i. 1 I it-- t sS-f v 4- t i Tor the cm" - - iinn r.f t at ;rnts &rpo?ntc qilthe Act of-the evw ter.lh cf-April. 'one thuvmd fight hundred an J twtr.tx-eiLt, from v thenWb of May, one thousand eight hundred a'l.tvt enkj eijr!f; to the thirty 4ks of December, 'one thousand; eipM hundred and, twenty -.nine, rYndin thercntintfent expenses -ineideiVal td .tue agency, twenty thousand eight hundredand , ,ten dollars "and forty-f ur cents, -, i '-V." . . F6r compensation in the Marshals Of th btau'S of Ohmv Indians Illinois,: Missouri. 'Alabama, MississinnTahd Louisiana. antVof tbe:Territories v of M'c'gan. Arkansas; and Flotita-th sum 'of (Vl.t hundred and f.ftv dollars. for'inaKing re- turn to. the De: .rtmentor State, ot tner,numoer of uifreeholders in thir;r?spective States and T"-ntoricr. f ccordrnif io the- resolution of, thf fifth of Aoril. eltrhteen r p, nunareti ans twentv-eiffn r, ' - v. . ; Sec -2.f JlXd;H it furfterfeaheteth ThaV be urn ot three ihoustndoned ' ' '. dn!UM and nineteen .'tents . Vest Florida 'now iitizens' of.Louisiana or stssinrjil. the chnnsihat Jiave't JbeeV. passed the acc04jntinjfecers orthe:5rrea?ury- l)epart ? , further enacted. That ;vH .igeveral sums hfereby appropriated sliall be paid out: or anv monev in xue xeasury noi ovnerwise: - ,r irent, under th- act of the eigheejmvr Aprjx, I aTeMRinncu.o. muc iut - ..www ;-. it'L-j , " .1:. . i t u. r Js k .tnrn(P'f!Mf. . T t T.ip Mnrrnv&fat inn, mentarV onthe Enistle-to the Hebrews.;- HV :,dlion to tSam of four hundred an4 'sixty fiVe, ; . . , , . J, VlH. Jiay ..-The present S Mecf y uwrth r--.thooknd nine lwndrWand matf eight dollars, C V, .V f 8aleroT Property : f - f Remarks on itsAgncture, Coiroercej Ww, .S ;KppropriHted,by theact of the sixth of January Monday eft theenstiing Term, of Wake Rehgtom Finances and. Population.,, Jiy .James , .f'. eighteen hundred and twenty.nme, entitled 'fl.n Jf (iiupenor Courts he Commissioners, hereto-.! raiwunv, , ; . - ,T, -',1 ' V ' i . .m'.v;;inni.nr1i4r,iAiii' hW innnft f fnnnJnt ..nr or. owf fWOnurf f I ' 1 1 IX." The Baltimore and, Onioa Kan Koacu-i. JiiJCovernment'for- the'first durrter of .theN year l Eauit v for said Counlv, willoifer for sale at the J i; r ' eightc 211 hundred and tweuty-nine;. for. ennv Court-House door In this City;' the following Ti" an . ptMisatiori tOSenator and-members. of the"IIoser , ' . A tjt? Atr !pcTiTP ' V'"'v'u'V n,(? -- 4fll.nrrrfntatives their officers and Clerks.' for . V A.Vfc'. l- ' V . tt,,ntr,,nt fcTnpnrhnth hpiorconi kAujthe we James j'jayi4)r' ,r , 1 n, v . v iths.'. thfrt hfi 'and hThv il annrnnriatpd fnr I. n Hhe obi-cti aforesaid, the sum ol fifty Uiwisand vuc .qm ui uu Directors of the Baltimore apq uniou o ' "dolors, nd the sid"sums respectively may Beckwith;- '-V T Company. -rV" ' - r?--t."S ' - be applied to'thft said objects in any part of the One tract -of land lying on the ajers ofCrabee , , x Heerens Historical Works,!, ihstpryof ; . yf ar eighteen hundred;and iwVnty-nineas'.the cteek, adjoraipg the landaof Henry ;SeaweIl the tate8 of Antiquity .From the, German o . - ".public 'service shall require; any, thing, in satd J 'p,hw .Parisb, and cftntaimng 27f crcs. ; h.l. Heerem W ' m1- L, - , 9 W" ; actb the contrary no'tiwthstanding: . ; ; - One other tract cohUtmng 163 acres, being a ! 2ufsory of , the Political By sfen of Europe Sec. 4. -Jlnd he it , lAer -enacted: That the partof thePlantation formerly, Wned by Cdl. 1tJ Colonies; from the Discovery of America ' v ap propnated. . v ,.f i ; v ' V. ri 'cVft. Approved 2d March, 1829.'-.,. ,V-VA' Orur Ol I ennCSSeeio of - hundred acres. - : -V? -ry- V "'-'I A North America, dur J VV r Sr Judicial CireidU ; o.-''.-TieboTe described property will be-sola ' hi Hifehness,' .'TAt...;.'.-'.',::j::-'.'i 'CXimI Ji j( vpon credit.ot six months ior note uegouaoie roer-Eisenach.. . e BW Newfterp at ftaM- r Aarter!y. Ut 15 et ween John Li Richardsbn' and Caleb-W.lIic.hardsoni-ln fartSi byihe'ir guardian George- iereoee, aiur j vv niienirsi ana Tv,-T m v V S v v " ' V A The Prsid nt and Trnsteesof it ' ..-"i- ii.rt.''.l!.L-i xne'Universuy 91 iMuriii(arouut, Defendants. . ' TjnirE Complainants .having filed their original ? LiL'-'Bill ofi complaint .against- thepefendantft. V "wherein and 'whereby they stforth.'and - com ; phnn,' that' they; th .sid John LV Caleb, 'and -of said county, (of Camden,) who died between the years ,1780 and 1790 Intestate 5. -thatf the.said V- i vOllyijre tii only, chijaren ana neirs atxaw f ot $ .' . "Joualhan'RicliJrdson; late of Camden county, N, whodied in1822 or 1823 intestate, ; ho was f. t -i 4H---onlv' son and heir. of ; John Richardson, formerly '. John Richardsun- served as, an Ensign," in the ' " ' 1 Q1 regi rhent of I heNorth C ahU uav li iie" tn . t he J ..,'-V' ? W r-;1 of the Revohitfon, inucn a manner as to v,vv ft f entitle hira to a military land warrant, 'accoroing V ' totht laws of said State, passed for the relef Ox. l i ...;, eompetisktiOit pf he Officers and SoieM said 5 s linefj fr twenty-five huhdrei 1 a iid sixiy acres ; tn-tiap saja nnn iucuaroKon cnea wruoui ever ". bav ng rfniwn o authorised it lo.be done, or as sighed Ills warrant; for said services; that:- th as- e and Jonathan Richardson alsodiedi without 'ever living drawn or authorised it to he. d ne, ot as: cjp-tifd said' warrant t.that the Conrnhdnants are 3 . eoUtled to said wanant, and that it should have ?issuedto them'only, or. one of Mheir- aiicstora t but that on the loth day of. Angust, r 1821,r- the . l : : . . . ;. . 'i - - " . ; DetendantSj trauauienuy comouung witn certain v i - Commissioners !of 4hc State of North-Carolina, appointed fdr , the sole purpose 'of x deli vering to 'v--l ---: tlve military 'claimants under tha S'ate, and those '.' -claiming tinder them their "warrants,; caused and :. i., f procured. Under vsbme false and groundless and ;.audalertt presence, the" warrant whichLthe, Com v 'w lainants were' entitled to, to be issued to themV the Detendants, an consequence- or. tne purged b, . fL j tlt..' n .i ..i i "l" - W ISSUVU V . vv v -w . V WK- r. I.1V1IHI " KnsiErn In the line aforesaid in the Revolu s tionafy War i that .said Deiendatis caused the ' '? - said warrant to be brought; ttorTennessee, and 1- i f'' located in their names upon a' tract of land, sitd-;t.:v-?t?-:';:ited in.what u now'Fayette coiintyi ahd son, tlie . . tfc K 24th day of Jan."1825, a grant for, said land Avas . - issued to "themyt for thevaame founded on: said V .warrant, and the'title to said land so" far as itf-js 9 - vested" bsaid' grant, now, exists irt said ;Defen v vdaiits.1 who've! aim tbesame in oppositionto Cdni r ; VAplairt-antsi and'keep them ouif possession ;"and i prays tnat ine line 10 saia iaiiu,;niay oe aivesreu v out "of the DefendantSf and vested Urt Coroplain--antVa'bat suchTolher and further 'decree may beVmadeJnthe premisesasto Equity jshall'seem - ? ineet, and the nature o the, case requires And Vitvappearing.tqthe satisfaction xif tUS- Court, by " .'-tbeetiim of the Sheriff of -Madison county here "'-rJ-in,. and thealhd ivit'bt the CompJainant Sohci rSfmtov? that. th&'-said Deie.dant8,'.the-,;-e8tfeff and ' ' '''''.Trustees of the UniversitypfCNortbarolina,' are -7V4'not inhabitant of ..this- State," but dhat' the. said fT-sDefend 'State s inhabit v ' ... . V' Vi mnniv failed ;tn T t hl anna.ftnffu' ants-are. corporation, .chartered by 1 thei- V 1 H"n,n. . v . -., , 1 . - - ot JNoitD-Uaroiina, ana max tue-ih.dintIUl I Zr l;" ' "!'yc rceivea ay ers of said corporation, are all .citizens and V ar'tvi'tofln Vf- tr" et bON. ants f saU-State ot Isorth-Carohha V. and 1 1 V ' v fv ' Zj - -; J ; Lerein, according to X.aw and the , rules of', this 1 jCourt i liM therefore - entered that they enter v . " their appearance herein "'at thejiext .Term' of v ' - 'this Court,' to be held on tiie ih. Monday in the u,.- v" '::;.... r. . . i." .t ..' l.. '.1 r . - ; ; ; ;nionin. ct larca ncx, mifi pu-u, answer, or ae K 'd ' 'mux.i.o the Complainants,. bill ot". complaint, o o- " therwise the same will be taken forconfessed ' ' i'orth with published, for four weeks ift succession in the Raleigh' Register, a newspaper published 1 ' "Vl (jaihstthem, set fur-bearing do: arr, j andtthe ' v - ' -r Irnatters thereof decreed . Accordingly r and it is , ' 'J"Z further ordered,' tiVt ax;opy of r tbis order-be t . muie city or. i&aieijii, in me awe ci worth VCarohoaAebpy. S '-o'ri : Jh" 4" " ( ROBERT HUGHES, i " ' ; - Clerk and JUuttet v cajib: -. O qRO: 'iCjAny A0ttgvPa'riulmhU, , .iJ. to th3 citizens kif Raleigh and r,it? vjcimtyl r for the encjouraKemem uc nas rart witll In : the ', lllLLtNKHVBUSlNr.SS.'andinformsthemthat she Still co ntinues'to enrry on 'that occupatioii - - &, that airorders confided lb bet will be prompt! , lyand laiiuruuy atrenaeqto. ;Sne,bt-g. I cafe , further-toi maKe Known to themthat she ia -bre- v p a.rea voy v l -J onuncsi nonce, ' Ladies , - - ' iire.sstf Bonnets, Etc. and 5-.C0UR Gentleraens t;oais r-ui HiAiywiis r mso to ULEAN aitJ :i - i ertVihP jPt. 500 yirOs'. North-cftbfe .: ." -. .. . ri. Kb V-.f.T V I . -r i . ... . f AVd'iust receUvd tl.j folio ving- Garde: "1. Seed, which they warrant fresh and of , the present years, growtn. ' - r --;-' Long Blood Beet Solid Celery, white ' r!yTSirnjp?lo--k. -'Citron Mclca -N," Mangei vyiipzei'. . muwg-.u , -v . . Early-June L'abbage. v White-Mustard v ; , c .,V York do.j ; lirown do -J v!r SPrarloaf do , Nasturtium "1 "j- Large Drunih'd. do , ' Large 'Dutch, parsnip GreeGlobe Sarpy doCurled Parsley ;. Wed Dutch J- 7 do Large Orange-purapKin rariy'rameVUcumoer iioniui Louff Green, ;do . Early Bush.Squash Rbsa Lettace.verv early Winter CrooknecJc do-. Silesia . 1 vdo lare hearl Vegetable .OysUfJ--,-. 4 : Tennis "ball do superior:' IJurled Cress ,r -7 1 ;a Madeira; excellent Teppef Grass JJ." Ice Coss dtf - fv; Chiiur Jbwarf vBeanar Scatle'tT. lladish"- '-Early Mohawkd ' ' Loner Salmon dovt '., Small Lima - dp r . v " i'wwy"5" y.r. . ;A moiety of a tract 'Of land in Johnston conn .1 ty, lrmerly owned, by Powell Davis, and too vumng aooui acres;; v, 4 : irrtui i.uaiuain - uuuiiiy, ii uuir iuv;r vast BVTHE COMMISSIONERS. Raleigh, March 2, 1829. 51-ts. Hardin County C-urt, NovTerm, 1828 77 Vr ' - Boyd: McNairyet al. heirs of J; B:amillon TONjmotion' of tne Complainants, and 1' dec it'an- iTjearing to thei satisfaction of the Court, that ' the-Difendantsare. all citizens of 4th Sta.te.-of North-Carohnaj Jtuis ordered . bJthe Court, tlit this orderj'ith the nubstance of the com, m plaint, be published. In ther Raleigh Register- '.a newspaper prinvea in'Kiueigny.in uwoaw ?of 'NoHhiCarohnaiJfoar 1 weeks, in succession, L --ami that thclast publication be made at least v30,days previous to the next term jot this Court, " and if the Defendants do not answer the core .. Tlaint,.thefcase be set for hearing exparte, and heard accordingly at ? the next term ot this ,, uourt.T , a xrue tjopy. . , . - ; ec. LEWIS H. BOYLE, Clk & Mast. - The substance of the complaint is that there i it trair.t nf 1000 ft.rs nf fund rftnfpd to thAs'aid John Hamilton, lyinpr in saul county of Hardin, wnicn was: in. the; lite time ot tne said grantee, given to the Complainants, to the v exclusion of the other heirsi which saict gift is prayed to be vumiriiicu, aim, icjsti mic io viic wtiu latnu vcu ed i t h e . C ?om plai n nts in pursuance of the gift. wv . 1; ; Elegantly Bdnnfl l. V. Vk SltK, CALF, MOROCCO. d. t. :- The TOKEN, with 15 elegant Engravings, v. The GEM, with 15 i J do (London) The AMULET, .with 13 f :v . ' do . do) The FORGET. ME NOT, with 13 do , ' (do) FRIENDSHIP'S 6FFER1NG; with' 13 do (do) ' The .REMEMBER MEr with474' do - i The TALISMAN with 6 : f . r do Ttie ATLANTIC ISO UVENIR with 12 do The WINTER'S, WREATH; with 13 tdo Thc HE ARL or AFFECTION'S GIFTi-wth 6 do 7;, A fejr Copies of whichi can be- had by early 4 X 1 periodicals : - v. P lilt Al) EL PH tA' 1 edFcal Journal, b .Carej and Lea, published quarterly, at 5 bet annum. American Quarterly t Review, -5 per1 annum.' il tPrankUn Journal, -devoted to Science and ln Acjuur iHiproypments, per, annum. 10,,and Tri- ' FOR SALE ! ;J: WISP to sell .the place wthin a mile. of Hills, i borough, c;which I now rtsidei ' There art 205 acres -about one half cleared, ieq acres 'of Meadow- land and the balan.ee in, wood.-. The implements-are all new, and finished in the. Jest manrteiw-they consist of a Dwt Uing House containing eight rooms with fire places; .besides passages, ,dlsets,&c.X large Barn and Stables: and ther necessary Outhouses, v There are se- y yerjaiung ppringa tof the.bestwateron the tract, and a large W .well . selected fruit Orchard. r - sy v ? , " i, - I will sell thiv "property, . theVmost CbVral termsither for mohy on easy credits-or will exchange it for Negroes or WestiW nA. t Application may be made bv Mfpr..u- .Knv 1-' rVv.W.ANDERSON. r-' ";rutT. "v .Yf serins,, coroners;. JZ U V VU1B "" otner- Civil Officers in North-Carohnai , W rh. an inA.w:i. - - wwccuon 01 ,ine most approved forms for the Use of these Officers. ,.-P I -7 J? nw. Edition of ,thia valuable' Work conV ?ains besides its fornieV urt.l ?f--C0?: stance ct all the important Acts passed by the oeneraUUsembly from the vear- isk vk- 4 XMiiir OJHiMun-. i J I". ;o?.iih mum -i.'- "V ..'-V- Mis-. Cherry t urnip. 3o , ,u t - Early Hotspur-rear,, ; . by , Hed Onian. larg f " . , 1 fWashingto do . hAVhite Portgtd0 5 ' y' i f ' June ' rld' - - ..-i - .. x ' l -r. . . '. ' i r ' i - r- ' v - k -- w i .1 iiai rrr.rivr.11 aim 1 w3L-r XSggV xionu-Americau-Keview, .f JJ5 d( do: Southern Review, ;t- . $5. do . doC. f-Flint'at Western-JReview,', published' oncc a month. S3" ner annum. " -''T. - - . t- m z. r 1 - AT?" V" e Bok-t0o. Gale's an Mt,Sn V !U ,Jfi Pr,cOvdollafs; .ew Edition,of the Office and n;. r', , ; e vi- v cinit cf r..;'-" Ii. .In ply t-thc ?ri :th J;n."lC2- 41 ftv'ron and hissContemnorariesV?with.'llecollec lions of the Author Life;: and hur Visit tfr Italy. loprranny JohnWit,' alias von Dorrihg': Fraements of my. 'pY'MinVsiSeographyfand Hjstpry; of the Ves jrri slatesA condensed Georapbr& History t ern of the; Western r States, orlthe Mississippi yaljfyf Rw.Tlmnthv1 Flint. -, f . " N ! l" 5 , , ' a : VI. Ifving'a Life of ColumlJafc--A History of ine lAie ana y oyages i;Vf.uniw' rv ;!"";' .By". Washington Irving. ,r v;,,. 1,4 it? VII.VThe Ebistie t-tne Meorews.- S. ! . . .. . " . ' ' V ''-V Report of the Engineerss on the Rcconnoissance Survey. made in reterence w uipuaiumure Ohio Rail Road. t , Sji J ' ,1 ' , v' ; , Second Annual RDort of the President and rpfttrtra nf the Stnck holders and First Annual I Report ot tneisoara ot Kqginecrs 10 c owuui "I trt th rhflrndence of the American Continent. v.r.Pm rA: fl.tTi- Heeren" . ?, K Vi v Rimn Bolivar Historia dela Revolucion, de la Republica de i Colombia. .s. For Jose Manuel i niaWrrk ; '..:. . - : . : -. iv irig the Years 1825 and 1826 Bernhardt Duke Of Saxe-Wei- of Neyr Publications. 4 tor &are by ,t rr j. gales sov: FOR SAJLE5; .light SULKEV: with a neatrness. t Apply at th',s Office.- t-:y . " - ' ; r Subs cration 1 ; i'l J?bf importing Grant Vine -Hoot 9- nfrom jcrance. ai a muacTuie price, ana mccrwr ?asrincr the introduction of tlwt ctdture in io i ne unuea urates, .v r. - --;f. m 1TR. ALPHONSC LOUBAT; having cons? ilvlL' derably. enlarged his Vineyard, .on - Long. Island, where he now. has, in. full cultivation, 35 acres of ground, containing '72,000 1 Grape Vine ttoots i navine aiso tne peculiar aovaniate. ii . ... .. . .. . '.. -' . being enabled to- procure ithe best species ' of Roots from his Fathers extensive Vineyards ami 1 Nurseries, in the xlistricts of Bordelau. Clerac, & ! Buisf, ,Departmf nta of ironde and Lot and Ga ronne, in rrance Kyo' propuses io uik numerous friends to the cultivation of theGrape Vinei in the Unittd States; a: subscription, r V j , Mr.lAi L-,WilI engage to furnish subscribers with their. Grape Vine Roota before the First if March next, and forward them, tree ot .expense, to the: different cities where-subscription lists shall ; have been opened. v;i he roots will .be ii years pld, and will produce ; considerable-fruit the 1 seconds-year ; from the. time'of j their being planted. 1 They " will be carefully classed 'and packed in boxes withsome of 'the original sc;jl in which they have been raised, whicb will great iyiiaciiuaiemeiariving,oi tne roots, wnen irans planted... , ,i, ' A ! .-t- , J -: (Orders will !.be punctually ..'attended to rUh subscribers designating the quantities and- spe cies of the Grape Vine Roots they wish", to hay 4 They;will engage to pay for 1000( root or 'more at the rate of 121 cents for each root t " for less ih n 1000. at the rate of 15 cents t and 25 centa vper,root for lefs than 50. c ! Rootsanly-fv; years . . .. ; .... ' - . . '.j (I ' . 1 i J ' Ota, snau De paia ior at me we 01 y icenia cacu, for 1UUU or more t cents tor less than luyu and 18 cents, for less than 50 roots. ' . Payment to be made bn delivery of the roots. Jitters net received unless POST PAID I Subscription Lists are opened at. New-TYork;' with Alphonse Loub-t 85, Wallet.. ijosiQn, v j : ' Xi.oi.iiaim uun. it -Albanv. ' b. R. McMichael. T' ' Philadelphia; ; Van Anringe, . 1 ;i-f Baltimore " r Willard Uhoads. : Wasliintrton Cityy Thos W. Pairo;t Richmondi;. pavenpdrt,-4 Allen 4 & Go. Q.v'o n'noVt 'Hull shiirff fc'Ttinncp: . XMew-jijneans,: . r ositr, ex. iiuiiuu. .'.1, Charleston, , v T. 8t4T. Street & Cor Raleigh. 4 -V ;J, Gales & Soni ' - -I iVew-rrK31828.M., "M.r? jJ tl5Al 'fcTT-Subscribers in this State will, have th et f Vi n es d e 1 ve ripd :a t Ne w bern , ree; ift' expense. , - . v - TTN pursuaiiceof a Deed of Trust for thaipuri JL, pose; executed will be sold at the' Courtl Hou next, Vbeing the first day of Wake Superior Codrti the, Country Residence of the late Chit f Justice "Tavlor. Ivine'lwestwardlv of and immrtiatW ati j joining, the City, and containing' bacres of land, 1 with, a banclsome dwelling house ahd all conve nient out-buildings. VlW " C Vv Alsb, Ht the same time, a tract of 100 acres jf unimproved land, v lying on the south side' of Rocky Branch, and about2 milesYrwm Raleigh 3 andlseyexatyaluable '! SUves, yiHmongr whoip are two youngvand good 7dfcha'nics,":of excellent character. ; In the sale ofthe Country Seat, an excentimi ;will be madeAtf ah eighth of ari acre1 j to include the burying-groundi " Thepurchaser wilt be required to give : a-note orno'tes for t he amount of the puchsemofje; r; withapjrover sureties, negotiable at the Banks in Raleigh, and payable.on the'lst of Jannary ne xt tip to which day itis to remain iri the occupation of Th'. Ruffin, Esq) who has a lea 2 f.om "the Trustees for the residue of this") ear. On tbe sales of the other propertyr notes with" approved sureties! negotia ble as above, paj uble at 90jdays, arid with in 1 1115 iiy vu v sate, wv tit. uc rctjuireiu- As the object cf theaale,: solely, is'totmeet cr tai n JMan k e ugagementsi, assurances ha ve' bee ri received that su?h notes as may be sdd roved bv ,the,Banks; , wiH,be renewed, as ia usul at these institutions. , v . T v : J 1 ' -. . westo:, .t gales; 5T'r.rcar Raleigh,.a6th Febr 1829. for sale, - .in X'" Contents 1 6f No. 43J v. C : 1; Article lV; The D : -line of ; Poetry, -Lord -r , ' ' t ' j - .'-"' . v tory: - - m - . v ' 1 " ' t If. Austin's Life cf Gerry .The life of El; bridge Gerryi Avith contemporaryLetfeTSto the Close of the American Revolution. By da.mes,X.' Austin. , w-. . . -' .' r 4 v. . :u - - , V: IV' ' Bibrranivw.of af German arbonanst 'ii:'''rAnH9rt!tviAn'-T.ivtniofirv:i'oeirT..anq;ui5. m' . 1 r lUstnrv cf the United States, exhibited in con- -? ... y . ; i .. ... .'. - -I..-.-. . :: ,.nexion with its .cnronoiogy ana, pro-res.. vc 9 Geography, by means of a series of. Maps ; the fexent epochas ;ao arranged, as Uo, assocjate'f the principal evcr.is - wi mc uiaiui; dates-with the placesun wbiclv they have oc- ' ntired. 1 Tew.Y orK. ioov: r rice .4 urec u f jirsVof which showi the country as, inhabited Za by various tribes of Indiahsat the timeof ,ita Usrnvcr. and the remainder Tits state at dif- lira' - '(i C ' . ' , Puhlii Vtrgilii tlaronis Opera, 'or;the Works qf Virgil, wtl copious note Mythological, Bic ' V graphical,. Historical . Geographical, Phdoso- .- A r-fn- Fnlish toarether .with.ap Ordo,. of the , OZT All orders: promptly, attended. to. tn J LM fSSKf Jkhe texVspecially cal-J Swamp 17, 35, ,4l, S5000 ; xulated to ighten .the;, japor.or cue, icaCW K AT Tv7Vq V, andto lead Jthe Student into acknowledge :.of ; i;,. YAl LS Cc McINTYKE, r " the Poety to which iadded a. table Lof refer. 2 ' ' lC.hmo Vs. . enctf, by the Re Ji G Cooper, am.. ftcw. : York,-1827 - Price Three Dollars. Raleigh,' Oct. 30; .1828; ; 4for7sale; , .. . ' . . .... .... . . ... . y .11 received in navmerit. ,'Further particulars caa be learned on application at this J "Jan. '27,' 1829 " ' ' Jil 4 ' Have, just 1 received a'supply bf vt IV TEMOnt on the CuitivaUon of the Vine, and ivJL on the best mode of making "Vine, second Edition. 'Washington City, V nee nau- bound..One Dollar., fv' -.. i ..-; V V Italeigh.. Jan. 22 , y . T ' ,6. For . Sale or Eejit rjrtHAT Valuable LBtand,on Fayetteyille Street M. T recently occupied as a Grocery,, by Alien ims, and formerly by Jqhrt F. Gpneke. as a Con-j ectionary Stored "Apply to Lv -1 D.iUh' 9fith'.Tnv. ";; 42 , - mivi - - - -. 1. ' v iJ 1 vy ; Just Published,, y And to be bad at'J: Gales and Son's Bookstore,- ;rH JSUMBEOS OE.CAJlLTOiV, Addressed to the People' of Nortb-Oarolrna, op a Central Rail Road through the State. Price 75 1 Twenty Dollars rttewdrjl ' Tp AN AWAY irom tne suoscnoerin tne mpnm JK ,of June last, a bright mulatto man, abotit 5 feet 10 inches hifh; Calender roade,v with Uhe mark of the cut of a vknife' onone of ms chee tcs, 2 or 3 inches long. The p'ame bf the -said. Jie gro is'DAVY; and sometimes calls himself J5ary LittJejohn. ; He was seen: in the rierghborhood of Raleigh within the last ten days, when a horse was " stolen, , and it is conjectured f byv bn; to ; enable him to get to the North, , where it is supposed he has jjone. ; 'e The above ; reward will be given for his apprehension and notice so 'that I get him again. . -r V ": ' 'V ' 'v t4 "Vv ' ' DELIA HAYVVOUD.,j I Raleigh Nov. & 1R28." -21 V 4 1 T- ; : new; books: ' -V ., V fl" GALES fx. SON have just received fi 'North theTolIowing recent Publicat ed from the 10ns , 'I ?. -,' LAW. v iBrilgmaii's Equity Digest, 5. vols. . u 3 - " iStarkie on tlte Law of Evidence 3 d v ' 'Peters'v Supreme Court Reports . h .C ilThomas' Coke upon Lyttleton,A3 d Tidd's Practice; (new. edition) 2 da t ;V Wheaton's SeIwyn(do) 2 do v , t Chitty's Pleadings, (do) o do. w t t.( .. i.:;.. '3. ... I l " Desaussure's Equity do4 do " O MISCELLANY. rK .f hooper's Travelling Bapbelor, 2,yie; v.- i- r " ' Dick's Chrjstjan Phlosopher" SegurV Four Ages of Life - 1 '-pollock's Course of Time ' 'J r Thatcherfs Revolutionary Journal ,:. Shobel'a' Austria; with splendid1 coloured eri- t. -v. . IL1 ll IjaV'Q 1 v. ArL.isir,'iiqr iue sensitive siany . uo . r.ifi'nT ManciA .U)oiiK ?v I 1 , t.Ci- ALSO, a very; general assortment-tof SCHOOL and VC I IIL1) RES'irBQO KS and STA TIONARY' A RTlCLES. his' Paper has been established 'at the' Seat 01 xne.uenerai tiovernment, tinqeriuspictrs miscelianeous information Its object has been. as it; wiR continue to be, to promote-Jheeause of Le'ttersi and to. spread,rwithin its range,:'knovr leilge of all that, my .be neW, interesting anlltVav1 luable, j a Science Literature, - 'and t he A rt rto get her witlthe Utr torelgniand domestic' In- 'telhgehce,v7Mere.'-)anydipiitatioha' arcaud shall be sedulously avoided; aiid nothing will be A Summary of the Proceedings rof ."'Congress will, duringf the Sessioiis, be regularly given." I-- . 1 'A ItEMOVALii - 1 . TO SFtT Shares of.Stoekin the StateiBank of lllNbrUi-Cafolinaforwhicb'bonds' with good tUArchbdItl Christian's, U lac Jest one, (do; 4 do 'Gordo-?s Digest; (do r , - . ; f , Nott & McCord's S. Carolina Reports, 2 yols ;McCora'sdo "J w .'I Soutli-Caroliha Equity Reports, ' 11 v i.-i Vhuke of .S xeAVilmars Travels In1 the U 5 YBishop'Hebfer's Travels, 2 vols." vS .t ;Fanklin's;secdd, Expedition . , -; - Private Memoirs of Napoleon ' Kyr - . ' " ' Nea'le's Romance of Historv. 2 vols. X - , IValsh V Journey1 from Constantinople to Ehg land'V; V-- C'?V ' ,;r Ti v j' 5. NOVELS. - ?-h- " u s 1 :nnrrar v.vi 'i w - " : rOpie's Detraction Displayed, v fSt Valentine's Eve, 2 vols h?'r"l r, "-Adveiuures Ol Hajji Baba, 2 Vols -1 5' liNov. 20. 1828. -r , .-. t rJJhQ ... ishingtortXCiti': Chronicle ': A VEEKLY NEWSPAPER : 'y Published. inthe 3ity of Washington w men tne fud lull ers ihmfc tavorabie io tn.e enf couragement of a- Periodical devoted, as it isVQ the" diffusion oft LUerkrvi;" Scientific and- useful ft wiuuvi.iriAuu(.i-tii(. inav itnu io enlarge". ami in terest tiie'mind,' and Jmprove and' benefit ; the heaR ' ll A ' lv ' ' ' : - ' . 4 r Cj The Cnronicle ts vpubltsJied every Satur; ctajf ;.and ' is printed Jit the best manner, on a large sheetif.(iinperialO size. ) ? Price . 1 3 -per an num; or $2 -50 if paid in advance.'.' - " ' V T-1 ; ' grai;d co::coLH)ATEh-V ! ' . " . :T j be drawn 4th cf April ? H' 1 cf C30,003 1 1 of S 1 5,006 u ' 5,000 500 - - 100 10,003 ' .4,000, r ,-600; a - -400 i 5Q - 10 10 10 51 51 'Vl0y, 102 . 60 40, y 1 V-102 204 1122 29 ' ;,:'And 11.475X&I0- - tiWhnle Tickets SlOl Hatvpn r. nn..; Jl s1 -vtronnmical. -Critical aud explanatory l . . - - - : . " -..icrs $n lumbers drawyt tn the Dismal StcaJ 'X "'V 42, 22, 17,. 4l,:39, 35. . n'tfe town, of FPaynesboro ' N. Carols rrpiHE -Subscriber; begs.;, leave- to inform I " U ' fronds and the nubti'that-'h ? ; M ;edtb:at large and commodious Establishment cenOy; occupied by Isaac JIitLEs6. one , yards .west of the Court-Uou.se, on Water Sti lie patronage, believing from its proximity to Cdurt-Houser and other Advantages wbi?hit pJ! sesses, together with is indefatigable aUention His table .willt be furnished with the best cobntry affords;' and his pries ,tvill be propOT. ttonate to the great . scarcity of njoney and 4 j unprecedented hard times x . ' ' " V-'--1" STEPHEN BOYTE. ; Feb;16; I- -V! v - ; - 1 49 3w - OC TWeditor ot the ewbern Spectator win insertthe above three times jand forward his ac. count to the sub s'ribeK $.3. . a gr& at Bargain 'A Y hi had if. annlifl Tnt snnn -v : 'lYJLf in the Nort!eastemi.part of the r.hv Raleigh;';on which' is WDweirtngH(Histi'& otha convenient 'OUthouses..;. This Lot", is pleasantly situated; I convenient to a good Spring, n5 would make a desirable residence for a priva( family, . i ' ' Enquire of the Printers, t J 1 52tf T7ierCetebrluled:mid:ito TO' V; ' willstandatmyStahU Li 7vf in this place, fwhU ' T, v A X r::;V'59 mnes fron r. ; TWUv r 23 from KrI " -"- borough, 36 frora Ox. forditand 12 from .Milton) the ensuing season which will commence the '1st of March and end ihe 15th of July j and will be let to mares at ttt low .priceV of Twenty Dollars the season, which I may b,'e discharged ? by, the payment 6F Fifa Dollars, if paid within the season t'-'with ,j cents to :the Groom, Good Pasturage will be provided for Mares, T and grain &c.t furnished t vthe'markeVpncesii-..?Terjr.care will be taken to prevent, but I will pot be responsible for escapet or accidents of any kind. - s K t , W aahington is a- bright sorrel, five: teet tv and a half ; inches high, ten years old the ensu , ing' S p n ng, . of great stre ngt h, po wer; ' muscle, bone and sine w f'was got by the celebrated race horse Timoleon,' on :: of, the' bes: ons of Sir ii chie; out of the noted Mare Ariadne by Citizen, WJldatr, .Spadille and Silver-eye thus -unitinr in niraself, in an : eminent "degrcev the best mi most approved blood' of the country, to witi Caroline Reality, Tahity, Sir Archie, Citizen, Facolet, and Monsieur Tohson, But the follow. ng Certificate from themost eminent sportiraet of the country,' and best judges off the blooded horse, wjlf readily establish his reputation, ail stallion of the very first order, together with tii having, already proven himself to be a sure and first' rate'fbat getter.' " " ; We, IheutSdersigned, having been in the h- bit. of seeing and running horses for a tinw past, WAshfnon Jilis runs;:twd,lthree & four nilc Heats', have distinguished'him as a racer of the first tirdprv Tlie runs of Ariadne, bis dam.-gave her.a high fetation on the turf 4 and the races of his sire,vTimoleon, aie acknowledged by all to have bfeeri the best' ever run,5 ai.J the colts of i tmoieon Heretof ore, 'and particularly this I aui have riot only been good but great; , - i t -Given .t&oder bur: hands, this 16th day of Nor. Wm. R.; Johnson, H: Gee, ; -4 ; ; VMUiam Wftnv9y Thomas M'Gehee, 1 ' 4 '.William West , , fllenry M. Clay, .,-,. ' r- -t ur vjtznATiur:- -, Wahihgton; iri 1822,.when he was 3 years olJ, was engaged in four Sieepslakel 4 in the Sprng he.uort t bet-Stakes, at NewrMarket Lawrence--'yille in the; Fall he was beaten at Warrenton.by John.Richardsj he. wort the 1st lieat,butloit the. '2d' bv; having 'a bad ' start whereb v he lost about eighty yards, Vand v&3 bnlv beaten -half length;;-; Being consider ed In b'nd order he Twsj drawn,, haVmg the sweepstakes at. New-3Iail to . run for which i he won. beatinsr the celebra ted race hrTse Hemjy (the same: that run against ivcupse ior iwenty. tnousana iouars tnere four heats in this racethec first rbeing a Id: heat;; Henry won tle second, ashington e 3d and 4th. ' t - r ' ' " : f.. . -V ' In the Snrinir 6f 1 r he-raa t sd at tfcv 'MarketrJjul Xxwing, io ids. having a curb cc.o" ui u a ippv. inf. - mi nr inp iramm"-; upavi. - T -"-(- ; - 1.; oniy run one race. New4narkttvwitb only run one race. ; Mef was handy-capp'd . Sir William" ahd a liors oe lost considerably-Tn r 1 tin 1 for the second le3t and "was bnly heate n 1 1 : ngt h. This heat .nfn'inr three minutes I y-five conds, which i two seconds. less ti;. ..y two .beat cas VerbeehLrurirat New.r'iarlrWt. sir William baJ t en pounds off his re ul 2 r veighti and Waslung--ton carried bis. full weight. t ' ' -;The." following Fall he won the Proprietors cord t n t! a . " t '. - . . -.. .. gruuno., f'. V -. . ' C lie ui t. won ..the ,1'ro n carried, to Baltimore, where, d rfna Piirio, , fv hundred GO Ui&i ;beatin47, the celehratei race horse; Hx" Childeia with'ease. f Is v.s discorered to c lame'ifier this rce,'. cccc-ioned' as was supP0.' edby .the situation cf .the ground; it being new tract. jVs - '" . ' , Hfr was then 'carried to Washington City, tan one heat tn'that . :r.tijn, but -was bes c Ciare.of llr.:".Wynft-, z.ud was drawn- trained.the Spring lollcrving, and won th C km t uiyscw u v rwr ui iu w iiu iiieir cornpaav that.it 'will bis, found a; convenient and highly i greeable Boarding Establishment : ,vA. A. Wychel ' James J. Harrison, 'ty It.1 R. Johnson, J Arthur Talor; :J,,vobMVorsham, ' : : ; Hl.'tJ,.. r H .'4'. JiV.' ir . '.:i ... . . . . Jdngingto CoL't Wynne. Washington won tac first-he VSuf William '.the second and th.irJ, Washington was unfortunate in' this race ; Purse; a - New-Mat.keVthrce' hundred doiu thr-- mile heataJ.;:vThe ;6riit net in this nee W - i?!o ntn'in two seconds less tliaa any on re Italeighi Feb. U: -V; . nr-