r i TH3 .nS&SS3D.;iK-;;-; At Five Boltdr per annumKaAf iVsdvance A A." v. A A ' A. AA '"-VA- -v: : Any KkTiB km ents Ja; Kot exceeding sixteen tines, neatly inserted three - . times for & Dollar, and..twenty-fiye cents for V everv. succeeding pdbfication t those of great er length in the' same proportlon.UtCoMtr- A jrtcATiass thankfully received. v.. LWa toj 1 - the Editors must be post jxudf . J l; J - i 5 An" Act making additional appropriations for. the J ' auDDort of Government for the year one thou- ; 'sand eight hundred and twenty-nine, i; VL , , fef RejiresehtativesyJ: the Untied States of lfoIlowihguo beJanU Jthe satn'e are fie re - . V. vaanoAtivtfl xr ' Annrnnit ed for If fiA fifi- .Vice cf, ,tte yearf one-.thottsandke!ght hun dred and twentjjr.nibe m addition to 'the 'several ; sums : appropriated ' for v the first V quarter or. the year one thousand eight nun-. Vdred and ttFeotJ-ninebVjhe, act '-'of. .the. seventh-January, one thousand weight bun . dred and twent v-nine; that is to say : f V- r v Forexpenses of she Library of Congress, the Asiitant'Librariao,1 twotihou sand two hundred h andsixty-two dollars and fifty , cents. A A A A. A" - ' . -v.,;.--- ... . For the purchase ofj bookstand maps for the Library ot Uongress, nye thousand dol lars. yA:fH''' ,:i For compensation to, the President of th XJiiiteq'- States; - eighteen tnousaud seven hundred and fiftv dollars. ' !; . A For compensation, to the ;Vice President V mf the United, three thousand seven hun- dred and fifty idol jars, v; V . r. ror compensation to : tne aecrerary or State four,thousana five hundred dollars. : "Department of, State. per -sict.of twentieth Aptily -one thousand eighth hundred ihd .-eiffineen. eleven (ouumuu, nine uunureu nd tiwpnt-five'dolIariW-.V ' ' - Foceinbensatmri to;iKeClefks'in, jsaid 1 nf.AI one thousand eigni nunureu ant .iweoiy- ' seven, three thbusand three' hundred dul- ; , - For compensation to the Machinist in the Patent. Office," plpf act, of twenty-sixth . of Majr one thousand .eight ' hundred 'Wd .'twenty-four,. five hundred and trenty-five tiollars j and, for, one Clerk, one thousand Forbrocunhe'cases and fixtures, &c. for thejtiodelsin tli'e Piktent.Office, three thou- sand dollars. i- . V" For compensation to the Messengers in ': the Department of-Siite including the Messenger ,it thesPatent Office, n full of : all allowances,' one thousand and eighty . seven dollars and fifty, cents.., i For expenses of procuring statements of fines and forfeiture under resolution of ' thirteenth )f January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, seven thousand y liehses of the.Departmenrof State, inclucl intf the laws. for. extra cbpvmk bf" papers. . sixteen tbt)U&and one hundred and twenty , fie dollars. if'ur : ' rfs4 :S ;t i-. For.cjMn pens.itioh ; t ; the Secretary of - the t reasury, lour tnousand nve nundred '. dollars, 1-k 'lj i- -I . h f ; For compensation . to ?he Clerks in th6 office orihe Secretary of thdreasury per ; ; act pi twentieth .ttt Aprij, ;, one r tnousanc " - Hlvfr.' Kt mi rati rtrl ' atitmin ''savan'. Kmt - sanreight hundred d o I lars. ; -r For compensaiiob to one Cleric, in. :said 1 office, per act' of twe'nty sixth of'May db0 J thousand "eight hundred andjt.Wenty -four $ , of March, one, thousand eight hundred and -1 wenty-seven nineteen hundred and twelve . dollars and fiftjf cents.'; A,T- f, ..v f ; V : F. r coni jie n sa lion to the Messengers i n Sttid'officein ful of all allowances, seven .Ihu nd reel' and eighty-seven dollars and fiftv ' .ftents. vv ;.,;; , v i ; e I'r K':,i. 4 :. FuXcompenSatioti toone additional Clerk ;. on, Revolutionary claims, employed in said t ; fficef from the seven teebilrbf May to the i thirty-first Af December, one thousand eiisht ; hundred and, twenty -eight, and for the ;:ear one thousand eight hundred and tweii- ..iy-iiine, ,8iwc raie or fourteen -hundred MtVnf v ; vForcpmpehsationVito First" Coni'pv troller oYi - the TTe-suyy,vtwi thousand hix. hundred. and Tvwerity?fiye,dbtrars. .s f Foricoiupehsatiofi Vjo fhe Clerks in the " ofTir.f Af fh'T?irt": flnintnntl the twentieth of ApriU oneHhousundeight hundred and , eighteen, thirteen" thousand Wee hundred and eighty seven dolfarsand mij ' cents ; and also for additional salaries of 6ht;Cj.(j!rlfv act of second of Mrch e thousand eight huneredand f twenty - pr compensation 4 to the.'Messengen in lii oftice,- 'ia r full i of, all5 alovvanct?n." A f doJlara per annuui, and also forjother Jcle ' rical sen ices in relation to the. said claiins, - three thou sand two Hundred and sevenf v- acn hundred hud eight :ieveri dollars y.ltuuJitt tlu; iSecbad'Ciinb- t roller of the IeastiryV tw6 thousand -two hbnd red and .fifty dbtlarsJ r- r v4; : : Fdr compensatioa tothe Ulerks in tne office of the Second Comptroller per aqt of twentieth, of April,; one thousand eight hundred and eighteen seven thousand three hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents t For compensation :to1khe : Messenger ; in said 'office in full of ali ''allbwarices,1' five ho rided and twenty fire dollars: For compensation tothe first Auditor of tne ireasury, two inousaua iwoiiuourcu sod fifty dollars r ror compensation lo ine vierK m ine office bf the FirstAuditbr. per act of t we- Tietn oi April, onemousaHu eigni nuuurcu anl eighteen, nine thousand; nine hundred dollars. to ... r's i- ,4: For corabensatioti ! to . the4 Messenger in said office, in full of all allowances fi ve hun dred And it wen ty five dollars. vr ; . . ror compensation to tne oecong Auaiior of the .Treasury, two - thousand two hun- V-For conipensationrllo1 the Clerks in the, office' of' !4he second I Auditor, per 'act. of twentietn or April, one , xnousani eigur hundred and eighteen, twelve, thousand one hundred and fifty,dolars.;t :. ; , " ; ; ' For compensation to the Messenger in said office, in Jfull'. of all J allowances, five hundred and twenty-five dollars.;. : " : , For: compensation tu t the Third; Auditor of the. Treaspryv two thousand two hun dred and fifty dollars.! , r : A j'.., . v For , compensation: to f the. Clerks in . the office of the'Third Auditor; per act of twentieth "of April, one thousand eight hun dred and e'ghteen, fifteen thousand six hundred arid seventy-five dollars. - : . v . For compensation to the; Messengers s'iri said - office in. full of all allowances, seven hundred ; and eighty-seven dollars, fifty ceois. : .v 1 : ,, ,y , i. For compensation to;the. Fourth Audi tor of (the - lreasuryyl two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars,! ; .-. J Fpr compensation to the Clerks' in ihe office of the Fourth.-. Auditory per act of twentieth :-of -April,; one,' thousand, eight hundred and eighteen, eleven thousand two nundred, and ninety seven dollars and fiftcents;;M-;;::-:Vr;;;v" :-v -; For compensation to the Clerks in said office, per act "of -second ; of '. March, "one thousand eight hundred and twenty. sevens one thousand five hundred dollars. V , - For compensation to the ;Messengert in said offit: e, i n f o 1 1 of a 1 1 a 1 1 o vva n ces, fi v e hundred and; twenty -five dollars. V xf , -For compensation to the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, two thousand itwo' hun dred and fifty;dolIars.L ; i'V : For compensation to the . Clerks in' the ofttcH,, of the- Fifth : Auditor, per . act ,'of t vveiiti- th of A p'ril, one thbusand eight hu n dred and eighteen, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy five dollars J - For compensation to the. Clerks in said office,, per actr of twenty" sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four,- two thousand Seven hundred and seventy-five dollars : and also for additional salary of one. Clerk,. per act of second , of March, one thousand eight 'hundred and twenty-seven, one hundred and fifty doU iars ! t For compensation to the - Messenger in said office, in full of all allowance, five hundred and 'twenty-five dollars. . ,1 For compensation, tb the Treasurer of the': United States two ihousand two hun dred and fifty dol Iars. '' 1 : , . : i - ; ,For compensation to the Clerks in the office of the Treasurer ; of - the.' , IJnited States, per act of twentieth of April,; one thousand eight . hundred ' and ; eighteen; three -thousand tiine hundred and thirty seven dol Iars and fifty cents. -, - - '? - ; "For compensation to the Clerk 'In said office, per act, of twertty-sixth of May, one thousand. eight hundred and, twenty-four, five '. hundred dollars.;! . I -i . -' . : For compensation fo the Mesienger. In said office, in' fUlLof all allowance's, five hundred and i .werity -five dollars." . vFor compensation to. the -Register "of .the Treasury, t.,o thousand two hundred' and fifty dollars; JjV ,;-t'- For compensation to the Clerks irs " the office of the RegisTer bf the, Treasury-, per act of t Wen tieth(.of "April, eighteen hundred arid; eishteen .sixteen. thousand seven huii' dred khdsixfy-lWodoilars and fifty cents and also for additional salary ol f ur clerks, per act.of Vecond of March, eighteen hun -. dred and twenty-seven, six hundred duU ta-.r fr-:y;;1'':.j:'h:'-:'h- XI . r For com nensation to ihe Messeo&rers! in sfaid ". Office jncludingtheKi allowance of stampingbhip .registersin full-bf all al lowances- Vight:' hundred; and ;ixty-tvVu dol lars"abi ;!if ty cerits'; "C';;V-s;i Vw;' ' For cVm nensat ion to the . Commissioner of the General) :Land Office,, two thousand two hundred and fiftjr dollars. , V For compensation ; to the-Clerks' in the General, Laud Qffiee; ,lper act bf c6nd, of March.: eighteen hundred and - twntye- yeti, fourteen thousand five hundred and eigntv-jievtn uonars ami uiiy cents. ; V For compensation ! to the- Messengers iri said office, in full of all allowances, seven hundred and eighty -seven dollars and fifty cents;i f : ' Tk tV'ilv tx- s ,rpr compensation to tne oecretary oi xne Coni missi u n ers ivft the' Sinking Fund, one one hundred, and eighty-seven dollars and fifty, cents I Pnr 1mursin v fK ntrsnn om rtt Avorl in transmitting pisspbrts and sea letters ; r"or in the office of the Becretarjr of the Treasji rX 5 f: J tat ion e ry ; fa e I, prin ti ng, books, and all , other irtcidental and contingent ex penses . tnVthe Trpasurj Department, farid the seyeral "offices : therein including the expenses of stating and printing, the public accounts for the year one.thnuSand':eigliit hundred and t wenty-riineand 7fbr, aq ver Asjng'easaViidtjceV1 in Irelatiori :;tb ,ihf reimbu rsement of certai b '? portions Vo( the public debt, and in relation , to revolution ary claims Under tfte act of the- fifteenth rif iiay; one thousand, eight hundred land twenty :eiht; thirty-one thousand two hun dred and sixty-two dollars and fifty. cents; For allowance (o the Superintendent and four watchmen, emnloved for the security of the State & Treasury build jns ; and for the repairs i of engines and buckets one thbusand ' fuu r h u nd red arid t wen ty -fi ve dol lars! :-Lur': - tv.-l:.v i' m For Compensatioh to the Secretary of "r, iour tnousanitjnve nunureu dollars. " For compensation to the Clerks in! 'the office of the; Secretary, of War. Wr act of vwciiucui ui. ;prn, one: inousanqt eigni hundred and eighteen, thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, h - j For one Clerk in the bureau . df tndian Affairs; beir act of second of March, tone thousand i eigh t h u n d red and f t we n t y -se v e n 4 ru uunureq.anu nrty. aouars; , . ; ; ' For compensation to the Meseners lb said office, in full of till allowances, seven hundred and eigh ty-seveb 'dollars and fif- 4 tor contingent expenses of the. office of oecreiaryor war, two thousand two hun dred and fifty: dcdlars.; 1 :-f : For compensa non to the' clerks in the office of the Paymaster-General, per act bl the twentieth bf April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, two. thousand nine hundred aud twenty-five dollars. I - ,sFor compensation tb the'! Messenger in said office, JhfulM of. all allowances, five hundred amrt wenty-fiye dol lars..:V .V, 5 For, contingent expenses of -'said office j two hundred and twenty-five dollars, r ? ; :Foi- compensation to the Clerks in the office of the Commissary Generalof pur chases, per act bf the twenty -sixth pf May, brie, thousand !eight hundred and r,twcnty four,, two thousand six hundred arid twen ty-five dollars.- 4- Tor compensation to tner Mesaeneer "in said office, in full of all .allowances, five hundred and twenty five dollarR. t ,,.(1 ? For pontingent expenses of said office six hundred arid twentyitwo dollars l and ficenis;', AW Z'4 For compensation to the Clerks in the office bf ibe Adjutant General, per act 'of he twentieth of A priU one thousand eight hundred and. eighteen', one., thousand six hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents $ and one Clerk per ' act of second of March, one thousand eight hundred and twerity seVen, six hundred dollars; . ", .. .;. For contingent expenses of said rofice,; eight hurjdred and ten dollars. ' . , For , compensation to the j Clerks in thfe otnee ot the Commissary tieneral dt Sub- sistencejper act of twenty jsixth" of May! one thousand eight, hundred twenty- four, one thousand six hundred and twelve dollars and fifty - cents ; and odeClerkV per act of second : ofMtrch ne jthoisand eight hundred and twenty -seven, six hun 'd rd dollar-, f :.5;i . -1 1 Y ;1. , For , contingent,, exnenses of said office one thousand nine hundred and fifty 'dol- For coiripengation to a the clerks in the offlceofth'e Chief Engineer, peract bf twen ty sixth of May, one thousand eight 'hun dred and twenty-four, r one ; thousand six hub d red i n d t w ei Ve dpi l a rs a nd fi f ty ce n t 5 and one Clerki per, act of second bf March,v One thousand eight hundred and twentv seven six hundred, dollars -' ' f : ; "For cobti ngebt . expenses bf Ysajd; o5ce,: including tivo hundred land fifty "dollar for arrearages of former jears, on e: thou sand dotlirs;cy;::H; .: FAr compensation to the Clerks iri the Ordnance Office, per act "of twentieth : of April, onfe nhousaiid; eight .hundred, and eighteen;! two' thousand; tivoi hundred Vnd twelve dollars andjfifty; centC; : - j ... For contingent expenses of Uaid office, six hundred dollars; : : ' : "W For .corn peisation ,toUhe: fjlerk irithe office the Sufgepn-Geueral, per act bf twen ty;sixth of MayJ one thousand eight ; hun d r fed , a nd t w e n ty -four, ; eigh t h u nd red .and sixiyrwo'dollars and" fifty cents. f . j. v ForjcbnUngent expenses of said'offlce, two hundred and forty ffive' dollars r For compensation toMhe: Clerks fo'.the office of the Ouartermaster GeneralJ thousand six hundred and twelve dollars andififfy ceiitsV'V "'; !" iT,) lV". r jt or vouiiugcui expenses cr saia omce four hundred and seventy dollars and fitly centsUr-PAhvaw v?: u, For compensation to the SecfetarV'b'f ihe navy, iour tnousanu nve hundred 1 dollars; '' For comnensation to the ! Clerks .In: th bffice bf theJ Secretary qf4' the Navy,' per acv 01 iweuuciu ,-ipni . one yinousanu eight hundred aud eighteen;; five thousand seven hundred dollars. -A' J'v' 'A.'- - For com pen sat ioa to the Clerk4 J in - cajd vluwc, tycii ,ttvi,vi vjw cuiy ti ui iuay, one seven hundred and fiftVilbffaVfcl-aViil afko one; Cjerk, jerv ct of second of v March? uiic vnuusanu eigni, nunureu ..and tweniy- sevens seven Hundred dollar hhy cents. f ForCOniDenSation tfKthff MSKnfr "in slrt office,' in full oflfutfloVahcev' seven Vhundred and eisrhty-seveu dollars and fiftvcents:: i ;For the cont jngents expenses" "of :said office,' two thousand two liundred and Mt'ty dollars. 1 " Fpr compensation to-the Commissioners bf he Nayjr Boanl.' aeven Xhousutid eieht hundred, ind seventy-five4dollars.iA''t" ';!!' -''' : h 'Jtov compensation to the Secretary of the Com: missionersof the Navy Bdard, one thbusand five hundred Tdollars. ! . k1: i i-' - K c - " - ,r For compensation to the Clerks in' the office of , the Com mission era of-the Navy Board, per act of twentieth, of -April,;bne thousand eight hundred and eighteen two : thousand sir hun dred: and sixty-two dollars and fifty Cents i arid for additional salary to one Clerk, per act of sec; ondfjof March, one thousand eight hundred and twentv-seven. one himdrrt nA av it.M -: iv. - 'Atpr compensation to the Clerks and si Drafts man in f aid office, petact of twenty-siitfi of May, one thousand eight hundred 'and 'twentyrfour, three thousand dollars.', ;t ; r ,AA ,: For coropensatioh'to'the Messenger In said of-.ncejjui.-fuU.bf,. all allowances, 'fire huadred and twenty-fiye dollars:' ' ; .. v v; ; ; . 7 ; For contingentT expenses bfl aaid office; :qae thousand three' hundred and fifty dollars. V :Vpr allowances to the Superintendent andfour watchmen employed for the security of the VVar Jnd Navy buildings nd for incidental and con; iinjrent fexpenses. including oil, fuel, candles, labor, renat ring- oumbs and window in" nnMcr. es,hitewashing balls and passages, for expeiisfe Of lamhfi: and fTtni fn uritrhmAn fn. Q.kW.tk , f. W . , ' ww mmm .VTA ' Tflll t limYll day, one thousand eight hundred arid forty-twd dollars and fifty. cents. y. . :.; . ' .r ''Frir rnm'nfhtiatinn in'tk. VfA'at-mA -'- iv four thousand five hunrfr rlnlU ! . v ' t'tfr .boiiipensation to the two Assistant Past-" rilasters General, 'three thodsand seven hundred ana nity dollars. : v s , ...L - ; , , For compensation to the Clerks in: thVoffict of the Postmaster General 'ner act nftwntith df.Apri.ftone thousand eight hundred, and eigh- larifL ,.v.V- ..V,. v" ". dr cdmpens-atiohtd the Clerks in said office, peract of the twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight, hundred and twerity-four, four thousand two hundred dollars i for Clerks, per act'of c ond of Marclw dne thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven; four thousand eitht hnndrirf krssij and for Clerks per act of tweaty-fourth of "w muHsauu cigm nunurea ana twenty eight;. five thousand dollars.' ; .-.t.-...r; : ; For comnensation to . th UMonw assistants in said office in full of til allowances, one?tuousand and ntty dollars. -, .-:-.. - j . vPpr the completion of the hew building for the Pateht Office Vnd Post hffi. iv tn hundred aud twenty-two dollars and fifteen cents. For contingent expenses of said office four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. .n Fqir repairs of the Post "offick oh, .thntieahtt and thirty-seven dollars and eighty cents. ; A v . jr or compensation to the Surveyor General: in Ohio.' Indiana, and Mich Iran. nn'thmmnrt hundred dollars . x . , v For 'compensation to the nlrVs ?n ihi.Affi'A of;said Surveyor, one thousand five hundred and seventy. nve dollars. , . ( i , Fpr Compensation to theSurveyorv south 'of tciiMcsscc, one inousann nv? nundrc-d dollars. For compensation. to the Clerks in the office of Said Surveyor one thousand two seventy-five dallars. - . V ..;v -r i5Pr compensation, to the Surveyor in Illinois, Missouri. and Arkansa.! rn thnifoativl fitr. .. i i " , M ' UVI1UU dred dollars. - ' - ' vv - .' . . f . .:' For compensation to the clerks. 'in fho offl'-. of said Surveyor., one" thousand 'five dollars, i' .1' .j- ; .-.A-. . U. . For comDensation to (th fiitivnK Al.Ko. mail one thousand fiv hunAA A - ", . For compensation to the Clerks in the office of said - S urve vor. one t h nii and twenty-five dollars . . a-. v , rpf compensation to the S urveyo'r in Florida, one thousand five hundred dollars, r , For comnensation tn th riva nffi. of said . Surveyor; -one. thousand fle hundred doUars.'f - 1 ' " ! - ';"'".- . , For extra Clerk'hire in' thexnffiee of the' Sur veyor south'of Tennessee; two thousand dollars. clrk hre in the office of .the Sur yeypr in Illinois, Missouri, ad 'Arkansas, tV( thousand dollars.'. . A. - V .'" For CODVintr the tftwrnch?n.ilntJr fi.l Wn'f.. in the office of the Commissioner of the General t-d omce, of the surveys in:the State of Ala. bama, the bnsrinuls havin? been dptrnved h v firin the office of the Surveyor,' four thousand For Compensation to the nommiuntipi nf Public Bui Idlnf st in Wajhlncrlrr ;iv V.ni 4kw sand five, hundred dollars. , -. - A : f ; J. ; J For Compensation to the ' Officers "nd "iniWv" of the Min seven, "thousand ; two , hundred dok , -For comnensation to "the thej different, operations of the Mint, seven thou. ' i For incidental and CO.itiiifreiat Wnens and repairs' t cost of machinery 4. for allowance 'fb Seyeil thousand sia. hundred and Tnrtv'.ftnli'aMAK ,For extendinjr the Mint estahliahmen-And in creasing its efficiency and seciiriiy;; by; purchas ing the necessary vlot ; or lota o f ip-ound , ana ' Je- recun uiereon suitable biulUins, by the Direc tor thereof, accbrding 'to a plan; to , be first ap proved ov the President of : .th- ttnifed StttHi and procuring such additional machinery as 'may be! requisite, one hundred 'and dollars y noc'tq exceed,. .inthe whole, the sum hereby appropriated.' A ' v V V .:".' J"--' ntoiry,' two hundred and, sixty-two dollars andfif- tycntsi AA J" -- yrferA .-A t -a Vn nnrnntatin ..J i.;1..Z. i. it i r r Jr Or Comnensation and mdeacre tn he irTrlrie Of Tratiort t-- and fnrfln. ... - . of the Leinslative CountiL hav of theWftVeref the Council, fuel, sUtionary, printing of thelaws and jburtia! vincluding the sum of sixteen huh- dred and thirty-five dollars for arrearages, seven vMuuwHu jgui iiuimrcu auia niiy aouars J:,-:r ; For compeqsatibh Jtb -the Governor;, Judges, arid Secretary of the Arkansas dinr additional compensation to the JLutljes uni der the act of the twentv.sixth of xrv. sand eight hundred, and twe'nty-fbur,! and fr sa- wry. one Juce appointed uoder the act of t!- sere nice inn ot April, one thousand eJtht hun fciuccuui ui vprii, oii3 tnousana ejgnt nun - dred and twenty-eieht- f. the aeventeenth nf sand eight hundred and twentyeightV'ten thci: ind; one;irundred ;ahd seVenteen. dclhrj ana twenty five centsv .: -V ; ; ":. A urtu.iui &cni expenses ot aaid Territcn , tv? P.ViJr"",. sixtn-twd dollars and fifty. Cents -Trot pay and tnileae-e of th iNmK.in. . two branches Of the LensUturo nf ,iA p;f , including the incidental expenses cf theLeA lature. per act oft went vFmrrth r ? ..- . A, sand eirht hundred -nd twenty-eighti- nlcu. sahd.one hundred :ind thirty dollars. : - ?or ;compeiisatioh to the4 Governor.! Jud -e? mg additional compensation to the Jiul'-es under. - www V1I. -SL. Illrll I M : K rr' T fiFV V Inn .ii-l " ? V - n,ytnm May onP thourind eight hundred and tweny-loht; eleveii thcusacd bye h u ndred. a" nd t w e nt v v A , M n iFo.r cor,tingert etpenses of .the Florida, .territory;; two, hundred and sixty-two dollars ana. n.fty cents; -r. .;.-lV -. , . . ' FofV combensatinn era of the LegulaUve Council bf said Territory; - v. u lexw.e,nty:Jcurth of. No- - X c,6utcc" "unoreaami twenty' -'.t, pay ptofficeraand sen:ants of the Council, iue, itu Uonary, printing and trao'spcrtation of the hws.'. Including the. sum of two thousand one iiundred dorian for publishing a revised .cccF all the' laws f Florida, authorized by an act of the Le rislative Council, seven thousand and thirty-two dollars.;-",.- AAA-.,- A - - ,fror ,compei3atiorr'ta-the Chief-Justice. the Associate Judges, and" District: Judges of the United States; including. the Chief-Justice and, Associate - Jud sres of the- n; and' ilon Tn. '. t. ; . . ' eight hundred and twenty .four; fifty-nine 'thout the . United States, two thodsand six hundred and' twenty-five dellafi.; A;:', '.v. ww xkLvuiiicj- vcuciai, sjx nundred collars; f yupc'isauorrto tne Reporter of .thef ds "rlhe Sup-renie Cotirt; seven huhdred' and fifty dollars. .'.::-. v- - . ' ! - . j - rf For comnensaliori . tn ifi. r;.: -4 ; andtarshals, as granted by law, including thosb m the several Territories. -eicht choiznd T.vm" hundred and severity.five dollars, ' . 4 ; .:F6rdtfraying the expenses of ihe-Suprirae-' Circuit, and. District Courts of the United Stiles - . .u. i j ibi l. l ui . . Willi vti ma lion. . n w . Wuiit3cs, iu kiu oi ine tunas arism from nnes, ;penaltiesv and forfeitures, incurred -in the year one thousand eFe-ht Iindfd n, twenty-nine, and preceding years Y and - for de-- vv vvuawa ui prusccuuons tor cnenc&s committed against -the United sStates,' and for; the safe kecDiner of nria6ner..-nri; inmJri . ror. the salary of the Marshal of the Northern iuuiwi vj uc pwic w Aiaoama tor tne years, eighteen hundred and twenty.fbur, and eighteen hundred and twenty fivei three hundred dollars: ' For the payment of sundry pensions grafted by the late and present Governments twelve hun dred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents. For hfe 'support.' and -maintenance cf li"";t- uouses,- floating lights beacons, .buoys, and stakeaees, including- the nurchase of nd , v. ers salaries, repairs, and improvements; and cdn- -tingent expenses,: one hundred and thirty-four 1 thousand four hundred and seventy-three dollars.' For buoys to be placed on proper sites on the norm ana soutn sides ot New lnlet near Federal Point, in North-Carolina, one hundred and ixty' aouars, r- - - . 1 - j r -- Eor placiner -,eIeven'vovann.-Wrorij'iti - entrance of. the Ui-sSissirjDi -river 2" in t nhUi-i ucmg iue oaiance or s lormer approprbtion for that obiect. carried to the thirty4irat of December last1 thre ,tTrvr; thirty-five d. liars and forty cents. -. . : tvi uicicpajrwi rrovmcetown barber, three tbousaud five hundred ; dollar: hino rnmA, appropriation for that" bbject 'carried to the' eight hundred fcrtd twenty-eiaht. " . river, between the towns of Yarmouth rd Dsn- nis, one tftmtsaJid dollars: belner a former sn-m. priationfor that ohieer. wlrffh mill k i the surplus fund ;In ifarch, one thousand ci-ut hundred and twenty-hide. .. A ; , A. . , .or surveying-the pubKC lands of the United States in addition to the .iinen forty thousand six hundred and thirtyreijht dol- -Iars aftd forty-nine, cents, ' seventy .five thousand dollars.-;;'..;- l-. ,,v" .'.''-. ; ' yj 5 f,,7uib uuu ciauns in r ionaa. - ffni! tllm Airtn r 1. I 1 . 'm . - 'i. -w.MM-ij uu uuwuiur i, ,,s oiaces ct Uom roissioners of loans,' twelve hundred dollars, -y ,-For'the aalariies of -the he VfitlfliftnnOiinJ U.1..f.- ' ' I- m chives in Florida, seven hundred and fifty dollars. . rw iue pnyuieni 01 Daiancek due .to oCicerscf the old internal revenue -and direct ta-r.' h.;T,- appropriation Tcr that, objeci carried to the surplus , fund on the thir- . ty.first of December,' one thousand ei-ht hun- ' dred and; fifteen dollara'and eighty cents. " . or me wuanta ot Kegiaters and Ittceivera cf tiiu ututcs.wucrc iaere mere are no sals? one- - ror allowance to Jbft Iaw Agent, Assistant Counsel and District .Attorney,: under 'the -act" supplementary to the several acts prowdi fa2 the settlement of private land clairrs in fclsnda. hundred and 'twenty-eight, iuclud.nj contingtn cies,:eight thousand dollars. v .. .. 3m m um-m w a mw . w w-m m wm w ariw at A Atmi ' k ... m . dr; the discharge of such miscella.ieauscTaitr.s., against the United States, hot otherwise provi dfd for, as shall beascerurned "and admitted m dil e; nurse nf tt 1 mTit-t tit a T" ... i .. . thbnsand dollars. . : - -x ' A' , . For the salaries cf the 'Ministers Lcrd;..: rans. niacin a. ti. reteriDur-. :-:.- r r lombiH for outfit & salaryof a ! IA .ler, lr salary of a Charge d' Affaires, to the Ilircf the : Nether lands i for the salaries of the Ch.tt -e dJj ..Aires :.t Stockholm, DenmarK, Cisbor, 1 -il, lfucnci Ay res and Fen. for outfit cT n u r ? As"l f-. Iars of all the missions :ahVirad K,,.,,A,j' five thousand, eiht' hundred -v--ty.fve dollars. - v , s, . 'A t : ' " Fordischargin enurrseratiori of the e expensed taking hetifth, Ini Hbitants of, t?r United SUl.i, t!.ue hundred &f.i 'City thcuisr.d dolhrj ' ised mericn -seamen m Urc. 711 count rAv thirtstr. tbdasjnd seven bm..!red L.y dsikrj., , ,; For expenses cf ir.trc-ur. 1 with, the Barbzr" Powers, ten thotisaud doll :-. ' c. A f , . , , con and Pans, .three tLcu.mJ c'Dilars I crthe salsr.es rf t:,? ; --iT.ticf eMr f , - ...v -.ujut auuiuwua vuiupensanoii to tne Uis-i trifet Judge for the , District of Missouri, unrler tlie act of thetwentv-sixth of Mav. thA,ikA J'Me, thirty-am cf .DtCenbv'one Uiou-I'-; . ' 'fCiulcdwk:? ure ': fe5;V-- i-?'... a:-:-- - ;!v;-'-''v: -"--a- -'4