tfc mm " uurs aretne mans or fairii;frhtfii ri -5 c. .t;-vt.-.'x.r--.i4i t.. , ?. ... ...--..wv t.Pablishert eVcrV Mo hat anct.TRtxiisnAV, by joftKPH crAi;KS & SON, ; ; 'xt Fiir Dollar pet annumljaU in advance. ot exceeding iixteen hne;- neatly inserted 3 ' times for a Dollar, and twentyrfive cents for '''every succeeding publication : those pt'gre&V ' ftr length n the same, proportion..::CoMMtr icatio'SS thankfully received.. ;. tfETTRRS , to thcF.dtortnstbe ojW ' M ' The fMrih with new edition of i the !of Sir' Waller Scotr, asis, already known to our readers, ; is t be accompanied with "ilusfrative and explanitory note, ibjy the tuthor One is here subjoined; ; The read cr!i of the Atlas .will probably remember ?he story of the Tapestried Chamber," from the' d ! writer applied ihe-am pretation in that case Which are; e hi ployed in the present instance, the obiections then rade would nor ha ve beeji ;oftredi f The legend of,M rs; Grizel Oldhuck was parti v taken from sn Vxtrairdinai jrs story id the South of Scotland, su pecuhar, .; in its circumstances nth at it ;tneritsXbein: antiimed in this mace - Mr.' K- r " hi n.lahd- "a cehtlemab' of-landed prop erty in the valef Geta.Vwas: prosecuted for a very xonside ra ble "sum , t he ric cu m u la ted a r re rs oft ei ml; (or J he) J for : w h ich he was said to te indebted It a mb e fam ily, the titulars, (I ay, i in propriotu rs of .the tithes.V ? Sir: U d was strongly, im- prssed with the bi lief that hi father had, by a firm of prce pacutiar t the law of ctiiland, purely sd these lands -fron ;tlt titular and therefore th tt the preent pro- v , w frrounuicss.: jjan. ouci on industrious searchamoniihis fa thers ipa npri. an investicatiOn of the !. public r record-, and a careful Inquiry: amon who had transacted la w businesss Jor father; no evidence could be recovered t.. Rapport; his lpfeiice. f;ni ntto.. nhin he conceived' the loss ncai.ut ii"x .-; r- - - t t . ., i , .xf latxiiiit to -be inevitable, and he Ji id formed his determination to ride to; Ed in burg next day, and inakehe best bargain 4x .nM n he war o . coiimroHiisr. - i if rrpnr to bed with this resptation, and, with al I th e ci rcu m stan ces of i he case, fl a i i ng apim his mind, had a dream to the lollop ing purpose: Hi father who , had been ,nanv years f dead, - appeareit to him, he thought, and asKeu nun woy nc, wus uis tnrhfd in his mind. ' in dreams, men are not surprised at such apparition. Mr. !? d thought that he informed hn father of the cause of His clistrcssv adduix. tht thp navment of la considerable sum of money was the more unpleasant to him, because he had a strong consciousness that it was not due. thnujrh he was unable i to re cover any evidence in support of his be lief. ' You are rihtv mf son,'' replied the paternal shad e ; ' I did acq u i re, righ t to thesis' ' tei n d s fo r, pay m e n t ofv w h i ch y ou are now nrosecuted: The pap'-rs lelu- iini-fn "thi 'transaction ''are in,v the liands of Mr ' " Y'- n wriieir- for attornev "J1 wh is now retired from professional business, and resides at lloveresknear E'Hiiburg. lit: was a nefaun; wHomr: employed,; on ; tljat occasion fora partictijar reason but uhu' npvpr fin anrvOiher occasion - transac- m1 hit sinews uti my - account. ' It IS;, very poM-ibJe,'? fiursueii ihe vision, ' that ; ilr. mify, nave tiouenta inavier wich is now-of .v verv old; date ;t but;;voUi.nmy 'eali it t his recillectioii .by this toKeti, that, whon 1 came to pay, his account, there wns diffirolt v in cttiiur cKanffe fr a Por- tujjal piece of gohi,' arnl that w e were f i r- drink Out ihe balance at a taycrn.' Cfd to Mr. It- d awakened in the morning "with all the words of the vision imfirinted 'on'.hts mind, and thought it worth i while to r u I e a c ros s tn e ; c o u n t r y t o l n v t re k , hi - te&d f g i straihtto Edinburg.-rneri h? came thet e, 1e wajed on the gentle itii, inpntlaned in the d ream, a very.; oll in.; if; without sa'ing any tiling of the yi- ; si'Kii oeiifiquifed ; hclher, lie femenibered having enndui ted such 2 .matter for fiisjder aed . fi the fjriVh e; o! d jjgerj tie in ?i iV.cou I tl not at. firs i bring. the- circuiiistaricet'i . his recuUeciion; bat on mentiun of the Portu gal pirc2.Vf' gld, the t urted a pun his ineiii ory ; he m a e ah i nirnedi.i t e sea re h rr thp pipers, and: rccoyere(lJheinsii ttiat. Mr. RlL--d ( carried toi Esnburg the documents, necessary. to7 gain tile, cause which he was n; theVeige of loklng The author Jus of. em heard inis " stiry told; by p. rson:who had thVbeiht access ta kiiiw , "he ficts, who were not 1 j k e ly the m se I v e s 4; he deceived -and Iwere' certainly ihe) .;pbleof ;clecepTion:. fu a to gi v e tijcr'etli f v ? ho we yii b "tt ra or ;; the circumstarVcesW ihe circunisittarcara tn t .nu give ii in t bed re aro t ke si t put of the general class oflnlressxoiU of ih kind Hi ch a r e ore. a & in 0 t 1 b v' tli e for i u i to u S ' co- .iiiGinence of .actual events wiin our ingihoughls Oii; the otherhand; few u ill suppose ihatthe XdVfspf' nature were sus pemleij, amj a'specracommunic the tlxraii to theliing permittedfb?he purpose i,f saving :d: a certain capiru i anon v or - i nrormaiinn ? wnicn m r. U , ; r had rea I !y' recei ved from his f a t h e r w h ife in.; IS fe, ' bu t t.w h ich r a t fi i & t U e merely, rec illedf as ;a general,. impression ihat ithe'claim was settled. At , istnot. tin rjimmnn f for persons to": recovery tluriug ".leep.the thretd of ideas which they -have lorvdunos: their w.tking hours; It may be a fi (1 eel ; thai th v renin rK a u. e ci rcu rn s? an ce was attended vrhU. bad consequences to M ri R , f?.. " health a nd , spiri ts w ere ;a f tr wa rd s i m pairei I by: t b e a t te n t ion which he thought himself obliged tb pay to the visions of the "night' ' V " - State of North-Carolina, 'I " .i Buncombe County- , , -Superior Court of Law AprilTerro, X829. . . Polly Buckner, - ) ,t , - - "..' s , i y.s' l. C Petition for Divorce! 3 r Edward Ruckner. ) m ,:-..-? i o ORDERED by qourt.that publicatioh be made .for "3 months successively ii the Kaleigh Register, nd the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that.the I Defendant -be and appear at the next Superior Court of La w to be held for Bubcombe county f- at the Court-house in Asheville, on the 'd.Munday aftQrjhe 4th Monday in September iiext, and plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or the 9ame will be heard parte, i ' Witness, ttobert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, tlie 2d Monilay aft er the 4lh MoiidAy of March, 1829.j .ROBISK'r1 F.NUY, C S. C. y':' State of JVorthWarblinai - I Buncombe Go u n ty. . . I K " Superior Court of Law Aprd Term, 1829. i X- v ; J C Petition for 'Divorce Susannah Sharpe. S : :-": .' ' -V : ORDERED by Court that publication be made for three inontlis successively , in .the V Ita leigh Register, j and the Yadkin! and Cataw bu Journal, . that' the Defendant oe and appear at the next. Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe County, at the Ctiurt-house in';Ash. ville, on ' the second Monday after :the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or an swer to the Plaintiffs petition, or the name will be. heard ex parte .' v'-.;''' -lr Witness ltb-i-t Henry, Clerk of s.iid Owirt at Offic e, tl.e secon.t Monduy after the fourth Mon day of. .March, -1829". : . .y u; ,.ROBERT HENRY. C S C. . ' State Kof North-Carolina, Buncombe Countv. ; S u p eri or Coii rf of .ttw Aprd Term, 1 829. Jacob Raper,1- :V . - '' -"Lf-- v-ja '. v." C Petition for Divorce. . Deborah Ra'pef-.S;. 'x' . ":: HDERED by Courf , that publication be made Vr for o ; months successively 'in the Raleigh Register and Ihe Yadkin' and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Ashetfitle, On the 2dMonda5 Jiifterj the 4th J.Mohday in , September next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. . ?'AV.itness,' Robert Henry,-Clerk of said Cotirt at Office,' the 2d Monday after, the 4th Monday f Mai-cb, 1829. 1 , ' : - ' i ; 1 " ' ROBERT HENRY C. S. C. . Slate of jybrth'Ci,irdlhia9 ri " ;-:' 'fi- Buiicoihbe County. ; ; ? ( Superior Coun of Law April Term 1829.! Ashnr Lyon T v. Petition for Divorce. Lucmda Ly on S OaHERED by Court, that publicati n be made tor- 3 months successively in the Raleigh Register, and; the-Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that! the Defendant ;oe and appear at the next Superior tJourt of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Asheville,' oh the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the. Plaintiff's peti tion, ,or the same will be heard ex parte. " j! !1 T Witness,' Robert Henry,' Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of Marcli, l$29. ' : "- ; . "'-;' " -." . . T1015ERT HENRYS C. S. C. I JStd :----J'-' ;!:v I5uti co'nbe Cou utv. ' '' Superior Court of LawApril .Term, 1829. Petition for Divorce. Margaret Robards. j that the Defendant be and appear at tf.e, next Superior Court of Law to be held for; Bunco m be county.; at the :06urt-housec in, Asheville, on the X 2d Atonday kfter the'4tlHM next, ai)d pleacl 'or answer to the. Plaintiff's pe- tlllOll, Or I lie Miinc wuiuc iicnrvA ko. ywie.i ., Witness, Robert nenry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the '2d Monday , after .tiiie 4th Monday of March; 1325. . - . .r;. . 'K'.'-j , ' ,; ROBERTr HENRY. C, S.iC-l y Court ot Ple:s and Ciuarter Sssions; iAAlicelliJdic .' " -W Sl'etitio nj for" Part i tiortO W Wm Widows c hni f ( , : r J ; r. t 1; t appearing uj? me Baiisijiciin 't V"- v?",,,, ; tliat;tfie l)etenlants jare not :iiaijitayts.of this S t,a i e V I f it therefore. ore! ered 'inat pti Uuca- iion be made for six, weeks jn the RaleigU )Ue girter, that jhey.appear at the next Court or Picas and Qiixtrtcr Sessiisv to be lveld for. Jthf coiihty of U.n lolph, at .tlie CouH-li'use;.ip. Ashborougb, oh the Mvatj Mund .y of : Atit tojeiv then and thcfelTiii'i)lead.1aitxVer'.brdem btherwiseVitXwHI'b' judged -accOrAmgly 'c. P r'iV- . Witness, Jesse Harper, Cleric oi our saia uouri at office. the firfiV rMondav ofMay- Av;D. 1829.:i ZXX'CopySAlia ESS E H AKP B U, c.c. y-VPi ice adv;-$2 ;7jfc?;r -v ri nil aMAIE R'if I LLt A MS & HAYWOOD Will pre- nart-i season. AlsoLenion Syrup.of the first qualityt t They jjavenustr received a'sypply .f superior OIDEREU y Court, that publication be made : for y3 months successively iii the Raleicrh rritt " i hii Vrirllf in !l I id ( !' 1 1 !l W h-r I n ( irn 1 1 ' t X (, 1 XX ... m X I X x A XX. I FX II x X XI..1X. 1. WW l U 1 1 I I IM I W iio aoke aStrBff roki ' ) x -For PracticatSeintiZe ' fJlHE Course of EducatiortVat this Institution; -fl. : will embrace the folio wihg DeparlimVnts :-;'.: C'VwnWThisljb the Greek, 4 Latirii Trench hd tSdanisli Laii guhges. ni:? . wiui nemancai w i emnrace, Aricnme O, Algebra, Logarithms;; Geometr Trigonotn- Natural Phil os'onhv: Ast ronom v a hd Na vi cratio ni and the Natural Sciences,' Botany; Mineralo! gy:and NaturalHisfory;rfr ''.' ' 1 Particidar.attehtron''willbeta! this Instil tution to Practical Edticaiibrt; Classes1 in Mathe matics will be practically taught; the application of Trigonometrjto Heights and pistaaces Y Tri angular Surveying j Levelling arid Engineering; graduation of Road aod Streets, the osa-; of i the u.iuiiicicr, wuen.appiiea io laKintr xne auuuae of, mountains and other eminences. iThey will frequently be taken , Qtit to practice with the Comnass and Chain, ifheodolite and levelling' :ftod9and.accompani wu occasionally tase excursions tor the purpose of making obsen'atiohs in Botany aud MjneraH it fit. JSyrgTwA.- This itoepaHment wl include Eng-Ush Grammar, Perinianship; 1 Book-keeping, Public Reading and Declamation, .Ancient and Modern Geography "with the use of the! Map and Globes,? Ancient and Modern History, Rhetoric', Composition, Criticim. Lotric Wnd Mdral Philo sophy, Construction of Maps with the principles of iProjection.r'.,.;; ' TKi ... j: It.! -m.i 1 w . . t- i : liog Penmanship, 8cc. will be thorouglily taught; and the Junior. Classes will in this respect, ie Ceive particular; attention. I f.-lifX;; Physical Education .--For the improvement of the heal h and the developement of ihk Physical as weM as mental energies of -theJCaijets,sthey will be requ i red to- p ractice d ai ly a nd eiju larl y , Military Exercises These having for' their main, object the preservation of health, wi! i be pur sued, so far only as may be. requisite fo: - this pur pose ; in no instance will they be permitted to interfere with .other pursuits out wi 1? occupy those Jiouts in the day , t hat would ot Ii ;rwise ie devoted to useless and frivolous amusement; Th y will consist of the . Elementary; schools 'Of the Soldier, Company and Battalion R; rotations;,' Lijj;ht Infantry and Rifle llrills--formai ion of r ICnlar Military Parades--Guard v I )uty-j the duty of j office! s of the Guard and of the Day the Broad Svord Exerciser ; ; i k i? , ; Uniform ?.. U he dress worn at the Insti tution will consist of -a dark blue clot 1 Coatee, single breasted and standing colhr.- Blue cloth Vest and Pantaloons for winter, and hite do mestic cotton for summer; leather Cap w!h ap propriate trimmings, bUck silk or leather Stocks. An undress will be worn in" summer, consisting a cotton striped Rouridabbut; s.ingle breasted anl standing qollari v-'' :s''-ly!f':'i ' : As the Co it cannot be made elsewhere than at Institution, a more particutai; description of it is nmitted.' 15ach member of the institution will want the foil6ying articles, viz ?dne single mdtreas either of hair or straw, pi Howl two ,pil 1 cases, foui" sheets two yard: in lehgth and ont in breadth, one pair of blankets, tvi o towels, four- shirts, four pair of white-cotton, p. ntataons, four white vests for summer and one I lue cloth forjwinter single breastedsix pair of c:tton and four, pair of woollen socks,; draws and waistcoats if worn, two pair of thin and one pair of thick shoes, at least two pocket handkerchi ef's, too'h brush, penknife, qn.lls wafers, &c. Parents can furnish -their sons with such articles of clolh ief the above description as they may have, if they : or they may be suppljed at the Institution on the most reson.b(e terrhs The above quantity of clothing is'deemed-sufficient to answer a cadet one year should lie Jetve the Institution at the expiration of that tipie,. such articles s the cap, bed anI bedding, il furnish ed Jit the Institution and; well taken carjeofwiU be'feceived back at a fair ' price. v Each cadet must have li.s name marked in full, on every ar ticle'of his clotiiing. V r V 1 ' -' ' : i Qtialijication idmhsiort, rfc.No ; ; tan di date wilt b.' admitlefl into .this Institution,' v. ho is'uiw der ten years of age, who cannot read" And spell, and who is;not of a good m -ralcharac ef. . It is deemed advisable to admit u6u foi a less term than one year, as the expense for a le is period would be proporlionably greater, and t le advan tages to be derived proporionably les '. ' -.; KjLpeiises.---The cadets wilt be clivided into Jiwo Dep irsments. Those under fourt ;en years ot.'.'ge, will conHtituie the Junior, and ll iose over, the Senior. The fwholc expense'per &6ademtc year, will be for the Junior-160, auc for, the ,Senior.$175, payable $100 ort adnmsio i and ihe remainder at the expiration of six rifiontivi.- Thin expense will include every cl arge for Board, Tuition, Fuel, Ligh ts, : W aslii n P u b "lie Lect u res, . use of rms. and : Accou reme'nts, Rooni Rent, and in short evervexpenie except Clothing, and : Books. ; The academic y ear - will consist of'46 Weeks, and. will be dividec , into tWcf,:-M :i2'pt .i;i-'''WSvI::,: Hoard. xThe cadets will - board in - ' :he;ame 0'- ' l' !;-Mt'!a;c family with their instructors, some One or more of. whom will at all tjmes be in company, with them oaternall v ! to direct them both, intheir studies and amusements 5 and to assist in forming a courteous, moral and gentlemahly depbrtmenti instructors ana instructed x we snau raingie to gether a members of the; same family, jmdpur Mte towards each other, that tamdiar and respect- iul tjoure calculated j to fiisfJire the,pupli-with a manly confidence and zeal, va'nd the i osiructor w i t hlfe nib t i on S of pleasu re 1 -. J;;. ..l.x I ;A "5 ; Examinatiotis.rV tere wi 1 1 be two pi blic Es ami natrons in each year.'" The firbt to commence 011 the Monday nearest th and ;T0i'e iecbodV continue; eachj'-prie we ; yateexamihatiOriio on tlie studies i of tiiepreceinhg ' week; C v v ica;W5.Thereill b first tminediately ".-'after '"'the Decemberx i.xiinina- tioh and iwill continue ti lithe secopdljinday in January ne nex at,iue ciose 01 uie .tune; ex aTuuiauGii, unu , v u . i-oiiviimc; w u cc .s u leave pf absence will be granted id tei ra ,dm", except In cases of urgent necessity.1 &JiiAdi d's Edi- tioit; llistbrias Sacra, Virii Rooiae. Citsaijts Cpm TTiehtaries, SallustVVirgili CiceroV elects Ora tions De Oratore, De ;A micitia De Senectute, Livy1 Tacitus, ifiycroobkis of eacnVt Ainsv GrerG6o&ri6h'B Greek' Grammar Jacob's Greek' Reader. "Neilson's Exercist s.xValpy's De rffc.-f..;?... vlrfiWll: :'tkTT- V"-vi''- : t'f - tnMatheWatia . :9.V.MvWPllna'v;; son's Cmiic; SectrbniineMNaturaf Phdosoi ?;.Grari iri) ie; C.nt Vi' ' V pby-1SMrinsCiyH. 0Court and?AVi lard4T,epjphy?;iast-:elft ' ElemehtfCtlistolH.l 7iies,,yiurrav -h tir.-mm:i',arttl. Kxercises. .1.1 tains vxVUrC lirzrtg: M'f.' esier, ucc :Rhet'tir)ck " -l-""7 . ",,,i,l"M.." .-VI HC x x- IIUCIi .iia.c itIIU State? Keverallvr5; ',vr;-.';. "'.'- ; ;-vTjhjraeVi vised : to birngany .of he aboVe mentioned books iey m y nave i tueirjHJssession, any -Mathema? tical I ost rttmehti orVotks,? aliof any-Dfistbrlcal or Literar? Works Ur4;0--v - ".V10 nge n i e ru s wui. o,e maae. at tne Insf ittiiioiv to supplyrt he cadets with tltej neces sary Books;; Stationary and XJlotinrig, " jf itls pre? ferredjJ at cost; provided pay mentis maidedowOi maod a credit or vfburM)hths rvenaii advancer of teb -p'er cent. will be'ehargedyn the original Costwhicblwm be the longest induK gence ' sEvery cadet wdl be rediiired to liave & pass book; in. wldch will be registered every ar-i 4Wiw vi uuiiiws, ptu. uiai may ue neces-- aary for his comfort' or? improvement. - T ject being m re to acc'omniodat'e the cadets than to mate a pjoht;u,of,them : THE ; RO A NOKE INSTITUTION is iloSed at LitUetoii,rVarren county,- State of Itforth.Cai rolinai) in a'dligliifurjhdihealthy partt btithe i v" . I?1; ? peiween ,w rreuton ' ana Halifax, sixteen miles froin the; former and t wen-ty-pn ej f . om the lat t er suri'oy n clett by a beau tiful country and hi. .the .ueignborhood br 'arffimd aiid Jpolihecxf o tipu i; no '6 p p ort u n i ty wi U be aiford e d : to t h e pupils i tp cdntract rhabits of Vice and dissinatiou: the temptations hejd out by our towns and vil lages will here' be removed ami thei r contamiua ting Influence avoided Eye be paid to l he health, maiiners m jrals aiul Impfoye ments of the cadets ; and it is believed, that tin der the discipline that will be pursued in - the Institution, aided by the superior natural u,dvan tages of, its situation, .youths may;be tral ned .up to habits, of temperance,' pieiiievtrance, industry and morality without the danger i of corruptron. The olljf ct ofx this Intitujtion wiiirbeto 41-jve a: youth a good f p'rcticWr scientific education,- to prepare him fir the correct.mdl efficient dis charge; of the duties of any situation in life,' in which fortune or inclination hiav nUcenihiV'tb rear up a -sound mind 'in a sound body ? ; to qiiar ify him to enter the world with ;head xjon- ceive and an arm to execute! to teach bim habits : . .. . -. 01 perse,-, in(itist y ana econoiny, ana to cherislij those nianly, noble And independent sen timents which shouIJrformthe character Wf a good citizen. Youths may here be pr part d. for admission into any' of 'our' fblleges5or iMVetsi ties, eiiher one or two years in advai-ce 5 for ad mission to the Military Academy at West Point or the Navy ; or they will be carefully' instructed in the various branches Necessary ;;to?ia;i'iStiished" education. The r Institution ivilf-be 11. der the gehera direction pf Capt. ' Parti idge; and Oiider tne immeaiate supermtendance and controul ot Mr D. HBingham, who will be assisted byxtlje requisite, number-of well qufilified m;tructors, to Whom applications for admission i ntb the Institu tion or for further information can bemade;; h'r(j? Paferiis ;. will J please' .-'tp-- sgnfy , to f what branches they wish. their sons to attentl, upon en tering them. . The. Institution is now in opera tion, and students will be admitted at any tim--. . Littleton, iV. C. June 8lh, 1829; ; '.'', 1 - ' -;84 ; Mr, B. v has been favored with the folio wiug testimonial by his friends in.Mary land. ; - . . Frederick ; City, Md. ; ci.nV '8, 1829.! . 5 Mr. D HV Bingham btMn abouf to remove to Nosth-darolina for thepurpose of engaging in; Classical and Alilttary Inxsiittition to be utider the general direction of Capt. - Partridge,' the under signed take pleasure in offering inm a testimoni al, to which tiis character and gentWmanly de portment rully entitle him. ; Mr.' Bingham lias resided some y ears in this cityand has been' en gaged in a S ennnary similar in its', character to that contempLted in Ntrth-Caroliiia. i We have thus had an opportunity . to judge? of his qualifi. cations; but out hit point we deem it unnecessa ry for us to oner any Tecommendation in aid of the circumstance, that he has jieeri Selected for the station by .so distinguished -a: profesH- r as Capt. Partridge; froiri amimgst hisT vely nume rous an I well informed pupils.; We may " observe however that he has distin.iu.shed himself here by a degree of tl .li e nee, perse vera nee an d reg ularity, calculated to insure him, any where that success which we hope will reward his present u t ider taking;"-' 4 0 V" -,' ; ; ;. '- i . 4; .: jSigiied, u - ; fi " .-': -'- ; ' ' ;:S : :.'r-; :; , non. Juo. 'ieisont :. . ?- ' ; n Gen; TAo G. fVtn-tAinto?0 : &p$Mjir Merij. Price; Esq. - . ;. .Vx- f V vl. Palm er KsqV -.. -'-x.. '-, Stuart Gaitheri Jbsq. ' ls EaciTT.i-Sp ring Term, 1829. .- , I An-'fJ ' ilnA .x'.wli ...TA ' V -r- x.j C :vj 4::;t-.;;;;yait.: , f k., ii. unit auu .i-t( Edward Griffin Silas UJenhett, Adm'rrbf John . -1 '' Luten and Lu ke Boss .-', "'"-".'. I T appearing; to the satisfaction of. the Court ; tthat Luke Riss is ho it is ordered , that he appear at the. next term. of the Superior Court.-ot Equity tor Martin county, th e last M iVday. hi ugiist he xt and ans we rVor else judginent'prd cititsso will be- taken -against 111m ; a;;;i, i?ai puoiicatiou w iiiJSTuixj.DeTiiaat; for three mohths in the Ualeigji Register!;-. -ry ivI''i.iSurcy.cW S upeiior Court of Equity, March TTef m 1 829 iy Johb ll itsabeck i?si Joseph rpehm'jrtbh-'fK. T .1appeanng fo: the satisfaction t hat xth edef ehda'th Jose ph Pemnton, is not ah mhabitsnt of tlds State : it ed that publication be roavle-for three ;moiiths In the Raleigh Register, tbat'.he may appear at our next Superior Court Equity to be held for the County cf Surryi'at the: Cothcise iuBbckfoM, oh the first Mondairt September next, -to plead, answer 'or. demur -to tlie complainant's bill, or the same will be taken pro coufesso and heard ei-parte vrm y . - yyyyiyy tiy0. '&t$ .Tst;"vVt 1 !--x --' " V-fx?. - yf ' x-xJ,';;..-- x- -. x. . 'T xx--y x'-.-i . T-r- 4 -i rr a -'- - -.;, viedjin; the hands ' U Thos. ft; Ltlejolin, Esq. andoe is summoned asGarnlsJfee, Vc?ori Be m-dejn the Raleiirh lle.rister fo-' siXTeeRs, giymgrnotice to theaid Rnberl lies. ter tliar h- appear at thelCotirtr of .pleas unA -"ar ;Sssions,to be held'ibr the County an I :Stateafsaid;-at the Courthouse ; in 'OxYordl MivM.Mivionuayin August inext, then add V ere repleyyUnd plead fo issue, or judgment. nnarwdr6e-rendered4up against him,? and the propertv leyjed-pn; condemned subject-to 'the'. P'!r5?ery', WHnss; Stepliertli.'Sneed, Clerfoof said Court, ,at office in Oxford the first ' ' ;Monday in Ma -A.-'D1829,.-:m.s v " ;.-v ..j :' 75 6 w pd ; ; : y step, k . snked. cik.-: ' Court -pf P.leVWd. Quarter Sessions; 1 ur . May Term, A-D.v 1829. - . . " Samuel SiDowhy,ExrOr vat to the ' -o- ipV.MyH b3t: of the; lastAVill , Smith Murphy & others, ).atd, ; TestameiU of f teirs; of Jghtv G.cSmitt, hoC.: gmithf de. m- Jtary,jjonii u,tio0de, Iruardiah of Al lies & Elizabeth GoodeChas, SmithiSam'I.Smith, Wilhamsod; Jarties Alford and jsjahev his.wife, & ' Smitl MCtrnby, andflmsV Smltiii thirteen .,f t.ift Jieirs at Law; and k4u to John G Smithy deceased are jiot inhabitants of this State : It is r tM r? kr4lA Jm'.d ',.!..'. -";l'1''. . . - ? vv.ww wjr .in; uun-iuai publication De made for six weeks in the .'Haleisrh Rcris-er. n.,t;.v. Ahem to'be aridtubnear before the..lii'iiirti J Court of rpreaslind jCiitarter Sessions'" to "be held for the cbiftrty o GrahviUand' StA'leaforesaid,.-'' on the first Moiid,.y; in: August next m'tii tqwrj bfOxford,rari ti'x: have,) ...x,m.u HK5cj;rLIoi.iig,,De the lastm'ill andrestatrfeni of JohilT O: Kmith: Ar offered for prpb Witness-StepheKlSneed a Court at office, thrlfiit Monday of May A. D V 1829,v.:..TB .x,.;. ivPrieeadvv$ Great tuck aritfprpmjft W Hew S,'t.; -''. irH6LASS.'.'.iM:. ' :V." v - N.os; S8. 3y. 4 40. -5 43.158. 19 IX: x No. 38, 39, 42; aCapitai Prize of 25,000. . 17; 43, 58. sdo : -5,000,. - ; :J: ir, i9t43, .--;do ;r! , 4,93Q. No; ir;i9; 58, which drew the handsome Capital .v-isw -. : wassold at iieWjsohfs' Office to alyung gentle- : man resjdiug irrjpetersburjr;' and who received the path for his prtze in; Jive minutes after the Drawiiig was received. '. - r " , v- . .,; w-'-: ' -.- ra";.; ' ''."-;' ... "-. - -'"s' r -y -i' -No." 5.; 19 40,a Capital Prize of - v,. v- 'y v.. d:oiiafSril 'y'y in ihe same "Loitery,; was sold to a gentleraan in the Country. Such instances of "xJt(f cfc anrl hrnnM iment" ouij;lit to be a surhcient inducement to all - i . - - r- v ' w fw H " those who stand In' Jicfrf of assistance to 'call or 1 send their rordelftb'lPortune's ; lbme. th. asylnth for the f Poor, and Needy'''-'-'- .'. C , '..' wruera." or icKets- in all tile legally au- . thorised lotteries vv ill meCwith prompt attention auu vuc ura wing eenL.wjniere Directed address to 'fe';.-1-; HEWSON's V-,v i-ucKy Uf hce, Petersburg. . MORE PRI2BS dr Sale or &ale at llevvsoirs Uflicc. " 'Vvii-.x;.:.'i v;.f t-i1'- v--- v---. , ylffion yy- ; Vo be draWn in Philadeiphii 3d July. ; . scbieV :..;'c-, : viMMiiiy xi 0.000. oo r5,ooo A do ;'3,ooo, dd , 1 . , 2.845. j-do;-v:';j'.'i-5ooi-''' y-i 'y do - .. , : ;100.- v ho1eJ jckeW g5 Shares in prop'.rtion. y Por aale at the fortunate and prompt pa" (jT- ficeof;c-,.t;!;v;B. WHEWS02 : ' The; Casliwili p e paid at sight for e!I ' r i - s. r..;.-BAdrenforers endirig orders "i....y ' feel' ' .assured t'hejr, WiU me$.ltWitl'i. pro'rnpt attention aud . at:U.timesheii orders Comeob late for invet iht;nt, the amount, will be 'subject to their order, and; -Tickets' sentin hy bt her Scheme., ," . : Direct to V J-!EvVSON ? ; Petersburg. Petersb urg, June 9 1 829. x, l ? mi OALES xElSON, ' xy .-,. j.. ;H.(v'rtIST'1.BEC?ivT;L : : MrsOpie4Ayorkfi, Complet in 12 voL;. Washii.'igtQnlrVii'o ?db;Sdoi Byron's da la .m one voI.;bvo. .-vj-ith'iiplenditrengiaV Burns vdddoi.v Ot.e vol 8yo! - Shakespeare in one vol. superbly be Spectator, .in 2 vols. 8-o. ? ios'ephds do.-d' J ''- Man oi ;tv.-o. L.ives.;- -4. ;-vA; -Two'.; J and nine days cn tb - v. Domestic Duties gr Instruction; to y . Mrsllerr;::, j Lce:? elegantly t , Pollock's Ccin i c Time '&of.- I - . ? ; i EweU's Med.r I C . inioniUstediti-n. Also the J vol. cf Galss" i of Congressiozii Cii v.icau. ?5-:.-f-: . -.rv x ; . - . . x . . :lx f PPrmgf to: the satistion of the Court; Wyhetdefend 1K)t - ao jnhabitaiiv ot this State itvl. nrdd.iK-.' pu 01 Si.r-f:, ...V.f ' 1 r ;:: !; x!ir xV, i;:l-:;x1-; ' .. - y - v- v i -,x'-.i.- I r; . i, ,x . . 1 t 'xi.V): W; "v;.M0;.K ": -rao'" " :'30:v;i. ,h'ryi6xhaithexlTpamioaiy;.hx!re- Imcr'iUiaa, ,ls Sm books;. v';..?K;.V- v; For salo at this Office. ; yvmmmdimm: L ---y-:yyy ' -;-'.-"' v. r .:'-.. - : -'.: ti yiyy: : ;,;1 yi?ryy--: -rrxy.y c---,vy , 4;' -,r , . i v , , - -"t :z.;.A::--:vv::a yyH ; ? . . vr- ;'. , -ry:-y

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