' -:AAaaI A , ' ;-'!;': - V, Ours are the plans of fair, delightful peace, -s ' I o t Pnwarp'd by PHty to lire like b rothers. ' . ; 1 " ' "-" 1 -" ' " 1 1 " " 11 j rr ' . . , ' V?''-' ' '' ' 1 m m' i. j 1 I , I I J . . ,11 1 - '...V. ?-:- , ,4VAt ( h$,tableV which ;was unusually alt t6Jt was in this hyperborean landwhere ffTtTT! R,&iGSSTHiKV Hfngai one, nothing caroe amiss to him, ex-1 a freezing temperature is adverse t6 sdcia! 1 biished every TnrsDA'r and inmit, djj LCit,uMi9 which ujis navai jjij ihuc cuuiu hum intt-rourse, ay. connniog eacfl inaiviuuai pl! Uonou a AT l?s SON:-.';- i( ...of .Ix'ar.y His;habhual food, : thatl whTcK he within Jii$ own limits : in these hamid and :? Y.r , r ? ; . . " I.nrpfp.rrrt- was such aa wa!pat(n hv thplrolif nxrionc uha aWdrv I- n .,fcfntk 70!flr per annuin-naii in aayancc r -y .- - i ;; '"Steffi rnT3rtrmnnv)nn . "-i,Buncainbe.U?nfy. 1 . . Siinerjor. Court! of r'-iwiVirllTini i cod . . At Five people, 'v-tfe -ate litile, but often, wberev-landjsiiperiority seems as though lit ought ? - ATiVFTlTISEMENTS ' erne ..might chance, to Def -and o matter to exert itsell onlvj to escape from them, -'Hn-,Vei with whom. . ' V Vl.V to conhuer a milder climate, under a-dis- No!e,eeedmg Wenty.ve cents for e ank hor, to excess from ha-1 tant 4j, ,t was here, thai this.cUien.de . tiraes iop.a ua v bit, from rtaste, perhaps from vanity.;De- pot, accessible, o enamoured of truth, V:rv succeeding phcaton,5 tno ot great- piorab!e braies, but less fi eq6ent than they fiiUlof khe pride'of noble ?actions4nd en- toojoften sceh overcome bj a' sham furious intoxication, but whereVstill bfteneir j voted- himself in order to transbrm " this an Uivleneth in-the.same propw - KonVrnllv received.... L.XTTHRS to I : rl .-l .'Li-fc '.c.i-Jl- A-i-'it'-ii ii . r 7 . - . . 'the Editors must be . proving nimseii more oowerrui tnan nis ex- oaroarous and desoiatinff ; nature into . '-DPTPR I Hfcj txtiCiA I I Cesse. , hp. kpnf hittenpa. nnfl tislipnflv en lht(npri nnr) nnr itWito noifira v.- :; ,v , - j bpre the ra3h ;lajiguagef whicb:intemper vll onet sentiment in tins, estimate be true TrVnn sprur73 nisiory or icussia,' -I prumuicu loins cunviviiiiuuiuauiwus. i tijaLic : uou tnuuceu i 10 iioercy wttnout ntC OI Liv,' ? ui uuunfl ui.cuiuiuuu iijucs, wuuoisi- i iii, awai c ui. iiy ui woi my OI i pariiCipai- owt ed only ot a tew ourcers to convey his or-1 ingots results then the eulogist ofi Peter In uoani a j m hf gi ves : a ! most entertaining 'a 6cou n t this. queer monarch. 'We find the foil n iwa fKmlr iva rpmpmher 1 ders : luxurV ; was ' banished .mv irii'iiiriiL itiiiwu w- - r t . - i -cj- n coAn rlrainktixed ;With a remarka- sumptuary laws ; no plate was lie nautu uii ill (IIBCII I U9C iuul iu tub trom it by I ne Ureat has taken. a great deal if trou- seen there.'! ble to no vuvnQS&r-English Publication. purpose igli h'e contempt lor ntsioncaiiru in s t c wM;U.h iniiiKH,,iwcauu,iuiu. vt t v .s ot ij : nr " - " - 'j-'TiVirf. Gazf 4 morning, and lighted his fire with his own ,Fromthe.BaUimoreAmericanJ . . kPVnWuck; and PetirgaVe orders that, pnbepiac.ed, is more trying t.t).c fecl- Slr at eleren, the 'abl.dej ohe con- enl.ghten?dvUuss.an Kmperor were, not a- ingfrmres abater exertionffbr SsshoiU be closelnsurrounded men.Ud when-hewenUmt .oMoors ; tjtude and resignation rtan thtpf aperr sS ythi4ing the rKour-was come. Such .were. h,s habus at home when son under sentence of death, and on the sw.5. .. it-. he wentout.it was Eenerallv on foot; or in eve'of exeeutmrijtv Hi: hi rfM ht he should iMfcuejr. vvacn, no suiuciimcs uiuugn ne is npty.a Deing; cnioying health, iinais. aU , r?'8l.H(,S5C,w-,nv "V" ibircugin.anu.ine vx exercise ot his ta- -.v:: - 1 his fare. Hcid ail v snent several hours at Viilfic. liAmnaf m! Wti,nn A-m:;."-w' i he went singly fans ; he entered boldly, icertain find nothing but.Trembling crin ready lettered oy nis guard impatience had anticipated th he tound mmseir, single anu the- midst - or- their unshacKied ell-armed band, at the vre vociferating the o:h that they would achieve r At his unexpected appea ranee, how- erpr, thev all- arose la confusion; Peter. or; his'sidecbniprrhendjng.the full extent of his 'danger exasperated at the supposed disbed iefice of his guards' and furious at hiving thrown hiniself into peris" supprs eJ ney erf he less the violence ' of his eino- !iiin.-: Having "gone too far .tc recedp,. he ;r not iosQ his presence of mind ; he,un hesitatingly advanced among his'throng of : ' j ; - :r. .t r ' r i . i i. . 1 traitors, greeung i mem ramuiariy, anu. in a calm and natural tone, said, that f as fie was passing by their, house, he saw a Tight in it ; that suppnsing they were a niusing themselves he had entered in .or- Ier,ta share their pleasu rcg.' . -lie then seaieu nimseii, aim uriiiih. iu ins aassllJ) ho standing up around himT, could hot a oid putting the glass about, and drinking 5ii health. ; '-l ' '.. 1 ': : . t But soon they bpgan to consult each other by their looks, ; to make, numerous hts, and to grow more daring ; one. of 'hemjeaned over to Sukankim, and .said, in a low yoice, s. Brother, lit is time.' The latter, for what reason is unknown. rotated, and hadscarcely replied Not vef,' wben-Peter who herd him, and who. tlso heard at last the footsteps of his guards--started from his scat knocked hiimlown pj a blow in the face,; and 'exclaimed - if i is not yet time for you, -scoundrel, u js for me.' " This blow, and the sight of the fcua rd s, th re w the assassi ns' into c o n i t e r - laiion, they fell on their knees and implo red forgi v en e ssry Chain-f. them, repl ied ie terrible 'Tzar. Thenturning to the 'Hcer of the: runrils: he struck himV wd reproached him with his want of pun c- nalitj,: but the -latter 'showed ; iim ' hii krder ; and. the Tzai,i 'perceiving his mis- t;,Ke, clasped him in his arm? kissedf him n the forehead, ftnd proclaimed hi fideli 7 and entrusted hira with- the custody of he traitors.i-V-tl'M ' His vengeanc e was t e rri bl e z t he pun ime.nt was more ferocious than .the crime Pirsf. the dation of each member : then death when Mt entiushorblood . and flife was . Ieft;.to How "the sense of iufferin?. IrTo clnse the vhule,'the heatls were; exposed iinonc tne 'JmoiiLof a jp olumni f i.the members'' being m me trica I Vy ; arranged around j them :, as "niaments ; a scene well worthy! of -a go vernment' of masters and .slaves recipro 'Uy brutifying each olher, andiwhose only xi was' fear.'? "f ti h i - i. uuiuumic ; oauus oi tne imperial ruf- who is our 'author-' I H i wa y s a n d h i s m a n n e rsl it' is f r h i :7ef? uNish'd but they rwere-simnleV rank and natural 5 likethose of every mu' . .c ..as a great end u v euL ,ith. V U . w,th a resolute and stiglui,?ward f " llf Ulltl Main if f .' f' . IlfiA Snat(i ' Kn n-irTlritlnrltf at th A irl ml-1 - - ' J. 1 J 1 J ' . f e timei and " '"- . v.v,.. v . ucunueu seuseiessanu i nam mate lumpoi unarmed, vin after wich, and always follo , daring. ,,IVC WiC.;grai ".F-1 VV.wj': af' ;uS napS oiasted, whether he dieai criminal or instant when they v w """"-r' "" tne martyr 01 pis ' t ' & w . h iiimiir iiwiiiii ail i it k . b a last , words ot . an -" - f f.' C ' r. . I ceases 10 nave a us destruc- WV. '"'o? .r ". - :.v . V i I mougnis, and lie, opinions . lhe world ny room or interest in his now reflets with intense- saiiors, especially ne uuicn irom wnom ne5s on eternity. All the actions of his he could scarcely be dis'inguished by his past life rush m quick succession before dress. There, wdhout ceremony, he took jlis lnind, and he would give worlds ifma a part iu their business, their pleasures and ny of , ig deeds.had been left undone and their conversation,, questionii thfem con- thouli his feelings are depressed, and his tinually and gaining great knowledge from Spirit torn and agnized he endeavors to their replies.: t ; t 1 maintain his self-possession antl fortitude 1 MW to the1asfe!oment,t and generally ! sue wnh hit own hands in the, manufactories ceeds;Uf -h be a derson -who .forfeits' his ling to his own opinion ...KI..U tin hnA n.uk icUaH I t 1 12 . V ll 11 tV fl I -. . - "Hitu. lie jiou ,cwj-hiiiu. i rak A4 nnn, uiat ne oiiennered mmse.i ,puu Euronean vessels which came to Cron-fi ll .. , ., . stadt, and that lie received, like other pi lots the nay of a service which he consul- an w hosp foiit;nL-j ... . '"vminat Hi'UliiCl. in tm it. rise above the pouipous littleness Jindeiaud; of vanity. - 1 ! i . ' . ii . .. v ""''u m rciciuui uu ,. - - - - c anuan ;wouiu U1II1K . - n""", timu"n IOr . Illtnsl I :rhPi . id some books form iture-'-.4; fV he WaS Jiiil at tinnio - tl-iii' ! tr if Ratable, a.lath'e,aiid V hen he wa imt i rv i f - V-Wr "fa hutor the bare grouud, i ",V, aJ a bed ) now andthen .straw, ;'. he could -et it ; if noti he leanvd hi ...i b.i av ne oincer who attended on hiiu, cros under 'itaiid-whyie busi- LIUU ilS IUO rcpresent- lvas o remain in th'posi rt,es av the b'bUVer wliich'hfe V. ,y every thing in liirn vvaihostile' to lux- - Jfd J.Mikt d to trip lifcpfnt hia Vlithot aiaui ' i,";, Ven.M' a course cloth tal- m & . w a v - . & bp a ' v a u stop at a I ered as an honour, and which h sirous to render honourable. , , Another time, haying been by the state of his health, to forge, he for some hours became a smith Nor let it be supposed that there was any thing puerile in this, for , in him, every thing, even to the major part of his most trifling actions, tended to a great purpose.1 For tljis reason, on his return t 'Moscow,' he went to the master of the forge, .and inquired what he paid; his workmen: Well; then," said he, I, at ithat rate, Kir fh i mnro' rwvrffi 1 nifr i Diemi " lhe yriter of this; was led to these re- a I I I 1. 1 . 1. 1 1 I I I 1 ntiria-alll" I llf I HI'll i iiiii iki e was de-" . ' r ' vvoi. iiesa, wnu was snoi in me puouc ria- ;nmn.il,i za of Buenos' Ajres oh the 16th February ..iit.hq ui vu vunuii ah ai ma uguiiiat the present government. He. was made prisoner in" the country and "arrived in town on Friday, was triejd and condemn ed on Saturday, and executed on Mon day. On the morning of the execution, a double irow of troops surrounded a part of . I ' . . . . . - . i i. the f raza, which was thronged with peo ple, and in. the midst of which a scatioid had been previously erected. Whem the Stdte of North-Carolina. V-b . (irftnVilfp Clauntv. Court. -of Pleas and Qoarter Sessions. - ' May Term, A: D.. 1829. V , . ' Howcl Fraizer, Adrii'r.-of AVilliam Hester, dec. Robert Hester (of Wm'.) Orrgfinal attachment-., 4;Leyied in the1 hands of r Thos. R. Litllejohft, Esq.-and he is summoned as Garnishee. - ; Li y appearing to. the satisfaction of the ; Court, aL that the; defendant, ; lioh'eit Hester, Us not an inhabitant of this State i it is ordered that publication b e rnade. j n t h rf 1 1 alei qplf Reffliter' for six: weeks,' giving notice to tlie'said Robert Hes- Polly Buckner; I Petition fbr,Divcrc'e. ter that he appear at the Court ofr-Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the Coiiiiity and State afbresaul, at the Cbarthousevindxfbrd on the first Mcfnday in August next, tfien. and there replevy and plead 'to issue,' or judgm ent final Avill be 'rendered up tgainst Jvimi atld : the property levied on, condemned subject, to the (jwmuii 3 ipvuici. i micas, piepueii rw. onccu, Clerk of aaid Court, at office in Oxford, the first Monday, in May, ."Av T), ',182 "S'-M- ' T- jCTVOTir r-xTTin t- ' inil., Superior Court of La vy- April Term1829. -'. Petition for Divorce. Liicinda Lyon. ORDERED JjyCaurtj that 'pulilicatpntyjs'made for 3 months successively in the ltaleleh Register, and the Yadkin vLm Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and appear at thfe next Superior Court of Law, to be nekl tor Buncombe county; at the. Court-house In Asheville, Mn the 2d Jtonday aftecihe. -4th Monday iri September next, and plead or answer.to the Plaintiff's! peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. v , '. vv iiutsi iiuuvi a.n J vja4 ikvui MiU; v11 at Office,, the 2d. Monday ahir the 4th Monday of March,' 1829. . . U;5- . v ' c- ,- i 1 ' -;' .-i ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C; . Edward Hiicknerl I 8 . o " P-v ;Py7i thatpuWicfition be made- ; Register,- airl the 'Yikin' uTu ntawh Tonrr.r that the DUeiMlav-t; be and appear at the liext ' ' SupeTmrCpurt'of ftq be hqid for Buncombe . t)fe:Couft4?oiise ii; Ashevilleoii thc .' 3d Monday after :4th ,AIpnday iri St-.p fepi bet ' net ape! plead :paiteer to the Plaintiff "iVei'-T v tion, or the same willhe heard e&pvric. V. " '-"A - ; WjtnessiJtobert.Hehrv: lert vi i n,T nrtv,r O Original i Attach ment levied klotr J !i,9SVf d.llot in the city ; IT appearing to tli efsiitisfactmnoof the Court ' Uhat the Defefendant, -Daniel Peck-is not an inhabitant of this State :j It is ordered, that pub-, hcatioh be made in tlie Raleirh Register for & tnbliceAtdt thevsftitr DaWt-r Perlr that he appearatHhe CoUrt of Pleas and Quarter weekgjvingt in 1829.: Buncombe. C6u nt v. Superior Court of Law - April 'Term, 1 William Uobards, ") ! ' 'v'r ., 'Z1 vC:,f ;. - v -v. . ; letiti Margaret Robards. i ORDERED by Court, that publication b tnade for 3 months succeisively hi the Raleiffh Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba' Journal,' that the Defendant be and ap near at the 'next Superior Court of Law to be held for Buoombe county, at the Court-house in Asheville, 6'n the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in' September next, and plead or answer to the PlainUhV s pe tition, or the same will be .heard ex parte. f-':::- '; ;' Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office,' the 2d Monday after the 4tti Monday of March, 1829. " ; ,J-. " 'i ; h ROBERT HENRY, .CSlfC4, Petition for. Divorce. have earned eight alkiiis, (about thirteen ciock or tne uaotiaa struct ten, (the hour pence) and l am come for the .mrney. appointed for the execution) the roll of Having received it, he added, that, with a drum was heard from the opposite sides this sum he would buy for. himself a pair of the troops, and ;in a few minutes after, of shoes, of which he was in great .want- the prisoner, in his shirt sleeves and bare- This was very; true ; and he theifi hastened headed, entered the square and mounted to the market to make his purchase, which the scaffold attended ;by two or three of he aterwards -felt a' pleasure-in! wearing, the military, a confessor, the executioner SeWwha'I-'''ern?il'by;;tlid sweat of my and a. drummer. He was a man apparent- brow, said -jie-.to his cottrtiers-thus prid- ly abou t 40 years of age,' of robust figure ing himself on the fruits of his Vjabour, in and good countenance, a soldier in ap- the eves of a nobilitvwhom he Wished to pearance, andr stoodtthe scrutiny ofithe' cure of the Oriental apd haughty, indolence j public Jgaze without! shrinking or appear- witn wnicn mey, were imuuenj i - . i ing to inner iu a single xierve-. x ney went : v A ffreat man who thus exDOsVci the weak I through the ceremony of dissrracinar him. points of his character, should titf. content by putting on his jacket and.hatJ buckling to,be : thought: yairi of his Vgreatness, since on his sword, and again depriving him of he, considered Jt able to" aflrd uch con- them, i telling him that he was no longer cessions to his puerilities Count de Se-' worthy 1 of them, that he had acted the ur,;vwnose vcapacitfnor; estimating., the part ot a traitor, otc- which he, must now i anu . inniiary, . governor exniate witn ms iiiei'' nis hat vvvas -then Iced Ion, his head to protect him from f rays of the sun, which he atiiusted to words-A AA 'AjA "A'--:A " I his own'likinir and essayed to sneak : but State of NortluC&vdXinrffC Buncombe County. ' j j Superior Court of La w April Term, 1829. Andrew Presly, . v.; . . Cl Eleanor Preslv. S d BDERK1) bv Court, that publication be made J Sor 3 months successively in' the' R:i!eiii"' s Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal. that the Defendant be and appear at thej next Superior Court of L iw. to be held forvBuncombe county, at the Court house in Ahheville, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the rlamtift 's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. . ' i - Witness,. Pjert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Oifice, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1829. K - A- -A, - -A-AC"-f : ' y-' : V . ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. sessions, to be held tor the Countv and Slate a. foresaid, atthe; Courhbu ' 3d i Monday ; ip l!uj listpexCtfien and there re-Xir- f,,v,j .. iu , iu orjuunpiu nnai win , be rendered up against: him,: dndt!ie property- ; ':'' levied on condemoedsuhject tovthe PialnjifPs '';'f recovery. WJtntisslle of . said Court, af office iij Ualekhtlie 3d Mori- : . day . in Maylb9.i?.' v '- AeAAAA:AAitENJB..KlS( ,Clicr .v.',.' AA State JVt-CiZii . : Wake Countv. ; 5: A :- uourt oi t'leas and Wi IQuarter Session?; !: tVfi May Term, A, D. 1829: ' -y--. S'AA- Original Attachraetitr levied; oh.auHouse and Lot in the Ci-; v;rA- -rf" ' "aicign, ana ,su nary o- Daniel Peck. . 'c ? -ugeineri;wim tHistorians: of the nineteenth century, whi'le we detest the violent acks of this prince,' why shou I d wc be astonished at his despotism ?, VVho was there who could then. teach him, that to be truly ,Iiberal or moral . is . the si me , thing. . But ; of what consequence is it, that he- waainorant that moralitycal)s - for1 the establishment of iiberfyJ as being thejbesit possible means of securing- the general welfare!? .All that he tl id for that ."Wei fare, orj ih other wordsfor the glory, the instruction, and the prosperity of his empire, ; it ; not benefice I to that' liberty, of which neither him:eif nohis people were yet worthy ? Thusi without being aware ot it, (Feter the Great diimpreY far liberty . jail the dreams of liberalisin have since ffancied thaL lie oughjj to hav e done HisJ people are indebted t to dmfor1 their ratand most cl i ffic u 1 ts'tep" j u wa rd s ; .'.era a n c fpjtfon. What matters, then, his abhorrence of. the word when he laboured; so iinuch fir the vhing r--Since lespot.isiii "wa necessuiy lhe re, how could he better ejnpVijjif f-Z ' r If hcv carried iha ttef s Vtbo; farif - he often deemed it just to inflict phi his eue- tfiies ail. the evil whiclr they wisheuto him, and to treat his couiitry-like a conquest in order to confjueritl,o),ciM word,!!. Ife' overcaioe in hillussiahs their barbarmsVoanners:by;dint of the, birba rism which 'stil t renraiiie'd in hiulsel fT-the faul 1 1m us t be at t r ibu ted to his eil ii cation, to th e' a jge j a . w h ich he I ) iy ed , - addf j 6'the circum s tance of i d egree of ; povj er r bei ng fejquisVt e I herei ivh i ch has n'eVe r bee n fou nd "exist in man :" wi t h oil t bei pgr' pushed ? to excess his voice was 1 drowned by a roll of the lrum ! on the scaffold;, He (descended the steps with perfect firmness, attend ed by -th e con fessor was pi aced on a seat attached to one' pifther posts" oj tlieJ'Pliza' for the purpose adjusted the handkerchief to his eyes, and .was secured to the post when on a signal from the executioner he received Hhe fire of four: muskets placed within a yard.of his breast, i A gush of blood was sent forth even to stain the clothes of the soldiers who tired.; and not appearing perfectly dead, he was again fired i n to by. four others, when every spark of lifeHvas extinguished. The troops were marched t by the dead body, which 5 was exposed to the public gaxe for at least half an hour A -The crowd dispersedthe blood sf; fiincd ground was dug up, and at noon noOthery re inained,' Sthanltlie seat! ?bn which "the un fortunate iriai had met his fate. 4 i ? r : FOR SALE; H.-,t4l- j THE subscriber-offers? for Sale the late resV dence of Chitf Justice Taylor, , at present occu pied by Thorn as Ruffi r! Esq A Thisseat i ni mer diatel'. adjoins the-City of Raleigh, "has sixty three, acres of land ; attached to it,'; and is ; decid. (pdly the handsomest arid most eligible' place of residence in that' neigljb diiood. r;Fdr-iUrrosi-. a j; plication may be madeVtb' Sherwood Haywood,' Esq. of Raleigh,- or to the subscriber. 1 ' . ' J I ' . i. .. ' ' WITT titz'mT Newbern, April. 3.' ,61' wanted;.., hecary Store; a Young Man "who h a liberal educatiOa and writes a, good hand:- :1 Petition for Divorce! State of North-Carolina; Buncombe Cpuntv. 1 Superior Court of Luw April Term, 1829. Jacob Raper, V. Deborah Raper. S '-;' ' : ."' J ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for 2r months successively in the Raleigli I Register, and the-Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Uetendant oe ana appear at the next Superior Court of Law to-be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Asheville, Oij the 2d; Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to.tfie Plaintiff's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte; , ; . Witness, Robert Henry- Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th ' Monday of March, 1829..- , i?; AA.AC ''AAa'-5 Y ; - ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C State of North-Carolina, :. ju uii'iti vyMiiLJ' -A. Am." Superior Court of LawApril Term,-182 9 Ann Armstrong,." . v---''", ' A "PJ I ' . v. ! ' ' Petition for Divorce. ji Sam'h Armstrong. JiAA' 'A'AyA'Ai'' OIIDEUE15 by Court; that publication be made for .3 months successively in the Raleigh Register, and the -ldkiivahd'Catawba Journal that the Defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in ' Asheville, on the 2d Monday after, the 4th "..Monday 'iti September next, and plead or answer to tile Plaintiffs. pe tition, or the same will be heard ex parte: j Witness," Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the. 2d Monday after-the 4th Monday or .3iarcn,..iai5.y. r-v; n ...i-v h -,. .-r.-.r r aAi as Robert henry, c: srq. j divers I persons summoned as ' ,v,':',.;.v:;vJ-tSarrt,isheis-S v.- IT" appear) ng: tovthe satisfaction 'of the Court, 'Afs' ' ' that .the Defendan'fpaHiel. I'ec'fc is liot'an in A A . habitant of this Statelf is ordered, that publi- ; cation be raadejn theljRaleigh Register; for six ; f : weeks, giving nptice to the said, Daniel Peck, ; ; that he appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter T Sessions, to be held for' the County artd State aforesaid, at the CouTrt-horise in Rdeigbori the VV: 3d Monday in August next, then .and there re-? 1 ' pleyyuid plead to isstie,; or judgment final will '' ' -be rendered - up agaiiist him, and the property. levied On condemned tibject toPlaintiif's re- ; covery; . Witness, BeryamiriS; KngCleVk: of ; :, A said Court, at office in Raleigh, the 3d Monday . ' in May, 1829. UAAAA AAA A'A-A : A :K,A -AA ::-vrlBENJ.:S.r'KING Clerk. :'r--r JJ 1 l, . , ... -. - ' : . . - ? : aBB HI T" . f t : :rt Haywp v i;. .v . A Superior Court ofLaw-liprirTerm, 1829 A i": j. Infill CvnW - ;,J i s . - . "t ,. J v--ciPetujontb va.:-:. A' Svv cate -a Cifant i ;-'AA ' 6c devisees. 1 - ,.,.-.-, J - r--, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the. Court, , . ' ' .-' that the Defendants in this case, .to wit. Jas. : J Holland; jr. r- Rhodes and Cynthia ; his. wife, - Perkins and SopiiiaV hisVifeheirsand de visees of j James' Holland, and Holland, -wt- ,s ; dowof the said James 'tlolltnd, are; inhabitants : T of another State; so: that the:oi-dinay process of A A law cannot be' sjerV that . publication be made: for threq ; moBths'succes- . ' siveh' in the RaleigfRegister; that. the said De- ' - fendants ber and! appear' atheC;ht3SupeHor , Court of Law to he held for!Jid$fSohntvi''at,the 4 '' Court-house in Waynesville on the second Wed- V hesday after the fourthMondanv;Septe:nber.'.v next; therirand there r'to pleadanswer or demur - to the Plaintiff's petition; "o iudemeht fcro co7i- A fesso wiU be;'ehtered against therti. rAA"A A 'A:. - " r 'Witness, John B. Love, 'Clerk of said Court at Office," the second L WednesdaV4 alters the fourth ionday'inla'rchl62 '; ; . ' Am , ; : JUIIJX li-LUVE, U.; 55. C. Jas Holland's heirs A - 1 . I with divers persona:. i J sumhi'nd as Gam's ' , . T appearing to the:sa(isfictiohfof the Courts -; ,thattheDefcridant;DanieKPeckTKfiot an " inhabitant of this. State It is ordered, that pub- lication be made in the Raleifch Register for six A: , weeits, jjvmg- notice; it xne saia garnet . recK, - , that he appear at' the" Court of Pleas and Quar- , . : ter Sessions, to be ? held for,, the 'County 1 and '' ' State aforesaid, at-the Court-house m' Raleigh, i - 'A on; the 3d : Mohday in August pext then and there .replevy and plead to issue, or judgment, ? ' .. final will be rendered "up against him,-rand. the pryperxy evieu on conuemney, suDject: to ine ; , PiainUflTecoveryWiiriess Benf'n,-' S. .King :-'A A- "il f r..... .'.i -ffi." '!.i'ti.i.' I ii' n i :' a State ofiNorlh-CafolinalMtm A'- v puncumue VyOuuiy. hfi-. t r. ..Superior Couroflw-Aprilrerm Thomas Sharpc,0 . AA: KM- lA-v:'':-vt;l'kSPetition for Divorce V A SusannaUv'Sharpe.' :AAAAA AA9?0'm ': V?k RD ERE D by Courtthat publication be rade HJ' for three mppths leigWM?egisieaiid filiej0r'dkiha:pau Jou rnal ;.thatit the : Defendant ,.oe and appearat the pe2it Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe County, yilie oh thefsecondlMonda after th Biohda'yl in September next; , and pleafi or jan sw er to the Plaintiff's petition or the i Jme will be heard ex parte, t , ' ; ' '. v" A. - ."Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the second, Blondav after the,fourth M.oh4 day of March, 1829;. ; A- --':. , : ROBERT HENRY, C. S. Cs $M$ttii&ufiWbrtB ;CorrbfiT ; AA A A: t , .... . , levied on a House & Lot iit the city of Ra Wm.' Peck,' as Age nt, &c. Daniel Peck; L Ieigh;& sundry other r: articles,;, together'. Cleik of said Court at office vtf ilaleigli the 3d r Moridayt'iri May1829. '"'" t fTi'':'-iv'r..- iv?'-1',-4" ; Aa.: I I li i- . i ,1, :. I I .11 . ' - - .''.. fTHE. Examination will take place on Mondiy : JiatTdTuesday. thettst ikn& ?ddavs of June' A,-' TbeExercisesiwill be resumed oh Thursday the " l$th xfuly.Vjv A-pA-iA Aj; ; , . iTOI.. BINGHAM1 Principals . Ai Tlie tLatoVaiii Shaw ;' ' jnpiIE Notes given ';forj articles purchased at the s ifl:'aIe'oftherJGdcids'and Efi'ects i of the late f William Shawj 6fIle.Igb, in November last, are now due, and thts 'makers of them are.requested ,-, - ' totcall at th e : Dwelling-Hoose of thej deceased, ... ' atid pay. the sarae'to the subscriber, on or before - the 20th, 'of Jane,, as all. such Notes'as well as ' all other Notes'and ' open, Accounts,' due to carl : : Estate, "ft-hich may remain unpaid after thit d M V will be "placed in the hands of. an c2ccr fur cA lection :T l.. -s -v.' PRISC1LLA SHAYr Es'rs. t. i i vithout being;' pushed? tor . Enquire of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. ' , v UbAIHtva , . V .n ? ' ' PRISC1L ' -A Al'-:V lVRalcigb;Mayll. . A A) SrssM v cFbr;sale;at tbis.Qffice; t v; V Ralcigbi May 1C29, - V1- . C V ' h ' - , V'V- -iA. 'AAr r ; ;' v 1 Tv K i." : -V-X ' i - ' c . . l 7 ' . . ( - . " ' . N , , ' - .j.. - t .

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