i' v - U .' t j - ; TUE3DAY; V APRIL silS;:-; 'J .5,. - -'took the St- ,3 xor trie norm pni nursuay ; vCut. hkdi their Trunks :ute off frbtti-; the! r,7 ; Stage, apou v nan a mue ucj uu juui ia uu rgj,; V0n'4heV rr being sport discovered, the gentlcmeajeft v ' ;;the $tage.& returned toliuifbdr,Vwhere :; tkeyngaed a partyie go; bu t vwith- thern. -wiiasear' -v- and they-, were so fortunate as to regain bom aiieic trunks ana ; tp apjirenenu, tne tfnef'Col6r is. lodged ZyJ- in t1ie" vJaif of Franklin, Obb of tfie' trunks . :U Kad been opened, anil some arttclesYdken butVnd found m'pbsse83idh;bftke''6iTenV 'rrsehtaUven;Can :, D i itri c t havi hg d eel ined "a j ection 'Charles Al: Hi!!, Esq- has offered Vhis ser- tThe Salisbury papers announce J t aGU es,-Eso2. as a , Candidate for Congress bil" ixv tnat 3wtrict.vl"-.Mr' IioaWrthe late fie presentiyeVin his Circuiarrlefthis Coa--V atituents in some doabU wheihfer-h'e Would agaia. offer his services to : them.' It ;will - :;vbe proper that he should abw make up his :V:jaxind pathe;Utyect.l-'v ;':'' - e , yirgtnic.y t have a tew tnorereturns V 6f tlieoting fbr; members przCongress m ; Vita nia V The. re-el ectfbn o f th e fol lo w ing members, is placed beyond doubtrviz r - WilliamV S. AVcher, Philip P.' Bafbbtir, r jurweu juasseiu nurew oieveason, jas. 'Ia the WinchesteristrieVSamr Kef I . cli eval obtain ed, a m ajority of three or fou r . f nunnrea yqxes over twDen Alien, ineiate. : iember ;"buf tKpiresid'ue olthe: district i. " VrlU ive Ir- Al lea a' sufficient tnajori ty t -to elect niv-t,y 1? 7; From:Loudoh couaty, we leartif gen r; 7 (tnc.late Representittive) haying d ecli n ed serving,-; it appears to' bei 1 ikely that Ph rir iipiioaariage"wiii oecnosen nis successor. --'in uuio coumy, nc vote xor oim was fia ''lyotes, and' that for Joseph Johnson 145V " Ia tne - district J latelyi; 'represented fi'j C Mri.7Randol phi there are three candidates.' 5 . In" the coniy .county: heara trom, J.-. x. ijouiam naa a consiueraoie majoruy.over the bthef.iwb caadidates; t- In the Norfolk District, there will have . :beeaacloser contest than usual, though i it is believedthat Mr. "Newtba'wjH be again -r.chosen.1. . : . -v,; ;v-.'-'V ;r.: ,v miecitctiThe General iEtectioa of 1' State, officers and Representatives to Con-:'-.greks has just taken. place ia rthisiState. Gideba I'omlinsoa is reflected Governor .."without opposiUori;vIt"is impossible fiom the aumber of candidates, aad. the scat Z teririg returns o say "who will Have been elected';RepVeseatltives to Congress. The ojply one wnose election appears to ne any 3fassachiuetis.r6m jihelTturng aji. -readyjreceiyedj:; it appears, beyond doub .' that Governor 'Xincol a and X?eu t. Goyer 4 ;nor sVintnrbp have' beea re-iiected by iai--.-mease majorities. ii a'jrV; -.,h. ; .It "is stated that Joha:Popchris refused to accept the appointment fvGovernor of -Arkansasjand ' that ;hei -cli ndidate to rppresent the district .lately rrresanted tby Alrf Mobre iBCongress - l; '-V "V- r - Grtxxmkk Your kind IcongratuIationSi. for the recent lijjnor conferred bni-your efd associate mu iricuv,-.ugcuicr wuntne polite; inviution of the citizens of ,llalifkjT to dine with 'tliem on 'derive -frjim '.mtpKuvg wnu jneno so oear to mearound the festive toard..-. C ; y''M-if'V'r ji Y C In .everr sUltba in which;. t hare been tstaeed uy.'highestv nibilioii has eyer becb tb-nietit u- Vi on, recpgniseti.' bCeyery 'generout;' bosom, I . live lef l the post i assigned- me by v t!fe jjreatest 'dtid bcat-of nieiu ; In djng so, my detcrminatioi was .to. return AHttloul 'a; rhomentV unnecessary' dtlayVc Allow lU'theiv-With; "emotions which? tiy pen "cannot describe," to 4assure you, "-and , through Vou my fuloWcitizejrisofJlalifar-..ibat hife I 'Uecline .the. hhV I cauiieVfr Cease" to yt -..r ..-thing like, sure, is:llr Ingersoll, late a member. ; .vr irtedsird beirs oCMt- nRXNCH, 5on l-tciyaserjted his; late cvisitjo HalivtibVited: him to stated tfiaV?, new PopeyybuId;beshorUy aToblic:DinnWbutie -.electta butaoiniva&said ofAjthe lilimeht tiy tbe fbllowinffribfeV: r cease'of the, late Jrpe.V Jhnd ,'inursoay next, mcnt tue rwurrnost tribute of f xny Keart. But, ebtlemn; an impetious st-nse jf iluty conairainr me to lorego the Jiiirh irratirW I atTon Imcu I aiiould oUierwise continuance of tlie public-confidence; by a. faiths fel tschare'ofTny dtrtyViFor4 a few days, in obculeiice to the .dictate of a paramount ohlicral 1- ' -.V?r;;:2rc?.-:l40 IeS3.Hhan eleven. - Bpcetcrd aqdj otherOlHcera vrerc rcir.Qyedba iIcnday lastin the city. cf Biltiporebjorderof K: WVlearriihat .DAbn'stcS CAliir has; lieeaapjwnted N of Jfial tiinore- mce iWiLLiAMJ5 BBarnet rahovsd.' ' PTne person appoin ted is. the Editor of a fn;st violent nartizan nevvspa -per-the perstin jemoved,! the eldef.son of. yomoioqore J o&iiua Jo ain et, a nime vreii .Ca ptiReid, who jn. the prteerjGrea Ann strong, d istinguished himsel f and did hbn otf: :tb" hisc-oa atryi ljr bn e jqf th e mqt heroic arid gallant iactibns which tdok plac during the iate war, has heea' removed. by the .caucus jpoyer 1 ofV t!e party,! fn iey y orx, rrom ine omce , oi ;vy aruen oi theort of New4York.-' .V' Timothy Up ham; Collector of New-Hampshire, to maKe way .tor Jonu r. uecaiur, ; -;t' v ? y tVilliam Pinkiey Collcctar of Kest.jo make Way for' - Thruitan ;Thofn9 Melvlir. Ni.vl Officer of iDoston, to make way for Geji:. Boyd.' i V - v- : i'i Nathaniel Lovrj from the Post Office; at Port- 1anUi.Iainejb'make;way7fcr- i Wn: Murphy from the, Ppst Office at MayjU ville, Kentucky, to make, way' for '"'Cy- ,M John P. Erwin, from the Post Office at Nash I ville,.Tehivto make wayfor v . , ; ' ; ; J osv b, j s prague; from the tost omce at lem,VMas8V to make way. for Putnam v v'v t' J onathari Xa w, from - the post Offic at Hart fore t;onni to make way' for ' Nbrton.; ' ; -I, John P. Parrott, from, the Post'Office at Port, mbiitli, N.;IIJ tojnake way. for ; Cushmari ; C'iWe: have no doubt that there have been many other removals which haVeyef tp be Chester District vice Geo. WSeeversi TMimeu'i-v.v A ' 2 V XMfPhersba rllernini the J Attorney General of the;lTnited. Sta.tes. haa accept; ed kti Invitation; from ,the CI iosophic ' So- i . j ...... I ' . . . - -. J. Ciety; ;to deliver an. oration -before the h terary j Societies "' 6( the Cbl Iejiejof Ne w Jersey (Princeton) on. the day previous to the nextahriual Commencement. N'ii j'-"'-';: r ; -' -4 ' .1 - m 7c:5uee Thqutma Dollars recovered. On.iyiiSkinner, -the Postmaster at Bal timprei entering thePbst Ofiice at an ear ly HourV'; oh Tdesd ay , morning last, one of the! Clerks panded to him a letter without any su perscri p tibn which ; was su pposed from the circumstance .of having thead yertisement attached to iti' to contain the gl2,dodadvertised by Mr-, Matthews, as having beea 'lost betweeaV the Steamboat and 'his1 residence On examination j it was found . to contain SI If 500 the per son depositing it in the Post Office having deducted the 8.500 offered for its recove-ry-' : Really. MrV Matthews was born ua der a lucky stari . f - . -'V rftfi'M,enThe Democratic1 Press says, that , two pew stores in. Philadelphia,' opposite the Bank of North-Am erica, are' rrnted-r-the Eastern bae to , Messrs. Robb ".ebrener tailors,1 foe S 1 , 800 a yea r, 1 e ,Westera one to Mr. Russell, hat ' "4:.v ior i3o6;ajyear ' JFashingtortsy&irthdcty, 'was observed inParisV by;a Puic- Isaac Cox JBarnet.Esqi:U, taites jCbnsul presided, assisted by Samuel J." FisherJ Esqof.PhiUdejpyiay General Lafayette,' and Messrs.. G. W. Lafayette, Levass'eur and Lastoyrie (the .General's' Grandson) and bur, Minister! MrV; Brown ; were pre-, sent ; 'Many patriotic Toasts were i civen.' and ; a handsome Address was made by "General Iafayette, on'axeference, in one papers since received,thatPopeIieo:i2th Coni-trddeK ofjEngl from anrbfficiali ?Sta.temeat of this trade for VyeraV years stock of-Graib pa hand in' England at the Confracnciment ortne'J by ajmillipn-dfuarte miliib)r;blieJsto year-t!; Weslibuj av:8uppose,HherereV if whea the stock' on haadf ia 182, -was ur6Si 245 quarters of gram, and the hari vest a good one?it ,was necessary t to f inl portj5Ui344'"parters offbreijgrain that in 4 828 ' wheii the stock on hand was phly,7552r4'quarters and the harvest ;of thAt year d eficiehtlat leastoneourtiy tH6 imports of foreign jgfaia and ;bread-s tb ffs musUberextrabrdrn jusmupuoii, nu'K-eep, uuwu m prices ntil iWt: harvest' - ; Hnjiliifcxt' harvests' - ; ' v maue Known Dy ine papers in ine uumcis where they have -been, made , k John S.3Iagill . has , beea' appbi n tedi by Chancelloi-Tucker Matshal ofthVWin4 ui. nu vwas vs) , w ,uib act i iwca iu Witt; VklilC' ncaWBevoIukiom;?? I Pone lAo 1 2th la theT Foreie-ri ' cbws ITfdds cf -i?ier(ani Ths kroner cultid van in 11 r- cfi rn dstinr-blstMD hbve; ttivea notice, mat tupy Jiave iiaa.a AJanal cut from iiei- voetsloys io?Hbtterdam , 1 feet deep land sufficientlyJcapaciotts for -Vessels'ot War sb thair in! fu 'Tess6ls from Cea ca pass; ujr this CJanaK to t h e G i ty, -; wi th ou t . oreaiung ouiK,- or4oeing uimer tne neces- s i ijf as nereioiore, o i m pi oy i n g i i gn te r s . The Canal wilt be finished bytAugust aext ; Ac counts from 'ttf no trw dated the ;1 6th o f Feb csay that Admiral Browncon tmules CfoVernorTjn butside-J )News had fust reached there of Molirii-and OO of -his ' men' beinsv routed by Suarez; one'of tavalle's Colonels--1 Mel tookptSJf pnsoners, killed-fSO, sad alsb torok-i$6Qlhbrses-Five. Provinces have riseaainstBuenps .'Ayresf vi :I Cordo present GbVernment,rwh'o hatj been aken in arins was tried, condemned,' and shot ia the. Public Plaza. V ?He met his' death like a warrior, with composure. , .i X Methqdismtt i VvpLt in the year 179, just a ceatury ago,thatJbAn TPeslexfi aided by two or tjiree of his fellow -students - at thef iUniversity'of 4 Oxford, ,lcbmmeuced the: work, of reformi ng the, morals - of the great "body of the peopl e of England, ? and esijeCially those of tlie lowest and mbst neglected classes. 'JAtt that) time, the Religions .Teachers of. the Country, were chiefly those of i the' Established Church and bu t little pains were taken to i adu ce disorderly- persons,, ;who kept at a t dis tance;' from- Church, and -any I thing like Religion, to change their course and the number of these was far from being iqcbn siderable. PPesfai. and n3 associates at QolJege,fmoyed by this f)state j of things." , m - ', -... . . -.11 t i - - begaa by visiting places m the neighbour - hood, and holding meetings wherever they Reformer of Morals, at length commenced his 'plaaof establ i shi nItineraiy Preaching throughout the - Kibffdoin; 'whichi "at first rn et ';wi t h m u ch opposi tioa. "The t travel -ling ; j?rcachers;i having "no established places , in i which -to. address the people, held forth in . the Streets; or ia any place where they, could assemble a few persons together," abdwere frequeatlyj: much'aa noyed' and;;abucdli by boys and disor derly persoqs, pelting them wih dirt and btherJ; missiles." 1 But nothing could ? pre yentWesley from pursuing' his bbjecti Bit zeal aad perseveraace, and the teal and perseyerance of his disciples, j over came every obstacle, and at this time the Methodist Meetings; in maaypaj-ts of Eng-, Houses', of Worship. 'Nbr :did his zeal stop here," ilr. Ifeslep determined to vi sit this Country,' and rouse up the neglect ersofVReligious!!Worship here! also. - and the present situation of f the f Methodist isdUTcn inrouguuuL ine union, snews me complete success which xrawaed his ef- lorts.' Ana tins veneraDie anai excellent man had the gratification to live to Lee the fruit f his labours, aud, ia hisold age to - visit1 his -Churches' througnoutxGrcat Britain; where, thousands of his disciples met to w orship their ' Maker, arid iyherb, iiiie an Aposue, - ne cuiu graieiu i ly say, f?;3Ciese are my Childrmin tht LorU if is from mu labours: and from the labour of those whom SI Jiave induced tovtravel and preach ' ih'G6spc thai thesr, worshipping jissemoiies nave peen gainer en cniejiy jrom the pffscouring of lhe people." Tli:paragraph, furnished by acorfes- pbiulent,- which" appeared in our Register of the ; 10th1 i nstaat,"' givt ogn accou n t of was incorrect" We,insert there fare' the folio wings, correct statement i. '-"I 1 ; ' InHthencase of Virgililave.i chrjjediwith ,tbe murder of George, also a-slave,5 there as no eyidence ofany previous quarrel' or tn.dice be-tweeb-the parties. They were .both carpenters, and were ivbi king; in the same 'hnuse ; Virgil iip stairs, "and. George helow, stairs, 'in the room from .wtiich the stairs ascended. While so wrk ng.?04r'tej'; arose between them.' t'; they be. came very lahRry, and very- abusive language fiass'ed.f until Virgil said he would "not take ueh angunge,: and ' began lo dencend .'the! -stairs'; Georpe'then left his work'J and went into the cor uer of the room H took up a piece of pine timber pearly ,.t wo inches square.and about two feet .nd an half lot'and holding it with both hartda; i hUd'.retiirned, or1 was returning,': towhere he had been at work when Virgil reached the Foot bfthe stairs,-, where he picked Up the' adze and atlranced towards "JeorgeThey .-both 'raised thetritweapons'at jdie same timtri and when'; Vir gil' got near Enough to George, he struck him with the! xedge?cf the, adze.&nd Jcilfed ,bim.i George yns the stoutest, and, strongest inan.-i The Jury found ' the jirisbner not guilty of mvr drrt but guilty; of numlauglttet it v :K V In thecase bf lieddick, a -.lave, the 3 bill 'of indictment charged the prisoner withforff&ro jind rrand tarceiiVk v The ' State. I abandoned the riTh HpiuEzra C Gross," ameraber of tne ewi one Assemmy, irorarTne coun ty o f Es sex died on Thursdayveekl He " v-, w '. V ''At ' ' had beea ill but a few days. He ' was tn 1 Congress , a few years 'since (1819-21) two crimfbat cases tried, at the f astf Supe ribrCourt bf iWaynb county, i it appears cnarge 01 jDurgiaryv ana mo prisoner was touna, not' .guilty' of burglary .but guilty of grand ilar A 5 ' possessint talcito of d t .pcricr.CwCt, Hit , . . .1.,'- 'V" lossfitis rera-rlicdi will be deriously Felt in the northern section of the Slate. 1v . i : . THe'subscribtioria.for rebuilding York. Mirister,anEpglandv lately destroyed by are, amount to its 1 1, ouu sterling anu are uauy. increasing. - f J V r jbxiraorainLryJra9sage. Aae- oyig ;ba rah Herri cki" w " ch . had bee n J" ir so ro e ti m e gi venup ?as vlirsta'rriy cih at AVjkninf onv in. in iio. jij iy aisiuijv irfiill br I im e u IB c i en t f rr t li re oy a ges across inevfianiic jjin una leuious passage' slie encou n tered seVere galesoi was blown -five limes' 'to fhe Southward ufllier Gu ! f S t re f fi . bu t s u fTd red ti l d amae ex tent he-SH tf a storm Sii'i'rhe odi win ter has; nrobaBlt been the mobfctenpesU-f ous; and rof coiirse; the;, most destructive from -Phil iadej phi , iyt s be I my at Qi arail tioe hiviog the Sma If puk on' biai d;- we eks'.si i nevv th ere f w er e fl vel ; h ogs sli ttghi tered at the plantation of Rflioes Bsq.',ii tnis. ctu my tne aggregate - weight; orwhi n These -were1 farge hos? but ; theytmbst kn oc k uu'il er t five ' hgs rai s el by ; 6 v e neighborai tnvBurke couMy,of the tolJow ing weights : 587. Ib. 500,;4?rr, '4rVaud 443, makiiig'ah'tireiiie of 485 Ibs! We like to'record such; facti'as 'they are Calculated to rouse a Vnirit'of emulation a mong North -Carbliba farmers, that cannot Jai to. be useful.6; ' We learn that a man ; by thename' of MGauimoB 'was shot on 'the -'nigh tof : the 6th inst,' byWm.'C.'Byrd, in Surry Co. n ear . th e Sh a 1 1 o w, ford.1 " ' Of I th e cau s es which -'led .to this unfortunate' occurrence I- ' vii ilu ; w viii.i uuiui vw nail, VUVUI t bMViC 1 forbear tQ k; kg-ey rfi;iindeW stood to be of a'dbmestic nature, and de serving 'of the.v severest; reprehension.- Byrd gave himself up to thfe proper autho nty, to await his trial. - U- .? The Legislature of New-York have im posed a fine oflglOOO, upon persons hold ing a' Masquerade iaTneatresi or other public ( plaCcs-an excellent l.a'wwwfiich we libpe w il I ni p this aboni i nabl e amu se men t r ia the j bud: ? Tlie;: Senate -of .that State have rejectedv therbill changing the mode of electing Electors of President and Vice-President I ' : 7e! B'ankiaid iA NeYorif he' bill upon ftrmatfs plan, has , passed. oth branches Of the Legislatureof New.York, and,becomea law-Jts provisions are sin iguiar, ana,, experimental ,.;:AUftne Banks in the State are brought under the same regulati ons, ; whi chV brief! y, are, r"i ri their ' novet features-that all, the 'State banks are made responsible! for'the isol vency of enckil so that If any one ail,-the creditors of that particular institution, are to be reimbursed from a. joint . lund fur nished by the r rest -A" board, of three commissioners is appointedv who are': re- quirea ,ai stated, periods, . arja an other times on the requisition- of, any three pf the' Banks, to .examine with j the utmost uetau, uuu au uic auiui vi" eacn . msiitu tion in the words of the law-4-thoroughly to '.inspect the affairs 'of the Baaks,.to ex amine air the books, papers,' antes, bonds ana oiner evidences w aeot 10 ascerram the quantity, of specie, andi their ability IP, meet engagements,- oic. -iwr. ran juu- tch, .we oeueve, - recommenacti tnis pian. H o w J t w i 1 1 s u cc eed -ti in e?m u s t s h 1 e w-T- 1 1 will .have the effective thin k,iof reducing the number of Bank s for we observexthat eicht Banks in'the-City have already sigr- mneu meirxietenni nation noi. w taKe a renew al of theirvcharters u nder : the : con ditions ot the new law.-V vi ; . 13 a n ks , o r w 1 1 os e. s u 1 ve n cy : n 0 o n e ever entertained- a' doubt, will naturally,' we sh ou I d u ppos eV f e el aa ' u n w i 1 i i n gness to this Taluable Job rnal. contains an unusual v a ri e ty o f i n teresti ng artjcl es.- -.Th e- fi f s t Is a communiltibnirom Professor Mitch' ell (of this" State, r.-on the Ge61pgy,of the Gold Regioa of this State.vTlje-teath is aT ver interesting document, increasing a series-bf observations on ihe variation of the Needlemade simultaneously at Bos ton,,! mbutf and 5, Penobscot,! during "a "period of 123 years", from-1 672 ia 1800.- The fourteehtn article is a description by Mrl Finch oa the effects ; of physical :-ger njrapny un, me uounuarie 01 jruipires. The miscellaneous intelligence . occupies nearly half of the book, and is of great tn- te.ccrs:v -1 . : h -'"' ' L; y r-, I n a irece n t d eba t e in the British House of; Commons; on Kthe subject pritlie Navyt Mr A Baring opposed any measures fur its reduction, on the ground thar the naval power of i the tlnif ed States was growing up into sp much importance as to call for especial Activity and. vigilance bri the part of Great Britain.:Pifieeb .years1 ago no British Legislator would have thought; of such a compliment to pur navy4 -" Th e making of Ind igrb is thoc ht to be more profitable thau Cottonat the present price ui me laner article, ana f-''ne 5 per sons in this State are Lccordiogly turn ins their attention to Indite, 1 which v. as once as lucrative a business as a man of j . ; V. , v Milkdgeville Paper. I ..iQUvTaie uesires wouiu 71sn icr. ts iw biiippiiivyuiA iirijrtwiujnj tne jnewiory; ui njaakW:;? V;,'.- f;7-Vt ri V Small Pox-2.' frieKd af WUminjjlon, informs Ujj.' t ha t .the seh toner Fifr Pl..y; waslTOG pouiids. i One' of.1 three i years oUlf weighed 580 Ibs another 42'., ; : 4 ; -f Tarbdrough Tree Prtss, ' - i r .-I i -v . t. ( guarantee lianKs or less puouc creuit. SiWnihn's iWna7XThe AnrillNfi. "bf ,--..'4 1113 DUllUin'. . C . iii Ci l. cf the l inrco! i C : . ; ..a t n a prt if its cc the C5d .... uaiut!;. the.reinnanl cT iLj i-.jatfri: 'S .. stales th tit will r pc irily u weeks bef re " ' -!.ratibii;,6f caa.be rc:.. .lt. . 'vH.V-"'; jChi...r:.d,l Bail ' J?oaJ.V;c u stand, that the buukV twr receivi scriptioris tu interestiii r uter, were,clbed in Ci'y on St.Ji ! I Thehit iu,.iber- of shur- ncci S 1 00 each) s ii a v e ' be e n ' i 1 H' - iRuad, is lo eiteixJ irum the i:Xb.'d T i ChesiterlieJd'cuunty down t;' t- lata "RiVcK-UV cbncrauil3''tiie' Public j f heeoterprisin Spirit hu exh ibi'i-d 4 ' benefits' which it or niinb lu the Oiiijj, aw ue juipuic, Wi i c!)I J t WI 1 1 :,cc u . r - cafe lo the enirir of ruiaroal t.uiprc : in Other directions. JZnautrCrl t, 'XKrm?aar.-A? sij(t en rencnunnir t plajjeriast fJ Wednesday-:nih.t (iath t, ' : near L;jii.UeSrtpq bctwitrn II rid!!, . ser :tud arybung.' ah" naued Td'H t.Hi.l front ttant'l)h; irj wliicli 'the laiter n -cci ed a stabiti a kfiife in' the abdni-en, . whicii hejdici t 'i .juVl ! y td-ht. M er has, iittt;ee'ri, talfr T body ,T MiDaniel yai carrii? i tb rt-indulph"" uy unclewho wasCwK , ' : , ' '?n Hz 'iwf tunate occurrence' it , , v i , 'Sufferers by thelue c! are happy 'to t-tef. that the Cify C veslenlav unanimuualv ,venl ' priate:fb Hundred DoIIci t thu' r Jef of theutreref by'tie hue .cai Au gusta. .;Tic City Cuuncil f; Cliarlcr , have aso made a liberation ttion, . be seen by the fullurin'r extract from 1 . Courier of that place ;; U H with fcjt i bgs of much peasu re ; we a t e, t h r at, r. meiug.yesteraay,at(ernion,Vof :t!se Guy vCoun"tiU"lt was Ufi.rlmo'jly resolved, tht OnefTiousand Dollars ' , furt Si 1 1 ' t : r i.; aiied'tuu2usta,;fbr thr im; : ror lief of;the sutterers in'th t iv . ..icS has befallen that ctyv',l 7e''ecw" 'CarehUrVc ! ' :the :.co.rf baity t-O'.'fe mTV days ; sire , : LU a ruacnine recently , pu'u; t t Dry , Dock, tq plane 'and groov.. bi:;r " j r.ntl planks The machine is lriyen by p-r-tiop of th Steam powerbIprigin to th Dry - Dock :Cottipa'nyr; abxlcibv b read i ly g.radUiited'. toplanks r- bjinrdj T any width : or" thickness VThcy are irmWcd between i'yro rollers at on? end of the r- ' .'chine, and are delivered at : thr fato seven ty per nour at'the other, etjd, com pletely pIaneuoni one Vide and tdn.a andgroovedf Althobghlljt.hWe.Svetiuvc' seen do not -appear to possess the; sinoath ness of plankuukenonv ihe; worh 1 -net : of the inechah,-hey lidve yet -an ad v - faa in luliirvnaravtlu i ....I .... ...I' J oin oiUth and thfeknesi; am' -l :,M dipttd U the ordinary purpo f ,r . hicb ' bWd aud plonks are used li-iV. K UcralZ t - ' 3 ' ' ArW2lrninjrW,?Dnth'9thJn . MBce, of the United States 'Arrays to Mrs. !Iar' Vheaton9 of that place. ,'r-v?t';.v;. iy. ; At Rocky Pd it, pn the 7th inst. Mr. ''Jzz:z3 51Lefdon, to Jliss Janexl'hally ; : ; v :L In Haywood county, -lately JoJinV. Per:?-', Esq. Uy M..EKa;H' Leigli,J ,widrv of J !u: Ieigh, Esq. aild daughter '.of Cel. Xackiurd 1 is- A 4 fi fc A ': . In Orange coumy,; on the fth tn?t. ?rs, Jan Murphey; conaort of the lion. A. D. JIurphey, . vinthe49tb year of her sg1' - ; : ' ' s. At Payetteville on the 14th inst. ?Irs. Clivu ; Hamner, consort of the Uer. Jamea C. Ilarrsner, PaUor of the Presbyterian Chufcliin that pi e. Mrs."Hmnerfs residence in Fayettevill wzz net of long duration 5 but short, as it " was; the U : I 'endeared herself to raany, by her amiable and' agreeable manners,-and her eiempl iry chrisiun , 'deportment.;,, Her last illness, wki: whs unu sually protracted subjected her to, i.iuch p tin fuf suffering but, from Wht is kn-vn cfth uniform tenor cf her life, and of the peaceful m ,d triumphant cha 1 aqter ot its termination, there b . comfortable. gi-und to believe,, that her su.7?r ings'are v exchanged for unalloyed felicity t t r I that hei" disembodied spirit Jus taken its Ci"ht tj ; that happy mansion, where' believers in Jr'us are made pertectly blesKm the full c: jojrr.tr.i of Gods to all eternity. -Observer,: In: Sampson coUnty,brt Thursday c cicr.In Week Brig. Gen: Thomks Boykin, a noit r e spectable and useful man, for several years pizt the faithful Itepresentatire jof Hanipson. ccur.ty in the Stale Legislature. ; . -,v In Duplin counryioa the Cih inst. Mr. T'i!I!: . NOTICE. flpHp subscriber, at April Term, h-vi; 7 persons mediate payment iand all ,thOie havitr; c! ...r i c gainst the estate to brinff .'them in prcperly thenticated, within the time prescriLJ by I , or this liotice will be plead in ba.r c?C.z? r very. V ' : v'-H:'.. ; ' . April 12. ' . - - : tip for a Ptiolic . House, expects t!;rrtly to t cehre a supply of Furniture, 't.-. II2 rca the reception of Company i'-cni t'. 15Lh ir. " ;r.t. He. Jias also prepared Stables .to accemmo 1 : " 35 Horses. . besides e-ter.sive Carriajs Chr.'tc: , I The Proprietor invite 1 the attention cf Trrt I. Jlert to the UATIOUAL IIOTCL, -tzzt. r-: cry. rart of town.- v ' 1 ; r In addition to hz 1 j cni fc prietor.will rrcirs frcrr. day s, Porter; JI, Vir.r j t r t ' . j fire rnerl tatl.r. t ' best quality. ilvery er:ui: to unoaluii He fsels grateful to ll.z ,,3( 'wr Hotel, , and" t;c!!:ltJ c r ;:.-: u.:. titronae. ' , - '. ? " . The Lubber IS: Kev. , to Hire. - "''' J.-..--i w. . t JLV quahhed asrAdmuitstratcr on the cMtz t Isaac Taylor," decd t this is to give n atice to r 1 ! .persons lr.-b ted to the sail:estatc to rr.ake fi f large Brick Ilouiei c . r.rJ by A : i ' IilM Kogerson, Hq. on th " tr-r.cr r 2 2--J Main imd noad Streetr, cf.-- - itii i: of it many advantages ; hcir. very cc.t. with Piazzas nearly round the Ilcue f. it second story,' tr'd i.i t.2 ctr.tre cf th I V f - ; - . f ....

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