- jkiyK'mwyziz z , :-T UESPAV"3IAY.5, 1S29. """ MtVivtrsihTb promote the cause ;c Xiitcnitufejl'aiul to give additional, interest ;r:ii ; their- AnnivksaryExaminatipns, , the titleotsf ourUniyersit enteredinto-a Resolutiolii Jn 1827t "to invite some indi vidual, tfho has 'becnja-yelarmembcr.bf . 0ue V,f' their iitera'rj -.Societies, . annually 'to dViiver a Public Oration. ;- It vill;'ap rvfrom a notice .in to-day sV Register, - tliat Professor Hooper has been appointed bailie" Dialectic Society vjor this purpose i; and- has consented to officiate- TThe high Reputation , of this gentleman as an elegant l -' wjiter'i wi 11, tio doubt,ens u re a" n u merou s assemoi3p:e ovisiters ; v e wisainatour literary; men would consider it a duty in - en rribent on themyto attend-our. Universi Commenceincfits ;Ware confident nothing' would be! more gratify ing tb the Faculty,' nor coqhlany Reward for mdusr trious a ppl i ca ti on he given,' vy hi ch, wou I d proveso acceptable to tueyoutniui.vojanes ofscience.'s' -,:,t'";,J vH5ioDirectors of our State Bank have - appointed GA. J&aac'Tr Avery to close, the iVl o rsanton'v i nf th e pi ace of ' .CoL JPtlliam r:v s ic v IXheGold Jte(m.-Fe'Y persons not re- siding in'the; immeSiaf e" ' vicinityl of' the vGold-Mines f , this Stat ej Have anyrade- vquate concepuou oi xne exieni:oL in e, ope rations winch are carried ba'forprocurinff the precious metaU In this section of the IState, the -people' talk of tne Gold" Mines; but they. "-have :a very imperfect idea of Ithem, and bu t little 'knowledge, of thecvst isums-whi ch r th ey "r an nu al ly : y i el d . -Thjey have Keard)f individctals digging for Gold, ibutthey "have taken 'up; the impression, '-that-the sameamountof labor, directed with the same-"zeal Tto" the cultivation roF the oit vould' createaouahtity of -f pro tluceof creatervalue in the market;" 'They are- not aware that; science and ; skill have been :puHiv requisition, and that a system liis been adopted fJrT working , the INI ines, wnicu ensures regular. uruuis, unu renuers thcin extensi vTy, productive- It J s true 'the 'jrreat desider atttm of labor-savinflr ; ma cnincry has :"beeri but recently put into . successful opera Hon;t and "is cohfinedjas yet ! to ' water and hofse powprbot'pre parations are fnakin -for '.that &t steaiih alsd which" will greatly, facil i tate the pro cess.of iiibtainirig tire Gold kand enhance its profits-i : ' Already v there are; several companies' from the North' and: Southen leaked in?'the busfness; ixnd , vvei have re tebtly Jieard of the formation' of a'compa ny in BaUimorewjtVa capital of S50,000 foravrkinnru'Mine in Cabarrus. - Indeed, mo n i ed- m e ri f ro ra- e ve ry ' quarter ; of: th e union, are purcnasing up iana, forjwnicn .jhey ' pay. extravagant t .prices. : Foreign capitahs.t :.have s not thought - it beneath their attention tofvis.it the Gold Region i ior purposes-of speculation ; one of whom iuformed us,va few days sin ce that he had just returned from .' aVsjt-taheiSttofK vuici aaii jvUiy C5r auu uiai viiuae ui xiurui Carolina greatly, eiceed tiiem'in richness. ' aln tlie county of Mecklenburg alone.Mt is b e 1 i e ved , t h e a m ou n t 6 f i G ol d d u z f r otti the bo wels" of ,thV earthy: in iadiweek pro dufcWg2,000. ' 'And it is nothinsuncomf mon for the merchants of the town of Char- io i te vw neuin ey .go o n to. make th eir pu r chases, tocarryrwith pounds-of rthe precious in etahv I tcan ea l)Xf ,nagdwtlifeYnd activity is jnfuse'dVintWvery department of business, where Iheonly-Bank' which' is required to ty ana leisure jor.makins; summer ex- cursion s; we wpul d recommend a triptb i euejer iae. waius oi tne. people; is a oanic -lo such; of ;.ourfciti2.ens as"haveHhe i iau-.il I Ay Cjoutryi he Su y, .of the MineVare obliging and communi- F stiver the citizens, are proverbial for their , V?Phaltya"d the salubrjty oftheiir is : squd any in;ihe't world: ; A Ife. wv days . ,h f pent' in-personal, examination will gyreah ,-r ludividual a morethWugfe'insight into, ; henaoner of -obtaining. the .Gold; ;than oiumes of descnptiohfV ' c ;, I are not without WpeV fronts o me re'-' ept discoveries; ?that;'poltl will 'yet be iind;ia:tliis "YVake)'CoiiniTf. 'The firsi Xhe; first H thfelford,,Bu r ke; U ri c61n',M ecUl euba rg. rny,an Anson, Davidson, Montgomerj Aanuolph, Caswell, Guilford, OrangeVTid jecently;in Chatham.;'ls this not 'Ufilcient i-to warrant xari; examination of Qc more central counities 'of- -the State, pscorery of it was"made;in Cabarrus and onfined tir that; County, QrtWrryyeHVs; Ae limits yitUinliich'tt-waar then sup posed to he; embraced,; have continually 1C? 'ix4x;- as'.jMjbple have' been Jed search theountry Jic it- It has been seqaen'tlyi found in;, the counties 'of ng-.an inesti-uctiireiaiara's auancc;riVa-;eirccer: - cribethsnto to -forhid the belief; of its existence in t'.iem also ? . ' A pamphlethas .beenJpublished in N". Xorkj accompanied vith a" map, ' furnish ing a sk etch "o f tlie geographical , xou tef b f a Great Jlail Road,: by which'it;is4prop6sed to connect the canals and tiavigrablewva ters.pf. the 'States of J?ewYork,; rPennsyl y ania Qhi o Indian nVVllHn ois$' M i sson r ft and ; the 3Iichigan,? North-west antV Mis souri Territories i-'openinortherebr a Free communication, at;all seasons of the year, ; ''TfhitieldTQ Exlitor of -the ewbu ryport (Mass.)lHerald,;in.nbticingjmpor- tant repairs recently ihadetQ a churchin that town; Isays r - A marble Monuments the liberaCgift -of Wilhain Bartett; Esc: -t.o-.be Vrecteii "in 'a place left" Vacant, ;'over tlie remains -of Whitfield, is nownearlr .n uiaueu , iti : nu l itu uipu la, r-ai ierr a : u esigii i of Strickland; 4 It it said to be1 a beautiful I pi e ce of vto r k ma n sh ml " An i n s cri p ti onV in:B6manletter8f;'oh'Vnarble..tabiet;'':'let into the face ;:pf. the pulpit, . expiaina'lihe design qf the Monumenf.T ? ilt Js'said, ihat.General Sqqtt has been tiiscnargea oy r resiqent jacksok irom ine Suspension to which he -was5 subjected by Ir' Adams V; ahdthat "I lie has been f; fur loughed untiMael 15tlrof :Deceniber next. In the.meaix;tiuae,;he wiU join bis'famUy in. France. " -V"."l "V1. . " . L; k V V . - " c v. r-- - v : . On "Wednesday, lasti says the ueorge towxr Columbian, we. learn" that Mr John H.'Henshaw," a Clerk in the; Fourth; Au ditorVoffice, put'a period to his existence, by.cuttinsr his throat from ear to earThe yerdi ct of tlie jury ' wasps' that the act was committed during a fit of mental derange ment; ,fMk H.1 was'a gentleman of digni fied manners and fine literary tasted ;Y After. :a, violent contests Mr; Newton has been re-elected to Congress, from the Norfolk Disjtrict Virginia, by 4a"majoity p f 15 votes ; over his oppon en t ? Geol -!Loy J 3 -: Governor Houston of 'I hnessee has re signed his 'office, ;in consequence, as, he says- of sudden: calamities1 witlv which he; is overwhelmed.??:;) By -the provisions of the'Gonstitution of Tennessee, in casei of, the; death '6r resignation of the Gover nor,; the Speaker of the Senate' succeeds Inrii-Accordingly, a om the lGth of April," uenerai oi aumner county, speaker 3f the SenateV took the-oatlr of oflice arid is now GovernorV j LWe have- htf . clue -fin Governor tloustotx's. 'letter by yliicfi'-to discover the nature of thc calamities to winch he alludes!- v Crcscit iundo. The work of Beforiri" 'seems: but tri have i begu n". at Washiogton In ad d i ti on ' t o th e vi c ti nisi, o f .' p ros c r i pt i o n announced in subsequent columns, v we Ieam from the Intelligencer . by , the mail bfc.yestQrday, that Thomas ' Munroe has bee n re niov cd ' froiri tlie Offi ce , o f Pos t m as tef-at Washingto'n, Ho Inake, way for Dr,v rriiituiif tu7irirvi me same vuy, asiauncn Heroite. The former gentleman has en joyed, ,jn uninterrupted ; succession, the ii n bou n d eel t;o n fid e n ce b f every Pre si d e ri t, from JVushihgtori to lie: present "iucuin berit. ; and 'his character iseyond tlie re proach of 'even the barest calumniator; J3ut he was;guilty;of tthe '.' damning sin'? of pre ferring Mr. Adams to G enl. Jackson forPresident jauojjthoufi in the opposite "scale were placed ia long- life of ; faithful public service, and honorable private re putev it weighed not a feather, in his favor.. : -We regret exceedingly to see that "Mr. -Fi Buren has abandoned the iioble views which it was said he 'entertained with' rer gard to this prescriptive, policy But "sq itMS," that,heis the first of theofficers'tof the.Gorerhment'wholiasjset the example their op 77iruston'ii n d -SZai, received from th e-,ho tiorabl erjaecretaryji n,iormauun,r ny letter,: mat tneirservices wuuiuue ins- liaveVeceived their dismisfaibn also,-ahil that :.tlie work in .o tii er Dc par tm en ts o f s th e; G o Yr cnimentr-; ThSjcretary vf fhe ftaiury left this city orifBaturday- morning pri' af Visit; to Pen ns vl vauiai for th e nu rnose ofr. maki nir arraugemehts for the removal .of his fami ly' to the Seat of Go vefnment- 'U vMr.DickinsvChi'ef ClerlcoTthe Depart ment: L s been appointed ,by thePresU between the. Atlantic; States andJhe great valley of, the Mississippi!' ; ; oi rem oi n x i rom omce v ierK s in r tne1 Department over whicji he presides, for mien's sake. i:Un X uesuay alter- pensed' with,1 ffPm tlie first of next , month, We have sjin te Ii ear4 tha t M r Wa tkins and-Mrl.M'Cnrmick,' in the !same "officef ; Vicissitude of ClimateXzvs ' was " a fall o f- S n o at Rich mo nd, on Sat u rday thV 25th of Aprn.:V;;V' yVv & li""1' -lvu"o ,Jw,-l":l J ul4U8 w,"i".tcurreoCe ct .1 s o " ;orw.'Wrhc follow - appointments havc. we understand, been made by tlie "resident : Samuel: Swarty.mit.-txy. be Coll ector of the Customs, for the" port of New-York, in tli epl ac e of Jonathan Tyiompsbrty re moved . , Juordscai Manasseh Noah, Sarveyor and NewVoxki in the place otPefer Stai removed.; ;. -J, . .- ( v William Kingl to be ' '(.Collector of ihe port orBath, Iai.neiin the place of Tov7m BlSwantoii,' removed'.' iKjmneiZ&fsHamUtoiv:; to be- Attprney f theATnitd State'for-theSouthern Disf trict-of ;tKet State, of New-Yorkh intlie place ol Jom JAter. removed; t MLeany of New-York,4, to bSe itoms for tie UfstricU arid Jnspect!r of the' Revenue for the Port of Buffalo, Creek. ;Wiliairi .lJVHurt; Receiver of public M nneys a f Jefferson villey I odiaoa;: ?, v Thofnas It.-' J!rtson 'CHectori?ind In spector of Sf Mrti'y Mrylarid, ,:", ' A'.. .Thruston Collectoratfd Inspector ; William Baldwin Surveyor and inspec tor rvewjrtayen. Joseph R": Larwill, Receiver of -Public Moneys at Tifliri, Ohio.- V i l; r Joseph iIake'Resister"of the -Land ;'VThomas Houd-Registeriof the Ilarid iOf fice at Zanesville. V ! T: I i . David ;C.r Skiriner,Receiver of Public 1 c - 'John -cDAVolvertofif Receiver '0 Moneys atiVincennesi ! ' 'ruouc : James B. Gardner:. Register of the Land ;Office atrnffia;,Ohlo.t ; , - - j.': v.Kobert Rogers :Uecclver, of 'Public Mo neys at Opelousas': ? ' And re wcM ack Col lec tor a nd I ns pec tor atDetroif 3 a tC VUi '::;' Henry :'Yr Low Surveyor and Inspector, New .Bruusivick, New jersey."-' ; s M Martin Gordon,. Collector at New Or leans. v - - 1 ;v--vPeter Wagner Naval Officer at New Orleans.; - :-,r, . ! .. ; r Robert; F.j Canfield, j Appraiser of Goods at NewQrleansA h r .'V C-; ; - , Sheldon Clarke Appraiser of Goodsat New Orleans. ' 1: ' Isaac F Presmn Registerof the Land I Offire at New' Orleans. -Tv;- 1 W illiain L! Ro Uesoii , . Receircr of Public Motieys'at New Orleans'. " , -X . Leyi R.' Lincoln, appraiser lofj Goods, Boston, vice V" Little;? V V: . !( - Willi ai" S. Cue rAppraisers . of . Good s Ne w York. r ' t M" . y. Jeromus Juliri90n AJipfaiser ' bf Goou8? do- ' ' 0" c'-i . 1 VibidA Wre said ; i rt th e begin nihg of tliis mon th, that we did not know what ' reward" Mr. Noah, theeditorof the New-Yorj Enqui rer, was to' have for ) his miss at the SheriftTs ele.ctioii inthe city of New-Ybrl last fall.it Our readers1 nowseevhatitis: and the editor who, little more than three y earSy ago', thanked God' for thel"j escape' the n'ation'had had in! the non-election of Gen'eralrJACRsoir9':.hasiT.eceiyed as there ward, of his 'recent somerset, and his ad herence to principle, one of the'iirost f es- ponsinie unices wiimn tne oistrict pi iew York, in the tn ft of the General 1 Govern ment1 " 1 1 was i n 'an ticipation off the srare felicity of this and another ' appointment, announced to-day, that theeditojr ' of ...the Enquirer .of Saturday last; saidi We never knew the great. .iJod viof, therepu 1 ica nrpart v moretrariqu il, or tje tter sa tisfied with what .has'taken placeLinr have stronger 7iopes fori thefuture,! .under the .rnnd uc ed b v t hree edJors,vM r. Andrew LI u n l a p, ai r. : JLJa v i a . 1 1 e n s n a w. an ov jw r. 'Nathaniel; Green and; (a; very lucky coinr ciderice) there : were just three capital offi-i ce.-iri t-Boston, in- the Presidentfs" ffift,; wnicn jnree omces were iairiy,.i ;mpartiaj 1 yV and prom ptl y rditributed.-amoiEitfi?Re 'three Jucky I--gent lejiieriLiiamely4:''irtcf jiuunizui isuutciur. anu jtusi masi rr. . v JrevTWe are informed that the Dwel ling house of Josiah Tyson, Esq of Moore county, was, vvith nearly all its contents,! "destroyedby ni'e on I hursday night last: The fariiilV had retired to l3ed;Marid did riot discover the fire until ,it;had 'cainedl such ascendancy. as prevented" tnersavio of jou ch of "the; fu rni tu re v It is su jpposed to have originated accidentally". ' , We, are. glad to learn that the man who had the smallpox, on aboard the schooner Fair Play ,Vat Quarari ti n e bel o w,WTil mi ng tqri, is restqred to heal thrand'the vessel has been al lowed : to come? intoportand discharge her cargo.i&. -I 0' ' " r ''tFilmingijih, 'Jffc CA'JIpnl 14-- '' Aif AAH;--Ori Wednesday Momintr last lhe ,whole surface of the ri ver,-in this Vicinity, ''was covered-with' vyawia or fiour .-.from tlje blosom oftBe pine.-'"A the tide fell," the wharves were colored js If flour sulphur 'had been sprinkletT onthem'.' vThe great quantity of ths flour which" filled the. air and covered-the -sut face f the, wa ters was; unusual ; altboueh .small points -and creeKS are irequeniiy lnspnng, counireu oy .11, the quantity i which appeared at this lime-was unprecedented' which u a probably owin.sj i to lhe continued, cold which checfeed v vegetation until within a few days wheu itsuddenly.chang ed to warm-i i Wfien.hvplrie! putforthi:this, together, with & Jieayyshdwer of fja-m that:- fell "the night pluvious1," 'which washed itinta the riverj was. the cause of the great-quantity .that floated on the water S nd; created' such -ami-, alarm among someof the, superstitious inhabitants of our.Town. We were amused, ;at ' heatings -the marry . sage remarks and speculations which the, "appearance of this natural phenomenon j elicit? ed; ;We would recommend to tKe vsUDersti'iou9 4heprdpriety of trying to irace any sinula'ir oc- xre'tary of Legation to .Great-iBritirt mthe place jof -JPilliam J3 iMivrmcei removed5 . Pierce A.. Barker Collecfor'of ihe Cui- new aumimirauon, man ui ey are; a i pre- ;The Bq&ion Statcsman,.it is saiu, was y-vKtnd to natural, before they as supernatural sisz$Lib'srattst ; IfJn :.Jjiz.- Z jv:: . 1 1 -y dictrcrin enseu of tins tirc-df Jl say, t.vc cccu;- ed 'among ihe. ncroe j c 11 r: : W(i),; II. Robertsj of ihj Ccunty V o(nc or'theinX wonvin.died on Saturday fast, in the most e crutia?ing" agon vand, three others are now Buffeting unJer: strong symptoms of, the disVapf vhich 'the. physician hopGS:to'4ir; rest by a ;cou rge r of .sal i va r ion th ese pe r sons;Avere bitten 5near ? 1 wo'iuouths ?go as were-set'eral others in this,Tovni alljuf whom ascertain ly-m veryreat tl -mger. .TheLei:tslatUrex6rthe:Sfarc of'Pcnn'- ,syyani.i'adj'urijed'ofr;Fiiflfiy iMStafterM protracted .'.SessIou.HTfie most important measure prche-besaiini was the hill, which hasibeconie ..rataAy'aatbprisrn'ia'Vloahnf two mil lions two" hu nd red '.ihotisan'iMfoli lars, towards jthe cmpletton 'if ihe works o rf j.n 1 e r na 1 01 pro v em en tw J 1 in th .it 25 u te. : jmentvvftmnth.tbut! roposeil.to extend; lhi, - rut4lie&p.erm.rr; c - i4ne, JLegtsiu,ture pn rfu rn ii millionhore rj ee m i ng, t ji a t a m tm n t I a rgy r rt Ka'tr c v u1 d - in vu 11 iujTiwuijr ciiipiiiy eu , w 1 1 n n . va y ea r, refused his-assent to. the lirgeraniountby' returning the-bill, which had psed byb Houses, with rids; yeto.r On rccontdu tftg the -bill the amount r.iva cducedto the -iinTe9omm.eudedbynhc:Oovrnor7vanu s6 passed.; uyt. 'IiU;:. 'A AriviYinr.tnr.:..n r',.ll !"" IV- ' ". ' rfiVMedical IhteUigencersuteiT a'caseuf distortion of the ribs in femalci- Dr V;i says-t Athat period ,ofdif e the 1istor'. titm-ih this gfrroccurredyi; Was tinatileVto alcert.-jin.4 si w'asied Iq siispectj-it o ,be brought on.by glrtinglier .cjiest jVitV, the' intention of imprpylng-.hcr shape. -It - is Lwel 1 known that . 1 his practice is !a freq uen t ca u se of Pleura Igia j n y ou ngr I ad i est f The' ijiii. uiu9 wAuacu is generally i 1 me ;imus-r of slating, tliatithe same practice frequent lycauses a jleep seatefljbstinate 'pain, in th eh ead i- wh 1 ch no bleedin ss relieve for any length of; time. y The cause uf:thi' piin i the interruption of the blood through, theescendinorta-j inV consequence of whichiii is . thrown wiih'unnatural i force on.the brain, and bring on a; permanent d e ransem en t . of tfi e ortra n . ' Tbvbai n ,: vi o .the head, -thus ' producedj has 'termtnated in insanity, Jn three leases vvithjh' my knowledge, -two-of which have'proved fa: .! ;; Georgia "S'w-or.'-Last year iMr. John Mixzl presiding on the heaU watefs of Span ish Creek, Camuen (Jou nty produced tronv a;snot bf pine barren 'm3nured"ground,n.ea- suring 56 yards or J 08 feetsqhare,'4J v t barrels.of superior quality Sugar; and li bar re I d d ri p ped M ol ass es a'v e raa:e w e sh t coin ineutsed -the culture at hiplaritatjon near Sr. Mary's has9t transmitted -to 1iis -i-gents Messrs. Bayard and Huhieiy eighty six hogsheads 0 very handsomeSugari the product of last season's crop of cane. ilThis at "ST" per bund redi a t whicha part1 of : it has been sold wil Ir prod u ce. v i t hi ri.a li tt I e of 85000, to which must be added the Mo- asses, &c,. :K j: r--1. , 1 fo one can doubt, from , the i facts we have from time to time stated, j not ordy that our sil; is- every rivay - calcalafed : fof the production of M114. valuable' necessary of lifevbut that it holds out greater induce ments to the cultivator than the produc- tion or must 01 ner articles io wnicn nis at tention has beenr can be devoted f , " ' 1 - ' Feathers The- American Farmer' asserts thatold fathers afterjieihg-wash ed are better, thannew onesv: because the operation cieanses mem oi xnev-onwnicn nnsea tnc clean water, ana arietta on the floorpf a Vell lighted room, now and then shipping and stirring them up.'.;' ' , fine TNewfoundland dog,' "tlie -other dajj--liavirig something of a taste for the fine-arts as-well asliismasterv who had pa(d:his twoshillings-went in .fa see the Panorania Painting of- the Lake and City o f Ge n e v a , n o wv e xhib 1 ti ng1 i n 7 the! Ci tyv of Ne iv-fYorki ' After gazi ns for -so nie ti me with 1 evident tokens of, gratification, lie found himself so strongly: tempted by; the cool'ahd fresh appearance - of the - watery that he could no longer resist, and made a desperate pi unge at . the cahvas. : .1 he poor leiiowescapea wiinoui:; any 4serious injury,: bu t horr ibl y d isapnoi n ted '. - The inwdent Js one of actual occurrence! and phia, on Sunday 29flt ut. after a onr lingering villmss, llie. celebrated EJephaat ?f C6Iambus;8ged -twentv-six years and .-weigiiingeigiivtnoasaDci'.one.'tiurturear.ana tty'eiity!one pounds. j'This docifevarid sa sacious animal.va3,brou;htfrora Calcut i4 ta ,iri: J8I5, Tand his - trtivels since that time are said to have extended to alnqst every part of 1 our continent 5 -The occa sion ofliis death the 'PhiladcIpIda-lChro.rir i cl e .rn en ti 6ns . as -i t a warni ng:to all; i patient teiiiperstv It appears .that several years "abu whilev on a-visit to tlic south- ern States,1ie attempted Jo leave his apart- menti -proceeding with sucli. jinpetuosity tnrou&iv a aoor, Awnicn Ayas co small as 101 drav; the whole fabric ;fc his'cars- His'bruises brought'on ta di:easein some bfthe bones,'- wJiich baCled curgicat 'skilly and finally-terminated in the catastrophe wejiave mentioned .The body has been purchased by the proprietors of : the Phi ladelphia Museum, and the'skin and skel eton are: to be 4idded'to their already ex- tensivs pouection.oi cui'iosuies vt-KiugiiiY.xso ids. .Molases,-4B gallons. I'; .;;-'---V,V.,t..' X" ' ' Mr.LJ, ' Houston Mln tosh, " whoJiasTjcst, abounds in the latter. , t hey are to be agitated in a hogshead.of warm soap suds, by vTOeans of a rake or garden Jioe, tlten no higher praise r can bebestoved upon the picture r; 1 Cdmm.'Mv.'-. Jigreai (tavettcrfJ)ie&i&L' Phi la del - 'xianarlu J.u.';z .":;z TlisVfollov 1:3 cstracrdin-rr ci; cn: -far.ee Ts'caiJ to have lately occ: r :iii nil in Fountain Cc 4 v ".na : ior sor.ic ear& pr.jt, ,1 oeen micstcu vuh snal;c .a lainin that people, were not'safc: .c-enViu t!: beds at' night. 8o great-wr.a t!io t-v. tlie.citizcns-that few of the citir to ventu're'out after dark, frf. " c Last falj,'a person I -ing in t'..:zy. hood, discovered a. cave in 'ti.o -hznl the; creeks where it was sup- : ad thv Jtal leii up their abode for the winter on the in formation' obtaining circt: 1 l ' the citi7 iij turned" out ca ; : i t- t iroy the.,;. - They.co.Mitticnc5 I by !: tr and removing;fh'e: cartji- end. rocks. the mouth of the ilcn, until V.ijy c?: : themTheyi-lay. iir colls., in the- ere. vie of the rocks-.' Wooden hooka .1 rc tht I three L Y ir v uc 4 .out.'i-The Uwo -first diys. fh aU;h,tlr, huhdrecUnd forty-two-uh-. 1 one hundred "Iveris-Ifcit. tie Snakr s an -;l ,' remainder: the: Conner headed Snnk, iney, werm genjjrat 01 the largest r izc. Digging tfnd'kil ling have'sin t continued; but to what, extent' we are riot inform ,;:'d. xrThe adagethat a story lose. i npthi:'.;: by., travellingi 'jis.ven. exemplified in' the fd-" towlng-gravp paragraph from a Havre 'p ;; :V: Itii-related thattwa American ofacers, dUtinctiOn". have'triven to their felhov citizur. or. spectacle or,a new ..K.ino At the distar.cs ct Jl paces, eaclvshot.an apple fron ihe .head of the other. Thi? was not a duel it was v only its semblance, a.; piece 'of badinar? a oasti aie. The crowd assembled .on the" occasion testified. their.satisfactiQ-- by loud acclamations;; -. , 4Thia reat afTair4 it .wi ll be 6 rernenibcr ed,. related to yt feat performed somewhere in Vernorityandspoken of as a perform anceVrivaile only by that of William Tell.. The person -thus ; operated upon, . was,' at, th e ti m e, safe ly ensconced under an ash heyle the apple protruding through . an aperture in its top; iV. JT. Gazette " ; nition of'the sout,: is froni.the SacrediB'Toks pf, the Brahmips. Proud and cultivated philosophy.xannot furnish a better :v f ' , , ;.The sotl is-art. inseparable poron hf ;. thevgreatXn?ersal mind, in other vcidj of Brahma. Like 'the JBeing froni-Whoni it emanates; it; is therefore, indestructible. -:knwswno.Viblinction.ortime.;it;is free, immutab)e,jternal. iTie wind4' cannot pierce it, fire cannot bura it, water can not drown"jt; the earth cannot' 'absorb'-." it. ? ' It ibeyiJ the reach of the elements, in vulnerable invisible, .-a nirersal Iy4'.6'u b sist--: ' ingi in all places, and 'at all luries f and victorious over death; T 'v. : , :i f -ty:-- . . ' " .MARRIED,- .-.. .. vr On ihe.l6th ult.vMr; Thomas Torran", of ?amp- son County to M'Ss Alitha, Bl -ncharri oi Uuplin County daughter of Ueuben BUnchard, IZsn. vr; - ; - - ; died,? , - :, 1 V ln ttQckinham . county, :a few days ago, of a pulmonary disorder -Mr. John -.Harden; .son of CapUin Mark" Harden ; k :youtli, who, before hewas attacked by the disease which carried him offso sudden Ijpromised to become a, use. , " , ful citizen. -' " ' ,t v-' ,, ' ,V T&i:V-''J Ali Northampton county on th'e 25th-ulumo:: Mr. Wro.rL ..r ',." - , x yh ' ; At his j'esiclencein v Granville county.Vlately Mr. George. Norman, in the 84f h year rj his age ; -Thus' has gone nnotfier ' of those . worthies . .who were .actively engaged in 'the;scenes of the lie- ; volutionary war.: He has left behind him a wife " . With' whom he Jived i n harmony, for it ; wards oF,; sixty years, ano" a numerous circle of friends and . relations to lament the irreparable loss. . .-At his seat inrljanover ounty.Va. in t!,e 33cl year of hw age, rAJbfUiG. ltufnn, ' t!ie yourijest son" of the late' William Kufiin, formerly of, tlib;? v City. While.a Vouncr man. Mr. It. "ived to. LthecState bfAlabama, where he rc t j a hih character at the bar; -. Four ye ars sine , he was " married irt Virginiiff ;vher he has continnedto reside ever sincevH has left a wife and a y oun , Child behind him, v , 1 :i , .x Lately. at NewYorlr, after a short ilTnss, Klr. ' .Elizabeth Aftn Hobbins,rfor several years a much.-' beloved and respected inhabitant of Warrentoiu ' - At' Mobile on the-30th March, Charles C.' Houston, Esq. late . Teller of the Uranch C ank cf f the United States in that City, aged 25 years, r. ' native of Philadelphia. ' - .'-;; ':; :;Iclemchf Ovation.; I N compliance With the joint resolution cf the H Di dectlc and Philanthropic Societies' cf the University of North-Carolina, that socie indivi dual,' who had been a recrular member of one cf their Societies, should be chosen, every succeed- . "k ycar,-io aenver-a puonc uration m the Coi- ; lege .Chapel on the day preceding each Anniver sary Commencement', we take pleasure in r n- nouncing to' the friends of literature, that Pro fessorHooptHj of the Universi ty has, on the p::t of theDialecUc Society, 'received and accepted. tliis appointment, and wilL perform the duty f t-: , tendant therednin Person Hall, cn VednssJ-y-24th of June next. t r-S We f deem -it almost'superfluous to add, t! it those, who may attend, besides contrilntirr; t promote a degree'ofspirif in our proceed: ---j; ut commencement to -which lhey would nc : r wise attain, may anticipate the reception c, pleasure from' the pro!uction of a nentUr well known for Jiis literarv attainments. -i uy oraer of the IJialcci.; Lcz.2t v. , : Chapel Hill,' April 30, 1229. C3- ' i;Stat&pf.NorthCarolina';: v ;--.? "t. ''Wayne County.- - ; J Superior Coiirt of Laiv Spri.., Ann lan. r , ;- ' Petition for 1Y TN this case a subpcciia . jvissied, and the Bheri.. making return thereon ti , -1 not to be found, proclama J the Courthouse Iooi afcri.- VC2. '.Virvr L as .county d. Sy nuueat ths ShsrifT. c.f detf to appear a.TJ answer a..e reqairM to a6 ih'said subpeena; and she fail:. . ; to ; .,: r.r, it said county, requiring'the &d ! nn rJ.tria-IUr-- was oruerea oy ine court ;;m iic tie 1 three- raomhs be iiri.'!c m t the'Ualeiijh Hpitr, 'r defendant, t.tat unL ; . ' ? i.- : f Wayne, at the Coui l .31, . the first Jlonday-aft? i :rt! : : . tember.-. next, -.and then and thera t demur - to saidi petition . judr;me.; L - r pro ponfusso and heard ex prte PrtQeSiav. $525 C3 r L "fi 1 " J V J

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