'.. , V J, 4; v.j.I.i , C',v, . ; y - : ' -J V. . ...rN"t'':.. nt.- SA - ' - ,. m, mmJx.:-m. -,f' 7. - . ' , f r '-.r.T-?-" '-..:, If 5 ,'; A J o...,K " ' " , , i "" "" " ' ' 1 ' , - , 1 1 r-rn r 'I " ' '- -' -' ' - ' 11 -' ' ' - ; -- mm :mKW9m-mM Wrim givn ily"' Ktha qr rpf rfiflrivihpr of "unaffp.rT'anu stunff I cess, became so mnp.h aitachpci to Madame i -tL -- Vrr- - -t''.;rtt-iVf rv'i - i-nvwrv ! 'published every Tomwt ana amwj rwratj wf, iad become aiv -cpnspicuous life dnd in-the huurof dealh HerLtemr frienis and the nubneL that he iianurclias. t rtA'.t?e-.-?ntL M - JOSEPH GAXiKS &SON; V "- an. object ti. her. view.J This semblancel per. also- improved, vrj th. her hear qhtil ed thut, Urge tand comramroas Establ ' 'nMjM'annumiihaHm' waindeWribable tn wordf.but jts aspect it became proverb n ithe French .Coun At Five poUar, per annum nrn , riffled, tftfake itSe1f.;iVteJl.Vb!e. to, the be R&dJterapcnMUast'Aclelaide !of lVf.RTISkEMENTS,:A d f earner, thho5h air mjstervthat her BargMridj.; .f: '.f. . Cotexeeedin. .eseltinar sift ,if impatience waft.t lehing V . h- ' V ti fora Dollar, and Uenty.five ;cents for exemplified: Adebiile wept in be sleep; :f CIJLT0RE lOF TUHNlPS -;' e'verv siicctredlng publication t thdSe of Srat- ,and ar Jengtb startetl Jft terror ' froixi her UntU ihV beginning "fif thie eighteenth ckyfni Xh k1 - T'V 1 'It was already, dajv;arid:her.roaid of hon- bnyM gardens or other mall spois eMitow be orf orWin attendance to inform her," that an culinarvlnurooses V butordToWnslierid, centl v occu pled b u he .: JElSsd. one liuiidrcd yartls west 'of!.the.CourtiUou'seini"'; Water Street. fe resnectfUHv solifeitsla ImeiSU.IportioiidfT pUb - UL iii'. . .1.; i: ..- ' 2-; - u ii.v pvrriitjjvr jusjevinjj iroilF its jroiruu.v. 4u mr CourvUoitse, and other adran&jresf whih U pos sessed, together ,whh hlsf iudefatiaWe Attention to tl)o$e who may vor him whhithe,ir Company, tliat it . wilt he found & l convenient iindv tueriily'ai greable Hoard'iBff F.si ihlishmeivt.- . .M ; MH Js. tab Ie Mri i J i be futiush ed with the .best the country affbrdvand his.' prices' will: betprojjor-r iipnuic w in .RTeai iscan?iiyvot money j anu.uic unprecedented hard imes. . V- T' V , v " ."STEPHEN BOYTELlt: ,-FeJ 16.- t V "i - v . u v-. 4r49fr j's" 03.The editor of thfr Newborn Specitor.wiU insert the above three tfmes raiid forward.hrs uc; . . - . r j , . . .l. i h 4. nm !- m m ... -.. w . t.. " i rii a TKGSFkOSTORri ecclesiastic yaifed for her highness to ?er: attend, ng King George the First in onef , , -v- - ji rorm me cainonc sacrament 01 qouiession. ni excursions, to uermanv. in-the quality r rvcujiHi vt pecreiar oi staie ouserveu ine iurnips and the (cultivated in open and extensive fields as stnbt .rev fodder, fob "cattle- and snreadiu? Fertility and oil over land naturally barren and; on his I count to the subscriber. j kom and their associaxea wc nc-iiter" ancestors. rtueiaiue-M prcuarru - miiciurn iq cu;ianu.rne urotiint over-ome ly followed ojT tonifliQQ; pevpic .uuv - we iniucn penuruauon io receive inevisn. lieu ii at corif tiitin' h Q il All rpulm ot-FreuCn -nisiory.-are aci"y" s'mh """ J me oounui unejuouar the! Jrttaleiffh, Jan. 22. ' J 1 n .Ii III nt0 r . Stkte Of ottlGaroliaarr oijiejr ui me seea, anu sironiyrecommenuea tnej ; z'-r-. VTr'v- -v - ' rln'uaf k L,? r"- ,Have-iwt received a simDiii or eV presence, idoption of his own tenants, "who ' occupied 'MUTS" K'' wsor bat a a soil similar' to' that lof Hanover. t'The lwS "f ? " "if tl4lt,yatl?,., ot IE?'!1? coQie-to expenment succeeded the cultiyattoQ.oHE(llt:on Washington fcitv. 1828. ri liair. '-rnnd to be neffieciea oj. anrjiwcw . 1 wntrreup ecciewiasric wa f.. nd P etv. c T - v.4' she pefceiTed nother-qsu nSihted 'XVlth the cnaracterol-ine JJUNK I ""PK'J ,P,Fvp "a vmw stch. Uciu.v wiuip giauunnj vapreau- vec- Vi";w-nilr: grandson of I.ouis.XlV. and attendance. ;-Adeiaideprep?red withmoce whole county of, Norfolk i nd- in; Tonil of the cefebratedTenelon. HU con- Jhan usual we. to pour orjh'the secrets of cou i rse. of timei it has rmade! its : way S P?i : : - .u .i ;":KT.. ntil- I her. heart, under. th seal of her confession. lpvrv f hr disfrirf nf KnUnrl. fl'ho' -i - 5ies.- and one wno naa Deen carrmnv cuu- -.-v w. w...... . ivuuuj o ou sntu.,ulB i -Tw EaviTX.Fall Termj. A, D. 1828.V lilil withWiew of 6ttinKher.fort!ie,ex- her dream am from the vast improvement jl ... . vriley Joiies . ; J , u, .rr.oV) RIL ',sh-1or; Mtsne was to disregard it as cnimera or wastes, sheen'. walk and :warrpnhv t u .i . 3 alted sia :rwiip,i ;n infjinrvand of her sleehinsrfancy ?'knotif it cbnveys lenclosiiiar and. manuririsr-the fruits wf the William Jones, Thomas JoneC "Jane Jones! was no we v ci. u u netful UsfmJ :mv fl.inlfAr:". jw1 hit!.lfli.aaTtoii(iAha rt ni Ti..ct.a;,t ' .i hi mas U: Smaw and. Nancy bisife, r,r!hoodf SOjnat ner. suu 4 . n.(..lr A tnilv w!p npnn i alivW nn L fr . U .l - n,oM t.,i,;u I 'J Ws, byLevi.Fagan, ber Guardian; and evinced many, OP mose irau riKly.,,:at' :i i T - w r . - - - v r.&..... "..w-, iey Jones, by Wnu Faean, Sen, his Guard- IIH Hnoseir- to arie from iniurtHnewaicn or insiructjonwnetnerji pome were ere long happily lmitateU br others, f Tappearintothesatisfactioiyofthe Wt.tl - fcv a induWence She was. -frank,' ener- h1 the cus omary or uncustomary course ot Since these improvements were effected, E.-Thomas J ,?u? . ..:i-i:!ik tw: -r HiiarPViif I events..;: Have you 00 secretin that can. be 1 reht- have: risen in that countv. fromone He state.:' It ou8.J.a to ix. L:7. ii. crimnared loMhe serniivt in f vour dreim?" I .r twn hillmcra frt'tvanf v .h;itln..a U a-4 three month fcnrihtJinesssoineiimeuwu-itHfir m.. - - , --r-: rr 'JTtl -1" V. T. "a- . . Hess he PrV't: - u.:...,f i.rlf !nved Parh u Father, "said the Princess, "I have one ere : acountrv of sheen waks and rabbit I v. r. :: . - - .. ..... - 1 .1 : ' 1 .'.1.. t n i ivhiM I um tiutiiilu .o.nciitna VhiiM A.ina t KAn. -.r.1 ..,1 u:.! I . . hpr, wiih tenderness anu uevtueuucsNi y--, v. ..,,lv.-.,Wa.itu,iaa uu icimcicu mmj yruuuu-i Washington u f ,; fnund in :such exalted stations. my ream seem evto indicate mat sin, un- live ahd bv dint ot management, What next,, Judj : r"Z .J. N r i - i. . a Dnaamntft nmpnt .ijLier.a oinereni nersonincation irom tnai 01 1 ivaa thus ?:ined. h.ia been . nrftserveri and h nuickhess of her temper: which made a serpent.!' She then explained , hersel f inprbved even f o the present' moment.'- , hrVnronc.to sudden and brier excesses more fully.; Dduhter,t said the, eccU- Stime of the .finest corn crops in.thejworjd 4 inWT r or this sne was i.BUHicnua v- r; - . - l - v r . r: T . . '. t w "H"" ,uut uvm- rnvrd cen'tlv by her husband, - whose own tn ol lie ,vice of: envy- haveyou ever fonather introduction, of the, turnip hus- -dU trined to en y4ailed.by.that foe ? " who,l I F- bandryi produced, a, very scanty supply 4f Tio- Charlotte .FrW tat ones resides without the1 limits of is ordered that publication be made s in thei Haleigh. Ue'ffisteri . that an- t appear and answer at the next Superior qui . xo oe jeiav lor-me lioumy.oi. on the ' second v Monday (m March nuent . pro , cohfesso vill be 'taken against him. s ; Testt ,' - J. GOELKT, C. MfE. W. disposition Derfectenuani particularly sensit sot her nuuauw uluac.v .KUiniinuireJesttbe'nrincel feeling Besides, it is the vice of 1 !2r;f.rK hasti: minds."; 'It is the. vice of haman:na ive to the disappronaiion i&'mvu. . , xjr situmiuu ptauca t jui(s. , ; . - ,t -,r i I nj nhcpraft in lihun labove:envv !lThererare: hone, hieher thn I:; Ar. Hidnnhnnnj in hl SfUtJral Pp.ii Ki4 nftaRPSsed the virtue shcNy!eI( fr me to look on wtth that evi.i taearches.'Vestiinated the value of the Uiir-1 m t ;vv For ; SaIloi Rent! fTtll Tt Valuable stand on -Fay ettevi He .Street a a recently .occupied as a Grocery ,! by l-1 Allen his, and formerly by John, F; Gonekeias aCbn . . - : .V-,.- v. ' 1 . W. It. BALiiS., Italeiffb 26th Jan'y, . : . .1 -42. little I riif'rrnri nniiiitl V 1 frrnivirit- iti thia 'mmxj ai fourteen minions; out when ueturiher lurisi : th-1 .oa bmi imnatience Avitn more uauuuj i . fe..?vV ii cuuucct iuai uenauies,.ine;a2Ticui cfiintPdtemueVs." L : . " f well as low minds and stations nave felt it to reclaim and cultivatejand. which wi -;;V.;d rLtXlidhadcontrac't' V aT" n!le..rjl,Scd !"a.m?ni ,aSa,II!l L" t, would have remained in a hope I -1 L UflUUVUfcl - ... ... 1. Iha hlitnhla an1 I aitii.al HOhPam sariL l.l.iK " ' . ' I ' U ' .-J i I a j 1 ' , r, , j-f-inrv an intimate friend v ."' " . vrrv.s .w.w, OVt.- natural warren uess ; inat u leaves In rtZen Owthnt M? -f Adelaide blushed her confessor ?he s clean-ahd in such fine ; inili h.?Lll.n went on.YuU y" iny daughfer, that tWas'alsi tolrisare a kood cron of tbar- v1.;' A Carpenter: wanted. ; i ID" wish to employ' a single man who lis a House i,a. Carpenter, by the month or year.-?! One from jthe country j'would be preferred. Noi) need ap-r ply without a recommendation for" sobriety and less I industry 'Raleight Feb. 10,1829.. VM. BOYLAN. ,v--- ( ...t. ..o vknean na a cmtfthlp rnm Hua.l'X TJ-Tr ;r.d hTfnVJy have prayed to be delivered from this iey and a 41 nd! plant of "clover, .and that panion ii :lXVV:d:r2:tt Whichbesets 'ywu. . and ,! clover, is found a most excellent :D- eia.ue ;bu ; "l- Y. . times happens that we get no - iuA ..rWw iior. Ann ,nn hearin? that I . i r . ,o ruc" 7. otovinone sin, because there fihf W&& ldl a WIUUW.TVii.ti wHiiuivi u:.l7l r...u. ' - r 1 CI lllUUcU laullt WIMIH VVC indigent circumsiai.ee,, ,ur ;0oi,m fim th Duke to summon her to I w , suatiy tormented by v it.. , JNow it some- Uueouent advahtases derived from a cron "elp,fV .r5" of turn!' ps ntu'st infinitely exceed t its Jesti- ISSOme olhrJntAd valiift n? fodder for ratflp. wh ' ' ' X .' - I . .j - '--T r T T '- - - - ... 171.. - have not. yet were therefore, asked to piint out the iudi- MJUrSIOJHOTL, ' . . -i...- ......IV- HA.Y ST. FAYETTE VI LX.E, -JfO RTH-CAROIJLNA onjlayrirLrarcli rievi, xvilJ be rt I Ipuse, iivSnowhjU, Green o t hervof (fisw jUbr 'sufficient to .nav t;i rt!lfe4l,fr ye"isinrr Caijree.iblc to act of Asst and JS2d. . - 4 .- 250 acres-triven m liv,l?lihr?i f r. i0- do : t Marir.iLirii'ivv - 1.-? d f: ar-a- . ft A en no. ?wo-'Sieri.Miirnhrv v mo 406 Td-r 'jrfo ? .'V.ni. Piw1. - 1;-j. wMiio -do Jhs." Hrtikr t , -s b -.. . v ... s . - Ibd ; do- ; da -t -.Jolin thiff do ,V'.-kv- vdo j .'do f r Fur.er, & J 1L da - do ;Vm; nahrv 140 . do 280 - do 225. 125 dd SS7: do . 182 -da - M do '25"d6da 6r .do do S2;do'. -da 63 do" . J'v do 1 s 5 1S25' ' I- J 1 f . VI 825 : JG21 '.12 S 1U5 , 1825 Listed b v St euhen Eiasou . v ,48' do Jir-S vdo for rAshlev Knn'mi s. c ll2 - ' Fmncis Tlirgrpen 1 824 5 . ,32; di;v do ' f ElizUh Tliigpen 1824 Sc 5 ao doctor Ctara Thipen - 1B24 Sc 5 .--'. ' ZAdHAlUAliUU.lOTT. Jan. 1; 1829. , . . .V? f 59 4t do do ' V.ddc' dd. H'enryriSell Mary Coward . rl - Wro. 'Farmer ' Ben,If-rfsfield ; Fope'Albritton v r J f sse Ji r;'nd. ' -. ; Iaac Pate ' ' ; rtfclrard L. vTlbo Jonathan ;r. Easan NXe-.nfrnEtson v Stephen Eason v Sole .iwTaiLes. "J" Shall ofTer foh sale at .the Court- Housi H. WadesboroUcrh j Ansoit C n - ' -v 1 " J T." " - . day of March next the ioUowijr .tracts or. sO mufch thereof as wiflsaiistV the U . m 3Uf or Land tU- the taps. tlni thereonfor ,t)e year s 1 S2$ ic 182r wit!i costs, t-1 . wrw iwitu oy i eiy turner cn tlie wa ters of Brown creek.' '- J , s6o do do Levi Pearce dd-Hocty Itiver. ( U 50 -do do 'Wm'.McIntyreVjr.do do : . 50 do do Wm.M'myr,-sr.do - do v 50 do do LewbCM'lntyre ; Ttlo do ' . " 300 do do AbnerKeaCh do Lane-s creek : 100 xlo do Matthew tiummag-e do' -' do ' do ' 150 . dti - do Robert HildritU do " Savannah " it s creeks-.; " " - ' - 60- do do George r.1; Self v do Itlch'asoju : 75 " do do Arthur Sykes do ?do ' Vdo 268: dgdo Jesse Harnet do do ? ' fn " ' 150 do T do iV.Benj : Brass.ell do Gourdvine cre'ek.v V- ; L . V j -4 ' 1 50 dodo Wade Bras well do j t o48 io do Jentba Gulledjre do -Jijefc nrarh. I 26iJ do duVilieTi;ratndoThonipson'cieek. p -50 do do. Kilty Moss ;lfaileyferrv Ro:d. : 800 dodo DanVcl May - do J.. cj.ck. t60Q do do Wm- & tlardy May do' Jones creeki v'V, 400 do notiisted Owned by"- lI"tlav"do creek. -i t . .boat was '' V. J' -....'..' r, .k I l l o 1 I HlhA - i t IY nloln . I I 11)06 'hit bMritl ii-. j s .-. , - .1,. i 1 t. ; .- -j v. - ;.. 1 I - . ' ' . . A'- 4 - 'i. IT I lllllll 1. Illl. .1. 11111111.1 II IB M. 0-' IIUS. X III III I II I T? . . W " - T W T W I CY.' I ' '1 '. i I . I " C . i ' i i' . j . . . , . , -v." i r i" r i:- ammmjh r iiiitw ' .nmn -vffpnwiii wit, trip . i il i ia -1 mil .in r.iiu ' . w .i a ii. - & 1. 1 1 1 1 - i a t T . a .c.-, I M . r ,j u . - . court or-Krahce, an.i.g.e ncr a .pot a- . . - ; .ff5.1r.r"-"gT"'' CITV HOTEL, Philadelphia, .X! her DerSon. 1 ne.l..ilY, wnose name . - . .-',--,. .... l . t.. .. .1' ""... " ,ul'"." S- r EsPF.r.TFULtY ahnoinces to the oublic. i: . ...'-e v-iii ! .i: - r ii'.. 1 li.wv wjiii rrvvv 1 1 v a wsi j ur un iihi-' 1111 . iu i t r i . - . i- Marionette, gladly obeyetf . the, sam: - ?-jefafd Zeduened excsslvd 5-' USj "0.ema,V w",a wiirana coar- iUlU reiuriieu t'l mi:. iain vuuuu i. . ' . i , i - ' t V" ' ' ."' r ivi.is i i s - -"j t-i-i-. -a p , .i ''Hv''- ' T I - Nii tflthir ! cht. afildfim ftplf in nntv. t i . . t - . rr. i' ' .r . . i - her two . rortionless children. V Out I , ; 7. f , 7-7-7 ,7' naugn ai as , i urnip Aownsnenu.r in court of -the French Ring was not. a V - : : somemmg is man one ;nuniren years,' cw"rl oi .-uic . , ; - -, l LI he nriestr vnarkd her ?. confusion r- 1 - . . dt J:t j. i i---:s 2.. t:i il t. ? for a. vouns, lovely ana .unproiecieu , . 4 'V : " , . line agricuituiai. pratuue wi icn ue, iiuro- .Y . .'. . Daughter," said he; itjs iny.,duty toLi,i f,AmMhnn ha V..i w-ir ,..( . .-. - ... mons, with the place decCedr,epU. offered her b.hVr rn. Pfl'K Jfflrwfand.- (hough painJ I 8n- lhrougiout thi 'c ttlZl I -K!.;;.hb!e- SKdiittH! -."7,,h 8,roke.-f - n'-?.k WtSG.l return. country saV, fi the borders "nf the 'Seine. tlm w , wMsniiPii visited ov in? rnn tells me he has heard something amiss uf vour frien tronage- cuuntry, which iTOi that he has rented the MANSION HOTEL; situate in the centre of business in this town, and that the same is noopen for the reception of Boarders and Travellers. rr- -4 ; ' , : tj;;TeTprem1felllave;beent'JateJy,mp1ete1y1 repajrea ana painca. . 1 ne-exiensiye rauRc vi Piftrti! nmmo- nani!neNflrlrl TIftfflirtnmK line &11 aim mow 1 vieius 1 newiv lurnisnert.- -1 ne unainners sunnueu wuh the 'interest of turnatlo ?s1iioire.lue..v.j innocent tf this bhargenn-'JoUr llU4bdnd'S tb .icencj, 'MWlcll :K,,.d,S2t.W- ..pinions?' Yuu knot ifouldbe a deep fci.touk.owepMJeMjr, -nd iwfuV,n io deprive-.thV, widow inX tooe.te was a:wo,aU of d.st. ngu.sl edj ta- , . H . -j lenis. and a moitrivalled Madame Uebev- ' . - - . . 1 .u bchc. vuwiiu iiurc you men iucauicu , therefore be has drawn his pa fFaHej Scott in the Quarierly Rev from her J Now I tell me,vare you . - v - v , 1 - c ' probably exceeds Beds tn$ J?frAn,and- the Stables well pro- tlohal cJfebL "iStr v"led with Fotidernd Grain and, faithful Osders.; ins liar contains tne cnoicest w tnes ana wjiuom selected by himself in Philadelphia; find hU Iar der will aword at all times; he best provisions tf the market and delicacies of the seasons, while yhtes fy JlVJnlyreU Office 1 ; tIVlllllUMU f . 44. H i 1 ' igne, in 1 the briUi i ncY of her literary com. 'tKiMtion..i Her soiuuoe waSiavoiaoic m the cui ture ht tose talents, .and in V 1 1 Ule srhile she'eame forward as one oluhe tirst GRAND CONSOJLIDATED-No To be drawn 4th of j Apri.7 i 14: The". D u k e, f Bu rgu ncly . , a J iHIred to-hidehe;liii?e j failings -ofvyour friend fromi your husband, or have you.unjuard 1 edly tolifany 'thing vamiss bf , he to 'him woo juves ou .wen enoiign totaKC uis,- o- a v e you su ffi eiently 1 Of $30,000 1. "-10,000 -1 1 of $15,000 10 1 ' pinions from you ? H, f .p bethought ou ;of -this 600 400-2.00 .90 70 50 ,30 t f 5.000 1 1,0 jp" -sdor '30O. '1 . 10: '10 - : 51 . 5i 102 - 1122 v And 11,475 vof $10, ; Tickets $10, j Halves $5 Quarters $2 '50.1 his-'jcharges will be moderate to suit Ithe dilncul yof tlie tmes v k Haying had long ; expeneneekin : two Vyeil known Hotels iu Philadelphiaand intending-: tu devote -Ids entire attention to this estabbshment he assures the Traveller and : the Public, every exertion with the advaita2eyof thatiexLH:rienctv is pledeed. fr their : comfort, rep osei aud gratifi cation,- a urt lor the 1:00a management ot tne aian sion Hotel. , V; - - . ; V-w. r 150 do do Willis Worlev do Thn j-37i dodo John Autrv do' i i dn . 0 uo co uaisey itaroer do Pinch gutcreek 4 do do Alex'r. & Dari'lj .M'R-Ve Gold ftline. - . , r: - ; TAwMYEItS lite Sh'iT. ' Jan; g6thl829.:'. ; - 43 3t prf. . .Sliocco Fiimalb; Academy. "JJTRSi LUCA&respectfully mforms her friendsf ITi and the public,- thatthe :xercises of die above Academy wUIbe. resumed vn the 1st lion day m February iiext. ' ' - ane uimostattentson ivin be paul to the rtw. "' rals and behavior of the yang Ladies placed ih; i his Seminary?; and ; its retired, idea mt Si heal;" tiiy! Siuation,Aits salubrious air and fine i spring water, inke.;it a very i desirable residence: for youthi .uThis 'Academy h'aa been under .liefbare fbr thclastt fTeVei years:- and only one case Of - sickness, has occurred .durin&lhi time, althotiQ-lr' .1. -i-J-L'l . 1 'i.-- : i ... -t ..." .'I'.' . 9 , - ! wc-principal, part, or uer pupus vveie trom lbe raobt unhcalthy parts the State. 4 Bein, onI' , a few. miles fiom-the Staue road : her AcsulAnw - atfbrds.o'ppqrtuhitTes for' Parents and Cuardiaus -'' ot regular;-; comitmhicaiiona With ; their Children aiid AVardi. s - v - - . ' . In addiiion'to the usual Elements of Education . andu Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, 1 1. s " iJhi- iut a, ct ia7 v va 1 , 51 - " ism v;, t proiecis. ine wmow anu me lameness uyi . 102 ' 50 102 I' :4Q ' " tss. l?'--fl yfi . Commended to Adehade 10 f tlj, Vi misel-he will BanUK those whi .-. 4o4 , -V io .1 ; li;.-; i :;f. Sf rgnity, ana erenny ,lK ; u. iou- i,',sufe .enwith his iust-'wratu ?" "Ade-1 " V -And' 11,475 vof StO,;-? " Rite's manners.-; vvas opserved, prM jalde.shuddeVeT : vi Nay,",said the ft iesi. WhoH ;vvv... - ""7'W fcJrnes snow ine curreut:4i ;mougnty as , ' rXX All orders promptly-' attended to.l; In the; ' .W fiMtq in MpsArfl::Mallptr' Tmrs discontinued ner visits ui , ram ana Man,, straiVsshow tbeoursedf a runniv,g?tream. ltpBwSmp9X7Al$ykBta of stages; vi Charleston. Crnndetvand Norfolk, .and was never seen an. the drain of the Rcmeb1criybttW;,6ne-ihorning-when- Vh,s err?eudJf" can be taken at thisnbteV and Vdl be secured .Duches'ofurguiidy, a& usual. - . l ir. Wein- 0rVour- friendJwas .read' aud apl ' V , S - 5 TE 5' k '1 v in all other LineaofStagea-leaving FayeuevlUe: v. Meantimei Jhe, emper of Adelaide ir0vediV 6urence V; There -(nvas mdrmiori m M9Sw' Fayetteville 'Jn: X182 1 ' 46 2tn ;geemed.rather;to become more impatient lie wh0 marked -yon, and told jme that r 7 Sf ??r - ' :v nn jywl thantoimprove in ; equanimity, r She suf- 'oti Widen fly shrunk Vom the'ikMse ,hl " 1' 42 ?2)1713 -I I , ,,v ,J iFdRStiLE, . K , ; 'j V- . fered severe mortih.ations from (h! cif- wa8 uttered by;evey tobgue, you ruse and V ENTERTAIN MENjT. Shares of Stock,- inthe State'Banfe of cumstance, and could not;im,KiSe on her- offered-6r;perU sal ajlttie ahonymoas.; trir N: .y. M. -c it -U ; H th-Can,lia, -for hich bniHAHh'good aeirscfficient restrictions , to curb her nnru- flei.allegfng that uoluiuwn au'd.iiHpancgy- .4 rf. RUFFIN (formerly of Raleigh ) has ol security, will be received in paynhtFunfrer ly.Pnt; Une,nigbtvafter bavingencoun- fized poets sotneimesexcelted;those who A.'penedhis home in the Town of Wadesbol particulars, can le learned on application at tbis , teredaseycre'conitict ?with herself, she buitliy :cfalihed'. public .applause; in their rough, 100 3ards west of the Courthouse,, wberef ?cVooo V:C- r f 'r " dreamed that tvaugd ood before her in .nV naniV The , poem '.youvffkvtj' was be is prepared, to receive BOARDERS and'ac. i. Jan.. 27, 1829. , .r-, ; - . :, , Q&f beaulifuiuut not more, thanHhe, first, :r ,Ten-J)gUaw steward.; ,4 : . iri inorm.eSs, ene .0, a ,utmtnu tnenv tW;.t ws one ot the1 rlio pruduct oris SctioV 7": ' i " I" V T AN AWAY from the csubscriber on or about gel.C visitor suddenly; laid lus handsupon of vouiinebd JtvnttJn beW ber Jight WAdesboro,'.23d Feb!, 49 tfvMllthbVh of. December last.'.a egro woman her evj's. .and removed -them -instantly.' t!wt;.' 'ih'ftv f.v.i,...v..r...ii Av rz : 1 . j -rtn,m rvnfA sh. u twht comnkded: tall At first he thought ' herself Struck"" wih w hliiiirliifsc;f. shft r nil Id 1 ilisrp'rri nit' InKIof ' before Jvef. ut , she-' presently became . setiSbfe that (he angel-had t:ikenj.out lier eyesand ' was holding 'theni opposite her ees, and uras nouiinrr tnem onposii own bosom,', t hrough A-whiCh she vas ';enav bi ed t o see," tis li rouglr-a tra n s pare n t' sheet of tfrystal.vUn a ;litllei.tiihe she scanned with jainutevviVtonJall thetnost secret con tent a of her breas f :i A I as !: .there Iwaft'J i t -lie in :r the ;spectac lev to l! gn t i f y.. self lo v e. She saVy what ahe'iook.'foia'pcusonifica--tioa,oraogergniinitig'''-furTouly ticulating .hofiibly ut .to h'e;surprise ihui snirif seemed' to ir ex..yi.i ted ;.o tdi its excesses by a Utile AVne.a Jiichu' riw:youVre tuuehedHfwUr iiOt.iiow U enttJ IJOUarSJMCtVariL tiaH6rslim.-andiboatMye .VrL;;... fl;r '.Srr.i '.VHur heariM'aefel : : 1 ' V- O,- M Uved iri ale.gli. N. C; bntjt p. ..r.. - M . v -t-BS.tjrktr& iA:tr J. ..j' V I'lh.'. lurkinir about Camden. S. U. , I onneiiv a Liie is wiu irive ine n- yorbWTO;7 KSf'f? ? friend indeed, , Shis ,ph .uperiir ta &to?,,HrS fYqU M'COtJ. yuU m1 talents, as you are t her 3U?rank. inches high, light 'pbmprexion, has a .scar, on pne Jannaryu. r ' . ,lm This" sjbperidrity has been decreed bMiear fiot. t Said boyvpasses (or jx free mao is a boy ' - Ijaild-On thti vY:idki."-i V-' ven I .you, may. mak.e:Tourseir.miserable ofconsiderable address' and pertnesss. he'bas v-" L ' - i - 1 ! v-V youiiKXiiiujes wuioe instrucieci in tieoy-ra till.. 1 I. . .: .. irt i - loaopIiy;MvthoIog ;DWin-' -and Paintin ga For Draw-' Vork, no cx- eivci, -iuic etc. i: - - TkMSBoard and, Tuition S50 ner Session Mltilv S9i1 ' . 1 P4intm. rr Tr.!l..- (9 T?- i inf 4 Painting diPaper, or Needle V tra toharge will ie made." t , . ; AVarren. County,, Dec; 15.-. . ; 30 . ' ob". The Tarboro' .Press and , Freeman's Ec!. o wWl insert' the above three ; v. cks end forward tlieir bills to thisofHce. v v - ' ; State 6fi Jmovth-Caro lin a3 . jiauiax voaniy. -) -. - - . Iniquity .Fall Term, 1823. Anthony .A.,' Wyclie, Complainant. Edwin. Whitehead, Wm T. William, Sam'l. 7. -- ' TuMtffaJl Jnd. D.. Amis, Defeud'ts. . ?T appearing tothe satisfaction of ,-thft Courf . that Samiiel W. Tunstall and Wm. -Ti Wi! Irams, twovoFjtbe Defendants in this case,' arir h'un-residents. Jtis ordered, Ihxt publicatitfii h e made.m.the Raleigh llegrstcr, for, three mc-ths,.' that unless they appeir by the sveond dayof next term, "j?nd plead,: answer.; or mur to the'--. Complainant's. bill, it. wilt b taken pro conftsse, and set 'lor. beari ng- ex -piartf.. as to them . . ' . . . Witness, Edmund H, Freerhan, Clerk t" Mas ter cf the Court t)f Equity, for the cc.mty afcre said, at office' the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday. in.Septernbi-r, IS23- " - , tuz,i.,U' r.uijCjiAfv, c. r... 3mu. tliu iu -krTrl .7 1 1 1 " rialiulta'viilt UIC'IIUI IU Hill JlUIr WWl IW W J .re a- princess. , ,irue writ .wiirm and sinruf by endeavoring to deny it ; .tjut D.e nimeaan said jwiaoputis montl . ' i7..- v.. i- i ' .i M . 1 girl, named Nancv Wsdden.'is about 25 v e you urougn vpu - ii;f,!l,i.M.t.i.,t;h.j t- .1; d. :' 900: in-pnod'. cultivation. TT-WlLLsell a plantationof.900 acres of Land lL on the Yadkin, 300 of wbrcKarerofthe best witK convenient 'Houses.:. ' Also, several tittier small Tracts ljjing on the Yadkin of fine quality. vTfegroei will be taken far one-half the purchase.;' - ' T - ' -r : . i . JAMES WELLBORN. . . ' , '- . -v i -? i - f .-'.- tTTlROM the Subscriber, l:ving six.ir.?. ; vest of JD 5 ltdeTgh; ort the;25th December Ust, a N gro llaa named ISAAC- - 'Said Jsu-.-.c ii i bout CO years' of age; spare rnadend bUck cc-,v;;Se;;' p, and thin visage. , He Ayas j:urcljased xi t! e tate,of the laie John llawcod, i.:.d vil c ' vbr, 1 ekpectf to make "his. -v. " t o Wihr.l -t in this State. ' 1 will ftiv j FiVi; DOLLAIi : J isrard for bis aiprehtnsic.,T. , - ;- . ; . - ' " : : ' , ': , wjToir- joii kg. 'Raleigh, Jan. 3. - . . QQ ' . ' ;:7 7v.: rJan.rth IS.t-X'.-, 3rfvp,( .WL"s Jan. IQ 188;-..'I V--3 mgn,an. , . . -K

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