f I I - 1 f. j"- k W - w J it ..... v5 r , .lv: j'w' ' liii vpwC ,4. I W wf nnerr.ticn c t 4 - 1 I r. n i , . . ... 1 - 4 . .... t ' 1 1 1 - :ico, u.:.w uia l : tl.it, . ctci lit .rJic... nr wili "be; .iti. ll - , -. .Jii ..;rtc, La t!io jrtcT t!.2 repuUicc, t"..J lcantc-t I.j been , for inc.' rpcr.dcncc an I ?lf-pvcrnrncnt, and tl.y I..:vc tad, .1 " their side, the ocd .ishcs r.'.id tl. friend f 1 ly sympathies of a.lar -portion 01 the vorld,'and tho?c especially cf th pwOple ilut m the event vol the United Gtntes ' "of a military enterprisedirectedrajraiLst tT't h" 1 1 T il 1 lrnrat n war ot contest. ; suit" of that enterpt isei the interests df ; : -a h cr I'owcrs;.- now ncuira iaay? uo serious iO pcriorm jinporiani.aunes);wnigii.fuiey T.r.v not be at liberty 6 neglect ';Th'e is- : - ,?uc 01 such a war mar haye :great innu- , nce unoii the ; balance and .stability", 6f j - , ijower 111- tne. west. mtes.. nations' ,oi . , turrpe tnay.Pn themselves required to ?. interpose forcibly, to -arrest a course' of y ; -events to vhich thc cannot beindiffef J tion merely to the j:ct of preventing a-- :iv chT.eii ths crisllnjr tat of things. in. respect ttott..4 lslandi, ...j Uniteq C , ' : Stat- far from belln!r uhder anv nledffe,1 -iiL l)ICSCIll LU DIJUUSC 'UlClIla AlUllillL UUU t!iL.mseIves, contiry to their inclination,' 1 miiifm miliF'.i'lrnivn.'htf 'ifiipatifiiP ovontc t Aio their sidei . tlncohsideringsucn'aneti-v- tcrprisc as has" been supposedr if it be iinr ' f!rf.ikpn. thVft 'oiiiirht to be an anxious .and deliberate examination, first, into the ; ff,npnrt? riTOr! nnhtfi' nnl AT r t ftrrAtn - plish tlie object ; and; secondly, their pow , en ta pres erv e ' and defend the acquisition ; ; , ry to 1 orrn a. certain judgment-Ofl the lirst point. Mre ought jto possess; vtovenable' , - us to foriif siich a judgmchtVaknbwledge ;"U':."Thich: the'republics can apply to the ope- ; . ' rati 011 s ecori !lytthat whi civ Spain .can A,; exert; in resistance fvand,thirdlyvwhat r portion: cf the ihhabitanfs .pf the . island V '. would. take part on. thev one side and on ' ihc otbei'side of. the, belligerents -A1-. though vive have hot this information in v imple detal, ve know.' thatt Spain. 4s'in factual possession with a' very xonsidera. ;i Jc raihtarvforce jithat this fercev tecent : !y much 'strengthened, occupies tbe'Moro . ' - iither "srofig holds in the island that dri--; 'i ven, as she has been, ; 1 10 m the continent V -.j -of America all hir means and' al) her ef s J JTorts-vvill now! be; conceTif rated on this ' most valuabl e of her remaini American possessions 1 that to thU end she' will an - ' iJV her attention, -which has been hither-J to roo iuucji iiisiractca;, oy ine, ir.umtuue i of her lielligerent exertions in orth'and r :South Americq.exclusivelyl to ; this -most, , itppoi-tant ypofnt j 'that to its', succor she wiU fiithei'-un from Jier vast wreck, the f onnl v'r.ssifitp.il liv'afiv .nf thi 'Riirnnn ' re s 1 n a e . o 1. - n e o n c e p weriui army in .Ji.u . rope f and AWri cat ; axi d; that tfi ere is ;rea-'-fcou to believe,' thaL'if bhe should not be ' v yerl but irresponsible aid- t,m . V T. y ' With all these. resources and' favorable circumstances ' combined, it , must.beadT mitted. that the conquest of ? Cuba is "very K ;difficuiti;if not impracticable, without" ex-. . v'. i. V. i 1 .... ,'...... ....... I. - ... r T. ,. V. . i . . "r -jf-. Tn til vt -stTirf lwiwrvrrii I inpnnc.v ntl m naval , i .and -military.-. iutjiSecondIy, do either , .. uoioiRDia or Auexicoipossess such meansr -. f nun 111. 1 1 -... ,: 1 ifv hvp 1111111 ni rrpnrp N;Irigates? and.three or jour, vessels, 01 a 4.stn aller. srad ei lbad f y rin antred, com pose ii .. v 11111 m-m 1 t ,i 1 : 1 iiira - i- 1 r i mjb i a - r a ican States'rVriiatof Colombia is tiot .;st inucn greaiei norjiueii:eTman'ncu. uut wj the means of transporting and defending," v viwi iiig 110: ujagOf -iv uiiuiui y: ui tc ', ntjr I pi uMent tothro vv an, army into Cuba u'n less the two VebubliGi possessed and could ." retain a.'nava 'superiority at .least ix the con ami- ipaled in the ' vicissitudes of Avar . tAiid'i xn.the tliirtj placed jt'.is weljt known,, that the inhabitants of .Cuba, farvfrom being t united ,iiijfavor of, iavasibhenteKam " '-i;r)ratapprelien8ions''iis''toJ. their, future ; safety in" such an- event; and "that they es- -.bla, iin acwuni of the character W a por V -Itioii ofthe troops of tliat re'puhlic .:'m ce&sary tq "achieve the conquest,' are abso- 1 utely . indispensable vNay -more ;r i t . . '-rould be in the' last decree rash'and.ini- muiK iiB nii:.viijij lii iiiiif me .1111 i:iir'. : tins:ericiea wuicii ooKnt always to ue "A v and the contiuest of the Island was bhee cuevvcu hc miuuiu. nut ucwiuiym ; COHJl -." ,ual fears' of; the instability or its.; future !; condition. , Tlie'same want of naval pdw- cr; whc)i Would be feltinreducins:; would .;..;-yo suuseijuuiinj cAcncuteu iu ieiHUing ?. 4ind preserving its , Neither C ' inbia nor ; val DOwer-Thev.Do'th Mexico still more -r :;.Mnaii yoiumuici,; .vraiiLV; ain cxienx aOi sea - coast.. bays," Inlets and:harbofs. the nur- r '.4onAR ni seamp.n i-in-snnrrj n i r-tno cean: - f tial elements oj a powerful marine. Ehsr rjendt iance,.UieJNretherands, Spain her ' - .self when she shall, "asvat sdme Hoverv d ir 'latit dzt she ' 1 ist,; recover: froni her 'ability; willt'ibr a 1 longtime .to c- .u, rt tore.ver,v as" naval Powersi .utrc:;.. u r i.xextcd orCoIoinbia; K A IV with e 0 i thoseEu ropean na iions v. r Pcl uuDa;. m the hands of most for to the f evei t . n. htarv rnfprnrlcp K-Jr. .i: - ; , imminent .M?ard. ; - Itas:' impossible v-tlK. Uo.-rnrnfol the Unitel States' ClOie i ..ir - 10 me tzrt. thai- f; ;,secutf d 'y th nepnblicft against -?b J , the ..i . the cearien; the ca:iaoD, nd inc oti...- r-.val moans nprp; u ,..;n L.t - j - " ?J v w- i cciMjiiuf uuraaneiicrts. f v l 1" vc directed a ctrict enfo i .tlieir tl:?ir be- i 1 - 2 - . i fact, r.vcrth C 11 te( sd'vithi:i i. ir 1 1 j r.lMcr- 'ST anil .miuno CM v v vro'iia see. .mu mv.cu V : r rc-carces drawn frora tlicm- : . . . c ..pplicd to. the" accomplishment .of a.i c'.ijctto which4their policy and their interests arc onposeti TheTrisident ifepes'tfrat these-'-const- aerationsi eniorceu oy such otnera as may will, at least; dissuade fronvany rash, or premattfre ,-enterprize with: inadequate; or doubtful meahsi i And it Js required, bjr the fr. z "nhdfriendlrelationS'-whichwe i most anxiously itesire ever to cherishlwiiK ine new ivepuDiics, uiaiyou siiuuiu wiin outreerVe, explicitly $tatei thaUthe.U States have too; much a tunes of Cuba, to allw,them; to keei With indifference, ::ts'.ar.qf4nya)ibnprosecutr! edjin.a desolating .manner; Qr, to" see.em ployed in t'the purposes ' oil such - wkrt ;ohe race of the ;inhabitarits combatting a' ga,ihst another, :upbji pri hci pies--And with motives tli at must inevitably slead. if' hot to the extermi nation' of one party Cor the. ouier, 10 xne most, snocKiog excesses.f-77 The liuinanity of ;the -United, States, sirt rrespect to the weaker" an d, which, in such a lerrioie scruggie, wouia prouaDiy oe ue Ksufferi n r portions atidv their Idutv to'de- lenuitnemseiveSj against tne ncontagion 01 such'near ana aangerous exampies,.wouiu Cdhstrain them,- even at jthe hazardrof Iqs ing the friendshi p,V jgreatl v as. they val u e it, of Mexico and Colombia, to employ all tiic tiicau9 11CUC33JU J. iu U1C1& .; actui 1 j ( If yoii should beuriable ito prevail; on those Republics tov'renouncei all desfgns of the invasion arnd, conquest of Cuba and Prto Kico, youjwill then exert your en-. aeavorsxo inuuee. inenx-io suspenu me execution of them until the result is known of 'the interpositibnf which wetare' autho-t nzea 10 Deneve ine iaie emperor or ttus- sia, ana nis ainesv at tne instance 01 ine United States; have made, to put an end t to the; war, and that which has been here- m stated to have been recently-made at ttie instance ot tne uepunnc 01 AoiomDia. Such a suspension is due" toRussia-: It w o u 1 d bes a d e fe r en ce to tha t creat Po we r whicHt the reigning :Emperor.would not -.fail. to appreciate, and the value of which' th e n ew Rep u bl ics , m i gh t . h ereafte r. expe- rience, if iin cuis: instance tnecounseis, which ve have reason to believe will have been p y en1 to Spain, should not Be follow ed J But there is much reason to Kopey that Spain will pause before she rejects the in, and will sejc her true interests, as all thet world sees it, on the side of peace; in cf th e 1 at e ev en ts-the fall of the Cas tlesof Sah Juan d'Ulloa and of Callao es pecially must liave a powerful effect in urgingher to'Ttenninate the 'war."." y -A cut or canal for purposes of naviga tion, some where through the Isthmus that connects the two Americas, to ju nitei the Pacificand Atlantic Oceans, . will form a proper? subject of consideration at, the Congress; ' lhat vast obiect, if it should ever ue accompiisnen, will De interesting, in a greater o r 1 ess, d egree to al I parts' of the' vorld.V- But to this I continent will probably accrue the largest amount of be nefit from its execution ; and to Colombia, Mexico, the. Central Republic; Peru, and ;the United States, jmore, than to any other of the American Natibns-'VV hat is lore dound to the advantage 4)fyail- America, should be effected by common means and united exertions, and ' should not be left to the separate and unassisted efforts of any Power. v .'M--'' I, !" - jn -the present limited state of our in forinatjon as . to ;the practicabi lity and the probable expense of the bbjecti 'jit would not Ueivise'todo more than to make some preliminary arrangement's; The best routes will be, most likely, found in the territory ,bf Mexicor that of the iCentral Repub licl Tlie; latter Republic made to tliis government, on the th day f FebruaryV of lastyfear,; in a note which 'Mr.' Canaz, itslMinister here, .addressed to ; this. De partment, (acopy of whichrts hbwi furnish ed), liberal Joffer, manifesting hjghand honorable coufiilencein the United .States. The, answer which theiPresiclen TristrUct edme. tb cive; 7of which "a'coriV.is now placed id your hands) could ,go,nd further J Miau 10 make uitaoie acknowledgements for tlve friendly , overture, and to assure the Cen tral Republic tha t measu res wbu Id be adopted to "place the United. States,, in v''va9waiuu.ui.uie.iQormauon:necessa rX-K enpghten their Judgmttt-Vj If'tlie "Ht r ouuuiu ever ue executeu. bo as to aamitv oi .the passage ot sea. vessels from ocean , to; ocean th behefits 'of i thought not? to be:exclnsi vely, Appropriated to ar one nation,; but should be extended to ail parts of the globe,, npon the jpay men t of a just compensations or reasonable tolls, Yhat is the .most desirable, at present, is w jjossessnuie ;,uam s necessary to ; lorm a , qorrebti Judgment , of the ' practicability and the probable expense of the undertak- wr, rumcs vvuiwU. ouer, xne greatest facilities' Measures! mav' have been'al- readyexecuted,: or be' in! progress to ac quire tne-recpmite Knowledge-. You will I nqui re particularly as" to; what has been done, or may have beeri designed, by Spain, or, by either ofthe New States.' andob tain all other formation, that. f may-be .vfvvjwuii-piuju, w..iu soive uns interest lng problem ' Tou wilt stateHo; the Mi nisters of the bther American Po w r flint the Go vernment of the United States takes a livel vl interest in the -exVru tmn ht .w workt and will see, with peculiar satis- .uw.uu, ii,. ucs v-iuiiu me compass o heir prbxi- nder them r hi givi: any countenancr to t.. curemcntcf thc:2 bup;!;- i .J to maintain, "a faithful 3wUt- " present themseiyes;to you,vitrtoey siiouiu' net be deemed of sufficient weight lto pre-: Vent altojreth'erJ any invasion of Cuba", overc iit t i,; - przals thit'ny t i.y.L i'jga6sted ritcwJii. ;ith a.-uriinces'tiw they Ml I -tivcly ex" mined, f-with a: l. rnc--to rccc icile the interests r.r.d viey; the Au..rican natie-. It v.ili, probably be pro: 3ed, all .3 a fft :iibiprt of ronaideration for the re, era represented-w-trjanama;7, whether Hayti ouht to.be recornised bv them as an m- npnprn font State s aiid' whether ahvdeci- jbi n or each Power be left to pursue the dictates prejiared'riowtq say that Haytidughtto be recognletl asv'aff Independent ;Sove-, rign Power- r Considering the natureahd the manner -.ot tlie establishmenlf the governing power in that! , island; and the little resoectliich is there shown to other racesN than, thei African,! the qM.estieh of acknowletlging its apdependence was tar irom'.Demg, unauenut;u viv . j prior to thcSlalte arrangement, which, it is understood, .has, Uen madet-between Frahcelahd. Hay ti, According to that ar- mation. ofnts terms, the. parent country acknowledges a nominal independence in the colonVy andir as a partoif the price;6f i i -f " l ..... . A tl Jill! .'... - tnis acKnowieugineiu, nay" cc w c ceive for eVejrthe. produce of Fraifce at a rateof duty one half below that which is j exacted; n Uie ports' of Hayti "front alt other JNations, vims is a restriction upon the freedom f of its action, tp w'hichneSo vereiffir Power, really independent, would ever. subscribe? UThere is no equivalent, oa tne siae orrx ranee, i uic lavomuic terms on which: f he produce of i Hay tr is received in the ports of -France; 'If,Jhe colonial " relationimay be.correctlydescrU bed-tobe the.monopolyof the commerce of the colony enjoyed b v the parent State,' iCf cannot 'be affirmed, thatj Hayti lias l npt voluntarily, by that arrangement). consent ed, to its revival ATherewas no' necessity urging ber. to agree to it, hbwevershe mhy have been called npon by just and equi tabl e r con si d e rat ions, : j to i ndc m n fy ; th e former individual proprietors for Ithe loss of their property iin!St.'Pomingo. prior to. the conclusion" ot that arrangement, f :-Ai ': ':" I .-.. ': ' 'n , 1 1 . 1. 1 iiayti enjoyea, no matter now esraonsneu, a sort of independence.rn;fact.4-':Byxthat ar ra nge m en t,' sh e has vblu nta rilyy a n d i n a most esiential particular, I in respect! t all foreign nations, changed her! character, and has become, to say the leasts not an I u d e pe n d e n t S tat e r Un id e r,' th e . ac t u al circumstances 'of ! Hayti, the President noes not imut mat u wouia De proper, at this time," to recognize it as-a new State. -The acknowledgment or declining to ac knowledge, thes independence 01 rtayti, is not, a ineasure or sumcient magnitude to require that, 'in , either of the, alterna- ti ca, il oiiuuiU ut; uic icaun ui u tuuLci.t, between air the American Powersvv You will avail:vour'elves of ; all i suita-' ble occasions. to press' upotf the Ministers ot the other American States the proprie ty of a free toleration !of , Religion within their respective dimits. -The framcr3; of our. Constitution of Government have not only refrai n ed from i n corpora tins.' vw i th the State any peculiar form of Veligious worship,: but they have introduced an ex press prohibition upon the 'power . of; our Congress to makeany I law' respecting ah establishment of religion" With us none are kind of summons; corigrecations of the pii ods and devout, of "every religious ;deno- CJjot unirequeniiy xneneaus oi tpe samei family, appertaining todiffererit sects, sort to twa uinerent cnurwies, to oner up in their own t chosen way,their "orisons, Av.;k.! K dK ;AU.-i, noia stocfc tne .moral instruction which . 9 ?. . - V. w lieniea tne Tlgnt wnicn ueiongs 'TO: ail men? csiuuumicu, iwuusumie .monarcui ",s ic iajjpears mat effiit raontns, iromu -to worship God according to the die- cal in place of them; and- to plant'on. the k15, f ?uJvj -wef specified a the pe. tates of their owp consciencesi - In our newly erected thrones European Prince' " - m i . -. T . . ' , . 1 1 , jt , -r- t rM..! - : i . 'V - . . were to oe ratinf, and when it was expects ages andities, lat the same hour, of- In both instawces.it is due. to our, sister the Congress-would again , meet. t ter. ten in the aame sauare. i and bv the vsame Kepublics, and otherwise probeR-Vto- add. expired on theisth instant. ir i Timbihk Tii l n a t 1 ii n ro rra rnprpi Tnorrnpr- in inpirr laieu il iiivfrr Kiiim iprs. ann u it trAr , ha ?: w.., &v..w. w. ,ww,w...w - ... v - "Crf., , , 7.7 June next, Mr.-Serjeant nsy, after that daj, rftsnfttivA tpmnips. anri, aftftr ncrformmp'i renewed - lheTjInusible motive hfid niif. 1 ... rri.tJ..- ...?...- r.S according fto.their solemn convictions, and wtnicn maybe repeated,) is: .that of fa tention3lrt the, event of his return, 'Mr. Poinsett their.religious duties; quietly !feturn. arid recognition the;!ind wlUeonsideV therduties of the joint .mission n mix together in. the cheerful fulfilpient of newStates, wiUiVfiSS-urances -thai .-the"? a oly'p!,:h1Vl"ne ? : and . shbuld the Co uoui uavi? uenveu irom xneirrespecuye lereu inxo treaties anu other national com- .the1 . tavorab le' results o' the Cor -i ess of tte i-pastor-s. In the United States,' we expe- pacts wjth foreign Powers,.' have a clear merican nations if. that intelligence be rienceno incobvenierice from the absence right to berecognied. From corisidera- fdedVc"Ae'e moch reason to apprebeng v- i. 1 7 " " rr ;V rr , r -t i T - ""J v- ue ijuroueau i iorrucr.13 uici. 01111 t: 2 oojects wnicu -arc w VV e-believe that none, would be felt by"o- l States, but it cannot tiiuch longer be -nosK templated by Vour instructions are .whhdJyfr ther:natjons 'who., shouldlalld w5ual!'reli ponednd ;tbeyvwi1 ishbrtly"- find cthehi gious freedorii. It would.be deemed rash -selves required iovtnake ;i!n.rtrwictlm, 10 asseri max civiKimerty ana an sta- iioiivh wiun.u? vaiuivi ewst toKeuierin firmed thei has , . , ..:"-' , v; "ir. A,ueut-U xrowers terns shbu ?"w.uliveaJiOT.tomaKe.a-iormalcoin. & -a t ra m a i a. a' . z .; a hindrance; cto worship v1 the Deity accoN v u,,Ift .viiq.uiwAitiesi ui xneir own consn-i dive, our cuiaens ougat to. pei allowed !i . f t . . . .. r . . . w : I 0rA y ?l .tnPor&lrepreserited, Hhat free, toteraHoh f religious wrirship Arid ...... il OV.TC14J llllllU : LIlCl C Ml 121 1 1 T If. I joa urn aisoy anrany. treaty or.treapesl that;histofy atlords noVexamnle of aml-nnfhi r n nion -where the religion of the State I thamthnf th RAniiMiK cittt . ric not only been, established but exclu- by V mean -comnliances tli(4 ?foririal nrt. w" a- : w m a a wru m iiii aaaaaa i j w m .avvi im& i iu ma a u a iaa l a ir . iirii aa n w . n w & an established Teli.o-inn. nlthntiwh 4 tTr;. r 1 1 . - ! regret such; al determinationl . 'w,. f nrohncionw Ai'-vn mni vru iui,u, uaicw u hiiumu ue exclusive. ms j woutq bej the citizens of an v7nfi th p. A monv. '! v.k"iA i- . .ir v:. r-j w j ... w ..iiv ivuu A t i ii it - i,i ivr, t . tions h 3iVf !rl : 1J Tl t' ICrtPh t: Kor0 TTtla m 4 I ViVkm-i 1 i xne ?ame privilege when, prompted by bu- cultyindissuadipgthem fromentehainiho ness orjnclination,,they,visitany of the ordeliberatirigonsuch propo'sitibris.' "ou American jStatesv :Yotl are accordingly vvilU however take advantage of e v. , fit authqrisedjo propose a joint declaration, oppnrttinitv to strengthen their 'Apolitical to be subscribed ny the -Ministers , of all faithV arid tn fniilrntA 'fAntZr.uw?nF vrr j " j a t ,uHf;f'' ,lu -ijiave ucai operation xo 0Ur,?lieaenil and State : :nbei ..iL.es rp inserted; an article stipulating the liberty .CoustituUons'of Ooyerrimeritand to il- VS t,, vh.rarjooi - ;.3 wfbf gJ qf re igious worship, in;the;territones of liTstrate ."acl cxpiaixxnthemahifoid-bres y r-me1.- iirr-rrn: r:1 :v"-mj18 Ke !,ns w i-eopierthe- united r, . : - .u c,in.uwrafju iiie i3asis:osach a Utates have; enjovedV and -are coutipuinr -"v-- --"o. j.-TEn;i.;i solemn aecuiration.and tt rh WhHir' Awii..'AV:.;U f,,.. -v;-; f .5;v.i.r-.--., I tik ,1m:.;'ij,' ' 2t v . -;,.:r, v v; - - y .;;f ,v r."';; ; - ; i --.-i .-vw,. ..-o "- ,; : ' 1 -v -r .i tlii . . .L t j unite, : i '.Vwll 1 1 as i. at dire - .c wl 1 - t r:; t European. colcni tcrial limits of any zatirn within "". of th- A:.;c. .c mentioned, lit i Ilations, hcrcinbefv -3 riw rcre than announce. is respect to tliC United Ctatej,the exit ing statj of their institutions and lav;s NeiT.2r contracts any-ne- cbligaticu, on tA tLei r par V,o or thakes any .a I te rati 0 n a 3 t o thcmi in the. present condition 01, imuga. The Pres.ident J)eing!the organ, through which1 vtnisA trovernmeht communicates with' Foreign Pdwers,andt being charged with the duty;of taking care that the, lav; be faithfullyeiecuted; is competent to authari8e,otH.xfeclarationSvi; :-y" " Questions of. boui,Jary,' and other -mat-' trs of .controversyv among the ne w Ame- ricanvirowers win pruoauijr pr.cci 1. icnr selvesanbT of which an! amicableValjust. ment niaybe, ahempteil at ! the Congress; You r impartial 1 and !disinterested ' posi tion; in" relation to any such disputesmay nccasio'n1 ybu'-to be called tnpdn for your ad vice and r umniratre v: ' X ou wuu ,wnen- vervour: assistance, may ;.be H required to settle those : controversies manifest. a wil hneness to. -give your Desc council ) ana advice ; .arid," rif it; should- be desired, you willa.ls serve as; arbitrators iAJdis pute is understoodtahave existed,' andta remauiryet unsettled between' thet United Mexican" States and the Central Repub lic, in , re!ation;o the'ProyiVce.of Chiapa. The President wishes you ta givejtt a parr ticuUr investigation, and, Jf justice shaU be rfounddn tthe,side of ' theiRepublic bf the C en tre you ! wil 1 1 end to its cau sev al I the countenance and !supporiV which ' you can giveV without actually committin the United States. . This act of friendshjpoii our part ia;tdu e as well on accdunt'of the ,high desfree - of ' respwCt andi confidence vhich that Republic has oh several' occa- sionsuispiayea towarus tne; y. ouiiea, as '.from' its comparative weakness. 5S v Finally : It have ?t in' charge to direct yourattention; to the subject- of the'forms, bf; Government," arid the causer of freet! in stitutions on this continent The! United Statesriever have been, and are not. now, animated by any spirit nfpropagandism. They prefer,(lto. all other forms of govern ment,' and are perfectly!conten ted 'with, their ; owii Confederacy-!'-Allowing no foreign" inteVferehce,' either im the forma- mation or iri!the conduct of their, govern- 7 ' - ' 1T- ' 1 &. - iiieuu, Mitsy ; m v equally, Bcruuuiuus :-.iu framing from all interferencen the on fiinal structure or subseaiient interior movement of the governments of other in wwwo .v-j rvwvr, mw. tutwtui. i. wuv Muijjiui.aj, vi iiu .iiuiiuni. juuv nn. ui" terest whichthey are accustomed to ch rish in the; wisdom or folly which may mark the course of other. Powers, in the adoption and execution nf their . political systems is rather a; feeling of; sympathy man a principle 01 action. s ,yin- tne pre sent instance the v - would conform xo their Kcucia. . imuiL-y. auuuu.jr yo.u.ng w . Wc ,ater information th&n c tOUCh oa a SUbjgct SO. delicate f . bu . that taind in Mr. Sergeant's despatch N6."l, und there is reason to believe that ;one; Euro dateJhe.l9xb of January lust; and its Keotack' bean Power,' if not more, has been - active. both in Colombia and Mexico,' i f riot else Z.ua ' l.-: .i :i-l.:ui v iiui tr. i tilii a rictr iu auuvtn. 11 nnsMiiip. tne exisci nz .lormarot -' tree - government , . ; . . .. .. : ..-:-.t .r " -v ' .... I (that the. design met :vith . merited arid but the spirit which' die - prompt repulse cuiiciuaieMne greai rowers orKuroDei- re-LThenew inaepenaent states,; and :exhlbtino' this capacity, for self self-goverri merit at Some ..u:.frJA.i lh T ? .c'- . - v . . .. . o'" v,v i4.cv4 states andreat tin tain, and haVmg en- trom a. regard to .their-own interest;, if uiev. woum not irtim a KP.nsA t iMsfir-:- nowieugement or that independent Powers, of, Europe- ta subdue them,iH r - u v, wu - .i ' a. base and, pusnlanimotls - now, in iiiv uumimuj uecj.. cniov-I i ' LI jtj let. if-'' L.s- : 'ii r- H inn ail ail nar.- ' T w . T , " J . -T- ' W.. W I. . .... anticipatedjthat ToaVtyiHhave any -iliffi. every, nation, tri reject all foreign dictation in - .lTS iinmpcT rnnoi omestic, concerns;.' , You will also: at 1 1 proper timesiin manuesc reauiness to- saUsfy incTuiries as to the theory and prac- e which w. - -. VllltlUI 11 cu iclcl to the secret practices or otIi trie 1 . .,.. w. -w . sa. SJW W I114 UULT Ml - ' , . ; . -. s tly central. t j C V wV - . . 1: - , r. Mch:: th- pen. I. to bri It W W H, A. A . hmenl i"cirlescFh: it C t SS. A r a .ic. 1 tj 1 re - w c u 1 1 yt- -amerrF enemy, inc wiy cne, a-j ' of tli2 other f 1 ti;ndir.rr as f ir --ne Horn) blockade. .i.tlnas ncttherT naval force t j re: !cr valid, citdr!? according' to the - rinciples of t? lav,such a sv - Ing LIockade,is 'l (lent. .Persistanrs in it rmistir?r: a iTec t the i n t e r c s t s of n e utrals, j J v suit of their ri htful commerce" if it'S' involve v.o o''.er conseouenrpl 4 You will avail voui? elves nf opportunity to represent to the 1 1 erv how cesirahie it s to put ah end an.ehd V, 12- States would see blessing 0f 'e LI iremohstrating agains t anybeUi!; tices which are. not strictly warrasU arawirom tneiaci o ine lirazilianbl - J fresh soppxjrtto:thereatmaritirnPL- 1 pi 4 m tk m t I1" . k X- a a - obtain'the' sanction of the 'Apvericaj- tions C I have thVhOnbr.to be, gentlemen, . Yo" obecUent servant,. - T- . - .I ,Ff sfiirifton, 16th JIarch, 182? x, LS27 To; Messrs. Johx 5war.A!fT and J. R, p0I t t wytv., . v u . wj 4aii .ui auiary and 1" ters Plenjpct -.tisry to Tacubaya&c &t Gkktlimen: By the appointment of H, ?! sett, niade by and with the advice and co of the' Senate," s one of theMinisters cf tC States, to. the Congress of the American NV expected to assemble atTiicubaya, youUv! come associated in t! :t mission. xtr. p0v It, is therefore anticipated: will be "disposed -dially t .co-operate in the performance bf t'" duties which have-been enjoined by the ir.s! tions heretofore addressed to Mr. Anderson MrSereanti or to -either of them, sn (w! ;they remain to be executed. And the Ytz renev witn great confidence, on the zeilj; bili'ty of both of you,:to promote in this 'im-tant-ser-ice, the interests ofour country. J .;Thf instructions addressed to Messrs, Ar. son and Sergeant, have, been sufHcienUy ei cita to, the nature of the assembly. - Ac; diner to our views, it is to be consklpH s,! tirely dipibmatic.; .JVo one of the; repress nations is ta be finallj. bound by any trealy.c compacr, to jhich it does not fit consent according-toall the fornij of itsoarr nllir-RnvAPnn.,lf y V;tu r - qualification; the "mode bf cor.Jactin? the c Terences and deliberation's cf the Minister . a-- AtA . . 1 V . - - " ,fI?T9HrlfPnacreiion, , epmg wr -a i : -1 i i i. i me ooservjiiions which uave oeen madent i ven io inis,xopic,in-consequ : ce of t h i Hum mc wijitiuiaii juiiinicr, ur.uer G3e t -thP Nov. last, (a copy cf -.vhich Uhmr. transmitted,) from :the tenor of which it fc probably be inferred, as. his opinion, that air jyrity tof voices -in the . assembly, on any gk pi Position, is to l?e decisive: We hare inotr ol.- ned copies ot the treaties concluded at P nama,vrhich are mentioned in that note. 7 these wejbave a rights and jnre shall continue t exnect'tnem. " - 1 ments, as t the probable time oftbeconventic A f the .ererrf Fowen.', r. f course which. he adopted pf annouBCinar i ,.u . ...-i. v . . 1 annrored. From th w i- uicm as naq arrived at uexic&t I . 1 - . - . ' ' T- . ' ., j -therefore, that, about this time,: the Minister i jhrius Pc rswill. -assemble at Tacuba. tiui ii uiey miouiu not meet Dei ore tne jsi k 2 l t i 1 . ' .. r-f .U ....... W;fn him l. poia. seij will attend the Congreu in behalf cf the V- mtea states, : v v e i'iteljigeijc which has reached -sfos many ppnus,- asi to. k the ambi'ious projects t i views ot lioiivar. : has abated very muco u- strong hopes which; were ence entcrtiired of portanf,,that the President, '-think. ' tlieir accca-1 pusnmenc,ougnt not to be abandoned wluzi -.' hoperVmains. Their value does - -hot 'entire?! ? "depend upon thelforrni vofP'the; GoVernce:? Which may concur" n their establishment, fc .exist at all times, yand!under every fsrn vf f '.Ybu will, in all rour conversations au-Isi" courses ith '- the other 'fllinistew;-. endeavor U strengthen them id the -f.lt h cf free.instiuiuor., sand to guard them agair. t any ambitious sefceme and -nlans, from whatever quarter they may 'pro-' Ceed fendr to subvert li ral systems rVilr.' Hochester,liaving been app'ointed CtsjS df Affaires to Guatemala ; llr. John Speed Sai'A Of Kentucky, ,f formerly a Mt-:ber of the -House of ltep'reseutiitfves. -is .appointed ;Secretar; t yt'nir Mission. .' i the event of his acceptance, v(ofvh)ch;advce has Hot yet Teacher.!' the Depart ziientj ie is expecieu to proceed trcm Keni-; by the ;way of New-Oiieans, to juin you. v. - i Voo;;Te at liberty to detnirvthe bearer of thi let tera reason ah, time.to convey any despat- ches yotirniay.Ni isIi to forward to this. Gove; t. . .. -r A-.....r ihe lournt v andVovai-?. Li will return tojhw- Un.te i States -with' such c .fiatclies as vou ir.ay ccr--' to him. t - I am' v. ilh -reut resp zt, ,t . " , Your obe-. . : servant, -.;' -l ... tcrr,.f

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