' ' - t i - , ' " ; ua,f' '-- V' . -V ' - . - i v s - , . - N - - c - . 1 , w - - V- - -4 - J - I . a - --k . J V . -iV . Au vvv-v.-v.-; '' ';l -r-. ; : y'vV'' .l'i;o4iie P.fiap.a ;,iS-;-r'U - : ' A i ."V"'-,:. "7. V-C--"rV.xr.C-.-'-i; f'Pnwarp'dJyparty.rage to livehte brothers,-.. :'v;v ; .- tc At five bailor ipet annum lUC in advance : Vot'exeedinrrsixtfen Kftei. neatlv Inserted threfc . - titn es I or a Dot lar ana t wentyrn ve p is , u.r o'-?eyerv iucceed3fir publication..: tnose ot great- 40" !? er len ertb.in"the same . oroDOTtion.i Cojf Mtr . r . .. rf . . . . .. 4 . ' k the Editors must be Post paidS. AGmctitTOBAr,! 1 V A j. . - - From Ihe" Southern Agriculturalists v. " " the .Coast of, CorQtnanddin Jndiaf'anU fc- nenegatixtinaer inemispices qf ine jtrenci Combahee, Dec Si t 1827.' )ear SiR.-The: importance ormu!ti- ?;:plyiog thestaple productions of the South'-J r? till QlaVrst ; niuubrs . uio iu sugj;c j mc y;ximsideration'vtt,.ihe?AgriciihuraViSoci Vof Sodth-Carortna, the cxpfediencj.of en cou ragi ng iexpnmen is ;1ri jherculti Vatioo f I nd igu 1 1 a nd par ticula c 1 of ma it u factur ring, itJrora the dry leaves , a practised on the' coast. of Goromandel in India' jvnd re s ent lyj: in Se nega I ;u nder ' the 1 m m ed ia te auspices of the. French Govern rrjent- in stead of from.the green"vveed, asvas'Ibr i merly done in : this :Bta teV; A ccordjnj to information obtained from a highly respec table I proprietor,1 and -"ei. n si ve "practical f in a n u fa c t u rer, d u ri rig a pe ri od of . j fpu rt een ; years in the former. country (and mow re sident in this,) almost the whole ofjthe Iri idigo made in'Coramandel; is manufactured ..from theeaves of the plant only,' after they, have been dried, .packed and trans ':ported'ta the factories' by 'the farmers and via most instances, from distant parts of the country. After the plant is cuiit 3 spread out to dry in the sun,' on a space of ground left for the purpose for about sixforA eight iihours, when iC is.thrashed or shaken in the OJwnd tpbreakoff the leaves, which crttmbld easilVrihesteins are then raked ff a&ii.3' less, tne impression oeing irom var)u-i experiments", that ,this "part of the plant contains little orbooof the colquribg mat- ' l er,iind : the, I eaves- are packed away i n, the houe, as; tiht as possible so as io'pre- f jSecve, them from the' air, until the' harvest is cmpletedv and thefarmer js at' leisure, eithie r : Iq m a n u facjtu re; h i ni se I f of t o f ra n s port them' to the regular factories-;? If the season isweffrdryiiog, in the house Ue som d t o t a n d ,Vn e n : the (1 eaves cr u m bl e in the lund, it is considered an indication of ineir oenig suiucieriiiycureaif me auvan tages ofHliuVseparating the two operation's of harvest and maou factuteW whichothef: wise go together,-, from-lhebecessity of steeping the green plants as soon as cut J .the sa ving of, transporta tion bf the heaviest j portion-of ahe'plant'frobthei fTel d to.fhc yat, as we'll as "the"pos'tp6nemejot.of the InajiafactuVing prdcessu nti I " ihe heal thy 'jeasnny wheq -the- superinterfrlance (oPithe : ; propr ietor miyjbe obtauiedtl 1 be a tohce apparent tb til e prac't feat agricutfuralist. Aihi ir the cultivation only;couiir De con A finedto the.plantation, and-?theT mabufac- .r.ture perfiirmed at regu larg factories where the business could; be conducted; on a laf r seal e, -: th ere , ;t s 1 i ttfe j dim btf- bu t tha t .Xasf kin 5 almost 'all. : other operations oft th 'lyhd) superiority 'in the quality of the arti- etc maoe, ana .economy; in , tne use Ot ine raw material, would VbeVthe'consebuence. :;'The'sreat.-obitfcti6ns of our bld'Piantefs to this'pursuitt'viz. the uhccrtairity'oT the re: whole business 'promoted." - With' a vipw :tolthM'enifiaiiistinjished"prvfeVsion4r j J)ycrof Nevv-Ybrk Mr. William PatrMge, has btfered td receive; to,th'e amount of se veral tons, of learaiseithe next season,& curd accord lagtti (he foregoing dTrections ; ami will; hz urn to the Planter." two-thirds of-aify profits which may result .from' the c x pe ii liuTiitsi i.inUde.f'ijl his "gentle man ; li as obtuitit'd a palwit, for. dyeing from the leaf,' t-i t h er il rybKi n its fer men te d statej accord J ing to. the Afi icaa1 iuode of fepiring it,' I v which by'simpfymoisteniug'and "grind - I pis: thV dry leaves sufficiently to produce I tfrni'Mltatfoii Vnl adhesion 5 Mi.as to ad mit ' ! i be" ng ro 1 i e 1 i in to y ba H sa n d pickeil fHr4iiarket jartd which ts the same Jpro jessgeneraU pursued 'in preparing voad !'? plamUaud- in wfdeh state the woad l,urt CV n t t h is ;cou n t ry r i 5 r e c e i v e d . f- As it isbeiievcd that no. experiments in JrepVriug Indigo for niarkeL by 'this latter vSeejBancrftff unp ParkV Minion4 tx Africa' bacc'14.3. -lor a!;hcr mouc praciued ia taut country ; v- l .v' tv-. ' i-.' r.-r - s -T -.V fe'Vv r uovernmcnz.. viEoia e ii u ibbes ; .'ofCombahkeyS.. a'.v : "::' I Addressed ta-William Washington; Esq. and by v him politely, handed to'us for publication.: . suit, oi disagreeableness,it not tbeunhealth fulne. of iihe: fermenting:- process, would be. reuoved,,and the . siinpircitv the WodeVaVcvbeeii-made"'pdbT? it is' presume ed lQrbirquaHyejtttitled tp, trial as any, 6th e rfr es oecial I y 1 wherri I trri s 5 con si d ered that theAfr(can blukdyesre superior to those; obtained . from?' the best-. Madras Tbegrea't sq periorlty; iiy, thequalftj oT foriueH y iiroduc'ed , either ifrlndifohAme ncais it9 cnnancement anivaiue; ana tne sufiiciently irhp'oVtnt considerations to Ih duce a partial return to its cultivatioli in consiauc tucreasins ucmaiiu : wuum-seeui the present depressed state oC at hVGottoh market independent or jine oenent wnicn may 'be'expected tdihe land itself bya cnange ocrop; - it -is traei-tnat consider able 'doubt iias been; entertained whether 4There are twa circumstatics whichap- pea r. calculated to promote a. .Delierr mat the" former is the , chief, if r!ot the only cau sej viz Vr ihv t pre viousrto l77'9,thVyear in twhich thetBast flndia Company rcom inenced making Indigo inIndia, the article tb e fe w as i n ferior to that made J n :t he Un i- ted;Statesy fromfivhence kOreat;Brtaib rer; ceivecf. her'; principal supplies;, and also,' that of what "js How, made : in T Carolina, a portion is of j the yeryficUcjuali y, as ad mitted by tha dyers in the Nor thern States, who are in the habit of bsibr.' annually, thesmall.iquantitv which is us"ually pro- uuceu m.our.uppertsiricts. -The; d ifiicu) ty of lob tain ing accurate inr fdcinatiori ai to, the mostf approved-modes of preparing! udigo, now practised in other parts of the vori d , - re n d ers i t i mpbssibl e to insutuie ? a comparison wun ; mai wnicn was customary, ih Carolina, before it , was abandoned "as a staple, Yrom wiich the ex t e iitf: those-- i m p rove m en ts Itn aybe es t i ? mated',.; Cut it is reasonable to conclude, that .under th e pa t r6,n age-of the?Br j (isb VG q v e r n iiieut a h d . w i t h ; t lie a i d ; t f C h e iii ist ry , t hey " mu s t3 ha v e bee n ri cbnsiderabl e 1 Ast far as (t have been able to leaf n,r. from the vaHbus sburceVconsuUedt,-: they ? consist chiefly inUhe period of icutting the plant, as.a subject of -.the-very first importance- and next, in the steeping and beating pro- cess-size ofthe vats ,&c It is univer sal ly ad oi i t ted , ho we y e r ;t h a t j pe rf ec t i o n in. the art" of Indigo inakirig, is more a mat ter of lexperiejice, than of science, and that no particular rules will prevail at all times even' in . the same country that nothing. indeed, short of I ong practice ana minute attention,' can. possibly lead to successful results. ;Kr ...r1: . ,-j.V.As regards the proper time of cutting theplant, there is much variety of opinion In CoromandeU it is not considered fit to cut until the plant is in' full blossom, and just'rbefore seeding whilst in India, gen erally (as stated in ouden's lincyciopae-, dia of Agricurture,) .the plants are not al lowed to coiiie to flower, as the leaf, in tha; casej becomes dry and hard, and the Indi gd" produced is' of less value.5 iThe, im prove me n t . 1 a tely ? i n t rod u ced t n 1 6 Fran ce by M a Morina, an Italian in obtaining In digo from the wbad plinth by cuttihg the leaves! when irery green,) instead of when ri peas formerly, may,; perhaps, add more strength tothe ? latter opinion, from the si milarity bf the two plants. In a niemoir on Indigo,' lately received' 'from a, jpultiva tor in the neighborhood .bf Carraccas, it vis observedthat the' weed is cut about three and'a half .months after planting iaud the most certain method of knowing the period of )ts maturity isyLby squeezing the young fehoots in the hand : if it cakes' itr is not ripe but if- it pulverizes, it is then fit to-cut: , - v. ; vvnen.ine green weea f isto, De steepea, from thehecessity of doing so the same d ay on which r i t i s ; c u t it' is e v id en tl y i m- possiDie.to naryest tne wnoie crop at tne precise period 'of its perfection, as this oi eratioti triusi be dependent on the 'progress of ithe' manufactutetj .vvKich circumstance, withTthe difficulty.of'oblaininskill :in:the , mianu factbre, ' "as well as the ' scarcity - of Clear;- auu soit waier.iu inu iu.w couuiry, which "is "so" Vi n d i s peh sabl e i , i n . m aki ng good Inrtrgbaftbrd additional; reasons for: con fining the'PlAnVeroityculUvatioo ; bsly shouldi the plan: proposed be found - practi- cable-j.; Kf 3-''" r '!Hi'e impVovements " which are -stated to have - taken place in the.4arge factories in Indian are chiefly in the attention to clean- u n ess, py woicnaii exiraueuus niaiicr is excluded, and the expedition v;thwhjcfi the Natin processes performed.by ; means o f in ach i n e ry $ and 1 bhf- whichth e q ua I i ty;bf Ibdigb.is saHl o:ibach " tadepehd r:for,;in the" pfocessbf ;oiidizing, by which it i'con vcrted from the" green to tlie blue state,? the nipilify;withVhich;itis mosphere, 'is 'considered, by- chemist, aji alt-lnfpurjant tb" the'n perfect separation rwhichhould'takerplacc4f -the colouring matter;." iroui; ine;sait5 ana; eiranepnsf li quor Vand the slow mode of doing .which, as formerly .practicedJ fn Carolina as wel I ust o "il l e too rea tqb a nti ti es o V$ i meu sed to facintute the prectpitation of the fe'culae, hasbeen,' iri a, great ibeascrc, 'ascribed th e i nferi oriiy of theCf ;ti cle ' madeC I n lii-J dia;lime-vif uerbnlyis;U3ed,and,that6a ririgly.j 'an.I, ,ib testing. th ; perfectioa bf this stdge",it is-obsefvett.tii.it ibe most ccr- tuipMiHlication, next to tnat. or.;. tne ; appa "t ser iration of ... theilregs, ithe colour of the natef-which should be tlutbx bran- the 'supefidrity "of ,ther fud rgo no vv made. Is oWijig toi greater skijl ;or-to; the more favorable soiUand climate of India. -V -Vv tdr : and if either greed or black that there ii as i uceu a u ei ec i, a iiu i tie luuio wm uoi ue goou . ai 1 1- my in iprma i io n ' i s vcprre ct, that it was 'Customary,; formerl y in this country,, tb'cbntinueVthebeatlng after the precipitationtwasro pi ace, it - m'ay be " co nsidered as another reaf defect,-as' itis nowveU pnderstobd iat in this event u reversion bf lhe parti- a i es, mm co us pjq ueri u " i orw a i to u ? ensues, which completely sptiiis-the'coluf.' l oiiouar expeuiuon is aiienueu to in tne r npaHihiia ofiilaninra' nf' ika tiiaarl o ' (iflHu tu i u u yes un i y-is prescri ueu ; asr prwpe ri o ue ajlowed for. fijlins" thb4. vats. ' It is in ?-ihit branch Of the business that, .the' greatest ad va n tage resu I ts ? from t he u se b f th e d ry leaves z' for, in steeping them,ony pnebr ,iwa-noaursisTequisij-coJ.e2tracioe.;coi ouring matter, and no fernientatiob takes plate whereas, ia fermen tinjr the green Weedtwelve-hoUrsbr: more ris 'required u esia es wnicn tnere i s a i ways some un v.ci idiuty iu uie success ok uie iaiicr pro cess for, if the fermentation is too great me-4uaniuy js increaseu, out ine quaiiiy certainly;injured. : ' J: X ;; r;.Xhe dimensions of the vats (whichycatV be furnished if desiredjrafe IpropoflioVed to eacb.otherVfand'greater success is found to exist, "when the. business is -conducted qtt a large than on a" small Scale. ? V" - r in?the :cultivationof. thb -planfi 'there does not'app'ear any. material . diff'erenee lb the .different countries where itcrdws,' other than .such ' as local circumsiances repdef becessary-afitlUhe probability isj that the mode best suited! to;, bur' 'soil' is tha tt which. has been practised. j -In the SuteV o'f Salvador;(the crop ojf which, for the yearl 855, was valued at &2,400,000'0 a rich; moist soil is required --the 'seed is sown ;three or four Huche$ deep, and the plant flowers in two months In .Coromandel, Vcool, soil is preferred by" which is meant, that where-water is tound at a, short distance , below the surj face; arid. the height whitb', the plant at j tains, is a stronir indication of the nuanti-i tv;; of f coloring uiatiefitd bev expected being observed, that:fourfeet; was thel best height, and that 4vheh it reached eight feetJ, the quantity an'd quality of flndigq madewere both deficient. A - v -;t;7-r The quan tity of I n d igo made to r the! acre is not easily ascertained. In' the West Indies! where it is'curthrceibr fnur times, the yield has been 'as hurh asi five hundred pounds and; iu some of the -in -j teriof provinces of Hindustan, when1 they have as many i as nine cuttings. Jis said to be still greater.; ; .'V f . i u ! . Ay hen, it is considered that the; estima-) ted y al u e o f the I n d igo a u nu a 1 1 y co n su me d injtle United Stales, is . opwards'Ofg4,4 000,000,' a n d t hat- the ; in creasing' d em a net isjikely to keep pacetwithi thejnereasoof manufactures generally:r--?tbat protect ing dutjj. of fifteen cents a pound already exists, and that complete - security from! foreign1 competition must ensue, should the contemplated, comiiercial Vv policy i of 'the1 country gointo v'effect,':, the expectation mav not bechimeficaf, that this valuable! plant, which is indigenous to the soif of vyaruuua,'- win j once inure oecoine n ! source of wealtb'and prosperityto the State.4 ii iiu gicait respect, JL uni, on, your oueui ent servant. .It GEORGE MGIBBES. I PS- l;send. ybu;ra i;few Voots fjo( the madder,- which, as . well as the' wild plant and the SicjlySu mach, fare articles" of inj creasing-consumption in the manufactories pfibeNorthrktidrniay beiwell:wbrth trial inlthis climate Z Severalj very profitable experiments have 'been made wi th & theui recently;at'ihbINorth';and.the.r)illdi,Sii4 mu.cu.iius uccu tuiuaieu vu suiiic cucih, although the'quality in.that climate is so in ferior, as to com m rid : only one Half the price oi.Anui.;wnicn.is. .impocteU' from . me. ;aapi,ain;talic. -';v V V' farmers and "Farmers' Vjves.V vri As there will be a new administration in the -Generahl Government -this :year, and much is expected 'fromit, :su ppbse we far mers cbnsidef ai Jittle VoTther most certain: way vt securing benefit ant happiness,? tb ourselves and-lamjlfesl';i t:,U J i" l . vThe season V has . now come round when alf ourDld" debts Vshbtitd have bjeen'paid 4 and we shouldnowbefbusily employed Ad ourjarmsi-seeing that every.-; thjng'-apperi tainins thereto-ris fi in Tiroper. orders You know that Geanria is aiuantHtarirT State and that her citizensproVbsetb'iivVjwitb m:tne'neives, ana inueoenueot 01 loreifin aid: in vievv bt "this you 'should ff carve oui yjiiur. ciwy uiafcfyyu. wHi surciumaKe corn and meat .'enough-. .which Iery much doubt if youdid lastiyear.VyBut if fyuu did not, it is hoped the -experience' you" have gaineui anu ine smart you.are now leeung, haVe' taught -yottTaWatuabIeJesson.'t:vs'''1'' V. vTha t; tve laay : not deceive ou rsel ves,iiet ustmake a little estimate of the relative prbfiUofr raising corn an dL-cotton jrlie ground and seaso: , that vWob Id ; make 500 iby.'seed cotton , t , thelacre, wilt make 3 barrels ccrn. :The c Itou. would now brig yob; about S3 jjnorc.: iZChe corn woujd brinyou:750, to S tO, according to scar cfty ln your particular.neighborhood- Af- tr 0 years exprience, I have rotfouud. thuirv to vary iuchjrom the abu.s.r ica sayyoUare in debt ' large cfoj) of, cotton, and chance .the c .n and melt Well, 'ta!. ; -my word. for it, friend, ycuwill navergef.oocbtidebt.by making lare crops of xo'tton and gmpg the' proceeds of it for meat and corrulBui; y ou;say .1 f, voti 1 a ck a" litlkv corn ;vou' can lb ay 1 1 of you ih ejgh bo r. b r i etc tl i f. C'JTh is you j may uo 5 .out ;no;yqu uoi.see inar aif , C4irn, se,1 lers are calculating -merr ? They rvy11t m ake ;yo u pay ;ve 1 1 Tqi Ui e cr ed i t.you ta ice for they have learnt before this Hha t ,ai j. i But if rutL wlsbtoinalce lirbvif ionse noughjtbdbybu'plentifuUyi anct would like to knowfrom some oneexperiebceiJliow cultivate 13acres'corn ; and Tof- cuttdn alid, .when1 half- the family "are laborers, a crop m inis ? proportion s will usually make provisionSehough: Where more; thabdiaif J are laborers, less corn and Tnbre cotton lijay ....v, ...v. : .h-i,hh.,umiiii. (ui ...wifp. a wi&u iiuw.lu speaK a woruMO-a Class fill myTeirw,cilizens for; ; whom'Ieet, much L'mean: those who are in debt -ii flb be corn uuy ers are stow ; pay, anir n u anger 01 having thetf gbodsjoveutoutd by the Slei iflr - "-.. ".v '.' yuu fcuan inaKe.your arrangemems accord? inglytj fgiyeyou! what', may Vefve fora eneraf'ruTe', wjflich must be varied accqi ding tobircumstan'ces.XJA'good hand can lleve that if: one. should go through cur gar cahe, have 110 doubt ,wi II do .tll sir country and enquire of-the hVadot every ty Smiles: beloiv this: place, any where in ratnti v.wnac ne studies most, ne wouia ire-M es .'WouiQ mat some nannv uav mavrou aroudd when things shall bebetter. I3uf I fear that, d ay wi 1 1 n eve r com e n a y ,vi-an you l have a' wi fe, a nd ch if d re n th it ybu lo ve?; tnese narve increased, jour aoxiety) are you willing to take ad vice, :and.wiir voir follow It If yobyvm, .unless your case is; ex- treme cheel up thei p'is hope jbaf not from the quarter yobjhave looked to. No," nd yob wil I never draw radney bv, a 'lot ceivi lur answer now ne may pay ;nis tieois.. as yet tuo uncertain, in this latitude, and This is the evil genius that haunts us eve- a fannVr of Baldwincounty 1 ha select ry wherev:,Vyhen alone and.whenih coraf edheIfiUiga plaUt Tlie eds are only pany.it is a Sore evil indeed, aVtl iricreas- wabtinl to divide-mv Vinoin eron. I sure it: will Inof; unlesst he -people change such' sntall Quantities of ; seed at the I'c i their management. ; ;v;y V-VrV-;;. Ofiices In those places s they can procure The man in debt (no:doubt my friend ibtheir families rnjay, with : these aids pro yon have spen-:.inany Ubeasy.Kburs'and if riire seed en !?h'at least to raise nn abun. rery ucKeivio pay your ueuis. f icn reKv v.,j. . . 1 imi lation will die and leave you a fortune. ' f ; iV)SCVlT)t01i uic oeuuai xxii.A win vpeu soon, v u wm do;you bat btile gol 10 go then nU sf ll J;.' tlUiMroduction if that culture i.. Uss.to go. tu any oilier. Hmfc. . The note! tt';,.s c,,. ' -. - &haver vill never, makfi-your' Tortune None vt .'the-abuve sburces'will al.Vou the waters of hhy: But they, may on made in vflnitp. w .A 4Ai-fe 4-Y I -l 1 "'S ' " dAM to flow' notwithslandiug; The first 5 step for." YOU to takers, to make a Very full states ment "6f-al I v the .debts r'vbu-b we; 4 rfen .esti you nave one.r ane will be a good..counT sellor $ then take the advice of some'good pruueni neizuuor-, 11-in vour mree luoc - merits your case i not extreme, fall to work! migni ana main, lurn out every nana toaii - 1 i - - - . - ' 4 , '..v. can pick up a 'grain- ofecorn or-roli an 'a dispeieof every things for which you hat-e no use; " r If vou have ariv'fine furniturebr fine and Icostly abyJthing,Tsetr it.".; You niier.! cnh iV,;,..ru xvKllr. vnii a rU in.deDt,.,;U s a noor thing to driven poor hore io a ..iwrnaer and to havener vants rubbi tft.mV"4-i.B. I itit 1 1 11 pa- . m r rt-n fuiiig uiic i uum ui v. 'Mis n ; v snouitt ue at wbrk in the field. I coulq say my brother larmers." Wheb I sec.a ( irczr buying: pork from 2 the KentuckianH I am sorry. ' iremoie ior mem wnen ,i &eei them iioiaing, private Qiscoure. wuns wnat IS caiieu a nu Beiiii A;am:auic4ic i$ ab ut to do someihins that will make nisi less, upon vac com cuaiiLies oi,iuis uinncuu! iy; worlds t; ;--;. Mydear :. -brotKer jowi ha ilia ve tbf eat your bread' hi the sweat of 'your brov; ,db not, :.ri oesee.crf ;you, give-, your, .naruearn-- inaVto'nbte shavers, nor pay. more than B per ce n i n teres v xny person. . ;'-iuu nau oiucn peiier sen on -1 1 hve ib thelworlbt anU wbuld get oa in the worksrtnust: farT exceet hanjtls-and'eyes'must.tieverTwhere-Vand you must know nunutely now your business. goes bp i ., Seest thbb a(inau that isdili" I genrinhislusinesSj hehalttand t)eforei Ki n is iitv Midii , uuv 9iauu pciuic .uicii men.'.Z'i I would li ke now .tot speaka word to far mer.4' wivesffoi it is from,thera have most to ''lfupeAfitf what shall fsayr their works are aboveall praise. - - -' -fi Wher-I 11. to :i: ' ;;dlthe; last rar,v and remembefhow r :ic.;lyf.oursoldiirs were u u i fo r in e d i n d c ; n e s t i c - m a n u f a c t u r e ; h o iv willing all foreign rrticleVweregiYe.u up not a single murmur heard. ;. hen see bur citizens at the Courthouse, um the raeeting-housc, clad cbvell, so exc:l lentl r in homesuiu'Tik viewof the;nii crrn ana 411 ove iorwaru-in regular order,; shaiiMbave:beeii-vope0ed'fiie.root will be 3 and" be Sure you -to not'stop too" sbon.r 1 1 year old,-; and -will, irrpduce considerabli; fruit will" take yuu.sonie time tb do much,;' but tl secondyear, from the.time.of, their t .Ii -hold'ob toJV- .Ybu.Will come obr.5 Nent Tfl : very much more on' this subject, Tahd 1 if I root forjesa than 5-ltdot8o7ilh ta Lc, s could'h'opeit woufadoanygoodr'aoil' the ?8"be'P"df .w " ' i' i ' 1 1 " -a - r tor 1000"or-tnori '12V ceuU for less tL.a 1C0O ; advice I could give, would be , followed, I ,ntl 18 cents for less jfo roots.v should proceed cheerful j r For I t-L. t jr . ,-nicntto be made:bn, delivery ofthe roots. wife to weep some" day and beggar his chilr VYashiiigton City,-Thos w. pairo. dfeni und cause the Sheriff to seUlb up his Uiclnnond,;; : 'Davenport; Allc-i-:. r o. affairs, andturnhimbuselessVdTriend -;r a flairs of this life, your tv-. - .. : ' - and must' try for a T uriC mciissrcs.-1 urn cbr,straiaed'tai:v - ; - '.?";U" -7: 'v ' il the mc.i would' du their iut trytis ib'no dangeKv, Well. - r ' s; k not be weary in well ylo'Ing. . ill 1 due time-;.-: :i)o Ji o t.-sb Q'er dh e devil ? you. If yyur husbaVd'i in,' iiot feel ashainfed ta appear ihi: .aw the 7:Assuciationcr vat the Cac, ?;-i ;.ip in i:t 'i r ..ti-- vitIl!Hitx1beipg"a.l.fine'fts'o.l.j J . , iiterteiyTf-burr?hu bs rid?s : j i . fiiHube should ffw;tv ill f, -you. than liiar. You i;ught to k.. ,v I i gelling .)n,vnu-:ivnat are his p.-4 , - . Let liim teJyuIfuIly Give him II t. . niu.you can, j: Alleviate li . son ;.r d mb t ipljr. hi s joys.' A ndT niidoubttl.fbles ings bf liekveb!wiifybe upon you; and u ; on vbtir little ones;;,' . V ;AK OLD FAr.:,'rLl. ;lt is beleivetl tfiatthe'p resent low -f." of potion grbws'in a great, mosVrc.uut cf Tthe;'lar5erqu?ibtity:produced than furn : rl in; all the cotlorr growing cli n? al es, r. n u tlv it present brtces Aviji not materially va o ret specuiaie 1 among commodities, mid ant m lzt .11 r..t- J theculfivaiiup of ; ome "substitute for our - . ':itwrftitwnftitfttv'n!..i,o-f;w',.';-. vi,t' , ci, thi Sti r.h h vvrtin VrAvi t nr v,,,.-.- an t urv ue, - 111 v .- kiisu 111 -r.ron Winiri thnnir nuv trniTorrWM . iw iv,-: orn- J vepient'tb this.placeof toS.v i. .ij 1 Washington : jaunty, vto depo$j: . I d ance for the ne x ty ear's crqp-I pro rn isein return for thustroublinjr youi-to make the I exnefimentfur lis all : antPuerrTans Gee; r gia-plabtinnay yetrcvive Willi i the inti'o-. ductiob of thelndificv , vv. .; WILLIAMS RUT'TlFORD. - 'Baldwiri'Cowii'ir - " i:;rt.,v'i ,7. v.; 1'- . . ' L""V Island-where Ixe ntfv has;in fulf cullivtttio 3J I " . TfS r y-. Lore 3 of Ground, containiner 72,CC J Citane V tUootai havingalso the- peculiar ad vantage of ine peing, enabled to prosy-:h.?'bes iecies cf. Nurseries; li'ihe districts oi.Jiordelais, CVerac, JiiiTFt: llenaftmrrnts n f iirnndt and f .if ftnrl.n - "" Uoune, Vaticr, (45? N. LatO proposes to th- l numerous fritMidsto ,ih cultivution of the Grepe i ' v.ik..--i BuavMjuuu. r.-': riush subscriLrs t 1 will uicji uiaLic efore the Pi mi of; nru rrthP jVp, .vn.,,.," - tQ the dlffei-eht cities: where. buhAcrintion lts n Whlch ther4e been raisedr which ly facilitate the thrivinjrjoi' the rooif, wi planted.";?; - - ' Orders. wiTV' be JJunctualJy "r 4 ?nded to: 1 . niv- T. (cntKo w- . f , - lThcy wiUcng-etopay, for 1000 roots cn . . t. i ai iDe raie 01 - xi: cenus ror;eacn root : lor Ui j . . . 1 . r 1 - 1 . - r- i I than'.000, atTthe rate of 15 cems ?;andf 25 c .i-liiernotreceived-unle8s JP.OSV. P.ilD,- : tubscriptiouXists arejpened at-? -,,v-'-r rrv; w , jj j - v; ; u; iicMichaei; Philadelphia, J . Van A&iri ne'e. Baltitnorei : '':WiUanl Rhoads. ni.aVtctoh XrV'r - Italeih,. V,,l. tialest Son. v-.CATn-T(pft, 1828; ,j- . ti5Al ' Subscriber$ in; this" Statii will have tueir 4v jne uejiyervu ai -lewuern, jr expense ; ..' c v ON motion ol tne Unmp .1 i i peer to the ati-.. clijn cf, the C( " t! - endants ar il citizei.i of ' 4 .4. I t9. ,ih'at t!. i order, v. ilh the subftir.c ".plaint, be published in tht U A f'-a-'hewspaper printed in II.tle.L, n 11-a : of-Ncrtb-Carolina, i : -r te'.. - in i and t!iat the test pubhcatjon.be v .. 1 30 days t v: us to' the next ten., r ahdif4' V .,4:idanu do not-ftnswt plal.J, t! j css be sit for hearing JieartI uscordingly; it theVuext . . Court. A true Copv. - - . j LEWIS tl. lib' LT' r The. substance ci the.ccir." - lis a tract of XQQQ acresc 11 Joan wamiiton. iyir;- s at f H.hicb wsvin he l"- given la; thet Ccr.ipLl. - lc'QnfiTed..itnd a letral m: : u t re last .arucie yoai- .. k r tr - ,o I . your fuith-v fYouc oyd 'McNairV. et si. htki cfJ. ITimiltcn. f. - 1cdin tbe Cocnplr ntsin pir.; 4 ;r.-; r

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