I J -z'y y- - . . . . ' " ' FRIDAY, APRIL'S V?- r We are r.u th o ri s e d to ann ou n c u J d run n d Deberry, of Mpntoberji as a candidate ? toT represent thc Xongrcssional district, composed of iho, counties orfJumLrJrf, $obeson', Richmond, Moore,; Anscn end 'Montgomery.. . . , v , ;':l i ' Jntmdiaries.The: citizens of, Savant 'Vialu hare been - alarmed;.. byv several; at--t tempts Mat'ely -'made by Aom yzmitQ Bet fire to'-thcCity, ' rThey'JhAve m - consequence .formed us peciaV Night' Fa- tro! fortheir protection; if.'." dia Islands, io 1827 contained,7 by "estw , ,ntq. 3 05;COOquarerhiles'a white popf4 ula fion'oConly 50,000 and ; ol ou red, is partly British i and, partly in'dpendeBf j The islands belori&in&'to England contain latron;bf532,09Q -Tfie j-uhus. belonging -to Derimirk haver10 r Rqaare "milesi and - a population of 58.867 ;TheXrench islands contain :-1385 . square mile's' population :'- 240,88rf;4.The.i: islands Ibelopgine, to the We learn (savV the Pktsbur Mercury) "that' th' e; Pr e sid en t h asorilered a'se o( y ass ftrnhisX table,; frQm4Messrt.7Bake- s well,' ?ge; and Bakewell, of this city- thus evincing his de3ire:to.promote,jVme- 7e ;and the folio wing Works by Sir Watter i; Scott Ann of Giersteinf. Charles the Bold, '". TheGrantTJury. oF NewxlTork Has dis 1 'gf Rowlandtephepson':- . - g i iVcwJMwThe Philadelphia Gazette -V'thetVb :that he (new bttlldings:fexthe-tirnUecI. States Mint ;w51t be erected ;at .heT:N." -i;W corner Chesnut an W 4 on a JotUately .purchased for thatpurpose. iJlnvotiilmeriiby' the :Pre3tdmtLovi populationvoriveoo, 00Qv- Of; the . jtersand papers' BreakthV envelopes lands, :15 belong to Britain; toSpairi,' what;ii thatJ9in would read the title. 3 to Denmark4 to-the I nevfrbrdcri ; France, l:to Igwed Ai WCblombiiJl.ii rrM ?t V John Wdr readme ' i , ; - . - - 0 . . r-4 tittle a pamphlet if you please. Throw partly independeot-and partly Spamslu l j, fiy0bn?i:ncver subscribed : 14,5 95 .square mil esi and a,popuJationr of v;C 3,86r.: "The island&'bef ohging to. Spain ; contain 58,140 square miles and ; a. pop& v::Netherlands have 722 square -'miles pop ulation 2G,210i v.; .-r-vi-; t .' -5t-'. I - rtcan inuusirYjiH.iJrcicicuucL ,n iwt ciiiii. ?i uihi tna.i xuciiiuti ii iiuv uuiuuu x: -f.t-''- c. the. remilarstoppi noplace for v f At the lastdate Captain Basir4jrali9 I thcreareeveral thousand bales c I V'lk inHhe United StatesJ'-was 4n the Thousands ot barrels ofUorn;. ;:UwC,iinnn He quantities;6f, Staves, andf r 4.i. -V t - V ' I mountain value of other-produce :vI;ife of the Earl of Peterborough, and i-s-says' pn Planting and, .Gardening - v1UaxeV of Delaware; vto. be Minister., tp . JEnglahd; vyice TAiBAKBOV'reved. '$-i-&it this removaV'derogates fropi.the cHa"-. i .i racter oL this ; Ad ministration for magna.- A inmuy; it must: yei ue anoweo wm xne, SUDStitUtcappoinuneiifc is mieitv ptiuiiiiun; asYegardsMhe personal character and'the. ; dualificatiohs of iheVentleman selected.7 , 7Hi;Nof pnVJatel editors 4 and;rroprietors of the. HartfoVd Times, is -?-appojnteui 'osunaswiur iiuj uujm: yy1 -:in tlie place of-Jpnathari jLVwrernoved. i lf niVTirifcte nvashe first paper iri Connecti- c itt w h i'tlr fafsed. th e'Jackson;fla2& stood' Krth manluny ii defence oi tnenaracter wo t th e Ge tie ral i amidst his, mot .bitter aritf r imnUcable enemies -and, advocated suti- essfully his clairas:upon thek cbuntryfor r : the first office in th gif of the?peoplef - "v" til 1 . i ' . vat. -v. u ;Here we have-on the authorityofione of the 1 eadi hg6 pape rs;of t he fiey;Ad mi inia tratidnat once the; facbf the change,' and the-cause. 7-:r V ATatrJnU Yirghua 5ectonAThe actualnumber of -votes irtludbuncounty (at kArery tliiii r;ielectibn)forpre8entative' toCpngress, .f wa;forMc-- Mercer;46tahd for Mr. V" Gibson 67 1 Fairfax cou n ty o'n ly has'no w tovoteand MrMercer'are-ejectionis . r c e ri a i n , bv:a m aj 6 ri ty o f ire t w e e h ; t hf e e, -atid four fiuwIreaTreehbldtvotei.' 7'i ; s In theNorfolk'nressiona'r District,- ; ve ..have heard iroui another county (Nan-i Ijremond V i n whi ch.-M r Xoyal I V received In thb :RockbridKe; District lateljlfeV t - presented by Mr-'Floydi the'ebntest ! xi.,mi iar i v orou voies aneatu t ; ;-;. uetween .- MJYiuier andiliobert AJraig- r In' the county of Rockbridge, the foxmer ' i alidi ti op .tootbefs al ready mention ed i Congress from "their respective'. districts '''Without any' serious opposition c 'ibid:, - V of. Congress from tlie 2d District in OKiof v ia':nrtwrhi.trnnVifttorandfitorS! of tbf "KHamiltoft lnteUir:enCerrilr;AVoQdsast ; ;,a ;raan;oi respectaniiuy ana laienis, ana I ;ao will no ijbubt discharge t his' editorial .la-1 defeated . iri life election y Mhe, political i-cuinesL wnicu ''swept joejorje itau opoi ,f; wx TTuuuir rtaru w xaieu U9y:uiiegrii.y4 i aia,Jinai ne maunesieu . tc wvcauv..v; u moj8uucii.u iu ucu sunied by ;th? memiers ri tRe i:;zun ertucne i i j vl T- i i i . C 1 0 11 , .... . .1. iiw Cu .iiL ?nc o in t. . t . " . ' t: thoua ir f . .,ihc; lty.at prsnt, hi3 in- tcrity' . 2uains bnii.:peached, andMvill. give him a'charactcr and a standin,-vhcn all party: fcding j)as rubsided,.much more desi r able ' th an t h a t m u s h r o o ni s p h p u 1 a -ity,vtha't, is Opined! without . merits ,and Jit;withptttafau.,fOT2mi:i.r Ir; Rand ol nh deel ines a,re-el ectiort to Consress- ult is" whispered thatihe is dis- t helnauMratidnfndAafifrit-;j:Il; uba'amV John.r fAplost-evey;, pleasant tlay hernighC besfeen riding' i onavfhite h 6rs e (i n a n c i e n t Rom e ilhe e mbl e m6 f s o verei gn ty) JJuba sir 'rtd a? behi d h i nv o n aaoiaer, passing aca siowpacexnroojro me for' tKat nothing, laughable xiixurostancejfat -not JhaVing been ti his seat ;three entire jdays, the wholeVinter' togetherj he should,y three dayV before the close :-6t the "sessiohia&k leave orabsehcei 'J7 c;The Tirni&ortparolinsfTrant--portation Company ?a, r Steam VBoatr.-ref or and "proceeded next!tnornin for the' Roa- noKe. v vv e;are :.pieaseu cat. tne . spine 01 en terpri s erywi tb whi ch- this , co iri panyl t. has "commenced operations and wish thenVeve ry success :m notictnc howevei their ad- O the iri) oats ifCotton innumera large a annually shipped from this Port, which A-good marf ket.and , cheap and ready transportation, woutd! easily ; d,f aw to -Norfolk.and ,for whicn tne company wouia DC. wise to tnrpw out a hook.-ruazettc. T T - L ";By tecent advice from j Washington (say the Editors of theew-Jrsey Bage) 'Welearni that it is conceded on all hands, at that placeVi that' Mr: yanrBuren's mo tive in visifihg Meridian. Hill, was that of opxaining lniormauou anu counsel wmcn he wasinable to acauire from:nyother sourcel TMr. rAran feuren was hot onl y desirous of being informed on the matter iii question,. Dut was anxious -to cultivate a friendly-; relationfwithy Mr. Adams and therehy'to lay the foundationfor further intercourse, wmcn ne t weir; unew cou in jiof but be the means of supplying him with mation and advice. ' i It Js said thatMr. Adams's-deportinentwad. perfectly; di- ninea ana gennemaniy j ne encerea very fully srnd frankly into thedesired expla- iianon, anu communicaveu nisiueas ana counsel withoutreserve-k': Mr. ,Vn Buren returned from his visit perfectly satisfied, navins: neen uiven to unaerstano ny jir Adams," that it would afibrd him pleasure to assistnifn in i wnaever mignt oe usetui to him in the;management:bp his depart- - JViwi 5Vi J&hl-V.e are indebted to i 7 Sir John' Mason of Maryland, who ar- nved here yesterday, in. the pchr Ann Marjafrom - Stuarts, - for the" following per bbl.' V Porlck 20 Beef..' 16 ' " ir' VScarce nudt in deir.and. t . Corn, ; s 1 per bush. J 1 V Mr. M.'aW informs that the Governor of St;K.itts.-had received borders; from Vacks putjn dbdirepairf :&:jto;mct:s6Tne "ne"w bnesV:as itiWasithe lntentionMof ffo yerrjment to sehd oiit "troojis and to make that Islaifd the central 'depot, j Ly:', ..The BrltisV shipirincqwr !a regular picket trom Bristol, iounti to JNevis; Lwith a c.irtxo e'stiroated'atO;O00'sterling vas lr t :! 3 latter paHlpf; February qb ;the Kci : ideof Antigua about 3 miles from i Hp V reI-' She it truck' on a reef of sunk en rock? jv iiich hVd no t : .beeritlaid do w n bd the chart4and; rmmediatcly bilgeU Shehadbri board a quantity bf limeVjivhich tobkfir?i and sV fapidXerethe flames; thatithe ahh ancj cargowere entirely de-trye-liievrand 'tpassengers had bireljNimato-g om&i&Adf i'ces arereceived' from Bbiri and Mararaf bo, tojhe, 4th ultimo i ncl ur.tWe. v rGe rieral Harnspn; pu iMi ois- tcr, arrived at Bogota on the 5th ;of : eb- ruarv. ana t Dresenteaf nisjcreueniiai8, ,oi the 7th'lo:the!rniserpf State and Sec retary bf Foriikn;Aflairs,?in the absence of the 'Liberator President: lTiie goeriUa bands of Gvanda have beea' partially cut up in Popayarii T Tbe'substanceof unoffi cial fcde5'patph frbcihe Secretary General J&;Bo!ivarretatinjg'xtb theaffair' ibUthe riveVi ofGuayaqui,vjn;: which 'Admiral Guise. losthi life by Wgun - bursting,, has beeriyra'nticipatedrby . private fcorresppa; dence published sornfe f ays ' since.': It vis V pieaseu witn.tne i;aoinec - Aivtranecuouroi hun says thaV pointing Ids long finger em phatically be observed, lr;don?t attend would return Irom; the Posf :0ce; tMr Rand b 1 pb: be. t ng ; in J bed- ( What: hay e Vou brought John ?MVA bundle" of. Jet- -they shall :force me to look :at but what ;I chQoseV-Ilwill tread only what 1 purcbasef vJt waa certainly a ourgf captain Jjictea, ,' arjri yea : ai ; this place, on tVyedriesday evening .last; from Norfolk via-'Ocra cock and El izabeth City Pricesi CitrreMtat SKittsjm-the 14th March, ;4.-v A r-.pibuiv $16 per bbl.- S "7X7 . t " Z, . . t cclvad' from l'i24I3cru7ianu. Gtcrnr::ifi 1 1 1: u r -i 1 h e : 'c i ty r f. G u av-n u i J. K !ivtu U uul to bej.'iora i.:ti!c to l?eru than'to Culorrjb, and a EcJ cf three1 Ihouarn! iSerioits :2V;-Wew!tindersta&d - that the' dam .across the. Delaware, . about 70 .mi e& above this "placed aeaihe mou th ro f i'trdyetl by the,'Raftkmeni'last week. Mt -appears tha'the latt 0es1Vet tiad rendered tn A n A m n 1 . s v Ii I jtw nr m ra n n hel d fy tfmse who., consid ered them selves , tti e m anaserar-tfia t i f i th e'Vobstm ction Aras ,not immediately ''removed fthey 'oiihKre tnoye it by forces v'i Thereqiijest wafe;not complied , with, and they accordingly pro e'eededito the tlaln, blew up and tore a-ay about 8p feet pf it,; and succeeded in clear i. 1 r'l ' " Ci. . r .... r , into the possession, of a gentleman inJBs-r s,'ng. i wmcn turn out to oe ongmai letters and iwri tings oC the illustrious John Locke." The JMS of bis Essay bu the. Hu man Understanding, with :all 1tcorrec-r Hons1 and many letters written during his banishment" in Hoi la nd;T as 'well i as some" letters opAlgernon Sydney Lord Sliafte- t w ttntn.nr tn snme The nett re- peipt of Madame Wsta; :rthe celebrated Vocal ist,j d u ri ng.the pas t y ear are confi dently statedtci have jamouhted to the ef nor m ou s ;su m o f; 17, 000 r terli ng--up-; wards of 75, 000 ir-a larger Tor ty ne than was ? evermadein 'EnglandyV within jan ,equ at pe ri od i :. by a professions I; si o'ger- rMaciame rasta was constantly eugageo. Qi Tuesday Ca ptain Mickey, from- Pittsbufff tOvLei ingion;M.o. 1 when :bout; eighteen -miles below thi city was' dicpveredjto be on;fire? .The fire ih ad been- coin m u n i ca t ed : to t h p: carW stowed t immediately undr; the, boiT- erg.and tnusi have been burh'ro Hra consiv . . . . , ft ' 'V A t t S 1 ' A leraoie ucne. ; upon opening uie naicnes, 11 ;wa v, perceived, that the fi re? had t spread fo such' auv ex int a" to i leave lil: leV hbpe of Waving either the bbafur cargo .by .any t h er 111 edit s than c ut t j i ng her. 4r Th e ,li a tch having been; closed,5 ;ihe boats wWrun a shores aodscutledJin two pluces, and in a 'short time' the progress of the fire. was re - tarded; , l'he water wnsal lowed t ru n5 in until, it reached, the- ibpof the guards, and completely, extinguished the Are,, ,:The sc u t ti es w ere t h e n s topped a n d It he water puuiped put.-viShe then got, under way k an i ved it this port t ncx t e veiling at lev the-sccdent. A: great juft pfrtheVarg was 'm a teri a 1 ly da n aged b u i th e: I os ca n not be estimated with.any certainyy i TVie HediRaver,--The LondoriMbnth- I y 'II 4 y ly Magazine, speaking of thisporfe ays;; riiie ueian 01 1 a siorra, a cnu.se, auu a wreck, jire, beyond 'all bmjiajrfsitfi, the most power fut in . theji; eftectsj lhatever th ri 1 1 ed t h rough u sa n f f a re 'aji 1 itt 1 b I ik ely as substantial facts 10 fade from tu meq- ones.. ;;,! ne; wious any- .waves ai nis -xjjwi tnand,' and tlie torn& which his 'magic pen so read i ly rai ses, h owl and ; ro'a ri 1 wi th a truth -and witcher',;pcthiips too? nffar .rea- my, uinKiug ! uianirv water uu - iuiii from the page; for , , 'ie(Co beure of Jts ecority -v To desci;,be the tnanccu venngs 01 toe vessel- inei tase-irir s evasion-- jfie horrors hf 1 he storm- the ;wreck-he Vicipe-the battlefhese areij the proVntr nent pbihts.of the story, ,and Iniust 'rivet me attention 01 ai 1. woo reau seamen, . or landsmep. vThey.Ji ive never, been ; equal iledi-.The American novellist is bir Wal ter Scott's nerfect equaHtn : very many rpects." 1 ;rr.j: - r. a ' xif lr- . . (Mass;) AdyocateiStates- that,' as- be was passing along the sideof a hill iri Worths in2t6f.:he'.cliscovvredU'm1'ke';i!&.uiijs'tconk- a; chnnneyjust rising aUive thesnow bank, tunostty ieu mm 10 recon not ire u, anu ne soon d isco vered'tha t jue d jor j) f t h e'Jiou se ben ea ih ha tL.been 1 u ff . ou tit?,'? Ubbn e uter- ing,. lie ; found; the faiudy quietly seated by in en re in a no use witu loujr.prnve room on the floor : .H e was infornied that one p iheV netghbors was" under 1 he - Pec'essi ty. of getting' cut at?a window m the second. s(kn in bicli aied people lived,' was so covered ry 111 oruer;u. k u ji u4Um;, woe Jioue tnat ;tnejr were jimpnsone.u ;iiii xne netgir burs 'passing by, heard-.thejrry" . of dis-: tress removed the. $nbvv"and, poured thV light ot a, cold day upon tliem.,1 ;;, : r "4 '''r. , tvf V A' It appears, froiq the roytB)adget,Uhat a?yoQ;ng man nau rece,puy visiieu inr.rreo pie of that city, calling bimself a . Turk, pretenuing that ne couiu not speaK t.n- piisu, anu etnog ins siorv; lo aim same scrap' of which he, Imd picked up -in vhis travels; ,aod:Joteimtxed them,witn -some unintelligible ientences, whichihe-.termed, the language of tbelinteribr bf M Asia-' He is -said to hAve; played the; ijp postorso s ucessf u Hjn t hat jie bb tai ned f:a passport" from a learned Professor, and, by, showing thiSlheiWaajenabled jto. raise coii8iaerable money' He wastybowever,f tecently: re cognised: by a graduate of V j lliabisl. Col lege; c. as the: same y bu ng Tu rk tha t ; had played pifhis tricks i n AV tnianistowiMass. and soon; after '-by - two gentlemen; from Pittstown,' 'where, he belonged,! who called tri ci by; hisv. chns tlan name. f; Fi tiding fn 0 estapei he threw ofi'his lion kin, and ac- JkhowJ sdged hts tiame to be'AHeu Beldin oi'jruisiown. ; ;mt ne nautraveueu . over the. country for two years- bfeceivinrr' the ..uest 01 ,ncneiars, . c:uaougn ne nau never aS". : aC .".-''' 1 .. . ' 1 ' 1 1 -. - taen is rpt:rted to. have been organized i n f ad e th e form e r c d u n try; 1 . - '; fl VV ' .K Commercial MvertissK-' ewl:dUcoverfd, 'MSjS bf. Zqcke.A bu ndle of oldiMaouscriptshas' fatejy coiue 'tionMiW-c-.vr:: 'fi allowing herself no respite whatever. ; ,3 : -Ia. Jxif y.&t, Louis; JLfarjcti 4. : rV.0U Tuesday last the team bo;tt Talma, tk' I tf icntlcr. VPWtiiM has yd i,I Birmiirh-. u:cful. Ik c ' be fised to t'2 ,r r of b:n.';.s; shop3. c. closetf7 Sec to whicl, in such a manner tht - . i . . w r t u , i t) flutters v;Sll be imcDSsiblc for any'burclar.Jriside crout, to vrr.-n' the door, without beic'r heai.l by tlisjpmates or neighborsifIt Ii h..Lla in itixnstruc- Ti otff and ;ta ay bar se t op ; 1 ea vi n : t h e pre- man is requirea to kick, a uoor "4 v, ? ;A respe'ctableV iroiiv tne sjue or nis cntjti. an iniapi aoout ,a year.oldya jieedle'bf anlnch- and " five- eignms in lengcnsngnciy corroueci. :-.inp child.bad, be en for several aTtfir re vibu?i restl ess and, eviil enlly in pain';, bu t ttie4 vau; wii s i y a n u , j ju u 1 1 1 ujr i c cj vi r i i ihevni,rdl,,fr- whichu wasobtruded aliQut in ibe side of the child', in" which It Js;. be- nevea to nave oeen aoocc Jve weeKs.- Ul u ri UUOHSI1CU 4 U v Uailio uu I tally paid Popevho, after. the Vfirsc v civilities - were over, induirrdVof hiuVyWhat news there was'n Uiejearned woVld, and what new pieceswer;e brought" to ife;l Morris" re plied, that there was little pr nothing -worth, notice f; .tha'trt h e re, wa iriil eed,? i thing. cone out bailed "n Essay on Man the firr epFstlerthreajenihg more for he had read .it.V and it was :a tribst' abotninabls piece of stujiV Shocking:' pdetfyinsu Sera- oip; puiiosnpnj. . no cone re nee or connesjon tall'-: If J hadthooght," continued he, ,tr that you'hiid pOt seepjfj l .would have brought rittf with 'rme. Uponthis, 'Mr. Pope .very f frankly to)dhim - that- j lie h atT seep- i t be fo re i t" w en 1 1 1 press' for it washisbwn writing'; 'tt work "of year si and the, poetry .such as fHe thought ' proper ior v ine-; expression;' or.,! inesuoject . on which sldt he did Tnnt ;imaoinf ib-wniilfl ever havej ben attacked!, y especially by a'ny 'pretending tb'have'koowtedge in)' the a bow. took his lea veof ' MrPbrje iniid n e ver inti re " v ei 1 1 u red to s h ovf h i s u n I d c kV person; that was able to govern : a J ami ly. Wha t m kes people scol d. I Because t hey cannbt govern themselten.y ; How lhen can they, govern "others' ?Those -whb guvern wel I are; '"generally " ' calm. ' '-Tflifey;' 'are pi orn pt aVixf rsblq tev'liu t stead v 'and mild: X.ATEST; FROM ENGLAND- ' IMP&RTAJVT. .1 - CV.V'-'.'rV ; Kew-Xork;AprU6. w:n;'T3- ' I a !u,T ' E; ;V - had th& good fortune toxpme into posses sion of the London Courier; of the 6th; which contains the outlines of ; the Plan for CatholiclEmancipation, . . It was intrp . :.t iA,- duced mthe House of Commops;oftsthe Lohd on Courier; :The following are Jne Plan- - r r? ies 01 the. rian , , ; a - outlines ; .visits basis is, the"' removal sfromthe 'Komin Catholics lies of Civil Usabilities and; die equals zation are to take an oath to support and .defend: the succession ' of tlie CrosT-abjuring5 the';fientit ment inar princes excoaimuiucawq ay uje f ope may be deposed rand,1mirdered bythefr sub jects denvincr the right of the Pone to any civil iu TisrlJction in the : British iKmlnnvisclaimuig, disavowipg and solemnly abjuring any intention to subvert the present Church Establishment as set 1 led b V la w &c. KJ I 1 ' . ' r , 1 . hoid'ttg thn ohice of Iora Chancellor, or ot .Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 1 ? --rr ;4 4.:.'Tbey -may hoi d alj Corporate X)ffices rnay oe Shenfls mt Judges 5. But they Bfe not to the Kstab I ish ed ChUTch Courts, or Ecclesiastical foundations, nor ; any j office iri the'Untversities; the Colleges bf Eton, J "Winchester and Westminster ; nor s'any 3cnoo! to Roman Catholic right Jo presentations are " to be retained. - In icases where ny Roman Catho4 Uc shall hold fin office, with which Church paUl ironatre is coiinectedr the Crowrf is to have the Catholics are to be re pealed c- pect to property,!, a' footing with Dissenters. - t 8. Catholic Members of Parliament srenotto be obliged to quit- the .House upon any particu lar question (Mn 5 AVilmotv Horton's suggestioa uponotms suoject is.nexa io oej oojecucTianie. ;9 'There is to be no- declaration;' required a Spiritual 'clatters between the,Roma.n; C&thoJc cnurcn ana tne see cr Koine. - V " t 2, Tlie Episcopaf titles shd r.r.nie?, now in iiji pn-i nc n, :pu n ciu rea i ne . linger or ; -iw motfi erwli il stpasi ng" h e cc lia n d j:o ver tl e bdy of, 'the"Achjlf ;Thecoure.. of- the VieVdl for fbu r or fi ve incheV w'at traced in 'parts,, ami withou t a name. AJitt le af ier the, appeirance"f.' the-first a Mr. Morris accidentally paid ?'a visit to sMrt uarHoiij.ui,fiumoers. - ins was iikc' a clap pf thunder tohej mistaken', critic"! "vho reached" JuV hi t, and- wit iTa til uah and 5th, , by the. KiSht lion. Secretary - feel, coroparea wnn loose 01 tue r;n-iiin j : ;r : 1 rw' xjtt I 'amX: j ' 1 is a Syllabsire, Of collection cf Tr. i : one of his ajesfywMifiister: who ac- with the-English, tromw to , ;. i.-l, companied it'with a brilliant speech, which Price -v, 'y ' . v f. Unman Catholic4are;,to;beadr,ltted into UNION CANAL V TTE both Houses of Parliament t r . . rt . . VTher are to be norestHctions as to numbers. CSS jVpAU:ith 184 Ucp.;z! a ;:tCatholics,hecofning members of either House PriieS bf S 1 0 6 00 13; vr"2 to hold places .oelongir." 1 or cuanccs in uie ;aioqve e,;.;r..a lc : power-oftrahsfeirmgTitrejpatrOnagfiO-- ,f"rO :V . - man Catholic to hold Sny . office to advise, the Louisburg, onTuesday.t'ie ih c. . Crown in the appointmertt of Offices connected 'that Valuable TRAC V ct LA , with the EatabUsbed Church -of Engtand and thantel Hunt novir lives, 1; ;c; t IreUnd. ; - ViV' yCamore and X'ox Swamp, '-6.4'The existingVenal Laws afTecting Itotaan of O. AV. Freeman, r.u:- J : r 1 c .: "..: . t . . v I . M M A WTT . . I VII I fl. " 10. Upon tire subject of Kcclesaaaticalecuti- awip iw.i.. 1 ties the Roman Catholics are to be ptacedoii the - t rhe fame tine ir d r !- c c foctinj of alt other Dissenters,- ' . r nrder, IC a owr t:r j '11. There is hot to beany .Veto r. cr 13 there ycUnj Kej;ro CLAVLO.,: to be anv. mterfererrcA with the Infercoursr in ,Ttie above. Prcpsrty t7.. 1 tise in the Church' of ,Jin"!ar.d. a.re'.;ctto be is-1 c 3 cr ; 1.. J th&a-the Cv. CI -14. The Jc.ain . . belonin,; to ths esiitinCc wv'' rcsst.rcd-4ottTjnu5i'tijj bt,uftd' i ? r monastic-, vortrs are i;st ta be eztc. I : - vision is to bjrVmads cgalr-t-ie fi 1 1 Into this country-cf, the crdefcf Jc..: Jesuits n ; .Vara to LTcHered.1 ; J 5. JZectitrfravc.' arVj s ' ' ' ert.' TaS LLgthsfr:- LiisrM ed front forty gfdLlns tienf.Qir fi. , Freeholders to 1. 3 re.qSl r.jI, u gistfy is-to be taken Lefcra tli e As... .; . ten, of the lnsh counties, ,wit!i power - .1 r peaf in Cjtctiiin -lses lro::i L., dscuion t a 1 er tribunal. ..V '," 7 r, )VKeit day, the "rc-umplica nf th .c journed debate a3.rcs':miJ COS tr . A long, debate epsued; I r. Gr at i . it was great'day. fiir. Erila; -rt day for Ire la nd- a crct d ay f c r. ! t b r i honorable. friend (Mr- Secret r red) great' day for rfre'edotn r .i! .:v -rn r thrnpglibui the wbrlduht " ill i Ui tiistef proposed ton. Ilritisli j cf Coi. mdnVpbAcessicn:ta It lttdj;:sj. 1 ' . The'rlecisidb:,vad taken tit a Ir.tc lu it:, vhen there appeared ' ; "ilr. 'Peel's fics-jlations ' . 'Si. Against them . s ' , "I " "-Majority ia favor of the Cthol". ; r ' 4 1 .eiHousp then resolved i: sirtnlo'.:. CommiUee of the whole, the -1.. t . it; . , were moved and agreed to; and ordered td be, received on Lie Iii lash county, on the 14th ins : Blouht; f consort of Gen; Henry Zl 1 j; (Commercial Adrertiser) the ileatli 'r. ,;.r bald tJracipjt.whb. expired .on1 Cat..: J the 74th vear bf his ape. lift - r.n " oiuest ana. most respectaoie nerc r i i .. t metropolis.. ..rfiertwaa dhtinuihetl ,C6?- s 2ur. : sense, correbensivejoteliience cfr !I the ul jectsponnectedwhhtheprnr;' n cf; a choV liberality of thought an.I .z;:.-. !.jh f;o ,nfttytapd. polished urbanityi ;, f le .ws.3Wfor "sevc-.' ' " rral yeitL inember of marty of die rzaii .-pc , tant of pur-comxnercialffnstitutic': .'nd pu! ! . eharitlesstid, until recentlj'; Vic 2 ,'rcs !ent t. the Chamber of Commevcei tMe Cities "cf w ! c office he' performed with universal sitiif cti;-: V At his residence in XoVer Dublin to , Vr.: ': , nearhilade)phiat on the 4th in$t. Tiidtliy : . -1ack, sq. Jrribe 9'9tb year- of his age. , Very suddenly, at Conccrd. fU. II. " cn'r:i ' 1 1, be, HonV EzekicI 'Vcbrtcr. Ttie e!.-c .- Stances of. bis deth were peculiar :TI '! 5 gaged In .the Court.of Comsioa Pleas in s:.ai.r. gumentof ra cauei he tell and jr.; .:dc: tc! cr- pired.-fThe, deceased war, brother to i:z II UanieiAVebster; - ;' A' Job of. Carpc nt cic fJTIHB Subscriber JU Wei Iz on mo ! :r !e ir r 1L and' vvijl receive in'pay cas! of n "yo.ir , pro at 1 value, 'if. early Application f by tetter or'nrcontllv i ' ' CCiBrafts" will be executed fiT:. j Raleigh, April 21. . 65 3t FHBNCII liANGu ASK, "Tf ASV. MfclTIJOP fc?,acqVjri"'-a I. ..vied ;e cf tbeFrench Lang-ui're, -ad. ted to C j iThbbllowing: Works, by ACc ' ot tae-rrencn l-aniniiV n tnc Fables, aec text ar lite " uch ' ? teralrrnd, free tr nnexas to pc.t c) t1 3 Il.Vcrer. i Also, a figured pre nu- ct th-.Tren; according to the besi zli vctIzi c::izzt the subject Thewhn..i preceded by r. T, ,f1Seon the" sounds if the French l c t rr: containing like the Fr.bles-the t--.t- ; i . : and 1e tran-Miou intended ta C q id t-1 1 rabies.- v . - " - - V- :.V A -A manageus OFncc men A W . V 40.. ;xv;. ifooo ; Besides BT'O-CD-SC , SC? faole Ticket XilQ. J.1C3. - 1 . r ; A" pack? re of20wn;' which ii c ei::d tcdntw r . J;;taay be btJ for .CCCJ."1. Whoare the Managers, - r , . ' ' ? TATE3 M?Ii J ; S ii! ci of tan d r " ti IJc ' - . l - T . " LvV-l!li "! ' . . puitturio ra uwer c. j I Ji-' qty lor JTanitjm Count-, I r v. ingaoout oiiV acres. this land &rerf a "larr:- i House, 'with &l c0r.ver.I2r-.; lb;-- ' - . j. ccllent Ctr. "r-tie, and c. work tcc.iy cr thirty h - yiAb50,.one otber Tr CV. CreekTadjoinin J. C.y, . Another. TK ACT c. w rc from ta- dure. -1 the 'Ecclesiastical 1 Send your orders to Tales JMr.hrs Hid ! I lllil auuui u A ww ki v. " - 4. ,y---i-y:yyyy:y y -y-y- -

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