. ,. . ' . - 1 : . , ' . , .'.. '-. ,: t . - I ' ' -' '! : . . 7 - :: ! . ''I ! ", ' A.: ," 'j .5 . .... . :.: 5 . . .? "A. , .J. .. . - . . , r .., . . . .;, . - , . f ,, , . . . ). , , - ( j '. ."'! ' vV-.i-;,. : i".Ouri are the lansofratrydehtfu pence, 'x , , ,' - ' ' r t k; . ' -;:Vf ' ). ' ".'V"". 4- z ' ": : -jt ";,-,: ' . ..-; Unwarp'd by party rage to live like brothera..' ::;,"' -"l - -.';;;v:;r;; . "o.,MUhed every Tut at and FninAT, by JOSEPH GALKS &jRON,,: jit Fiw IUart per ntjum--halfm advance ATlVERTISKMENTS .i. -Tpeedinff ixtffff intf.t, nettly inserted 3 A 1 . xmt for a PotIa and;twenty.firp cents f9r jcvery succeeding publication V those ot great er length in the same proportion.lCoMiro. thunkfullr received.'. .Lettirs ; to the Editors must he 'postpaid. 'Ml li i unreasonable to expect that we should refrain from a decent expression or our; 8a tisfaction, at the rapidly increasing I fame and circulationof the ; Ftwbtrn Spectator 1 ettejs and commonicationa highly landa i'ocYtf& usfroai aU quarUw,u tVe has ten to express our - acknowledgements to our worthy frientis of the ;New York fflion and Mas for their flattering Uis 'tincuon, in forwarding their valuable pa ners to the office of ithe Spectator y and a we have the cause I of literature, and of various and useful S information much at heart, and are aware it cannot be more ef: ffctua1lv promoted than by; an extensive circulation of their excellent journals, they mar rest assured. we! shall spare ho pains to effect so desirable. an object. v 3ratify. inas these proofs are, others of a more i substantial and satisfying nature, crowd upon us dailv. AVe incontinently (laugh When we see how some of our brother edi- neck of neasJ or a 'mess lore - j y 4T ''-! t r .rrnicherriesf or as fnend Broughton of the Narfi.lk Herald, hat it in his last num: i w ; Ai.k nfApliciaus snahs,9 which some kind natron has sent them.; Why, wlwi xtould these gentlemen of the quill fhink; if(ais frequently burcase) on approaching their office, they found the door blocked up bV si tremendous broad -backed, green turtle, flapping hi gloffj fini in beautiful defiance, or by ai score or two oaione rmhe- whose oonderous distended claws l.-.itor dPfitructiont to any; intruder : here now is a sight which may,prfducein the inward than a delectable thrj II, and make his 'inasticators involuntarily,w9g.-- Nor is this all, we confidently lool torwani Snprtat n,onrpnTpr this terraaueous globe. Now, 4ethpr( is nothinff of the selfish currnud- gcon about us, wo propose ut of these J a bundant oblations to give forthwith a grand ditoHarfeaat, and to invite our brother editors' "throughout the Stated from the mountains to the sea-shofe. ' Tfee moment faVnorahte. beinz one of leisure, and our friends may rest assured the'y cannot do a more agreeable thing than to visit theAn- cient City,' arrayed as she now is in, a I her charms it will prolong4heir Jives; and fornish them with food for delightful re flprfinn ih lonestdav they live,while their nstiv State will rife in their esttmationf at least one hundred per cent.'. Let us see, there is something like eighteen or twenty editor of tit"; these, with our contributors, who wiU assemble in multitudinous aggre gations hWded by friend Historj; and Cies of H..lifaxJ will present a goodly cfunpany what a alahin and' devouring of good things thereHl be r . v f- j Tis merry' in the Hall , ' j - j To-sc-e beards wag alL? i -j, : We are well aware, that we . subject ourselves to the charge of strange incortsis tenc?; in thus, preparing a sumptuous ban quel fur our intellectual friends, - right in the face of our precepts on ' abstinence. But it should bej remembered, ' that this is a rare occasion, Ait is meet now and then, the s ige Scipio saVg, to indulge a little. The trifle we eai in a general way, is for mere nourishment and. out of pure patrio tism ; fr we owe it to our country to keep ou1 and bKly .together only consider the irreparable loss the Republic of Letters woulil; sustain in the occupation of the Soectalor, and lithe ' Consternation! that iuhi prevail among the literary Iq'mina rirs of Athena.!5 That perfect harmony and good fellowship may reign at the feast, ' we banish all politic!. . No man shall g' away and say," f non bene conveniuut, nec in nnn seile inorantur. Our friends iof the llfcrister we shall, place at our right . haml, while our brother of the Fayeitevijic JuurnaU in consideration of tiie esteem and afiVctiou bear himV will occupy the foul ppoite; ourelvei-hut thes'e Miiuor ar rangements Ciin be matter of future cin siiferation when we all assemble, .which we would suggest should. not. be later than July, and as early after the 4th as" may btst suit the convenience of our brother editors. One requisitoei we have, to make, which is. every man cumes fortified with an Ode dedicated to the JJncient City? ot to,tfe Xtwbtrn SpcclatOTylh& tit will peik or Mug in the biurse of the,enter taimiKuf, ai he may, frefer. -j , t , -: JVewbern Spectator. : - DIL FRAKKLIN. The leadiog properry of Dr. Frankliri's mi.-d great as kf waiK-the faculty ' Which !."4,c him remarkable 'and set him' apart irui other. hieh's ttie 2nerator in truth of 'i nu powr was rewj; d sense onU pmn giKid nun- notliinir i ore. He was not a man wf geiioust t)iere ijras rii "brilliancy." a J"'? ttirn ; Jutle'.or Jitt .feriour ; notfiin; o!e, untiri n, 'continual operation of his numuie unpreienuing ijuauij oi iiie minu, he came to do more in the world of science, more in; council, more in the cabinet of Europe, more in the revolution of empires (uneducated or self-educated as, he was,) than five hundred others might have done, each with more fervour, more eloqu ence, arid more brilliancy A'; He .was born of Rnglish parents, in Bos ton, Massachusetts ;; about: 1706, - we be lieve. When a lad; he ran awayto Phil adelphia. "After, a lotig; course of self-denial i hardship, and w ea ri ng d i sa ppoi n t m e n t , which nothing but his frugal, temierate, courageous cood sense, carried him thro hcj came to be, successively, a journey man printer, ' or pressman, ; (rather on account f hist great bodily strength,) in a London Printing Office ; editor and publisher at home in PhiKdelphia, of many papers. wnicn nan a: prodigious innuence over ine temper of his countrymen !; agent for- cer tain colonies to his government ; an author of celebrity ; a philosopher whose reputa tion has gone overthe whole ot the learn- ed world a very noble negotiator ; a mi n i s f e r pi e ni nu te n 1 i a ry to statesman ; France, of whose king he obtained; while the BourbouQs were in their glory; by his great moderation, wisdom and republican address, ?a treaty which- enabled our thir teen colonies of : North Amenta vto laugh all the power of Great Britain, year after year, to scorn : ves all these i things did Benjamin Frankfin; by virtue alone of his good common sehst v . He died in 1790; fulf of years arid( hon ours, the pride and glorjr of that .empire, the very foundation of which he assisted in laying : the' yery corner stone of - which he had helped into the appointed place, with his powerful hands.. He was one of the few--the priesthood of liberty that stood up undismayed, unmoved, while, the ark of their sal vation, thundered and shook, and tightened in their faces : putting all of them their venerable "hands upon it, neverthelees, and abiding the issue, while the Declaration 'or Independence'' went forth like, the noise oF trumpets,1 to the four corners of the earttn 'He lived till he heard a warlike -flourish echoing thrbngh all the great solitudes of America the roar of battle on every: side, of himall Europe in "cominbtion -her over-peopled empires, riotous without a new spirit -his country quietly taking its place among the nations. What more could be wished ?-f Nothing. It was time to give up the ghost. He was a grest, and 'of course a good man. " VVe have but a few things to lay seriously to his'charge very few, and, af ter all, when we look about us, recollect, ins as we do the great gtod . he has don- everywhere the litile mischief that he has ever meditated any where, in all his lift, to the cause of humanity, we have no heart, we confess it, again to speak unkind ly, of him" -The evil - which Benjamin Franklin did io the whole of his four-score years and upwards of life, was in compari- son to his ood woiks, out as uust in the balance. Souvenir. From the Augusta Chronicle. , Musauito Bites Prevention belter tlum Cure. -The New -York Courier informs its readers, under the head of Cure for Mosquito Bites,' .that A little ammonia placed on the bite will instantly remove the pain. This is well for - those who have been bitten ; but those who have not mav render, the cure Unnecessary, by using as .a ; preventive, ai few drops of. Oil qf Pennyroyal diluted in a little water, which, being rubbed over the face and hands, will effectually keen the vexatious intruders away' Thi application, made on retiring to' rest, will render a Mosquito net unne cessary daring the whole night, and j its scent, however offensive-to ; Musquitoes will generally be found agreeable to those who use it. The slight burning sensation which itmroduces at first, will Hot be felt atterthree or lyur applications. We have tried. the Pennyroyal and beg Ip-ivp to acnuaint the Chronicle with our own exrjerince. We are hu 'fait, in this lousquito business. It depend- altogether on the appetite of the little vilain. If he be ravenous, neither camphire collogne or Pennvroval will : keep him at! diittn flthillohe:' will have blood. JLast summer, our nose was ine scene urn u" " -1-' r iv. battle between one ol these winged cav aliers andthe spiriti of , Pennyroyal. It was a warm moonugnt nignu c uamcu our meek face, according to the prescrip tion, in the confidence of h'opei and we; put our head on the pillow in the aeuse of secu rity. Presently? we heard the trumpet oi war I soun'deilt1 and7; from a ; corner of the ruoiii we saw a il iss1 ppated , late -liou r-kee p iojS'.. swassering rd musqui to making tl n ctly towards us.; tie approacnea wunin a few inches of burTacewhen;he sudden ly stopped and appeared to turn up; his nose - In disgust;": 1 1 Cwas e id en the was not- fond of pennyroyal, r He ontinuetl to makedemonstrations at a distance, pretty much like the night birds and aaakes ia Oer Frieschutz, meanwhil we fell into that deep slumber which ft good conscience and the sense of-safetal ways produce. The morning came, and. our mirror showed us a hose as full of musquito bites as bwitzer- lanu is of mountains, It ; was a congrega tion of little volcanic hills of a fiercer and fieryj aspect. 'rAppetite !: had prevailed o ver listrast, and-during our sleep, the old miisquitoe, .and - all . his brothers, uncles and cousins had ;. helped themselves! and had it all their own way. : Thus were we phlebotomized from our rash confidence in Pennyroyal;. Frm ' that time to the end of the then musquiti.administratibn, we used a net. v Perhaps however, the inusqui toes ;of Georgia are more particular and delicate in their taste than those of New York. N. K. Cour. - . f WJTC HC RAFT IN NEW-ENGLAND! The subjoined .facts are from a book writen in 1767 by John Hale, then pastor of the first church in Beverlyandpublish ed after: his death. A bart. of them will probably be new to most of our readers, and the history of that memorable delusion must always be interesting to the descend ants of the pilgrims : t ;-t 1 '5 . j - jThe first who suflered as a witch. "was a woman of Charleston, in 1 647 or 48: She was suspected partty because that after some angry words had passed between her and her 'neighbors,1 some mischief befel their creatures, and partly because' sum e things supposed to be bewitched,or to' have a charm upon them, being burned, she came to the fire and seemed concern ed I She constantly, professed her inno cence of the'cTiine tor which she was exe cuted. Another some time after, was a Dorchester woman. , Upon the day of her execution, she utterly denied her guilt of witchcraft ; yet lusti lied God for bringins her to that punishment for another sin of her life?. The next was a woman tof Cam bridge, Against whom a principal evidence was.aVatertown nurse, whb testified that the accused did. bewitch1 to death a child ; for the accused made much of the child. being perfectly well, but it quickly changed its color, and died in a few hours airer. The sufferer denied her guilt to her death. pi here was anotner executed, or tsoston, in. 1656 and two or. three of Springfield, one or wimm conresseu ner guiiti Ail these 'were previous to 169. . . In that memorable year, nineteen were executed, all denying the crime of witch- cratt i to the death, some ot them were knowing persons and before this had been accounted blamless liver. ,And? it is not to be imagined, but that if alt had been guilty some would have had so much tenderness as to seek mercy for their souls in the way of confession and sorrow for sucn ia aim Anu as 10 me conuemned confessors at thebar, (ihey being reprieved) it could not be knowtl whether they would s;anu 10 ineir seii-conuemning confession when they came' to die.; ; ! The number .of the afflicted was about fifty persons. .When .prosecutiotr ceased the afflicted grew presently well. The accused wereqniet, and no further trouble has been from Witchcraft unto this day. ' Salem Gaz. J. GALES & SON, , ! It AVE JUST RE CEIVED Mrs. O pie's Works, complete in 12. vols. Washington Irvine' . do do. Byron's do do in one vol. Svo. embellished with splendid engravings. . 1 Burns' do do in one vol.- 8vo. " Shakespeare in one vol.' superbly bound. Spectator, in 2 vols. 8 vo. ;i - Josephus do do. . Man of two Lives. v J r- s r v Two hundred and nine days on the Continent. Domestic Duties or Instructions to young marri V;; ed -Latlies.' :J Kj" s Mrs. ;Heman's Poems elegantly bound. ! 1 Pollock's Course of. Time do. r J Eweirsiedicl Companion, Usttdition, Sec. ' ' Also, the 3d vol. of Gales & Seaton's Register of Congressional Debates." , - if- June 10. 1 ' v ' ' ! " ; : State o.? ovt-C at olixva, i Granville County. J Court of Pleas and -Quarter Sessions, ... . ' Miv Torm A TI. 1R90. - -f- Samuel S. Downy, 4ExrA .'Caveat to the pro v. i i ! K ' I bate of the J last Will Smith Murphy & others,; Vand " Testament of Heirs of John G. Smith, John C. Smith,, de dee'd. , - ' J ceased. . i .' IT appearing to the Court,: that Jas. Nod and Wife Mary, John C iJoodegUHrdian of Ag nes & Elizabeth Goode.Ch as. SpHh,Sarn'l.Smith; of WmV James W. Smith.Thos. Williamson Jane VVilliamson,iJ"arhes .Atfordand Nancy his wife, 8t Smith Murphy, and ;rhos. Smith, ,thirteen of the heirs at Law, and next of kin to John G. Smith, deceased, are not inhabitants of this State ; It. is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in theTRaleigh Register, hotying them to be and appear before the Justices ot the Court of; Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Granville and State aforesaid, on the first Monday in August next in the town of Oxford, and shew cause (if . .any they havei) why the said paper, writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of John G. Smith, dec:' offered for probate, shall not be proven and ' ad mitted to record. ; t. , - - ; . . Witness' Stephen K:,S need, clerk - of x said Court at olEce,' the first Monday of May" A. D, 1829. . y STEPHEN K. SNEED, Clk. ; Price adv. $3 50. : ; -4 . v , ; ri 6w.; -'1 ON Wednesday thr 17th inst.. the new arrange ment of the Mai ill commence. " - ' The Northern Mail ill arrive here rt 4 A..JL and depart for the South, in half an hour there..-ter.- Th Mail will be closed every night at 9 o'clock- ,jU.'-J'-: , , 1 I V. ' V y; The Southern Mail will arrive. here :at .8 A; M. and depart for the North in half an hour thereaf ter. " This Mail will close at 7 A. 51. ; . : -i- : vTUOSG SCOTT. IVM. Raleigh P. Office June 15. 81 RJIL EIGHJl CJIDEMFi "pIIE Subscriber will resume his Schobl.at the Academy for yot 1 h Gent le,fn e n ' .an d Ladies, on Monday, t the 22d day of J une.- , Pre -vented by indisposition from an examination, he Can confidently state to; Pacents anl Guardians, that, their Children and Wards were never bet ter prepared todo'credit to themselves and their teacher. O.f this he hopes to give ample proof, at ttie close of the succeediiig Session' TNoN:ef forts shall be. spared to give the niostentire sa tisfaction to all who honor him with their' patron age , " , : JONA. OTIS PUJ5KMAN. .Raleigh; I5th Jixnc. , , 8t-2t. Morb New Dry Goods, (TEORGE SIMPSON & CO. take leave 10 in V formtHeir Friends and the Public: that tliev have just received a second Supply prNew and FashionablelDryGodds, adapted to the season. Consisting of . . .. . 1 Case new style Calicoes , . - , ,l. , . - 1 do 4-4 Irish'Liu ens pf superior quality & warranted grass bleach . . Cotepalie and Barege lir esses, assorted Colors-. , , " s s " ' J"' French f3adze,Barege and Fancy Silld H'kfs. i Imitation : Cambric k s , - . !Very Fine Hook Muslin , v - , - : " ' 4-4 and 6-4 Bobbinetts 1 -Worsted; Braids' - . English Silk Hose and GIove3 i .X'Jl Horsekm and Kid Gloves r ,: , '-''. " 1 Box best quality lrunella,ShoeS . lx , Cotton Cassimere and CJrandurella i , . French and Uussia Drillings &c '" Raleigh, June 1.5thi l829r tv -1 . 81 THAT on, the 2d Monday iii August next, I ..will sell at the Court-house door in Rock- ford, Surry county.the following tracts of Land or as much as will be sufficient to satisfy the; taxed due thereon, for the'year 1827, with costs : to Wlt- 260 acres given in by Dickson A, Skidmofe. lying, on Deep cfeek, adioiniug Smnuel S oeer and others. - v; . . , , 330 acre given in by Jesse Brown; Jying on Hunting creek; joining VV. Talbert. 00 acres no! given in; as the properly of Law- son Davis, lying on Hunting ere ek join irtg- B: jounson. , ; . .. : - . Tll(J. B. WRtGIIT, Sheriff. : May 25, 1829. , r .81 State g 36vth-aYoia . -.' ; Wayne County., : - May Sessions,''. 1829 j Brittori Hood, Adm'r.- 6f"V , -' , : Sarah Bass, dee'd. . . ' -I s v; . -v -,m Covenant. ; J Pearce Brogdon', Adm'r. - .r , of John Bass, decM. J . ' - IN this case,i it having been made to appear to the Court that .Uriah; Mary, Elizabeth, .Sa rah,- Anne, Keziah1, arid Richard Bass. Heirs at Law of'Jno. Bass, dec. .defendant, in this cause. live beyond the limits of the. State, So that "the ordinary process of law crfnnot be Served on them it is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertjsementbe made. in the - Raleigh Register for six weeks.'for the defendants to appear a. the Courthouse inWaynesboro, on the 3d Mon day of August next, then and there to ' shew cause why the lanls" descending 'to said heirs aforesaid, shall not be liable to the'plaintirfs recovery Witness ' Philip Hooks, Clerk of our said Couit, at office, the 3d Monday ' of May, A. D. 1829. , ; ; 0 P. HOOKS: Clk. State ot XoYtiv Carolina l Payne County. v May Sessions, 1829. Benjamin Howell, Jr. iSx'or 01 uenjamm uoweii. Will or no .Will. Arthur Harden and wife and others. r ' ' - V, IN this case it having been made appear to the JL" Court, that Lewis Powell and Nancy his wife, Robert Peacock and Wealthy nis wife, Beijur min W. Raiford and Needharn Raiford, Heirs of Philip Raiford and Sarah his wife,' defendants in this cause, live beyond 1 he limits of the . State, so that ordinary process of law cunnot be served on them it is therefore ordered by the Court that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Rer gister for six weeks, 1 notifying said dtfemlants that a paper writing purporting to be the lust will and testament of Benjamin Howell, dee'd, has-been exhibited for probaie.at this term, to which a caveat has been filed by defendants, and an ssue made up to try the same according to law. Witness, Philip Hooks Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3d Monday of May, A.r D. 1829. - V P. HOOKS, Clkl' State ol XortYi-Caroliua, Gut I ford County. ' In the Court of Equity. ' . , Curtis Jackson, 7 ' v. - $ ; Jno. Anderson, Y y i , . v Lydia Anderson,. .) . Heirs at Law of Miriam James ? Anderson; Anderson, , ferae ; covert, Phebe Anderson j deceased. ' ' ' . Mary Anderson: J ;. .' , ' IN this cause, it appearing to the 'satisfaction :of the Court that the Defendants are inhabi- tants of another; State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that-publication bo- made for six weeks in the Raleigh Register, for the Defend ants to appear at the next Superior Court of Law and .Court of Equity, to be held in and for the bounty vof . liuiltoril, at the';.Court, House in Greensborough, on the fourth. Monday after the fburtli 1 Monday in Septeitiber' next, then and there to plead, answer or.i demur -to the Com pFainants Bill, or the same will be takerl pro con- xesso, and decree made accordingly 78 Teste. A. GEKKN, C. IV E. The ,Newr York Mirror. fipiIE proprietor of thla periodical is now.mak X 'ing- arrangement to issue the New Volume which will be commenced on the eleventh da of July nextm splendid manner. : The copper plate engravings of the full quarto size---will be executed by the best artists ; the music arranged with accompaniments - for the piano-forte, by thet most skilful cam posers ; the . type new and beautiful, and the paper of a superior quality. In every department the Seventh voluoie will excei uiose neretotore publisbed. The terms are four dollars per , annum, payable in advance ; UouD-scnpiions.receivea oy toe Jtsaitors t ot .M O 1..., .. i-tmmmt - . tl." Register. y WilHamsftoro'i'Afidemv: rTtHE,semi-annual ExaminatioTi of the Sti. J, connected wiih'lhis Institution will be ts on-Wednesday, '3d June . r ireits and Guardi ans are requested o attend.; - - J he exerciser of the School will bV ir wr1. on Monday, ;22d June. ' ,: .-.; " '- - ; ' A.,WlLSON, Principal. Wiihamshoro, May 19. Uv L . -. , . . 74 , . . . : - 7 . Randolph ? C&unty. i-Court of Pleas and-Qut-trr Sessions; , : May Term $. , , Alice Hiddick, - . . ! v; - ' - r WrhiWidows & his ?"fetition for Partition; , wife S.-irah, ; j - - r ! -1 ' IT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court; that the ..Defendant s this State . It is therefore ordered that publica tion be made for six weeki hi iht no,rU it. gister, thai they appear at the next Coiift of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be Held for He county of Randolph', at the Courthouse in Ashborough, on the first VIohd;r- of Aiicrust' nfcxti ihpn ind there to plead,' answer or demur to the petition . otherwise' it. wilf be taken riro confesso nd ad judged accordingly. : 1 j " ; . Witness, Jesse Harper; Clerk of bur taid Court at officei the first Monday of May, A. j). 1829. - Auopy,. :k JfcSSB HARP Bit, C. c. Pii.ce. adv. $2 73: rT . ' ' brd . Acadeniiesi TKe umrher.Sessioh of these Academies opens follows. The Female, under ; the care of the as Rev. Joseph Labaree; will open on" Monday, June ioin me Male on Monday; June 22d' James D., Johnson, Principal; .-y . - , , r ' , . ' " ; Til Q'S IT. f JlTtKJ O I IN, Preft. Oxford,-Mav Sthi 1829. . 1 -. " 71 P. S.iTlie Taib'oro PresS; the Ederitarf Ga zelle, fit Norfolk Herald, will publish the above to weeks,- "and tlienV after an interval of two weeksi continue for; three week that part rel.tt- ing 10 me opening ot . tixe session,'-an I forward v heir acepdnts as heretofore.! ...Jl- . ,, : FOll SALE, , J TN the Town of Nashville,; immediately oppo . site the Courthouste. ' Consisting. of a Store Houses 24 by 50 feet, inferior to none in the State for construction t with a Lumher-IIouae- a good Cotion Gin-Patent. Press for Packing Cottton-afnd convenient- Stables capable of holditfg 12 Horsea; together .with a first rate Waggc and Tesim of six Horse's..- Jt U a prime Stand for men of business. ; . Terms moderate, and possession giVen intmediately.' - ' ' . - . "'-' - ALEX. WATSON .. -Nashville, N C. May 25 , ( 1 , ; 76 3j The Ldte Win. x.' ritilF; Notes given for articles purchased at th' X Sale of the Goods and Effects of the latd William Shaw, of Raleigh, in .November last, rs now due, and the makers of them are requested to call at t he D we I ling; House of the decaaset!, and pny the same to, the subscriber, oaor before the 20th, Oof June, as all such Notes,' as weltiu all other Notes and open .Accounts; due to $aid Estate, which m.y remain! Unpaid after that dte, will be placed in the hnds of an officer for col-leciioml'-; Jj- .. I t ; , .; . - , ; xtfniversity of North Carolina. ; " - - e4.t, -i 1 " fWl H E Public A nnivemry Examination tjf -the X .-.Students, f the University of North-Carolina will be held at Ch:ipel-Hill on Monday, the 1 5 th day of June next and i cont i hue from day to day until . Thursday, the 25th, which last mentioned day is appointed for the Annual Com' mencement of the College. , v-1 ;: ", The following Tiustees constitute the Com mitten of Visitation for the year 1829; - . Vis Ex'cy JOHN OWEN, Prist ex otfeio. , Rev. I)r, JOSEPH CALDWELL, ; ; Dr JOIINB. BAKER, , 1 i:y-rr , TJO T. B ENNEJIANt Eta. -: Genh WILLIAM A. BLOUNT -V on. JOUN, BRANCH '- , , THOMAS. BUHG E5t Esj. . V .! Genl. CALVIN JONES; . Bev. ,r. WILLIAM McPHUETERS. x ,Cot. WILLIAM RO BARDS. . ; . . THOMAS RUFFING Esq. . EMANUEL SIIOBER. rw. ' Dr. JAMES S. SMITH, . , -RICHARD D. SPAIGHT, . , Re. JOHN WITIIERSPOON. i - , -". By order .of His Excellency Governor Owen a special meeting f (he Board of Trustees will be held at the. University, during the ensuing Examination, when businets of viral importance to the fiacre prospects of the Institution vill be consi dered and discussed, . 1 , The Secretary bas accordingly been instruct ed to invite, most earnestly to t! .j meeting the whole body of the Trustees of our University r and to sayin, this Notice, that .it is confidently hoped and expected that noindividu ! -nerr.ber of the BoariVwhether he be of the above de signated Committee or not, , who can with any degree of convenience ffive his Personal att.H- ance will on this occasion fail to do to. - ';'-;Jy order, r .; . . -, , .. ': ; CHARLES MAM.Y, -t - c ' . SccrtarJ Hoard of .uuees. RaleigblOth May,xl829. : ,71-t25J Commencement Oratio; C " ' j - - t ' . " ' . - N compliance with the joint resolution cf t Dialectic and Pjiilanthropic Societies of t Umversitv of North-Carolina. " thut dual, who had been a regular member cf c - " uieir socieiies,snoui(i pe cnosen, every succeed ing year, to deliver a public Oration in thC . ?ge Chapel on the day preceding each Annlv er sary Commencement, we take ple-r in nouncing to the friends of literature, t-t Via fess. Hooper, of the Uhiversity, ls,on the - -ir of the Dialectic. Socief, received nnd tcce :tcj tdiis appointment, and ill perfb;.'.i V dut f tendant thereon, in Pcr.oo fiaU, ca " , lrz 'y 'v 24tli of J ie next." y.- J; ;; . . . . ; """jr We" deem it almost superfluous to x , ' r ' t ' ... '1.. r . 1 .. -rJ iiwk, hi.u ay aena, Desiaea ccn;:.iutir promote a degree of spirit in our procc. Jlr commeiicemenr to wliich they would not c wise atta.; may anticipate ths rec?- ;-n c pleasure from ihe. production of a rtr.xl -well known for his literary attainment' f .-- : By order of the Dial ;ct:c C r t J v V C V f 94,U VM,. JJ ' Wlb 4 ! i r- ' . "'

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