" " -.' -s :. V - , -. li '. v. c-'; :-.;.-.;--. fe-: -;':' -.. v'-'' ';' . .... y '(j- -r-.-: - v i'f-u: v-icv v , iK-.-i - 'V --J-' -A?-"' ' ' , iLfefel feflft i ( j3 1 ' cC:w- V --. -:v: - -v. . . V:'V ;--:- v V v;-, '-' v, -" -.-':" - 'C ; : t'";' ' . : v -vv "' ' 'V--'' 7 vyyV ArouWethe piansomiH'dentfuipee;; "O ; .: . v'". -V- Uj.vi,; Vf ; .V. - : ; r , . 1. f I K S.SG-ISTBR ' At Fi-'3.7ir pcfannam-f-rhatf in'advance v - - tlmefot a Dollar, kncl twenty-five cenfg tor "evefvii'ccipedinff publication thoseoit jrrci: - icATto-tnanKiuiiykxcce!cuV.V -: ? t the Edttots must bej)w A -x&ri'-i '- ' 'v. xtnnthlv llaerazine for O'CONNELU v ' T-'f'.' "" 1 1 A, XHie: Great :r:ce;rm tl' It wa on o calm autumn ' evening -that t Wr1 returned from a Walt to the splendid seat of , Lord fr-. in . the , county 01 jv ' i : T.Kift t flown at the' inn?of .Jthe f Ttttlp VlHasje where Mwas sojourning, and ihad placed toy self. in kthe windoo while ah hour in obserVins the Vnassinge- ; ents'rorthV placei vIThe market ;. was o Vvver the pepple hadgraduall yApasseto thir home ; the busj hum of the day was "fast dfihg away Sandr a; few straggling groups Scattered here . and , there- through the long .wide street bf the town-r-the only " one it boasted were almost the only; per son's who,arreted my ere.r The sun, was - sinking, and threw ,nis lingering beams ip- to the neat but ill furnished apartment : : whereat was sitting.' To avbi4.the glare . .if hi DPams- I changed mv petition, ; and this urave me a more Uniriterrupted View .of the iQng street above reterreu to, . wnico .'.-'threw' its 'termination into tne -grefen fields f the country. Catting my eyes in this directional beheld a chariot and rqur coni inc" tfiwardjTme. ?envelooed in a -complete VI.. n. I f Hiifc'jind thft ' nantin?' hordes of which . were urged on with, tremendous ra-. : pidityl ,h Struck with .the.unexpected ;arri ' l of such a , vehicle in that plafc I lean ed outrof the window to observe iii desti- nation arid beheld;it itill ;folIing hurried ly alone and 'sweeping round tlte ingle of the street towaros tne inn wun an jncrcus , rcd yiolenceJ ' If my; reader has been much :used to travelling, he will : be faware that 4 the moment a postillion comes In sight of lan inn, he is sure tor tall forth the! mettle of his horsed pet haps to show off the blood ot his cattle. - This was the j case at , pres--ent; and a auick gallop bniught the vehi- clejn thundetne noise to the dobrjwheret Shenstone says, is to be found f the warra . est - welcome.'. The animals were - sharply. checked,' the door was flung open and the " occupier threw himself hurriedly out. ; Bring out foqr hordes instantlyi ; was the command he uttered in the' loud voice of haste and authority, H ! , The inmate of .the -carriage was about five feet -eleven and;a half inches high; .and wore a portly, stout hate and agreeable .ap. pearance.T'i'IIis shoulders were broajl, and his legs stoutly built; antf. Vs he at that nioment jTipod, one: arm in .his .side .'pocket, the other ihrut iri,tov a waistcoat, Iwhich was a 1 m o5 t . cj in pi etc ly u nbu 1 1 on ed f from ihe heat of the dayhe would have Ithade a gofd fiure for jheVapid but fine finjsh-ingnencil-of Harfowe. His head 'was cov - ered yvith a light fur V cap rwhichi partly thrown bacic v dii played that - breadth .of Jorrhead which I' have never yet seen- ab v: sent. from real talent: His eye appeared ;in me; at thatMrVstantitto ibe between a .Might blue and a grey colour. H fce x was pale' and sallow as if thej" turmoil ; qf business the shade of care,' or -: the - study of mid nigh ,' had chased away the glowf.of . .health atid youth.' k Around his mouth play- mi a cast ol sarcasm, which to a quicKseye, what larger than that which moaerh.uoc ' -trine denominates'' the 4 medium size j V and Jt was well supported by ;a' stout - and 'i well-foundaiioned . pedestal, whichV.'Waii .based on breast, full, .round prbmirieht and capacious. vThe eye was shaded I by a brow which I thought Jwould be . mbre . congenial to sunshine, than storm ; andfthe nose was neither Grepiari nor. Roman, but t-was Urgejeniiugh to readily. admit him in ai once oetrayeu suire 5 ana-it appeareu as if the. lipS'Coiild be'easilyesqlved; jinto the risus sardonicus.' ! His head was some- j to the chosen bind of that f immortal reb-4 f 'h el,' ho chose hw b;dy guard with 'caWa- ; ciou lungs anj ,ooes, as affording greater -ca p.ibility of u ndergui ng t oil and hard shi p; Altoecher; he appeared to possess 'strong liysica) 'power's.: ; ' ' c -.. j " -r lie was dressedin an olive 'brown'-' sir- tout, black t'ruwserv and bVck waistcoat II is ' era v jit s carelekslyj tied, and vthe knot'alm'jsi'uhdon r 4liiyand he stood i wit h his hi nd ; across his booin and hM eyes bent on the grountl, he wits the .very picture :bf a public charac te r, - h u rr y 1 ; a w ay " bn som e fi m porta n t ed eik'culutfo'n'v a he. fecnVrpill iiimir rri bom his rcverieand'fittng himself into - nis carriigei.-TlieVhip-was:crackedifa'nd' , ..awv f went the ch"iriot witK the f IUM and the .6aineVehilouyjWe;" I. AM ,not.sfee.ljlWVaJ-y:mobey.':Ile ul n.:t enter the i.in - : :-H ''r-.it 'fi.V niV -ertion and. m e'ntal energy. Often i 'as I ."have seen hi in si bre I have hVver ;behefd . hi In b st riking or pictorial an attitude.' - v ijwk wuii: mo nurse ; -was. nis nu fVeihehltor r person arou nd jiirai be oVJsen obeyed'by ' instinct i' and; While1! marked; the; chariot thurflJeredValoDg vthestreet, which' had alLts'ihenlspectatorsturned oh the c . D.ud-'ehvelope ity was infensely excitetl, 1 Instahtly de SCenueil - iu--,icarii i.iic.iiainT m ine cau aui - dinary stranger. Most jmaro bow-' ever f were, my1 ' inq uiriesl, Unfort u pate ty the landlord was 'but : the waitercould not tell. hie-his name V arid the Kostler knew hothine ' what$6meveV; of him, except' that he was in.the most uncommpnest huiTy a snort lime oowever, , sausueu my cu no vThenext day 'trbaeHfihetbhe. capital 0 f th e cdu n ty , w li ere C Avas t h i e h fo n at ' v j si t It was the assize ti inei ! Xery fond ofcra tdry,Vl'iweiW ihe forensic f eloquence of theV .Homer Cir- cuit.i naq scarcely seaietj.myseii,wneD uie same ereyisri eye r oroau loreheadi portly ngure, ; anas strong lone joi yoicej arresieu my -attention. He was iust on the moment of addce8sins the jury cfcl arixiouly;wait J t. J K .r...W (...I nl reauv7 so STronziV:inierrsieu me.1 Aiier lookingat the : fudge steadily for a moment, Who Rpe4lcR instantly demanded X Counsellbr 0Conriell,! was the reply. ''' Why .he only arrived last pight ' r . Late last night, and has had scarcely a moment to con jover Jiis brief.- But listen.' ''tat., once fixed ; my attention.l As I do not.wrnc non nanu, 1 cannyi give ine ue tail of his speech ; but. his delivery I can criticise; ; and'ean here write down Y Were O'Connell addressipg a 'mixed as sembly, where the lower orders predomiia- ted V scarcely vknow any one who would nave sucn a power 01 wieiums me passion. lie nas a KnacK 0.1. speaKing to a moo, wnicn I have never hea rd r exceed ed. , H is : m a ri - ner has , at times r the rhodomonfade of Hunt ; but i he is; infinitely superior,', of course, 10, in is weii-Known uemocrat, in comparison ther mob speaker, . Cobbett, YWere. he op posed to these two ;persons in any assem bly of the people, he would infallibly prove nimseir me . vicior.- a. ojicony, outsiae a high window, and a large mob beneath i him, is the' very spot for O'Connell. " There he would be best; seen, and ( his powers" a n person best observed ; uu,twere be in the House of Commons, I do not think I. am incorrect when Fsay, that he wouldmake utue impression on the House, supposing he were nearu with' every: prepossession in his fay or.' His action wan t& grace and sua-yiiy-qualiiies ; so" eminently' fascinating in an eiegant aim classical speaKer, , out which, perhaps. rare overlooked, in an ora tor of.the people. . The motions of his bo dy are sharp and angularV j!His arms swing aooui ungraceiuuy ; ami ai limes me rignt hand plays si oven ly with hiswatcb-chain. L rhough I shall nor, perhaps, find many to gree;witb me, yet 1 am free to coaffS, that he dpes not. appear, t me to possess that very; rare giff,-genuine satire, r He wants, the cultivsi ted grace ; of v linguage which his compeer Shield ' possesses, and the brilliancy, of metaphori- None is there, else, however, peer or commoner, who cah compete wii h hiin? in the' Catholic 'Associa tion. -His7 language is often coasse,'Tand seldpmlelegant.v;:trbhg, haps bold, it often is i but fierce. and per- viiuperaiion ami personality maKe up too; mucn oi.tne mait ne. His voice is sometimes harh and disi sonant and; 1 could ?wiroOre; bthat rounds full, mellow tone which js essential to a. good J deli very, andjwliichsoxabti vates the ear "The yoicejs the keywhich unlocks the heart,'? says Afadame Kofand. I believe it-: Let the reader listen to the fine round yoiceubf h Lord r C hi e f-J u st i ce Bushe,ahd then let him hear the somewhat grating ton es bf ;0'CorneJ I and he' w j I I soon percei vie, the i difference-: . f.Thb voicef the latter much reminds me of v the harsh thinness j ofMr.J.D. Laouche's (whose conversational tone;1. by the, by,; is fair be; ybnU his;oratfnca one,7 and y et the cool ness a hli the j astutenessi w h i ph; the Jattec gentleman possesses in an argument, wou Id be no bad substitute for the , headlong: im- petuosity anci i-vioieni sarcasm in -wnicn O'ConneilomenmeyindulgeSi v A s sh p can n ot clotb'e hisi la nguage, In ihc sanieelericefas ShlelV h canribt give the i sVme insinuation io nis d copffes. Ih thii Y ry: Has great ly theadvanf aes-i; Sliiel gives' us r the poetryybf. gives -vu's theVprbifi-th tatterat wirare ciumsW Awhile the former inor iwiilKeflectr jhaf peculiar tact iitirig thi humor :oe;4fish-people; in gninti" thi humor to 'Jtne:?lnsn Deoi Ibave not bfteriVeen a gbbtl exbrdium froni perorations,1 want grace, point, and force,- and 4hat which; the ltalr ians would ; d enomi n a te j esprsjsi ycu' : j l; shall foUdw hribtiirfafj& ; Th e b e x f p I a c e 'a t'w h ichjl heard the arch leader ofr'CathbIic1scTtw refresh ne oegan nis speecn exacuy in ine louow ihg pronunciation : M y Lurixl,Gehtle men of the ury.? :'.'f4 '-J ' ": . Hvvtv- choice of langu.ige and power of expression. Xhe sarn'e remark may , fapply, were to draw any comparison bet .reen him and ano- O'Connell-i-an; iniegral portion ot a dis course. h i ch is ex t remely ;limcui t to in ake;; and 1 1 think his perbratlrins want grace, r I yoceactiob; jeye'; i (for nothing V in wora toVy escapes me are as ciearri Y uciut e nie ui pre- seni as .Lneywere, o.o;inai cxay j anu 11 ini. should catcVhiseyewijwo'uld call it.fo his memory bv sayinsr: it was one fid -the -best speech es heZ ever 5 tnade. Mrv Gob I burn, fho sat at the lolverrnnst end of the table, oh rthe rtfgjit of jtiieIjdrdX busily mplbyedin king nbteKVPer" so h who sat n e x t ' t heChief Secretary, was Lord (then Mr.) Pi u n ktt i- but he i m erel y kept h i i eyes fixed on; the broad' green xl'oth j which was'; spreadamply . before himV andi witbniss" arms folded, scarcely tnbved from 'that pos ition' the; e hjt i.re (im e. v Lord Wellesley wasJatthetbp d re'ssed j n his bfde rV ; a nd ,as h e ' was bf f he same bpinio n i h pbl i tics' w i th! t he be rso n who was s peaki ng, ' h b see m ed j to Jisten to H i or with Tnbch plea.su rev t. H is wo rd s1,; t on e of vice-and Action a It tended ; lot hah w he ti :; ta'w h t m at AV. ; and even his; step in 'the aniirboms,ron passing id the chamber. Was alsb guarded. Into that chamber he could not come in "the samei hurriedcarelesVjmanner inVhich I have some ti fries seen him, fling jiimselfidtb bourt.7-On e"' day; w hi I e; loungi ng in the 1 at terlace; jlsawliihiVrp aside the green curtain - atthe idborwa 5-ands he dasheddowh : the benche8rtOj the front ol the bar,; rbembught, he would have almost strode over the thick 'files of lawyers, at- torneys,' cierKs, witnesses, oic. who chanc- v. w vw n li 7 . :In yd king" through the streets, he push es along in the same careless, democratical manner j; and his stout; tall figure enables him to shoulder aside the crowds that might oppose his hurried march. -- : He seems not to recollectsthat the slow, pacelis the p:ice oi tne. geniieman ; on negoeis, ou sin ess and emancipafion ' bor n e m ig-h t i I y b n his oroaaf anouiaers f ana srops nor stays: tin he gets to. the Four - Courts ;! ; from the Four Courts -he' is then, off to the Assbcia- ribn-robmsfrom;thesocia Fob r Courts back again-from the Cou rts to attendsoipe popular' assembly,' or keep an appointment from the assembly tor his house to dinethenva hearty dinner and a tern perat : sass --busi tiessi parch me n t s; Dne(3, ai torn ey;; ci erics, r ami f.untl edged lawyers4 a ftef wa rds retiring earl y to ; bed fann' ? then next day behold j him going through the same endless; important,, anil weigniy routine or ousiness a&rain. j he settings up' tor. Ulare was the most ilai tng, a nd f he f boldest step (jwhich this man everJ tobkV or eyerwill .take. Were he to live a century, he ! could-do rvothing whichwould show so much bf 'daring and intrepid talent ;He has! heeh blamed for it ; but the power, and the ambition, and me uoiunens wnicn it nas evinced, maKes roe admire; where I ani jotherwlse obliged to condemn. It was one of those stens that (to use the words of ; Vol taire.V M V ul gar nien would, term rash; , but great men would term boldif'v Letime distinguish it from - his 'mission to Knaiandi I This last was a foolislr step, but: the first was an intrenid one;. Merf of talent forsook him in the last, but they supported and abid ed .by him in thq first; - In short,; the whole of; Ireland was thrown into! aston whment. ' x t':. ' i -1 . ;: ;.-': The laVt time saw O'Connell" wa in St. James's Park. , He had a : Ibng'scroll u nd ef f his . rm ;may had' that which"' has since caused such cort trove isy I n t h e wings-" -The next time .'"I; see him .will, 1. perhaps; be in ' that, : to ilje, most (interest lug poi ui liunuuu, or ii; au Jangianu-rpr Stephens. T;,':'J''.'v4: Address th!e Body; farewell 1 Go", take thy long, long sleep v in thy kindred earth I. Thou -hast done me manvand great :services. tlThro thy eyesi Ibeheld'the glbnesfTiTeitibn ; of the heavens above, whichproclaim the glory of- their "inakeri , and of -the v earth, whose beauty iniall thied jversifieil scenery of land arid water, hil I and dal e! with all he endless; variety of ci'eaturesoaniinate and inanimate, show -forth x tnel wisdom, power. and goodnessxit the loru.,1 iiy them Lwas enabled. tb 'read the word of G6d, the grea t ; cha rter of o u r ; sa 1 v a t i o n I Th ro t h em , rili h d . c omm u Ji i ca t ed . w3 1 ft ( mm d r-K i u griefs' an,d joy?;, without Uhe intervention of words. f'. 1 - vvx ? vThrough' thyears I have been 'delighted with the harmony; pf 'sbunsthe T niejblyv of ihe human voice and the sweet .note pf the, wobilland .songsters . By , thee I. heard the'oyfut tidings of, salvation' by a cruci fied Saviour, 'and enjoyed'' the society ;' of christian and other friends . K t;Bytny union ndi thee,; I have beeure haye: been - enabled , -to commrfincalBy my thoughts to my fellovy mebi r.-dtohew forth the praises of the'Mdst.Higli .J; VThritugh thy means, : I have transported mjgelf froin'place toe place, 4 and ii thereby m u I f ipl ied the e njoy men t s pf .social 1 ife. ; jVhilst I acknowledge niy obligation to thee, 1 1 mu st; atpa r 1 1 ng re m i n d th ee of .the injuries VI have abstained by thymeanir :Tnyeyes:v which were" giye n (or 'the gldry bf God arid 'thy comfort janrf. enjoyment, ha ve been an inlet vto r much' evil-.; What crowds of temptation have assailed tne jtbro gated with the ..fragrance iof - the '! rose anu ? Byihy tongue which wasUhy glory, "1 atthis ? princirWt gate.vHow. often, hast thnuoverlobked j the handy ,worl of : JeHo yahor Jgazed on. the wonders of creation unconscious of -him "whogave- the sbn;to rule by dayi andi the mooh and 'the fckrsto ru 1 e by ; n i gh U 1 f I vji f ttfrj-i. ha s k h b u g ? n e aftenforbidden bbiecti,Aabd thereby brb't grunt, and darkness on me ' . v 1 : i 'ii y. ear?, -wnicn 'Miouiu na? c ur.cijvcii? r ? Thv- to h iu e. 'av h i c h' ' Mi ou 1 d , h a v e be e n 7 - J- sruidedrby the law of loVi' has beenbften like -the piercing of a,; swrd j?tby;speech has often been desti I ute of chnstiab ' sim- occupied in sleep; and in providing for thy vyantSr-Miow; importunate hasL thoii'-been for the indulgencebf thy animal' cravitigffV These have, too often unfitted me for high er and nobler exetcises. j ; " Thankful indeed wouhl t be, 'that,' by pain anil sickness," l.,have 'beh taught patience'4 arid 'resignation tothe will of God;fand VdallyJ sense rof my;bbsplute de pendahbe on him, for every thing , ' ' ' ' 'J. . .We have' travelled together formbre than three-score arid I en years, our untbn has be e n c 1 6s e a n d intimate, good n ess and mercy hav'e followed us all .the way Vet I cannot help feeling much attheHhbugbt of parting ; but the prbspectbf beibg,again united when Jhe voice of the archangel and the trump of God i shall awake the dead, cheers hie. THenshal I : ve' meet' in' far different circumstances fThou; wilt soon be committed to the dust a mass of: cor ruption Uheti sh;dt.tho"ube. raised in in corruption ; 'now in dishortor then in glo ry j now. in ' weakness then v in f power ; now: a" natural bod'-then-a spiritual.body, like to the grorifieiT body jof 1 the adorable Saviour.1 - r f C -rj"'-" ,f j. . -f i How glorious the chingeJ No'more sin, bor sickness, nor sorrow no ni(re con ? sumption of time in sleep, f'r there shall be no night there s nor-in 'providing;' forthy ater all tears from our jeyes. Fom the Rochester Daily' Advertiser ! Jt living do it tetter than a drunken man. '- 4: - , On the even i ng of the 8 th insta nt, as we were coining fromLe Roy;td this placein thePioneer, the night beingbncominonly dark? we discovered for LsbmeidtstanceKbe fore we reached Allen's creek. . in sWheat i a n a, tn at a ! og no t K n o w n . oy ;. a ny o i . in e passehgersasfiequen me siues or tne carnage auu. eyineniiy... ve ry uneasy j and seeming to look with deep ihterest;forsm gers. within; When we had cbniebp with ibyteh br twelve irbds of the creek; the dog got before the stage and in the y middle of me roaa set up a most earnest oarKtng ano amii crying, wnicn attracts tne notice ;o th e passe ii ge rs an d art ver; who a ppfehend ink thatall this concern of the strange dbg .might; mean spin eih and looking under his; coach; and,- withit sixinches of his. wheel; iawVacmiBlyibfi acrossthe road jn such - aposi tipphat)bad he drove two feet farther; ihew have passed directly over the pour creature ah'U:1i.eViuinatedfld4ex!Steb Was bidarid greyj-headd;? arid thisetret df.hi:''exposure' I'was. :bewas-drunkvsb oruoK. mat wtien aroused, ne coum not speak. As' soon as he iva drawn-but from tha tdithtii I i..,rm 1 1 pop his beastly master; awninwithtriQref n? teres t thbhi ianguageV can (jl escribe; then i u mpi ng a cross . his body ' backward, and for warn, as ii iwbii ieiu.. nun ,j roui uanger, or to in fuse.animat i on intb his al mbs t1! ife lessdy reasbnsfifst to sKb ana seconaiy wie sagacuy oi; tne.. animal j th e .fai th f u I i n t er e si: ma n rf es ted by th e 1 og could nbt h'ave beenmore? fu fly expressed, e v e ri . i f h e W had possessed f t h e ; po we r , bf speecn -ana we must add one more,, worq to set '.tli e di.sgutitig drunkard before the read er-he held in hi hand the, neck of a broken;bottle. ."- , c , , j Passengers. J 'F S There arejeight? living .witnesses ofjthe abovc. factsVrfvvhich ;. happened ' only twnilays sihee. M - 1 r l ipenor court ot Law bpi inff Jesse Harden w. 'Ana Mria Barden. fv V IN jthis case a subpoena ind alias' havipg been .issued,, and the;. Sberiff of Wayne - county said county requiring the-said A"nMariaBar den to appear and answer as she wai required to do in said sub poena ' and she failing to appear, it was ordered by the Couft -that publication for three months beTmadeln ths Raleigh StarBand the Raleigh -RegJster'givinj t. 3t.ee to the said defendaht, that unless she appear at:Vhe: next Superior Court pFlaw, to; be held for the' county of Wayne; at the Courthc:?2 in Waynesboiough; the first Monday after the tourth Monday of Sep tember next, . and then and there to answer; or demur to said petition, judgment will bevtaken pro confessoand head exparteV 11 r. I 1, , r ' Sii W AblHG KUri, cite. puciiy. anu one 01 in y moum nau .cguic forth blessing and cursing. ; ' ' , j -, ii How miich'bf my' precious timeibas been wanrs j lor me xanm, wno is in tne. m:usi of the Throne, shall lead us 6 living foUn- ad (rod shall wide away under the coach the taithtui dog $appear ed 1 inaiv ecstacV of jbyhiSvifirt potion was to stieicn lumseif at tun .ieogth u r ;State of Nqrth-4Garolin T- r j, 1 v Wayne Coiiniy.' - 1 . ' Superior Court bf Law Spi Iner Term,! 829.: i maK.iu. pTiuui fucicvir uav tjc; ucicuuiiijw wji juiua jacuuci viuuson, iym on lluntur- Cree not to be found," proclamation was duly, made at f "v'.4.4 TIIO' It. WR1GI1t"wt, the Courthouse door aforesaid hV the Sheriff bf March Mthll 829' ' , ".' t.: k,. ...... n .u.. .l , jt . Nefe Urv Goods &" Grocri-V c- jjTEORGKsVMPSON' &fCo eipeetfi'iily in MJT. their .friends and the public, that thev I commerjced tne Ui y GOods c Grocer Ilii m.the Store .formerly occupied by the late Wi!) Shaw assortment will xcorrtprie -A wyery article io.the general Hne- v As Hi (... were bought, ,fu cash;' and the greatest tare t i ken the selection; tftey 'feel bonfide ht t ! enn sell.thin on ajs rood terms as any l!c pi thetride.'. i' ' "i - ; - , Vrthefollowin.is a list 'of the leading artiib; f Su'perfirfc? nd conrrhon ClotlVs r ' r. ?Vhite black,- drab artdvmixl Drilling Knglish. and French nomhazines ;. ' JL.asiing-sjtJirbjiiisians : and Itombazett f ' . 1 ; . lattiiKtt,SilIc and Cotton Vejvet - ' ' Bang-up .Cord, Russian and V'rench rillin- Valencia,' Marseilles and Toillanette Vesl'mV tJinghams Calicos, colored Aluslin ; Plain arrdured' Hook and Checked Muslin Thread amLBobbinett Laces and Ertfinr- Black and white ItObbinett Veils an.1 Collar 4-4'and 5-4 plain nobbinett ' ' . 4 4 ,arjd T-8 Irish Linen and Lawn ' Tiibl, Russia iind Barte Diaper , ; India Nankin,' Wilrhib.qton Stripes 5 ;H ' Britannia-, Madras and Linen CambHi; HkFs Italian Lustring-, SincheV; Sarsnelts; Saiir.s ar . ' r v Florence - , Black,-Blue and Plaid Gros de Naples Nankin. ICanton,' Italian and French '.Crane Crape Robes; Shawl?,' Llsse-i and Green Gauze' . Grirniture, Capi, Gauze and. Waist Bibbons Braids,, Bobbin, Tape,' Ctton dnd Thread Tl Cotton Balls; Spool Cotton, and Flax Thread Gentlemen 'Bootees and Shoes : : , ' k T rvanl'B - dof o.-and do y " Ladies' Morocco ;,Sear,j '.either ...id Lastin; s s , . Pumps and Walking Shoes ' v Misses and Childr"ens' fdo . Silk and, Giifgham Umbrellas v ' . Ladies- Sun Unibrellas anl Parasbts, Gloves of every description1 ' A. V V Black, Drab and Seal llatsV1, : v v . ' Voutbs and Servants' do ' .s '.-'. i ' Queenv China, Glass and Stone ;Vare Knivesand Fork.,i-Sciss6r.si, Locks. &c. i Trace Chains, Weeding , Hoes, Scythe Blades Brass Andirons, Shovels ar.-tl Tongs ;-Casting-s of ever description" V- ' . , Swedes ahd.EnglislcIron andi Sleel ' : . 11 Wiiidow GIass, Putty and:Philad.:, White Lead New OrleansSt; Croix and Loaf Suar Tea Coffee, -..Young: It vson, Imperial and Gunpowder Sperm Candles, Orange Gunpowder, Bar Lead Shot, Flints, Powder Flasks and Shot Bags Madeira Wine, 1st and.Sdlquality ' , . ' , French Brand, ;latiaica and N. E. nam' - ' Holland Gin, Old Bye and Country Whiskey London BrownStbut, Philadelphia A1. Porter. 1 C"S. & Co.' will add to their assortmert &uc' Articles as' may from time to time be enquired for, , .. Raleigh, 27th ,ApriV 1829.' ' " ! 67-2m v v. SIR ARCHIE . Will -Stand the ensuing season al my Stable, in-Northampton county, N, Carol:- j, about 3 miles from ttw r.r..t.. housed $ rndes from the: town of H alifa s and -21 from i3elrietd,ya.tejw r.t C7S 4heseason, 'able on the first uf January next, With one dollar to the 'groom i .2 all ca?es. Su c ! 1 f Sir Archie's frtends aslive at a distance will send their notes whh tliemares, payable '-on the fi-orjanuaryAlsoj'-the feeding of the mares to be paid for whe4 taken -awav The season Commenced on the 1st' Februatyaad will terrni nate 'brr the firstf Auiist next, t Extensive field s of small rnin' and clover re sowed for the benefit, of lnWes -that may:. left with the hore, wijh the ;addiiibn of grain .feeding at 2s per (' y. Sep.irate enclosures re iproyided for marc. ..ih coltsv-'b;;palhs';ilI:e best posilblff care o mares, "tc. that may be left, but no responsibility for escapes or accidents.-, 'v"" Sir Archie's Blood,' irreat size, nerfnrma nr Ar. the tur andcelebritv as afoal rr .,- e.,rr.- cfent recomraendatioiis.iW- JOHN D. AMIS MarcU-.4. rt,. .v,'; Kt ? 53 eo3 ' ' notice; .7--' rTf HATob the 2d lbnday In Iay nest, Vil ! L c JU sold atthe; CpurtHouse dbor in--"nij'ckforfL' irf Surry County tl as rhuch as will be Cbf suftrcten va luc to satisfv H 109i:acres, giverfih' by James Rlbnrab. loinlr- Sarah Jacksort, dying on Tom'a Creeks. ' r 180cres; given ib by the heirs of Richard "i'S ?1!ul?l!rVr joining Robt. 613 acres, given In by the heirs of John Hap- pers, adjoining Bazfeal Jefferson,. Iyinir on Fish- iriCreekv--i. 'Xsa-.,i 0 '. ' . H; 1000 acres, not given Tin as7the property cf the Kefrs of: Jesse Lester; -lyinif on the Doubl Creeks,-H ;:'"r . ;;.- ; "; :., '. r, , . . -; 1 Towri Lbt in Rocfcford.Vas the brb-rtv r " theheirao Robert Williams; 5 - i-01 in KocKiorq,tpe owners unknown. 840 acres, ' riven 1 in by -Wricrlit Johnsnn; f-'ni ingMohn Zachary, lying on Stewart's Creel:. ' , "O i4. C Art n.n .in' t. ' TTT o - ' " Phil. Philips,: lyincr on the Yadkin.r . " . - 7$ acres, given in by Thomas W. L-tc, rj. joining Wm.' Spencer, lying on t!.u V "un. v acres as uie.property; pf t; j ;-; cf Jo sehp Brumigar, dee'd, joining - D. Hr ri V 613 acres eiven in bv Samuel Jon?. ahr.ik, ' John Jones on Hunting' Creek. , ' - 664 acres, civen in bV.Wm. -G. havi . -ntr- Benjamin Johnspn, "Flat Rock Branch. " acres, given fn Dy Uosea Sis';, j Cl-.'s ohnson'. ', '" . . ' V - .195 acres,: given in by V'm. .McDanicl, rd ; . Fish fIaps, in .rcuse llivcr. rnHE attention of owners cf Trsn U JU theAetsbf Xssemblycf tii Ct-lil t-3 ..d ii in ioiy, page v..- up:es3 tue cL-trr-rt ' inenyer are removea tzsiunuy, s.. ,4 1 L ducriminoreltf' instituted 3.72! net y r who Biu o. comply, wua tay pre; : :IN..IJ. ebmarmwe after suit 13 Lit-- '-AhriLl; 1829. 1 1 ' . r ' PUINTIIIG uuc iicrconf lur me. year 40, with' costs,-to t'4-r''M,:: v . : , 200 act e& givehinbyTredeli Jackson joining 'f " Jelm Jackson. 1 Vinson Tom's Cirt-r , . Icecriotiuas except

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