.f..nrce dent-assented, and Ordered .Onfi ingtoac to gWeVme passports Tori thjemwhicK;he which he read. JaniF' promised in .have t he e m isrants- asse m di ea . a i , aux v a yo n the 9 th,' i a ord er; t h ea r tbet r complain tW On themorniifg of. the8th; (Sabbath,) 1 was waited tin by the commanlan tjottne twnwha informed merjthat. the' tribunal had assembled; anil that. I must attend jm rnediately with;themigrants,: and exhibit their complaintsAccoringly,ll went Jfo tHtriBdna!nd,:lnfbrmedv:theinhat.--wc were entire unprepared for a hearings that. Gen!.: Marioti who was one orthe'par ty wiiS absent; and.thaTit Wald, be a sur-pt!4alfunder-xiitins-circumatWceB0o'n some of the emigrants and went' to a' law; yrl to whom' the j stated thejr contracts, ahd. the.cohd i t ions of the m and wherei n they hid been disappMntedaU of which he committed ; to ywritini -He "censured the prbprietprs very; high iyV and promised .' il,h-:-.'v-M- - vl'- uJii-T -i--. on me murrow lo .wnug ;uicmv ro lusuce. vv nrn me iriDUuai nicv oJi. iie yinf ven Ural M arinn u arnn'hapnt "Yonntr r7 ?r " " LV" - w " T J X - -"J .K: r!.!!"uAir "Ac" ptieiors ror wnom tney naa oeen worKing more: man from six jo ien aouars each; for the whole of the time which! was about two yearS'and' halfp-tha Vthose; on .MHrion's plantation -had raised two' crops of sugar cane (the- third almost readyto cut)'; ttfat they;haU'ttoV thereofquitjebcon tiry tojthe Iiaytien lawVjWhich provulesitHatetercu shai I rtecei y $ h is ft) pu I a ted sh areTh ere was ribeyldence add Tbrbdedlawyer fraid tQ6peh hfg m ihebpinionspfa a red d ispoled 1 or act both tas cbu n sel I brs and'juflges in . favor f the' proprietors They decreed thai : justice had ri ben;dbne to thelemigraHtsr'and admohishedV them rorne future not to Dring : complaints a- against proprietors; : ? I informed them that .1 was tvery Tar from be I e i v i ng th a t' j u s ti ce' ha d Jiee n do n e lhemt1dd them" that these, men," to . my ctam knowledge, had received from their former owners, from' forty tg'feixtyVdouars abbbauv and were better fed and clothed -f-thatlltbbbsht the Society Df Friends would not. send out any more-to work;two yrs anil a half fornix or'teO' dollars each. To which: tMey only replied, that they hop ed ithey would do better for the future.. . iAfter this business wns gone" through, e'xliffbited to the tribunal the passports from the- J'resident for Ha&ar ' and Alexander, Land stated that Hajrtr had ; two children uner twelve Tyeara of age tnai tnec wisneu to go with herralso'thatr Alexander had a -wife, who wished Ui acc.ompany her hu- uaiu. iv, ie tribunal-gaveiii as uieir apin t(!n,;at,it.wiis perfectly lawful and 'right that both jUieir requests should be granted U-said that according to their law, childreo ib minority 'must fol low I the con tract or a gfeem?nV of the,moiheranV!:a e wifethat of rjhusband, v TheyJ gaye acertificate brpnnit ttr that effect; For theiir all, sign. ed?by1everyjinember of the tribtinaU:nOn theSOthTl was tvaited da bv the Command- J ant IwW informed me that Marion forbade' decision of the'tfibbnal yesterday (of which he was a member, and: represented i;;Mari iinT in favour of tny taking them,' and that l snouiu persist in carrying inem ; told Kibv, he! ''in i u s t: bb; a n n consist en t-jnafi hi m selfrjiat he-signedrthe certificate ,qr -per-rottyes t"eftf ay . for' them JbkgdTb ; which he- repfred tha the Oenerafhad -revoked tirelr judgement;;; f tfxjjm had them-put bu board ifi e scho() n er .R vpidf ' hob nd to New bernlth -whose Captajn if critfactedfiir my passaiei4nC theirs; 1 n the e ven i n g, f M a rm n : s V p t a, . t r oop . o f soldiers w it n pri ersx fto;tJTing i n e - jj aptai n nd a1(:thelbfack' passengers vb?fiire. him Accordingly ? tlifey 4 wtfrit.-t wenV; wfth tjemrbeGeneM the r Oapuin,;he had'otatcif Jhe law 'in iaking- them ; into hiayessel witfiou t a permit from the. Pres' ident.Xu ; whicHnVtCaptaloVrepIied that he. w as i o t conctou s of, breaking thei aws ?thatirhefbadone ,so, it. was i ignot rantlVilahd tiotjlftUy'donVlthen:':iii? formed the' General thatl had in jr'pnckf eV certificate o perniif frqmTtheresi; dehtVComniis'sionert,Jthectrib;uria ileging jneV tocarry ihemVto (fortliASaf oli: na:f;asked,himtObVve cdndfejdightetl and re ad It hibvael fV ;H c r epUeil h e V uu ( d - bt be at llie' trouble td r-ul jten rtsaid that i f I : Would co;n e in t h e. : niprnt fig,.sHe Pont au"Pnnce; which' was n "the of DecetnberI waited on GeplcM ariooVanjJ presented htm' the President's instructions that if thej tudV v K bnu I apprize" the Pre sidentroC;their4Uegal:(pr'oceediri theii deferred fill:-nelt day.i I then ;took pected oVajl In themorning,'Uh'at Jtj Telt aslittledlsposed tortrimble, myself tograi ify him, as he did tO gratify,; me that, should nqtccome tthat T was apprized that it, was contrary, to tneir iaw:t?v taKe- cnu- nrerv unner iwbuldjmmediatelyjnfbrmthef President f h . nay 1 1: o 1 .. nj s a r u 1 ra r v. a n, j 1 1 ega i .4 cq nr iluct'i and it'; did notreceiyefrf redress that I i would apprize theGoVerhment and citizens of. the United 'States, KoweWas degrading and "debasing v American? backa. At this he'appeared very angryJ rose has tily from ,his- chair, ; caught nte by the breast and endeavoured to push !nie back wards and -said something .'in 1 French which I did not k undersUndVren ;with. nutTutherxeremonyisent'Hagar'iitwo' biiiiuiif ci 11 u ifcaiiici. 9 "lie jiu - pi isvfll, where they "remained through the -niglit 1 aavisea iiaar ana Aiexauuer, that, as xObaerwtiom on the country &c.Thb Iancl:isYastly;icbproducing.wuti but Ji tie cultiration most of the necessaries of J ariSjtocraticfvmilitar Their laws are bet teri word cfdithao a.lmin- istered. In fact, I think the'wilfVbf Uhe rresia en viiwy uc uce men 1 11 e 1 1 aw vof tn e land, with a standing army (repWtsays) forty thousand .(rAng to enforce lit - - v "Their agriculture is Very much' ? neglert f d, particularly thefgjQWthof arlicfes for exportation. -rlehce .their fCom merce is poor and coars polygamy is tolerated at least, concubinage 'is', practice with inr5 punity, .nence they nave-but few.? chil d ren, The peopl e are! general 1 yl igti orant. ?;r,EroiA my 'short acquaintance Kwitlilthe Hay tiens; and fmy observing ;thei r d isposjr tions"tb Wards 'burvniencanW wuugsi 4(ienif 1 am noc iisposeuo euc'ur- aeanyitVnepebplefbblour the!UoitedL!Statestosette. as a f rie no, iwouh Is a ggest to them It he propriety of e hi igra t i ng to Li be n Ji. where I bel i ey b t h eywbu J d Jive under gp(dove'rn - fill he prese anntrs, customsT; language and! -religion.' Added ; to which, i ihev would 1 be -in the I a nd of their , forefathers'; na'ti v ity 5 where," by proper application,-on their, part, they misht be itiwtrumerital in ' civi izing and christianizingbenight might expect i to : see 'verified an ancient pi ediction, JEtbiopia shall ?. stretch forth her .hands unto God,' the wilderness 'and the solitary place shall be' glad for ihem ; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the Rose. f-v.lt shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice" even'. with Jjoy Vncl singing. IJhe glory of Lebanon 'shall be gi ven unto itthe excellency of Carmcl and Sharort,? theyhall see tbelory bf the. Lord,and the excellency bfour God. Vs . I 'V-'i 1 1 ; -V . Isa. chap.v35, y.. 1, 2, 1 Emigrants 4d.Liberia. Theship fiarri- et,' has ere this, sal led v from Nhrltrl kt .; I or MonVovia,5' w jth abou t 'jftboMfufre.-'eini-' grants ;They constitute ian jm nortdnt re-; inrorcement to coiony. a rgeniirniBn in' Norfolk states; in a letter to the editor of; t he' BaTiimbre Gazette, that among them there are several vwell educated c school m astersi v Al soVfa vva l.uabl e i :Presby t e ri a n Minisierand his familyy and a .iMethodUt and a Baptist Minister, of "mbrej than ior- ainary iuieots. aiso,; numoer oiyaiua ble" Mechanics, ; viz : a carpenters cabinet - -makers, .turners, blacksmiths, bricklayers, Stone-masons, a vajuauie inacjnuisi, a gun stnith and braS$-founder,Jand a printer. Take, them altogether,! . tthtnk them by far the most intelligent and discreet; set of peoplethat ',the " society I: ey er sent u ; They are' all on board; remarkablyr:-iwell a ccom mod ate 1 'a n d Very b h eerfuU ;'They carry bu t'kwtth f hem,a con sidenble amount otproperty1ngowlsTThouseho1cr; cu 1 1 u ra t j i m pi e me n t a nd a s u 111 u chV; prb visions of theirown, ias ;wil"sbpporr'them for?at I east six months' to- come; j so that, with .very" few excepUons they .willbe of do expanse to the,Colonyrafier Jheir arri vali r More than Half of; these people ':ca n re ad & wri t e V On e -h an d red t he ui can r'ead;"An d "what js not heard an oath;: nor anjndelu ate ex pression. from any bf;theUinbr,,seen any. of fThi Bibti.L is,stated in the. English papers, that a .yery intereslinVdiscovery has been made in JPersiar of Jasher -inbn- Itioned in Joshua lO,AYhicli has!been pro- cureu'iii:a? veryj'greai. expense, uaviitg ceen preservett in inac country since ine return' bf ..thev Je wdi frofntha Babylonish 1 cpr tuu 1 u t 11 u i gc 1 j 111c ; c u 1 m re n , .11 or n 1 s wife,, that they had both better is t ay and take care of themi V . H : -t1 lifew i The climate, air and water are salubrious-and pure: trfrjih?''' vTheir,Governmentfin'my Vyipw) is an j ec 11 n 1 ng. -.:? 1 11 e 1 r m a n n ers anq. c u to n s are disagreeable : ' their way, bfj mbde Vo'f 1 i vi ngi pa rtic u larly i n th e. cou n t ry, is very i yeii conceueu auu. scjj -wise. - AS lor -their religion, I feai they have . but lihle;';niit withstanctig ; they mostly prpff ssto : b5 ftbmun Cathbl ibs t'itM mMf : u a uu a w c nj 1 j. eq u ai pri v 1 1 eges ; a on amons their own countrv nPohlftP-rriiM ft Colonists wou!d have, their ovvri vl. .... j 1 r .f - v shall fin,d the particul ars of- comniatidi ng oThere are many idterestingbiblicardis I boveries-yerto-be rnade,tand 4t isvident xnAiney winqe raaae inrrers5ia, wr.ine J eVs,'"a fter Iheirse Venly years' ca pt i vi t yj 1 e ft severa!?fr th eir iacred twbks 4 ttJe r sia, wlii ch no dou bt were preserved ty tha t nortionlbf .ttieftf; brethren-who were5cbii tent; ywiui f ine"aa minis trail on iviyyru6, andpTferredremain!ng in Babylon;iin facty-.xhe permission granted , by and great monarch, and confirmetl by Darius, per- muting vucui u reiurn ,10 ineir , native at least;leight or ten Books referred to in the. bible r fr Book ofthe CActs ofSojo mon,;Bbokof thb:.Chrbnicles. ofthe Kings otJudah,'At Book of Samuel tHe Seer,n, 'Book of Nathan' UKe f Pronhvt,'? B(ok loGad;therSee7:The Visibns of Iddo the: Seer,, Book of SheWiah the Prophet,!- Book of Jehu. V - -' j.iJie.recoyery or these, books virow.great light .upon niany important facts, and ex- lain pointsuponw.bichVthere! exists the iost Cantradictary'opinibnsl; v- 1 5Ve shalU diiubtfess! find tttahv -Vo'rthf missing uwk. in rjersia, ana.no place ninre likely than EcbitWa. lhtvancient SbnU shan, the city in J wntchihVjeivs enjoyed me, greaicsi prfvinges-auer .tneir escape from Hainan j.ab we f rust, that the disco very i he Book of Jasher may bi; followed by unremitting efforts to prbcjurerthe others. r 1' Clerk Wanted rfO attend to the Store of the Subscribers. 1 - - BIRDS AliL,,8c CO. , naieign, -lotn jt co. ? 47 "7 .H- TTN pursuance, of, a Deed of .Trust for that pur ft, pose e"ecuted4 will be' sold at .the Cotirt- ilome. in Kaleigh, von JHonaay the 30th Mrch next, being the first day of Waka Suerio'rCour the Country Uesidence of the late Chief Justice Taylorr lyi ng westwrdly of Hnd imnli&cliate ly ad, joining the': City, .sind cuntai nin acre s b f Und with a ; handsome d weUiag-hbuse ,aod Wll cohye nibntoatuildin ; r ,?AlsoV at .the same time, iracC bfj J 00; abreot unimproved, land; lyjng Kooky tirancti, jana about 2f miles fwjmjtaleigh and sevei valuable's t wo youiig' ant gbbd Ichaibcsf f xbetlb ciiaracterin the saief ot.thtt Couttry Seati'tan exceptibo will be madof an jeisrhUi1 of'ah acrei ; to'include the buryifig-jrbuml; TherpurchaSef will be. rbquired.to give a bote or'hote& for- the amount of ; th'ef piibhase-mobe:i-wth approved sureties, negotiable jit the: Banks in .ltdeighj- Antl payable on, ihe 1st of Jarvnaryr next, Sup to which ua l la iw rcilMtll III IIIC OVCUpHllUII IU HI. HUHI 11 Esq who has a ' lease from the Tnistee for the residae of this yekr.:COn Jhe, sales the other jjruperijvnuics WHO approvea sureiiesr negona ble as above." pa able . at" 90 dn'ys.1' and with Jn terest from the 'day of ;ale-v will be irequired.w As the obiect of the sale, solely, is to. meet 'cer- xaiu uanit engaeementsr assurances nave oeen received that suh notes as niay;-beap proved by the Ranks, wilt be renewed 'as is usul at these Institutions. .:.'V - ' - M ' .r: 1 HO. P; DtlVEiREUX -t r WliSTON R. GALES Raleigh, 16th Feb. 1829. :;,f TTjHOM the Subscriber, on the 2d instant,, a X dark mulatto boy about 18 years1 old;: b'v the name ui vwvin jLJunton,-: tt is KniCK-KncPut has large feet,with a, slit in his right; ear.,; lie naa on wnen went away, a blacK yarn coat, much worn, with white' cottOu. pantaloons, vi sup pose .he isbne to the neighborhood of.Tarborof where his uncte Ephraim Dunsob lives.;' He had a writing with him,certified by Ann Brbwnwife of Jesse, lirown.' xlec'd that he was about 22 years 01a, wuicn ceruncate'was signed also oy -tioctor xjuacne- 1 iwrwaro any person - iroin oarooring and entertaining sard . boy ami I will give Ten Dollars to anyvone who? will appTehefid and(con fine him in Jail, so that I can eet h'im "acrain. " V VVake Ctv OcCl2,182g '. j 47"2t p-t 1 .Shall dffer fbr, salb at: tlie -3aurt Hbitte' ib Wadesborough,VAnJbn; Couufyv on .the: -31st 4, aay -01 Aiarcn ncxi iiie oiiowinj tracts 01 jL.ana br.so much thereof as ;will satisfy the Jtaxes tftie thereon for the years 1826T Sc 182 with costs. 150 acres listed by Treasy Turner-on the wa ters of Brown creek. -J.' - , c , do uo, Ievi Pearce do Uoclcy iUivet.; 300. do do: Abn.er Bech ' '? do-LAnei? creek 100 - do do3tatthw:RunimagWtio i .do'4 rdo ijvi; ao ,00 wooen, uiiama ao uoavannan .-creefc $68 Idodo Jesse Baruet do do' do liO'ddT ;do, Benj; Brasswell do'Gourdvine creek. ?'4' l-., f 5 1 50 , dodo1 Wade Braswell v .do, , o. ; ' 348' Jdo do Jeptba" Gulled ge'dtKick Branch, ;"268.db.dbWilie Ingram do Thompsona creek. "h50 db-do'KileyMosa. 1 llailey ferry ItoadV - jyu au uju xaaiau aicwarv uo eaveruin cc 800db do'Daniel llay do Jones creek. ! vtG0do do'.Wm. St Hardy' Hay do Jones creekt 400 ;do not listed owned by ; : Hartley' do Crooked reekr ' ! -" - 150 do da Willis Wbrley do Thompjon's creek 37 do do John Autry do Ido 'i d .7 do do uatsey Jjaroer ao. Pinch gut. creek. r' 4 da do Alex'r. & Dan'l.ru'Rae Gold nine: Jan26th1829r: 1 ,":.: 4 St pd. landwas promptIy accepted,that many re Irgious works .were, left behind We havei 50,-dodo Wm.MclntyreJrrdov pdo l 50 vxJo dbWm. Mlntyre,sndo i do v-V?" r : 5Qdodo:Lewis'M,lntyre" doJ;idq' -60 do do George Self . do Itich'dsons' creeK. - - , n ; . ? " TShdo da Arthur Sykes do. do vi 'tdo". V' Siatcr fifNorth-Carolin-:, '-rc4w ASH 1NGTON CQUri V. lT I EatTiTTJFiiIl Terml'Ai U; 1L. . .j'Frlley Jones William Jor. . ..Thomas JonesyC jane Jbr t maa iCSinaiw 'andrNanev his" wife: r'C Cliartotta Jones, by; Levi Fag mi her' lu-m!;an, and Fri '"ley Jones; by Wm;.Fgn, Sen. his t;u..rd tn, JTappeariiig to the fcaUslaciMin of the corirt.tV 1 -iThomas Jones resltles 'fwithoii't th Ii -t r.f the State a Jt ofdefrd thai publicatJon- Ke m id ? less he appear and'aoswer at the-ni-xt iuperjr Court of Equity io he hrlt) for the C'iuntv of Washiugtoil on the "second Monday, in MJrcU3 1- ri'M -- ' (:',, w tTTIt? .vW" ;j "' , :' .- onsthe- Cultivation of the Vine, and PO dier'besl m'-de ofmakinsr AVinel second Edition. Washington Cdy, 1823. Price hatr. ' bound. 'One JJatlar. ; " ?,.la'STh JatKiTC. t :; . -1 - - : f:3 Carpenter wanted: 1.wish:.tp employ- a single m in who ii a Ilousb Carpenter, by the month or vear. One fmm the country would be preferred, , J?D'rf- heed pjy wittiout a-recommeudation Xor sobriety and Raleigh; Teb 10, 1829. v 3tl . MANSION HOTEL, HAY ST.. NORTn-frAUOLINA?; u:, -juugment pro contesso will be U. against him'. ' ; Test, ' - ' ' - u oELKTf c.i. j;. yv r. -ir.-x ' ' 4... 1 ' 1 " 11 11. - 1 Formerly of JUDDSy md reef thi cfAh : rpJTV 'HOTEL hVaJcL:Az, : ' 4. EESPECTF"ULLY abnounces to th pubi:. that he has rented the RrANSIOM f in'rilT situate in the centre of business in tti town, and mat Tiie name ia now Open tor the reception cf Boarders and Travellers. I -' ' 'v Ivbe premises have ;beeh, lately: completely repa?rt d and painted; " The extensive raue r'f l?0t ini"ff?abci.rtgva are al( - tUWly rnished;$or1Cbambers supplied with JVe JiedZftnd.& weji pro ydedvwirhoidefean;4 Grain nd faithful Ostlers. - : Hi Bar contains the'ehoicest Wines andXiqiiora " ' areedhlbeh'ib Ihi!aiielphi ajid his I.arv ?l-?wdl ord-atiUj-d bf ; tt marklf andel leact a i)f 1 th isbar)U;beCmpderate M suit the difiicul- ; v ffY.;b4.h1nes.: j-. x!- jh -: f MaVmgr hail ibng expence!in ; lwb well y: feiown: Hotel vii PJitldelphia;:and inteidinj to ijeybte his-enireaitehtton to thisTestablidimeivtiv ; h'aisyfes the TVaveller abd, :tlie Publiceveiy e.xertion,--with thfdvaniae,of that experiencty V is 'pledged for Jheiy com toj-trep os?- and - rat ii . - cation, and for the'sood management of the jnnv u!nn lintel , , " 'v - , ' vwas awvv ICT?1 Seats. m Messrs Mall ett's Lines of Stages, yii," pharIeston;Xamderi and Norfolk; can bef taken at, this Ifotely and will be secured in all other Unes of Stages leaving Fayettevil! Fayetteville. Jan. 7,1829- v 45 w2m 0Ne$oe8,:LaM s?c. Tj)URSUANT to a Deed of Trust to rne.execut. XT -ed by Nathaniel- Hunt for puTposfs tiierein ' ctmtained I :shall.C offers for sale for Cosh, on . (Thursdayi 26tb inst. at Ut, Dwelling: House cf said 'Hunt, in Franklin county, .jabour : : ; ' and all bia tnd in; Franklin xbunty', about 2,000 ' cres, k description of which is deemed bbneces, sarjvas it is presumed those wishing to purchase it will view it before the day of sale. . His stocb of Horses, .Iules, Cattle, Ho -s, about 200 head, ' bf Sheep,all his IJousehold and Kitchen Furi.i. ture, his Crop of all kinds. Oxen and Cart, anJ Various other artieleslricluded irf the said Trust ' beings all-the property belonging: to the e tid Hunt,' ip Franklin county,' amongst which there are two Jarge-and excellent Stills. ; The sale to commence on Thursday, the 2C'J ' inst.Hnd Continue from day to day until ell is', sold. ; Am ingst the Tandvbesidra that on which i ' he, Iivtjs, there ira tract pfv 5 or 00 acres lyin ' on Crooked .Creek."' ' ' ' - -y .WM. II, BATTLE; Trustee. , 6th,Pebi'182&., y.J- 45't!c3' US MAItY ANDUCW3 returr.aT.cr t! : tp-the citizens of flaleirrb and its vicmi for the encouragement she has met with in' MILLINCKY.UUSINKSS, and, informs t:.er.. l.l sne snil continues to carry on that -cc-.:- . &tnat all orders co"hdgJ to, be will bs pn i,,t lyand faithfully attended tc., She 1 learo further Jo make known to them, thxt su - b pr -pared taDyE,;,At the "fchcrtest cqtic. l.tivs- uressvuomiets, &c. anJ. SCOUH Gentlem m.s'. Coata,d' puta!jons t alsu to CJLEATI an.! dEPAlti, Bonnets. - -' ' ' Hen'Shbp is kept SOa-yardi' IJoith cf tti- State-Ilouse pn Hahfaa street, where V.i 3 is a.. ways to oe t iumw ;Ualeigh Feb.Ml' WXYlLLf sell i-Plantatiob cfjO acrec cr ib.pn the yadfcin,nVa if which arc 1 t.. I quality low grouadi. JJia ;c3J c-d.: . ' with'conyenient llot: .cs., ' v . ' :AUo; severnl other srrall Tract j hi ftaufcin,.oj; nnc. quality -u xejrc z 3 will L - t. txir.unelialr tne purch-se,..v 1 vims viLLzc at.; ' w will. : . ..

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