r.. t - f 4. - OIT Til E HAITI! : QUED-TIOXj - Which .too!! pi :.ce in the Hoir 3 of Commonf roxsDecV 29, lojzu. tv v Here the nwc sec, that the a cry prinriple'on -whirh ;tbef;Banks . ; was established as that jt slmuld-sup)lyJthb:Sfate;utti a'aoumU "if culafiuiiwith -Bank'notea coiiWUblc-iiitotftWcie;.Haft;'tIie - State Hank or citneivpf jttijr Dtljpr$iIotir tliis;tHaur currency; - in any respect been 4mprpved by the chjtnflc ? . :"He thought nolfr' But,iVtsWt alone in the VrctmstViircvhirh brgughtihese ;Bwfe into exr;tence; that find .the Obligation tbfpay pcrc.VUbY$ 'iuto?tie charter of the. Slate BaiikV;"' will ef Miatsali Vas the' cxpreVcontemplatloti F:Ctlfo;iawy, "Why, rbythed jecfion, ; was it required tbattthree-fourths; "of the sfnek should lie tyaiclVjn '.gnld-apd silver, if it wiis not intended thaClt should becomejap'e, ? ci e Tja;",i? ba ok ?; And Sh a It ! ismcan by t te5tfi -section, f tdoei not meat that the rVnsaCtions1ofth tfioseof 7a' inpccicpaylbg Bank sl(rVlhVchaVtcr itself, and'ajj tlie qir cumstanres under: which it yas-esaktfshed; laiulyshow ihat vlf 1 wnii intended he tibotbertlfank specie pay iugBank;; :Bttfsaid , ilr. 7 independent of theyleWs tlieie Banks &.aHtotjiStSk'H worthy or theTname,,on'gct? 'r .Their notes iueae.This obligation arfsea, frbm thcHf?face , and tenoivothe? hills ;from.tie condition which givescuryency, to their notes; "i The holder tof a Bank-bilHias perfect rightrest-l ins on the face of .the bill itself, to return it to the Bank and de- v-- rnano luefipecie-wneiiever pe maypiease: Tn uo;so, ;anu;ioisreauy x" I convetibi1iiy into croht and silver i the, first .requwiteof a icood -lire iiuuer:nomore'MJUiiCTiionsHa'naT''8nfcieioru!eir;noie any "iomirion individual Sirv.wlio 'ever. heard of ra Bahk esta iie.ueggea the gcnttemart'ft parupn-rroe nao oncenearo. 01. sucn a 15 ank; . ?J It vtfas tle.f ltdcoon Bank9 estahlislied ; somen herein Nthe . Banks bi lhat Stated 'By jhe chapter: nf that Bank the capital slock t-v 8t taiiyiVhe season cording1y the first two or. three payments were made -io, real nqjfde VaCootitskins. ; ;but,1 the story "goej,- towards .the; last, ; J : )0O'.skuiH be 4 - N. Carolina, and then the stockholder re put ,fo' their -shifts ; hivvever they: m I conn fails t 'nossum-skins." 'A; ; .'-1 - , ' 1 . Again,: coniji,uedMr R it is alleged that the; Legislature hive, ;: ho nowriv to pass" it la w calling thei-Banks td an -accountrand !in case ot PTirfeiture of cliarter to provide for the disposition' of their -cftVcfs-'fc-';He was iio lawyer, and professed UTknowjbut littleiabout rt r ?& ww' xWere: he to ofTer: his opinion on a qucsjionfot; la w, he. might i'V inoVrvtiie;cliargetof presumitionr andposs newbern; m'terht bristle-up and say.vWho dare talk of war in ici YrstnPC; t0.a post I disj.:-ow llsem, thi: .. Thera Ltnnd: a )utgo bump your Ijc.uI igainnt it,.ad youMl he tit t' f:nd that t -t. . Tl" a HL2 r.am inn rv process of Miiihr:. said it ia real in :t. ' 3'' a HLo r,ummrry procesof Ir.F. . disprove all-ttha ncutleincti nave nam cout uiese oetng Let them look around ;tljrbugh'. the fine and. prosper! , . i w. ": r couutry4rr-Vead the advertisementsr ot ijerilisaiiuonstauies, ser up nt iit every public?place,attei(d:the , sale-days and setf the a crlfice" of iironertv.i-lbok atjhe-'crowds offyour fellow-citizens sold out onhoiiHP. and home rsee them.witb, theirj;laratlies .bidding; fai ewjl totheiivna ti vq land: and we nding theirvay fii)iTOv and heavy-hearted, io- .dintant, States look at all this, and si say, i. you can,iiiaixnese are iiui uuru auu iushtwohh uiiivcv 'r- " ynu they will soon be.better ? (5b look atthe dockets of y oh r Courts. Look to Edenton;vwJierebutthe;oth!r; 1opno Qoo'rt werc retunied:foVty-ronVvrits,ln favbrof the '3iate4-Bankror?a -sum exceeding 45B(J,00O :8n3ctiave youijiol heardprtb;oiiCy; order that tbeVame Bank iia. sentjoutfofj-tlrigor whole;debt in ten Vqual instalments ''ffiUzr"' Fine times indeed! Yes, thev are fine timesTorHhe lat, pursy stockholder who jmutrohd;ym Wi-ifiraT nf nroiierf vs-fur tlie note-shavers land Tnbrtejr brokers; for. slierinVcoiistables andawyei -wlio thHve on;:therufferingsI their.fellbvr; beings bjit for 1 lie people atlarge, tliey' are, sadlyc ing: more to 'depopulate the Stati to-ilqve.your citizeiis to' the WfsVthan. alllother cV either'di Vctly, or indirect lyh caiisercrushjngrthou men after they, have beetilsveptr.their;all," have spirit; br moral courage to i-emain urthemidst ofc rttlieir fu inswhere every thing' rnnrflpre reminds them of their former prosperity they willgquiMhe place of their attachment, ;Tand with:; their Viyes.. and ;their"littlene?,v seek :at borne in a distant Jaud-w here the destinies bf-tlie people are nbt Jn the hainl of a 'feW Bailk Director.. kV i, c U f The htlemair frrtm remai-KS, lias iniormeu os, inai .pre nii ui'inq aroiuwur . - i " .i-i '' coon rrY - : ; ..r circulating- meiuiim uiu iwi r.cerM dpuvjwu ,wiumi ivjfv ficfent for allpurjibses f aiictTmm thi$; he-8iippbsed,sttie -gentleman wished tb:dmvvt bovv. JVlr. awain liere.expiaineu,' inarms statements were, mis? taken, ; and the explanatij did bbtvary . thereply. : The tiqie Waslwhen the cireulationlofheiStatedid n and since 1 8 1 0," W fb changes have taken Vpla'ce'Jii the' State- ; po nuiaiion anu ousiuessvOjLAaii ikiiiu iiavir.uui(;vjiav(iiii;j cak-u,stuM ger.of 1 it .rescue Dlev ana .When. iti 4814, the storms of foreign irivasiomthickened bu'o coast r when .the! yeilirtgjsayages oeset ;our;westem boi-ders, and wueoj treason sagainst tiie uovernmeui waoaruse in ?their might, aud saved these- necessarily require airj ncrease inSthe .amount if circulation But tlrvgentlcman further states tlia we are not as bad off now as we -were in" 1 81 8-l-forthen, the people owed the Banks nearly, brjquitemillion of dollars ihore" than" they mow ;dWe tliemWill thegentlernan ;not cbllecU that thenM ljl8;) therelwas art amount of notes iiKrirxulattonVast)y.raore cthan present '?- that tlfen the labor of man yielded; double in' value to whatJt now does r that priuuc ana properly men orougn i Deiier;pricesj;antt yvorso man air, jtii oiuc-iiuv uauors,atJtne ; norin, plotted the Republic? ;:Who,: out the people,; arid the' peonleVre. esentatiVes :v;-Ha " u '.:r.-' . r' Pir, slittll we distrnst the;piopie,,or their representatives, while bur,e'ars are -yet Ti nging with: the acclamations f the late, glorious triumph rollndulge. no 'such vdistrust;v.Tbe neopliyin parts. lti iieigiioouriiooosF-eveii iowuuierUisiriiuacuug;unuer parties lair and?, temporary ;:eitC: it emeiitsmayj Mr a- season- errj-! and nftefi do err ; , but. as a whole, thev iire seldom-wrongl hNo humatr max. .the niWence.of Csar Thoufflr he had;great: irspect for the o- ! ; pinions of that gentlematu l(e li!;ewise had some confidence Iri the 'f Jegat onitms ;opotherswho' subject. liiesegeiitle tfon, aud)hebeHeVcd itlT-LeatingJt -to other gentlemen i in the ' House to' readufi Jaw authorities bnV'the sbjectf";lVIr. F. said,, he -ubuld ".Wc'uV .-tdf' tfe rules 5fximmotf sense-r-Wbat Sir.' said hbV has itirbme to this,!-Has therXegislature of, North-Carolina created I . ; : ivcurporaiion uai nas fiingruwir me iav i , , niiH.ine crcuiurcW' cmne greatcVthan the "Creator? T Hav we , bwn'sblongdandled k ?inllie lap f Vhin inbdern Delila as to brcoine shorn of our lock.s ftinl' lr ft to the; meiy; of jbe BanyitiliHtines i,:If Ro;v we have in J 2 deed reached a' strange' pass we may cease to talk of ouirjinde- S ppirdrnrc aird.freedomfoKit i alijajmr iwe- are not; fiee,'but v - the' subjects of thelBanks, .ButSiry tot have the.,power deny it -tvlin VinV t Is Ti roasotiable nower. it is: ohe that has been exer- " JDarieh 'V the hands of tire stockholders and placeu in tlie hands ot Couimis : 'doners. ;We propose Joing no more,; After tisitig every a'rgii f. nent they could jtliihlr ofto;persuade us,; we have' not the power 1 lb aCtVand to scare oV from acting, 4 be gentlemen take tlie other tack.Vand sayreven if we had the po w er, there, is'nd necessity for ' rm .I.T. i ' i I t n 41 e Mlllffl k. St Willi t ft,- it It . flft' ffjvfl " - 1 1 n , fifafn hut tin vCnlready iif a very- pmsperous.cbnditionjTes.Sir, they tell usy that , fthe p f .,!' How do tliey prove it ?;:The gentleman fmm'HaiilTak.Mf. Spru r: IW4) tells' ns that tiie last crop was ery fine indeedmucli "better - thanusuaUv MivFi'said, he had the; otlier day jentet-fed hkto ca ' Tufaf ion's to show rthr extent of relief that might be.Vxpected from the new crop ; lie inuutfiii nc uau urcii very uucrai in ms uaiuuiaiioni r ft 'ratnvr VAii'uviffisT .ill ' iiik .1 i h i - maiia. '. ! ci a - mi iw . getitldman frbm'Halifax ouufigored.the wholc'of Jhcm. HefpUts ; v . the; 1 ast crppf ;Cbt ton jJbwii'at t wo ini U ions of ..dollars. To make this.'you --.county in the oiaie.t xms ne. uiriioeuwas 100 viaree- lor.t . 'veai l aud Miarticularly for. the last '.The crop of-Corn and " crain" was fine; hutJa$'t6 Cottbni . iherer were not as many tilanted as during sotne-lU'vious years, hor-Was theVyield to' any small acres the ' ucre 'as great ;MrF. noticed; and remarked,- on other, parts' of '' 11IC CaltUlHUOrt irruaciiii-u w t - . nil v iac rtirtiJ-uiiiuicmcu i Jeoine of .theV-calctilatiofjs made bx the gentleman front 'Newberrt, t.r-pavtic!ulairly ;as Ao; tiieiboneytliatfwottld- be . brought i nioxthevState Zbv the traffic in slaves? MivGastoiixpla1ned 'thatsome of his j r:tatefnenls vere mistaken byt he gej that he - Kiiad aid--biic; million, not 'two,f .would cbme in from that source; . ' Mr. lV contended that even one million was top-large a suim!! .:,MivF continued-tiiesc f gentlemen have iri'dcedSir,inacjiLqut i'j the'State to-ba in a most floufishing'cdnditipnThey seem to ban- '-Vdlojtnillions as a .juggler would coppers ; and lttlie members-of -"this House hadot so recently come rom ambng the Apebpre-if v they -could neitheo see nor hear of distresses. Ihen they might.pos V " eibly be; persuaded Jh at we are. trula happy aiid prospering "peor nle. , The fcentleman; from Newbern tells us thatrne aie1certain- r ly n a;Jbcttetcondjtibn; nbw thatrwe have beeiii nee thejear ' 1816 sind this hb-labburs td make us believe.by his imposing ora - w ith his fiuepeechen ; he may delight iis'with yelKtuVued,perioiLs were reauy is.aie anu in general, iiiai jraue ,was oi isk. ana -pros-peHng?J"lti fact,!the capactty, of jhedebto than?treble what it np isJjso that th'e position'of Jlie gentleman is w rong - Tlfe pebiiilk are not better off nlw thabv they were the n I neir auiiiiy to; pav luuuaiaiicc a! uiiiMiusueu in ai ratio, fey -;Xv. r,- r? ;i f J men,4 as they pass albngmake Jtia,pointLto strike a I because they owe tire tBaiik less forijf their debt, has rsomeWhat oiminisneu, v much''gfe,ater 1 - The; cent lei side-wipe at the Bill for k consolidation of the Banks. The cen tleman fnim Buncombe, in particular appears alarmed afjhe vrfy idea of this Bank ;';it seems -to be Jiis bugVa-b jo' w sorbrVaw head and bhiodyi bones, to ijtenAhirn; : Let "him npt be alarmed. --Th is - is ' t or, be uti - m am moth B a nk t the State is ':. h n o dan e-er from this quarter. ,;Mr.,r (saldv ne regretted to see.one ot tpe ge: netU intelligenceVpfilie ge tlie; example of anothef memheh whV had sp(ku on ibis- 'subject as to; pronounce sen tenceoii bill whlclir he had not examined, and of course could not nnderstand. ?-aH7-. u .? ITh on this part otlu subject, obsened,lifrwe wished ti establish a Bank of the State; why not do 8piscori'nected with. the existing Ba much su r pr i sed to heah (th i $i rem a r k frpm th at gen tlemanh W h 6 is too well informed on banking matters not to see, the effects of such a measure had a seat remember their' ills remark; would- come lti the JineTof ' his1 dutyi-for of all plans that could be ailopteditb' help the existing Banks out oF their difficulties; and rplace.theV;Stafe ..t in them,':that plan m iuld sopuest itccom pi ishv t he object ; rf he t h i-ee exis t jug Ban liar no v o wc? t lie 3i Siates.Bahk more, than g800,000. This debt canjbhly be paidith specie, or i refunds equivalent to specie fit present thdy ha vr buta small amount of such funds? but establish a Bauk oftheStatf, uncon nected with these Bail ksissu'eyote"s,& redeem t what tw ill follow? . )vhy, the; preseiitBaiks Would: only ha,e to press their cleb tors a$little-driveHheni into the new Bajik---etj a fast' as tliey canv the notes-of the new Bankoraw' Dot the spe ci e,' nod pay o ff the. United States B ai jk. i Jl'he process is1 clear-Ji-it i would" soon. drain tlie new 'Bank of eeryl hard dollar, tor force it to stop specie payment: ; It .would moreover enabl the Existing aatiKs lo.secure many 01 iiipi r oao cc uoubuui oeots, oy shittingthem' on the new institution.' No, Isiri'wearenot'learned in bankinir maiiei gaci . . ii inaigeniieman .couiii.ior a juomeui -forget, that he m this House, as a Representative of the reoplc; and only that he was Jiere as. President of the Newbern Bank. s, 11 i uut', out up uoneu toe -ue.isiaiure nau too muth ty to bef duped ino any (dan of this sort, i- - j v iVIr. r. said he wuuidbriefly notice another remark of the cen- 1! U ' K he niayponr on our senses yjne luurtcaiuig ;sTreams.ot,Qiiy eio Vf'tlds vrill Jiot:?oftcn the distress' ofthe people "it will not cor the t hcarV-aCh of the sufTering ? hat !; will you tell ..tlie ,wretcli;whp vVi is shivering in the icy blast n winter's storm, that hV is iibt:cold ? r j Vili yon tell lilmwiio pants firjbreath beneath, .the 6urning:line ' T that he is' not oppressed with heat? Tlien,tel the.people of jifi Carolina thevjire not distressed One .will believe you as soon as'the.oheiV';;;v; ;rQX -vV- ::'t -TV a iJnF. eaid tn tbc tiroes are not oppressive,, reminded him, of the speculations of : 1. M, .11.. "v I. U. I.:.. .1. l'. .1 i - fully as much so astjiuse used by ;t be sc'etit femaii ' firalNew bemto pmiethauherejs no distress in r the country. CStrajWas tt may tleman trom INewuern. 1 hat gentleman, in his ?(rort to dissuade us from legisla ti ug oil' thef subject, observed, ; i fypn :t w tsbtio act, i f you wish to restrain ft he.- Banks, you iilreadv have the'" iiow-pi' ti do sb.--Orbu;have Jfjas to the Stafe Bank, .in that sVction bf be charter which graduates tlie votes of the stockholder!, ii Mi F. uenieu most postiiviiyCiTiiai inepiaie couia control Uie statcBank hy;i tsWote, any. incireS tliati a1 sm ai I miiioH ty cab, 7 i n4t fief? cases Control a majority. How stands, the case ? By the tl" Section bf the.Charteiv it-is provided iKat the State "shall hae the same number of votes to : which Iht grea test number of Stocklioldei s may he entitled possessing an equal number' of shares ivitii '4iQse owned bv uiCyOiuiCiU utc tunc iy stwi- Gicww shares in the State-Bank, is-I59r9 owned by V496 atockliolders. yhere aiJ5 stockholders,' each owning Jess than 20, shades, aiid together owning 25 1$ sirares leaving 1 60 pefrsins owning thft ImJ lancelof the, stock. . .Tjiee'saa stockholders,' at the:la!st ineetin wit, r 1095. Here tiieii,- are"3S5 stbckhojders owning Inul v 5 l S shares, who Hilly et ;pff against the vbtp nf the State,! 'and leaVe the:i60 of the largest stochblders,ovvnTng' 10,420 sliarevti throv theirwhble. vote g:iinsf the State , and yet -the keutleinaiV: tells us, that thcrt ate; in : its, vote; ,ca n. control the .Bank" ;MK: F; said, he assetted it'on good authority; that biiorinerpccasions,1 when ever the Sta wasTiinifoinnly oiit-vbtedand sb it must'eVer bey. He would I now culLthe attentiobotythe House to a fact, but little" fcnovVi-mii that shows, the J rue .character and spirit bf- the" manageii of f tie Statft: Bauk.l iir the "year .1824," tlie LegiSlatureHvas induced to liana t&u itvt uiiiiiuriing ui" j, irtrasurtsr u empiuyuliie surplus Ti ids of ther StateVUn-thpUrchase of the stocks of the several T 4nkj. He Aould tiot now comment on;the policy of this measure, thonirft in-ucntrycu umi u .was one orougni aoout ;oy management on the pari oi me paiiKsior it evidently was. tpe sole, cause that kept theirtdeks' frorc falling much lo ver thanthey had been : Under this-actf;a iargc amount of stock 'had been i-purchased Tbr the to .Vih it.. cnnductaBank1 nemenf saidi,. ex press 2 d by t ! 1 2 g e n tlcm a ! i fV ;n -1 ' e v. b e rn Lpgisliik.rs to' elect-i :ri.oij :roperly "J -1 ot tlie btatc, should 013 oc cstaolishcd. seem to 'think tliat there would Ijc notliii! ment, enter hru Vd i ii 1 1 1 r I i 1 o 1 1 : 11 f .T 1 id -f q . (r o e. r n t ) r. Tre :i f ; u r A n ' ". ,1 . t otiier officers nov-cliosen the Legislature- ',nd 3 ot;", have Ween any ofthaVspecics bf corruptioii.gtiing tsn here .? .Hv bt liPv not; often sons wiliir,ff. j to think tliat tIierev.;oud he 'nnthiur" L t vititrigcef -t:ianac tand jl pandering," ( in nu 'ng cpprtntincuts. 2lrj? ; rtained a difieicnt';pinion. He u;id, tlie.catae,fc2ir!?,mieJ;tKl cu, mat uie, -piain..nonesi .men ol inc jucgiiaiuryciT3 misled,, by suclrpractices though: there might be per a . l' tJ.YT4f. nN A .. , TI'I , i - urn r ii--4lnv f na , ' na tia tinf I if IIIlSJcnUliiCii.v-"Jk ilia ihh ihv v uu uvNiitiU tiv rations 01 0;loiai wanoi T t;iniuu en ce in me peopxu, ami jijcir ie. pVeseiitatiVes'jThere arVjnany whp distrust the people, ".bt-ca ttiWperple? distrust believed that ' Letrtslnt urS-j never acted u n wisely'orl the people ' i n snial I diVisInn, never actvvrbnt?, buthiupeode;and!theiirf representatives" too a, .genejaJy,ldiptisetl:5ti:dp,wtm true tb:the cAusa'nf .fiwdpirifand just goveriimcnt. Vhenever hV beard sr h ; distrustfu 1 dmibts against t be peopleind I heir repreV sentativesV he cbuldnbt lielp"; . . . : w II histbry lo see -if facts justinedhein.He could find uond'but thosA tHat'lihoWNtlie character-oLthe people 111 a diherent point of vieu - Who,. said lMri;F whetr liberty Clstarose iii;our laud not in lie sniiies anu.suusinue uurarcn.-mii, vrapLvw'wn in? winds, and herewith their liearKA warm .uioou r ne peonre, and the neo. pleVrepresentatives f r ,: ,cn. . A- -.v JiIitrieddUbtfuIiierindofsf beiugsmotheivd byithe hydraof ; faction; who then fleVt and placed 1 1 oice; more in satety i y ho, but lhe'-peo fir i-epi-escntatives" ?tH"l--i-fK.-' : im is; more true',' than the maxim, ftox popuhpox deu r'.'T' IVf . fi: i-rinrfiiilnft ?Ki" tlu nk inp- Ihi. Llmmnit f fnr if a sltt pfitinn r nd apblbgislnig for the length of hiy desultory "remarks; ' ; "wrJKycAf Vaid,:h with, an argiimeiit on' the subj with areu'ments, and ' thei Committee : wrere alreidy.fatigued He ion,r our pose me 0111 passeu, , anu uie sun corn- UheBanksp-k jieniittq ;'eiid Canariy inan will be tried at: the first termor After a decision only Avishe'd to call the (attention 'of:the;Gbinmitteeto sojnpVibf tlie consequences -wiiicn V wouiu result, irtui i.iiupaN?asc w uiu now unuer consiiierai ineuced against su noose the suit iii four? SupimeCourV. it wilf i iifall prbalility, be carried by appeal to ; the Su preme 'Gouct oQ theiUnited States-when,then, vwii I it end ?lvNot - in seyeratyearslv I n - the .mean .time,- what is to become bf tlie debtors f'to'the' JJ anksi and ;tiiiAV( will:, the-public in-: terest be affected tiy Jhev :8uit,??lTlia first inevitable efiect will be,' tcV depreciate-' the notes of our Bahcs, now ; our orily circulating medium, to an-unknown extentat; til the final decision of-Uhe suitgainst ' h tain all tlie pbw-erstandpri vileges vhicli the- noWrpossess, conse quent ly wil 1 tiaveS i t ; in j thei r power 1 to, enforce pay men t Tro m all the debtors by cSuitprbtherWise. W ground that all; concerned in' the Bankgre dishonest, unprinci -pled meCf If sb, they; will ha ye am pie titne,penditig tuesuit'to secure tlieroselves 'and ruin theirdebtors. :..Butas honest liouora ble men,they may be eipected t Can aby man believe,5thattheT8toc t hei row n, sa fety , vWlii le the siii t ragai ns 1 1 lie B an lis' 1 s go i non ? Tlie nbtes : heidby ther Banks' arenot "inadeVpay able to thepv but tp rndorseiYV -who liave "transferred -th Wh at is;' tp pVeveji t t hese notes from bei ng' t ransfcr red - to stock. hoIdeVs", and "collected: by:them jndividuallyi' "-vxl Vv -' uegai genuemen, on one siue say mat an ticnis uue 10 ortrora the Banks -will be? annihilated as soon " as tlievCourt;prn'bunces a judgmciit bftfbrfeiture of chaiter o'tlier side. x fH(i w;are wewjmre iiot lavveis, to decide ?--What will be the undei-standing of thepeoplebilVthist uhiect ? They Hyilhear of :ia i4iu W .Rlif Wian' ftl il''ii'.n' t-n.-, Kami I- ' tl.'ix Ti L tL '? I.Vi.' .'.1! 1 1 L . . possession "-" 1 ''4". . 'a. ' ' t 1 iiuuuiri ai wti; iimii,v liiiuu, un im.s SUoieCir WHICH wereppallint?. i It is;atvlU tiines, sa dclicateinVtterJto interffre' w i th 1 Mhefcirculatlngsmedium of ,a xountry. j If weidestrby diir pre- v sent currency such ruin. must ensueliis jib "man can tc . . jec " l tiomof suits wl : to;conruipn.:.mightT sustaii l-nvu t Avhatlnra's Vpbeconie;df' the :pebple-4-tle, planters, the J merchants, -.the mechanics ; He could 1101 coiiceiye now: the business ot the country could Id carried on uu'derjiiirh circumstances ;v. . J - - - r , Norcnutdije'8ee;tfnyn fbr;adptijig-soc!i violent mea- - suresIf theiaters grantedlet jis now, by new enaptments; remedy-t he evils. - This is our usual :CourseA. When abuses are" discovered new laws are passed tpprevent, theij recti rrence:Ttis seemed to binY tobe the. course poirited outj.by cbminosense a'nd, recommended hysoilnd , twlicy; vj After all, w hat Jiaveithep3anks dne 1 to require such a jiazardous ciiurse as thene proposed; : iJurGc mini Uee- reports that .seme (ifthem JiayeVu'baSed Upitedtaes Ban!; Stork'. - And AvIat evil; they Imil pUUsed'-.OAtfr)nrcahii"va&- lime ior:iiisfcrop iian.iieotnerwise;cniu nave gotten,- iiat jne B anki had purcbased ujthf ir owtriibtesl at a i--discount-this,-:ti6. anks say, av as done to raise the: value of theiiv notes c.l . r 'I &$ they cave. -wore' than others r would ei vev Vtia wan i ri i u iv :1 b " that ? He did not pretend to justify the: Banks for .these-, opernti ohY : hut iiistedthatjheevrils:.resiilttngilie ' t rv r'i s"to iu- t ify so jiaifh, a tneasnre a's tbe;-one-.p ropbsedr - It v. nu : i rely suf re- ui in tui- inr jji'isiaiure, oy iiew- enaciuietJi to eiit peCitiou" bf, tfieAfiVncesr.4 ' ' 1 ; , 1 , v i iiei 11 anKs; are . a I sp ch a vsxux Wi t h: ' h an n r re r i veil e.xch j u lna unir ueaiei-s oeire: nicy, wouiu consent to irr.snt t.., 1 UI? angci rn loan V 'WC.a r H) . IS UsUI'Vi 1 I. nVPI'V I itP j 11a rpr.M V lit our Courts tv Juslicei -irhc Banks aiV tts'Iifltilrt ti thft UsurV lawsVs'fndividuals'wIle hadti! ! rstobd thatihpB.iiiks1ir.d aban- doned'th'eo practico.lf . they had ought now; to prbhibitit byftiew I. thcXegislatui-e could, and i. v vi"". mk; ioi 11 appercp to nim, that.U v.-nui.i comport cei ter.witji soiiud;wisdom,:to ennctmentsVirather than lowbrow society into 'coufc dun 'jy adopt-, ing the .course prbpo-ed. -The' latter intP-lit r-rntifv ii v.ish for veo- p!it -ir rntifv' geance;against jhe : Lapks, jbnt he was satisHeti f at tlie public in tr rest would vhe? better consulted bv thii fm-mr i-nrsc. ' f'a fe7 cal-s, tiieCbarlei-sror iW present' Banks will osniiV. 'Bv t!iat" ttme;.the.Avlmlo siibjectof Banks, would be! fullv b'eforo the Le-, 4'IUICl 'BanKis-