l . : - r.'.Vi.t ';Unu-arp'dbparty rae to fire like trotheW'! Vt I ' J; -T ' S-J1 I v ,fr" ' ' "''ljmtc-nn'rrrirnt'" i for it hax'v'erjeen whole Vx tent of 'the;S!a from which thor.:J 'Vl-' V ShippVtMempirs. 'VC'.5!- which' he'JesjietVt nuic.'ja- - f '" rn T4 Publish eil every" Ttf mbat" and rioAT, by M.Fiti r Dollar peT annumrr-half in aclvante llr:n'f 7i: w?atly Inserted three time ror aPoNar, nrl twenty-five cent Tor ' everv siccedin publication v.those of 5-reat- jncA-riows .thankfully TeceWeo.xtxato : theJldUors must tc pctl, 'pM-. c. !,.?.;;. 'llR. CLAY AND THEy EiiSPY BLTJX.; : Thesanje racetinR of the citizniia-rfli' iet indiitrdlcsex,;;.whichX presented to ; "hit.. Adams conpijmen'tarjr'j ther to IrC;thieate: SecreUry of j 5titev ine ieuer-o ww.xr-oiw.- Tf pi n are both published: in .the !aa rjum I t)cr of the Ne wijers cy Adyocate;. sThe let ! 'te'r of3if:-:CxiT is a follows - ;D -Wzthington; Mctxh 0; 1829. :. f iGEjstLEMEH :'I have received and read, With sentiments of-deep respect and grati tude; Ihcletier wlrtch, on the 4thr instant 1 t V0U tllu lue llic nuiiur.iu auuics i iuc ua a Cott'imittee in behalf of a numeroua meet remembrance; and a. testimony to tny' pub lic fervices so flattering atbat which thejr haWbVeii piea&ed4tf render:'-;YV 51 AH human fife i exposed 'tdyicissityde a it hey? are, common toj Republics raiid til jHiblic, 4n,u -The; change-which hat re venily occurred,- whatever may have' been h':inipropr.ietjr of the means' sometimes 'nplbjed. t o produce ifj has been thexon Veqa ence of t heVresu lar action" f - ouV: iri- ititti tibos. The ill of the v majority has been-:ori sti tu lional ly - ex presseih Obvd i -:ence.o it. is not merelr .enjbined from ne l cessity; bqt is dictaieif as" a. positive Ref fchould acquiesce in i U-- -Wc --ahou Id. -clci more we should merget they passions and the prejudices by which most of ;ng were probably alfe'cteil while.jihie Contest 'raged, m an anxious desireJt;now . that it; rwa I tf minated that its isue may. iiend.to- tBe the prosperity of the'nation -"vv obliiiorvof the 'pasrdoes!not oper iede.tiifr obfiatfon of a watchfurtrare of th future. , Whilst we jshould rieither coii deoin nor.approve the newAdnunitratton ia ad vance, we ought lo gWe it a fair trial, i;nd estimate iiaccoHing tdrtheatuVeif iis measures." ;I shall be mostf agreeably ,'ilisanp6intedlt these ahall.be 'marked by wijdorn,and such as , to; promote. the b,t interests of the coantryvr-.y-;';iv i':'- Wherever I may, b during the residue iif;1myjife whether in ;rm?ate : or public Ma tionjou, and those you represent, geji Tlemen may be assured that ray-heart will beat not less strong than it has heretofore, in me causeoi civu nuerij., anu mm uiuc I ea d i ri s i h t e res i 8 w hi ch h a v e hi the it to "co ni- inarnJcd .rtiyzealctis excrtionSj MiU'ever be regarded by me wu u.cgrraiesc sonciiuue. Anoog tliini H lathirh-joti i have ineti tictned, -'.Believing, as I Sincerely do,- that bjiih the;,Con8litation,nd -ibund pplicy,' u ni i e in a u lis orizi i : aml r ecom mend i ng th e protection of our, own Industry against the effects or fureign'compeiiijon,'! should see il abandonment:'' with the deepest regret. -: f: ltTenesr,' gentlerden, tbnt you, will ac cep t l'r you rel v ea assti ran ceVof wtHe hih iesttci' and estcenyof -jYour iaiibfuj and obedient ':crvantri:A Messrs. Jio L$e J, C. : Garthudile. - V;- i and John 'SfiotwillCommU ; 1 n Cic ero'& eprstles t o' Atti cos, : we findi in two letters which passed between Cicero and Anthony the liillowin passages, which : concur with my renuest. and convince that j excellenr and hopeful y 6uh Publius Clb- 'iiuSj uiac.wneii it . wa i n y oo pov er y 6a did not gratify yuur Vesentment tiguinii the friends of Ids fothtriyS '- ;:KY "i 'let the beg of Jyoutb make it)evident to the wirhl,that 'yu diSered with V the futher; only u pbb a rpdtrlot principle, i Con tinue no lunger the foe ofhis family t Fori we ciU 'wjth inore;d'ignlt5r. .and .moreveaaet lay aide reseritrnroU. contracted on a'cV . Ila'4 the ..-niatf ef been offar greater im portance; huuld have .thought ' nysert boond to ; resign myself entirely to; your req it cs t ; bu t in t h i s case ; I; 1 ike wi s e gra tify toy pwo disposition and. natural :tem -Vr. f. 1 hever harboured within my-breast ny spirit of revenue, - ncr;did l ever ex tend resenlmebt or severity farther than the good of my ctuatry aSsotuteljr fequir- me auu. liiaL aexlus Ulodlus u " ing of the citizens of Essex and Midd lesex otinties, Mn.Ncw Jerseyv .In 'the retire inent tn which' yon. refer, it isvRratifinjp .frt me to know that I shall carry- their kind w e ex i ra ci, a s pa r u cua rj y- a ppropria te St o the incidents o the pa wVng'day inoUr lte-r public i-:Vu';f '"Arid irindeed 'jroVwouIdoblige"1 me b? a wise, humane aud amiabie act, vim will .uu ni or our 4cou n try, ..tnan - mose aning 1 "roui:: per o ual va 6 1 i v c ' ' -V 5 J t: ' - .... ;?;-. v ,:. -... a W- r .'rff. v 'CiqEi-o'iN tt eplt ' to ; Aktji 6 x yV V: V - thefriendt of ourxnimiesespecialfj tacesTthe.Statef-i New-York4r, which &en?atiow before cm wring aMdttle,.; mitteil fur the purple t' ' ;Jf.irj i.'.c : AoiC oxni inferior sort, for ftar oftdkitig posVesftes both 'shores of the vfu!srtniver X have heard some inertflaVv MhatstVey tienl k- 'Nothine cah:be more apt to the present qccakionV t hari th e d el iberate ju dgment of Gicero, ; and even ;of Anthonj,;inexoraui,e as'Uhev latter was to hisV'ri vals. Yand embitV teretl and 'exci t ed" as bot h of, th em : tn u t Cicero himself had been i a victim) and af fordlng tooi the strongest indicatioh orthe corruption of public in orals, antl.ot tne ap- proacning lermmauoo oi ie ivruuynv. . :;rThereason''ureedby;CiCeroTTounde the se) fish principle, xippears; to -be Ta y siton oce, as auuresseu mc pjmiuaii merelv WhatJ more suicidal policy cbiitd a public Wan t(de and popularity, .andnot on ' forced forfiU success) auoni ,inan xo noiu io.au iuc iu ferior incumbents of lolSce this language : "In ariv future contestvoti must be silent or "neutral" It woulv.fnrfacV pe 'taking from - him his 'natural !sia ppofts. and d epri v -i ng n d i vid u al V, br a sy s t e rnr of coercion e q u a i iv.e in ca c i o u a w i in, pc u anaws, vi s valued aii'd unalienable richts. ;. -'i-VCv' r-Vhether considered in anioral ;orj poli tical view, the conduct of Cicero may well be held up to those : '--who. in rnoderri'Re- publics, havebecbtne the' victors In '-a heat ed pol i tical cbii fesL : These extracts are, indeerlfuir of wisdom, by which the most towering ambitronrn'eed'notwdUdain to. be iustructed.: Influence of IfyyaicallGcogrcmJiy on the Boundaries of 'Empires'. A yery interest ing article, on this,subject is lo be found in the last number of Siljman7g Journal. . It is fropi the pen -6t M r.-Finch, of whonvwe made: honorable. mention, in thrvouriera bjuta t year -ago.'V)iW; have been 'Wry rooch pfeaed with lr.iFinch'sillustrar lions' of the subject : they are full of inse- nuity,; and .upheld, by history..: iiistirst. posi tiori i 8, that trtou n tai ns; seas, lakes and deserfs form riatural.rdivisia face of theVearth, rivhich serve as bounda: ries tVriation?; beyond , Which they can sel dom palsiWith: inipb boundaries! separate 'nations ;on accou b t of tne- pnywcai,-jorcei-wnicr: ; is:,:reqiiireui.o 3SS'.them,;and;also onjaccobiitbf-.the'p-culiar habits,' feelings hand customs , of. the people; whom -they aurrbundWAti-exaibl nation of -the map of ''the nationa xof . the e.rth as they were a thousand jreara agb,? wili show that the ereat'nolitical divisions Men,1 were nearly the same as they . are rat ine vpreseni" time-' un tnisy suDjeci ivtr. Finch makes the i following very JnteresU ibg remarks 'zryXfi, ,r, : ' v4 When i we' compare! also the duration of conquest with 'the existence : of nations, we then perceive the decisiye and prevail- j ing efict'ofnatural diyisiobs i i it ucii .xit:ijive cuiiquesia are maue, these boundaries' may appearjto be extinct, but they. still remnin ; although surmount ed bvt force,' they are'neVer destroyed : and at! (he proper ''friod, their. 'natural "ef fect wilt be againfproducedi "v-i y ; And Mt . is fortunate jfor humanity that they 'exist, otherwise the ;worl d would exri hibit'one general 'scene bf despot is m' Ne-; v er' d id on e of - th e v ra ce of con q u erora" be Vmg to thjU' c Franceare friends riotonly; to: (bcir,bwn country,;; but ti Jthe best i nterests ofrnaril U )-The 'splendor : of victories : generally blinds uihs to 'iheir pej-ihanent. results. v y.'cThe cbnVjuests of SesbstHs' were scarce-,: j recbguiued beyond H the. inarch of his Twenty; tunes, according tbithebbscr vationS "of Malib Brunhavejhe tribes of thb elevated regions-;6f Asia; sallied down bo ihe inhabitants of thei plains, and sub- verteu mc iiv"c wy.er. ine ,wnoie.conii ne'n t, . bu ti the r political 3 divisions o(y Asia are very. 'similar, lat.!thep r.-! : tney were at their first colonization; ZU-: does it signify by what ttle nations Decc:.; iC5.seu wi n?ir itircign uomini bns jr bj mquest or alliance ; bjr'peace or wa r : a1 atiire cbnniels the 1disunion.;i . t;' Nbnnany.was'cbnfefred - ori thebravV Duke ltbll6, byjthe FrericVJing Charles-5 when Knglaiid .Was cb of the ; t "w 6 he rerbgc neo a. cbu n tries; con t i nufd bat a short timef :Aliwt(;warsT be-i t w ee ii IE nglandaiid . Frap ce ha ve term 1 na jt ed in die exchange Of a few foreign pbsses- sluns. '-s Vy'hen we;read an account of the fcon quesisof Alexinuet theP to, j mai lie ' that such m igh ty achi e v e men ts j such s pfe nd id con b best :sf ; tu u at have.tcbni i hufd fwrever on; turning, bv.er; the foil ow ing jiL';e succe&Abrlreigned-'ohlyvjt carrie,the struggle' of ilie nations to torni separate. suieSrtvftic.Dr aiir a com on -oi thirty years, was ; ; From thV t) ifliculties xpene nced by th Russian esionaasV.eaHbl Danub r, one w ou Id : t hink t ha t I afge. rivers should form natural boundaries ;' to Empire This oji i nib b ; Js Very:: ge ne ral an d y e t Mr. Fi b cli ( v id e S U irraau's ou rna 1:5 n hi I ui c id t ratise bb th 1 su hj eel, say s that 1 1 s cuiiiicou.-. ';ne;wY..ujitii: a-, ouio u now have'vbee'rtby ih'& iff ?PnvsV: P?1 ments and- co'nfiscardnVradonteff -.1n that aseHri Uome:for the 'first time,-(of rvrhjch :-'-vt..U.t,'.V;v'.; , nnaOftfi i : v of-her principaf river fora'consideraole d ista nce,rand Kgypt! where.: ri yerfc ney er form ed a bu nd ary, e veVd u ri ng t h'eTfiert es t inieitine" warst Fo tiis,iveadd, rjiat such a re t h e fa c i ii t ies of n a y igat iot) in . tit el p re uenase, mat ,rrvers,ana .laKesaiii even the win e ocean; form .bond SoTunjonVi'i i& aieau; oil lines or? separauonr: tetUSjiooK attbe:ma cjrv uuiUC; I - 1 1 V .1 U C c pa rU I C !(Udl 1 0 n 9 -.the Ganges runs', through ,? Hindostan - th e Hoi ng-H 6 and Ki aViKn . through Chi- aTT ie a nvroiioKa MiiToyga vniompiaTxn e A m azon , th rou gh ' B rail ia nd 'the 'iol cj e laPlata;tlirbughIthe JJrutecl Bueno Avre- a n ;:Jr ruy i ncea.'j jn i the N or Ui ; A menca n United ! States it is true that the- Ohio anil Mississippi- form bbundarleslfbr: tnanyPbf ine. oiaiei, pur. ; iqeke are, Dfunuarie8 conr ventional and convenient, iind not imposed by n at u re; ; ? I'SSid 4i : ..'i f tweeVt nations; say si A ri iFinchvhave Ebt&o ofteiv crossed tbeAlpsrand : .- Pyrenees-in s ea rcli 1 of ijont quest as they; havef . in vaded .-the yalleyVof me unine anu ; theiNeuierianUs, andvthe range of mountains between tie New. En gland, States and Canada, forms a.bel ter cau &e arises. irqm xne, o i m c u ny o ; c ross i n g uiese nai u rai earners yyi i inv i a rge armies, from the facilities they '.afford fiirresisiance, frbm7tKeVlaborfnec08sary suroinu, anu we ; expense OLv occupying them.Eveti the'manificent road tof dhe Simploo ilid not secure to France tiie sub- jiiiaaiyu ut ucr xcai luu su oj ecis. a j. . I :.THE, DESERTED CrilLDliEN In. the Autumn of 1823," a man was de seendjng the Phid riyer,;f with three mall. children, i n : a can oe. ; UVH e ; h atl I. lost : his w i f e; a o d i rt t h e ' e m ig ra t i n g s pi r i t jo f fbitr peopie, was transporting nis air to mrsnew. wouuvry, wuere ne roigutigain pegm JL ...1 " .L I. A t: -!J tL ' JTii- the - i world. -v A-rri vi ng towari6 r eveoi ng jia t small iiland' he landed there with the'irir tention .'of; encamping toirjVthenigh;;;Air tcr renraming lor a short -time ne tdeteij mined 'to. visii the opposite fihyre, l;for the purpose, probaby,:bfi!; purcliasing;'prpv sionv telling his A'childrenthat he .woulii feoon reiurn to them he paddled n(f, !eaviVg them alonebnlihe ;jsland;'. 'Jjifortdiiateiy, he met bn the shorfe with SOine loose tbm: panyj whou invited him tor ;JrinkiA ff e'bieU. ca me i ntox ica jed s and; iaat t eih p ti ng tp fel u rn .to the iland v i n th e .nigh U v;wap dr6wnedi:-..;Thei-canjoe:fl no one knew of the catastrophe ;until .the follnwing day; - :Pv:'Ko$: The poor, deserted-child rebi linVCthe, mean while "wandered about the uninhabip ted island," straining their eyes tb catbh glimpse of their father? " Night" came,! and they,hadiib fire or fubd-4-oo bedio?rest trpori,4 arid mi parent to watch over them The; weather was extremely; coJd,)and the 1 d est child.; though bu t efght years of age reniemnereu w nat .ncaiu iuil' persons whbrsleptfiriuhexbldf iweretsbmeMn)ie$ chi 1 Ied,to ; dea t h. She .; con tinued, s. there fbrei ; t oi ;vVa n d er; abo u t jahd h enf t he ybunger; child ren)vorni bbtxwithptifoe; and ;drqwsibe?s, were-readytodrop ltb slumber she" kept them awake with amuf sing stonesVi At Jaif, naturexould fhold out no longer, and the little ones; :: chilled and' achi ng with; cold,- th re w- the in selves on i th ey grou nd . h Then t thel rsiters Sat downV'and spreading butei ferments as wid e'as possible, dre wt nem on rfher- lap and endeavored to impart tlie- .warmth ?of dreri sa t;6n the - shore, f" weepings bitterly At lengtb they were filled;with joy,( bythb 'ight jof a canctapprp But they soon tj iscovered thatv it was' till-s ed with In dlan s t h ei r d el igh t was ch apg ed iaiof. terrorand f.they fled I'i n to fthe wbod?. Believing thatithb; Vavages had murderecl ; ttieii; fathershiiwere now, enme toiseekTorthemiheycrouche the bu shesf h id i n idbreathlesS fear, ; 1 ike - a brood of young partridges.? - j Xr tCi HThe' Indians hayings-kind led '4 :tlreVia dowp; aroh pd it'abd bega ri' to coj k uheir morning mealj' and?V the bldestV chlld, as she peeped lob t; JrojnKbidt pla:e-be-ga to think t hat th ey liad bot.kill cd their lajlhere; reflected i lie vi tabiy 'starvei if I eft pri 1 this - ila nd . I d wuiio un uie yuitrr iianuf i nere wa s; a , posf sibilitypf being kindly trea"tedi by the- 1b dians. ?RThe cries-lboVf herlirther atid sister, ivhVhaXl beea food, had pierced- her hearr, and Wakened all her eiheiyShi told thj, littfel ones, o ver whbs e f eebl e ivmi nils tfe t f fi n e s pj H t had acquired an absolute s wayv: to get up and : go with' he rj i then) ta k i ng' a Ahand of each she fearlessly (ed them la the Indian canip fire' Fortupately , the'aavages un derstood iur, language and when thfe . lit tle girl Explained to them what had occrr red, they, received f theld eserted .Children kindlyr aod conducted therato'the neaf estlbt: our towns, yhsrc theyl? were kept by "some benevolent people, -il until, thei r ner Dosom as uiey,siepi.;rsweetiy5 onner arms, :.... f1.-; . ..-,4;? , --t -.-:,?r r :;M orning came,' an d 'the: d esol a techilr and others, v,thatthey vdedHy loved fight- Another destrut tivt Vr. A fev - ing.lf thjs we ute' beh (4 . iWbJril S?-5,rf bfeujin the cxtrr ; u ratllihKeju r .tv 1 1 tl p IterVJof n6?pssflTj cf . 'f.;li!fctmt Jndlaji?treel L-,viis;'.-,' phitivel jJ?,io aaerrild " waVMo wingstr ongly; fi'binivV. 3:' -V.i ml mywjfib eiincf ive :if iherVt gjifead vith r , - abcoun tto"elhy2soni pidtlo fife adja ti-n t , u i i d i ' WfftWlV" ii-ci.i - iU arpensiyebougi progresriconsu 35 or 0$i i yelghed:IowihW;h wbndenypuilding$i;the ?d Indi :i bndreVhy ttreetavQWfa a;direcli n to l .o river, ?Mjporffntix lading ibtasheX bbt ton ce; n - re : i r; - m .prptee.ttbnrand chJnenuVEb ; lhMrjj)raVh'trfg;cVn lar'aanlft' . d pn felibgjtbresu jbillefbnngtp jCapfIlanncn, end t! tnan$:regadjlor4 his deastreispBii 6'uii.uj with two c f which:? no ra thlarge'Stbre houses owned by IIkL c 1 1 avbidflierJare warwnich' 'lfabefsaBsq as :,:3 L.,.. puian'sjco sjimawr;U$r 90QV tierces cf Ilice- and instaricel'asWal n JOO bushels f con?A slcsp ; lyin - lead a forjpruihbp giun:afiiHabershhui,s' wharf i nsniiU tp inhuwerableKidgai thdi-jpf rVJ a heroUm borderinbW-Sfer utiftB, ucvMtMc uiv auu; ton traticu.;: iiici ejfull and open, rno ouiRciajrniiu aniiuH iiittuiac. wiuijea'f ; iiie headfsubf constantr exieuueuwiu dltTerenl pdrtraits ; but a sketch of this kind Countenance ..becomes: gloomy. ; I. have known some uien drink enormoas quanti- tities of spirituous liquors when oingtnto action,' Jto ldri ve away; ? little S intVuding thoughts and to create false spirits : but they arfcahbrt-liyedy as theephcmeVa Striig les but a moment on the chrvatal stream then dies, ff a man have no good natural cbu. rage," he. may resV assured.that liquor wiK ueauen ani uesiroy ,iue mue ne may; pos- sess. (From the Wilmington llitL Watchman tnl 10. ; r SHOCKING DEPIlAyiTY. : jWe .have just eceivdI'a;lettVr from a friend in Suspi county, wjiich' luniis'ie'j a d e t al I i of a shoe ki f ig -co ii rse of, murderous d eed s ; wh ich h as - been ca f ried obnei ; t ' : 3 Delaware "andialqr years' pii i:vpersbn Residing on afarPefbngihg; bneittyC some brush from; a Ho w piece brS grbond waa - engageu ' in. piougniiig ' iv Avuen nw 1 horse sunk'intb 'agrave:ahd ; tipnntrmov Was fiijuiovlnrp.d "f he honea it" h 11 mail rw1 dv.' - The ;news soon apread rabrbdaild spWe pitriose w i iig rebjol I ected t hat an ibd i yidual whp was in -the . neighborhood some ,ye&rs:agoi : had suddenly disappeared in a mysterious man ner ;';it wasjmmediatelyjsuspected that he had. been niurdered and that' the bones the family t who rfor 1 soVne ; tiiner past had been reaidin iivMaHlanU" was sobn afterapprehended in s ou re S ti te, f and u nd er wen an .exam 1 - snifairtrt1 1lAntsA a m iirta l i4r a' f Sdi foril l''UfiAW Job nson ahtf hi s brbtherbeheezeri Sa vir deredl jhe Individual duestibhand bd4 ried thelbbdy'in ; the f cheitnythepiace wneru ine.: iwt5 11 iscoYcry iiiutpvcu r uiauc.. fie stated moreover, that thesamevindivi. uals had committed various other mu rders and accompanied ;the bfficerso' the, place where he said the bodys had been interred, and -uponren.bvitig the" earth, human . bo dies were 'foubd .buried io the manner i he had described the bodies' to: have? been ile pbsited. PattjT Cannon t hasben r. p;: re -b e n d e J , , e n d is ': no w ', c o n fi n edl b t ! e j a i I at Georgetown- but Jb Johnson is r :id t be, at tnis time,wresidinrrinthe'SUtJ cf Alabama and his 'brother in llisrissippi. The individual ; whose 'bones Live -been dir covered, r is ssid to have ctatcd, a fet7 aay3 uiore Jie was raisceu, xnai ne nau "'U''-Iv"-'1 yi''''ft10? .ii?:iwmo:ausequeptiycii2ngeU - to IS. ?Sniy PM .3'ilVwJi.cBfche cf cafi?t0.1fnaypi the fiamestbwarjds a tnore ;coinrict ' p" ; bej(orVyak?f tipnXfhe citand thir ravagea i;;r: 'ii- the' lifehe ha&Hbeen: pleased to.preserv4 to .bally checked at!th1e v hous cccu pbt: L thuerlodTCanVtmeei Mrsimpon belonging to ;jV. ; C !ir, Ania;rsjtutedl-hayeisbsedvhV Ksgin the arif SorclN, Tab! did-ubteyjedfahViU btufdinl i:T. proacbingtpwhatlhad Ttom;ngMggo one Atrtrefeantl had the bpossTbm windbeen Irobi thWNi Y, bloving wit!; butjie cannot p!essth tHbiyibIence:if3? dun InIcibn.lna;p that lmirhav?rbeen; sustainetl, beycri softer feelings ofheoUsedelrt kre "abr i:alculati6tu bnVof Ithe bbildings ,iu thu i sorpevi(;in jthe vorteot dahgeriandhe bteamboaf. Company's Yard r was' in fire, necsityf but' by pmrnpt exertions; it wa$" soon cji tbhthersbradipift In fJicelmbm s yThe Nicholson ClqimT! l!o;i i:d- bable elatiohtof finlrita iflih warf lmmritnri .irrivpd f TT- r. bove Us wonted ser e ni ty ;r into a kindj lof Pa. a few phrenzied apathy to the cnetbereybu, I Mr.c Livin e,anoine:itiotttn'aD'oareniiv.! ues:4ir:ianua sold ..nv.i.-.the'--r.iAte ns ihe rr - i gaspmg. rian artist ouiii truiytieiineate erty ot ine Jate John Jichclsori. WitL ut thifeatu'resa'iotdt plreiendihg tci a ciertain kbbWled're of liiuA anu compare em witn iiie-tinearaenta oi state or inis uestionjT wer understand, theme: ma n inhepcefu tealmitdoV generilij Y th : tnes tic' Ii fet they ;:-woullT-.?be" fbund : .be 'i wt out'-a n v-i i ciai-nrbcess-Ltha t 'ffV, .sr ia uwi wmiiiii iue pjweiyui,ari:v i(ir,;m ag aius anouiu sugceuu in tnc UU3 thf"? havo ) tibn the countenance Varies with the. baf nstitutef,f to et aside thecal ef, t.'.j stato1; tie as the battle brfghtelis, so fdbVs Jhe wiljAbe bound, in justice to ittdc i.Mfy thj contehaVce,, and ias-it lowers, so othe persons lb whom it was sold. ' rI. -c I dr.tl j. n o w d 1 sco y e red wvwe re r h is. f A s u spi cintis ind i v)duall who bad forroeVly bseo an1b mate' intlhe' fiirillvtof PattvCannoiw and ry'injureli: beiiprhbttiesf consumed is days since. .The Reporter cays, gs t n is a ceo m ha n ie d b v M c 3 r & . usc uui ciu we unuersiann. in vii! ii" of government at this time, is ta' i cucvi uc a Bciuemeni vuii ua; ie;t in: the ' ti- I bow'oleryg4at value; c.Vj if itit clain- lit is:-sahf, amount lb- several !iu:;Jrd thousand acre, situated in ulc: ;i -vci y county in the stale, and must interest u very jrreatTpumber bfthe inhab' ;CaptiibP4rfridliaV.ir..d5 n( interestlr communicHdo'ntp the Natioci.1 Intelii jeuc. r, c the subject off lis pedestrian tours for tclr . -purpbsea.xV;After his recital he observes The foregoing are a few.bf the mr.ny i; ;.2r ceS an which t feel UHit I.have derived paiticu larjadvantjigea in qeihg enabled .to ral'; vit.'; facility arid endure tatigtie.1 --. JT; would nov tlemen, yserioiisly ja&hwhether the exerci of walking, which invicratps the'physical e:ier;ic3 and conduces' so ... jch to the vprcservitic-i of health, andhich i:ables us toperfona rcLti-: tic excursions, and examine countries in the Let possible manner,; and at the least veajcns i ta climb tnountaro' and: endure, the fati -3 cfrrJIi-' Uieryicts ihould ourcduntry ask cf us servicei in fine which Will enable ua to tlL - - , all the; active duties 1 of lifid better and mors c I cientlybegrnorb adva.hta;eous. and' gpj priate for the youth" of our literary ; Ir-1 1 t .na Snera11yibAnVV$hoeXey (improperly) catled:pnastiwhieli 'are; dan- crocs', in - tL:: ' 't ipirYprmapceu - wal'dr pave no tendency to improve the mi iidt of i : I luaujuics jui ucuwmenit. ana wnicn 1.;; c. n be. applied to : no; useful purpose in . charge of he various duties of Kfe ?" firdin Cot: - CouH, INnv. Terr.:. 'Kvr-Tt'McNairy, ct ah, : Cojw McNairy,etal. heirs cf J, !Irr" , v.QN motion of the Complainir- - I i r-- pearing Jo'tbe f fijfaction cf th3 J t:? r lhe DtfentUhts a.re all'citizcrls cf t . c . rNorthJarplina 1 it: is vorderf I . . f that:Uus ordr, with the sub: - . , tplaintbe published in the II- ?ta newspaper printed lb, lUlc'I , j 1 ti '.tbfNbrtfr:Car in ... Cnd thatUhe-tast pubbcatibb be k.-1 1 I 3U days previous to the next tlrti c ; " aiid1i die7jefendantsdo hot ans jpainf,;jdi;se beset for hearir j t. ttc, r . jheura ; accordinJyrat" the nest t . .1 cf t'.". CoxivbKI A' thie.Copy. '' rK0i&yis il.-lJQyLC, c. . ' ' . KiThessUncerof the ct ;rsp!.::nt i; 1.. : .2 islfa tract f 1000 acres cf Ur.d parted to t! john I famUton, lyin;; hi said -c: mty rf ji , which wasriatbr Ss tirns cf t y r -;. giVeri to .the Cor..pLinants, -lo er the other heirs, w lucli said j;';. : i i j . . j ' ' 1 . coriirni:d,'and a legal title to t!.2 J 1 : edin the.-CotnpIamnnts -in' purstr.ir.ee r ft". CXlip s :l:criber.'at AprjlTcn "V: IL qualified AdiKinistratcr cn t' - Isaac -Taylor,', decd ; this is to f' r p rsoni indebted to the taid est . . j'j radiate payment and til thi. . i. kaiiutthe cstlts Irir:7 thsr.i is;., ihenticated, v.itl "i ti.s ti .;e 7 : or this neti2 7ili be fir J i:i L veh'. . " ver experienced frA.r . . . j& - 1 7 . -"v" uaiore4ie wascusssa, xnai ne naui .t Xr?D thouunr! -dclhrs, with 1Apri April 1?. ' " - , w r

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