A' 4 M.G s - - t V i. HE .national ttrrcurr : J CITY OF-WACLIIHGTC :, t siir Nit;cr.r.lInteni2:encerisaTiomc ".ibhsh- . i 'a; ed J cvrnaW'tt the Seat of the General Gov-, .rr.ment. It publishes; 'riinally regularly; ,i f.iii the Proceedings and Debates of Con them, fhpse recommendations, in addition "to , a variety ; or other information i whicn.; is tov ue -und 3 its columns, connected wilti the. Gene Ml internets ofin:r own country, th teturelf . f iiVtfYi I Dauon. 11 avows a unenmna iuji Hiugt f w "F" r: pqsed the election of General Jackwn, to. taV measures shall show it to hmth interests of a vty iit ieart, -ratuer man cne greai inicresu 01 j the cntintrv. It is. in a word.' what its title de-1 ea, muU,u papr. . . u , - j . - 1-1 k 1 - i ikTi4ti.ii iy.tViK,w-1 which it ..as pursued, the JSationa Intelhffencer or; tne inuepenuent ana impamai course 1 ltas been denounced, and. an attempt has.beeni - . - .' . - u- -r,t ?t ,1rtwn. t.;ht: n,.n: hv the re -s 4 al-o, all the StMe Papers and Documents ; f .Land On ,the i Yadkin. v V, rfpu1 interested before Congress o-orifc.: -., V.-- , '-Vr,4- . lalin' . that body, and.kll the Acts passed by p;r l ' . J " " r i i "L4 . .1 . - . - - Ti 1 . -vjr.dSciiw Sl5r,Si2E!j Yadkin, of fine quulity. Negroes HviU be taken toetherwjth the character, 01 ; ge..ral uirness r V.1T tti,- ...-i, ! - . -- v . . . - hich the narer.has sustained under its present forne-half the puiliue,. I ; -'IvJ . feehan interest; iu,the-jBoneern f.tiu or. of ;-SttC OlxffC OVfllrVCW . other countries - Jf',i.;'W'i,si'C 'i . V. . : The National Intelligencer iscY a'partyVpa- t -.V sV.i0?,?; C - j V pcr bul censures or; approves where censure or Court- ofi Pjv-as and, Quart c r Sessions Febnjarjr approbation seemstobedue to pubneneavures. 1 UvnM,:S:T829.'''-,:;? ; It supported the Utedmiqistration of theGeftt Delia HaVwoodi EVx,") !' V': 1 " JiIVl erar GoYernm. . heivTthe measures of that 7v";i' C Or,ff'naUttachmene- , V sAdm.nistr:-icawee sucha. tolneet its Vpprof VAVUliamicholS:1 - ii5rciiixt uscr.il uiiu cych -tiuovvi " ' i - ....... , ,. , , , , , . . . .-strong of power dir?cWdby cuagency. , sTheattc t irasvainasJtwould.be for any. modern 1 - nht-t to bid thetsun to stand.stul Thirty ye.. old,th is National' paper . is not yet. in its prim-, but acqXiires' strength and 'power with every l. ly - fits existejneel N: " lr , , vv v"Vithoat tving -ever sought for popularity,, or. courted nxi' . .2 patronaffe." the National Intelli- and 'in every citv and town, well as in the I country.-It ia read iri every capital in. Europe, rrw . itft ami ;i urirorv rjprtns: which nnr adversaries in Dolitics are ex-1 anWheroualv with as to let it be 1 seen, :iU ur friends o kindly;as,tofuther bur ' purpose wuh theiraidand countenance.. Here- - toforeli we have hardly wislied, to enlarge our subscription list to devote ourse and to a proper of .tiie Press." v J ions, as, " beingi punctually .paid, ; will remune- rehcer erii;. rs. alreAhwidest " circuUtiott", of D.-PPea?nff!;tQ,,tlie -aatisfactioil- ot tne Courn any newspaper w the. United SUtes. It is read) PJL that Elizabeth Hick, the defendant is not an Wc;i-tA andprTfnrv in the Union aridl inhabitant: qf this State ? it is therefore ordered ' v; iYc our laoor a expenses 4 ,r. , " ..Av- -0 , '.::;, A.The National Intelligencer is published Jajly. " " at ten'dollars per annum, payable iriK advance.' - It is. nt lblishedk' also. I for; the more ; convenient r V circulation where a dailymail does not4enetrate, Hhree times k ek at six dtillars per .annum .payable in. advajice.1 remittance of either.of t hese amount? Wbank paper, by .mail, -will er try -paper, that may be orderetL :;jt. iThose subscribing will please to signify wliettkr ;r they desire:the paper for a year only, andtUeri - 'l to be stopped 'without Turiner notice, or wish i to be continued untl count ermanaeo. v - Washiutrton March 31 1229' --J' a.-- -T-: ; - . Raleigh 2oth Jany. '- 42. JTOR SALE! i . Hi..'. I . i.li ii . - . j - i .. i . t'.-n.! , Afz V . - 01 :oa- Or.-liCntV J ' V A" KSht SULKEY with a neat Harness.! Apply V rTrn"1 T Valuable stand on Payetteville Street, i. at this Office. ' j '7 v . ri .":' jyUrecently, oceiipied a a Grocery, by Allen V ' v : Sims;and formerly byjohn P.Goneke,asaCo ; JfeVlOdlCaLS. -' ;Vctionary Store: Apply io - 1 ' , I i ' , . . PHILADELPHIA Medical Journal, by Carev r"a TT ISII to sell the place within a mile of Hills- -teii. ' I ! hnnMio-h. Vffl which ! nnv rfcffldcJ'.'.'rhere. are : -X 205 acres, -about one half cleared, ten acres of V;. .; Ueadow. land and the balance in wood.. The oimorovements are 11 new; and finished in'tl.2 4 Dest manner tuey consist or a .uwciung iiouse, ' - CfSntaihingbt rooms with fire places,- besides paWres, closets, ?cc.' a large darn and Stables. -and other necessary Outhouses. There, are se - Iveralfisver filinp-SnriniTS of the best water on : " the tract, find a. larape and I well selected - fruit ; Orclurd- k ' ; ; : k": .. I cvill sell t? is i 'property ..ciJ thes.mQs liberal W. terms -cither for money .ooeaay; credits "'will - a exchane t fort Negroes or , Western lands. , , - Application anay.be'made by. letter to the tibv -"" ixriber. . at HiilotWeb. -.- - ?,1 ' 4 Kav. 15; i,Ffal:3p8lfNelsemVsr. 'Tv iTTt HE attention of owitert of Traps is called to X. the Acts of Assembly of this State, passed , ialb-iy, .pae -70. Unless ; tneoostructions m titenrcr aro removed inUnlljf ,uit will be in- ' i MjtvwM.ufcv . . w , kvmum -3 ; iTHAT cn the 2d. Monday u May next, will be ji ' 5d.t the Court-Hoase door in, Rockl'ord, ; v who uuii to compry witb-Uievprovisions ot the -' )'ZZ. tt-"" camhrotUse after suit is brought.' ; , rApril L1829.r v,. .; v - . -vJ.,. -, j : - A - ;f J5 -i i jr. .. ... i. a m . i ,,i n i I,., i ni, r . ' rln Surry County, the following tracts of Land, or V t 'aa5iiuc5iavi'illbecfufScent value" to satisfy joining Ji.u Jc!cLi lyioj on Tom's Creek. Cirab Jaclisan, 4yin'on Tom's Creek. -v , . Milton's Prose Works,"- -:;-DO Campan, !i - 1Z0 acres ven m by the heirs of Richard Salkeld's Reports vols. Miss Slitford'a Rienze & -v," ' Wooten lyin u lluntjo Creek, j-'ning Rbbt; Powe on Mortgages, V. Juliaru 1 . v."1 J ; . .v ' W'alJter. --" .- ' ' 7 r( ' Kents Commentaries; Miss Baillie's Bazil de ;' '-.': 613 iicres. riven in by the bears of John Han- StarkJtaCritninal Plead- Montford: The ftrt..- v . . i wjit acrea. cxven in ov wudcs iionran. lomiap i 1 i - 1 : ; pers al joining Baizeal JefTersoa, ' lying on Fish - ' :y . ir-r Creek- r: - V ' 0 t- -; v - AQ0O acrea, not- given, iii a the! pV?perty of s the heirs cf Jesse Letter, lying but tlie Double :.' ;creeks N - ' ? the Jeirsof Robert WtlliarafC , 't -. . -vi;t,t inllojkfbrd, the owners unknown. - t i3 Actes, ?(ven by, Wright' Johnson,' -join' lr.- Juhii ilacwry, iviiitfott Stewart's Creek; l iSccrts-siven in by Wku Spencer, joimnfr pt.a re iyn 4. ?n Tr, iec a,-jouunsr tuniu xts, lyir.cuxae fox riobs.V- - -v, . y 195 .-?rcn jn by Wtri. HJaniel, Vd- c-t Ucinrt yrtr.on, lyicjen Hunti. Creek.- . ' iK'75 acres, rven in by Thomas V. Lester, ad " jcinlr Wo. Cpsacer, lyinto the ;Ys.dkiii., t . . icy acres a the property of die. heirs of Jo' sclip r.r-:tr;ar, dee'd, toitiins: Ephriim D. liar , oia acres r;ivea in oy .Samuel Jones, adjoining ' Jchn Jc.'ieson Hunting CteeldVt. -v' 5 , ts -Ci sLcres; T. en in by Wm. 8. D vis. Joining ;t .r Jol.oo lat Rock Branch. . -.'4-44 Arc3, siren f n by llc-2x Si'su joins Chas " 11. 7ih d. ' of Mav, nex., the r-V.ch 'of the becas'ned bv the t!: jppW v-c cy on z Court of the Ltate, the late CUk. Justice Taylor v.- 'V' ' - vy - v OJ y order cftUe Gc rernor; - " -. - - - - ' JOHN B. MUSEP. Sec'yV v. - . i - f . t -It. l--u-r. u i 1 ri I'Tii n m n i hi w 117 ii ir 11 s r" cue m 1 r j .- ri w I1.., A . . . ' , ' - Yilke, Jan. IW IBJy , I h Co,rt that the Defendant has! removed bt-vt tt-r-.w kiJ.n.j. 4 .UWmW i conceals himself tliat the.ordlnary pfocessof law. eanrvnt he strrved on "him h it fa thirf fore order- 8:xeelai inthe -Ualeiarh Renter, forthe De, Unt t' fortuar n tk' Mt ; . . . . . .-. v . . ,t . lloUse in Raleurh.- onthe 3rd: Mondav of , May .. .r . -t-.i-' j . ncxi. '..iiicit.iiiiu,'.AiierBnio replevy anujpieau iu ' ..j i j? . , l t -t u ,m Hiycrijsievicuon ue cooucinueui iHoT ffi? - Teste v f t B. S. KING, C; C. Statef of fN6rti-Carolina. v, V : of Uutjierford .County. ;r V ' - ouperior vouri,oi x.aw ijciooer 1 erm iom. ' f ; William Hicks. .Blh zabeth Hicks. Petition for Divorce; by theXCourt-that publication be nAde Jhree months in the Raleigh; Register. giViog, notice demur to said f petiti ken tro cbnfesso and adjudged accordingly;;; r Witness, James3lorris, plerkofour said Court, at office the 3d Monday after tbe 4th .Monday in September 1828; arid of the 53d year of the. In, THE subscriber offers for Sale the late resi dence of Chief-Justice Taylor, at present occu pied by Thomas, Kuffin, Esq.- .This seat imme diately adjoins the City of 1. Raleigh, has sixty three acres of land attached to it, and is. decid edly the handsomest, and most eligible place, of resiaence in xnai neignoornooo- jror terms, ap plication may be roadeto Sherwood Haywood; Esq. of Raleigh, or(to the subscriber..' ; -' ;,v . rVILL.' GASTON. Newbern,' -April 3 ' f 61 - " 'V i s-V- . . s l FOR SAL.E and Lea,' published -quarterly, at $5 per annum. ' American Quarterly .Review, ; 5 per annum , North-American Review,! ,- . $5 do i . do -Southern Review, 1 'Sdol 'do .t Flint's.' Western Review, published once' ' j month, S3 per annum. I , f, v . M Franklin Journal, devoted to Science 'and In- ternal Improvements, $5 per annum. . Najional. Intelrigencer, Daily $10 weewy o per annum v.- . , I v y- 1 ' ' Subscriptions for the above received by " " a i - , ' UALEa Zc SON. v eb. 1, 1829, 1 . - ' ;VT MaU 1 " iUl AMVWM, 1 MAVE'Just received from the North, a large supply of Books, ' amongst which are the lollowing, popular AVorks i I ; j Dishop DishoD , Heber's - Tra . "Tiiit4 of Wnmon P els; 2,vols. 8fo. ; tDo , Poems! sDo1.;; Poems, V xPelham, 2 vols. , IrvineaColumbus3 vo1w.The) Disowned, 2 vols. i x; uu saiaiajrunxii, vols: Lite in inaia zi 1 vols. " Josephus, Vols.l,8vo. High Ufe, 2 vols.V;; 1 ' Goode's Study of Medi- SubalternV Logi BOok, Do r tlook of NatuVe: Zilliih: 2 voia. Vi x V Tliacher's Med. Uiogra- Rachel Dyer,: V, "phyV;2 vols.i - - ; -Crbckford,or Life in the Gisbome's - Duties 'of ; West. Ma2 vols. ' V , 'The, Koue, 2 vols. t . Domestic Duties of Wo- Al macks, 2 voIsj 1 Then, - " .Herbert Milton, 2 vols. Straoeer of the Valley. Scott's;'; Novelists,V' 2 j Pobson's Petrarch, t ' vols. - . " s , -r i tiume's Kssays, vols. Memoirs . of Madame 1 ' tig, - f The Dream, &c he. 1 Coxe's Digest; Life of Mrs- Siddoni Alsoi just received, a 1 Mr. Kemble Dr7 A freneral -kin and Goethe, -Schcit Assortment r of and. Children's l Lady , of the, ;Mnor; 7 Books ; .Bibles of every twi. . -c, quauiyirotn wo. Mrs. ricaians' Records to 24mo- QuUls, Slates. r 1 Standard Works ; amongst many thousand of otners in store - : . " - lt ; Cardinal de Retk,3 volsIafe of Washington, 5 vola. Gibbon's Come,' Scott's Life of Napole on, 3 vols Bain's War of the Revolution, 4 vols. Hilton'sTreatise oh Christianity, 2. yoU, 8voi Do- rProse Works, 2 vols! Philadelphia A rricuP vur4 ouei, o(' vni. universal iiistorr. 'J veil - acatre, 12 volsShakespeare.v larire C vo. 2 v.-! Spectator'Jirge 8vo, 2 vols. K Sterne's, Burn's, Scott's. Pole's. Co W ner ml nAM 1 ucv uwiuc-mi rwucr vmes, American revo lution, 2 vols-' pinkerton's Travels, 6 vc!j. lare t3. ith Platei, Eucycldnedia, 21 vcl3- Critr'. j Scott's, Pope's, Cowper's and Goldsmith's Powl ' :S Urei ,Life cf Tone, 2 vcb. Cc &c Ccc.:. 1 1 . KJ I1KI ' v.. -, r rt!ven Ware. ccrr.inln: c . , r.d re I'lute- DIsV.C". C. C. ,C1 v.hers, U Pitchers, Mu ys, TBlue Plated, TviHler-, Dislies, Jtc no'A- landing f.or;i Ships Geo. Can ning, Caledonia; John Jay, Jubilee and other?, from L'vtrpool. ' : .w J " - " :' -HQ Cases Gl.s'.Ware containing' quart and pint Decanters, pintl-2 ni.nt and 1-3 pint Tum blers,, for sale by the Packype, yor, re-pacji;ea o Country- Merchants,' pn ad libera) terms as by any 'House ih'the Unioni, tti. v "v1 ''. . " T B!1EMPSTKAU A com n ir t e assort ra?nt tit ? I-ooktnflT ... viases, :"-' ' . l 1 ShVlliind Horn Combs tadies Travelling Wcrk Uasket&yViitiqtte' 'Oils; SnufT Boxes', Necklaces, and Paris Fancy Goods, liberally; c,, r ik53- 8vv TO TH E? AVFLIPTED;: V. . FOR DISK AS BS 0 FmiElLUNGSi ,,!! it 'i t 1 T i ' Jt ' I -t W r!HE?Proprietorof this Medicine, -after. repeat JL ' ed trials of it s virtues, iwhich have been at- teridedtwilh'theimost signal; success,; now otters tt to-those whoT are fflictedwith the; wasting diseases which iFis designed ,4 to relieve,, ,.in'Tull nntidnh that it will he toilTMl etncaciousrf: par- ticiilarly-If taken iii the uicipicnl stages of hese diseases; , ? ' I V'A1-' rorMwo years pasi itnts -weuiciue ;iua occu in Powder as tlie Patletat mz? prefer, under the Conviction,;ihat either'form. wilL produce the same, happy result Among its most prominent qualities the followinaVmay be mentioned, as eni titled 'to particular consideration! Mt promotes xnai gentie perspiration. wun;i isucciiicuucttuii;, and checks those sweats which are morbid and pernicious. , lt relieves' chronic affections and congestions of the lungs by giving force to the languid circulation. It assuages coughs. It pro motes free and bland expectoration.' It removes pain from' the chest.5 y; It! relieves asthmatic and difficult resDiration. r It 'corrects obstinate cos- tiveness, and thus leaves the bowels in a regular anu neauny, state :.i nus, jiv is iouihi,; iiiai, mcsc painfulsymptoms.which indicate diseasedlungs, - . . .1M...C -1 . it,!. vtr A-fil Mmilvi n;hn mmA rCttlllajf J I CIV IU nil, ;jivll Ji.uiviiy -"v.i sonably resorted.to,' and that it restores the pa tient to tnai ooaiiv i vigour, which 'iiiui wuc disorder the'consumptiorfiiif If ft to its natura Certificates respecting the virtue of thislMedi ci ne, wil I accompany each b ottle. v Price, $2 50 a bottle, or $24 a dozen. : V. - ..-J , v -4 JAMES HADLOCKVv ? Fayetteville, Feb. 1829. h ,'1 53- (CT Medicine may be had at the Store p J. GALES & SON, Raleigh;; , - . M t FOR SALE, -1V-M f; irrr Shares of Stock, in the State Bank 1 o ; North-Carofina ' for which bonds with good security, will be received inpayment rurther particulars , can be learned on application at this Office : 'Janl 27,:i829 Jlfonagreri; Office, 5 ' ;.:.i : f jR(chmond Va: , : ;'At Head Quarters, ; . NEW YORK COmOllIDATED.No: 4. i - O30,ooo for io : of .S30,000 is 830,000, S 1 ' 1' i - i 4 , 'id JO 10 10 - 15,000 10,000 5,000. 4,000 1,000 15,000, .10,000, : ; 5.000, 4,000, :io,ooo i 6,000, 1 600, ,.5,000, 4,000, MOO 300 f'200 i 100 tlO -51 .3,000,. 5,800i. ,5, 100,' Besides. S90, g80, and.S70, . 102 each of 60, SO, and 840 . . k o4;of 830, : ' i , ,110 of t2o, ; ' ! - T147J of. 'lft. Whole Tickets 810, Halves. 5, Quarters , . ! 50, Eighths T 25. . All ordersipost paid promptly attended to. Send all your orders, to, , i - 'fy .; r ; VAXES & McINTYRE, , . i1 v:r v; Ribhmond. : :( SIR ARCHIE J , iTVi W'11 Stand, the ensuing Y y , iw,seasonat my stablein North ' lit (TVf -ampton i county, ; N.-! Carolina, ,11 sywfSr f-about o miles from the Court' house 6 miles from the town of Halifax and? 21 from Belneld, ,Va.. He will cover mares at $75 the season, payable on the first of January next,' .with one dollar to the trroora in all cases. Such of Sir Archie's friends as live at a distanced will send their notes With, the mares, payable on the ura.v w rfiiuw)-'aisu, iic, iceamg oi tne mares to be paid for when taken . away. The f season commenced on the 1st February, and will termi- rtatevon me nrs ot iugust) uext. Extensive field a of srnaR urrain and clover are sowed for the benefit of mares thatmay be left with the horse. .-nn me niiuiiiuii v .grain leeuing ats per day. ;Separate'epclosures aire provided for mares with colts. .. No pains will be spared in taking ' the best possible care of mares, 2ccf that mav be left. but no responsibility for escapes or accidents V thf turf, and celebrity :as A foal getter, are suffi- cient recommendations. JOHtf D.AMIS.o, I March 4. NATIONAL HOTEL,1 The Subscriber having tiken that llO L'lar8e Br House, owned by Asa IJ.!1 f wogerson, tsq. on the corner of Mam and Road Streets.; and fitted it up for a Public Housei eXnects shortlvUn r ceive a supply of Furniture, and be ready for thef reception )f Company on the I5th ! ihstant. He has also prepared Stables ' -35 Horses, besides extensive Carriage Shelters s . mjiiKiiur jtuiKaiuc ention oi XTavel lejs to the NATIONAL'' HOTEL,, on account of its many advantages 4 being very commodious with'Piazzas nearly round the House frrim th second story, and in the centre of tkk business part t)f town, . ; t -. ,-;Jl. t ;, . 1 ",f . In addition t-4 .nrhat ti Thai Vin 4nj .t, pnetor Willi receive from Ne w-Tork, la. a fe w days! Porter, Ale, Wines 'and Liquors of the best-quality.; Every exertion will be made to ve general satttfaction to.aJl wbo'fcnay please -to call upon -him.' '-t v ':,,-'.." 4 f He feels-grateful to the customers of hi for mer Hotel, .iWdi solicits aVjcontiiiuance of their pftronage. . H - v t- - .Tiie Subscriber keeps Hacis Gizs& Horses prepared in the tortn tt a rowaer, & taKenas.aii infusion, "with the rnot b appy success. , 1 1 is nw offered to the afflicted lh the form of a Sirup or ribiecps HacU-Giff, & Honei . bound. 0 aT' r W : ' ' ;,i;:': ,-iJs;.nEi,.:Au ;;;-. r to Hire. r iti-.i c the eic, . p V Vvi it - i . C "cc; .1 .-Tp.. co..tJr:.-,7 o.-i, rfthe United .... - crth-C?rori , V.'ith 'Vllv VUllsmuuu.i vi ... - ' - - . . , Ctates, and a colIeCtic.) ci tr.2 most approvcu forms for the use or th c .2 O iacers. - - -.Tbe new Edition c.fthis vale Je woric con- f firmr useful matttr, tne 1 1 stance of-ajl the important Acts passed by, tha General Assembly from the year, 1815,fTto the ed to, from a ny par t-of the: S,tte. y - .Feb. 1, 1829. ! ' : -'"i-F resh GavderiiSeed. ;';;;. TAVE just"-received the. following' uaraen HDL J?aly tlUne .Cabbage .WhiteMustard ; ; ? v, i : s Sugarloaf do . Nasturtium v j- : Large-Dni'mhM. do " : 1 Large DutchParsr.ip ;'c Green Globe Savoy-do , Curled Parsley . ' t?av1 ntrhr . -i,,dot Larce Oranire Pumpkin Early Frame fcucumber Round Spinach i;. X.QHjr Green M do. ;.Early Bush Squash - V ttose i.eiiuce Silesia Tennis ball Madeira- do excellent Pepper, Grass Ice Coss I do'" " .0 China -Dwarf Beans.; Scarlet ,S. T. Radish vEarIv -Mohawk do , ' Long Salmon j dq . Small Lima , do r r?fitv Tnmin iln" '.-'! Earlv HotsDur Peas . Red Onion, large, "j ' " Wasiungtbri 1 do White Portg-.'do ". " June v L: ;do - Silver Skinned uo - Jjme lmp.OJwarx ao - grange carrot t "t- - .a-rg? jjruwiafc w ; Raleigh, Dec. S 32 In the- Convt at Chancery; : ; W tne state 01 ueia waret in ive u ivow.j. Isabel Jester, Ellen Jester, Sarah ? I j ,IC3III WIU MVir w V(j - .I.UIV. ,-.. v. f .IL 3 I 'er(the"age of .21' years, by the said. 1 Charles Jester, their jiext friend, ! mm : 3 "'. i oi-y-justide Lowrey, Uetty Cannon, JasJ . J Farsett,Eri2abethFarsefUJhriFar-' tZ, I cett, Wau LowreA' & Eljxabeth his' & S wife,& Jacob Farsett & Martha LtifT 2 d bolirt Luff, John Farsett, William! iTFarsett, DeWit Clinton Farsett, 2c. " ST 1 Marv Farsett; -" -s :-. '' 1 . to 3 ' . : . 1829, February! l.lt is ordered by the Chan celldrthat Elizabeth Farsett ahd John Farsett; tWoVof t the above-Defendants, s appear : in' this cause oh Monday tlje. 27lh day of J uly, next.' ; f ' "A trite Copy from the Record, v rr "i- ; v. - j: l. harper, Reg'r c c. : Dover, Del.:i8th FebM829., f '50-3m I RONAWAY', "OROM the subscriber on the 1st inst. a negro JC, Woman and Boy, which. I purchased at -the late Judge Taylor's salei the woman is a bright Mulattbjspare- made, ' about "25 years of age, named' Jenny j ' the'' boy is a refy bright Mulatto, about 10 .years of age, named Sam, with almost w hite straight hair..lt is supposed they are lurking about. the. neighborhood of -Raleigh,. .or gone off towards New pem anu may pretena to pass as free people. I will give a reward of Ten Dol lars for the delivery of said negroes to roe in Ra leigh, or' secure them in Jail so that I get them again, or Five Dollars for either of them; k - April 13th, 1829- . v. i j. 4 k - s QTTIHE Subscriber wishes to employ Silver. IL Smith," to whom good wages will be giienv by the year. None need apply unless of steady habits and master of the trade;, "particularly, JNO.. a STEDMAN. ' Raleigh,; March 24th, 1829. 58 3t;t, Grape. ;Vines.: milE Secretary of the Board of Atrricullure of ui9 outie, jiHuruis nie several Agricultural sembly," he has ordered a supply of Grape ,?Vine from Jhe Vineyard of Mr. Loubat, ron' Lorig is land, and lias received : advice 1 oftheir being shipped for Wilmington; in 20:Boxrs each con taining 50 Roots of 5 different kinds addressed to the several Societies TErom Wilmington, they Will be fent on to Favetteville: to the, e:ir of Messrs. Norton & HuUdrC to whom applica- 11011 win ie maue oy .the several Societies.- Froni abelief that it would be more convenient for some of the Societies lb send to Raleiirh than to Fayetteville, a fewof ; the Boxes . will come on to tins place. - i j X- Raleiph, March IU J-A GALES Sec'y. : y , rv-' Medicines t Swaim's. 'Panacea: V v ?v For the curef Scrofula or, King's' Evil, Vyl philtfc and :Mercurial Disease; Rheumatism V Ayaliiableleiricine for ' Cotighs 8c Ctiusump- Whitehead Essence of JVlastartl," V i An efiicucIou-H remedy for Rheumatism: Gout. , Sprains Bruises, Numbness of the Limbs- &c v-1' I ilPtiiPTK.' A lmnnil I .iii - . -4Fo"r removing Pimples,FxecklesRingworrns, Sun-burn,,&c- from the iace and for bteautifyine the skin. V.t-Nv. t Hoge'ra. yesetble .Pulmonic ri'De- . ... ..vri-!v i,ji ivvwiiuiciiviejuiior t.; "hs, CaUrrha;V incipient Asthmas and Consu mp Uons., Jm?m lAntid peptic. Pills; :i V, sHauc 'iust: , received ' a sup?! i of t TNVTEMOn: on the Cultivation pfthe Yir.e,and XVJtpa the best mode of making .Win? secbiid liutuon-t Washington City, IKS. Price half- present period, which appear,,under their proper rh;u. v.i. AVlnrk will be rlulv attend- ,very eany nnuci viwuiv,vik Vf" - do large head yegetablesoysur s: dosuoerior, - Curled Cress - tyi ; ? "rStandford Jester,- 3tephen Jestern . fc -s J Charles fester St Ann Jester &'John I 'L 2 j !SmiUW Jos.Ernmerson,Isaac Jester,' I : 1 owcicues connecrea witn tne tioarci that, agree ably, to the instructions given him at their meet ing during the late k Session of. the" General As wvii,L,iAMSr& HAYWOOD, 1fT'VV,? JHst fceffeai; and "ofTef. for -sale the i4.lt following:- valuable4: and - Iftirhiv yuntiriiv' '.11 1 1 i i . " v ' f V , . . '. ,. v j a. " oicerous Sores, Diseases of the Liver and Ski iv W ";'.0;:-VV, i'. - i Antleion:s Couslr DropsV. . An approved remedy-ior Dygpepsia or iudiges ttort, habitutnal Costiveness and Piles.- x : lUleiglr, March, 18,K,J :r,r ,UV " T-Mftceu - for rle, n iif , I'ly tothePrinttu -41 ' SUFPALO res- MM -Ilh3 Public, tW'uj F--:u MIFuLUcnoefo ly lci:. . 1 Vm; W. Bdl l, i ,;h,' on IRr tt L;;t .r, at the com-. n Street, .I.;re l.o will be p-L-i ! 1 ! ( ! ,..;n " .re. inc.. . bly. -Jli Cu!ilcs n - TToJ end x.lll be const supplic.l with plr-uty Provender of f veTy ? ' Owin;r .to the tea'reity 1 f mcney arid ti)L,u-.' ness cf produce, the prize cf Lard for Man Horse will be : 'a dollar l. day, or eijht doJluf" I1IUI1.LU. IU i BlllgIC )CUti and Horse, .Without a Boy SI .50 a dav ; a V'? alurr? $1 a day ; Gi zO Cents a ddj. . 'ic RTeiuh. April 2. 6)tf J1CJ111JD. .TNTRS.MARY, AND HEWS returns her uW iYii'lto'thecitwens of lluleigh and its vie"? tor the encouragement sne o:s met with in MILLINERY BUSINESS and informs them til she slill continues, to carry on thai occun '& '':atl all orders confided to her. will be tirom ly and 'taitlifally attended to. She bev3 cf tWther tt. make known to them, that sl.e U?. pared toD YE, thehortest notice, LajjJj Dresses, '!! nnets, &c and SCOUR Gentlemen!' Coats: and ; Pantaloons t alio, to CLEAJ t REPAIR-Bonnets. ; anJ lHerSbop- is;kept 20Q j-rds North' of tU State-House on IlalU'ax street,, where she is ways to be -found.' ' . . -x s V ItaleiglyFeb. ' r, -, - ' 1 '46 m . ! ; V r SiVi. - v VoVm Eggs. fjnHE Secretary of the Board of Agricultuj. -IJI for this State having -jn pursuance of thedi. rectioqs Jriven at'their late meeting; procured t quantity pf; the Eggs of the Silk Worm for the use of such -of the Agricltural Societies "as may v wish to make .experiments in the raising cf Silk 4 .such of tb Societies as desire a supply, will em; as they will be liable to injury il transmitted when th'" Weather btfcomes' warm, ;Tixey can be lnclog". ed ixf a letter by maiL "?.- r , . K,s.:. - J. GALES, Seel vRaleigh, Feb 291829.: ' ; Iiobkat this' Notice ! . ANA'W Ay, on Sunday, mon.'.ng last, without JLmj any proyocation,roynegro fellow GLAS GOW, about 4Q years old, dark complexion thick JipsWithr" a scar on his upper ' lip, very likely, aud rathcr above the ordinary size 0f negroes He bas in company with him a vouir jnnn by thename of FREDERICK DIXO! J bout 18 years of age- From the last infpnr.ution I .have obtained since tlieir departure, it is pro bahly their intention to Jake shipping in Savan, iiaby or some of the seaport towns ct the South. erp;StatesV .?l am informed Dixon charged his name in Burke county,- where he -was seen, --to HENRY SHEPHERD. ? He r. jiy have changed his supposed route towards the sea board, and be now making, towards iNorth-C-rolina. Fcr the apprehension of said , fellov, or Frederick Dixon, and their delivery i to me near Sanders. ville, in .Washington 'county, Georgia, I v?J give a liberal reward j 1 iv. . : - U' WILEY W. CULL ENS. ' k P..S. Since tlie, above was prepared for ths press,! 1 ' have received informationi . that they bave.been seen about seven miles this side of Oambridge," S..CVthat Dixon had again changed hiir. ic, and called himself STANFORD. For importing Grape Vine Roots frcr. r .France, at a moderate price, and tntouu sz agitig the introduction of that culture ir. MR. ALPHONSE LOUBAT, having consl ; derably enlarged his Vineyard,1 on Lony. Island, where he now has, in.full cultivation, 55 acres orground, containing 72,C0O Grape Vine Rools-i having- also the.peculiar advantage v! being -enabled to procure the best species cf Roots from his Father's extensive Vineyards ami Nurseries, in the districts of J3ordtaist 'Clcrae,k Jluztt, Departments of Gironde and Lot and G ronhe, tn i-Vjrtctf,' (45 N. Lat.) proposes to the numerous i'riend ? to the cultivation of the Grape (Vine, in the United States, a subscription, r Mir." A L. will engage to: furnish subscriberi with their Grape Vine Roots; before the Firtt'tf. Marthjieqct, and forward them, free .of expense, o'the different 'cities where subscription lists shall have been, opened.Zfhe roots will beS years old, and will produce considerable , fruit ,the second ; year, from the time of their being, planted? ?They f,wilh:be- carefully classed siui packed in boxes with some 'of the original soil in Which they have been raised,-which will greaU Jy facilitate the thriving of the roots, when trans planted. A j ' " ' .. Orders wilf bepunCtually attended to V subscribers designating the: quantities and 'spc cies otthe Grape VineRoots they wis!) to hat& T'hey will eng-age tp pay for 1000 roots or more, at the rate of 12 cents for each root ; for.Je than 1000, at the rate of J5 cents ; and 25 ceti per root for less than 50. " Roots, only 'rwa yesr' tJ, shall, bef paid for at the rate of 9 cents eac&. for 1000 ormore 512 cents for less than IWWi andl8centsfor less than 50 roots.' .V -f;?yneoto be" made on delivery of the roo'J JLeti not received pnUu POST PAID. - J Subscription Lfsts arelopened at . New-York, with Alphonse Loubat, 85, WM iroston,v;,-E. Copclahd, Jun.' -Albany,' l'f r; MeMichael, " Philadelphia,' ' , JVan AOiriage, sr . . Baltimore; v - - WillarcLRliiada? 4- WasJiingtonCity.-Thos. W. Pairo v ' inwijumu,. 1-".avt'ijporr, VAlien' K KjO SayAnnab;- VJI:dl, Shaptee & Tupper. New-Orleans, Foster & "utton.1 Cliareston,: T; & X. Street h. Co. X-,Gules'i. Son. '. 1828.' ... " U5A1 tt Subscriburs in ihU'Srnfo "will baW ! J - their Vines delivered at. Newbern, free vj expense . r.x- '. ' -' -y ' si ' NOTICE J Y.virtue of a decree of the Court cf Eq"'' for Wak Rountv ' 'ut h 1 tr lrn f " thff known as the In"!'s' Trt. rrt. Line ar;d.K"' murid Lane's Tracts. Terir- i cf ri?,six U t eh sionths credit.' ' ; .... . . . ; r -' ? hl "i.i. : :nxi:n, c. , April 13,1829.- - C4jt "-- r --v ""sTf'fj . I1ECT1NG cf th3 fL. ..nal,Iai' 'proven; ;nts will bz cIJ tt the Executive 04Tice-0.1 Tuesday th? I2lh cf next month, vhic! all perscrss interettcJ, will plee Io tat ' lie' has a HACK, three GIG5 and Ildaspt forllire, at the shortest i.ollce. .: His price r his . Hack, Gigs and IIrses, are 3 adJf the. Huck.-Gig with Horse '2c Jloy S2 a d -w . Court, shall expose to sals, before the .Court house door ia Raleigh' on the third. Monday May next.he Trccts of Land longing1 to the Estate of the lite Jr.es F. Tavlcr. called nl rVM- Vy l"-? r,r M i-S J ' -.n; apc , 3' 5. :' 1 -.-v'. J -k . ! L r- t V'J Nov,.4