1 i: " ifr. Wash atwrrtdiT from1 the patience w itii which the House had listened toother gentlcinenwho nan at uiuereni uuir.uu- . dressed thcinon tfic subject now under'' consideration, he trusted V -.;'hr slimild be lieardwith likeindulgence. Indeed, from the impor- r ! tniicr nr the measure proposed he had no uouot, late as ii, was in ihe rsion, nndjadefrasmemhersriiitist bei they would willingly " v hear aiiv otic who uinht'cl to address them; ;V The subject siryls v - tuie of .tlwji and general interesiTrto us, to the-fullWiMtiiit of tntr 1 " ' characteiHftr intelligcnr.e'and firinneHH, and to the" people at.larg, V to the fnU amount of all thoir social - aiiil :omett id' comfort; It jTinams' Tt be decided, sir, w hether, .true" ti inir ; truslH, w shall 1 puivue that riur8e,Wlicli the interests of our ctHistitueiits tletnant --WT or yieldin.cla the.ff.nnnrtationjr and threats whjch' have bre sb - often thundered fu our1 ears upon this floor, shrink fniin the:pvef V fortnaii'ct)ofVr'tltity9-atid' pass tins 'destniptivo bill -a if, .sir, ; : and frojxj .the mountains to the Rea-shoreit ; be felt and deplored. : J t i s 'tint my in ten t too, si r, in addrrssi iig the house at th is 1 1 me, to d is ,: rii v the se veral constitutional and legal questions u lurh U a ye arisen ', V.':.-'A'iti the coarse of formerdcbates, u poii Qiher b'jlls. '-If. thVargunients -t of the gentleitinn from Newborn have failed to carry. Conviction home V , to those who JieWrd him, it yould indeed be folly iii meto attempt ! ? f it. ,. I Khali nor therefore top f to" enquire whel her this legislature jVcanVjnTtiiirrf vdation N : of our own State; atid of the repeated decisions of the liighest jit-. ' tlicial tribunals known to bur country, pass laws j)f cuifHc;alion, r : or ex pMirco,.or Jaws vioratiiig the.obligaUoiTof" contracts. - ;. . Nor shall I stop i to enquire whether it be.'' the lawas.has been as- - 1 scrtcd that upon the dissolution of a charter the real estate held by 'the cof poratiori'reverts to the grantor, the personal to" the" -so-, veiriictity of theViuntry, and that, as a cotisiqueuce of such dis- , solution, ine.ciruls oue duhi to aiiu rom uio cuiiijiho, are rxun guislicd, Nor shall I enquire .whether tlie specifications of offen 8ive and illegal acts on the part of the.ofiicers of this institution, sucirastr'iudirially ascertained, will result in a judgment of sure. Anu, sir, wuai ao.es iih? :;oui pr"i? - -htv ' . - : . may appear, it actually- Compels lue oiaie eiupc tnereoy ru lim ine couimu ViuifV tikitlm liuni:. -is fills .IIIO (ttl'.U mud i O'fv m tlpiTKMl 111 l;lko lib tin. hill. aiidJacWinnauy me while 1 read the u - -( . ): . ; .- ', . 1" I ' "A I 0 l.i.i i.aa inn ' section. U Mr: Jvash liere reai -tiie ao secijon. a.y-H bute theni' among the stockholdqrs, and nily, or lo eivc luuuircoc HI iue iir.w iViMin.a'judinehtifTorfriture Tir grauted,ir;flhat thefge are t0 pmfoiindly versed'in the constitution and laws: pi tneir rouniry, imd wiilr tlie eviditicerb' fore theuij tVot lo -.kmywhat will be the judgment of the Coui tcommissipners a ftnt v it ml?-. II . h.. i nr.u4M.il ti rolled tin debts due the institution, twiisihle orjme(fia r read i ly Jpercei yejjtm tUef.ku-pu rsiie; si KTh iy CiiH 4 ji pit hi i dooii cbtfimei aniimmedi divide ' theHse) vesj' tlici i;:!stoof : uu:;atid ;.eacli j ta.k; Ji t'' : sh are, 4 inliiar individual iuame Wjiat is to; preveiif it ? Docs the ntv it Lhi. 14 HPikflM' ..;..i Xr.ijm r... .,i : oiniinu t Ai 'It ! ti distribute - tlie nrureods with a due attention toithe. rights of all the paraes coiicerned.--The, comiitissiiiiiers must- pnicecd . t i no alterna- .... ......i..:; ; .i . ' hiii f11H tiirt ri'ni wal ofhiiotesi nor mode pointed out bywhich ii is :to be doiie. tLet it W recollected, that alt hou .iusijce-are legaj iy. m ay-iplace sir, gh this Assembly, is a poiiticaiuouv, your couri i not Pass this 'bilU institute this rprosecutiorV; as yoii -tliKse individuals at the bar ofliustice, ana ineir rights at once become sacred. Jl jie iciiejecmmanon io wiiii.ui wc have this session been compelled oloften to;, listferi; vill pass" by f hom A th idli Wind "I and tlioueti i nassion afid interest mar cla-: 4 ! forfeiture of their franchise; but shall, for the present,! take it for ' v granted that the charters are forfeited-tirat these consequences ( -r do 'not folio w---that we have a right, a legal and constitutional i ; - right; trpas?r the bill on your talde, and conCne myself to the en i 'v -tpdry viiht it to!pass ? It has' become fashionable for gentlemen ! - vc who address thbiHouse upon this subject, to inform us in what re ; ; . " lation they! tand kto these institutionsjas- stockholders or debtors, i J - and i't scents to be the opinion of "some, ;.tiat in order , that their I , opInloW should have due weight, that they!, become the trumpeters : : " of thcirowii independence. In compliance with this new requisi :. 1 . " . liim,-erVnit;ine to .say, I am not and never was a stdckholder in , - the State' Bank nor am i its debtor as principal or security. My ; ' tiatne-doe's ibt,'- to my know ledge, appear, upoti its books. . I have . ' thererot eno other interest in this matter, than that which pertains to me ns a citizen of the country. I am not,- sir, the apologist of . V-': this hank; i f believe. its afTairs havc been greaUy mismanaged -i v that its bfTirei-s bave '-'resorted to in;asures disreputable to them- ;- . rhes, injurious to. the character or the state, and oppressive to its I- .dealers I jam not its advocate i to' show ; that; the acts complained ; ; V 'if arc not forbidden by its charter, were necessary to. the safe'ty ' :- V ofjliiiiihtitution, atid not injurious to the comuiuuity at lare; I .-.''. v " ain hrrersir, as the representativeof a ortioii of the sovereignty I '1 ' if.ihis stale ; aiid as an advotate (or the people at large, I do most ''V- i.dle7rnit:- war'ii 'gentlemen of tlie tremendous results of the bill up . . " , (mi jour ja'uleif; passed into a law, and do luostjearnesjly beseech ! ' theni in their blind fury against this ban!;, not to lose sightof r v u hat. is itu"to;;the citizens of the State. ; It will be Recollected, - sir- that the bill now under consideration is essentially different mourwithouH the add those oyour Judges in listeiiiug to anyjtmng ourxne law evidence. Looking to: their warrant, the act pass they will there find themselves directed ta proceed, with a due regard to the rights of all parties. ; What will be those rights ? That the debtor shall pay when the time agreed on has expired. Sir,vl have as sumed that' yourh Judges are honest men that having sworn to execute the law without favor or aflection, they Will obey; this law as far as it is Constitutional so to do.1 Arc the people able to pay immediately what they owe the State Bank ? Sir. it is well known they ai-e not. The people according to othcial statements on your his institution g2,500,00p. It has in Circulation some- this sura Jn this table, owe th thing under,S j ,000,000. - Suppose tlie ; whole of state, and to oe applied to tue extingusnmetu pro tunto of ; J the t' debt, there then would be left a debt of 81,500,000 to be discharg- ed. Ami how is this to be done r it cannot oe done, vvnai then,' sfr, is the consequence ? that in twelve months after the passage of this bill into -a la'wi the real, property now owned by the debtors of ibis Institution, togetlierjwith thej slaves and other personal property, will have passed into' the h a asoNhese lordly Stockholders, as they are termed.' This must be case, for they will be thc)nly bidders thei-e will be none others in market. Buti Sir, suppose your Judges not toi be lionest men supjiose them regardless f their oiOcial duty, ahd' tol grant jijdnlgence, either by not collecting the notes due the Institution, orjby erectipg them selves into a Banking Concern, andjrenewing tha rioteV so due.- What, in that case, wbuld be 4 the result ? V Thcj State of Norths Carolina, by every principle of hotiorand justice, vyould be bound to guarantee to the State Bank the solvency of jits debtors. Let it be recollected that tlie State Bank is- jno party) to our act her consent is neither asked for nor permitted;' Your' Judges and Com missioners are lyoiir agents, overwhose acts, the Oank has no con trol. S If, then by their improper cojriduiSt,4 either jwith or without your sanction, a loss accrues, upon whom is that joss to fall ? By the clearest principles of justice and of law upen the party ap point in We; will snnpose a case. A. and Bl are partners in iraue auu oy tue arucies 01 agreement it is proviucu, mat upon a UIS801UIIOH or f lie coparinersuip, a siiaii winu up ariu seme me business. A dissolution does take place! and AJannoitits C. his I agent to collect the debts, and by his negligence iqr impi;oper,con 1 1 duct, debts are lost upon whom 'is the loss to fall ?' Shall B. who agency in appointing him, and to whom he is not account- burtlieneds with a share of the loss, or shall A. bear -the Most clearly, A. shall bear the whblel And will it be I thati the .State is not bound bv the Same urincinles of plan ano one 01 more gross, anu.siupen- f- " r. : ; v. . . ... . tv:n u ill....,; i- 1 I . - . . .-'. I I lnolirp ltliinh hlilH Iia. PllDtana f Will alio falfo hv VinlPriPi anil dous imnuitv never was nresented-to the l-ecrislatui-e of North- J ..... . . . . - - : ..Jj"L - , - . - . . .1 with Tilt. BTnintK nann. irnm nun 111 ner piiizpiih. inn iiiHnRirpinpiiT iti Caitdina. It has been a lit It- deslernated, the plan or rapine and " WT " : '- V .vA . "I v V t. ' u. - . -; ' " ' - - . k mir n ntiatnoaD ay i ot r rik an u unn r fit iiMn 1 iv ri iiiniiinr m o n t plunder. This plan was a tered, and. the chancery part str cketr '"""7 " vy- -pr-;r-y;v'MM iiuuuci . . . - .,...! and then refuse to make eood any loss that may.r through his ue- Otlt anu on .JCSieniay,. sir, . we ,wcrc, prrwcinru . ujr me gcoucoien . . . . A..Air-u- ,.v..1h 7i J ii.:. : ' v WUn llaf li UJUIUIUCU III t Ullvuj mi uiavofVrfiui w'ir iitiiuiu mill I I 11 . 1f l5 i . . t . I ciiiolo nun tuill olm tir it tt m anv r, I'liia tnAiiiSii' la tlio miwla 1 I . ... . J . I ..I iiiiiiialnnAn Innli r - at .. v- W.r tlinin nunllnmun lk tl.n tMtt. " x "a . . 7 V . . . ..- i - I llai.Ir Viiti Huliavn thorn nAm all ! oli li tuvtiu I tt I nm ..uh !... the crdleciion of their debts will accumulate upon JthemV and kind ly, take it uMin your own shoulders. They are .willing to give their I rohiiihe one originally proposed by the geutlcumii fiom Granville. "By t!at 'plan, the banks were to b plundered of all tliir proper ty of every Hpecies, and the proceeds confiscated to . the. use of the Htatc, -a join corporator in each institution, anu equally answera ... " . t !....lt,. . r.... am mmmM 'aFI Pim I 5 . ? m K . liunals i to josyurisdictm length of titiie ta be had. Vi cVitivse candor will tbeB ah kiuiue Uii fthe mean tiihe ? It L inu ! Vu.l f ill ':0..mini.i.' 'linliikil (liuilinlil !. f lii Di. ..I. i t ' Ulll ;; .ouppose. nil .nciiuH ui wiijin ur- wic Uftiin, unuvr .lliuse ClIClii ''tanceiswl:rei "Vhat woiMd er tfeitriWr of aGhanCelloU to an-apnliraiiuii r an inpiticiionupou ine griMinuinaiiue tsatne. nail toiTcitnl ciiartciv; anu uiai piircss iiaq issue!, anu was then petuliuo. t( rejual it fIt wbldd the coriMnatiouciUld hot be disturtwd in tlie eojoynn at f tli i ga :riglts existing, unurr it, cxrept tor eiputii'S growint: our .t the cmitract---aiid that: ifthe tthhrter were Vacate.!, the iiiik h worHU'g noninjury to iw.ui umr, Mir wic oiaie; wooia be (jimiikI cllectfor-the befiefit of-the stockhol(hrs- biit si ippose..it a le.i viit y uoiu,vituii in ii uu' mi univ n i viriiiuru t f (till Iran ierriug its eydenceso 8eiorineni inthis c pirinTenrei until the existence of the olftn mentQuf te Cdurt - jn'o t.Iei innocent arid; that it; is not the province of this Legislature ta aljudthe'a'u point nf view; tlienVsirV in whichI can cHisiderthi$ bill, I cannot perceive that it i n aiy resjiect iwers the bbjectSMiif i ts ad vocal et To mj apprehension, - i t' is bn t a com pound of absu rd i ty . - ; ; ; . I'' have thus fai sir, confined mremarks tipon the bill before youV to the effects vvhich it is calculated to have ou the State Bank and those immediately connected with it, as debt Is this th? only or the most important view "which Is Ui be taken of it ? Aie thee tlieconlyfiridivjuluals the only interest, to be atiectcdiiy this bill! if past into a law ?; Far, very far from it. By nearly all the . firendemen vho lia,ve preceded me i n' this Jdrbate, tlie subicrt h as b cell d iscussed, as if these institutions and their creditors were the persons ;a Sir, has th& State of jNorthrClaroi iiia inithiiig at stekeofjcharacter or inter est -ir Have thoseof her icitizeris who Jiave no connection with thi Bank; fnif interest itfithetciuest i m port a n t enqu i r ies,-w h ich it becomes us to, make with all deli berationand whiclii as guardians of the'pubtjc weal, we are nut permitted to disrearardw - Let it be recollected, that the State of North-Carolina is a stockholder to a-larger amotint than any other in tnis uariK ; .mat sne nas utri v,eu iarg pruuiK iroin u 5 inaiiier Treasurer is ex oicto; a member of the Biard;of Directors ; that oy tne ciiarter, ue nas ii rigni 10 an insptTcuon;oi tue oooks every three mouths,-and that auriiially reports are laid before the Le gislature.:: If these nefarious transactions havje taken place, why have they been permittedto, sleepuntil, now ? If usurious gaiut have been made Jinto whose coflers have "they flo wed ? If Ojiprej-' si on has: been-practised,, to' whose benefit has it been, done. If t iraiuu in ineir own citoies .nas oeen inuuigeu 10 10 10c ui.graceoi the institution, and to the. swelling of the coffers of the stockhotd-ers,--wlib, Task -you, of those" s their coffee the most richly filled;f Sri the citizens of this State do not con stitute the only tribunal iwho will sitrin judgment upon the trans actions of this day. V The people of the Utiited States are lookers ori; and tliey will bet impartial judges--aiid if j theie be disgrace, mucliV I fear, it -will not )illbefbnd adherin tottie skirts of the Bank. Tj thepeoj important. The revenue of theStaieits'Iato is derived from theJBariks, eitlier InTtheiiliap of, taxesor dividends accruing to 1 iie a ca te; as a siorituoiuer.j ;j ii me voiaie nan k we 11 a ve siock to the amount of S320,900, ahd in tlie other Banks to the atapunt of S3Sa ,600. r The bill befdie us, we aretold is tlie commence men t of a system which piop6sesrthe destruction : of all for tH rejicirt .of the minority of the Batik committee assumes, that all have sinned," and by :their reslution - they propose the same pun lshmeht;ffiraII.;T involves necessanly the loss of that portion of the: revenue deriva ble, from - that particular urceandof course we must, in orcler to supply I the deficiency resor t ei ther to loans lor taxes andulti- inateiy;tlie3takesr-must;.ue.a to the revenue bj the destruction of the Banks, ? must be paid by the people out of irr! vv truction to the community) ana lor tins paruai return to virtue niidcood seiise. We are indebtel, I presume, to the frentlcinan from Mecklenburg 1 have known him, sit long, aud known him well,1 and. was" satisfied he was' too sound both . or head and heart, debiors two aiid a half years to pay. them what is" due immediately, or to xtiu u iiucri tH.tr iu coucc i lor stand between them and all l,-n, by abandoning .l.e i.. i,,rii.lcs aSai.,8t ; which he reasoned.' rue, b, one mode of procedure , yon equally, , u.n i 'and reclSnizinff as U-up, tl.e'ro6tri'C mucb declaimed against, ",e.B. yn '.jt.tutio,,, bn Mn a mode tl.a maK'he heartsirk - a disM,lu.i,Lfnf ihe.charter: .f : . - : 4 - j - - h;c. you ,. edge to the Bank .he bitb of the State ;ta make ood , -i ' V ' - tvt jAi o its debts.- 1; ask again, Sir, are gentlemen prepared to take either , - fHerc Mr. Potter, ruse to explain. Mr. N. resigned . tlie floor. ifntlfi t ii.iaw.Hf i .. Cfltk'jfiaLu. LJ h,W ;,;.i ..1.1 Cfv, ii . V 1 a uiuvnuiiiutp til itiiO! vaunt sill lillllU INirJ IV observed he owed Jt, to hituself and the gentlemen who had close my eves asiiisted in fiaming.this.bill; to state disiinctly, that they retained wi 5,., their opinions heretofore' expressed, that the debts would not be thf Prpdonf " extincuishrd, anu ' mat ine clause auuocu.o, was inserieu tnim abundant-cauiiotuj ; . , ; ' . V . ; " 31 1 N. resuuied, by observing," : lie had nothing to do with the v pri v ateopinions '.of-, gentlemen, nor had lie made any Allusion to ; ;them.,v Norl would it be projier for him so to do he could look atund notice gentlemen's opinions, omy as tney .were made pub certain a majority of this House cannot, kill notbaiiction. K Let us now see what relief it provides for the pcotde. The to the merciless ruin which this measure, if adopted. pon the community, 1 would immediately propose that t, as soon as the process was served upon him, should go into Court and surrender j the charter.: You should-have the the plea- think, hot pun pleasure, which! some among us seem so eagerly to coyet, sureot laying in the dust the happiness ot the country, I Dir. 1 have shewn to the House that this bill either does de. isb .the Bank ; or if it des, is effected in a m 1 n whichl am tneirownpocKcts Uur- then upon thm and and bear it J PassyHli a)id productive iirdpertybeiotisHn it?. And ie neo- the btate Bank a debt of S2.500.OOO j - ' -, ,7 ar Banks one of 82,000,000 ;; and to the Fayettdville,a;debt of lie iiro'iiertvi- ' He "had" staledthat the bill recognized the correct ness ot the opinions pn.iium n ;v uic grmiciiiuu ironi lcwuern, pie of Jorth-UaroHna owe fonit exmessly provides that the debts shall not be ext nguished. ihe Newborn and Caii.F gentleinaii u-om wanwue najn, una ciausc vits inscneu irom Branch Bank or the! United States at Idant cauiion cauimn wir, hhu ei ;wc ua oeen ioiu 011 Rl.000.000 inakinn- an 0, nf KanVHofit r eVm-nnn - . ...-. - , . ',-. 1 . - . 1 . 1 . . . .. . - .1 ' ,. , O "--"OO- " v " vv J.v Ji.JJJ tliis.uoor.jrepeawuiy -uy wi.iv nwi uic,3uiniHuucr innye will not enquire, Sir, whether theyl were comnplled to c.i iw . v -..this bank had already derived fromheir the; law debt to the :Baiiks,r whether, as freemen,v theyfeontracted liPm honest men, they , j . tor the present, means : of making ilU Ht-FnVP.ttRV what is thVir ninTiuui1 The State Bank has iu circulation something under - aliowK iwai M-yr i njut .v i.ij fii.i uih iiiiiy 10 because they chose so to do : or whether, as v. , iuwi.ai .y-.- i-- uiii lu inY iiieui, uui win counne our eiuiturvj , v - tius gains. IButsir, to return to tlub to thcfionfwrMMn'whiclrlVeyliire to'ilerive'the SJ V ' -.bavoiwo objects iu vicwvonc is the puuishinent ot those interested payment. The Bninch of the United StateV'Bai ; , iir the StateBaiik lor:cimpiprie ties ol n,eir conduct; and the throws very W of its notes! n to cii-culali. ' other to give relief to. the et'ple.'; .Will it eftectuate either of their I k, object ; think'il '.ran he clear lysliown it will do neither. The gt; now not; 000 n m m . .A 1 .UIJU. Ill 'ilU tlPril Sltifl 'i InitP.KpaK HaiiL'o Jrilw...f C:nn i?n . ' vni'v -vu. unuivi) auu li .ii.ijiii f. Cbject iCW ii.mniaeni,i. u.c uiu.ks.., Lei us see how lar, Sup,K.se tl.e wh.ile of these au.ns now witi,, tire State (a 'very in. ....I .. -liat wav if works this enu.-T-Wc have hern fold nffirlnlK-1 ...Ji: .1.1. . . 5 x . - - - . . i k ' . --.W? r . V-?rj--v . . k..": . .! - t. v t - . . 7. MTjuauie s"im onion j aim tue leouie iravo a cn-cu atma- med um of. on Uiw:ttHir,'inaijiicjiaiiK iHiw ...t; iiP iia dftilni'S ' and tht abiliti' nf ite'dtdttiiW'tft mnf tUi.l.. . . j 4 . " . . '.mv "C I ";i " li'-t---' ii i 7 .-.rt'.V.!. l inen eviuent, ; that timt eiigagvmuntH Ut the hank, rt'sN uKin.lhc indulgence which maybe tn them islife "libertv . CAI..iv..- - ' -.. J kv. v riy , lliai IIICiT I tl irih'the c parxiuii-7 i -wuiwht, nuu Mir, wtv nave loiinUvtiiat : no de oy them -they cannot ray. th in. -Does this bill trive them - . ... . - .:. - . ... which to meet 4 drbt of 850,000; It is s to them is a 11 1 m po rtan t44-ti me," Si r, t tine independence is immense debtif immeiatcly'call m time ir D oes i t pbstpo ne the tia v V- V.i!i.n to. public svicc, .....bnlliancy of ulent ...- buritT or iire "iy" n-; " '.; .- ..Cildu.oiys.arc;8uffi iCi.t t..p,eCt tlmdiu obliged , ,lr .uhli4cnudencc, or shieid U.em g. insIuauS n &i .t ?r e V -S"" '" tWvftlf KvaiUy'lndebtdd, and;i.hout iny thiS . . -': Slri 0." "dMin, and clamour do " 'W Cf c?e; ,nPa ;'el'!e to like :l circulatinR medium; Yur..nei-cha..tS will be the first . Irinnot beiKm.ran. 6t iL.By a p..blic .lieSS .teWed j.avtJ.e.r deb, pjlongs the Jay payment ti.nSthcli.,-cigi,tcditors sfeingthe si.ution f public credit, - , v to Ihe world,! Ihat tWir yield, U.em U.SISohaf S"P' TO1 1 ,,a" It would be much better for each one to have the anaSmea" of - f" Iv.V i,',',cafr,r,S reMcto 1 KtcoI,,ei ' . "ill KaSieVwiit PJ',cr we Strike fiu)imthilc veti ue fnim S dcairfiifttjrt the forriiers of the country They must pay it, and yet we arts told J he object td this bill is to relieve the people we relieye'them by dotibliuc: their taxes. Where Is your literary-fuhdyn ? All' invested in the stock of tbeseinsti$utibh to be sacrificed tiK a blin you cannot reach but at an expense fearfot look at upon; whom you can notv inflmt otie blow,KwUho a dozen. Buti Sir, again, it is notiilmie thriiugh their public property and taxation'that'this measure is to reach the people and be felt by thein. JTiieiiistbry ofj eyeiXci vilized nation has taught us, that it. isangenius T to tamnerlwiflrvthecircu and all vio- leh t measti res wi tlif ispejCU to it, operate to ', the inj u ry of the coin muhityat larand; of bearjng itl lnear the peopleHre indebted, to tlie.-sc inslitutions to the amount of S5500,000 andijiattthey; ha coitsti tutesnrly the Ziule pass: thisniamfu as to ai. jUsefuV purposetiieyvjniie th the people . uut 'about S5S0 Cajie-Fear notes with whichjto ma ordi' haxpensesto w meeting tlie LcgisJ a lb re? S t u te B a v k: paper iv a $ at a d i'sco u i i t b u t o f 1 1 -2 r cent, j siiiee the couitiirnceinent of; this discus it has sunk to tehlMie;ileiIge con to make it ijid da's been mes sunk to the paper ie faith of the State vvas pledged, it sunk 8t)0:for I r and in -the year ?82, t waauj i- puujit; aci pi-uie uegisiauire scaled at that rate. tins u'1 mi in such; that'the papeiif I heather Blanks a cir' always pledginl for its redemption, and yet it has at ti te7ifatid;:fifteeu';ie'r money of r7;wa emiWed nr tl - ' - v-:':.'.tv!';i';.. r'w . j'-r,, ?, t 1 f;; ?"f r , r . J v; . J - , - , , : ; t -

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