. , . Xjtv' X'X":'. "t .'.XX.XXv. - I-.' i:;.:t-..,'l:1 :rx r.V , s ;.. X : . . i i .- -.- f:-.;-.-; ' .;nn rtt .tnp rmxens iviis iicivi v i-intrr. uiaL -AYirr1 LiLAIi. tin jus niuriir y iiiiiii CouHhoVse, i for the purpose of ' receiving axds reached! il CU .pi vcsf a wejnbers iof thftJialcighFire nrnviiled theHfnamber v.fivi Vft unteers were? ncceotet U Mlthc reinaimng fifteen following, tififie; OfTrcers ; at vvlnch ti me ' the Cbiri pa vty ii etv-and : el ec t e dvj. Captair . Lieutenants ; Jnsf nh. aires Allen ms Cp. ehman4: JSecftiary - - : Vb have the plea?n.re tostato, that the. p Tire Kno-ihe is unuericoinc; some;. neces 5 : , p v il, . - v- 1 orv reDairs and w ii soon u nv vwivw i ?arj repairs aiivi 5 r . I orilcr. - We ItrUsto the oiheers , ol the yompanv willln future keep it so so that. In ense of accident by-Fi re, the Company to sive in. such cases. .r;-;?-b--X' X.Mr 'Mamsi "and 'MrPhnilioniXwf xcspotnl en cc appears in Ithe northern . pa pers between these gentlemen (whicliwith he Appeal tothe public of the' Federal ists of New-England, and som e othe r pa pers which liave; been necessarily -liefer-'red until we got through the Bank Debater . i t . ' - p. ' -. . i J . ,i ! t- ' '.; snail nereaijer oe inscrieuin ir.e itegisteri tin consequence of an imputation supposed to be cast iippn theWemory ofCol.HamiU ton,MriH's father, in a letter of Mr. Plumer of New-lfampshire, in which he states, tliab CoU H. had been applied Itn by: the, Party which contemplated -a dissolution of thVlJmonrin thevinteP of l lBOSM to ttaK commana oi an armeu: Force ror effect ins: this treasonable object. Deem 4ng ithisdutytopreserve the memory of his ; father fi-om stain, Mr H. add resses -M r iA- bn i the Object, desiring 16 knoiv upon what foundation the chal-ge was madef-- j rV Ain ;h Plumir'.i mseif' for 'anjr-; Explanation. of x the : statement contained in) his lette r j .but tliat the information which he had re- q cciined in th spring of; 1 804 .t at J Wash-v ' ingtbn was entirely distinct and indepen- dent from that gi ven b jr M r.Plu mer, which ' was, not that his father jarf consented to Xf X";' ;i i! 'ltXl:!:t-L-j !; Vi. iXvX: X 1 XXt-i't nljirpd at the had nf the Tfoiect. or to U . take part in it, but that an . attempt had been made to emraare mm in it, a nu mat -- " - - n ; n - ' . i oreN the plan liad been broken up by his father's K deceseic Mr. A. believed, thati his fa- ther bad consented to attend .a meeting at Boston'; ; but he believeji also, that it was his purpose to prevail upon the party at that meeting ti abandon their treason able project.But to con ti nued or resumed, n ot with stan diqg his father jlecease, nntil the . Iartford v Convention in 1 814 Mr. - A. had further . - . j : . ' . . : " leason tor. believing tnat uou namnton ilisapprWed this jprtye orifrinatbd from iHsatisfactioht at the an- ' nexatioh of Iiouisiana to the Union, a mea. sure which he had understood was an- proved by him. . : k v- , 'ix'-x ''xxarn'?-xX; :x-;., ;x ,1 X I X X. .. X , .We take this o pportuni to giVe an ex tract from a speech of De;;Vitt' Clinton, delivered in the Senate of New-York, on the 31st of Januarv: 1809. which sustains the opinions 'of Mr-Adams in regard -to- the nroiecti and agrees with him .in ac- "quitting Gen.: Hamilton .froni"all; partici I paticn in it. Mr- Clinton says' It is. berhan!. known to butLfew!. that tRe X prpJecV0 dism err.bermerit of this T couitry i X: fiqt anovel plan, "I rjowin ' ouf of ,thev Tercent i measures ot Governments as has been pretend- d.Ithas been cherisJied by numheT oflndi.Jv -rtchiat!! tor a series; of year?, and a few' montha.1 tJctQrts the death nf n vtUtVnirniahl it., whose decease so f deeply excited the, public : Xensibi)ityi it was proposed tp hiin tpt enlist bis Rejected by. him with alvhorrenfee and disvlain: -::XXXX-X nc 1.1.1. c.uiiytu, -jenuuzrer states, mat ?a deputation from a meetingxof theVciti 2.en$ o Orange, county, haying waited up on Mr M ADisoN,?. to ' request lie would serve in . tup viMj-riitniii, ue renneo - '..".' V: -i'.S-.C'X .(-. : .. X , Xf iJiai.he- tvpuldi it wasXilicicish of the - -' " jf ; X :'. - x :x :i x :v:; - '-xxrJxx-xxitKP ; ' ' 71kBankert Stepkmson.Ti ast Lon - don papers give an. account of the sale of tlie pe rsohal -pr PpeVt b f Ste pheb so n from 'Vhith itapper$f tl ; jllorse ldn fe 5, Kineas.l,:S:::K ',; x ftacmghpi k; '1)iftw1iditSCbupty ... ' 1.: nix rJii; "i.'. :,;u:x'r. .wiv: Frailer of the same cbuntyi'becaiise be r i' fwjA to give 'i pa ':Watc!r Ivi htclfe bad X.,. - as v laniuj l v,-i inurqerer uas, ;: lor iiie pre sent,' made lus sffWtf& WeJearn from the" Frederick tow tiExani- his 'felIowcitSzen8h; noi ithsrandjn cume among inem." vjiien we re-v wiiuic oi mm il Jt r lie .r;"ia k i in pu ieu ; r Ir?Clay; thatH theirattennrlrisCiri Vsuch weatHtrjr prcivetl that ihey jve re notSsuti' cularly appnpFf io the occasion. -iftr ; -kTIic iAniEiil a,-iemf-rn Jterarj; & ' M i see 1 1 aiieous Gazette; is publish ed in rfdyf0idletinS 'Ibnes'mi'iffsti adeU - , 4to.,amj, evefy third j,uber Will t . . .. j " 'vv v contain a handsome copperplate, engr engraV- mgx vy e nave receiver a specimen num jvh r " j t? . imr. Ve have received a svectmen nu w " , . ' - s W i ber Ayich may! be seen at our Bookstore ::Xi' -j-'lvv- t.Kx i-x: .n 4 r :,.s. wnere j suoscripiipnswiii: oe j receivea. The price Is 5? d ers, either to the publisher, Ed ward Mof risV or,tojany lofhis Agents, yniist be paid in advance and if sent by mml'fiost'patd'- XX;r ; ;I x- t I A.. We I ea rn) h a ;th e s i hl es be) imgingto the tavern of Mr. x Win. . H. Slaughter; in Sal-, isburv.; were destroyed by tire on f lie iniirn ihg oHh irthipstlint suppiosed to; have be eo the work ofan incendiary, r No h orses were burnt. : X at a Mediqil Cimue!cemnt. held jn the &i I o n n ; o f t h e M aso'i 1 1 c H a jPhi I a I e 1 1 h i a , t!eIegree;;? oil Doctor if Medicine , uasV cor) tVrred t u potl vonex hunilred a pel seven gentlernw who had passed tjieir examinu .atihh'bj:ibe Medital F:i rutty. ' Among t his mi iber, r we : observe the' following from "Virginia and this State I H t i X;-X:.'-: I VIR8TWI1. 'X-- . -1 ; " , 1 ,'x.f; XMarrih R. Griswo!.d, ' JDtttpepsid. , - ; "j x Orlando Fairfax Jcnt Staq-e of Dysentery. J : ; Joseph K.'Cp mysw. "1 - Xx J .- James ;Mi:ton Ins:et;Gaj!frtM. x " ' -? William Bay Jofv Co f era Tnfau font. x T i v . , x Cuthbert 1). lferham; TOMv .i . .William Ft. Edwards, Cholera Infantum. Jamea S; Tunsta!! Gastritis. Jlv - ' i Jolvn N Powell, Uterine JIamorrdge. J Xx .llenjmin Ji Harrison,. Diet in Convalescence. . William Sn Tic Dnlorewe. X X XIX, Peter 11. Anderson, Typhirid Fevir of Amelia. George J, Smit h, Gastro Enferiiis. ' ' - x v Singlet mi Jone Cooke, Jlechdnism diid Phv siology of the .Human Head. i ,:x f . 1 i V !.'X-. i II tarn b. II arda way, GonorrTiea Virulent a. ; Henry D. Mai!l, Haemoptysis, jx X x; Conway Ilollims Nutt, Bronchtcele. x Henry iv. Jones, Uytentery. Jon" u wiuiamson,:ty lim R. Smith, wAnatomtt and Functions of Me skin. .'.- ?w'c'hwmii . John D. Porter, Bilious Diseases of Happatum nock.. f " i ' ' JfOaTH-CAROLITf A J ' ?.fich!.el T. Donnellan, Effects;' of CoW' MilO A. Giles, Stiphili. - ' : . , William P. Moigan,J Small Poic and cause of failure and Vaccinatum. X 1 x " ? . Nicholas I,. H: Smith, Jttfsnterta. ' John Wesley Potts, Med: Tofiraphy. and Jlu- ' m r 'e nr.. I i '.nr?. ,i nomu ukis, jjyseniery, ( .m. . ... -t Tft . . r i?brim.The President has appointed to profitable offices,. Isaac Hill, Editor of the New Hampshire. Patriot Y-Amos Ken- (lalu Editorjof the Kentucky Argus 5 and Nathaniel Green, Editor orfadjunctof the Boston Statesman. All which papers have bee.n notorious for their viplent and abu- . . , .. K , .. .? .. . rmintsiration j and thus1 it is that General Jackson sets about the correction of abti-- ' j sesn bv bestowing opulent (rewards upon tne aousers.. . . . . t-x "Economi and 'NpformVThpf nnnnint- I m neiu oi; i nomas r. -.moore,..oi lventucKy. 'L? V!!,oml f V,ac? . . f ... . . . . . J . - at the place of his desun recalled mertly feir theVp a Jackson .man in the stati gives, us Jajittle insight into llMt boasted. iytem rof jrett e 7icAwef a i 1- economy Sot wnicn tne pieetu Aiminirrauori areiroin Tls maki themselves si conSnieuiiusC The - r' - , . . . . r- . . X. iv. ..: -Xi 1. 1 HO fliaitPr S 1 1 WlM.nOl I teen thousand dollars jlvUl receive Otity that um ;ViZ. vfi9000 piit - b-;iortf,nn'-x-i . r-w . v "v - . t, x - . . , I r 1 7 111 ft Jm W lF,riKII - !HVW& .ft... - ftftwV '.' 7 -1" ,! X . X Xi . u'll'' l.'f.tX -i. .. : ' " m t . ! -. . ' . M (.11.' f lll I t?lll W ' ' - W I'. "- ... ... :'U- - r i X X. r. n Htrrumi tirivpn ni annninniipni h hnnf civ m.iniht. Ainr.f 2 tno ftnst ui rue iniis v ' " - - ' - 7 ) " " moo to Colombia may the refore be set d o w ti. at- SS0.6((preghteen-month pen od . ; I nuS stye go. ;x.. A friend i in Bail ti more; writingxto us. imirriHi 1 n trt . A I F.rntiarli : h : ri 1 1 T It a " ... - ... ...-'.... .... .. ;- v. reiirner, he js identified with the nation those "-x-;'- ;",,"'r; x. - -VITR -' ""xr of hisbloocthave moistened it he America st-il hi iis neience x nis son, une'ioir uie orignitsor-;! naments of h the Monumental City- his hiirhlv gifted and much lamented sop fell in' repelling; trOm its'prpcincts, in jl savage fo; ;xThe hoafy apdged father-mighty withmit injury to any, have been spared in pffics a-lew; years longer, iux a titue who know him now .will know .C i ' r wH - X llt, anirz)yuiu naiary lar iiue year, wuicii i. is pa my. exjureu j ine ex pense ui tueea-.ji j i x 1X1 't'-j." : x. t;i. x r. u'X ftil j j! hiiiisf in Ktiilailelnhi. whirh lucHientajiy ijf "vviiv1:' " i x " r :l . . ; r"i To alt this the son ti tne loresi, wuo; pau rylahd lpubUcan)ment!pnih;fhe eftects heTarinthaVhad , on,, the pricey of 0bfVgd the .tlrowsyUposition which val of thfe old Nyoo'len goods'-Zyn-' nV: I ! prevailed Aie aMemblyreptted- Uibph ! ; n 0Ur lastVcircular, etaled.ithWt I!P3lV The ifnod old Renuiilican Colonel Lowtvis Wnidlpn nndi had .nVr1 1 v rUe'tt in ia!. and no opay auy ,thing ...AJ'5;i:vV-T;'t'' efer!TTtlsBarat1iitheitt the grave irt sorrb w Vgx . -g5?ypxtx :X'-!X Jfpn all thevildjexi ajrtdpopularfeelin to time agi tated this county;' there were still Si i ndependent feel i ngs as; well as by feci 4igs hallowed to Humanity itselftliat were 3ii perior tONpa rty ra gerapdljiat Ban c ti fi ed ie precincts of thosnerable'wnr thi esijl x I f Col.4 IiO wry was a foreigner j by ijrthf he wasjthe armrheartedjepuntry- man)x thousands birishmen d ered no smaH service to the favorite Can? d id ate ; 6 ft hat class jf oii r 'ci f ii s x n t h recentf Presidential clectipnf Lamgi ias he bceni n ear: ancKdear ttRelrislimeii of Baltiinpre.xi Ireniemlr tuai iyn a?isieuio raiiyx ine; leeiing oi t h e'Iri sh m en of B a I ti morel ii , tl i.ex'nfe tfiiira' blivyears ofij 7D4iarid5f:whin; hexl-tom' manded the 27tK Reitnent then fully a rival Jo th e 5 1 h Rejri m e n t i ts el f. . O ften hd often, whea pu tur'd at the top of the Battle Monu ment; the most distinguished; victim tJhajelt in Ue- fence paBattimorea , man otl hi complishecl manned and nXftiret nrnn srwi cTr rr ma mn rtharn9va na i rzrr.y: rr-'r I "L"rYf . in his behalf, than that his infirm; and worn down parent in his last days, should ITIVV:!. raVe 1 V "e;fveiTcoin u- nity his lire has been devoted! to" andfhis son was sacrificed for ? t '? Francis Baylies declines indignantly the Collectorship of. New -Bed ford-phe has been a faithful laborer for the Gene- ral and demanded a more lucrative birth 7-he aimed at theiCollectorshipatBoston, but this has been promised to David Hen - sua w. Ati euort is tnaKing to nave Xvir. Freeman re the public X X ' . x-vX c v b . Loss of the Cutter Crdwford.--vom Piine, of the; Revenue Colter Kj iota in r . i , i. tX .u i 8 1 ynw7Vf V' .f'.r '7 V'" VK v "v" r unfortunately-capsized, on the: loth jinst. b? a sudden hurricane, which' occurred whAn nfF tho Hiirh Point' "hf. Ctimbfrtarid Island. The Cutler at iheitime was! un- der easvr??ail, but such was the force tin!, itn I ,cd. T.fiiviv hifn fnrnmixjf n ilii; I f1 i tv ' rifin;i lilnnX wlii nnmo of-intts i ciilrv-1 .r.r . wiiiuiuai ?"ic i in iiicu la i c i jf v n pi f.c" ' u aiiu inyi c .jt uuiauic state . - , sunk-aridlhe. Captain, Officers and part . L ' r ." . " :x , " : . of the craw, ere with imnirient hazard, Froth 'Liberia By the Shark, from Aft ' sWect iby;sWimmHig.;.i;TWo;of th'e'4rew,x'rica, despatches have been received, by nu,edP ud a colored man, belonging ; to Captain Dr. Randall, the resident Agent, which Paine, went down with the vessel. I Georgian. . We are roe is relieved from the fever by which , ... - x - - - - j T f! - he has lately been prostrated and is now) decidedly convalescent. The VirsnniaUnivtrsi stand the Lectures are to re-commence on the J st April. The sick are rapidly re- covering, j "ci racuuy imve uimi.ucu forUhe present,! that the students should board pi,t of .the XJmyersi.y at house4 to.be approved pi uy themselves. ; , J Mexico. We have Vera n .'i . JrUZ intelll-: gence to the 10th -u.lt- by the New-Orleans ew-urleans papers, trom wnicn we learn mat tne tu- trom wliicn we learn mults in Mexico have subsided in a great degree.! " j Guerrero has been proclaimed Prcsidcn Congress sUUIlli ittru . i" y nib utwuit ruin aiuvMiT ; . i , r A i.' 1 o l - - I One ot the rirst acts or the new,aumins4 tration was the solemn acknowledgment of the services rendered to the Republic by Commodore Porter, who with lis cha racteristic promptitude and energy, had ereatlv contributed to the restoration of -"LjX :"xi.I x: c:-v:l-'-:3f : " J. gOOU onier ui iiic city oi; Tt-iii viu. Georgian. ' v 'p tes in- ptanes to boanls of any required ihickiiessj panes anfljoints,;anl grooves and tongues tnerrt. a v . . i h r opme X tMWf Xjegm nie.wun me least snow anu ine iesi expense piisiine'youx;mayat pleasure in t crease both, butyou carti not easily ditniniHh jr estate your own Whue any man can can u pop you for pi one j H U'l morous to be w.m r. : rft. ..w i roveri y ii n llM z .--. ; j , . U i . 1 It certainly dtrpys I IICI, , II. 1 . . nAnia e..ft'';'i.iiifti t ... if a ; r Kl . 1 ,.! ' t; . - i -.i r. . t , m , t 77iC Tari-i-rWe have Jbeen favoured hv ntorrhafif nf 1 hfa . tl afti wit h Xtlf r fnl 1 lowing extract if a letter from !p Uilii riil J.. . - : f-Xft i '' -'.! u 1 " .1 ;l -. rrt, i . . . : p ' 1 ue ! : mis acivauce ws oiaintaiuen ior ,t . . . ' umc u, ,jv ,va., vMftv;iv vr",,vtt.w r .,...v,. their aver,iee value for several rears5 nre ,an..y.r-aji , f i'!-..; " r.r lx x $lttpllg. in VJiurcn.l. is a. niauer oi i store. x ;V ..x J.-K xx. - v . - .k 9 m V - n. mm W M M.'k ' . a Vfe . 111(11 il ' ' . w w . . a M . T . a pammoiij.,xLfei it eyour-urst no matter .-where that; about 1UO K - x- xCxxixx". in no man's leb!i Keshlve nhtl "-eara'aff.. : an Imltan was conducteil-bya M V-xv.x-':riiM-X'n- : is a great efttMoy tp huinap the 10th in?t. Mr. Hen ceding; : And Flannels, whicV sold high whicKito : ik - u a.. r. rfiil j;-Tt took in Ri ! MeissVstable, com- ... .... i . .'I .' : ' :. ...... i,. ... i ... il . ... .-. I . . . ju VMv c i i uai h -vi -mr.. i i m vu uiu iuuu : ivu below iornier rates. We now quote both these articles at' lower prices thanthey ittle while and those these articles at lower prices - tnan; -tneri iron,!, ot cuiisu.uu r 7xx - W beo for ivml Wr.'j f--! j 1 nej's' XteDgetAnsIey'8'Uan ana Brew-1 .core and gertn jrerv . - ; . . .. . . . pv- w"-x trK'i "t-.-'V lvV- ;.? 'V.;;- -V 'ViV.s- XX:: ' J 1 Vs,txt" v4 r i- V - . ;L" T'l X x-'-- ; v , - : ; Th'd nassasd of thev-tanCIaW.' havinii caused fa; great activity HrithtsWopUen yTrifhffiftfuf the iricfea4 djsupiiry of gopiN from thie ihanu factories ptour nciiuntiy, lias mainly tended itb; ,rd'ucer wiftriutdoolsl Operate in fuiurto keep nb wejli ascertained, hat' we shitf Imaou-ip tactpre tU Jtonie the present year. ; manx flelslas; wilt betequired v for Uhe cn; jsu tp p ti biii f ih e count ry, 'iv hi ch we o;ii -ot : 'iSpubt .will, be sold at liwer rate4 than ther have been before rhis" also - appears . to be jlikely to be the cae with midtlle arid loy rj;eHBfpH 'man ufatured i P a sy I e if i-great'. prf'jc; ttob, atl are tiilwe b. liee, deserved Jy in'gre4tfiyor; inail;4Wtifll"fx our cpuntt;yi bmes ,i in a o y v a lii able nroner ties; a vVt. b e iil am i f i recll oi f 1 h e N v JETagl a nti S icii V lh' pronioliiVn of Manufactonoir and t!ie chuoic Arts' commenced on Vcdiesh f, - M :f J n M. Fil. om t 1 1 ? h ill sta ti i, The n u entity. ;otv ar ti-t "I I iw -. ii ' - - ' - i- .... ... . - i iv as si pi u ch gr ea t e r 't !ia n forf &ci hrtd to be, held in bother-places. ill 1600 idecei Manufacturing rfii7 nnrrnnift. PM4 - ;i Here were at the irall ' ... . .- - - ... . . . s Pf fi'Cassimeres from one estf5irshll1Rn, ; ; 4 5 N : :t--'" ' w J' Sest,trt rich specimen of Gold, found tm i,J ,,;.r p ik ....j ri;.i ' I 'i ..'.. ti.... .X x-i: i- i. -' a? 1 I 1. iiiirT. l l fillip, wtlli n ln Iimvo r t haltarw.n I r-p . ttx ' . -. . jftfcip i . i , . ' ' whu. ii we nave no nesiranon produced atxthe : Mines in'rMecklenburgf : i.i..ixf..i.M - x ?l pru.uro.it., . v ; : h jr urtcvuie jrumrer. X Resources of Baltimore. The shin La-1 yfa.teHardie. - which cleared at the cusH thousand dollars.' It consists chteilv of col-1 tm i goods, nuch the larger portion of which hak been inade at the manufacturing eslaB- V i. . . .. c -n i.CT 1 M7fvy." "v "a,k""v tj These goods are preferredi-and are cheajh- er thab the British land the quantity carl riid ii,t in thft I.afavpttR mnv Tftnreapnl mlire than 1 00.000 lol tars of 'bread-stuffs I confirm the news of the disaster, of which) a UimnWr was received a few davR ae-o bv I Ja -,L ri?ni;n,li. finmo m;'nrfnr AWntJ f r ' Lot Careu. was makinsr nre- l -, y 7 ix ( f pactions to assert the authority of the t ft nf nenin? a trade for slaves. Ele- ven persons, including some boys, were bUsily employed in making musket Car- tfM, fcprudently ntinued their JUt, by candleliglit, Mr-Carey sunerintending the work. By "the care- lUnP59 or itrnorance of one of the bovsf. - -n . .I ,Um i n..b;(lpr tnnlr fir whir.h com- ckted to all the rest, and the house, oyuib I'" " - www ' 1. wth all its inmates, were blown up. if .x Care v; fa most meritorious and vald- Jul, man and seven bthets none of the viduals XX perished. l lie remainder escapeu wim it" mt I 1 Til. leir lives, though one oi xtne survivors na 'Wliiwh a, distance of thinv vards In ther respects, the afiairs of the, Colony w i F Xs' at v ir,ix ere prosperous., , ; f K ui. u.. r 1 profitable article .ordress . . x -'Jt &'XfJ& Progress o fx U x" T" -- . : ; x X j ;il con vendon which I have just ratified, whils -A Grand Project. -It is m cpntempla-1 confirms; with respect to the right of blockade ion, -says the Cayuga Republican, to con- truck Suitable commQn!cat;oh;fream 0ati, navigable .Schenectato akeS Oswego and Ontario, Avith a depth Hiaiftt me i.ui. j--"- the most eligible1 point s for connecting it by - a- canal with Oneida lake $ and from by a canal - with Oneida lake f and trom Oniitla to Oswegor it is designedxto xeXr " . " , k :mnHA. r rTI, nannlft nf New-York, will not let Xthtnds alone; andxlt is no wonder that t ! :?r!'!i ..k ikVW:' is w - w - ' . , -1 t are jealous oi uie progress u ,-jupuiauuu j jftut Heaven helps those w ho help them- I selves." i-ivtc. x : x fx .'1 11 4rvir.ia nt the sanciuarv aV , vnen tnese. services wtre, niucu, ;- -wru. tdua aarvirt8 .ttprft ended, - 1 ixi ' . . i t tiic wiui der to show tbe supenority.or vunriaiianuy over heainenism, entereu iuim a uiaii, the nipney 1 linn; iif Wll ev aoDropriated by .the Congrega irh iw- was a memoer ior tne thehuu .he Wy.o the n,..,..t-&c. a r. Li" t Vlr in Jlrimista A letterTrom thence IaJ?: d1 -i- . ,. t . . 'r x v x-ri - l mendoustire inottonKaii . . . - . . , i - --t . . j - 0 v-" a" f ii : municateu to me kucuuw, " I front, & consumed ThpmasVKan, Uin Prescott building. Th whu?(i" belonged to the estate of-JC. W; Jop es, all . insured lully, by-theharle rtptal Jos$ here were; sundry insui x ' rariccson- goodsi (irhitnrcv &c- by tho- ijaruoru ompany ouc mostly; saved; x . - Sciota .Valley, comprUij abotit; dhe sixth part of tlvrState ;'-vt x;:;5; '.X '-: 7,030 fat cattle, &lx&$0 pr had, $i 80,000 - . 30,030 siocfc. do: J4 do.x 420,00(3 doH 337,000 do: : ; 0,000 do. ; 3.0, 00d ;xr5,00Ofit hogs, s V15;000st?Ck'do.- 4 '1.2; xxj0 horsed t--i 50 x X: 99?,000; the fotlowiiig .rnUrk r isrdfri . the peb of . AnDISON::;;-,-;; i .v'M'-!: . XX?' XX XK; I have frequenrty wondred 46 see men cf , probity; who would eepm to. utter axalseho6d fr their own particiilir i-drantagr, give 'so reai dy into a " lie when it becomes the. voice ;f 1 x faction,, notwithstanding they are thoroughly; sensible of it as iuch.' -" x ;v . ; -':Thh is drawing a very nice dtiriction. We shofald suppose that a than jf probity : would neither deal in falsehood for bis own ad vantage, , nor fr that of his parrjrxjNb ; obligations pf prijr reader it ioi ?Mr;H..to ocUmbei.Vx i uii auj uian tu wanner ironi truing nor can so uomg- iv. c?wr, " . v Xtye &endi; King's ecAThe iast nrflvd rrtrH xRuwirx kp;rm " " . ' i- i . . . . : . .'. ' . men I, i ro m wnicn from -its importance -... tvi mKi AV. . 1-.1 Zi. T i 1 1 lucui) ,nviu niHui tiAjin -11.3 iniporiance ! - .u . - ' ' . . - . ? My telations with Fore urn Powers : continua to be frffendly; - The, .assurances 1 receive from V my allies otter me a pledge, that not with stah lin it ine evenis wmcn.nave oesoiaiea tne KaSt, peaca -II . t ' ' T . . "I I . J. " . w'" not be disturbed in the rest of Europe. .To v UasteR th5t Pncatmn of Greece, t have, in try, too long; ravaired has been restored to peace awecurity, rhere. as atTavarinb, the union fefefK o ioe inree crowns ior tne taitn ot treaues. antl my soiuiers take pleasure' in recounting the sin- cere support whicbthey have found in the Kn- glish navy. , ; x ? - xx . A formal declaration, notified to "the Portel ,a3 Placd Mo a and the neighbouring is- tea occupation unnecessary. 1 continue -to assist the. Greeks, to rebuild their ruins, and my ships bring back; to 'them, those Christian slaves. whom ftc pious ifeneiysity mln reason to believe that the Porte"m6re ententes ed, willease to oppose the treaty of the 6th of lu,y and it may be hoped that this first arranee ment will not be lostfor the rtstiblishment of call ihe tmon whirl i F httrl !fVx Ka :0wc.a - " y W WSW UIOUVSM. of Ida CathonVMsjesty;, My soldiers: have re- Considerable sums have been snr tK I Spanish government. A convention has Mast 7" "fPw orxnem. roDofA rMxuFmJ to take .in order to punish him i but I shall neer- lect nothing to protect the French commerce i r : .1.. l : . .,rum Pcy ? ana wriKingT examples I h.vB olM.if t.i.mhf K-. 4 . I. - . " Ktoy ; ' 'f.fioe Stock Hi jC?Aio.---A :Tte hu7il-r of x ; thelWesrerii Herald guev-f P tdiwiog' : v statelthent of ttie Jve fetock exporte'tj iiph& V ;f yVaKfrom;the tract :ff country called the) V.: v x I my naval force, f x , txx: xf x- : Engagements contracted fey an ancient French ,v olonyhad ceased lo be executed. After bavix - I ng convinced myself that this inexecution xns I the result of inahilitv. I have rnncni o, r nwan. X I J w ".viiim (,w xjkjw.m w jth a more efficacious negotiation for the inter- A ests ot the colonies and of commerce. vr " 1 ' Many of my subjects have buffered bv the U.n,. the:Emper6r of. Brazil . I n.H is war with -the republic of Buenos Avres.i Some Qf theiP TesseU have been captured. The a conservatory principle always maintained by J'tI X IlSrSfte, praisesto the French marine, -hich shows itself tain, ana renaerea itaimcuitto torra regular re- lations with -them. "The moment. bt doubtless not far distant when t shall be ' able to. give, to nottar.aistant wnen i snaii ne able to. give to : those relations a stability advantageous to .iny -. subjects t meantime I haye appointed consuls to atcn over ineir interests. . - Such, gentlemen, is the happy result cf our" relations with foreign powers. ; Whatever mav be the events that the future reserves for us I J " certainly never -foet, thar the jrlory cf France, isa sacred deposit, and thatthe honor . i ft- putir of being the guardian of it is the fairest pfero i gauveot my crown. x CCT The Debate on the Bink Question, in - jmh-iu-cv , , oi w nuuuw, ou wm oe transmitted .to'the Subcrib'ersii We have a few, surplus copies, which, can be had at our Uoo , . v lry. Hoice tn hiss susan uunsicser. 1 In Anson countv. on the Ilia inst. llr. Wnt i . , . . .'''.1 vi r .. - ; i At his residence in Orange County, on Thurs . day morning last, . Dr.. John Umstead, aed al; bout 76 years. c.Jtie was a nve 01 r ennsy ivanis, but bad been an inhabitant fcf that county near ly fifty years. ; iX :XXXXX X'.X , In Buncombe county on .tne Am;uianio HiramAVhUt,l: v 5 ' I j s , At the residence of napt.iJa.mes Goo&tsan, in Nansemond county Val on the 15th instint,' af ter a longhand paiaful illness of more than sis weeks, Mr Charles E. -Su inner, of Gates county . t . . S n 1 mr w r w l.. iirft.' ' III U1IS 3(illC ia "t Ji3t. y :aw X At Albany on the 19ih insUnt, the vthsrabla and Excellent i otiep; .TJohn Tay tor formerly Lieutenant Governor ;;'of New-Yori. lie Wa3 fait of years, riches atid boric r," and was ta ken from this world to diat cf hliEaviour, after a few days illness baying enjoyed a lonjj Ufa cT .ImAtf Mitr.trrnnteti hea.ltL. Had he 1'iTed till I the 4th of July,, he wculJI hve reached fu?.