4N 1 - -Or r "i ibitVof extraTi-ancc. (the c:Tcct3 cf Vl . i L overissues our Bankscd the a- treit prosperity cf thoCcuntrf atar ;thv N.i War were ,thc mam . causes 01 .- tne Lbarrassnients q the, p:ople r; ana that. industry uu .wu.m" v: ' , f. II " ; " j: - ...:u ,,;il Ji th forbearance utt,r iu v j, post effectual remcdieiTorymoViDg the ;if? T;Thefalsouggest,thatthe3anlcs ..aa o-rtpnd to the neonle. every maul hWuries of life front the $tFes ati'd raise tnre ottfiKcomforri anil Conveniences at omeSmi pay burdebtsas atyickly ; as' e i can 'Doctor Jambs Maney ik Candidate a renresent the NeWbernV:IistriCt in the Iiext CoSgress ot the United;Statc$ CUv'ij Address at tlie public Dinner given to him-by the itiiens , of, yashington,; Wevious'to'his taking leave df the Seat)f Government. . 3ince vyiiico, sciaj wiuci 'entertainment- hVe bengiven ;to Kiinr In the progress of nif Joirney. homewardsV at'air which, ;he addressed ithe company. IB Ul US Utti ,5VJ U C U V V if jf a sacrifice ; to bis "-ad vetitu rous' spirit rab, wlvb hadbeen engaged to travel Nvith and protect hinwZ There are hopes enter- i tertainedjlKat the papers of the Major wUl? be recQVea.-a. ALx 1 . - r. -'J , 3imiccrtceAdrairal offing of c ,the The Admiral was born in Boston,rapd; was baptised in. Trinity Church 'V' 't v f; Sh6ciinz. ffolence- nirg;Kditor of the Kentucky Gazette hav- ing inserted a piece, irt his paper, supposed i to reflect on the character of Charles'Wick-; ' Jift; ol.CLexiogton,'WickUffe called upon 1 ' 1'" ' .L j. j il .J L:.;t 'f in, J n i! turn aou oeruanueu. uict auiiigr. - ie nui tor saidhe would go ou t and look for' him On bis return, 'be ;sa id he could not then find hi n. but promised to see him that even ing. and give;hun. an answer: tn the morn irig. ;W d elay, and. afier some warm words between them, shot Benning tn tlie body;. It being 5 uncertain whether the. wound would prove (al, ImikUffe CwaV Jieid to bainn the: suin of ; S'6000. But Be lining expiring ins about hours," a 'warrant issued ':against AVickliflTe for tnurderr be had made his escape j. . - - v - , : , 4 RmiroadatTtiz ' Baltimore and Ohio z Hail road Cpmpariyt have jtist reieiy qdl a very : sa ti fa c to ry ;conf m u nica t ion 7 from 1 b e vRngiiiefrs wfioui they seht ;tb JEngland for the purpqseVof. viewing, and obtaining in -formation , relative to sthe construction of - Rail roads.V Amongst ;olhcr facts of , great ' interest,l!they .statertliat ;locombtiva;EnV ':t-nefrxan;work:itadvttige-vp fttifoccUv!? t jot severity twofe ; aidtobe' nearly four Mi "es the elevatiba thatrhasyetbeen found . neceasaryupon -any part ofrtheBahimore an'dDhio Bail-' k road. f; ; - lrscw' ' ; - . fn r. 11 : ' r p.the jEj ditorsof the Kational Intel Hgencer) j, is taken' froni aXetter ;fecefyed.byvtlie ! Etlttorof.theKewVprk Journal oXrCom-f .merce ironv i.jrxtt.icnara Kanaaii, tne prer l,sent intellipentand iworthy vCoIoniaV A 't? gent,. at iiDeria.wno,our reaaers Know, i Kas lately arHved?th i 1 where he 1iad;been fo bnie time a Mem c ber hfahe.Board.of 'Managefs' of theA- y-V"!iaeocaa Coloniation:Society ' der the degraded slave in the United States, he! n '"" mi- inc caic 01 mmaniiv is we consi mucn exaitea when comparel with 'the .V'hqi baa remained as a slave n Georgia but one yiir? here occupiek a, high grad among xhis 'sa-v vage-eountrynienand becomes theiiiean's of 'ex-" u tending, the light QciviHzation and Christianity among-1 hemi I hare underxrny chirge; as U11U id " St t atesr AAge nt, for" recaptured A fricana,- ' ,t in the United Statesind one year at iervice ln the 4 '-Colony. illeyre now:' comfortably 'fixed in' .hejrbambob:h "tbenvand t was plensed tbrtd that the best" h use-ja fhe village nry; Wareis appointed oy" - . the Co rpu ration of:IlafVardCuU.egeyIFro :; -fessvrjuf rulpit-EJoqueuce antK'the pas rHl ;cVe4oxtheTheol .Ca'tn-'"lndxe.J."MwU-ainwv I'rofessorhhipv for . - i'iemainteiunce' of which t n ls b$je . ft ceujlv bren ratsjed. byMJbsGrptian, ondvY v--fl expedient to call an extra jneetingpf the I General AsaemblVV; vH reienfed our readers ,vitfi Ji c6py,of-MK if uv w;uJUt,- es--,-' -r Death of Juajor lMingS-Thi8 African travellers we are sorry-to state; has jaAien porauon oi - A.yyVL" " tainly a distinction fur an American states- ed, the actors are understood, and, the other portion's lf the State. 'o. It .wJU em thess,um of fiveundred pounds (2,3i.0?) Hia,n; of, very equivocal character.. In the person thus fraudulently foisted intb ;the--body 'the mostinteresting factstouching tovvardsdefrayingthe expense of the s'plert- course.iif thVarticter phrases -of thisk sort Cabinet of the President is shorn' of hisj the history,, manners," laws1,' andimprove- did'buiidihnow erecUn the? facts as rer inflqehce.i ; Hewill"not be able to ilo as ments of the Statewhile it spreads over 6n:thcVitetheirformer buildib prescnletr bjMr Tazewell 1" "Thede- he had promised and expected for The a larger surface, the new lights of science. s One of the lasracts of benevoleiicevand- philan- t ' thropy-'of tbe 7anientedTIlott Carey.',? .1-, I V j I-.ViUJ:!pljia"Sentir-! ctitesi-thaf 11 r. I ivic-;tcn, of the.Unitcd Lutes' Cen ate, has hcJ tbq ,ofier "of theimission , to Prance ia the place of Mr Brown, present Mmister.to that-Court, t ;It .3 not khottn.whsthcrhe uccept!,the offer.. zs, r . ,T1fe Richmond Whig f Thursday statV, that the.Heads orDe'partroeuts Atx Wakh ingtop wH "retairiall ' the tild cJeVkV.Cv AVe hopeuhis; may be;trtteforGehel'ali,Jack: .on:8akeas.iwc!laa;tWpppriel thingt; It Would balmosrabad totafk oHuniins f?isdrfiers.buipf as -Ailams clerks u oT th pubHc ? ofiicej : j ro wnicn tney are ever? Dt a userai ua, we unices areo inem.- t iyt??7ots jacraiu.. Pjtrktns uitlie as; iid) ike manner di?i the State, the Drocess" of ihe Courts'cuuld' nor at tacn, rr 5ov ito w i ana iisiepnenson i larsje ana as ne.'UpHrts1 oi'ine umi o States hrtveOjurisdrction ; in 'suiis: beeh' knHvn7: to swms: Au and lf, amr rms:. wuu- on hVnd,ii bell weighing five xwt.IIe is about, j to visit the United Stated . ' ' - . - 'k i 1 TheTiimdori: 'Qutcrtyf Keviewr January. No. rr. whicli we received 4 by iDdividval, whose chief acquaintance with Uie subu-Qt he tfeats,; derived from, Mr. Ijf - 5p ' I - V v , . uVi i-I w "a IIIUIIQIC U U 111 Q lit! Illllll. LIIUII-LIF UI UUULC 1 , -n. " I circuiusiauces cuuoecieutwirii nie repuu-; ticatiorr in- Londorj,'otji Senex We think it not i n probab' e that' Captai n t Basil H all is the writer of this article in the Quarterly. ;Vcrc$r have been same striking instances of rise in the value of property' In ; tHe Northern citiesi sbu v hardly '. any 5 equal to ' the following The real estate of the late Mangle Min- inoine, or xncwx orK was soia at auction,: A-few'days ago, fwJ&5U95$s?j The same properiyjjo years ag, cotoniy ouuu.J' NeW'York BanksiThe Bul aor' regu lating the Banks' of Ne w-Vork whose char ters shall be renewed, and such as shall hereafter be incorporated, r' has passed . i n the.,AssembIv;.bv at,votfe of T6 to, 29 ti,:, i,:!P;.t.i:i,J: - i, Shall amount; to three percent, on the wnoie capital i anu ims iunuis to oeinvio- lably applied to the payment of such por- tion of the debtsV exxlusive of ther capital! property.and effects "Three coinjnission- ers arVto'be appointeti, oqfe bVthe' Gov- nopiuty i geiury,- leceuuy ueiu in jjuo f lid Wd at which tfie;-Dufco .oCemster J nnhlin RveninPnVf tK i most :5inW; I tant resuirof tins meeting is ; expectea to p : l:rrfYJ :Atf. I rnitAvire factory has Recently beet cntirgeu; irom an esr,u;4uieoujjt'rujr Coiirtbn ihe ground - that : haying bee illegal I ylbroueht withm the'iunsd tcti;i of iweu Aitens, ne is in no ganger iruui uiau x j j . j: o - . ' . , i r T r cvfTir :; ",ri;n, i quarter!-Vim. - t fc fent f ' , Not a majonty General, " said professors of the University; I t will al . 7 h : : i f -' hisfriend.-,. Yes, jny gofd Sir, , theVe sff extend its searches, to fthe .History of Canadian GimLA man it now exhib. Wer6.iaKe of .them;, and; tha more; Virginia and other States y theVpecnlia Hing himself at Mohlreat, (price 2. :6d an a majority in this raomta.urge hu Hties p Ijws, maiirterront dialect j their the isfctYto-il 6 feet 41 '2 inches hih appointment. 4 'I did notexpect Sir," Statistical Dtads and Natural Phenopc measures 6 feet 10 (ncW rtund the wkist r faid our Pennsvlvaman, .that I should pal Ittwill-. Communicate mformdtion 40 inches round the calf of Ihe leg.and.S urawn into tnis matter, ouui. -win jnot, concerning the university;, its course oi (eeiilOinche'sbund tHerthight? He is 63 shrink froni Tthe trpth.'IJknpw' there iwere jjnstructiortipublicexaininatiqns yearsf & and weigtis 6l9Hb.;: fie is sixteep in thU'rbomv and for 1 the i.pufpOse'' .and regulations; pVofessors and studen: but 1 iUlft-fn ferior in weigh"r t? the eel ebrW-- you have m:entioned,vbu t believe meVeri-: it wi 1 1 discard Party Politics and Control ted Daniel Lambert, -and is saidt be de eral, there, were only. Eleven of tliemf rsial Theology, ;Avhile it.perniits atem cidtdlr hir sunerinr iatrensthras he Ka"i' the Pennsylvania' Oelegation, the I other prate Tand-able discussion.on religious & ipcpri jaiuiiii, ; couiaiiife. a. mg-'n'nicf w comes too 141c i vnsu juu, imu jjcu ucici; to cuiiivaei n ine ucauues iyiuijiar the Cbmtuvrce of thejUnited States and five days ago-' f :s , 1 j " J t0? .-It1 will furnish them with a delight AVestv.lndie': for hitHyJruzcweU9.- - ' Simildr representations tQ. those tnadei fulmethbdorempldying; -those ..reisare.tnoj pamphlet ot mex. furnishethe text rana. by this Original-: Pennsylvanian Jacksonil rneniswhicji might : other wie be wasted the, main1 argu men support of the Democrat jiave been often made since in idleness or. dissipation. It wiirball . Mnlisii;sidc qf 'the.questio7U. This is cer- I that .time- ; The facts are now ascertaibn- forth the? energies of intelligent minds in " rT : .... 1 family, ' ana tousl regaru uimseii jas oofj wntcnare struc,K out av iiuinc ui auiuau. j mwi acciiraij;Maiffu.in inc woruoi his Good: Bejta.viour a'he intimatiohs ,U - v , ,y. y -i ' Mr. Ta'welM &c-. ;T the general teni 1 &ire maje to him,' have been ; Valuable HaSiL--Xhw of the most valu- or and tone of this paper We have no other nffftft fluT& not to li well itmlprl hi, hnhitn f hfe is tht of comoletins evV objection th.n that it is obviously; kn ex- st00d andjmand duVahcntion. ! ' 4 ry underf8klbg'.wThe .tnental dissipation parle view of the transactions referredMo, r r.,- -'TV.y in which persons df talent often irululgeapd and tliatitia Written, apparently bxlsome MjwnriVraif and PanfcV Balls arft bJ to which thVv are Verhaus more prone than scocKvor any oirtrner oanss to vwnicnine reauer may j jioc. pernaps unuerstana wnai laV extends, which may become insolvent,! we mean vby jtfiis :rinark.AVer willVtl I as shallreniain nhDaid after vannlvirinr its him.'1 .The other "nialu. as it' will be ,recoK ernor anuwo oytne oauKs, wnose uuty waswcmuugnis wujr im uummi.ii. aui itwiifte to yisitind, insectCthe affairs' it Vs,beti tated, thatjh searching for of each bank, once in every-four months th rulfinns, -upwards, of sixty tdnks V1: ; -f' r-i ' i -r jqorty werexploredjahd'oue of theiD'cbo- -..; v?.?12l ?J - i-,'P. n ,i iler'proumlj-where a: silbterranead fancu oe tne merguigr. 01 uiiiuui iu -(vssociaii- c ucciii vu m m "5 ortiritoTan HiberniaiTAssl)ciati8nVconipre thoritiekat; Campeachy, 'fortbe crirne of bending Protestanttsf Protestant Dissen-c Kavirtg brought to that place package of tpra afhhlic&ff:Su letters; susvtcted tin treat ori bolitical sub- hjghiy-desirable; latid cannot fail7 tbpro- jects ; -The'shipin tKe-ineantime"h,as,been duce tnWinost"beneuci$liesuUs;"' plundered "oteverything.tnoveAblethe -v.?:; . ! " 4 y , i .i , , vesserjrtjured by lym exposedtQ a,'hot ieiiItVp slack:vatef navigation of Eliicptt's creek) abandoned to tlie underwrtters. . L; lt frbmlTonneVaVtlto WlliamsvUle, Newr Vit '"'T' i 7 'i'i York. -When , completed, it is stated that Culture.of Stlh-llr. Alexander f tins water-lime will be farnishea;ori the canal fetatfaysr.than the best substitute ;fpr at 8 of4Q cents:pe bushel; nd thatitk the nulberry and 5 that on 1 whicbJ ' silk quVriespearinexhaustible.:;Underwa- w?rtoeed treety and thrive wellis-the ter .or abov,e;grOund, it becomes ias hard H';";1; as stoneand for any i?urpbse is;tis"good put put much earlier. in,the,spnng, and jte asfothcr- limebnlyi requiring .'different e jfVst HP,116 niannVnrtTnf'.v', ' . a"'v -r; t "relbre becomes highly useful .substi- "tut xinio .'operation at4 Beaver Fallsieaf; 4iexa ne3T. also .mentions, that ;tthe Pittsburg, "TheXSt itesmah inform ,os "mulberryleav.es, rol I ed np cldsely ;m bn the wii Qrift.made4 of the Juniatalroni ami- kets,v but not pressed,' willv remam .fhiih; ' zcnlahi of t;.3Trhsun.--iifa nov 1, i're.--The Theatre Ilobile,' in "lac generally kiio'.n,. ihat .Mr IirGHAK was State of Alabama,' vas -consumed by firo not, the PennsylvdriianlAvhonl;Ge.:Jack-!i earryvOnvtb.e-rmormntifundayHhsst son. intended to fake into the Cabinet. ultimo. V,V '! -' 5:"'- - We have rroodT cause, to believe xrX the elevth members, of the Pennsylyani- De-I obtainingtHe appointment oTMrIhshamv 1 but for" a . fRAvp whjch they practised up on. General Jacksb'm: .T. i ' :T'r? ; the parpipators,-hbWjt b'ecamel kbow'n' of New-Ybrk Was present, and :immedi to:Presldent'Jacksbnr" we shall detail, jad- ateljr bfed-MrH. and.;h waa.:speedilj it has been detailed to us.6ne of the otdf cbrivered to nitbdnsratthVC61trtn6ao stockbf .Snyde'r ffemocratsV inJ Pennsyl-f in advocating General Jacksonelection, auiue uay; airu vcnu iuvw zraumgivm. auu. with "the frankness which has always chajia How can'that nossible be '? said Gen. Jatkson-t when a,iajority of; the Penn J an appeapnce l tot sirengin ant and I' -atn? sorr land expression of .Generals Jackson's f countenance' on this1 disclosure Hnav. be ltnbre" easiTy; conceived'. tham described. ( I After a fe,v ftninutes, he sail, . This coming frequent in our countrybut pa4 tici.raSv in tHe Citv of New-Torklr We1 see no great hlvm ra theynci,butj'n1ucn irttne mases- k ie JC-uitor, of tneiisew . . . . . .. - - , . - . . , -.. , - c Yoriiommer dit'for the war and some Othe following are of rH A tions oi nis upon a late exnioiuon kind J: rU;; , . . ' V . j We'feel'tonftdent;-from,what.we have, tort - rectly learutt in regard to the late grand masque- rade at the Fark," that thercwere many Jadies rof character inconsiderately present inmaskis.whotf tney anew me aavanragesAaK.en ot mem py $me of tne other sex rnasked, and In ladies at tire, ahU also if they kne w . the. remarks made about therri. by those: whom the ladies mistbok for females, : mey wouui leei exceedingly ni ani cnagrtnea. Delicacy , forbwls, our speaking in' plainer - lan guage, but we trust the hint will have1 its effect hereafter.' In addition to this, he states as follows 'lf i Wi, ".-are; 'correctly informed, 'whispers, &nee: iwe iuieiuMi r j Joen me 0f amusement seems to have: 'taken dep root there Utring we oeneve,-no jess tnan three or foVrevery night, above grounjlii How many below, - we knowot;:-;r33utltbe Jected; there, was an assault commiltedjUpY. on Assistant Aldernian Strong, pe n - -ikwi . nit SmS ? Pitatical SdzurXirtton Heed 'and i nis seamenv 01 tne ?oip 4 rauaii 01 .oosion tute, expecialty whenjtlie4 worms arehatcb- ID soon, eituer acciuent or uebigu, he regretted exceedingly; the appointment jburned; 0 ,v T v x 'f ; ? s -j'.'-of.Mr. Ingham-pnotso much from.hisinr ;vc,' u fo" capacjtvt.as from itsextreine'uhpopulari .&'ffiwPenotHc&Productim.-L late ty witn tne uiu uemocrats or rennsyiva? ilast t;barloUesyiue Advocate contains niai rwnom . ne;naa tor year&vuuieny sanu- rfrospectus ot; a -iiterarvtana ficientmc conuuet ot tne Krencu army ctm oy nne-comv angrily, opposed-; tfiis beirig he first; Journal to be fpubiisfied tweeklykKthe inandif h most ;hrUiiaa Majesty on behalf of n but5, assuredly .notVthVlasfy ififofination UuiVeityof Va-Uo be styled iAel;.-' '4:: -w r- ' u t rs- 1 t"i u 1 -I lr 'V- t '-r -V nr' 1 1 "e tnop ,nis tnieit Christian Mnjey which General, Jacksob hadt as to the, tea gtntar JAUrary Museum ma youmai. of navirty-complitVathta asued'to them bV standmg of 'Ingham in hi sown State, Sells Lettresilrts, r$Scienie3,aK)lt VKAiiicsi . have 'comftienced .thVirretuin iu he expressed what he trulyJltundisguis-J to consist! 6 f 16 pages royaJ,Wctavoiat 3, ; riceC . .r ' '".-i;; V" i ' i svivania jjeieiration nreierreu ins anouiiiL- i it rpnp.a.nrincinanr rnr irs sunnon. on u e ciai Aaveruseruescrvescre . w wuhuiuuhj, umicmbvvuhi. . " he wages ag'ainstthese; and Jto-abtate f th most lamentable aott r folttesof,the day" The wretched imbecility.1 Hs iiie.wurjiievii. P-rtrAiitft frmn ttrimp nhVp'rvi' -bly be oneof shreds and patches. v i,ne ' We regret to- state, -say3 the Albiny in the Senate onLthe'SatarvlBil ! i .IrartV 'whilstVponhefloor anof lntl jiikUtof an animateof argument.. AVase seized with a Hotel V but r T4 remainsl inalow "state,' i$ considered doubtfuLr.Hiscattack Avks lassevere paraiyiic sirctKe" xuecomusion the Senate, inconsequence of the event truths arid discoveries of Science, .and ti encourage; a taste for polite . hteratarfe.-r I political -.-'subjeeta of a: geberal character serve and receive the patronae Iriublic - It will enable the ""Professors to poar,put-the' fullness :YtheJ-nnds'j:'It will Vincite the' mostVta! exited V students others, is destructive beVoad what cart read il? be imWined.: - A man.who bas lost the jpowt of pnSecOting a-.tak' the" moment U jnoveuy i gom, ur..uewim5 Mwwwi- consciousness sof ot tiaving persevered Ui the end of anyjifgle uhdertaking will hang over him like. a spell; anu will paralyse all hts energies ivand he will at last believe that, however lair may uenia psospeps, and however feasible his plans,' hel is fated riever to succeeil." The habit ffnUh ing ooght tbe formed in early ynith.- v Baltimore. Jluhh k. V&yCihe'Vrival ofahc SliipHeVad,1 Jrom Li v er Dool J w hich Tsrveli eft on , th er 8th ia I ti" has brought papers f,the Th;7 whichvcon'!: tain the. following iiMelligei'tce : t - ,f The Grain inarket' continue dull- ;;Ah transactions jn.Tpbaccoare iuspeiided, in consn u ence'bf a u ex pec ted i ncreased du- co, to be leviedon all takeu out - 4)lT bond after the r5ih of "priir A deputation "of sales-M.SOO. PHcstationary Accounts: frorn Havre Slate the - mat ket" tor lUbtton dull, rind likely-b decline - V v ijiejeners mefiiwni-tnaiine" prepara- a .-v ..-..'.. t - "... .,..... ' . 1 .1. 1 ' Paris, and ljennaj of cbTiersVbe opinion? WaVbecoming-moCprevalent'daily matters in ilispjtifc - between Rassmr and .Tui k -i wiiuld be a micabl - arranged by negotiajion. Dore; ne timearrrfeurwnea thfe- war couW 'be reuioed. JVloney wjis not so-' scarce at St, Peertd).ti rg las : tt v had bee.nl.VA'new ,toan for .JNjchnlas' wa a- coiisistinff .of the- Lord 0 Chance I lor, the Duke of-AVelilingtonvafl Sbatsbury, EdrKBathiirsV and vLord : Fdlenborbugb. f His Majesty-commands its to' inform yoti thatrhetjontinuestp riceiyejfrortxliis Allies -and gprierally frbrri all frincea and States.the assur aOceaof their unabated dsirf -to culi'iTate t!. liminarjes of "a treatv ofp perial Majesty the" Emperor of Brilvand" .h , Republicvofthe tJni ted. Province s cf -'Rio fds-U the 1 ru'dei gone up' toLobdou io oppose j the measure. AThe import of Cotton fOjr, the past Veek'was.4l,X)0Q .bales, and rtbe. tions tor comtnencjusrwe warwun liirKejr were, g4V,ng -,m ' Pfjy- 5 but, ! from the constant arrival. and ileparture tn London gairr fa 1 ked Ztw? n : produ cej? byr rcon tract there, w'as'veryjjttfe, -doings 1 ' I;X : l' i v NTHE KINGSVEECHTnr O a! the; 5 thV at k rchV A Pa r li a m en t Cwa s iipenetl by bis r M ajeaty's Com m issionei si roost friendly rel tiona with.hiaMajesty, 'Under ti. 2 ruediat'ionlif hU Majesty the; pr liminaries of "a treatv of oeacelbetween "his I ti.e kln-ci1 'fipdn for tka r.ii iwUtcsliV -c : the - chums of British and Spanish, subject:, prri ;- N ferred under the treaty. si jrtied Jit ?.:'iitd cn iLS ' 12th .March, -;?r V v Hi ilajestv ha5Iir-cteda trpvr,f t!.tcori -entim to .be U'wl bef.)i vh-J, -nd- LIj '.l.-jcty ' " relies upon yn-r e-3lstr - fq e:.-ble hi-1 to cute somofits provLI'ins.'" .,5ri : , ' ' ' ' . Jlls Mi"jesv laments that his 'diftlcniat:c I'cll- -tidrn it.ll Portugal 2 still necessarily' suspenci- " . - edJ hrr, . ,.5; t. 1 - . Deeply, interested in the 4 prosperity ofj tli; - Pinruiuese.mofiaPch3ffbJ4Iaj.estrh&s-'eiiterrtl ' ir?to negocUUoBs ylth the Head tF the House of j -.Bra-inrsi,'iri the hope pr terminating a stite c' " afi'airs; which, 4t compatible wth he permanent - ; --. t' HisMajsty coL)rri.nfls 11$ tar assurelyrwi; that ,-he.h"as jAbored linremlttin'I to? -faliif-the - C'.rhi3. fmportant object lus been accornplish efby thpjSuccessful exertion! f tne ivYaliorces , .ofMa-M.esty ajid-oi UH c-AHk:s, which led to' Convention witb.,t!ie Pacha of t!v'nt ; and - 1 finally .cby tne sKurdt -qisposition and exempiui- hrencfi army ctmif ay the cm "r ?Per iween Hie forces'-of the Wee'power by ea ai.d . His Majesty" deplores the, ,'&ntinuincs v.tl hJostiritie.bet Vetn ? the Bmperor,of Itussia and tUvPttpman Torte. . ' v. -. . . " ij'.His lmpenalrilajesty, invthe- prosecution o th(jse hostilities, has considered it nect sKry re- . shme the ercisevof his belligerent rig-hts in the r1 ?Mdjterranean;and bai established ablockade of theliarilanrllesi:- J "- Frcun the'operatton of this bloctad? those s'" cornqnerciaenterprisea of his Jtlajesty's subjects V. have been: exeniptedwhich -vere-v undert aken ftoonthe ie faithof his MajesiyVdeclaration to his rarnameni.respeciingiuc neuiraiiry ot tue iie diterraneanSeai i-ir i stipulations pr tiie treaty o.t Xhe( 6w, Julv, jfilii j jtnu iw-ciieci, iiicuiiocii iUH uis Allies, ' iirj I' 1 jJf'lThe Rf orek his teer liheratefi frnm thft Tire. ' V ad- J senceot the licyptian andlrktsh forces. ' W; f ' ' Althooghlt hs;becomc indispepsible for hb; iMaiesty and the Kin of France ;toiUsnend the' v- " : 'co-operation of their force with those, of his lm-C'- of the exercise ofin belHffererit riffhtathe best ' ' tinderstand tne prevails, between the three powers i.t objects of the treaty of London. Gentlemen f.lhe Jfouse"' Cofnmtftai- XVe are commanded' by his Majesty to at la'mt yoa:tht the.lestfmatea for 'the currer quaint yoa;tht the. estimates fur 'the . current a - i vear will forthwith be-Liu! before oar' - ' - ' A --Mr nisniajesiy reiies on your readiness to grani ; the necessary supplit a, withja just regard to the. exigencies of the public servicea and " to , the e-1 conomy;which his Majesty-ia aiixioua toenforce trt every department of th atateT ' ' 4 , j,.Hia Majesty haa the satisfaction to anrioURcevt ;to you' the continued improvement of the reve-1-; -hafe." -r The progressive increase In 'that branch 1 of it which is derived from ; articles -of internal ' consumption, is peculiarly gratifying to his Ma-7 ; jesty,as affording-a decisive : indication of ttie : ' stability of the Jiationsd "r'esources, oftheincreaa t ? ed comfort and prosperity of his people.' A i , vl " , - ' , , ,4 JHy Zordnmd Genttcmen,- - ' " r ' I The state of j Ireland has been theebject cF his Majesty Vcontinued solicitude. - '-" - His Majtstyaaments that, ifi that part cf .tlia United Kingdoman, association should still es isr which ia dangerous I o the public peaces and inconsistent with- thespirit of the Constitution, v J . w hich ke eps- alive discord and ; i lb vf i I P a m on t ' his Majesty's subjects, and which must, if per- .- : mitted 'to : continue; - effectually obstruct every nffort'perma'nenth; to improve tbe condition cf : Ireland f- if - V t r His Majesty confidently relies on the visdora aud on the support- of, his Parliament; and hi ' Majesty feels assured that you will commit to -him ; such powers, as may enable bis I Majesty to i maintain his just. authority . i i His Majeiy,recomroends, that nrherthis e- aential onject siiallhave benaccwmplisheitf you r should tak into your deliberate consideration - the whole CQndition b.I,reland, and that rou -should .review the la'ws- which irnpose "civil disa bilitiea on his Majesty's Roman Catholic '.subjects.-' You "will . consider whether the removal cf 2 those disabilities can' be effected . consist c ntly z? with the full and permanent security of cur -ses: tablisbment in Churchand State, with ill e mala tenance of the "reformed Religion - extab ILhed by V -law, and of the-riffhta and privileges cf the bi- r shops and ot the ctergyoi tbia' reatra and cf taef churches committed toheir char 2. VThfcse are institutions: which ..must . ever be - held sacred In this Protestant Kingdom, and " which it, iithe dirty and determTnation cf.tus Ma.v . " fj lis Majesty nvoat earhesily . recomm ends to you to enter upon-the consideration of a subject of 'such paramount umportancedeeply interest. ..' ing to the be,st feelings of his people, and i n volv- ; : ing-the tranquilityX and concord f th 2 United, Kingdom; With the temper and the moderation. which will best ehsure tbeucr, ,r' 1 issue ci 0m y"oUrdehbciations,' a vir v. f -;&urnirig'cfjork -MimlerThh czz bra! ed ed ificeCbnebf tbeTchie f a rch i t c z t ur raf gliries;of EngJahd, antl one cf the 'mo iiiittsnlliceJilt structures in nur-?; has t :cu nearly destroyed" by, fife. lt.u23 ci zz veredfto be iu flames bettveeri cii r.:;d'.' veri in ihe morning. f,'lt rt'-pp---d to I r Erratum- After eivinff the Yeas cndl ys t:t ; tthe cloae of the llnnk, Debate. 'in our'hst . Ksr.-u-. weekly paper -we have stated, " the House be- - incf f equally vdivided. the Cr"aker rose,': Vhen we ought to.hjivei said,- the : yeas b cir 7. 59 and the. jwya 08, the Spesse? rc:?," uc.-. The. same. errortj also appears in the I' ;rphlat IfcoHtainine: the Debate, iln the weekly Ile;::.trr the uiistuke is corrected., t, r 1 year, She was-born invthe same.'hou 2 H v.hl-h t1.. died, and in whic?i herlonllfj -.vr.j .j-cnt. Her remains were interred in the ner.cl: I' ryiPT Ground m Jcric t t!.e clc (.fa 1 ' and solemn rneet' ; in v ! was 'tha.t '.day 81 years ol. interesting account .cf the aejcovenanVin whicli il. Syearam'the .greeted L ,JLJ 1 i:i;aiHic3C ;a in u. ..I UltStttsr.i , the Act: n cf r.Tne: z : f As-embly c 1319, y -J ra. Ur,;::: . t'. river - - reo.oved ink' 1 'zcrir.i'.-Tt'j institute 1 . '-ho U'.Ij 1 comply t.i. lirtVbeen'tne. work hoi an incendiiry. jThe damage is estimated ati7O,C00 p-unda sterling-K -k': : ' ;.v " . p.' -:AII.V OUJ'IIfilUil, OU lilt; IlJlll li.- -xi . the Reverend Jonathan Bryan, V jrd 'l-rn. t)n the 7th tilt; :.at Jericho, (L; 1) in t. .2 7L yearot' her aeeJermmacouscrt cf tlicks. Plataf have been signed and rat icd. , - .- '.. J H v-

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