, " .4 i j - , -if' . 1 i y ii " ' . '5 t .,. r NOIillEI-CAKC)!! 'it, : . TOSKPH GALES &SONi lt fyvc Dollar per anpum hUin advance. PVERTISBMENTS : , ..ot exeeecting n, neatly;mserted,3 times fora uouait . eVerv succeeding publictipn : those oi great tv length in ,the same' prnportion.,.:CoMMU. tcATTOTs th'antfolly rece?ved.;.M,vcTaii8 o he Editors bust be po$ttaid. ctorV from THE IRISH COUUTS'OP It iU be recollected, that Mr. O'Con !1 (member for the county of Clare) was o K cd tolleaVie Iiondortfon Ireland, v-in or. j to atiend las counsel w n cause to be tried on the Irish circuit. This cause was i om!ii4f hlp"one arid' we cannot oc- copy a colum n oi ou re pa per i h ur t . cr vanne. than by endeavouring to relate the circu mstances of this legal, proceed i ng . ,h : jj,e cause is styledacAiroorf y . Black wood. It was tried atjDow.npatrick. We shall relate the story as deyelopeii by the trial, hot report the gtnaN itself whith occupied three days , . f ' - ) There lived in the small ' town of Bah- t r.niint.vj Tlriwn. an old man of mi-. J. . i , of Blackwood, who had never been married, was veryr wealthy, and of penunwus haoits. lie nan nveu m same house for nearly ninety y ears. This Mm Blackwood had a brother, Pinkston Kb rk wood, a surtreon, who died in Lon- I'H1p& ? alft thirect sisters.-one or UUl, -" y - ' . 'i w horn onl v had married and Jeft a fa ui 1 1 y ; she inarrird a Mr. O'Reiily, by whom she ,,l VVh 1 1 d rAiv th ree ot these d? etl ear. U in life : three survive Hugh, the eld est, heirrat-faw tV John Blackwood, FSem in? Pinkston, and William! 'This Fleming Pinkston O'Reillv. the second son, had, very early in life, married indiscreeil y, & had been cast off by his father? being, however, a man of ability and f ight princi ple he had struggled successfully with his ill fortu ne and. had overcome i t ; arid his nude, old Black woml, was so pleased; to gee his success, that he countenanced him, and at lenetb: determined to adoot one of his sons as his heir. Mr, O'Reillv accfr dingly sent his infant son, John, t' his un cle. This child was reared by old Black wood as his adopted son ; took, by his de sire, the name of.Blackwood, (John O'Re- ". illy Blackwood AT and was treated as the fieir f his grand-uncle's fortune. . . In. the year 1819 (this young man being ihen 17 years of age, and having ,liv lived with his grand-uncle from his infanr the-grand' uncle .made his will, in vvfiich he bequeathed the principal part of his fortune to ,tnis Jonn u'tteiuy . piacK wooil. This . will 'was duly drawn, wit nessed,. &c the testator being in the 87th year of his 7age,v but) perfectly sound in . mind and body. - .Jr ; :y .;;V We have now to introduce another, per son int the n arra ti v e. The: brother of j .ihn Black wood, Pi nkston Black wood, who ..died-, in London in 'thecapa gf, left no family ; bu t he le f t ? a h ouse keerier,yho, some time after the death bf I'lhkstun Blackwood puoiiuced a on whose existe n ce ; she ascri beo s to ; the d e ceased Pinkston Blackwood and: who he called by Kis;:Vnanie.- ThisPihkstoh Blaojcwood wasbriightvp- by his hioiier as well as she could and he became, in process of ti me. a sureeon. . . He was not 01 time, a surgeonyne was not iful;; he hadjria veiled n voyaged m much rif tworldbtt At length he bethought liim;: of successful and seen prosper. At'leneth he bethought looking after his sunnosetl relationr the .wealthy Jbh ri Black wood. It In "th e Su m hi e r uf 1798 (about the period of the- Irish re- ucuion,j there stepped over tne inresnoiu f John Blackwood's dor a yourijg ma!i?of goud address, not over well apparelled, who claimed kindred with the old manjin the manner already related. The old in an was surpfisedv buf did not refuse the hos pitality of his rejjf, such as it was, to the nephew. He lived with him a good while, obiained material pecuniary assistance fron h i m, ami at lerigt h he seemed to have s e t d himself very well in' Barigtir. - Til e re a8 however, something , malign Mn his star. He fell from this well doing one de gree afternother jjand at lengthW su p Py his necessities, he tie vised ;ai heme t possess himself of thelortune' of Hhe iI! man.' .j: -; J'hn O'lteillvRIarlrvvonff. thp hir 2. dpted of John .Blackwood, had by this time grown to bee a man $ bad served an apprenticeship i Brflfis niile house (the h ou s e' of J V i 1 s o n 'a n d iis j)"arid reiurniiig to Bangofihis uncle cist about toput him forward in some in i'istrious: manner of Jife; He formed a Prtqer&hi p forVHi m ynVh oue ilan riufi, ' i n tne cotVoji-ipirinm U'ld Black wood) becouiMi tatne concern, iind idyancing; ihembuey. owa part and Athatf hiS grand-ne- i" , in swas rnf rouiKiarion unoii wnicn r t.'iegitima'e Nephew, il'inkstou B iac k - :i od, i4i,ivhis;:;cheri ;y . c II it t; i itii u i 1 o r I U D F, re- I , John O'Reilly Blackwood and others that they s were getting his mbnfey fro in him on pretence of business occasions, and that theyJ were at the same time neglecting the old; matins- life p-nd comfort. . Upon j this it was" devised to carry -'off old Blackwood, wmcn was accoraingiy enecteu : ne was taken to the house of Pinkston Blackwood, in Kjlcleah, a small town in the same coun ty, and there kept secreted from all his re lations.' It was in these-circumstances a will 3was made, dated in 1823, in jvhich the fortune of the testator was left princi pally : to Pinkston Black wbodf arid John O'Reilly Blackwood was cut olX with a le- ffac v ot a douDttui nature, Deiug a sum pi moneyso placed Hhatit- was juulikely it would . ever be : recovered. 1 John Black . -,- . , .... ' t " Mi'l, wood died soon after, and the parties now claim his wealth under these jtwo . wills, Pinkston Blackwood being in 'possession, and -accordingly fdefeiidant in he suit. r There is yet another article .which farth er complicates the story, apejj adds.a Jitlle to he interest and intricacy of this novel or romance of real Jife. The principal part n f th t. fori li ri of th ft deceased.-was certai n lands adjoining the estate! of a man of . J - . : xk I large lortune anUUCn conseqoeucm county of DownMr. Caoninghame Uregg. This gentleman greatly desired, to possess mniseil Ol tnese' lanUS, OUli in oui uiou 1 nhstiriarplr rfWd to ntPOtiate for the L sale of .his land. U vv hen, however, ne wa Cunninghame Gregg . renewed! his treaty I with him for the lands, and actually bough 1 1 the lauds. There arises, therefore, a new . . .. . ' 1 . 1 1 quesuon here :ir this, sale was a iMPlain and Strined Batiste and Baretrei I ! 1 transaction, tne planum will oniy nave claim upon tne oerenaant ror inr pummsc- money ; out there is a suit in ine vouci 01 ixcntquer against! xiunningname vrregg, . C i . P n . I to recover posesssion of the lands tnem- sieves, on me grounu i I .1 XI-- '.., I a just anu legal iransacno: . many iei- ters were put in, which had been address- cd by Cuniiinghariie Gregg to Pnkston Blackwood in the course i.fi the treaty, ... . .. . n i t . r which seem to applicate Gregg in some de- gree in the conspiracy of the Other. j Such 1ST' an' epitome Of the Story Ot this I caused The jury gave their verdict, find -1 iVv kA ..,;n r 1010.10 Aoonr A . . t.t' rL- .. 1 j I 10c nrupr riy. (.u uic auouicu ticu ui mc uiu man. Mr. O'Connelt wa counsel (along w i th o t h ers) for the plainti AT. SIR ARCHIE Will Stand the ensuing ison at my Stable,; in North- season about 3 miles from the Court house, 6 miles from tbe town of Halifax and 21 from Beifield, Va. He will cover; mares at $75 the season, payable on the first of January next, with one dollar to the groom in all! cases. Such of Sir Archie's friends as live at a! distance will send their notes with the mares, payable on the ! first of JanuaryAlso, the feeding of the mares do Woodstock Buckskin, Beaver, Dogskin tobe'paidfor when taken away. The season , ; and Horse-kin Gloves commenced on the 1st February and will termi- Ladies' Kid, Beaver and Horseskin Gloves, fan nate on the first of August next. -Extensive j j i cy colored i i , -. ; field s of small grain and clover are; sowed for the Children's Horseskin Gloves! benefit "of mares that may be left with the horse, Black and colored Silk Braids , with the addition of grain feeding at 2s per day,! Satin and Lustring Rib bonsj of all numbers Separate enclosures are provided tor mares with; TFancy, Gause and Gamiturd Ribbons colts. No pains will be spared (n taking the j Waist Ribbons, very handsome style best possible care of mares, &c. that may be left. Ladies' Travelling Baskets ! I but no responsibility for escapes or accidents. Leghorn and Straw Bonnets , I Sir Archie's blood, great size, performance on I tne turt, and celebrity as a toal getter, are suffi- cient recommendations. . JOHN D. AMIS, j Marcli 4. '. ,t ' -,;:lK::-; J " t58 eo8 tL M RS. JOHN iHAYWOOD Vresoectfiillv riJ IjUL nounces to the. Public, that she is Drenared td accommodate Travellers -Gentlemen & their tmes-BoaraeTs oy-me aay weefc, month "or year befool cinldren tor any length ot time. HCr UOUSe IS SUUaieU. in me immeaiate VICinitV oiiiie vapioi, xnecanKs ana. ine several se mi-1 na"eeaTOg ere isai Deautuui ana rnyniy cuiuvaiea: uaraen attached to it ; her Rooriis are'spaciouslarid airy. Slie assures all those who may honor her with their oatronace that no exertions shall be wanting: on her Dart mnS- Shall hf wantino- rn hr nortl tp render them comfortable. r' Mrs. H. has also a good Stable, well supplied with Provender fot careful Ostler to attend them. which shall.be Horses, and a - Prices as moderate as those of any Boarding house in the city: ..'.". "t' i' Raleigh, May 14. . i 74 1 NEW MUSIC. J. GATES & SON have lust received thu following New and Popular Music : I've been Roaming p f T - When you are Roaming , . .... ' Let us haste to Kelvin Grove I y Here we, meet too soon! to part. ; ; The Butterfly; the Moth and the Bee i Hey the bonniev breast knot ,; . f i 1 Tliere'a nothing true but Heaven . f Oft in the stilly night- j (: "Your heart and luteare all the Store : 7 Take this Rose , , x Though ftis all but a dream . " : Farewell to thee Araby's daughter l And ye shall walk' in silk attire , .-L-.it , To Ladies eyes ' -t" " " - -Tis tbe last Roseof Summer -; . : ; Ohl- come tb me when daylight sets Smile again my bonnie Lassie , Swiftly glides.tnre' Boat -' The, bonhie wee -wife, t" 1- 1 Pi The beautiful m;ude a T "' v Fancy dipped iier pen in dew." SPLENJ3ID AHSOR TMBNT Seasdnablc Bra Gdodsi Hardware. Cutlery, '-Staffordshire China Plain b:. and Cut Glassware, Hats, Boots and j, Shoes j . Groceries, Foreig-n and. Ame- I rican Liquors, ' j ' '" ' j v j, flllfB SUBSGRIBBISS begr leave to announce JL to the Public, that by the late arrivals, their Assortment of Goods in tbe above line is now complete. ,: 1 r, M As the grerter part of these Goods were bought at Cash) sales, ip j Ne wiYork, Philadelphia ; and Baltimore, they are enabled, in many -instances; to sell them below the original prime cost ;, arid purchasers would dO wll to give them a call, as they flatter themselves, from their extensive purchases on the above terms, they cannot be uiiiicisuiu uy- any nouse in me aiaie. u ,,The subjoined list constituted a part leading: Articles : ' " H V ' ? , - . "-. (, of the Superfine Blue and Black Cloths and Cassimeres ; do Medley colors'.' do v do Silk,J.Valentia and Marseilles Vesting . Prime Black Lastings and Circassians Angola and French Merino 'Cassimeres Russia, French arid Irish Drillinrs Black arid colored Bombazeens,- very lata : ,-x : do j r . do Bombazetts assorted I f Plain and Striped Cotton Cassimeres and Gran ' durells - r :' -f-, J'en Drillings and Wdmingtotr Stripes Russia and Imitation Sheetings ! ii Ticklenburg, Oznaburg and'scbtch Dowlas 4.4 & 7.8 i,i8hUnea and Lawns, of superior Grass Bleach. - oinpcunga anu : uiapers.oi an . wmms anu : queues 1 .! . i i : r i I . ,i. ! Sj-4 4.4 & gi Cambric Dimity at very low' prices nisr and Short India Nankeens Calicoes in great variety, (much lower than any i . ever offered in tht market Cambric and Seersucker Ginghams.of all descrip ' tions .A "'! t '; ' : -. - 1 7 1 ' . lj0ng wd Short Fal4Cy Gauze Scarts and Hkfa 4 ana 0-4 uobmett i r oomeu wee ana Mgmgs j t , t? p: mr ., VVhllp atift RKrt IImK noft Vail. " ; ""iV Bladand Fancy colored Italian Crape, & Hat ...U WCCM OaUW . II U urape Nankin, Canton and Mandarin Crape Robes and t pree A - i "cy coloured Crape Shawl s Prime BIack;Ilahaii Lustrinir and Sinchews do do " arid fancy Grs de Naples Fancy Colored Satins and Florences Gentlemen's Black Italian Cravats Fancy silk, ;B.tntlano and Flag Hkfs do Cotton and Madrass do Imitation and Thread Cambric do Linen ftamhrir. und ItnuV lnclin Hlrf Bordered Swiss Muslin CraVats 4-4 & 6 4 Cambric Muslin . 4-4 & 644 jaconet Muslin, plain and figured ot w- oook cio . ao tJ ao: i' 4 4 & 6-4 Swiss . do do do very low fi-A. Tnll T Clarke's Spool Cotton, Thread Ec Cotton Floss Thread land Cotton Tapes and Bobbins j Black, Blue and V, B. Flax Thread Fnme Black, Blue and assorted Sewing Silks - Ladies' land Gentlemen's White Sc Black Cotton I Hose '! Oentlemen's White; Brown and Mixed half Hose Ladies v and Gentlemens French and English l . . . .. . w aiiK nose ana ti loves Gentlemen's Black and White Silk half Hose Ladies'! Umbrellas and Parasols Gentlemen's Silk and Cotton Umbrellas do Black, Brown Sc Drab Beaver Hats Boys' . ; do do & Seal Caps Black and White Wool Hats, large and small sizes '. 't' ' :"'":- i-' !; ;:---;: Ladies' Prunella, Seal Morocco & Leather Shoes J Gentlemen's Bootees and Shoes. Seal and Mo- I roCco Pumps 1 CI,.Q .. n rKtlJ.o lln.; Dnu'o and pruneIta Shoes Misses' VLeather, "Seal, Morocco and Prunella j Shoes 1. j I i I rQ,D ci. onri nnt' ito, l a w-..wM.i ko.M. - tr 7 0 ..... . Jr . . ' . r : ware and Cutlery. !; Weeding Hoes, Trace Chains,. Scytfce Blades Cuttincf Knives, Hair and Wire Sifters ! " English and Swedish Iron, assorted English, American and Cerrrian Steel Castings, of every description . -f., 1; f Brown and Loaf Sugar. Prime Green Coffee Gunpowder, Shot of all sizes, Bar Lead . . ; Young Hyson i Imperial and Gunpowder Tea Chocolate, London Mustard, Indigo Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmegs; Alum,: Copperas, Brimstone Madder, Spanish Brown t H; : .. Prime-Chewing Tobacco 1 : 1 . Cut Nails, of jail sizes. Wrought do " f - j Frencu lirandy, Madeira, ;;:r Wines ., XV i Lisbon and Malaga Holland Gin, Jamaica and N. E. Rum Apple; Brandy, Old Rye and Country Whiskey. With many other articles too numerous to be inserted in an advertisement.- . : f f I 4 They will also continue Ao receive such arti cles as may be wanted during the Summer, from their Partner residing in New -York.; . . HAZLETT & ROBT. KYLE. Raleigh, 14th May, 1829. .72 lawlm. im FOIL & ft I h ti subscriber oners tor sale the late resi dence -of Chi . f-J u stice Taylor, at presen t occu- diately adj bins "the Ci ty of Raleigh has sixty- three acres F land attar:hd to if. nnA U Herid. edlv the hamtsnm! and mo eli.Kle rilare rvf resiikjhce in that neighborhood. : for terms, ap plication may be made to Sherwood Haywood, Esq. of Raleigh, or to tne subscriber. : s. ,x - : - -vi WILL.GASTQN. Newbern, April 3. 'f - " lV : . 61 TTN an ApothecaryStore, a You'n llan' who has a uperai eaucauoa ana wrne3 a gooa nana State of Ndrth-Carblina. Granville C ounty. Court of Pleas and Quarter SesVionsi . ! H -, May Term, : A. D. 1829. Howel Fraizer, Adm'r. of Villiam Hester, dec, . Robert Hester fof Wrrih Crigmal attachment. ' Levied in the hands; of Thos. B. IittlejohriEsq arid he is tium'moried as.Garnhiw.;;v: T appeari ng to th e" satisfaction o f the . Court, . that the defendant,1. Robert ; Hester, "is .not an inhabitant of this State ; iO is ordered that publication be made in the Raleicrh .Reefister. for ix weeks, giving notice td tl'ie said Rbert Hes ter that ne appear at the Court -'otr leas; and Quarter Sessions to be held for tlie Copnty and State afiiresaidi at the Courthouse in J Oxford, on the first Monday in iAuerust next,: then and there replevv and plead to issue, ' or iudemeflt final will be' rendered up 'against hirii, ;and tlie. property, levied on, condemned subject to the platntiflPs recovery. Witness, Stephen K. Sneed; Clerk of said: Court, at office in Oxford, the first Monday in May, A. D. .1829.V ;.-'.-. v 75 6w pd . t STKP. K; SNEED, Clk.( State (tf J ' "; Buiicciiribe Cbuntyl;:?vi ' Superior Court of Law-April Terrni829. Asbur Lyon, j ' y-.--;':isyyr -v. ; . j'; Petition for Divorced ;,; . ' LucindaLyon.3 fCff) : ; ' ORDERED by Courtj that publication be rhade tor 3 iTOonthslsuccessrvelv in; the Raleigh Register, and the Yadkin ami Cata w ba ! J ournal, that he Defendant . be and appear at the" next Superior Court of Law to be held for:BuncoTnbe county, at the Court-hoiuse in Asheville oh the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer, to the Plaintiff's petU uon, or ine same' win oe neara ex parte. - : v uness, aoDeri nenryj uiers; ot saia uoun at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1829. jhk'r i '; ROBERT HENRY. C. S. C. State of N ortU-Caroliiia. . 4 Buncombe Countjv i t; Superior Court of Law April Term 1829. William Robafds, Y ) V ' : j;. .' v. Petition for Divorce, y Margaret Robards. j : C; : 1; r a ORDERED by Court, that publication be riiade for 3 mouths' successively in the Raleigh' Register, and the Yadkin and "Catawba Journal, that the Defendant, beand appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for BuDCombc' county, at the Court-house in Asheville, on the: 2d Monday after the '-4lh Monday, in September next, and pi ead or anUe'r to the Plaintiff's pe tition, or the same will be heard ex pare. .." Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said? Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the, 4th Monday of March, 1329.: r'.v " 'f - !., '; : ' ROBERT HENRY, C. S. c: . State of North-Carolina, ."BuricomjDe.''Counifyw Superior Court of tiaw April Tenh, 1829. Andrew PresIy,"S v ;,. ' ' w.v. f-1;' ' v. . S-Petrtion for Divorcel : ; . Eleanor Presly, ' Vj-'O ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for 3 months successively in the Raleigh Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and,appear at the next Superior Court otL-:w to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court house in Asheville, on the 2d-Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the PlaintrfPs peti tionj or the same will be heard ex parte. . . Witness, ! Robert H e nry, C ler k of said ' Cou rt at Offide, .the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1829. V - -- '. ' ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. State o f North-Car o Hit a, i ' ..... .. -i, t" .- j- . . y Superior Court of Law April Term, 1829. Jacob Raper, ' ? vi i f i- Petition for Divorces. Deborah Raper. S :' OHDERE D by Court, that publication be made for ,3 months successively ; in the Raleigh Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, thut the Defendant be; and appear at 'the" next county, 'at the Court-hbuse, in Asheville,, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September novK ani) nMH nranw tn tho Plaintiff rfl tion, ur the same will be heard er parte. . Witness; Robert Henry,. Clerk of said ,Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4tli Monday ot March, lBy. . j - ' : ' K- ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. State of yrth-Carolhia, ; Buncornbe County, j i. , Superior Court of Law April Term,' 1829. Ann Armstrong, f , .' ; . ' r 1 v . ..; Petition for Divorce. . Sam'li Armstrong. S 1 .;:;;' :' , ;. ;' ORDERED by Court, that nubheation be made y fof 3 months successivelV in the Raleierh Reiristerr and the Yadkin and Catawba; Journal, that" the Defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for. Buncombe county, at the Court-house in :Asheville, on the 1 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September J next, and. plead or answer to the' Plaintiff's pe- I tition, blr the same will be heard ' 'exparte Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday OX. Marco, loy. ;". , ij.,;, : .- ,; I?.-? If: -:- .IC-r' ROBERT HENRY, '-C. S. C. State iof NovUi-Carold f- -t ; ' . " 9 . aT .-5 - . - ; i DuncomDeuountv' ,-r r Susannah O1 i RD E RED by Court, that publication be made for three months suiessively ithe Ra- Register .and tlie Yaokinv and ; Catawba Journal! : that : thej Defendant . De and appear at I the next Superior Uourt ot Uwto ; be tteld tor I JJUOCOmoe lOUmy, l XIie UOUrt-JlOUSe in ASne- ville, . on -the ftecorid Mondayi sifter .the fourth Moriday in September jiext,- and 'plead' or an swer to the Plaiiitiff's petition, or the kame will be heard er parte. c .,T- r f r.C Witness, Robert Henry Clerk of said Court at Office, the second Monday after the fourth Mon day of JXarch, 1829. , 7' , periorCourt f APKS1829 MflHE Exarriiriatipri will fee jtface on Monday Thomas shanef7 ;: X and Tuesday the 1st and 2d days of Juries - V .w. v. .; ., , . -f-tia.-, K.tMM5-S tt'lll I)P Acnmef flit 'hi'c--1v h itiuriunu.. l..4-..ui;-.: . J J I ' " ' . - of NorthCa ro liiia. Buncombe Couri i vV-; ' v Superior Court pfLawApriltTerin; 1329 IfBuckrieri7H; ;IJetitio'iR3r Divorce; , Edward-Buckrier ORDERED hy;Cotte, that JmM . :r,:mnthricce$lvel ?rir the!;Ka!ei h: ' i; : v Register;. and;t :r that. the lVefehdaril -be Jand " appi At the next; SuP.W CybHMteWob HeM foBttricombcVlv'. f , cmMRyatth the- 1 2d Monday after vthe( 4h ;Mon!ay inlSeptember -next, and plead ornswer to theTPlaintiff peti- on3?,.fe ttRwirt.1e'lieard iarfe.'' 4 - WitiiessoBertLHVurv: Cikrici f. iii'A: nhn - v aOffice, th(r2dMoriday afier ihe 4tli MnnJu S : i ot Marchi';i829.--g;4:iv hwh -,.. . Kr: v burt of Pleas strict Uuarf er Sessions, ; " ,V . May Term, A. DV 1829. - ; : W:- ' l;:"i--VY f Original j Attchrnent ; levied ' JnoBuffaloxv " ?Hosf the Dity i V v " i V - Rateigb; and sundry other Dann. Peck: T i ther; With ;diver X -J personsj-summoned; as7 Garrii-;; IT appeari-.g to the satisfaction of the Cburr,' ?: that the Defefendant, pariie I Peck is not an ! irihabltanrof this 'State i It is ordered that pub. lication be- made In the! Raleigh lleister for six' weeks, jrivinir nOticetiCM the anul Daniel Peck - that he appeaf at theJCoUrt.bf Pleas anQuarter be rendered Devious, lot oe neK ior,;tne uounty and State a , forea.id,viattn:eCouft?4otw 3d Monday in tAugrist exti lthen plevy arid rtlead JoJssue; or iudefeirt iTrial wllf i: opajrairisti himarid ; tlie lJrolJertV4, k levied on condemnecl.suH'Tect toHhe : PlaintifP I levied on recovery WitneSBeriiamirii S.f Kiilfiinlerlr of said Court, at riffice In Raleigh:tlie:3i Mofa- day hi May1829 :K:rv' -c'S w'-: ' ; :- a KWJ . b. ; KIN G. Clfci . , ; State of jCag j ' V- Wake bounty; v-; ,;,v;..; ;v. Court of.Pleas and Quarter' Sessions ' -; - v I May'Te"imt:Aid.'!l829r' ' V.''-' -:' ;'"1 Prigiriat Attachment j levied .:y- . , -t ty of Raleigh, and sundrr o 'iVM&fT ? -together with . 1 uiyer persons summoned as J Garnishees, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ; that the Defen'danti Daniel Peck is not an in-. I habitant of this State: It is prdered,Vthat:pubU-, cation be made in the RaleighT Register for six weeks, giving notice to the said5 Dariiel'Tpeckv 4 that he appear at the Court of; Pleas and Quarter v Sessions, to be held jbr jthe ;CjnUn(y andState V? aforesaid, at the C0iwf4ioUse iri.RHleigh 3d Monday in:AUgUstnfext,rtheri and there r"eiJ' plevy and plead to is(tie!orf jddgmentfinaVwiU , be rendered up against him, and : the property levied orl condemned, ' subject tqf Pjaiptiff's re--'.' covery.- yithess,V'injaminiiiS''.ki of v said Court, at office in Raleigh;, the 3d Monday in May, 1829.' & .. JmMi 1 '--' -TrB'ENJ.KINd.vClerkV-" (.--.- . ' i ... . : ' ;. M ' ;V;v. State of NorthGaoliim. : Jas 1Tappearing to the satisfaction Of th' "ourt, that the Defendant in this case, to v, r:, J h. Holland, jr. ithodes and Cynthia, his v,4i.c 1 -r Perkins and Sophia his wife, heirs and de- visees of James Holland arid - -II tilland. wi . dow of the said'James .Hollfind. :are inhabitants' of another State, so that the bi-dinai y process of law cannot be served on therri, it .is ordered that' publication be made for! three months succesV siyely in the Raleigh Reg;ister, that the said De- fendahts be and "appear at the 'ritxt Sunerior Court of Law to: he held for this county, at the Court-house IniiVaynesyilfe oil die second Wed nesday after the v fourth 'Mondavi in Se ptember next, then And there to plead answer or demur to the Plaintiff's petition' or. judgment pro ton fesso will be entered agairist them. , . , - Witness, John B.VL&ve CierkjOT said Court a Office, the second; Wednesday after, the fourth Monday iri'M arch7 tSJ- - 1 73 3m i , ci JOHN B. LOVE," C. S. C.1 Superior Court of LawiApril Term; 1829,y John CroW, t j v ? ' " 'nst- ' 1 ' ' . ' T ;v " ? u Petition to va- -.!- Holland's heirs & devisees. V f - State of North-Carolina. A' t i vVake County. . y . Y v Court of Pleas .and Quarter Sessions . " ';' -"-;i;: Attach't. - 3'-i-;,y-f yvt' f levied on a House & .. Wm. Peck, as Ajgeriv j Lotln thecity ofRa. ; Vs - - vt i MeiCh.ssundrv other vt articles 1 ,;. together - . I With divers persons vJ summ'nd as Gam's. IT appearing to. the satisfaction of the Court, that the -.Defendant, Daniel Peek , is not an. inhabitant of. this State :,It is ordered, that pub- iicanoii ocuiauc in uie ttaieigu Kegister ior six weeks, giving notice to'ythe said Daniel Peck, that he appear at the Court of Pleas and Quar fiv. Sessiims, -to be held for ' the County ' and ytate aforesaidat Mthef Cpurt4iiuseJn Raleiglv on the f 3djNMohdajr in August next; then and ' there replevy and plead to jssiie, or judgment ; final rill be tendered up against him, and th a' '; propeVtjr levied bri ic on d em ned, Subject to the', PlaintifTs recovefyv Wit'riesa, : Beni'n. S King. Clerk of said Cburt at office w Raleigh,' tlie 3d Monday. in:May?1829;yuV;;i:; .:-J.- , v .v h:mm m '.BENJ.,S KING, Clerk. " " Hillsorougli cademy- ;WM.- j: BINGHAM,1 Princi pal. May 28 77 THE Notes given for articles purchased at tha": . Salebf the Goods: and Effects -'of the late M'illiam Shawy tlUleigb,iri Noyember lasti are now due; and. th comakers of thern are requested to call At the'Dwellinir-House of ,lhe -deceased.' arid pay the same to the suhscrlber, on or before tbe 20tb, ot June, aali;suchNot.es, as well ju all other Notes and yopen4 Accounts, dae to said1 Estate, which may remain unpaic after mat date will be placed in the- hands of . an cCk.tr for collection.- f -", v; 1 . k ' f- " ; " ' - v PRISCILLA'SIIAW, Ex'rs.' ' uivtiieir;ifu-c . RaleTgb, May 23, 1829", 1 7 V ,t V'v 4 . t ' ? - ' V"1 'itiS v - ? t,Si'V ''1'S E4-'- ' 1 i 1 J '-"' r'rv.-- if 1 - .ILtleigti. May 15, Itte. 5 W ic igi i, y , a. 73 tiirisale'at this Office. -I.;-s:M.','-.t5': r,:i.- v.aft:-r v