.Kir 'J. - 4 WMIk h-l KiOTio ! C!.;.- I ..0 1 4T ''1 H ' " " K' v' J, ' - Where thp troops were' encaWped was ve-J and disgrace He ; has reclined on !the bosom , C Notice is hcreliv civeh 7f f RTJGISTHR ? ry healthj, thn cUnte. particularly, goo f JL 'tS "T fjH AT tire "next annual Con vetioof the Pro- ' 'ri'vtTtni Fiiat by JUffe theny of thf? v,''Pr,' T Churcod ,s now r the WeoFM. Necker, 1 testani 'ppiscopalghurch; in the state of I3 pablWiecl every, ,': doctor to find his soldier falfijng sick dai Ue minister and perhaps, tlie legislator of North-Carolina, be-held at Salisbury.-on - JOSEPH G AJiho & otiiN, t . his.hospi'al filled ;vithjinvalidi- the French monarchyitthfi'rflroAi. : Saturday the 25d of May,, 1829, it FhtMlar per anmim-half in advance h he:toM l,of dlscorer Uhe dls- y , iibi V i '.. V - -KDWARn L.WlKSLO. Sec'y' AUVKUTISEMKNTS . . ' 'Mnvtrteen hnh; neatly inserted three , .w, for a Doliar, and'twenty2nFe cents for 1 .ucceetlinr publication : thoae ot great :nth it)' the same 1 proportion... ? Co MxrW ,cattos thanktulij.receiveu....i..a: .u v.i;tnr must be postfiai'l - , lite - Fro'm the Cheraw Spectator. Interesting and,. Important ! In the annl of celebrated Launches in W c.mtry, perhaps hone has eter occnr- of a more pleasin- character to , those -V,cd n it,. than the one. oT. hich.an ,nJn win doubtless be , given to -your refers this week.-r-The -Launr h; j)f; the Vv?-'boa 'Franklin,'., which, took place at theBo.it Yard of . Cheraw,, on Saturday hst at 4 nckk, P. M., presented hti., ar tracfion rarelyVrif ever before witnessed m - anr country !,. !, . f . I addition to all. the beauties of a nrtimpt and successful transition. Ato 'her destined element,- the Frankln, exhibi ted to the -spectators a inonstroos lump of ihat material by, which the solid 'comforts of life are obtained; the commerce; of Ithe world carried on : extravagance and folly maintained, nd ail the vice and misery pf life acquired by v potent ency. i Willi nut circumlocution there was jan mass :of . Gold -or as the quaint and eccentric j)rn. fniprietdr.i)r agent called U-rGould,!; in one solid lump placed on board the Fr,nk liiC, merely for ihe curiosity of ihe display, which AWeiihWabut -"one hundred and thirr lyiht pounds, as ie r may be ! "tr This stupendous andV inosm mjy was derived from a single mine; in lintomery, North Carolina; jrwieriy jw ii eT, by a man o f ex t re m1 y limited pre .lensionsjto; ftiiluence Ir'X is rbut a very kho'rt "time since the fee simple! of the' Soil cont.ii ni n jr 1 this i n xh a u s i b I e , treasure, iriivht have been purchased for a sum "of : money -al mop I noroina i as zo amuuni, it is even questionable 'wheHieti Jthtsanie propert y could how be bou sht at zt pnce.; An immense and increasing va oe bo osoon attaches itself to tracts of la'nd upon which Vv,i U found, that i n many pi rts of what is called the'4' Gold region,". little farrhs : hich' but a' sh or t ti me hi n c e "ere h a rcl iy worth owning, a re ii w n h e han d s j o f companies and single; capitalists, esienied .as invaluable.' ' - r:.v?vr:c:1i':';:1:''yv:H:5. - The unprecedenfedly lsrge . and spTeri did mass of which we have; here, spoken o mnch astonished us even herev that" h M:ere incredulous.to believe in ' its exis tncp, until tney had Ifobkedjj&nti fi It for themselves ! :If . we who-, have - been for Tpjirs; in tli e habit of occasionally Hand l ing Knd buying the article by the puudv were r)ow to credit the assertions' of, our friends as to the enormou i size of ths lump, what ' will tho at a distancetliink j nf our sto? ry I When it shall be rtafeen to Ne w York, to be thence re-shipped to Ruibpe a ;i curiosity, the whole world will then aikonn i edjre the truth of ou r state me n ti ; Tliis reat mass of precious metal was several yer,in beiii .concentrated! tdx'eth. cr. The operation of'adding.tirthe treas ure, was performed .in the,. most secret wanner, until the popriettir thiiugbt- he had anused as much as it would be pru dent to usher before the wor J d I w i i h -s;i fe tv. The whole was then moulded togetli ?r somewhat to resemble, at a little dis Mnce, the.' form and structure of our own species in an erect position. It represents (he model of a statue as nearly as the. rough K)3te ot ihe! arts and scierjc5 in thelinti i t could be reasonably su'ipJheiil;tONnliVe ud p'ed it., - . ' : ..-I' . -"--m' fitleinan who hatl this inTeat'eurt y in charge, happening in townon the (U? f the. launch, consented thnt it might p!cel in a cnsptcuou8 position on the tixi t.f the object and end kof all trade coouof rce-r-to ,whostr f. M'Ci4iti all ves - , . -- tls of vv n a t e v er d e scri p'ion, are em ineiiti It- c OhjncuoUS. Scottish Rational Feein B. v i 1 ,k T V and th whirlwind's ror Butbmclihem tohe.r native rock the more., 1 n t s similar to that : produced- on the V v M !Heir-nattnai:aiivttlie- Itan ile 1 h 1 &VH sad fandearhesi i yngii.g 10 return to tho ..f tkaU i t. . :. . " w'vvvi. uivii f .ii i" - .v..w,ng anecaote iwa4 rented to corriiborate toy a iU 6J i Td its celestial inmate the soul. J - in iate :-mmom a 0 v . tor ueaux.foiantl p.thetic sohgof ct eiv,s known to, fld admired by,; all have an ear for n,uic, or va soui i for PW 5 but hekrd by a Highlander in 'a tii.t jand, and amid other .scenes, the tome ?! i I C a I fr 0 n I at ' i ii,K'Jj., ti..... j 1 ? , a d u t th e a ni e ti in e i h a t it pp I y n o re m ti y i' ? v-1 On eveniaj: the mon shone so unusu al v 'briffhL the scene from his winnow ws c lovely,5 as the -beam&'played. upon the ri ppl ing .Wa t er. or gave : ligW t and shadow to the rrHnifirfcnti forest-trees near hisT a bode .ihat he was tern Died, to take 'aV soli tary .ramble,' " , x- . ! 1 V .-rv 5 " Musing" on days long past, ' ' fv;; And pleasures gone forever by :'Vr--V t the sound of the basrniDe struck his ear, and attracted him ; to wardsU the barracks, where the piper was playing, in .the most touching manner, ,'.. ' .' i" Lochaber no more ! ? ; May be, to return to Lochaber no more." j f Dr C. approached the large room unob- servedj and looking in, found all his men assembled; and all in derp emotion--some recumbent on the floor,' some reclined , a- gaiiist the ivalfrnany in tears, and one, I ourying nis race in ? nis nanns, - soumu loud. My mend retired -to his quarters!: on the following .morning: i he- sent for the- piper; : and ! bribing' him 4 to secresy, commanded him, in future toVplay nothing but', lively airs, reels, trathspeys, and marches ; but never, oti pain ' of , his dis pleasure, to breathe.LrOclraber. again. The piper obeyed : the. effect u was magical--- me invauus reviveu, aim in a very snori litne not one remained in the hospital' il GIBBON'S EARLY i LOVE. : Many ' of our readers Viave 'probably ' never read Gibbtrn's memoirs of his owiilife;" and those who have rmjjht be less agreeably employed than , j hesitate from tire cule, when , I approach the df lica te subjec ot in v early I ove. li y; ih is 1 do mot mean the polite attention, the e.'dlantnr, without nope or uesign, wnicn nas orirnateo in me spirit, of chiyajiarir! '-U interrvvoyeniw:ith the texture oFrehch manners. 3 1 under -s ta ndby this 'passion, t h e u pion of fr i e h d shi p and . tend er ness, which i s i nfl amed by a vRinglefemale, ''.Which prefers her to tlu f et of her sex, and which seeks. her. pos session as the supreme orth ejsjole.ha p pi tie si of ourlbeing. I need not blush at rccdl ec t ing the. object of my choice and ; though my lovejWas disappointed, it auqeess,.: 1 (ain rather proud .that I was once capable" of feeling such a pure'and.exyl jef seniiment, Tlie" persoihalattriictions of Madetnoiellt: S u sa n : Cure h in 1 k we r e em bell is h e i by Uv yir(ues and 'talents of the niind. : Hit for trine w.is hiimljle,but her famil v wa respec-i t jbte. Iler tnother a i native of France had preferi c d her rcl ig i oi i i o h e r cou n t ry. Th e profession of .her father liil not extinguish the moderation -and philosophy of his tem per, and he lived cnfent With a small arv anil laborious dutv, 4in "ithe obscure lot ot minister or Liasy,; in th at -em fa t e t h e l Pay s.de the jnouutams Valid from the1 county, of Burgundy. . -In the solitude "of a seqiiesteretl village he: bestowed a liberal anil even learned educitioh on - his only daughter She surpassed his hopes by her proficiency in scienceand ..languages j and in her short visit fo some relations at Lau sanne,: the wit, the b?atfly & erudition, of M a d em oi se 1 1 e Cure hod we re, the th e me o f universal appfatise. - The report of such a prodigy. a wakened my curiosity j I saw and loved. I found her learned without pedan try, lively inconversation, purein senti ment, and'elegant in manners and the first sudden emotion was fortified .with t he hab its a nd khow ledge of a more familiar ac quaintance.' She 1 permitted me to ; make her two or three visits at her father's houe T-two or tnree visits at nerta passed some happy d ys' t iuri'aitjs of s Burgund vV and 1 in theref in s the her pa re his iomraoly: enrourasHrt the -connexion. In a calm retirem'Tif, the gay Vanity, of youth no longer fl ut t ered in ; hr,t' bosom ; she listen ed to be voi c e o f truth a n d fee U inl' and I ,miht uresume; to hone that I had nade .iniiresion S. p n a virtu ous heart. 'A ts Cras sya rid LausHmi e liorl u I geil ; juy i Iream of fe I ici ty i bu r ok my i return to Eg iaiil; I ;spon ftH woulrjl mil t)ef ofthis strahweil ian)ce fand; tli a t: wit n o u t hi s c o n s e n 1 W a sjn vselfhelpf lesVanil det i tu te.V; Aftera painful stritg : ;le, I yiejded to my fate. ; I sighed "a a er -1 obeyed 1 a a on 5 my woutnh wa s insensibly haled by time, u absence; r anil t he habt's tif ;r ne w I ; e. -My, c u re.w a s c -'r ce'eratedby alfatiifull fiprto'ftfi'etnari iliit:V ah d ch eerfri I n es s of t h t 1 a d y h e r- sel f rid tuv 1 ove sl bid ed 1 nto frtendship' and;esfecm:'t!He minister of Grassy oi Uiv rwarAis il 1 e: f his st 1 pe n uf u iei witn mm ; h i all aigh t err re i r e tl ft tC?2 P f arfw n T "JYj tachfg' r -j ourill afl ie$'-Sh el ej rri ei f a ; h art sti bsi'a te nee for hi r e ! t and moth er 5 : but i 1 her-lpwestidist lss 1 fe pu jf a iionffanyliignl fTejl; be haviotj r; 'Al-'iivbVitk had the od covpr r,,ji psgjgg ihts inestimable ; treasure; Ii n d-m. the api ta t of $as te :n d J u xtt ryV she reststeirliKe he bad tnetlf gence., ; r I n e ge u 1 u s of her h usban d , has. ex? al t ed him rto the most conspicuous sta t ion in Europe. In evejry change prosperity l r- rTlierfoIIbwinn:.is related ri the ilie- moirs of: John Shipp late a Lieutenant in V" c ui n.egi ment", in xn e year t U4, when we were'rin pursuit of . Hoolkah, there 7was in our,- encampment a Very large elephant, used for the purpose of -carrying tents for some of the European corps. It i was the season" in which :.they become most .unmanageable, and his legs were Consequently loaded with .huge chains, and he, was constantly watcrWV by his keepers By day he was pretty passive", save when he saw one of his species, when he roared, and became violent, and du ring these moments ofungovernablephren- zy it was dangerous for his' keepers; to ap proach himV'br to irritate j his : feelings. by any , epithets that might? prove repugnant to him. i ; On the contrary. every endear ing expression was used to soothe arid ap pease rum, wntcn, wun promises 01 sweat meats, sometimes, succeeded ! with , the most turbulent to gain them to obedience, when coerciye;measures .would have rous ed theiri to the most desperate acts of vi olence. ' By night their extreme" cunning told them that their, keepers were not so watchful and vigilantv The elephant here alluded to, ; one dark night, broke from his chains, and ran wild through the en campmenV driving',men, women, chil dren, camels, horses, cows, and indeed everything that could move, before him ; and:v roaring-xahd.f truinpeting;; iyjithlhis trunfcj xwhich is with elephants a sure sign of displeasure, and that their usual docil ity: has deserted them Of course no. rea sonable beings disputed the road he chose to take 5 those that Mid soon found them selves floored. , To' record Mhe mischief done by ;this infuriated animal in his noc turual ramble; would fill a much greater space than I can allbrd for such, matter Suffi'ce'if.thatjm s wor d s in e n a nets pears m en; shouting and screaming, he pulled, down tents, upset every 1 tiling that impeded his progress; severely i wounded and injured :many and ultimately killed his keeper by a blow from' his trunk.. He was speared in some 2ib. places Jvyjiich only infuriated birn.--His -roari n g was t er r i fit, land he'freq it e n t ly, struck the ground in indication; of; his rage, f .THe instant h e liad js tru ck . his keeper, and found he'd id not rise, he sud denly stopped," seemed Concerned, looked at him! with the eye of pity, and stood ri vested to thespot. H e pau se'd for so m e seconds, then ran towards the place from w h ence. he' had broken 1 oose an d went quietly into his piquet, in front of I which lay an infant about5 two years old, the daughter of the keeper whom he had kill ed.; The elephant seired the child round the waist, as gently as its-mother would, lifted it from the ground, arid 'caressed arid fondled it for some time,' every be: holder trembling for its safety, and ex pecting every moment it would share the fate of its unfortunate father but the sa? gaclous animal having turned thej child round-three times; quietly laid it down again, "and drew some clothing over it that had: fall en. off. After this it stood o yer the cliiltl with its eyes fired on it, arid if I. did .not' see the penitential vtear start from its eye I have neyer rseen it in my life. lie then submitted to be re-chained by: some other keepers, stood motion less and: dejected, and seemed- sensible that he had done a wrong ; hefc could not repair. , tiis uejection became.; more ana more yisi ble as he , stood and gazed u pon ! tne latneriess oaoe,-wno rrom constant fa m i I i ar i t i es ! w i th tHi sfe I e ph in tfs e e m e d ttnintimidated and played with its tfrtnk r rum : iui ; niuiuciit iiie ctuuiiai utxamc passiye iahd: oietv'andSa most cteiignteti wnen tne little orpnanvas wjthinjsight) Often ha thers of, the camp, to see him fondling his uttie: attoptea : ou t tne re wa s a visinie al teration in his health after his keeper's death;! a nd he fel I iaway; and died at Cawn no re six tno nth afterward s, 1 !!: -: JfHEjsemi-aniioal Examinationfne Students JLv. connected with rhisi Institution will be held on , VVednesdayi 3d J u ne. - Parents and Guardi ans are requested to 'attend. ; - t'':?: 1 yt t The exercises of the ' School will ' be resumed on Monday, 22d June. - V tK :-ClvK I -u .rii.:; fc.:-;v, f a. '.yviUTupitj rnncpai. -r-Vv'illiamsbbroK May -1 9.,.., ; - v " 74 f. lROMlhe bscHber on the lDth;iDstantil.a ijj? bound wtiite boy, by the name' of GEORGE URIFFIS , about fifteenyrrof age; 'f of. smal size, !ad bold spoken. When, he wentf)fT, he wore pantaloons ! of Cotton clothv and a round jacket jofyrbllenjclot an over coat of drab clotlu ; I am of the opinion that bis 'clbthing has been changed, as he, was persuaaea orr oy nimncnas.;, a iwrui'mTS a'.w ward of Tim Cents for said Boy's delivery to me; I hereby forwatn all. persona Iromnarboripg the jf?aid George Grttris, as 4 intena to pat tne law in force: againsti'theta. V-.- V-'-: v '' JJh 'N .r - 't;; ' KJ AMES NANCE. - ! . Wake eunty, , May 18;;'. --'74 St; AT .Valuable stand.on FayettevilleStrf et, 5. -recently occupied (a? aGroceryT bci-Allen fectionary Store. 'Apply to ' ( - r Ualeigh 20th May. , r 1 : Oxford Academies. . ; ' STIHR Examination off the ,M le Students will Ci v begin fn Monday,-June' 1st, and close , with the semi-annual Iteport VVednesdy momintj y immediately: after whichj the Examination of the Female Academy takes place, and will conclude ith an exhibition ot'M'isicon Thursday evening. All interested are respectfully solicited to attend, , .The Sum met Session of "these Academies opens as follows: The-Female under the care of the Rev.'Joseph Jibaree; will open on Monday; ! June 15th The .Male "on Monday, June 22d, James D." Johnson, Principal, 'j "f ' ' " TWO'S B. IJTTLKJOHN, Prest. -Oxford, May. 8th; 1829. j " 71' P.vS; The Tarboro' lress'; the Edenton Ga zette, &"Norfolkr Heraid will publish the ahove two; weeks, and then; after an Interval of two weeks, continue for three weeks that part relat ing: to the opening-of the session, and forward hi. ir accounts as heretofore.. , State of Norih-CavolinaJ . . Wayne County. ''.'." ; Superior Court of JLawl Spring- Term 182, ' Jesse Barden vs. Ann Maria Burden. ' t Petition for Divorce. ' ' - IN this' case a subpoena and alias haying bee"h r issued,' and the SherirT of Wayne county making return thereop that, the ' defendant was not to be found, proclamation was duly made at the Courthouse door 'aforesaid by the Sberiff of said, county, requiring the snid Ann M.'ria1 Har den to appear arid ariswer'as she was "required to do in said subpoena, and ihe failing to appear, it was ordered by the Court that publication tfor three months, be made in the Raleigh Star, and the Raleigh Register; ; giving notice to the said defendant, that unless she appear at the 5 next Superior Court of law to be held for the -county of Wayne, at. the Courthouse in Wayrtesbdrough,v the first Monday after thej fourt h M on day of . S e p- temner next, and inert ana tnere to answer or demur , to said petition,' judgment will be taken ASHlNGTOIf, Clk. Price ' adv. $5 25. -. ::a oy ; SIB AROHI! I iVVIU Stand the enpuing season at my7 Stable, in Nott h ampton -county, N', : Carolina, about 3 miles from the Court house, 6 miles from the town of Halifax and 21 from Belneld, Va. He will cover mares al $75 me season, payaDie on ine nrst or January next, with one dollar to the groor r;n a!l caes. ; Such of Sir Archie's friends as live at a distance will send their notes with the mares, payable on the first of January Also, . the feeding of the mares to be; paid for wheo Aaltfejrf ; away. : ?rhec-asoh commenced on the 1st February and w dl termi nate on the first of, August next. ' Extensive field 3 of snall grain and clover are: sowed for the benefit -of mares, that may be left w ith the horse, wih the addition of grain feeding at 2s(per day . Separate enclosures are provided for,rhares with colts." No pains v will be spared in takfng the best possible care of mares, &c that mayi be left but no responsibility for escapes or accidents; ' Sir Archie's blood, great size, performance on the turf, and celebrity as 1 foal getter, are suffi cient, recommendations. s JOHN D. AMIS. ir March 4. 58 eo8 , Sale of Xand slntl .'NegroesJ pUllff UANT t o an Older of the C out of-E-quity for Franklin County, I shall expose to Public - Sale, .at the door pf the .Curth-ouse In Louisburg, on Tuesday l!e 9f h day of Jurje next, that ValiiabJeritACT of LAND,: on whiclji Na thaniel Hunt, now Jives, lyi"g on the twaters of Sycamore and Fpx Swampj,; adjoining ttie ; lands of G. VV. Free man, Russt-il apd others ; t contain ing about 3100- acres. The improverrients : on this land are, a large and commodious Dwelling t louse, SUh all convenient Out-House,;.ah ex c Hent Gin House, and cleared land enough to work, twenty or thirty Iianlds to advantage,. ( ! V? ' t Also, ? one other TR AdTi- lyiner on Crooked 4-J- Creek v adjoining J. Gray, JetTreys un3 others ; containing about 500 acres. And j ! .V; ; . Swamp, adj oining N. Patterson: and others. A nother T R A CT of 44 acres, lying! on Fox At the same time and place, and. under the same order, I shall .offer for sale, three' likely young Negro SLAV ES.:.;,..'): ' !v . C tL;. ; "' ''The' above; Prop erty wiir be sokln .1 1 credit of six ahd twelye' nonthsjf the put chaser I givi ng bona witn-approved security,, to ; t from,'tiie date :l,,::.r;'s -'r interest April 21. l. wts66 3,. S talft nf , Nit)i Vol n 4 V ' ;wv:--. Martin COunty.'v-.' : S v l.w ,E dv XTT.r-Spri nk Term .1.829' - , . . !-:.. ..- .'. vr.if - v ?! mm Edward Gi-iffi n, ; Silas 1 : lienne tt;;r Adm'r; of J oh ti . ' .... ' : . i 4 -i ' ' ,.V -j," . f lllt -Ht-irl l ii'ko ' 2;T appearin g Ho t he ,sat st'abtion of the;Court .hatLuk.e::Huiia-1a tiot a resident of this Stat e; j it is brtei edi that he appear at .the nextjerrnlof t he Superior C oiirt of Eqdity fot 1 a'rtihcpunty thelanMomlayrvAnguscI juoginejnprw comesso wui oe. lUKen. against ; and that publication1 fif this rule b made him tor three month: in ttie; Raleigh Register rr ivl ' : . J. B. IS L Al) C Mi E. T s t. Vw M Nait iVprjthecary SVor Xff a - liberal 0ucatib and hft rites a: gopd3 h anft Enquire pf WILLIAMS 8ttAXV0tv i 73 3aearlNaviatibaM ' VI . O. LiIU v. .... ursday; the 1 28th insf. will; be sotdat , Public Auction; at the TownHouse in Fav- etteriUe,Thrtou Shares; of Cape-FearvNa-VigatibiiStbcITerriWbf sale Cash .V -Forfar- tucr panicuian, apply to John crtisoe. , FajfetteyiHe, ,Miy ia xNEW MUSIC. 1 J. OATES SON havejiistreceived, the following Ne anirPopular Music V ; t I'd Jbe a" BuVerfly ' 1 " ' , 'Wvr-iHurrati forhellonnets'of Blue 'r; -" 'I've bieu Koammer ' , ' ' - ' ; . When you: are Roaming . v ,:.OhJ nevvrTall ip tove ? ' . , , ' , ; Oh ! yes. we often mention hef " j ' ; Oh'! - no we." never me Ation her y . Here wp rheet f oq soon to part - The Butterfly? he M.oth and the Dec The dashing .white Sergeant' C V, Mey the bonnie, breast knot ' , ? - TJiere's nqthing.true but Heaven r ; Oft in the stilly night :. - t, ' t j Your heart and lute are all the Store , Take this' Rose. sf ' .Though 'tis nil but a dream I v i Farewell; to thee - Araby's "daughter - " And je sM'all .walk in silk attire 1 - ! 'wTo Ladies eyes v- l 'Tis the.Iast Rose of Summer- j -7 r Oh! come to me when' day light sets' . : iSrinle'iJg'io my bonnie? Uissie 1 l ; , Swiftly glides the'Boat ' ' , " he bonoie wee.Wife . ' ( - . ..... , ' . - The beautiful' maid'.' Vy , , V..' .. ' -... i j. k ' Fancy dipped ier pen in dew? ' 1 '. leigh, May JfJ. 1829.' ' -K ' V Rde The Soutliern RevievH No. VI. for: February Jand. May .Is just received by J. Gales & Son. - . , CONTENTS., , : Art. 1. Franklin'a Narrative. Narratitre of a : ' Second Expedition to the; Shores of the Polar Sea,5 in the years 1825, 1826 and X827, by John Franklin, Captain RN; F R S, &c. ? Includmg an Account of the Progress of a lietachment to the Eastward. By John Richardson; :MiD.F.R.S, : &c.1 Surgeon and Naturalist to the; Expedition. ill. Cambridge Course of Mathematics.--!. An -Elementary Treat ise on . Plain and Spherical Tri-' gonometryj and on the application ot'Algebra to. Geometry ; from the Mathematics of Lacroix .: and Bezourjt. Translated -from the Frencli for . the tise of the Stiidents pf the University of CamLridge New-Englaid. Essai de r Geo- ; metrie' AnalytiqUe apphduce aux cotii bes etaurV .aurfaceydu;econotlr'e A pplication de l'Algebre a la Gepmetrie. V . PaP -' 'M. .BourdonChevaheiV.&c. j;:';-Vi.'ii:.'-.Cr 4vllL " Stuart's Commentary on ithe- Hebre.ws. A Commentary on the Epistle j to the Hebrewf. . IrT two. volumes. ;(By Moses ' St nart, : Associate Professor of Sacred Literature m the : Theologi cal Seminary at Andoverif' V,jl-:v- v'lVy"i'C-r; IV. On the, Manufacture of 'i H'U-:.;'V..- Goethe's Withelrn Meister Wilhelm Mel- ! sterN. Apprenticeship. A Novel, from the Ger man "of Goethel t4olsv 12rho. U y V vV:! Vf VI. JV1emdirs)f Dr. Parr---l? Memoirs of the , Life, Writings and opinions of the Rev." Samuel Parr,", L. L. 11 withyBiogiaphical Notices of many of his friends; pupils and 'cohte'mpbraries'i f By the Rv, Vrn,; Field. 2. parrjana of No tices of the Rev. SAnd. Parr, L. D Vcollected ' from various soil rces, printed and manuscript,; . and in part written by E H.' Barker; ;Es(i. ,. , :'fVlL. Modern' ;Gastrommyl'h'French Cook-. ' By Louisa Eustache tTde , Ci-devant Cookv to , Louis XVL and theVEar,!; of Seftonj' and Steward y to his late Royal Highness, the Uukfe of York. : : VIII. Law and: IawyrivyestmihSjteivflall, or Professional Relics and Anecdotes of the Bar, ! Bench and'-W6olsack;;.B Voli.i IX. -Liberty yofthe press Sedition ; Iw of ' '98Resolutions submitted in the- House of Re presentatives", of the . Congress; Vof the ,United States, declaratory-of the Unconstitutionality of the Act, passed on the 14th of Jult-. 1798y com- - monly. called the . S ledition Xaw rand ' providing ' . loriuc resioratjon oi me ones wmcn : may ; nave", beei-'paid to the respective Marshals of the Dis trict Courts by the partieslw ip were convicted ' , hinder thi.-Aci::'crliS' :r " X. The DiVownedr-By the author of V Pel- : ham. vols, I2mo; ; -:,2.--Taie$ vof the Great V St. , Bernard, k Ry the author of SalaihieJ." y May. 4v t;tc: u :'..-'v.: 72-", ;'; TO THE AFF1.ICTED. -s - Jrge0bleSifn0dri vFO U DISEASES OF TUB LUNGS. ,' ' '. A '' -V v ': .':'.,!.." fflHE Proprietor of this Medicine, after repeat 'X ed trials of: itsvirtties,. which have been aU tended withthe most signal success." no w ofTers' it to those who ure afflicted . with 'the wasting ' " diseHses i -'which "it is designedtp;reileve in full confidence' that it will, be found efficacious, par-' ticularly if taken in the incipient stages of these; : aiseases. . . -. ,. ilbr two years past, this J Medicine ; has been nreDared.m the form of a Powder. & taken as aiv . '. infusion, with the mtfst happy success, y It is now , offered to the afBicted in the form ofa Sirup or in Powder,' as tlie Patient -triay iprefer, Under the corryiction, that. either form: -will . produce the1 Wrpe happy "residL' Amongit jhost prominent qualifies the following inaybe Vnentioned' as en- ? titled tp1 iarticutar consideration : It promote thatgeni le ptrepiratipn which is deemed healthy,, and checks ;those-Vw eats' w;hich aire morbid and C, pciicious.vt relieves congestions of the lungs hy 'giving force, to the languid circulation, r It assU ges.coughs. It pro- v rnotva free and blandVexpecroritibni : It remove pain frorp the cheit. It 'relieves asthmatic and diffi.cnlt-respii cos-; tivenes apd thus leaves the bowels in aL regulat and healthy 'state; vvThus, it is found, that these painful symptoms uiiclt mdate dweased lun-js,, readily yiekl to' tlfis wetfut remedy, wli'eri sea- V souably rleorted to'i and thatj it:restores the pa- . tiento tltat'bbdilyf yigour; which that cruel .disorder the consumption,5 if : left to its natural ' bpention, would very speedily destroy, t v .My Certificates respecting the virtueof this Jledi-V v cine wiU accorupany eah bottle. Price of ttia ' Syrup; J wpefOJOUie, jot a uozen." , Oi ttu jPowdejr. $l.er:lpttle.br 9' ad6zeu ' v iMW- Ames jiADLocnlr- KFayetteville;' Febv 1829 f f. 4 53- ' ' ff3r:.1& Medicirieay be liad at thl'vStscTTt - A 1 4 v 1 ; 1 -

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