u. col. L r . TE3 3bBSSST3R r . J7, ; i . A . l. . .... y. -: ... , i - i f" .' )' ' i Publlslitd every, Tuepjlti and Friday, by JOSEPH GALES & SON; 'Al Five Dollar per annum half, in, advance ; w advertisements' Not exceeding jxtesrn Hp en", neatly inserted three ' .. -times nfov a Dollar, and twenty-five; ce fits, for, . everv succeeding publication those'ot. great- ;-. er length in vth same 'proportion... .Comwu ; wrciTToWk thankfullyTeceiyed...LKtirKns to r a .VrlitmM mnt)ta Anr4 J.nfyt ...- ,- TREATY, BETWEEN THE UNITED . STATES AND BRAZIL. : By thePresidhit tfiheUnited States J)fj ' 3,--'.t- J2mericcu'f . : . ' 7 . -A PROCLAMATION-; - ;V - - AVh eresw a.Treatj.of General Con yen t ion of, Peace,' Friendship, CommercevanilNa 1 vigatfon between the United States of Ame rica and his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, was concluded' and "signed at Ro djsMnei? i rbon the twelfth nlay of ; December;! 828, ;iwhlch5.rreatVVofj General ConventioncisV word foreword,, as follows : Maj esty t h e Em rjeror-o f ' B razil, de si rin g to, estabUsh a firtn i and? permanent peace and friendship between both nations, h resolved to fix, fn manner cear,s distinct a n d'pos j t i y e X he ru 1 es jv hi ch sh a U i n fat u re, ' b rigorously 'observed betweehthe one and ibe-otherv bmeansl of a Treaty or General Con ven tio n of Peace; Friend shi p, ; Com, jnerce and -Navigation: v , , : Fp 5tHism os t; desirable ( objects 'the Pre- . sidehtrof the United States has' conferred full powersbn ViniamTudorttheirCharge d'AtSdirs at the Court jfBrazilii and :his Majesty theJEmperbr of Brazil, on the Most Jllastrious and Most .Excellent -Marquez de Aracaty, a member of his Council Gen tleman of the Imperial Bed -chamber-Coun- citlor of the TVeasury;lGrand Cross of the Order of Aviz,' Senator of the Empire,xMi hister and Secfetajry of State for Foreign AfTairs 5 and.AIiguel de Souza Mollo e Af yin, a member "of his Council, Commander of the Ord er of Av iz , Knigh t of the, Im perial Order . of the Cross, ' Chief of Division in the Imperial & National Navy, Mi nister & Secretary of State for the Marine, whojaf ter having ; exchanged ithfeir , said -full powers; in due and properibrm, have agreed to the fbilowing'articless ;. i S 1 " ? 7,, ' ; ; &-i Vv';'' Article 1 j '7'',, There shall be a rjrfect, firm,and invi olable peace iind friendship between'the J nited States j of ; America and their ciA-2'6" .and His Imperial -Majesty. His successors and subjects, throughout their possessions and temtnes; respectively vrithoutcjis tinction t)f persons or 'piaces- ' ' ' S ; T .J? 'If; ' Article -rMj The United Slates of ; America, and Ms M aj esty the E m pe for tof; PB razil," desiri ng to live in acetantl' harmony withaU; the other nations - of the earth; by means of , a policy, frank and equally friendly ; witfialT,v- engage' mutually, i not to grant any parti cular favor to othertiatidnsHn7 respect .of commerce and navigation'; which shall not; loimediatelrbeco'nieTicbmrounftd. the other party, '.who shall -enjuyjhf same" fireeljrif the ! concession vwas freely ; madep 'or jon !,"'af lowing jhe same compensation, irthe con cession ;was conditionals cIt is understood, however,'-thar the relations nd conventi ons which pow exist,br may bereaftereitV Ut, between Brazil f'and Portogal; shall form an exception io this article, 4t I - rh-UmArtiMufc -7 '.X'uoi The -two high co o tracii nff pa rties Jbei ng likewise 'deslrbus-bf placihg,the cbmmefce and havi'gatibh of theirrrespective countries o a t h eli beral basis of perect equa I i ry an 1 1 reciprocity, mutually agree that thb citizens and subjects of each nuy Trequent all'the coasts and cou ntns'of the other; and re side and trade there;fin : ait kinds 7bf tiro-C duce,1 manufactures, arid inefchandize, and mey snaii eijuy on. rignis, privileges, and exemptions, iio nav iga tibnVand''' coiii- taerce;Uvf5cb naiive' citizens or 'subjects: tlo or sh a 1 1 enioy, subinittihg the mVe I ves"to the la ws, 3 decree's, jnd usaget,her esta J hUshed tovwhfcVTative' jtcts ares uti i c t etlvi V B u i i t is ii h de rs Ubd that t h ii f a rtit;l e de no O ncl 0 d t thecoast ing trade of eUher-cou ritrV thev rcgu iution pt which is reseryedlby the parlies respecf- accormpg Q tneir.owuseparaie laws. Th ey j i f pr.iouee; iiiaiiu fac'turSjf or merchandize f any ftreign c;ouniry, Can be, - from time to time,; fajyfuily imtioried' into the -United auteh, in the.ir o wrt vessels; may; be also !prten vessel of Braziir-aud thio "IllOer IT til h At I iitmiVoM..' ll.n i,.nn i' ( -HS4 VttJiV.; i Jtfll lB iCTICU " ".' " i i i ' 1 , JBY AUTHORITY.. ; - ' ' ' - '" 11 ' " ,--," , . . . - ; "S - V 1 - t 'lwfc: 7 7: - 1 HITI " n II I .1 I I , , ih f Ae name if the, Most Holy Indivisible v , The,United States of America and his 'afld-coI1ected;WhVther..t madet in the vessels of the une countrji the other; And, in-like manner, that what- merchandiy.e, i)f any .foreign cnuhtrv jcap beh'ffom time' to fme, lawfully! imported ever Kinj oi prouuee, nuaiiuiauiuresi , ur inlo -thelEmnlre of iBrazi! in Us'lowb ves - sels, may be, also imported in ' vesselsof Iected, ;whether the;importation-be made in vessels oi tne one pouniryj or or uie oiner. AncJ - ther -aeree. that whatever may "be lawfully exported or re-exported, from the ne countrjr in its ' ;own . vessejs to anj foW the, :' United. btates .and that no higher or Jtpeir will, p,Tinj.suchdues only as the;in other duties,, uponth totinage ofthe vesr I habitants tof the fcountryvVwherem '"aaid sel :!:andher car?olh shall he levied or'col- Isoods are shall b& ubiect ;to Trav.inK like reign v countrv, mav, in 4 liker'. manners bejturee. years to dispose of the same; as they AAltAi m mW tfkw aA Aft n "ThO' VAO B A 1 O r ill ffl 9 V fntnv- ftAvM- A 1 me oiner country; iAnu inesameoouniies, i cecysviinoui moiesiaiionj ior -any voir duties, Yand drawbacks, -shall beallowed I ,chargestMan those which x'are imposed . ana coiieciea, wnemer. " sucn exporianou .nc mw oi cne couniry. -; y , ' - j br re-exportation be made In vessels of the ,ur ; ' Article XII. Ji United: States or'of the Em peror of BraziK f : : Both ; the contracting oartles Promise The, Government of, the; United btates, however considering Uie the;havigation ol Brazil, agrees Jhara yes- higher or otVer duties fehall be imposed on the impQrtatiiin into the Empire of Brazil, nt an v articles the nroduce or manufactures ofrthbi United States than are,' or shall be payable p'njthlike drticlesi being the pro duce or manu lactu res, of any foreign cou n- tryiyor shaU;anyhigher,eor other duties, pVichafgbsJ.;im two counines, on tne exportation oi any aru-iot ic m me vmneq oiaieji or iu uiciCiuiuirc n De;- imposea on r,.tne exportation or importation ot any articles, the produce :'or manufactu res of the, Uni- ted Statesbr of 7thjej Empire or irom. the territories or tne united States, or tb or from the territories of .the J Empire of of Brazil, which shall not equally I extena to an oiner nations. . : .. x i 1. Artich:VI.: 't -, It is likewise agreed that it shall be ivhol-1 It free for all merchants, commanders of ships, and other citixens torj subjects E)f ootn counines, to manage, . memseives, i their own ( business, in a?.Vrthe . ports -and places ,subject,vto the jurisdiction of each oiner,. as wen wun respect to tne consign-1 ment and sale of theirgoods and merclian - dise, by wholesale or retail, as' with res-1 pect ' totheloadiogjunloading, ami send-j ing on . tneir r: spips 5p .they. being, in all these Cases, r to be : treated as citizens 'or subjects of the country in Which they reside, or; at 'leasto be. placed 'on a footing, with the subjectsj or citizens; of the : most favor ed natipn: 7 74rxH ''Va"'" . ' 7w', . : . iv h c 7 v w Article VIL - j The7citizens anil subjects ;jbf neither of t h e x con tr ac t i ng pa r t ies sh a 1 1 be liabl e to any embargo, nor be detained with their vessel s, ca rgoes, orm echa n diseV'oc e fleets; for' any militafy7expeditiOn,'' nor for any public'or'Hjvatevpar out al low ing to those iutere s ted a sublcient indemoincation. zrAriicu fniiip fif Whenever, the citizens br subj ects; of ei ther of r the . contracting parties shall; be forced to seek refuge' br asylum in the "riv ers,' bays, 'ports, br dominions of the bther with their vessels, whether of merchant or of war, of pirates, or enem ie," t he v shal I be receivedntind'j treated Iwith humanity, giv- -1 - ing to ' them 'all favo Carid "protection for repairihg heir ships', procuring provisions, and : placing v. theiiiselyes7inV situation , to cbntinuei! theiryoyagejwithout obstacle or hindrancebfariykindif; if 7 7ji; the'sHrps; m belonging to' the citizens or subjects of one pf the contracti ng parties which may' be captured 7by pirates, wheerV.thiiiihe limits of its iurisdictibn or o'n the high seas, a nd bi ay be carried or found in the ri vers, roads; ports,! uays, ana , uoininions or. tne others slulj be eiivered Opjto the ownei they ,pro vi og;, n iduej and proper form; thei r rights before ihe compejtent tribanals jit be- .- '"t -.:' V A ' : I :a t-!- A. 'J I ' L ' I - ' I ing well understood .mat ;ine ciaim snouiu be made the, parties agents" of their When anV vessel belonging tothe ciii- zensor subjects of eith i ng pa rties . sli a 1 1) be7 wr e c ke d fou p der ed or sh a 1 1 su tTeir1 any7;da bi agd on th ecba sits; or. w it h in. the xl o m i ni on $ of tfe'p t h er; t h e re shall be ''-giylebibtne ppotection 7; in the 'sanier manner which7 is usValnd';:custoniary;W the-nation vheretKe d rajgUng'AhemTW necesaryof Itsihe withbut exactinii! for;it any 'dutvi imbbst. X -article .The citizens for subjects of. each bf7.the contracting parties hhall ; have , piiwert to uispoe oi inetr; personal ci snail w;tuu8iucu a ijiawHaii iiui.il an occupations, 'wno may oe in tneir terri-i the proprietor and captain are subjects of tories Subject, to ' the oneVbr the other; Brazil, - and the papers are in legal form, transient or dwelling therein; Icavinir oneni f 7 v!j Article V:x, and free to them, the tribunals of justice. No higher or other duties shall be fmpo- for their judicial intercoursei on the sarrte sed ion ;the importation ? into the United rerms whlcn are usual and customary with States of any arliqle's; the produce or man- the natives or cidzeps and subjects of the ufactures'of .the Empire of -Brazil, and no country in which hef may be,: for whlch uiia.11, ,icajcviYiy. niu bwi oic one auu me oiner, .wunoui tneir peing na- payable on Aha : Exportation : of the; Jike ar- ble jb be: disturbed Or pnlolesteddo account tide to ny other foreign: country-; .n brtheir're)igiou8 belief, N so long as. they shall any 'prohibition The ;-. imposed on :itlie respect the laws and established 1 usages ; vviihin the term .4f pneiyear.by 'themselves.1 their attorneys, or , respective Gbvernraentsr A?iideX& or: con it rjbu 1 1 oniwhate ver, up I, they may bexjrteilaiilessttiey. Consumption:: : - . J. r' -'7 rialibbds bejjarisdiciionof ,th oriestamenV or otherwUe and their rebref sentatives,being citir.ensor subjects pf I personal good whether by testament or ftfi I i wic Miner jiarir, uau -uqceeu-: 10 i uie vuin 1 thereof; either.fbyrtfheinsetveai r. others! I acting for them, andlipose ofj'the s ame at cases It a'nd 'if. in', the case 6fvireal: esaie; i iue saiu neirs wouia oe preveniea irnm en I ter.ing into the possession of the inheritance. on account of j'their character1 of aliens. there sh alJ be granted ;to them the terra '.of ler and. engage,: formally, to give their special Dersoris and brOnertv'rof the xitizens and subjectsWcach oilier, of they -may employ, inv defence of their rights, such advocates, Solicitors, notaries, agents, ana ' factors; as they ' may luuge proper, in ail their trials at law, WJ-: 'MrticleiiXIim It is likewise agreed, that the most per feet, and; entire security of conscience," shall be enjoyed by the citizens or:subjec4 both the contracting parties, in the counines suDifci io ine lurisoicrion or inei rejpect.the ol the countrv. Moreover the bodies of the' ci tiz tizens i ind subjects 'ofon bf the territories of the other, shall be buried in the'usual burying groundsV br in other de- cent or suitable places, and shall f be pro- ictcu num tiuuuuu r uim ruo.net;. Article1: XIV It .shll be la wful .for;Jthecirizen arid Isubiects of the United States of America. land of the empire brBrazil, tb! saitwith 'neir snips, witn all manner ot liberty and I security, no distinction : being made, r who fare the proprietors of: the marchandise la- uen mereon; I ro m any , port, to the pi a ces of those who now are, xr who hereafter shall be at jenmity. with either of the con tractlng parties: fiil 'for the citizens and subjects aforesaid. to sail . with the ships aqd merchandise be fore; mentioned; and; !to "traded with. the same. liberty and Security, from the places, ports,' and havens; of those who are ene mies ; of either party,' wi thou t any : opposi tion or disturbance whatsoever, not. only directly from the places of t he enemy be f ro men tioned, t o he u tra 1 pi a ces, bu t a I so, from one place belongi ng" to an enemy; to another., pi ace- be longing to 'an.ene ray, whether they be under the jurisdictior; of o n e pb w e rj o rf u nd e r7 se v e : ra ti 1 A n d i t'fi s hereby stipulated, that free ships shall al so,' give, freedom to goods, and that every thing shall be deemed to be free and ex em pt which "shall be fouml on , board the ships belonirig to the citizens or- subjects of either of - the v contracting parties, al though th f whole lading, ;or 'anyipart theieofn should appei ttin tothe enemies of either, contraband ! goods being always excepted It is also agreed, .in likeman n e r, that. the same. I ibe rty beex tended: to persons who aire; on board of afreel ship, -with-! thisk effect, that although th'e.t ;be en- emies, o ootn or eitner. ,party, ?they . are not to be take p out of jtha tess'they aine officers or rj sold leysyand.-'f i n t lie a c i u a ls e r vi c e b flh eke: n em ies-' ro? i - ded howeverjand 'itisherebyvS1!? that the Btipulations7 jntfi'ifcafticie f con tained,eclarlng that;t the property, "shall be f understood as ap plying to those rowers only who. recognise this princip e r but if ;ei thereof ihey yd parties shall be atlwar with: a contracting .... . is . . third, and 1 he other." nie u tra I th e flagb f the neutral fehVll Vcbverte' ' . . . !.-.. . . : . ' t i em thi 4 It is likewise agreed;rthatin the l-case wiiere ,ife ueutrau nag or one ui ine con tracting parties, shil I protect' the prbpertv sbQ-.buard held and considered as 'enemy's: property; and as'sUch shal I be I iabl e to detention and eon fihcaUun except such property as was pu tTonbo such vessel before the decla ration o ;wa); or ; even afterward i f i t were, d onw i thbii t t he , kuo w 1 e dge : of i t J but thefebntr months having elapsed after tthe -declara tion'iheircitizen shill not plead 'figrte rance thereof. ' On the contrary if the flag.;Of thqeotrai' elbea . not protect the enemy's prbpertyV in tiiat'case, the, goods ana mercnanUise ot the neutral, embanked or ine eneroiea or. tne omer, oyv ,virtue,:ot the AJbove stipulation, it ;shall 7al ways1 be undeVstood iha t the neutral property found J pose whatever v;,,,:. i'-v .r'-s.,- .,v'::irv,J;V;-'V. '-?r'V V;7- l . Article XVI "V' ' ' This Jibertv of cotrtmerce' vand '.navisra - tion shall extend to aJrifindsof?merch'anT dises, excepting those ohljr which aredis - tiriguished bvi-jthe" nanie Ajf' Cpntrabartd r and under this rtamefcontrab:indi or.protraqtin,, parties, ,fhy;haVe agreed)' and do hibiedrsoorffl'shallVe"compfeh case one of ihem hall b els,' bfunderbussesmusketS fuses', rifles, cabtn.e;'.Wtti lancesjv fipearsi ' nalDenJs, -.;antl grenades9ipispiii8y-exfressinf:the'lfiame; pronertvl bombs, powder, , matches, balls', and r all and bulk of lh ship, -as alsb ihe niiine anil ptherilhings bejonjging'to theVuse of these placeof habitation ofjhe Tnaster'or com--m$.l;;:., ; . S ??.y, : ntandef of vessel, in4oriler that it may r:2dly. Buckler9,helmetsV breastpfatesi t hereby paip that the',shiri reaflyarid tru ly coats of mall, infantry' belts; 7and--;clotKes belongs to the cfiizens or nhiro ts of one of k made up in the form, and, for a military iS x ; use.,, v 7 SdFv,CavaIry ,beltsj and , horses, -with (said sea-letters of passports; , shall also -their furniture. T '- ,f vl ? lv ' ;v provided with certificates containing these- - wiiy. auu generally an KiBOS Of arms era pariicuiars or, tne ? cargy ,nd the and instruments of iron, steel, brassi and pace jwhertce the ship sailed, sb that it rhay Conperoi of ativ other materials. manufac- be' known iwhether any ; forbidflen or mn. ured, prepared, - vu iiiarwc waruv sw or lanU'i - article jyjjf, , , A 11 AikoP-morphi wxAlai nJI,tnMi. nAf ;nmnr.hnn,t in fkA, iAo ne' A !,!.' W V WIU lOl Cm 111 A ' til 1 If 13 .- IUL J land,(expressly enumerated and classified 1. l ... L-ti''t. : I- . i . . . . ,is auove,. sumi ue njKiu anq consiuerea asi free, and. subjects of free and lawful com- merce, so. mac tney ras transported in the: free: the contracting' parti longing .to an enemy, places which are at that time. besieged or blockaded ; uutli to z void al I: doubt ifl this particular;:it isUlecjafed JjBar thoselaces ohly;ar'beWged actually attackedvby na VfbrceFcapablef of eventing me entry oi tne neutral v v fiTlie articles if contrabandij before eniii meratietlh'antfjxlasflGed found in a vessell bound 1 iforaa yenemys port shal I be sobj e c t to de ten 1 1 o nj a nd' ebb filcatibn leaving teth andthb ship,;that thpnerrjnrtayldispose off them i as they see properV either of :the twb7nations shallIb detuned! on tne nign, seas, .-on account of, nayjng f on bfiard -articles of cbntrabatHl, wheneyer t hp : tn ast e ca ptitijp br s u p e rckrgo yr f sa i d ivessei ; will 'TeJ i vef ;ry r';t h e. a rufctef7bf 7' cpv trabandjtb, the captor,Vunesshe qtlabtity flsuch article be so ealanitbf sjci lf ge a; pulky:that they cannot e7receivedk on boa rd 1 1 1 f. cap t u ri ng s hi p With bu t great in- cojri v en i en ce, : bp t, ; i n th i sa nd a 1 1 thj other shill beient t the, neirelt convents Wfcpor:!VtrialM .ing to law. ., i , jV:W"t j 'Sa;:7- .;ri; : Article. xix. j Mmr 5 An n: whereas it frequency NpPen8 that eisels" sail. for- a" port ? or.' pi ace belonging toWv enemy, without npwinithat he satne is besieged bJackadejJi or dnyestev it is agreed tJvatye y s tan c e d; m ayA be . turned 7 way Jfro'bi .1 u c h ;poijt,br place; tut shall nots oei de:tained;: norj shall any part of her cargo, if not con traband, be .confiscated unless,'ajfter warn ing of sii ch :' block ade or in vestment j from nybfficer7Lcomm blpclding fbrce to' nter 5 but she shall, be permitted to g j(o iinyjther pbrtbrpIacbs Vsiall( ihnk proper; 7 f Nor shal I a by . v esse! of e the,r, that, inay-have entered; int'su port be- fbre : the; same bl ockad eil ; b r i n yes t ed'byi t hei ibtlie r ; be restrainea irom quuung sucn?piace,rvwiui li e rl cargiv nor t f fob n if t fierei ri af tert he re? duction and surrender, shall such vessei or nericargo De iiaoie 10. conuscatiqnout.mey shaj Ibe restbred; to th e owners thereof 9 Jind if any vessel haying thus eheretf the port before: the blockade took:- place, shall ke nn; board a icarffo after the j blockade he established ,;she shall rneujby 1 he of oc kad Ibg fbi ces,7itbjreturn Jp theport blbckadel,f sa cargo- 5 7a nil fa f ter recei vi n thJVald .Jyatiiigtthevess luijWitlf.th t h e pa u? 4 c imse qu e n ces a s a vessel at t e m p tf thgito en ter blockaded -port; after being warbed off bjf Jtfie blockading forces. mg forces. 1 )f., aj:9 W . :7-7":-f 7 Trv order to; prevent'; all kinds of disorder in Tthe y isiting and eainatiqtrbf thp jships ahd j caioe -of bbh t he con t rac ti ng parties bVthe high seais; .they hay e aeeil,mutaf a!fythati whenever lie. pr private, shall treet ;vith a beutrat of the juf her; :con t ract ing party; , the: firstshalf remain at the. g ild'theyisltV-jUriderthejcj the sea and wind, anff the- degree of suspi cion attending the vessel lb be visited,and shall sendfita smallest boat in Order to et- ecuie the said elimination of the papers con cer n i ng" t h e p wn ership and Cargo, o.f ih e Vessel w i thou t ' causi rig the least extortion, violence, ojr jll treatmenr, ; for which; the commanders of the said armed ships shall be responsible: with their person's & property; for which purpose; ; the coWmanders of the said private armed Jyesse) shall; be foTe ' receivings their commissions, give sufficient "security ,'to- answer. -forj all the damages 7 they may , commit. v Apd fit v is expressly jagreed, v that the neutral prty hall, in no case, be required to go on board the examining v essel, for the purpose -of exhibiting her papers, or foranjf VQther, pur- es, even.to places be-r , . v nnctKJULii. ' , i t - 'Article XX Y. Lr To avoid all kind of vexation end in -the 'examination' of f the nahers -Teh tin l to the ownership cf the, vessel Moo';ir) I to-the cftizens.and fttibiects''of thtv tvo con enaseoivar;.the:6li)ns.rani(esscls; bf ongm to the, cirjzensVf suljecrs of the oihtr;must:lie,'funiished With sn-letters op the. parties j they, have ' likewise orrr that; suchshibb'ein? liden hMidri rccn the the same i which Quisites, sam,veJsel may be .defamed, to t t " ' - - v. - . ... ' . w4"Juage1l?J we competent tnDunal, land mavbtr declared leo-al nrixe.!n nl hn j i r ; v . .. . 7 v" : ". ':.u " , . 1 Pr"ven 05 ing to aonve? exnrekSPfl-c ri nnv tn th visninrr and .'examining, of vessels shall-: apply bnl v 1 r ; v? . w '. 'en s a 1 1 w 1 1 n o u t c n v oy ; a n a ' whWiai'd5xesseiysha are bound to arii enemy 's, port, tliat yjjave hbicbhtrabanaTgbodsl on, board. sha Iutniur.ti.cn zsimi v ue maue -qui .ny tue- OIll cers of the place' whence.th'e'ship sailed, in i nie accuiimeu jorm r ,wtnoui iftuch re- ' ly-oecarriea , andi .. . f r 4 r U manner, by both ; . r. t i acumen t. ann K.irinpti nr n nn tor nv1 . excepting only those rtner agreea, tnat me stipulations - uic vcruai neciaraiion ot Jhe commam er ol baiibnhbsfe-'ufla iney m&mmrticii :Mjmutk the : v WtablpK in the ':7V; couniHeov 7 ; ducted;shail ahirie take cognizance of t'lem-; 7 7: A b d w lMy e rI ut b' t ri bu n a I i f e i tl 1 e r pa r- ; 7 v: ty7shall;p ; v vessel orgoods; oW property 'claimed by 7 theitizens ofjueCt party,' 77 " jti e Jse'n tM ipe: or ;d ec ree ;shal t m e n t i 0 n 7 1 h e ' ; reasorijs :qr jnove v hjebeeQVpjiupded fcopy bf: thjs; se n tpncebH cl ec reea ii d Vof al I j the proceVdings7ip tWef Case-shal l,-; if de v7- iiiaiiiirujvuc upuvei cu- loiiiie comma iiuer , S ofid,vessel; without any delay; Article l7Whenevcr bbe of shall be engageid inar with another tate,"-v7'7v nb citizen or subject pfthtf qtlier contract-V7- ; i n g: par t jr, jh al a C cVpti a , cp m m i s si b n , :b r, r ; ) letter of m arcj u efor t he pu rpose bf ttssjs t-i v;': . n; or co-bperiting'h eneby, J againstlthe .saidvp under-the pain jas: beinntrea ted as'a pirate.- : ; 7 WM&reXX.l W':vK, f If by any fatality;' which cannot bq fx-: y pecteanil ihich GbdjtVrbidihe two con? - tfactibgjSa rties should be eng(d)n a war' ; withbachpthe, they have greed, an(l do t ; , agTeenbw, lrtheiti that th allowed Uhe: terin of six7mbnth(lto the mer- i "7 ChantsjMringWob th-'jcoasisrandTfn'-.thej7:';:' T ports of ea ch: otijfr; a nd V t h ej t erni : of Ton e : 7 y(eXrJtb;1hbie;w ; arrage7their7busin .elfecjshere" 7 ' theraTme3saie f cbnijuct necessary for itV:7 v ; r' hich'TOaaeVy uiiCil ?th;ejr7ariye':;ait.:;mele " . V - TOejci tizens and subjects of a!fotherbccu- 7 : tiops who tiiay be establiihed in: the ter- 7; riiories or pminionsfoi tne .u iiiteu fitatc:, ah bfhe7empiref L5 res- 7 7-.' ctedmndatntained :J b':vtfie':'f ul I " eni oy-':' ' neni. uiitiier personal iiuerty arm proper- , ; r tyv unless theirTparticul a r conduct hal I ; t cause iiieuiv mricH 4nis.proteciion;wnicn, inxonsiuerauon 01 numanity, tne contract- ' ing partiengage tb give them V tUxt .:7-.777-- : SNe'ithenlbe debts due irbm me7InrJi vW " duals ofthe bneThatibn, tb th individuals of the other? rior: sharesribr money, which - - uiey roayjiaye in puuiiuiunus,,npr in nuo- ; ' licTror private i .banks', shall :evervin an e--f i' "j vent ofwar7br national ditferehce;be ge . : qiiestmteu-ibrcbn ' Bbththe'ctinractrngparties beinr' desi- ' ; Hufaybidibg alt: jhequali tobeirpubjiccomm intercourse, have, agreed,' and do agree, to grant. to their Envoys, Ministers; ; & other . " Public i AgntsiHhesame'favprslimmuni- - ties 'and, exemptions 'which' those 7cf the : most itiyprea. .naiion go, or snail enjoy f , . it being 'unoersipod that white'ver favors,'-, ; ' . immunities, or privileges, tha United States of:meric-or the Empire of tlrazil ; may ; find it -proper to, giye tov the ;MihUter9. und . , , Public Agents ct any other Poer, shall, 77 .. by the same: act, be extendeu to thc3 ct , each of the cootractin" n-rties. : f . Article XXVIII-ry ;7;:7 ;To make more eCectual the prctcclicn which the7 United States and 'th2"Em ire ot Brazil-shall alrd, in future, t t!: - vigatioo and corr.inerce of ths cii.'i - - subjects of each other, they crc? vj izz.. anu admit cencub and ,z2 cc.;;uhia ell : J ": Concluded ca&thp?2C ' ' ' w-4. 1 - 4 X ; -4. . v-

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