TUESDAYS JtTNK;P, 1829 linfthecUize j WAir nrinrt-House on the.6th of AfV.-fbV ih Dudley was, HOUMuaicu - repress t-Dittrict-f (th Mh)mf "next Congrea a the Report matie oj jrctcrrva the late meeting :0f the Stockholders :of, theStatfcBa tee" appointed in liecemper last, ipppine; purpose ogWing a detailed ?Acco 4fe sitaation;of ih"A(rM Institution wtlvtbe referred to7 Tjiis Kep ready stated would: bae - been :tnaU;b Judge Iliiffini the Presiden t of the Bank, hade not been caUetF awab the dan gerous sickness bimer. JudgeV:ihowever; iliturne rjtime to;be 4k mpetitifcr of 1 the StockbTold - ers, and toexpress an opinion on the Re- rmrt Xie Sam ins uou hw uuuw.u uh L'Wrf stated therein.were correct; but i KinL- fKnt . all -tnft inferences arawri from those facts were warranted lie had reference principally to the com tnencement of the Report, where the loss es sustained by the, BankVare brought in to vie wS TheseMossesj as Appears t from tiie 'riXniuil jiac , ai iscu Mum x;iuj v Exchange Notes discounted, and from. depreciated Kea rotate: lotai estima ted amount 8415,58189. In : order to ascertain What ihejialf-yearly loss of. the Institution would probably be in futu re,' the Committee divides the wjiole loss al ready sustained, by the number of the half-years whichvtKeBankhas .existed, anil thus concludes that the future losses of the Bank, as ong as it shall continue in operation, wUl; be,rS13,000 every! six. months, Vohat the Sank -'.cannot - at any time hereafter be expected to make a di vidend of more, than th reel per cent, (per an numrbe Judge objected to the just ness of the calculation. About 50 per cent. he; remarked, had already been de- ducted from! the original cost of the real estate, so that no additional loss could be expected on that item, which amounted to S94,7j80, arid that the heaviest losses tinder the oiher two heads,' had been sus tained at two of the Branches many years ao, and he; trusted similar instances would never again occuK - These circum stances being consid ered, .he qjust think that the estimate oT the half-yearly losses in luxure nau ueeii grtuiiy uvtrruieu. i The Judce . alsci observedi I that he (lid uot agree with the opinion exprCsscd by the Committee, that: the closing of the bu siness of the Batik would have;no injuri ou9 effect on the circulation of our Bank Notes. iXjOn thercbntrary; bepprehebd- ed, if an assignment of the Concerns of the Institution were to take place, that a material depreciation of the value of its joct per would be a certain consequence. : . ' And wei think, thaithe sum p'f;'B3356.' 24 interest; received from the Public Trea surer, which the Committee has deducted from the stated profits bfV the last half vear, ouglit to be conidered as so niuch. profit, not having before been "carried to smv account ; and if a dividetidthad been made on the first Monday1 of June, would have beeh rightly included in U. ? Indeed, we believe the annual ihtereHbf ' 4per cent, received from the State onrher de ferred Stock, and which is annually re tamed out of her December dividend, has sometimes Been included by the Directors; and if not then divided, it never failed: to go to the profits f the next halfyear5 Nor can it be sunoosed ( thp this Report to thexontrary nptwitlitentlS n g) tli a t' whi 1 e, the Bank " continu es in operation, the Directors will ever failito make a Dividend of Profits in ihe course of the year put of which o faain thejn terest payable by the State 6n theStaelcr wtech she stands indebted to tht Bank i Wei.-.We think it right to" apprize1 the Stockhold by nn pfdinaneejof the Stockholders, passed in; geneeting iti thyear1 , , wut u uiuiMiuiucr can vuie ui "e late general meeting. , i A number tlie : StqcderVe houtTaoroutthornt ftmc lTotes, :not having Jknowl edg' i t fiy enough M thei fact as! the Ordinapce! Vpnbiish: ... t .t v . : T. -r "".7 ..i "r.Vnctea.V Citizen r Vr::--' vVr .-vt.f " i'- v.ounijw as, ineirrproxyytpi V0;for,themTS:p Putlr refuscil ifairld but foirtha iSS stance of Stpckholdet bwtSei an - v ..tiai niceung as tne rroxy ot other stockholders e-arele iactr irom a tircu instance; which occurred gvVenlis it- happen ed no rvote of impor tance: was 'taken j but if i.the? important yucBuguAjjeuieu iO' nave oeen ueciueu hadinmpthe v ders in Edgec6mbe: riiieh excluded StockholdeSal 'Jftyksfbeiow f ffrilningtQn.Viet have pleasure mf sjng; was vored wi a lett Gratiot of the Engineer pat .tedltl't of the operations ' for the improvement of theNavigatiph of CapejtFear River below tnHpwnf:;Wiiroi CaiOefe BEriJ--briK neers, , to whom instructions have been giv e n for th e coni mence ment of ;jth e work at! the earliest practicable period Captf B. has been directed by Geh. -Gratiot to in form Governor Owen! af the time; when he wiij be prepared to take charge of the Work, - that proper measures; may be ta ken by the Board ot Internal Improve ments to aid his jbperations, I : I yEleciiofteeririglyiz trustthat the prac tice of j 121 e c t ioneering h ere to fore pu rsued by Candidates inj this State, for. popular favor, is about to receive a stab -which it cannot survive. -; The people seem'lto be waking up from their infatuation on this subject, and measures are in operation in different sections, for putting an end to treating "the d em oral izing tenden cy of which islacknowledgedj by all even by those who build their hopes of success on it tin New England, a man who should offer such an insult to the moral feelings of the community, as toj attempt to secu re his election by corrupting the voters with strong drink, would not be tolerated in the society of gentlemen.4 Here, unfor tunately, such isthe influence of custom, he who has the longest purse & can buy the most liquor, is almost sure to succeed. But in some counties, they are taking the Bull by the horns We published in our last, the proceedings of a meeting in", Beaufort county, which will no doubt put a stop there, to the pernicious, practice complained of . r We observe also, that the Grand Jury of Burke, at the late term of their Court, entered into a resolution to support no candidate for public trust, who shall at tempt to promote his election by treating; arid they invoke the aid of their fellow citizens to put down a custom so destruc tive of the peace, order and, morality of society,: and the purity of the elective franchise ; j I ; , ; y r A respectable meeting of the citizens of Nash, was also held during their last County Court, at which a plan was adopt- ed with the view of putting a stop to the practice of treating at public elections A committee was appointed, with instruc tions to correspond with each captain in the ; county, requesting them to call a meeting of s their respective Companies forthwith and proceed to elect three de legates from each! district, to meet in con ventibn at Nashville j. on, a fixed day in this month, for the purpose of nominating su i tab! e persons as candidates to repre sent the county in the ijext General As sembly. V j The calnd idates so homiriated are to feel themselves jmorally bound to abstain from the practice of treating as a mode of electioneering i:S?fiefbrm.'9Cornetius P: Van Ness, of the i State of Vermont, to be Envoy Ex traordinary and Minister Pfenipotentiary of the United States to Spain, in the place: WilliamPitt PrebleA of the State of Maine, to be; Envoy Extraordinary and Mi nis ter PI e nipoten tiary of the 'United States to the JNetiierlands. x r i Tiashington Jrvingy oi the State of New York, to be Secretary of :Iiegation of the United" Stat esfiVGreaBritain. I 'Chdties wfiJr?jojf the State of laryldtQjbe Secretary of Legation of the United States to .Fra.nce. ; . " M&yi$mit ter of the eauryrt removed Mfi NoUrelhas served his couhtry,:foithjfu ir76 George MacBamelyoh Ezekid Macp&nxi vin BelU zlvA Ofris S.Paine are remov ed from the Office of the oUrtlv: Auditor fBeniamiwHbnidfis is removed from the pfece,6f the: retarj siAll the above were ; efficient jjublic offi ers.l'K6t,k"c can . b j made;agaiiisst themi csxeeptthat Isome Vof uiem, are Known f an a. ptnere suspecteu. 10 ftte(c6f..F6rk a? Jackson member of ConJressnaseen appointed fiqentf pfethese United States, has been rernvedft:pnV officei an Kia place , sup- llcfWliFyonifMa Se- Delawareiii 'the place of Ijacob Emmng- f sjlij i?s siatea in xne revf- ioricurazene otiMay'thatt in spectors . were sworri iri yesterday,; andtnat as'ma- ny, more.were to be, in like manner, in- 4ucted in a day. oV two, of course , in the placeS;bf;somany,rlBmoye : J Daniel Bdrbet, Post Master at Danville,; Ken tu c K v, has be eii re moved . ;J Thbias JVdtMns late Fourth fluditorS-z Two bills.oflndictmeht were found against this, indivrdual; about a fortnight since, by t h e G ra nd u ry o ft li e C i rc u i i C o u r t for t h e 1 )i s trict of C ol u mbj c h argi n g h i m i th h iving falsely; and without authority is sued drafts on the Treasury department, for certain sums which he appropriated to his private hsej- W henlth is case came up before the Court, his counsel, MessrsJones anjd poxe, entered a chcr cm ie ijidictments; They contendedhat if every thing charged - were trdei a civil ac tion 1 alone woilld lie ; and that, though many cases of I misappropriation of money by public? Officers,' had occurred in the Ge neral and State : Govern men ts this was the first instance of an indictmenUl Embez- zlement of public money,, was not the sub ject of criminal judicature, unless made so by statute. They also contended that the allegations in the indictments were repug nant to each other, and comprised no defi nite ntelligihle charge. : , Another ground taken by the counsel for Dr. Watkins was, that this was an offence against1 the United States, and that this court had no jurisdiction in common law -over offences exel usively again st v the Uni ted States j and in support oft his position a number of authorities were read : as al- -' i. - I-- ( - i ' . - 90 m support or line omer positions taken. tot. S i hat no such offence a9 is contain this indictment exists in the common ed in law, a nd that the indictment was too mul tifarious, ambiguous, &c. j : After able argument of these law points, the opinion of the Court was, that the in dictments could not be sustained. 1 To be candid,vve do not think that though these exceptions are sustained, any thing apppears to exculpate Mr. Watkins from the charge of having improperly1 converted money belonging to the Government to his own private use. , ; . Mr Malbon Kenyon proposes tQ revive the Milton Gazette and Roanoke Advertiser , at Milton, in this State : he contemplates issuing the first number the last week in this month. if Irish Catholic IZmancipation.-Th e Halifax Minerva mentions, as an; evidence of the universal diffusion in this country, of the high spirit of gratification experienced, in relation to the late Irish - Catholic Eman cipation act, that, a number of gentlemen assembled by invitation at a private Board, in that place, for the purpose of manifest ing those feelings which the event alluded to, had excited;- The utmost harmony; and unison of sentiment prevailed through the li itl e festival ; and all reti red pleased with the entertainment which Irish spirit & hospitality had provided, & with reflec tions on the character of the event which occasioned jtheir assemblage : ' A Rhode Island Editor states that the Judges of the Supreme Court are ' making their fortunes out df the public purse, And how much does the reader suppose that these high dignitaries receive ? Why, th'CHief-Jd.8tice:hM sociate Judges 55500 a year 1 JV ' l from the iv. C. Journal. The C.ipe Fear, Navigation Company had its annual meeting in " this place on Saturday, last, declaring a dividend ; of 2 per cent.;for the . last 5 months and elected the fb 16wtngoflicer8 for the ensuing year: . iAMES MEBANIe, President. 1 William Bo Yt an, . 1 '. . " . .. . ! . AM.DSlNHALL' Directors. - ES: n . riOOFER, John H.r Hall ; i Wej are sincerely happy. in noticing the growing prosperity of this corporation, and hail itrasan eyidence';of thfe increasing wea 1 1 h of the cou ii try. Afte i' encbu n ter ing alijhe disappolhtm losses to which su cH loui pa nies appear to be Tpe,culiarly exposed iii thisj Stated the zeal, activity ; and good ; managenient of the! pjesent officers bt; rescued its affairs from, disorder, and have placed :them ,in a.' sounit and: improving state. 1 r TiifT-T' '' . i4 . From the folio wing report, Gas . mad e "to the! Com pan by "the Pi esi d e n t- i t wil I be seeuv tbat-whil tiie lH olleed rf the Cape Fear River,1 for the jr ear: ending' At this tiuieV Ijavs, exceeded theToIla coU lected for the, priced ipg jear.upwards of fil teen hundred dollars, the : increase has creary; orttie rerritory of f Arkansas in domestic" weal th.A?Doe$ jbt thisfactpro claicito our.Legislatu're iq audible and i perative-tones, t h e poJ icr- exped iency and necessi ty-bf, raak ing. siichou t leltovmar- ,, en uer oy rpaas, canais or me improye- REPORT. &ci The President and Dlw lyiation Company vbec leave 'tor report to the stockholders. , at tbis their annuU meetihj-- that on examination , pt" 7therr V Treasurer's icCou n 4't they.: have had the satisfaction -to fioa theafiaini of the company in: a muchraore prosperous shun atiorv than at atiy other meeting4uririg; the time they have, had the honor to direct its concerns - That they find the debts of the cmany full paid ofiV except a small balance due on-dividends wliich has not-been applied for, ith -a balance of casjf in the hands of the Treasurer of 978 41, arid that the' tolls 'of the present, yearj'say from thei3 1st of May, 1 828': to th e3 1 st ,tf-.-May (1829f mount to the sum of $953.70 1 ctsV Beingt an increase during that time i of $1 544s 58!more than the 1 toll ; of. the precedinyear.HTft of ihe lolls Collected the preceding, year! at least one half was collected on freight up. whecea! during1 the present year, not .more than one-third; has been collected on freight uj the; rivr, iwjiicji shows a large increase of ejcpbrtatjon5c without; if any, a corresponding increase of importations, by means of the Cape Fear, Riven , i r;Respfecully'submined.f4v j Ames m Ky a in k, fres t cv E this day examined the Scholars at Romo r T ? na Academy,- under the.superintendance of Mr. JamesH.vWilkes; it gives ius 1 pleasure to statethat the pupils generally did well,' and that the greater part did themselves much f cre dit. - ,The Examination, was conucted:'by the Trustees. The progress 'madefy many of th Students was remarkableuInl Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, the' four; great; points of a good education the performances were ve ry satisfactory. With -Geography 1 and Englisti grammar mere was a taraiiianty not 'oten mani fested by chi Idre nH, The classes in : be rjangua- aegree pt attention-must ' have been paid to their grammars . to have made, t h em so ready and ac curate in Parsing. ; From impressions 1 made oh our minds by this examination, we fee justified in . saying, i that Mr. Wilkes is a Teacher , deserv ing, much encouragemnti. both" on, account of his talents and attention to his school , ' 4 Newtbn Wood; EsqvBBoddiei M, pJ K Maj. A. H. Hopkins, . John ; Ligon," Kj(J.f Rev. Thos. P Hunt, Heqry Potter, Esq. k '- Rev. A.; Hrtsfield, H. W. Montague, M.D. ? Maj. C. LNHinton, . t , -Trustees: Col. LLEJsT ROGERSJPresident. SETII JONES; Secretary. Seta Jorvs informs the public that he is wil- ling to receive a'few Boarde,rs in hts family. He- resiueswitnm uu yards ot tne Academy. I he situation is very -healthy. His: family numbers between forty and fifty; and there lias ?hot been a death, nor a. case of bilious fever in it for 10 or 12 years.: -k, ; 7. ; v- ...' .:. " Price of Board, 'five dollars a ! mdnthi? : U Tuition for JEnglish $ 12 For, the Languages and Sciences $25: pe annum.--."-H i : . The Exercises of the School will recommence on the 15th instant; arid close on the 25th December- 1829. ;-'.t'-.5v--4vJ:..;" Pomona is fourteen tnites N. .East of Raleigh, and within two miles of Uowles Store fice. . -: v ', V- . ;!" Post Of fc JUne 5; 1829. 79T2t ' Notice. : 'A T a Meeting of the Stockholders of the Cape- im. Fear Navigation Company, holderi at Fav etteville, on the 30th May list, :M vaa resolved, That a dividend of 2 per cent: na'j thp Capital Stock originally subscribed for, and on the a mount expended by the Board of Infernal Im provement, on the Capel-Fear River jbet Ween Wilmington and Fayetteville, be and the same is hereby declared payable on - the first day of July next; at my otface inJFayetteviUe.f -'; JOHN CRUSOK, Treasurer. Fayetteville, June 1. I V -79 1 Jyl HE proprietor of thrs periodical is how, malt ing arrangement to issue the New . Volume ---which will be commenced On the" eleventh day of July nedctm a splendid martner. The copper plate engravings of the full quarto sizej-wiJl b executed by. the best artists ; the music arranged witl accompaniments. -for the piano-fortfe,- by the most skilful caiiiposers ; the ly pe ne w and beautiful, and the paper of a superior qur.t.ty. -In every department s the seventh volume . will excel .. those heretofore published.' The terms are four dollars per annurii; payable in udvance. . QCj Subscriptions received by the Editors of the Register. .-; . ! .' . " - Tiie Mirror is published weekly . at No.. 163 VVilliam-street. New-York. All communications sent by mail, must be post paid. 1 State of North-Carolina. Surry County. May Sessions 1B29. -"Mitchell Thbmpsdn v- Jabez Johnson Admn IN tbis case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Joseph Payne, Walter; and his wife Susannah Payne, Edward Hawks, 2nd his wife Sally, -and Khphalet ; Rendal and his wife Martha, heirs at law of Stephen Payne; decM; reside out of this State. Ordered by the Court that publication be. made six; weeks jn the Ra? leigh Register, for them to'Vppear.and make themselves parties, otherwise judgment5 pro Con- fesso will be taken as to ihe'm," at August Term, Teste, JOHN; WRIGHT, C. C. C. '- NOTICE, QrpHE Subscriber having qualified asvAd.minis JL trator on the Estate of Mrs. Sarah; Glphden ning dee'd. at the: last Granville CoUnty Court, hereby r gives - notice to "all the creditors of said Estate, to present their claims for payment with? in the" time prescribed by law, .or; this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery, j- ''.". i M I V P ARKER RANTJ, Admr. : ' '-: May 21 1829. - r--;:.v;;;-.;-1 75 5w. .;i. NOTICE. MRS .SARA H GLEND ENNiNGate of Grau yille county, formerly resident In Raleigh, has lately died intestate' Many of her next of kin reside at a distance" from this,r place and l ido hereby" notify all .p ersons concerned, that at the expiration of two years from the 1st R,lay, 189, as prescribed byflaw, Ihall '.be'ready jand wi ling to settle tlie aidEstate.- The Administra tion of said. Estate haying been" committed taiie iyy the Couuty- Court of Granville Couuty'm May 1829. v r Vai'mv ' will attend toaUommuhications tpospoii which may beiaddressea to rae at Haleign, Nk,C. CyLfk PARKER RANP, Ad mV. JA ME S i GO liD O N; TT ATELY a Com mission Merchaiif Plymouth; r has removed to forfo1k, Virginia,"and will transact any Busi itess in .that jine , entry sted J to his care," with the gTeatest1 atteution' and wdili- rgence. ." V - . - ment of the na viga ti o n ' o f Vri Versf jis, .w ill enable ou r Fitrtners told ijsposel of Jthe sur plus prbdUce pjt heif farms t4 1 JiSaylirtd Thursday; 3d and 4lh of nf si ntt . .tTr m IIUUlUCl J l LUC LlLUUCIllS i I 'Guardians an&CtHe Public ire tresnecfalJy i " yl.tth or j une"u;Vd , instruction brt h iaib &cri bersl c- i :A'- V - ocvuna -session w m commence 'on- Mnnj - h. i. . . . r--. T:h-Mv'r-j"uv" ..'?-.-.. AJL Houj harf Vecntiy peeii piel y.v3LXes"- J; ou,tngaf t, ; tenacrs j nis serv ices ; to ers ;v.a.na,Hhe- -public ;frnerallv;.lr the sale of. Promise a ml i X irwAiK of every 1 1 e serf p t i o ? ? t h , , purchkselof Gofcdvtt'dTj&fe:itrally--In'' tacii:UnW?" " "Ver"" .illniwvlKl-.UI UU , - Jpough, . "tqgfft het-Wt1 1 lusfthbrou sJi -acq 1 1 am ta nee-'' rtutaiiiatcuuj io . iuose ,vrno msv emaiov nfs lfilliueF ad d iMdlituarluQg;;1 : M afc.STEti i M AespectmUy mfems t he '-iTBI'dtei.-pfieigh'alitiL yicimty,' that sliei has com roe need th e. Millifferyaid Mantua-mak-jng b u si Hess, and will be t hau k ful for enco ura:e ment in ejthervt Tsbe wilt at ways keep on hand'.--n assortment pftlk audCambrfd lJoiViietsI---i Leghorn jand trawf BbpnetsVclearved and trim- : med.ine'pettmWmVtrr . June3.C ; . ' V .... 78 2t v , :. ; Staleo f Nort !i-Carolina: : Superior Coit cf flduUvJMarch TV - John Hilsabeek: aiir J.ojh tVnrnp-riin. - !- : ii- appearing to the sat ;sfactri the Court m iiiai liic U' lfiiii.rn': Lioiflnn Kenin.-rtnn - - - Tan jnnaoitaht ut this Slattf f it i therefore order ed that publicatibnie niat nii the Raleigh Register, that ,HejnaV' appear at: bur v ncAi guiMuuuuu ui. cjuy to ue iieia for iae . County, of Sun vl at the.Cotlrth uu tic aauiiuay iu oepiemaernexv to plead insurer or derhul tri ,tli rnrriKToJna" Kin ; - . " t .. --V...V.J(4l. 1 1 f .V. . the same wiU be,' taken prd cpnfesso and heard -prifi.fl' r Test. WINSTON SO MERS,r C. ME. liA NAWAZ! ', ' FROM, the subscriber on ' the lOthl instant,-".! hound white boy, by the" name of GEORGE kGRIFFlS about fifteen: years ;oiigeV -of snial ; size, ana bold spofcen .t when went m he wore pantaioons orcotton clotn, and, a round lacket ot woollen cloth He l!f trtnt-uriiK that his . clot bin sr has been chans-eil. as h wi-s ' nersiladed cvfT-hv hi, frtnila' f will fmo. - a . ; i ..-- . 1 1 v 4 a ward of Ten Cents for said Bov's 'deiive'rv to I I fierebv hrw&tn all nrsrtrie t'rnm ho-'A-,i.;nn. KaL' I T . at v,u fti U'. I lUt J sain vjcj. t: c utuus, oo x iiiLCiia lounnne uw in hv ' : .. iS jamks: 'nance; v v''-- vFQR SAKE ! T iSH to sell the place within jmile?cfkll!s - JL. borough, on which 1 oow restde. . There are " OCIK o i-f.i o afoltt'nn liolf rlcor)! tan ... "Jr" . A9 m 1 -kWtr 1 o r rl rl 'ihalx&tAhf.A . . . . 1 I ' improvements 'arerH new; and finished . in the : best manner--they consist cf.tt Dwelling llouse containing eight rcors; passagies,' closets,: &c: a large Bara tahd Stables, - I I ..tW- ., -- vl - : aiiu oilier iictr.isrj , yuuiouacs. j liere are Se yerai never iamng ojjniigs or ine pest, wafer OTlr .Orchard.-"-;" T;S". r7f-" "': ? - I will sellithis- ppertyf pu vih6::.incst "liberal-"-terms---rither for money on easy creditsr Viil excHane.iy ior,iegroes or. y esiern lands. . ; sCriber at lliUsbdrbuehi,; v C 4' :: - .r . Nov. I5.v v. : 2J. eotf t. w.:; ;imi i i ii fa li t tn rr - rnro - TT.T .T A f Vi. TTTlSlTV t? nViU J ' anhphnd.ng to hlsTfriends and the bublic ariiinu uvjujjj, logciucr wn nis tor---; mer oiocs: win msKe' nis assortment very com- . plete V. His asscrtnrenf. will comprise" "almost -rv jarMfO rt Tift,- flnrwrfa n m .fi-roTo ri .K ici van me . uusi u;s3 ' au ui ninii lie purCliaS. ed ,in Sew-York, 'principally for cash, and' of course rill be able to sell them ou as good term's as any Bouse in the 'place. ; -Amonjr his: eroods is . if.iA4;i. rt,.'.n.i ; '5 -:? A 11 Ait rK u- a Very large and eiegaht" collection of Fancy Cal-licoeSj-Gingliitms, ; Muslins, Silks, Xaces fj tSum." V "O w w w j arv.. s Mull Lrfl - dies' and Gentfemcns Shoes and Gloves. - Also Cologne . Water, Makassar OH," Hair Powder, , Fancy Soapsi Sec. &c. ; " - t - ' rf 1 . He respectfully invites his friends and custom niers to call' and examine his . Goods, as he flat ters himself that their will suit loth in price ami qaality, and accordingly secure '.a share of their ' patron ige "A " -,i -,-' .. ":V'-:: , ,- f ' . . V. , ..... . ...... ,. -v. v. w.i.iwa wwiwi vri k vw. . w i lit V 3 WLJCIiif lie v, Joseph Labaree will open "oh Monday, J n n e 15th-The Male'bnjMonday June 52d, -Jame D. Johnson, principal, ' i r . ; : P .: . - ' - Oxfb.rdM&y: 8th,;:i 29: yi-'t 1' -; ?l P.". S .The Tarb oro Press; : the . Eden ton Ga iette, &"Korfoik IefaJd,wlll publish the above -turn n;Aif ' r-t 'tKen ' a(f 5-if-tri rC -a-.' hcckb(uiiuiiiic iui mi ce cciki i. nii i pan reiai in ione opening oi 'iu3-session,aivi torwara heir accounts as. :heretofnre.- yi .! ' . 1., . UW V V. 4 W.ri-9i I A , llll.uv.uial. J J(J site,the Courthouse Cons.sting of a Slcre- cUf.aa' J OA .K CT1 rf"' inrini s-v-. a I . . Staiejor copsirucxion wiua uumtMiouo-: ik good Cotton Gin .WUnt' Press for.uck.ing' -Cottton-ittdlcorirenittit 6tables ci pable ' of Waggon -and -Team 'of six.HOises It is piime -'Stand, i. for -men of business.. ,1 erma - tni()pr'it aod nossession eiveir immediately, r.. - - - - X r " 4 t -ALEX. 7ArS0:l . NasUviU N. q; nay r.'uoara anaj uuson j0u;per Session, payabls ,':,,7?.V"";'r"'',.ftauon? m.iine iorouenftvtor-.v ;whichhrkcdf vtry", . m'oderatei y-lj&i ;v'.''1 H f h Aim knoi rv Ai 4 u. Vfoi&c csne don ? -..r- v . jRope, r i . sou cei - -, tv;n .yy;: . --f . W&'iBeacb 1 -iif. - - v . -- t ..r..-,'5.-. r.-" s PL i iff.

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