IS. V .ft'- ' -V' , i' ' k - :i - a- . ;i ' -i -f tica that ta to ;ay, zo ess of the States ht ve been enabled to Isold strcr,; lar.-- . 1:A!TA;D0CUI.IZIJT8. v 1 rrnrppnted is to bo c.sidered bound by to Curope, arid succcciMly to ctuc!; r :iy - ' " -r . treaty, ccrivcuiic.., pct,.cr, act, to disposition, which existed there to mint v.hica it iocs net sub:crib2, and express- Spain lahCreunquest cf the, Colcmps. w V r---.- u r 11 T-l:lir?. la ly a.scnt by it3 actin representative and If they had departed .(rein their neutrali'-, 1 - - . - -A.Si- iuindknrx Af n. ami orecipitatedtherasalvesinto ihe wr. LiiAi 1. nine, xiJ i uiav.n m-v.vv, - j To As l:::"? c-J jV.;::- Zlercserjuiivcs efjnt " -vV " V V.V-air-TCr, 3d March 1829, - Itransxait herewith to Ccngress.a copy , of the instructions-prepared by. the Secret: tarv cf State and furnished to the Minis? O ter of the United States appointed ;tp at- : ' .vend to the Assembly- of American Peni- potccitianes, : 0rst held -at Panama, apd ; , V th ence transferred to ' "acubaya. TThe oc casionfcrVfhich they were given has pass- ' - - v -en away, a -a mere isno prcseui pruuayi ' r7 Vlity of the renewal of: those negotiations . J- v .but the putoseLforwhicb they vere in - V' - v tended are still of -thesdeepes& interest to tar coautrv a: tb the wotid,Vand may rom'ccnerai'-'publicailoi&havingi.ccased,: s s u c e , xo ine ug vera meu i i i uhi w u i uii ; they emanated; t and Ktor the people :fdr : whose benefit Jt as institd ted, require . tliat.they should be raade . known;: JVith ; i this view, and; from.the.consideration that -..,' the' subjects embraced by, those; instruc- ;i tions must probably encase, hereatier tne -pur successors, :i ueera V itprpper to make thiscomniUnicatfonT to :r'y both II o u s e s c f Co n gress. rOnexopy; only : "Vof; the instructions ; being , 'prepared, 1 - send it to the Senatev ;requestingi that ' it ,f may ba transmitted also to the:J$quse of Esqs. appointed Envov a TSxtraordiWK KM".- ry - and JJinistertiPleipptefitiaiy-'tof -U. i' r the United States to the qongress at ( " -t-v' r ' VDTFAnTMisT o Statx ' TJXFAftTMXST O STAT!, --'.,.. " JTfuKngtvrii 8A JJay, 1826 " Gentlemen : -The relations in which the h United States 'stand to the other : AmeH- can p owe rsl arid the d u ties, i nterests and V 'avmpthies, which ibelorig: -to those rela- 1, tions, have determined -thefpresident. to ; Representatives to the Congre Panama e could notlindeedbay' cl i n ed a n frttttitHti oa proceed i ng -1 irom ; v;v j :i ercai ter caa aain j io xne active r ener- pes of-the G vcrnineufr of.HhWf. United . . : States? The motive for.withholdirij; them iteprc-anraxives, 0 - - t ; - v 0HN,QUm6Vi ADAMS. - - .''V . --. ; v'" - . ; ' ' ir: STnucTjONS-qENEn al; J V e f ! tlicRlQD C. AxstRsQK and Jho. Siroiaitt, ; : 'v vt accept. an. invitation waitu iizis uecu given , ':', f by the republics pfLColombiaj lexico and : Central Atnerica to the United StatesV to - -- send ; f :.' sources-so nigiuy reapecuioie', aim; coijj- '.- j : ; in n r r n f a f) r i W 'lio '. 'winsf -riot fr i rtfl ':-; 'i!":Tespectfur.mlTn neitf wtboutisubjectirigthe i 'i--:v-VAv " United StatePto the reproach of in sehsi- v ..oiiity io.ine acepest concerns uj : inc; -n." Trierlcarf 5 heinispKereaJiderhaptto a v?want ofesinceritynin clarations,solennly made by nirvpfede ; 'essor Hhe; faceVof the) Old and the ' en Vorld In" yieldintherelbreK ip Z i :it h e vjf rienclly : Vishes o f thbsef th rec t Repub licsVbmmumcate their. 4-tVfpecti wH'W States t inlperlebt consistencjr with alt .tliejc pfcyuius coniiuct ana proiesstons, in respect iasltheNeiT The assembling of a. Cbnessat Panaa . comnosedof I dirilbmatic vrepresentati ves from independent' Amen form a nevr enoch in liumari affairs. ; The fact iUelfV: wnateV riot fail to challenge f the attention of the 5present generation of the civilized world, '.nd''': command tfe ' Vio'hnr ; ? ' "rinfiflAntlv 5nHiilfttfl- that? 'it V ill naye other and:to H nrjegHrdorim f'inse out of the mere circumstance of its ! Jfithe apecdb1t arid ."; Ji. r Amencabythe wisdm and liberality of -S its principled, arid'by th new guaranties :fTt to ajr 3cre at for the great interests which 'will engage it?delibefatibnsr Oriari bc ierisf Cbhfidirig iriybur zealabilityv Sc jjvVfble'-tbe ;&&0he:rep ": tie '4 isp6ed to cjonclud'theiri ih: jrbui' ? t ghould be couipb But,irt."th'ecbbcuc 'y::: patriotism,', by .and with, th e fad vice ; ati d - . , -j; .': consent. 01 tuc otjiiiic,'ijc na svicticu ju v'f?iior'-thi V&.HwrsK;'ihatyo $Jprac ticaole despatch, to.Pana nia.';;Kbrtrie ; p u rpose b f car ry i ng oritM rSergean t the t ? ?-&!'U hi tedA States' shi p; Lerigton; hks bebri U prepared, now- reauy: to. - sau 1 rqm vStfepbrt &Zlr. Ariderbrihavirigbeeri notified bf v' i appoiritmenhasS bcendirected'tbtfeave; :4rtlieairtth r.',;-in tha cnarge 01- sucn person a. ne may, for that jpurpote,dj&ignat 'rlMe: Senreant at Porto Bell o frflmLb ence - ?v itis supposed' tha , v v 'rriieiVt to protjeed,' fs'f. X and,, across, the isth- ? ' of the, Powers have, probably by this time, V reached 4 "th at pi ?. ce? and theyruay eyen liaveiirbceed' rpectiVeredetialSf and to conferences Vi i)ri so mebf the objects of ;the Congress 5 bu t it i3 nrobable-they will have deferred u hti f you rarrivaVa consideration, of those. ueliDerations on ii(was expected - tha t we cftKbuld: tale part-Vct: 5 ' x :?W-P out do vver aebmpariyirig this Uititi . r-Jvis jomtvand several, authprzing you to v v-onfer arid treat with' Iiriisteialw dui Vi'.M.C-ly'au thonzea, irom an or, any v or the A ,:;'lm'encttP coninerce navigatiori maritirae law.'neu- :rV?tral:and.:belIigereh ters'ihteresting to the continent ofc r -ri ca ;;ai ter 1 nemu tuat exchange of pow ; Ver?, it 'will be necissarytb deterrnihe Vn i ixjrmof; deliberation, arid the modes "of proceedings 01; the Uonress. v It is dis ; :tluctly:understpodbyihe;PreSidcn .v. w Uw vbttlcu,,iiaii respects, as ni- :; nlo-aiatic, in ;xontradistirictinn: n hnri I...; ciwtuc.., puwersqr, ordmarv ie-isla-i the tions,-arid pacts, they areto be returned, for final ratification, to. jeach; contractip State, accordi rig to therprovisions :of ! itsv particular ' Constitution.; - All ;ideavbV thereforef excluded ;of binding a minority to: agriements and facts' contrary" to its wii? oy xne mere circumstanceoi vou cu rr ence oa ima fority6 f ' ilie States' ;i n those agreements and- a'cts 'Each States w.u, consequently, De -eweraei) ana .e.t free.;tc W"Cjl? tieula.r interests, AIKnotion u-rejectei . . - .1 .. " ' r . . . .1 T II Stateswhose united territory Svbuld 'fall short of the extent'otthat of the smallest of the Arnerican PoVers. Tfie complicat ed 'arid : vari ou s j nterests: iyhi ch a ppertain to the nations . ofrthrsvst"cbritinent canrt not be safely cbnfided:tb the superintend dence-of one'Jegislativei ,authpHtjvJ,'Ve should altnost ; as :sbbri expect : to see an t Airiphyctioriicluncilto regulate the: af fafrsf oYvthe whole globe; ,But even .if it were desirable to - establish inch' a tribu rial, it is beyond the- competency ' of -the joveriiiieni ui viie;dimeu,otaic3 vuiuu tanly .to assent tq it, without a; previous change of their actual Constitution." r: Although ithef speculation f of r such '2 a council has been sometimes maJe, and as sociated in tlie public papers with the con tefnplated Congress, Ave can hardly an ticipate I hat it will; be seriously ' pressed by any 'fi the b wersi;The Congresses which have been 'so comcnonr in - Eorope espcjallyjwithin jthege- later - tiniest ' hae been altogether" "diplomaticjaridvconser q'uentlyV the Stales ivhose Ministers '.com posed them, were only bound by their sig-. nature 5, ; With this necessarylahd indis, pensibfe restriction: upon the actioh of the' Congress great advantages may; neverthe less, be d eri v ed f ro m a n . a ssem b ly .at tli e giriie time anf place, of Ministers from all 1 iherAmericari nation"- Such au assembl v wilf jaffli ;irHfre;e and friendly coriferenqes for mutual!; and iie ce'ssaryrcipUoXtins .Vrid-cHbHihfbg'p applicable b pe;ce and -war, .to commerce a rijj tiavjgat ibi, wit h.-,iKe snctibrt bf a t America, i .Treatie may be concluded p in hecourjse bf afew Congress, ! laying ihefountlati.oii a t of last- 1 ng am ity and good: : h eigh borhobd , -fyt hicfa iV; would irq u ire inany? years 4 mateSi't ibdeeo; they-w practicable by separatelam ri egotiat ion scoi H u ct ed be t w een t h e; se ve-, rill Powers, at different tiiiiVs arid places. Keeping constantry" inyiew( the csseritihl character'aiid -bbiect --of ":the Congress. important in what nianuer its conferences iiicn nave uuru ucsunucu, u is iiui icry atid cmcutsions may ne reguiaieu; negotia arlV brictical result,' it 'is wisest to pro cceu by protbcoU ioX which v the r mutual popbsitioris of the parties; together-with sucn concise ooservations as any 01, tnem d esi re tb ha ve preiier ved are ca refu ly re corded I Bu t you! are left free to agree to that mod e of orbceed i ng, w it h" the i nil is- penable 'limitation before stated, i . which, under all circumtantes,shall appear t yu most :aUvisabl. Your power conveys an autnonty to t reai w 1 1 b ; a 1 1 o r , a ny . 01 the. .Nation! refireaented ;at the Cougress, bf any bf 4 he su hjec t S cbmprised .si n V our ofUcoirimerce and - navigation. ? maritime law, and neutral and bet I igere n t rights,; it lis, the' Pre Id entVwish, th a t, 1 f those i 11 ter- ests cannot be, adjusted ;. sai isfactoril y? to negotutiori voU wH I careful ly; aVbid giv- feis'wjib' mayleciirie treating ;;ridr if ybu ; sh ou Id4 ha y e -i t rorig reasbii to : believed that the fact itef,.of opertifig;, suchv ; separate riegbti.ttiivvbuld;hiVejhe;t creaiir.g.utirreoiy, leenngs and reationS ith:tr-cAmeri youSvill ile- Uiie: eiitenng.bntjierii are aUo aji thvrired Itoagree .a pun a tirans rrrofqthe cbnfererices frbn Panania1 to a iy other placeoth fhatioay be ebbside conUu?ir-:e 4h Ifhowtiirbceed i tig to d tree t yuuratfetf tipn:particufariybtheinructtori : Preside n tbjr;.W hich;afierVha 1 ngse ttl ed i , - p ' " ' ' , " r - u -11 1 c" n v e j u 1 dyerrrd.;ro first observation to be V bade l,; that, in cbeding to the invitation whichihas been accepted no intention has been entertaiu to change the present paCifiic and neutral plicy of; the Ubited Statesf On the ebb if? MnS? bb; magioe4 in " ;"-?t',:Jr "r1 unianiy late part oti the side xit&pain vand;bm that of the Re- r i , - " v; vy ueies sin ce rcome jherbboiicicy,3 of 'Spiin., iMnaiuiiis - u;e tieutrait.naififin.-nrf;.k ...... .. -.. J ! ' If IllVli tvieen ftc American- States,. :br4 to rpgu- W.the.frtr.JJi tldotte .pren late, in any,re?pect; their conduct.- , Such ?. ;r .with a council taightl nave bVe.neU'enough;a- V l'rf '!? ? ..J? i'" ; .Expf riencet has perhaps, stiffiriently estabhiheif, tbat; for precision,' for safety tors ! themselves,; and lor' an f Uary, it has been distinctly understood by flie theepubjics fwho gave Vthe: inyita -tibnjarid haa been eubrced nTbuf lriartV in a i our communications with them in strictly: adliere'tbafiat pblicaridea fe-Hf?1?0' -ferNaU their, rietttralon Me7tof:Jhe Jiresent parties; Ma s bnhe Ctfasrrasr it would be unwise: Iri th tl,itl tney nave teeo-an. alongable, nhaided, , i nu in pha nt lyto- main tain thetrcause, aod to ccnqucrjhe arriisiftfi iTAn,i g' i r . ",,V,M "4CUKu- V0iteq..oTaieaana vm iu l ato-assameathey PoweribFEurorieaVlthWWrirnat :ne Iormer, wnicn.tney there was -mudi reason tOpprehe od ;. that their ereriioMS might Jiave been'tieutr?liz: I, if '.not xiverbanced, by those; mother Powers', who. would have been rawn, br t kit t' r a sb exam n! i n t u th e war, in behal f 4if:Spainvr-:ieng;aherefore,conJ5Uhty in .itiw ,he: fiettl;d;pacific , pojity f the - jfj,,,, e Weration ifhe C.ingis.t KuSauu'?-: ?. - - -vi ;nlir belUgeicritniay hiiVe bit interest.; 1i ,J. . In , respect (o tne iirWt ;for reasons alr- ready stated; ive jean wnenu pai i. wih' it has been;peneciiykunuersioou.jtiiat uuc United tates:could not, at the Congress jeopard their neulraiitythey inay be urg ed to contract aril at 1 1 ali ce ; bflensi v e r a ad Vferensivt, on the coritingericyj of jan4 at 'tempt by tne Powers 'of Europe, coramon Jy called thtv Hoi yAtliance, "either tj id Spain to reduce the new. American Re pub lics, to their ancieiiU colonial atate r " to compel them "to adopt political'' systems more conformable to the' policy and views bf that -Alliance." "; Upon' thtr - sutposition ot such an attempt oeiug. actuary niaue, ei si rale solemnly; declared what;" in that event,' he' considered, they - ought toUo The People uf the . United States acquies ced jri the declaration, and tJheir.v present Chief :MagistratenireJy concord i Lt. If indeeJhePowera of Continental DEu rbpe could -iiave allowed themselvestb en gage ia'the war, for. either;? of the u pnrpo tr Jdstntli opposing ftneni wuh; their i;wiiyefbrce wm I d ha ve been hard ly.'; en t t I ei to i h e ibetti of actliig ;Qii'jtb e i m pul se of a; gorier- OtlS sympathy- with i n fa h t," o ppr es e d , f;ahU ttrtisslioz Nat:vns4sThei UnitBStiites in 1 1 he'cori t ibirencies wh tch hkven , beeit "Vtat cil , wbu Id vhaVe t beet; comipelied r to 6ghtJtKeir:rinmr'battles'ribty .Cause-tnfr storuf wij war iiapp"iicu iu Mjy on;notherpart ; of this V continent at disiance (Vbm theibbrii not be' doubted ;tliai;the presumpiuous spi fit 'Which would have impelled ilvb rope on the' other American; Republics,,, in; ot Spain, oriim1 account of ; thelfbrms up- aid : of their political insMtbtioris; wbuldj not have been' appeased, 'if her arriis;iri uchAri,'jun ngnieous contest, snouio nave oee sue cesful until they i were extepdedhbre and; every 'vestige df hu riiari ' fredomj; had been obi iterated, within these State; pt vl There wast a time J;wheri ;sUcli desigris were is erioii sly i apprehend ed.; and ii t As believed, that the declaration of the liite President to iHeiCongressj ofV th j? United States which has beeiial ready referred to, Jhad a Werful! effect ?rf discbnceriing and arresting their gress Aboutthe same period, Greai-Britain- manifested.a determinatiori - to pursue the same policy, lnregardi to lthelriewJ,RepublicsV hich thef Uni ted States had pre v i oVslyj marked but for themselves After these two great maritime Powers, 'Great-Britain and the United States J hat) let Ubritiriental -Eur rope know, 'that they' would not See with indifference any forcible interposition' in behal f bf ' Old Spain, ' it was. evident that rio such interpbsitibri wouldj or," with any prospect of success,'.Could be aftrdedr Accpruingiy, since nat perioof tneretiave beerinointimatioris;branydesig part of the European alliance,' against the ;nbw;Airiericia ancMhasiseerillwitli iarivi dissatisfaction. ,(as rriay be well imagined) the? successful ml. 4.1.1-J: i .1 i.i ? . n . t. ; ' i.- jji ygi jcs ui j-nuse xvepuuucs .., uotn iu xne war and in the ; est ablish men t of their free political pysteriisth themselves to sUenta ; r ?The auspicibuV cpUrsecf events has riot b.nljScsitfnedh'elaba hosti leTrileritroris-wihich were entertained r-uropean Aiuan ceypu 1 1 there Tis strbrig'teason to ; hope that Itaa tl creatibolifp pacifi; ifiribt iriei views; to wards our sister RebublicsM .tmKeritrjr,'6fjtlie-Pre .TejU:9tjate.onrtnauti'es::ot;his'p to, and has;been siric Unreriiittirifflv ern-l nu auciiuuu a auiiuusiy utreccea i i ' .. n ic o u tipriM iim v nc. ill laii-t iu u u stuns or tnem musr oe coMimru iu iuc pa -ties to the war.; Ybu. Will refrain from engaging in th'erii.' YouVill not 'be ex heciejl or desired1 to do W But.whilst there;ican be no doubt whatr:.itt!tvu,i Pe i the interest and bourideuduty.ofth Unit ed'States to 'do. t Their late. Chief fMa- pJojedbn thebiectpbrbstabirshinir rieacei)ittack u pon: thei liberties; ot'JiinRric t)etweenv anaiti ;an'd(Kh0illnnbl if''Trt':l v.uiisiueriiig uie means tor its accom ment,1no yery sanguirie.hobe was ed fronv ariapprda directive ahd itwasr thought bestltodeavbr to operate qndierl thrpUgh that Alliaricfriori whose countenance and support shejiriairi lylrVlied fbrthVrecbverf of ther colonies. Russia was kHpwn to be the'soul bf that m laiic, auu uie lamperori-o j whose wisdom alid iriendshin 'theUriited fetAtAH ihajlnyprpbfs tiippeal-Jwast! "r; v"."5 ; vwjjjr.Aiiun: uute irom tnis Deprtirierit to iAmericari Miriister at t. Petbrsburgvibri tltsub3ectTaccbnipat uies these iristrutibnav Copies oHte're trans mi ttdbntempo courWof Lpridbn rid Pariaf; whbsjbopi: ration irihe wbrt oacevasls ted;OurilVfiriister atIarid iwas atBo instructed to lose no fit occasion there for creating or strengthening a dispositibn to-1 , -rns ; peace, w ne. nope .was cherished that'by a general and concerted move Cburicib of Cp;in miht ba -rcvail by fjr ;!-- c?-::ua:tratin- its cx-ed on to'acccdatoapcacrwh' L ...12' vill better prepare the Conrre?3H0f pr' more, necessary, lfpccaibU, to:hcr, t': ,a raa fc the Lnal rejection,' it S t6 ,the new Plcpublics.; has prrbablc this Govcrcr?.-Rt will UJy riepri latelv received here from St., Peters- burg, through fir. ri,jinciieiqn a,copj;ui which, toother 7ith copies bfhis aCcom pahying notes, is : placed iniybur 'hands. Frorri a perusal of i these; documents, the contents of which havejjaeti cohtirmedby" ihe prissian Minister,ln ofHcial interviews; .whichll have had .with him, youxwill per ceive' that; the appeaV to Russia:has.not been, without Reflect V arid 'that 'tnV; late. rnperor,sensibleofthe necessity of peace, pror .o nis:aeawir prooauiy lempiu veu. gobdroffices to.bring iti.aboiiC- v His suc cessor" has' formally announced his. iotenr 1 1 o n ,tb t r e ad i n theTpath of hi s i 1 1 u s tribu s predecessor,' and it ris,sthereforb, niost likely; that h will alsp dirpct the, influ ence, of' that Government to the coriclu siori at, .peace . satisfactory ( to, Hnth'par; .tieV." Xt possibl.e jthatthesre eflorts may not bereffectual; arid''thatthepride arid obstiriacy'brSpairi may beuriconquerable; I There is, hbvferer,' .much reason to hope, that she 'mar either.-consent' to a peaces upon the basis oitthe independ Colonies,- br if.she fthjls that t ting, that she wHlagrebi ;td.c suspension of hostilities, as was formerly done irijthe case of the libw Countries; which would, m the end,; ineviiaoiy leau io a loriuat ackriowledgemeni of the actual independ ence ofthe .newRepublics.r- Whatever may be the ifuture rcursef; Spain, the favorable reception which $k Emperor of Russia has , given to tne- overture ot tne United States; to say nothing of the known inclination rof France and other powers of the European Coqtinentto follow the ex amrile of .thelUnited 'StatesS'and Great- BritairiT,; fully authorizes the conclusion that tne noiyv Aitiance;wui inoi engage m:the war, on tne siue 01 spam, um win nersevere in their actual neutrality.- Ihe danger therefore from that quarter1,' Jiav- ing disappeared, there can oe no necessity at this time, for an offensive f&defensiye al liance between theAmericanPowersiwhich couldionly find a justification jat any' per riod In'thexlstencV.oronUriiiktioti of such a danger. v Such an alliance, ;under nresent circumstances fwould 'be worse lesslr touched or Drovbkedi i'l iiThe'Aepublic bfCblombm fias Crecerit- ly ;fequested, W this i wyerinentto preyaii iiponf opain to agreed to an Jaisticeipoafth t ions meritibried ;in iMr ; Sal azar! riot e of which a copy, together withl a;.copy of imiie :tn repiy, : acceiiing iu tii(e requeat, is now furnish edlrjtt d iristruicttbnshavei Other reasons concurt; to tssuadethe United States from entering n;to such an alliarieeiTroni tlie ; firs t establishment of their pfeseritCoristitutiorijtfe ous" Statesmen ? have' iriculcafed the a- yancwe ; Of. foreign ailian ceaiitieiding maxim of their foreign policy.. V It is true, that inUs adoptionth d i rec ted'; to" Eu r b p tf,v;wliich;aylig kiSfs tern of connexions arid bf interests; remote ' d ifferen t fronibu rs;i i tv wlks'thbugHt tnan useless ; since migni tenu w ex cite feelinginihetEnlpe arid his allies, luclrthbuldinbtbe ried been accordingly given to' thej Ministers oft tlie United States at?Madritriil I Si Petersbti; lF most advisable -that we .should i not mix m .. w-i.-.' uui aci ves 5u Mtiv i la . t lie m :nu : 1 9 fa t s itirue,;ti'th;atlbrijgisuicet tiie; briik ftfie f niaiimtlie;riew; Amer1can4Pqwersbave arisen ; to which, i f at al ltlsi leisp- plicable. ; ithbut, therefore asserting mat an exigency may not occu r irr w u 1 en an alliariceoflthe tnosti ntlmate kiridhetweeri the United tat es,ahdtlieth epubl i cswbu d;ej--Jwgllp rojian d :ex pei ieriti t imay ; itlaCthepc- casion wnjen; wou iu waiTanc uepartu re iriim tuat estuuiisneq maxim . ougiir, to; ue one U)f-great: u rgehcy iitl tha01onesuch is beli e ved ribwitbex is tifJmbriirth jectiohs touchliaricefthpsewhi 'respective' parties, to th e 5tjtai ri in e ri tfb fgtKeitv cbirirno tbi obie c 1 1 aiiti.' nri linn I v. ' TiiT 'nr npnvui 1 n 1 r r..M hand, and determrbihg with perfect pre cision, when thaitw fto&$$ rjisisahdF thereby farUtng .against all hirqvkr' ates; about itv There is lessinebes'sity for 1 V i lance a t inis conjunctu re, on thefpart'bf;th.UriitedwSiates .WPas?ywat!e,ver aaiwic iem to tne utmost' e-xprtinn. m the sunriosed xoritinjrbrir.v nf a h RnnMn rriiZs&&a lii??P$rf: t ii'2 Rt? hopd$atisfyihe m -m m in other American States that an'alliancei pbasiyjeva nd f deferisiveV, between t Ii eiri 4 and;-theftUniledStites which lias beerJ stated, i' u n necessary if I theuiUt)Vreduce Ftlieirl prbpOsalsfethe tecmrqfsuchan.alliariceas - r-r yr'j.'-v. -iiMi;.i precise form andtate thatbuiwill take theiiilr meptherheoppoHu tionlvithlauvaritage of aliahe irifor matiori that may, be evolved in the'tnter mZ perioa-pbelliaride; if eye a! 1 ; ti m esAaye greatweightre diffiUjKpiT'aju'st of ecoritnbu tib nof force aut) iof otlter mearis ibetweeriithe esoecU led tal be atteudedi oriwhatever; UrilligatbryAUpbrihei feVVnablemM to t h era; arid ouave-reaisb ri M b the 1 1 eve? Jthe lsitive re J,anceipuld,beTegarded iri ajlr upiriend ; W1,Sh "drjiaye a ernicibuseffecit btf raMiernegotiations;vyok; w I invite I -"'.'-. - J ' . J'IHT(ll project II. In treating op these jybjecf,: which cl.lthe nations tf America, U S er bbv at war or in p?" may 'be ' S ptiscd'to have a ,con;-isa "interest ' ( will, onall suitable ocraicas, inculr the propriety of terminating the en ?t war as soon 33 may- be,, and bf i chei-UV" the ineaiis bectdapted to the prps tion bf peace. ar;ion"g . themselves, andN the 'rest -of Vie crld. TuV cu:ttvu peoccis Uie true interest 'of ; alt nat? bit ii k-csperiall; of infant s, Impose is ,notrmorp necessary Iu J grojkytianir eipjnsiori 4ir indiv,dUaf S their' youth; thin it is to thafufyoun ' t ion yvhich have, .; in . the m?d.-4t of Vi c iinoiencetJ tliW; career if indebeikit . S HplfMvn.u.t. K-ace ls. uuvv S g eMU .wa nt ' f A America. . f - iirjx) jtovvewr, iiS it unquetiduably "rsMbre rilhi. ;iii tleA pre;ent br in tde futur,. which we cah'catch-a gliinpse; thin i h induce the,Amercari Jtepublica? ii, , "1 . 1 .... . - . 4- . . . ' -v.. ; to obfa in M;;to:sacr,fice.a p,r,ici,(,f hat tori fumil a- uicnt 8 iV""?1 ' v . nat too numiiia: then fote, to. reject alt propositions f,,, tok susnension i - .1 .r. aM,"ns lound perbetual Commercial " privdees m foreign Powerr ihe grant ot Uch pny; lges is incompatible with their actual in 1 a bsol u t e ,f u d epend ericei ; Itvrould part .0 of the sj irTt, and , bring bjck; in fuct t" 1 iu luriij, ine sraie , ui, ancieut colonial nexiou.vT Nor would their honor and cor ' tionat pride allow them lio, eote nam uniuecaie, on pruponiuops tounUed uPC l9e f?uH0Uf purchasings with a pecuai-i fconsideratioo,, the Spanish ackuowled ' raeht of their.independence.i v j Ir""Next' to the -irioe i pressing object J putting an endlto ithe war, betweeo thl' new Republics and Spain, should he tha'! Of devismg inearis " tb preserve pdace J future, among tlie American nations (hem. selves,, and. with the rest of the worlds Noitime could 'bemore t auspicious than the present, foiv arsuccessfulenquiryt bj the ? American -Nationsinto. the .cmli "which have so often disturbed tlie repose of tHe; world 1 1 and for4 ah earnest "endea. vorf by wise precaution, in the establish inentoC just .and; i enlightened principles, fr theVernmen peace and inwar, to puard;as. far, as, pW siblej '"agairist all ; misunderstandings. Tliey liave no' old. prejudices to: combat no iongiestablished practices 'tb. "change uu cnuugicu cuiiuectiuus or meories t break ,thrbuhrii Coninittoi no parti utaYystems'oif -cbriimerce ; nor to an selfish belligerent xbde of law; i they ar free to consult ariditbjestablish without bias,', principk for themselves, adapted to their 'conditio: arid likely tb promote their peace, secu rityyyana nappiness. -iiemoie. irora;Lu rbpeit ishot probaLbje tHat they, will of ten be iriyblyed jri the wars i with whid tliat quarter bf theglobe faay be destined, hereafter to- be afflicted. ; , in these wait th pblfcy pa that of peace and;iiU tral ity, VJ which; th United States have heretofore, constant lyiabbredi'to- prese'ryeiil:i'i;iir fiiV ', :' '; i'.n If .1 h e ' pri ri ci pi es : wh i ch v that" probabli,neuiraiiiy; inqicates vas Dest 101 th'ft intirtfa nf.t.hiA hpm? 4rKro - h . - . , . . , . . . L ' i uuiti jiv m wiicuisci vca, auu tatu fated to:preverit .wars i or to .mitigate th presentithn vaccep tab ce witli k)nTbrii of irresistible recora n e i rid ati oris.? i Bbtb "X tnosq i qu alities. art believed; toi be pcisse j)riricipics3 for; which Vtlf United rotates haV'.eycjD uHIiewbqle peribdi;of the late EuropeiS wiars; lie presid bring rwara;thqse-princi bn arijoccasior b;auspiciouras rthat;israriUcipated to bt of trie Cbogress ofi Panama Uncontrol I ?d power, on Iwhatever el e ment it. is "ei irS U'prorie to greatiabuse. vlat it; is still more liable to abuse on the sea.than 01 the land; ;pefhaps because it is there ex erciseu oeyona ine presence 01 . impariia pectatorsrRt inofal restrain t rbsultiug rorii the saluta Tynfluence opubUbtppim i appld;itjall,:has; always i to? be; subse ;tfUeUtlW-andcrise qusly:;appIied.r;4Thembra ;wnen;,itcora more doubtfuif or; tbatijfHhey thei we x&-in br& nuiii ibrbuan d less preju dicet wirricsseW At al I tiriies there has existec more jnequajity in theidistributibn amon atipnfrttfa power; r.inaiinost everagen some -ptj has had theicomplete in on the o ceari1and thisigupbriority'has beenbeca sjohauy so exeat Vas itovniore than coua tfrbklance the; bbmbiriedViriari time lore o jf;al lijit her nati b nsi f ,su cb' a com binatioi eYeJractic"ab1 evBu t w(i e ri a singl e ni tiorr fiiicU itself possessed bf a bower arij herwbfch ubiorie; ribriall otherinatioiis Can succes'unyxheck or cou ntervail, tM consequencesir Pb0.? r bistorytfu cb : a" nation grow! pi csuuip',uouM, impatient ol contramciioi o n'sUion;andfindsU "uatiorraliprobl etps: easier, arid riiore grate tm i,its pnue- dv the sword, than oy ii" slbwatul' less bHliianibrocess f Patien .tUerai;e)rieri bTtbinsecri'rity agairi bppressibnnsbbulcl bet the Virreatest where itmost likejv to be often practised, U a,4jieyertneiess, ;. remarKaDie, ; tnat ; u pgressiipf; nlibtenedci vilization has beenjucbimbrea tbri) on -thet bceari ; And, accordingly pergonal; rights, and especially those;?' property; have,bbth a-satetyJ and prbtee 'uiauoii.; v.tne superiority oe on u bcentire;ew of tht P jwerbebbrrie iritblefablew Althougiv i :l:v5-;.;:;ifr--: v. . r : i' f . " '