veeedi n rxe?n r neat ly inserted 'three - tmes for a; Dollar,; wiaiweniy-nye ctiniaur J . thnci ft! tmflf er length in, the same proportion... Commu- the Keillors lima " ' , mm'"' "" :"' from the Amulet for 1829. X: ,' 'I. iTflE FISHERMAN. Irwas as calm an :eyeninga)eyer carne from fea vi n;--th sty ;an(l He'earthwerX "tfaoqitil, as" if mi storm: TrorajihepheV-ha ,eer disturbed the repose pf . the other ; and een the ocean-tliat great highway; of the 'worlifjr-Iajr as gentle 9 ifits bosom never betrayed, as jf no traveller had. ' ever sii hk to death in ' i ts rembrac'. The had gone down, and the pensive twi jjght wou hi ha ve feigned oveX nature,-bu t for . the moon f which rose 1 in full-orbed beautv," the queen of anJIIimitable world, tn smile upon thV good ly thi ngs of oti rSr , arid to give a radia nee a nd a g'ory Co a 1 1 she shjne ujon i It was ar hourrand a scene that jled the 6u I to tie contempla tipn of Hisn who never ceases to watchi o ver the works he has madjp, ami whose protecting care displays itself alike upon the solid land ancl the trackless Wastes of the deceitful sea. ! f fi J '.. . On the Western coast of the county of Di'vnn, which has been 'termed, and, it " may be added, justly, ' til garden of Enland,?'Vpon such an evening a -group had assembled around one of the fWher man?s cottages. The habitation was built in the true! style of the olden j time, when comfort was the principle j object of the pr9je,ti?r--'-At"either side of the door were scattered the lines and nets and ket that betokened the calling of the owner,' and the'fisherrnan was taking his ta re we 1 1 for the" n ight, of his happy, loving family, who were bidding him God speed, on his.voyagei - A fine old man was lean ing his arnis on -the railing, and talking to in interesting girl whose hand lay upon the should er? of -a younger -sister. 1 The s'uut fijiherman .'dressed in his; jrough jer kin, and large boots that reached , far a bve ihe knees, was in the act of kissing a little cherub, 'who seerti'ed half terrified at being elevated sor high as Mhe father'si Hps 5 while! the wife aHiJ inother, with her if:lant nursUng on . her ' laf f-wa loking anxiously upon her, husband as she breath? ed the parting blessing, and the prayer for his ssfe. return. A little boy, tjie minia nire of his father Jn countenance and in dress, bearing huget bat-ploak across his should ersVanllUh to giVe-ll igh t w heh the5 tnoonjtdepa coiupteed the groupifeeice b'e Newfiuipdlarid disome'steps in' atl- vance of thipaityyirhm to xf m tti i' jy rce h i s in a rch' ti) a k hid of.?p er wlMre'the4i4eroianndl'fHS Ctoi dv lu ck : jyond I iick '' exclaimed ft l?l-H;jn - rnc,t I it fir', and suft 1 hnnip Jhn;;ye W;iot(mVb6r e lb:iiQod,' 1)1 ;'ssin and. tha V ye may- h ave for, ask ing ; bu y e m of as wel I ta kelfm iffe BtULGod tiesH ye. anJ gootf by to y e. i tm?, :& Ihe blessing ws hear ily echoed by his Ktnd pirtne ariif lu? chilU bng as he went, 2wiih3 his boat-hook on hi shou Idifr, his dog Nept uHe efore and his by i ol I o w i n k h e t r o d d -v .i' t inV 1. 1 the wuncil. ,nsherinan's Tamil rtwerej as M the etde'r ;girr wa busdyrranging! iheii kiltie riar- Mur, whde the youngerwm preying the kfast tabJe arid the mother spreading och,re the; fire tlie clothe of her husbami Jand ner boy An hour passed j and the rev somewhat urieasyajihat&he Ihad juuned abroad beytmd' ihe uVual -period f 7 ,etur"v Another fhour h id elapspd, hn Sh s iid tK her; g nt ' hiUock. and:try iryoucca:4ve h"upon;the w0henjheSescal weather fur ; ,v liftlA h, ... ave hastened him hi.;. ? hi J,C i lm? weilt Nnh ami one by one mol,j CTyren fi,,w ?hirn,UntU .h, mother "as left alone, rocking the cradled 01 fie?khepse of .lHj;t; uu-. ner daughter entered with IheViiAl- -hbor had spoken to her fa- f'Mi mine. in.... t . CO " nuulU ACt LillUI V UK til a t i : "-'f ami ,itc spONC aw;,vTei deeP nxetyt- he never, staid -ung out once, and that was when then th ,ht.C!:ew of theship,Mary: and nign made his grave.v&-HiV '-: - d iU'.i 7 "'cue Drf again arrang-i h.,t . "?rc ii, ami poured some ;;, n,l?the teacups Still the break r "lamed; uiitpuched;-Ktiv-i H'mliii v -rv ' J,,'r Jie ;mny as- vmmcss : IIltl .-T.tif & its either5ide of the ivife remaining vacant. tic vi u man .was ine iHiy inuiviuuai wno appeared ta anficipa uiy unisnea nts oreaKtasti and went torth, - 1'? e noon wa9 rappi d ty passi ns:, and the sun had alread yiriven tokens ; of the elorv of his deRarturej when the! fisherman's wi ft? having lulled her in fan t "akl een, went her- ci uic rnar cflmmani pi an Pttn sive view o wide-spread oceaniAU the little house tl soon assembled on the spot, but rid boat Was T seen upon the waters nothm? tharcould iv hripe except the waeshich IpbkedUouL plaxidao be dan- zitous. r d ee n il read was no 1 onsrer conceal d : and ; while the old "mair rjaced toanit fro, looking: earnestly at brief intervals Tun! hn I h e o rre ly s eai t h e- m other :ari'U d aush te? were sobbing audibly.; 1 1 ii FVnrIp lot htm K. mUca rna la In God !' exclaimed tbeVI fathe The sen tence was utteredinvoluntarilv but it had .www v ...ii. uv llwoV..UOk 13 IIJ its effect. " ; r ;":T I ,; . -Nvr:' r V ' i if! i ' Aye said the motheri he alwavs trust ed in God. and God will nut fors.licA him now.' ; Do the old you femembeKfjMine,con man. how often Providence was - a. with me, amid the storm and the wreck, when help from man was fa r.dff and they cheered and . encouraged one another, to hope the best but to submit to the decree o f H ea yen Wh eth er i t ca m h a is t h e-f ge n 1 1 e dew to nourish, or as the heavy rain to op-Pf-ss.:' Fr th a t h i 1 1 o c k l h ic h o y e x 1 do k ed the ocean, ascended their mingletl pray ers that Gn .would not- leave them deso late. ' . v . ' . J . . : ' ' I ;The fisherman the objectof their hopes and fearshad ; been veryucccssful du ring the night, when at dajf break,! as he was preparing to retu i n home, he remem bered his promise to bring with him some seaweed to manure the; potatoe plot be hind his cottage! He. '.was Ithen i close!Ttb' rocks which were discernable at low wa ter ; he pulled for them; jumped on shore, fastened tue painter of his boat to a jut ting part of a cliff, and took his boat hook with hi in.?;; lie collected a sufl5cieiit quan- tity of the weed, but in his eagerness to obtain it had wandered fro the landing place, when he heard his boy loudly hal"! looinf and, exclaiming that the painter was .lobs'eyg He rushed instkntljr towards the boat -which was then several yards oft; the: boy was vainly endeavoring to use both the oars ; and Neptune, the faithful dog; was running back ward land forward. howling fearfully, jas If conscious of ids master's danger, at dnc moinen t about. to pi ti n ge i n to the waves to j o i n him, and the next ncKing the face nnd child, as if he foresaw that lands of the for him his protection would be most ; needed. - i ihe fisherman1. perceived at once the desperate nature of his situa ion : tne tide he knew was coming in rapidly, and 'his hdpe of escape was at an end,, when he perceived that his boy in an effort to use the oars, had let one of them fall over board. ' Father,' father, " exclaimed the rjoor lad iyliat; shall I dd f" the boat was at this moment so distant that ' this dmtracteparent;c scarcely hear the vvorus, out. he call pu out to as he could to trusVin Godi urn as loud the father of th e tat h er I ess. t He then -s tdod resigned to tli e fate which he felt -awaited him. ahd?watchedtlie! driftingsboat that bore the child in peril fro in the fatal rocks. lie, had offerediupS to I the throne:of mercV,. when "in j an instant, a It.trhf broke uhod hismihdi s 1 4 ftnnd fll'J be exclai in ed;M I roayvyet; Be saved." r pai ivs he co lected I al 1 the? is ion es around himfaiid heaped them rapid I y u pon- the highest 1 ed ge of ro b k : i t w a s ! i n dee d wo rt -derfui li w he c ould have' gathered so i n a - ny iri so shorta tini ; but therAlmighty gav6strengtlvto Ihis arm,- arid hfe was la bouring not for life merely, but for beings sti 1 1 - nearer to hi m . ; Thei tide came on, on; Jon, and soon obliged him to abandon his wor'i' He then inounted the pile he had heaped, planted his boat hook firmly in one of the crevices of the cliff, and pre pare d; t o s t r u ggl e I j to r f e x i s teiic e r b u t b is heart failed .hi in, when he considered how slight was the,- possibility that the waters would not rise above his headi u Still, lie determined to do all he could to preserve life, The waves wer; not rough and the boat hook supported him. Tjie water had reached his knees ; but he j stood firmly.' and prayed that he might be preserved. -On, on, on. it came, iSlowlyj and gently but '. more fearfully than it raged arouqd i t s d e s ign ed p rey js pori i t j reactiedt'his waist,: and he then rayeil itinight(go n oVjhl ghe'rVt, O n , o n b n , i t ! ca m e a hd : hi s shoulders were covered jl hope no wiiied within1 him, and he thought! of himself, no longer biit bf those vvho wer so : dear to him his wife, his: children j and his fa ther it was ';fpr blessings on jthem that he ithen. imp! drecl heaven came, and he was i forced to raise his head to keep as. long as f; possible from, death ; his; reason. Was al most gone,il his breath refeeble ii is pray er3,cariie J" gu rgliiig mur niu rsi The loodHrustied! tahisfhead ;!hislieVe ' ballrglaregii'i and f thpughtfbr the lastlime on thehdnie'that would sooii so wretclietl Horrible images were before"' hitn'4-each s yvll of the Wyev seemed as i f; thie fiends wer e fb rci ng hi ni ilo w n ward V"an ci the cry u, me sea uiru was liKe uieir yens over wcti vituui' ;iie was gasping, cnoaKing, for ; he hadlnrstrngtli to keep his; head above the vves;: it was splashing upon them, 'andleachvcony u Isi ve start jthat fbl lowed only aroused hiin to ithe coriscious nesalritcouWbcal piuuge wouia pe nis last; ; Merciful powers 1--at the, Very moment, wnen tne streneth and smnt of a man had I eft h i mi a nil th e cold shudders of death had come on, he felt that the? tidelrose no higher. : His eyes opened; closed, and a fearful laughitroubled:me waiers!iThev eddied in his throat, and the bubbles float ed around his lins -but they rose no high- e r that' h e k new -a gai n and again his bosom heaved with a deep sob as he drew . w.a uicatii, aim gave it lortn again in agnJ A minute had passed since the salt sea touched his lips ; this was impos sible if the-tide still flowed : he could reason so much. IJe opened his eyes, & faintly murrauredlfbrth Oh God, be mer cu' The flow of the ocean had nearly ceased ;. there, he still stood motionless ; .ut praying and weening- thinking tf Jiis beloved homef and hoping that his j place there might not be foWvpr vawnf. Tlv waters in a short time subsided, and he vvas enabled to stretch his chill limbs, and then to warm them by exercise j Soon the rock was left dry as before, thfisji erman knelt down upon tlie desolate spot among the billows and prayed and bles- secLnis creator -nis Preserver i : ! j Oh! it was the well known bark of his fkitliful dog that he heard above the waves; in another moment the creature was lick ing his cheek. HeT was savedHe was saved ; for his own boat had touched the shore and his own boy was in his arms ! Hejhad been drifted to the lanoV, and had easily found those who Had rowed) hard for the chance of saving his father's life, j I Now homeward homeward ! he exclaim ed. Homeward, homeward! echoed the child,'anil Neptune jumped and barked at the welcome sound . v J . Li The fisherman's family were still sup- pjicaungi-rovHience upon the hillock that overlooked the deep, when the old; man started from his knees, and exclaimed: 4 We are heard ! there is a speck Upon the distant waters' - Where, where,' was echoed by! the grou p ; and he poi nted out what, he hop ed: tq lie the absent boat. They eagerly Strained iheirnvAs. hnf rmld coo nofliimy. in a few minutes however, all perceived a sail ; still-i"t was impossible to tell the di rection in' which its course lay; 1 'Then, was the agony of suspeneej jjit continued; however; but a short time ; a btiat was evidently advancing towards-the shore ; in a few minutes they could clear ly perceive a man at the bow, .'waving his hat above his head; and soon after the well known bark of Neptune was borne to them by the bree?e. The family rush ed to the extremity of the riide pier, and the Joud huzza of the fisherman wa's'jaii swered by the ' welcome, - welcome,j of his; father,! and the almost inarticulate 'thank God' ofliis wife: "1 And now all was joy and happiness in the cottage; where there had been so much wretched hess!: the fisherman; his boy and his dog; were safe from the perils of the great deep ; but he wouid return no an swer to the many questions, as to what had detained him so long beyond the usu al hour df his return; Wait my wife,' said heuntil ;we have dressed and re freshed ourselves, and ybu shall know all : but before we do either, let us bless God. IbHliis mercyf for out of gredt danger hath he preserved me. ' "'p, J'i",-, ? , ;. - Never was there a more sincere or more earnest prayer offered up to! the .Giver of alT goodness, than ascended from that hun(ible dwelling. t 'Arid when t the fisher man had told his tale, how fervently did they- all repeat the words that had given them so much consolation in the morn- mar 'f,Fearless let him be whose trust is in his God.".. ; . . . . . 1 i Sale of IancV and Negroes, j ipURSUANT to1 an Order of the Court ofiR JL" quity for Franklin County, ! shall expose' to Public! Sale,v at the door of the Courthouse in Louisbtirg, On Tuesday t! e 9th day of June next, that Valuable TR ACT of LA ND, on which Na thaniel? Hunt now lives, lying on jhe waters of Sycamore arid Fox Svimp, adjoining: the larids of Gi V. FreemanRussel arilthers contain ing about 3100 acres. . The jriiprpvements pn this land are, a large and commodious Dwelling-. House, ! with all convenient Out-Houses, an ex cellent Giii House; and cleared land enough jtp work twenty; orlthirty hands to advantage. iv , Also," one other. TRACT,, lying on Crooked Creekl adjoining J: Gray v Jeffreys and others i containing about 500 acres. And f ;p' L .' 1 Ariothei TRACT of 44 acresitlyinfon Fox S wamp adj oining N. Patterson and others. L. At the same time and place,' and under the same order, ?L shall offers for sale three likely 0 The above ; Property will be Sold pn, a credit bf , six ahd twelve months, the purchaser giving bond with approved , securify?.td bear interest from' 't ' ; U WlLt.'tt. BATTLE; Tnistee.r, Apra-!2L-? tii.'vi ; wts66 , M tV. NEW MUSIC.! 1 . GALES & SON; have iust received the loIlbwing New and Popular ' I've been Roaminir- --. nenyou are Roaming- - u, Let ns naste to Kelvm Grove Here we meet too soon to nnrt " ; Vl he Butterfly; the Moth aiid ithe Bee " Hey the bonnie breast knof.. -V' '" 4 There's nothing true but Heaven f f r Oft in the stillyight .4 r j ' : Your heart and lute are all thes tore- ;-;--Take this Rose -A.?v-- - ! - . j ' Though 'tis all but a dream - t ' -Farewell to thee Arabys daughter P j n wain in siik aitire l o Ladies'-eyes V u I is the last Rose, of Summer ' Oh f come .to me .when daylight sets ' ; , p nine sg-ui n my bi mm e Lassie -; Swiftly glides the.Boat - i .'I K The bonnie wee, wife , i 4 ne beautiful maid '. Fancy dipped her pen in dew. Rdeigh; May 16, 1829 -h- y The Southern iVo; VI. for February and Ma is jusi rcceiyea oy j , liales & Son. 'j - " r CONTENTS.? ? j l'T; " Art. i. franklin's Narrative.--Narrativ. nP a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea; in the years 1825, 1826 and 1827. by John Franklin, Captain R. N. F. an Account ot tne Froress of a Detachment to ( . ,. . - ' . ft the Eastward. By John Richardson, M.t)iF.R s, 8tc. Surgeon and Naturalist to the Expedition. II. Cambrklge Course of Mat hematics. -i-1. An Elementary Treatise on Plnin and Spherical Tri gonometry, and on the application of Algbfa to Geometry ; from the . Mathematics of Xacroix and Bezourt. Translated from the French for the use of the Students of the f University of Cambridge, New-England. 2. Kssai de Geo metric Analytique appliduceaux courbes et aux surraces ou second odre. ParJ. B. Bipt. Application de I'Algebre a la Geometric! M. Bourdon,- Chevalier &c ;.v J 3. Par ! III. Stuart's Commentary on the Hebrews. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrew: In two volumes. By Moses Stuart, Associate Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theologi cal Seminary at Andover. v , , IV. On the Manufacture of Sugar. 4-' ; y. Goethe's Wilhelm Meister Wilhelm Mei- sters Apprenticeship. A Novel, from tlie Ger man oi uoetne. 4 yols. 12inoJ !r i, I VI. Memoirs of Dr. Parr 1. Memoirs' of the Life, Writings and opinions of the! Rev. Samuel Parr,; L; L. p with Biogiaphical Notices of nwny oi nis irienas,. pupils and contemporaries! t) !..- T i .. .-mil: i i .'w i. r , . "J win-, rieia. z. farriana i or Nb- tices of the Rev. Slaml. Parr. L p . . - L. D ; collected ironi various sources, printed arid mitnulicript, aim in parx written Dy K. H. Barker, Esq I VII. Motlern Gastronomy. The Fi Cook. B Louisa Eustache Ude. Ci-devant Cook to Louis XVII and the Eurl of Sefioni and Steward to his late Royal Highness, tlie Dukeof York; VIII. Law arid Lawyers- Westminster, Hall, or Professional Relics and Anecdotes of the Bar, Bench and Woolsack. 8 vols.' ' I .. .- t ' IX. liberty of the Press--Sedition Law; of ytsuesoiutions submitted in the House of Re presentatives of tlie Congress of the United States," declaratory f the tinconstiHitionalhvj of the Act; passed on the 14th of July, ir98, icom monly called the SeditionLaw, arid providing for the restoration of the fines which may! have been paid to. the respective Marshals of the res trict Courts, by the parties who were convicted unaer tnat Act.i f I i- X. The Disowned By the author of Pel ham.!' f 2 vols: 12mo. 2. Tales of the -Great St. Bernard. Ry the author of Salathiel." 2 volil 12mo.- , . . . . . K May 4. - - ' . . " 72-" TO THE AFFL.ICTE1); Vegetable Sirup and Powder '; FOR DISEASES OF THE LUNGS TI HE Proprietor of this Medicinefter repeat i ed trials Vif its Virtu ?s, which have bfeejfi at tended with the most signal success, now oflers it, to those .who are afliictedv with the .waiting diseases which it is designed to relieve, in full confidence that it will be found efficacious. Fnir- ticitlarly if taken in the iucijnent stages of these uiseases. -: ': Jv- " : !..' For two years past, this Medicine has' been PreP?lm l"e toTm of Powder, & taken as an infusion, with the most happy1 success.' It is now offered to the afflicted in the form of a Sirup or in Powder, as the Patjent may prefer,4 undefthe conviction,! that either ,tbrm will produce: the same happy result. Among its most1 prominent qualities the following may be mentioned, as en titled to particular consideration. It promotes that gentle perspiration wnich is deemed healthy, and Checks those sweats which are morbid arid pernicious. , It relieves X chronic affections Jand congestions of the hings by giving force to the languid circulation. It assuKes coughs.. It jro motes free and bland expectoration..' It rempves pain from the "chest.. .It. relieves asthmatic and difficuU: respiration. 1 It correct obstinate cps tivencss, and thus leaves the bowels in a regular and' healthy' state; Thus, it is found, that these painful symptoms which indicate diseased lungs, readily yield t.o this powerful1 remedy, 1 when sea sonably resorted to, arid: that it restores the 'pa tient to that bodilyyigourriwhicht disorder, the? i consumption, if left to its natural operation, would. very; speedily destroy : V, 1 . .Certificates respecting the virtue'of this Medi cinejwill accompany; each bottle. : Price of the Syrup, $2 50 per bottleVpr$24dozen bf the Powder per bottle,, or $9 a dozen.' - ,i jS4:V-Ci'; ; .Fayetteville; Feb.! 1829 0 fr 53i . - 03 This 'iledicme may be had at the Store of. J GALESSc-SONRaleighiw-JKrf 4 J'SlULvjEY with a neat Harness. r Apply "ROJJthe subscriber on - theiI(M)vistanti a bound-white.hov. bv the rxume fzvinnnv. .9 Wf J5"bput fifteen ;years of ag-e, of " - wore panlalbonsi of Cotton Jh!oli t.rl o " : jafcket of woollenlotln n fe aim took with him ; : ....Vri9 viuwiii! oa,s oeen cnan-ffrJ s he wt iwid of tve a re nte. v - i - - z - 9 . tiPr"" I'lPHIMtlkoin'.V '' ; ? x. jiiiciiu to dui me law in VVuke county! May i 8. t74- St H P LEN 1 )I I) AHHO H IVM 15N T eryrmtrdshire China, 'Plain vy "f (ass7farc. Uats; Boats and Shoes fyaehus and Ame- : rXWK;s0BSCR!liERS J Assortment of dopds in the 'above line is how . - w i uujh;, uiiti in" ine late arrivals: th jj comp;eie.;,i,J-?;;:y;;i . - - A the grrterTjijrroftiieM iGosW at , Cash. SidtrS-utw.Yoxk, Philadelphia and Baltimpre, they are enable'd; in manv in-WanrW to sell them below theorigirialimecost V andf purchasers.would do well ,to givv tf'iem a call, a they flatter; themseiyes;frbm ;-thel "extensive piuciiases on; the abovenerms they cannov- he'f unleiold by any Hiise h the State. I s. ; v Thi subjoined Alisi corvstitutes a part ot" 4h e leading ArticlexA::;: v "i itYH'Vr uuKv..u,. uiacjt cioinsana uassimeres yt Medk:y.;ciIo80'doviV-doH Silk; Valeiitia aiul Marseilles Vestings V . . ------- -.-.-.r jiiiij tii'UOII V55jail3 l.i;- , . V cncU. Menno Cassimeresf ; , v '. I KIQI'IT 'Jtld .T I - t w-- . . . - , - , -f 1 -.r'.rT: uiaazeens, very l0v, do do '. Bbinbazelts assnii-ri Plain and Striped Cotton Cassimeres and tirarii- -; ; durells - v'fiFiK - -fr Mixed Liueii Drillings'and Wilmington Stripes ' Imssia and Imitation Sheetings V.fc ':"-: . v . Ticklenbiirg, qziiaburg and Scotch Dowlas : ." Irish. Linens arid-Lawns' ' of Superior f ,; Grass' Bleach ';;':''.' ,"! ;r- - Irish; Sheetings arid Diapers : of all widths Ihi 3-4 4-4 & 6 amhric Dimitv it very lov :incfi : " Furniture Dimity - of allwidths1 Long and Short India Nankeens V V V ; " Calicoes in great variety; in ioidkeny V :y ever offered in this market,) IT1.--- I Cambric and Seersucker Ginghams,ofaoscri H tions Plain and Striped Batiste and Barege 1 Long and Short Fancy GaiiSe Scarfs arid Hkfs ana o 4 Bobinett Bobinett Lace and fctleinp-s Thread Lace and Edgings - . White" and Black pobinetl Veils do and Green Gauze do Black and Fane V Colored ItalUfi ft rial- J ' ' Crape ' ' :-:-: v-;4;jV' ;: t4;'".; ' ".i Nankin, Canton and Mandarin Crape Robes and , ''v Dresses i;. . . 5 Black nd Fancy coloured Crape, SHawla' - ' ' Priirie Biack Jtalian Lustring and Sinchews ' . . do do and faricy Gros de Napl es v ; ; '' Fancy, Colored Satins arid Florences ' ' ' Glentlemen's Black ; Italian Cravats Vl'i : "Vi' Fancy &ilk;,Bandano and Flag Hkfs do Cottori and Jlladrsiss ' Hri Imitation and Thread Cambric ' do; Linen Cambric, and Itook Muslin HkfsV ! Bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats ( 4 4,8c 6 4 Cambric Muslin u a ? ' 4-4 & 6-4 Jaconet Mushn, plain and figured uwh. . tio - . oo , ; . do - 4 4 & .6-4 Swiss T QPV ;Fdb - do ?:verv iovA '' 4-4 & 6-4 Mulf Musihii :'i- :.VvX " Clarke's Spool Cotton Thread CtoVFbsS Thread and Cotiph T,apes and Bobbins;; 1 ; , Bjacif , Blue and W, B. Flax Thread tJ Prime Black, .Blue and assorted Sew iti ;itr Ladies' and Gentlemen's White c lilafck Cottoti j.; Hose... : ryX Gentltynen's White Brow riband Mixed half Hose 5 Ladies' and Genilemeris French 'a nil vEnclhh , Silk IJose and Gloves 'v.-i-'fs'V'-V- Gentlemen's Black arid White Silk "half Hose ; J do f-, Woodstock, Buckskin; BeaVerY Dogskin - and Horseskin. Gloves ' j ; V Lacl ies' Kid; Beaver and Horseskin1 Gloves, fan.' ' cv colored- ' - -' '' Children's Horseskin Gloves v'sSv'CV?" 'V' j t Rlack a.ul colored Silk Braidf: jR- - Satin and Lnstri 115 Ribbons, of all numbers' Fancy, GauSe and Garniture Hibbons - Waist Ribbons, very handsome ztvte - " IUiesVTravellihg'JUsket Letiorri and Straw Bonnets -" 'i f X', ) Ladies Umbrellas arid 'ParasOla5-'".'- !w4v Gentlemen's Silk ahd Cotton Umhrellasv 1; U 4 dp . v BJacki Brown & Drab Beaver Hats Boys' i D 4v;':do-do" ;& Seal Cans' r Black and White Wool Hats, large ajid'ttfialt ' size ' - TVfTfK- t -! v., ' . : " . Ladies' Prtiriella, Seal, Morocco c Leather Shoes J and Boots -. r ; .. ' --':r '". Geptlemen's Bootees and Shoes SeaJr1 and 'Mo- v TOCCO Pumps -.f IV;,V . ; ? - . '' Boy's Shoes and Bootees,' Children's, Morocco Misses' Leather, Seal; Moroccd-and Prunella '' Coarse Sljoes and Brogans, for Servants : j Jl gmeiat'Jtthoriment o'Qtnsibiire'Ihrd-l t: ware t&d Cutlery. 4 v : i Weeding Hoesrtce ChaihsScythe Bladesw 4 Cutting Knives, Hair and Wjre Sifters"'..-;. ''V Lnghslk and Swedish Iron; assorted t T , English, American and German Steer3 yi - J Castings, of j every description Jf'i-l i ' 1 1 Brown and Loaf Sugar. Prime Green Coffee 7; X GunpowderiShot of aR sizes; Bar IadtT 'j , :Cj. C Young Hyson; Imperial and Gunpowder Tea; Chocolate, London Mustard, Indigo, V ' Allspice, Pepper, :nger,utroegs;;-,iV-y Alum,. uopperas, Brimstone; Madder, eS banish i Browa w;." : x- ;-; Prime' Chewing' Tobacco -' 'fS--.?: 1 ; : - Cut Nails, of all sizes, Wrought do-;,-4 ;": : ;'.'.'.''" French . Br indy,- Madeira, ' Lisbon Tarid 'Malaga ; ;.: Holland "Gin; Jamaica anNEi.Rum; W f ; Apple Brandy :;Old Rye and Country,. Whiskeyi ; With many other, articles too liumerous to be iriseried 'in'an-adyettisemi?nt..i M'r-'j'r Theywill ; also continue . f orecelrsuch arti- des as may be wanted during the Summer, ft on their Fanner Tesiding in New-Yotk. - f ' i,: ; hazlett & hoot. kyle. RideigbMavMay, 1829;. f : 72 -Lzwlau, ;iS S -1 .'V ' 1. ' 5.1 . if 'j : I. ?'! S'- -7- J 1,-. -If

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