1 , : . ... i .' V s , I ! - ' - :i.sj ON c -if-1 r- 1 N ' " fi Ours are the nlans of fair dl'ilithil neace: - - V !, , Unwarp'd by. party rage to live like brothers.',:. i 1 . 1 V J .o.'58.4;.- i f vi in rT ?y rTT kt t I - I; I - I I II i i .1 J i : h f s . w i m '. i . .. .... ' it at it a 3'' VlU .ft at?5 v:l di Ts publish eo every Tutsi? at and Frihat, bjr At rtt,e Dollar per anriumbalf in advance. 7 V; " ' .' A T VK RTI SRM HNTSiV; :! 1 times for a Poflarand 'twentfive' dents for everv ; succeeding publication j ose of ;ftreati - eV length in the same pf 6pott1on;V.. " VjricATiosthanTcfally reeeWe. uIlkrs to the'F.ditors roust be postpaid. C , , p. 2nnaln of Liberality, Generosity, Public : -V-.-V.';. Spirit,t4'Ct THIRD. SERIES, NO. III. ' On eagles wings, immortal, scandals fly, f while virtuous actions are but born & die:" . r et vour liffht so shine before men.that they inay see voir pfood works, and glorify your Fa ther who'is in Heaven." Matt. v. 16.';-;t '.H . " JlenJer, therefore to all their dues lloxon tolrhom HojroR.'VKom., xiii. 7- ft-i -'H JnHe DaYje, of'Beverly,, Massachusetts, lately presented the University : of Cam bridge with 10,000 dollars, , towards the establishment of a law professorship in that institution. A professorship :wasimnedi-l ately established, and . Judge Story ap ?p(i n ted professor. ' A more, ju d i c i ou s a p pointmeiit could not have been m;ide. i ; : 1 "William Patters on, pcjl of Hil timbre, lately presented ti that ci v a Jot of ground, yl acres, in a te.uUfuHsiuatton; toj be conVeVted into a publicwalkv j J ; 4 Aivthony Buian, Esq. a few day since,; receiveil ihrouh the Pst Office an anony mous; billet of a line and a half, covering a bank note f a thousand doll irs, for the use of the Sr. Joseph's Orphan Society "in Philadelphia. , . -::-... . i Admiral Coffin, a nitive of Boston, but now in the Bii'islifN tvy- lately presented 5G0?ncarfy Iwerilif'jlve hundred dollars, to the Trinity Churih in his native city, towards defraying t h e ev p n se of a s ! e n di'l buiidinj: erecting By the corporation on ine sue ui incir iiuiiiei uiuiwu, iu nuii.ii the Admiral was baptised. 1 V John M u I lan phy E-q . of M issou rL, 1 a t e ly presented to the jcitjejis of St.- Louis, a very large lot, and suitable houses for a hospital , together with a separate house, of which, the Vent 'is to be devoted to the support of the hospital, i These and other donations amount to 12,0UU aoliars Win. Mac lure, Esq. a native ,of Scot land, but for a series of years an eminent merchant in this cit?, ;and now a re resident of New Harmony; in the State of Ohio, iyas one. of the princip founders of the American Academy of Natural; Scien ces, which he endowed with a choice coU lection of books, surgical and mathemati cal instruments, valuable minerals fossils, &cY ; The booksy above 7,000 vol umesy contain niahy of the best works on mine ralojjy, 'geology' chemistry, &c, collected with, great care and skill jn various parts of fiurope., 1 he whole amount or nis rtona is supposed to be about 10 or, 11,000, dol lars. e ; J -1 The American -Temperance Society established in Boston,: has called forth ta unst extraord i nary degree -' of liberal t v. wort liy of i m i i a t io n el se w h e re-, The s u b - scriptions during the first year, f 1826 7, were 13,600 dollars. ' r I Three citizens of Hamburg, in South- Carol ina,' opposite Augusta, in Georgia, Messrs. Henry bhultz, John B. Cdvington atid Andrew J. Dill,; Equires, tendered the use of one hundred houses in the lor ner, to those who vCere rendered houseless by the receut conflagration in the- latter citv f " f " . Martha Powell, late of Philadelphia, an aged member of the Society of Friends, brquejxthed a portion of her fortune to the loUowing public institutions : To the poor of the; Monthly! meeting of Friends worsluniner in Arch Street. Philad. 5 200 To the Institution at West-Town To the poor Widows' and Single Women's Asylum. r; 'x,', y A ...... To ihc -Orphan Society of Pliiiatielphia To the Female Society of priila'delphia; for the relief ami emnlovmprit hf thf- MnVr ' r -i 400 400 To tue Society fop ilu soo 300 ;600 sob .f emale Children i ; -M V - . laihe Feunsytvajiia Hospital ' ' V 2 I'o the Female' Association Cn u ..m A .. I J . 1 . . w M,v V- aiorepurphans Si 2,800 Miss P. MrVis;;of;Lhu1sa':Co K,ma bequeathed tlieiMVqedomb at iher ves, nixteen in tiumber, and left ,500 ... uii.i vu, anu ueiii 1111: ex- " 1'irir ,vivage 10 Ltioeria. It wa stated inlthe urst numbef;ofJthe - .. . . V . -.-'.v cnt series." ih:it.1p4 rc T 1 1 Wi -1 'i U 1 s, ' of Boston, ' had each bt stowed vm 'hdlars :on the ? Alhenaeurhl.1n that Clt-V- 1 W hut theiovv tiiat to'tl-t oifi T d " nc " a cood itiohif tha t don ti oils i"-" me amount of 8.0I1O ilolirhniil,t ,1 h.. .1 t . -7--- - ----- Wv. I'.MlWll l.ir other, citizen s7 TTor t h e; ou r nnsf hsdlfi ioa . pMctl Uie JOth of April, ; ' TuV,orUie,bthf4)r.ihe.f6IId 5 thuiith. that 1'- in v l0VfTJ 5.: S) the donations amouhtedtoMoDb , -.'.:-.,.. .-s. ..- -...f. . -'f. ..--..... . v'i 1 V , During the fast lihclement Wi titer M e 9 & Son. of Baltimore, bestowed "fifty cords bf wooifsto Ithe Committee appointed to auiiwu 4iu iui uic I'uur. FOREIGN. r A Monsieur BfiMfdif lloueni in France. presented t(Gfifffe Committee in Pa-' ns3l,800gf:in 60,000. doljarlo aid the cause of Greece during her ardaitii struggle." . i . In the year 1780, there was a tremen tlous hurricariette; West Indies, which wreck ed n u m brviof vess e I s of d i (fere n t nations, ami atripiig the iresttwo f British frigates, rfthe ere ws-.of whicfi, etcept th one - men ivefe 'dro'wnedi v Those. hr es c a pe d I a n de tl in n t he 1s land of Martinique, of which the larquis.de Bouille was Gov ernor, He sent them to one-of the Bri tish Islands, (declaring tha t ' he could rial regard men as prisoners of ' war, ivJwn the fury of tlie tczwes ; Mrotiayrfrtcejs on the shores of his uovernment." V For'the1: resforation of the York : Cathje dral. lately half destroyed by !an incendia ry. Lord IJitzwillkim bestowed l 3,000; equal to 1 5,0'jf)6ol lars the Archbfshop of York, 2,000, equjtl to 10,000 dollars; and each of his sohsC 850, eq ual to 4.250 dollars. ( ;:c,(:c:;lyv , Philadelphia June 5, 1829. P. S. Persuaded the tendency of the dis semination of nstahces of jiberality; 'jgen-. er o si ty , m a g n a n i i n i ty V a ri d o t h e r s o c i I v i r -tues, i -tended to be preserved in this,! lit tle publication, cannot fail ; to be salutary the com pi ! er earnest 1 y. req ues t s to be fa v o r eilfwtth communications of such facts as fall within its scope, and as are worthy of advjbri-isingV The. following instance of the advanta ges which frequently result from adverti sing in the newspapers, having recently come under our personal observation, i made public for the binent of the "commu nity :v.V' !t::'---'V''' t-;.v ."" Hi" .l , , In ihe month of April last, a gentleman of this neighborhood proceed el to one of inc. western- siases, wnn a consiueiaote sum of money, which he intended to Jay out in the the purchase of j and, and which with a view to its safety during his jour ney, he enclosed in a belt, f astened round his.wait.. -OnTtus return home, without aving effected his ohj-ct, be foutid that the friction of riding had opened the seams of the belt, and that a; roll of bank bills. to the amount of several hundred dollars, had escaped through the aperture ; but as he had not ex tmined it in-r the. course of his journey, he was entirely at a j loss to imagine a what place the money had drop ped out, and supposed it to be irrecovera bly lost. In the mean time, however, a woihy man named Sarnuel Fellen,, whp keeps a house of entertainment within a few miles of Indianapolis, had found the bank bills in question, in a bed which hid been occupied by our traveller and a gen tleman in company with f him. But they had been gone some time before the dis'r coVcry was made j and he, was wholly ig norant of their names, j Having an indis- tmcl recollection, howevt-r that they had informed him, that they were citizens of Old i, and resided, not fir- from j Columbus, anil being desirous. that the money, j which ne oeiieveu must nave oeiongeojo one or the other of them, should be promptly res tored to its owner, he gave notice of the discovery in the Indianapolis Gazette, from which it was, agreeably to his request, copied into ihe State' Journal of the 7ih tilt.; wl)ere it caught the eye of (he traveller, almost at the same moment that his loss had come to his knowledge. He immedi ately called at this office, very cheerfully paid for the? publication,' 4ind hastener to Ind!anai'w1iefeneXh recbverediijsjrnoney! with little trouble j or expense, saveUhose necessarily attendant on the iourneyjiwhereasf had it not been I ror ine laciiiiics, auoiucu uy auvernsing, .11' .bU 'ntthitn; UoiA . ' .' W A I Kknj-hW r . . Ill he might either:" have never been rablef to fim it, or ;haVe; spent the greater part of it in attemptinglto discover "vheref t harl been, lost, had he be e 11 1 e f t to h i s o w n u n aided exertioiis.-OAio Journal, Mi. a- . t-U'Tjh e ' Lum! otf Ti me, of a" rece n t j date, gi ve the folio w I ng accoti nts 0 f the-condi tiori of.-'Lon ; ' I S . O t X lie; d e 1 p re sSed silo a fi 6n of 1 rad ej n thecjtyi-itr'is;scr;cel afr adequajlejideai andit is greatly ;rto be feared that its;'eflect extend rmire or ; less to eVerj part olUberc ioaterialiy to keep vvhat is' going on from t h e kii o w I edge-o tl the, pu bl f c; is;,. 1 ha t a m ul - ititudeof insolyenciesivhichin" ordinary t i m es wou Id find j iheiriritdth e.' Ga - 2tte, aidispose inise amoiig the creditors, because it woutd te n d 1 1 o m a k e'! t ti e in i chief gr ea teiv ; i 0 reveal , i is extent nd perhaps Jtoothe Ija v y la vv je xpen ses X:6n ti nge n t u poni ban ruptcies cannot iir niahy icases b?:affirded It i s ; re ma ii ked by it hose brokers h who - a re nitlie abitrof Shaking the Tnost expensive sales brplrducelb there is atcjeft ptaple artic; e Jof con amptmjhiih Ui& no-faUen ! w ithih; five or prices none., of ; tua t;-em(anu ;;f orAthe -'con nehty vhlchlsjiheirliisare created. 'ffhe late; immense; imjportatio is of graio fi;om the contine nit, j udging fro n ; pre yious p xpe trie nee,, had I ed to the expectation that Vi)irt this cause v solrhe cfr vfty would ? be gjyen to qur prirVg rade,; but even' thi hitherto h tsCnitttben ; real zed and ihe state of d es pu nil enc y whlch l irVcnseqiipnce : xt s is a m nng i n e ' me r c n a n t r l s ey or i a J a i y thing of the kind, perhaps, ever Even the infernal trade of . t h witnessed. country. wjhich is stil;;'mrire, remarkable j seems to be nearly at a stand, an d persons' cotinectetl wjth ?h maniipenientr our 'grjeat parials observe, that-on most of them there it . Iit firljr;..h'QtWD!'Uoih 5tjite ofrthirigs i caolast niuch jjoner, for consumption must, after 'all, go on nearly a Sj usual, but the s u iRVre r s are h a rd 1 y t b ; be consoled with this expectation, which has w toug iiiocNtu uiem wiuiine appearance hat relief isr -at hand : ami in ithe meah o t relief isr -at ' hand ; and in time there carinot be any doubt t lat. under the immediate effects of the present "stag- oaiiofi,! uie revenue oi ine counte maten- ally sutTer.,, yew. Perhaps no word in the English larjguage is more often used whe its pre cise signification lis not understood, than the word few.! hen used by thuse who are speaking f : large sums of money, .or large bojics of men, it is frequently sup posed;! to tnean a number considerably smaller thanithewhole, though -that nuin ber may be abstractly considered, quite large. . In this sense . the lintemperate man drinks but' a few glasses of fUm a week the vicious man commits only a leitf crimel the profane mm utte-rs only a few oat lis ; and the bankrupt losejs his lib erty becaiiise he only owes a few dollar more thari he can-pay. Why suirh a latT- ;udinous i construction should benrtven t be fgtven so plain and simple a word, we cannot conceive, especially as vits meaning. has been form illy defined, by a vote of a town jn leal town meeiing assemble'd , in the heart of this ancient and honorabjle Com mokwealth. A some; of our readers may 'tot have heanrof this decision, we will re- late the occasion and circumstaoce on which h occurred. The town of Paxton, in the county of Worcester, according to the goodlv cus- toni of our ancestors, some years since set- lieu a iM niter : iut inasmui n as uie town was so small, ahd withal so poor, tne inhab itants thought they could not afford a spiritual-teacher' a sufficient salafv. thev agreed that he should have I the liperty of beirjg absent a few sabbaths in each year7 to make up the deficiency in his comoen- sation, by preaching to soiiie other society. unuennis cn.rwvct me Minister was or- lihed, and for a time all things; went oii smoothly. It was I not- however many weeks, beforet'the -people found that their Pasitir ; understood ihe condition if their inutual contract in too extensive a -ensr. to be tor iheir ueneiit or pleasure : anil that in his estimation, a few meant' two thirds or three quarters of the whole time, aiidjhc wasabent accordingly. A town mpp.tinT was consenuentl v called 10 decide on the. true siguificatiun of the phrase A Few.' Alter an ample argument and ma ture deliberation, it was unanimously de cided by-; the town that thereafter the numjber five "should be considered 4nd un derstood to mean vi?few,' and that if their M i n i ster s h o u 1 d ; be a bse u t ; m o re. ,t I w n fi v e sabbaths in one year, the overpluslshould be deducted irom his salary.' We hope those who have hitherto been in the habit of using this expression will hereafter keeji in mind the above decision, and act accor dingly, so - that when -Uhey- promise to meet a irienu in a lew minutes, or o pay a creditor in a lew . days, they may ding to preced ent, ' c ou s id er a f c w -. ... . . i accor in no case to mean more than fivei IVitll k We find in vthe Macon Messenger, long; j but 'interesting; account of the pro gress ofMAcpN,' from her chrUteni ig by the gilatuie, UH'622, to ihet period of her present greatness. She. contains aboui 3,500 iiih ibitautV black & vvhite,J&tlie num ber of permanent - settlers has inc reased within the. last two years She lias abou t fifty jwlvdesale and retail stores,havirlg gen erally on hand from;g5,000 to S40.000, and otten replenished through the season of business. There are ten' 'Cotton YVarkhbus es, large -and - weJ I 'n'St rUidied,'"(yi t e vr ral Wharves a tVached-sis: regular liotels four Banks, Macon, Insurance, Oarien, and State Bink Agency t wo printing Of 1 1 c e sr-a ii 00 k.Jj ore-? 1 w o. v- n u r c 11 e s ja u ti a ihird'. cp ri t e m plated a n e legah 1 Bri.k Court House-eleven Atoroeys and ten rnysiciaTis- -an inc,rporaie(-ciuemy,anu several pHVateSchoolif besideslatcs of fash ionbble f resort, &'o. --'. Tweii ty Pole boa t s "c a rry.her exports to' the sea b ;4rd -1 i nere weutaown ine ucumuigee ?tTni824,; '-'--?4;goo;- ';;.. 1825, V k U t ?: 1 P. 000, jS ?;:P-C- - ; 1826, ; . ; 29,000' V -fV 1827 ' V 1700.H f :-'k7 V: K1828.-and 29: 40.000, bales of Cottbhs- the probable amount of which exceded $3,000,000. V ' A noble Reply. i--Th v; e : ! n ?n t surged 0", Mr. Bod ou, , was one day; sen t for bvi Car- J dinal , D u B rbis Prime M i n ister of France and yet; by the .present rJBirlous him. The Cardinal' tne ooor, said to him. viiu' nv uf nut as ; you treat : the poor wretches at vour nqpital ;ot;the liotep 0te.l;.P.?-':. Mv Lord, j - f:. C Petition for Divorce. - s, these poor wrutches alEd)V4ard Jtuckner. y ; : . i1 i pleased to Cal I t hemj' is 'i W PBRED hy Court. that rubircation be ma reptiedtM: -Jloutlei y""1 "Hneoce.is pieasecl to Call.tbem, IS! each a prime minister in oiy eves.". ' KJ i?z i-- " ; -'!f'n' V---'inrv!;. t w - . .. r . . . - , - - - . IT T ; '.r.. .7 " .y. v 1 train of ) Ed ward the second "to ; celf br;i"t"e ma vjjci-icu iriuuipn xrver 4VoDert lirUCC Unfortun .tely, the Bard was taken priso ner at the battle of Baunock6urfiind the harp, that; was ti h ive inimwrtalixed . the E ngl i sh mod a rch's g! or v wa s e mpl oy ed in the service of -his antagonist. ;"f The'folto" w.-' ing is an extract fi oui the poem .sung in honor ot the occasion, f " the horrors and tu mult of . the contlict are almost expressed by. the sound of the word s :;the: allitera tion is rich even to the der. - -;- . -. - mere Engl ish-rear ; Est dolor irbmensus, aut gente dolore dolorem ; Est furor accelsus, stiraulante furore furorem . Est clamor crescens, feriente pfiore priorem ; Est valor aresceiiS, frustrante val ore valorem'; Est Calor ardescens. urente calore calorem . Kstens demescens, reprobante minore rriiho- rem - .. -. :-; - . . ; , , -...x. r.c Est stupor auditus, geminante stupore stiipo ; . rem ; '.. V v.- : ; '' . ' :v: v .... , . , - '( Est populus triUis, perdente tenore tenorem j Surit mitos, ftuKlente cruore cruorem ; -Nunc.timor.est scitus, nietuente timore timo . rem. .,'-- r. - -'""J1 -Vl 5 v- ; . - v.- - r B0S. COU. 'Race Ffor'ses. The itory -of speed in England, at the rale of a mile in a min ute." had better be corrected, . before ; it goes fu ri her. Fl v'i rig ChildeVs never went etgnryjeei in a second j nor, it he had, and held it out from the score, could he have reached ihe mile post, withiii l60 yards,. iii u. muiuie. ins most ex; raoruinary pre tended leaps did not, I think," exceed 6 feet, ami no long rating horse: ever made three such jumps In- a second ; but even dning lhat, he would be 200 yards behind the mile post, these errors as to lime have been corrected in th: Sporting Mag azine, over and over agiin and ought not to be repeated. American ,Eclip-e car ried 9 stone, (126 lbs.) in" his race, with Henrys and not 131. The first heat of 4 miles in the great match race on the Union Course, was done in 7 minutes 37 seconds. the highestspeed we have -witnessed, .in this country. The average of the speed with the time is, however, a fraction short" of 16 feet to the second. i N. York Ev Post.i . A facetious parson of a country parish was employed some years since to unite a rustic pair in the holy bands of matrimony As soon as the knot was tied ' well sirt' says Jonathan, what's the damage Nothing I hope,' replies his revereuce, if ihere is any done it is none ot mine l"jTou a 1 on e a re a n s we ra ble.for.the' proce e i ngs n f this evening.' But I mean, sir, what's to pay ?'- 0 that depends on circumstan- an-um ces. When I marry . av couple, if tire bridegroom is rather indiiiereiit to his bride, he hands over a legal lee, foiiTf and six-pence. If hje is pretty fond of, her , he will pay a do!Iar;or a crown. -If he is ve" ry.. deeply in- love, lie; will hot think-of giving less than a! couple 'of dollars - or "a uuupiu mi tiunus. .Frenzy does not become a slighter dis temper on account of; ihe number of those w ho m ay be i n fected wi 1 1 li i t. 'Burke ;; Few swords, in a just defence, affable to resist 'many unjust assaults Sidney. Obscurity in writing is commonly an ar gument 11 f darkness in ' the mind the greatest learning is to' be seen in the great est plainness. -Bishop rtilkins. .-;;, He only will please Tong, who, by tem pering the acidity or satire wuh the sugar of civility, and allaying ; the heat;of , wit with the frigidity of bumble , chat, ,cah m a k e , t h e t r u e pu n clvd f c on v e rsa tio n ; a nd as thitt.punch can be drunk in the greatest quanti ly - which, hasw tfie largest proportion of whaler so jl hat "coinpanio(i,willbe i)f: tenest welcome, ;w hose talk-flows', out "with inoffriiisive'copiousuesSjand'uneuyicd p 1 d 1 if. Johnson. . Original slnecdote-' : few years;- agoV ctiupie jir jjutenmen upon the high hills of Limestone, though verv: friendly. nau : a- tireauiui falling' iut about one falling killing the other's ' dog,. fpr ' which' he sued for cfamages. They ;wervcalled intii Cour aud the defendant; in the case W asked by the Judge if he. killed ihe tlog Ue. sure i Kilt him aia the Uutchnian, pu t " I et mill proof i t J s;'; t ins be 1 ng ; tj u 1 te 8tYsfactpr;:'he;$aed byvibe lud;e?td what a moii n t he e ti van t ed the d arnges 5 he d id n 0 if U nd ehf a n d t h is question so well, - --.--v.'-i ' uvm - .;.- '.-- ?." ; . - i so -to e,a uuiepiamer, ine juuge afKeu him what he thought-the dog to be Worth. Be sure,? said he the dbg Was wot vnot- i i but since he was I so mean as' to. kill him, he-shalf t'X de-full. walue of him. ? j" auas.in a noiipp in inp ntrii; num. : nouniv nt ti r.i :u .?ii ber M The Fore i-n Ke v ieWArt-!A h tiquir I Monday after the, 4trMonday'in September, ty of vUhytrdng.S:enfions ne W two in-1! stances of ancient mdusrrv iiffhe rVirUc-1 u aV?e w,u ne hm3r fiurU.-- v One of them is a poem writren ty ;Basiorl, 1 of A2rcbl829. ; ..-r -Z'S' v- . -., ' a Carmelite Monk, Who , wVsxnrried Jn tlie I -;--:-- - "ROBERT H KNiiv: c i Sr n. Sj$F5!.g LPFA 29. ; fttnSEDby Courr;thatriubircation be made forJ, . nrnnths-'suceessivelV -iii the' Raleigh Kfgster, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal ' " "Fien'ianrDe ana .appear II.. f" . . . . - inc.. Opfenflant'be and appcat .at Xhn next oai'crir vqitrt i law.tO be hId iiir Runccnibe a ' 11 1 ' - , : -. .- State. JVrJii'oZina ! V''; ' ,-'. KButvroinbe Couritj." f Superior Court of Law-Apriltrriu l829. ' Thomas Sharp e; y ' ---.:; .. . . . ' ;. ' ';.; f Petitionlbr divorce ;t -V :, S u.sa h nah - Sharpe. 3 " - . ' -. C OUDEUED by Cciurttbai publication be made for rthree months successively in " Ha leigh . Itegister. rand the . V. Ikin and Cataaba J ourn-d, . that ; the Defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law. to be held fcr Cuncombe Coiinfy.at the Court'-house in A?!it- 1 villei on the second Monday after, the, fourth -Monday in Sepiember , next;; anjd: plead; or an swer 10 tlie.Plairtti'aPs petition "or the same will be heard e&parieSS:J : ; - ' . - J V J ' "'; - Witness, Robert Henry," Clerk of s'ud Court Vt Office, the second Mondayafccr the-foutth-Mon- day -of March,' 1.82ST. f vt r- - " iUOfiERT HENTiy, c;j CJ 1 . : ; j Buncombe Countv v U ' ; - SuperibrrC6urt.'fXa jacoD Kaper, ... ii .; 1 v. ; . ; C Deborah Raper. y Petition for Divorce. ORDERED by Court, that p blicatronbe rrtade - v for 3, months successivejy I in the Raleigb -Register, and heYadkin and Catawba Journal, ; that the Defendant be and 'appear at' the next Superior Court. of Law to be beld for-Buncombe . county, at .the Coun-hbuse in Asheville; on the ' . 2d Monday after.lhe 4th Monday in , SeptemberV ' next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti. -tionor the sone Vill be heard ex ' parte. : , Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk btVsaid Court V ' at Office, tlie 2d Monday after the 4th Monday -cf March, 1829. , i-; -? j r L-.-jV-'t ;:-,---' V?- - ROBERT HENRY, GS$;XL : Stilts of ;XpvtaYoina, ' . ' r i?ari c; ' -"'. Court of Plelis and Quarter Sessions ' Z 1 ' . . May Term, laav. ; . - ' Alice mddick, vV- ; n 1- A : rv . . ... . .v --V-V- 'A-V, ' r---; ,v Wm. Widows &hisyelitlon artitiqn. ; . wife Srh.:i:J-:'-y- : it:- -K " -' IT appearing toj the satifa'ction of this Court, that the Defendants are not -Inhabitants of this State ; , It is therefore ordered that publics tion bemade for six weeks in the Italeih Re gister that tliey appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ,td be held for . the county of Randolph, at the Court-hvuse iii Ashbordu.b, , ' ' on the first Mondiy f August next; then and ' there to plead, answer or demur to the petition, otherwise it will be taken pro' ponfesso and ad judgetl accordingly. . ! v ..: : V ''-Witness, Jesse! tiarpVr Clerk of oiir said Court " ' at office; the firs ilonday-of &fav, "A. D. 1829. A Copy; , . j , JESSE HARPER, c c. Price adv. $2 75.; v -V V: ; . ;. ': "' y Stateof North-Garoliua;. ' ; r" ;-' ' ' VjSurry County. ;" '. .'" Superior Court of Equity, March Term; l'S29. -John HiLsabeck vju Joseph Penington. " V V. IT appearing, .to; the satisfaction i of the Court ; . , that the defendant, Joseph Penineton. Is net mnaortant ot tnis State it is therefore order ed'that publication be rhade for three roniiths in the: Raleigh Register, that he may appear at our nexi superior court-oi tquityto.oe held for the County cf Surry,iat the Courthouse in Rockford, on tle first MohdayibSeptern'e,rnext, to plead, ." : answer or urmur w ine complainant's bil! or . ; the same will be taken pro' confess? and heard ' : r eS-parte. -Vi- -V-.v - ,7 - , " . - x Test,: WINSTON SOMERS, C. M. E. , May 19, 1829.-l-pr.adv. $5 25. . . ' ; ; - State of Nbrth-CarolinaVt : " i-.Granville County. ,,'. ; Court of. Pies-and Quarter Sessions, ? v '; May;iTerm;-A.'D;i829.V j,---. -. - ' Hp orel Fraizer, Admr: of William Ikester. dec! r . ' ; rk '-c' '. "'- ' ' Robert Hester; f of Wm'.W. - ' ' : Original attachment. " Levied in the hands' cF - j Th.os. B. IttlejohnT Esq. and he is suiiimoned ,;. as Garnishee. - ...- m --j y-x , LT appearing to the satiifjction of the. Court, , ; -that the "defendant, Robert Hester,- is not an inhabitant "of this State ; . it. is ordered that publication be madkin the lMeigh. Register for six weeks,, giving notice to the said Robert Hes- ; tcr that he appear at : the Court of Pleas and QuarterSessions,- to be held for the County and State aforesaid,Var the -Courthouse in Oxford, oh the first Mondayjn August next, '''then, and : v there replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final . will be ; rendered up gaiust him, 'tnd the t : propertyeyiedron, condemned, subject to the " plaintirPs recoyery. Witness, Stephen K. Sneed, Clerkof said Coorr, at otHce in Oxford, tht first Monday ia MayVAn..l829. ; 7 - - . 75 6w pd;7rv C ' STEP. KSNEED, Clk. :'State of Ncu-th-CaroUha", 77: J-. 7 J Jlarttn County. 7 ; t' In crrT.SprmVTe ' " ;?Jt'- VS ; -' ?- - --J-C Edvrard Griffin,; Silas Bennett," Adm'r of Johr) ' VV r;;-r-'.-:-LUte'rt ind Luke 1 Jos.7 7 v 7. -. IT appearing-vto; th'e satisfaction of the Court that Luke Ross is not a resident of th 53 State: it b ordered, tliat he appear at the. nextlerm cf the Superior Court . of .Equity for MartTa county the isst Monday in August next and -.r.cr else judgment pro' contessoVULbe take: - 7:st him .aodibat publication of this rule lc iZi for; three months in the Raleigti Reriater. ' v Uy3 . 7- r J.B. SLAUE C; IV. E. -BLANKS -;;.-7.' Vor-saje it IbisOHcc. . - yv . W ... t . .4 T WHV Jiaworne Uerala, - tu it :: rn : : 4-. :?77 .stf V- -i--;V'7:-- -.-. ' -J" ..::::.'-.-- - - -

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