- :. - ' --3. N - -f. a .. ' .V.vV .v- lY:V- ' 1117 - .. Mr? :--.--'-T-:r vtv'; SATURDAY AFTERNOON. : y.i .nr N. P. :Wiuu.-.; ; ; ""7 lore to look on'a scene like ,tbis, .And reraudr myself tht J am not old, , 'Ky-y . And my lock are not yet pray ; v I'or it stirs the blood in V.'n old tnan'a heart, ; And it makes his pulses fly,; i-.ivfi'iv To catch ihe thrill of a happy Toice, ; ; :And the light of a pleasant eye.v :. . - v;- -t' haye.Valked the world for. fourfcore: years. And they say. that am oid;- -; .v , ' lnd my heart i right for the reaper Death, ; And my years are well nign told. . - - . Jt is Very" tru-, it" is very :true, ; ;;-iv f.'. I'm old ; and I 'bide my time ;f - v; : f But my heart will leap at a scene, lite this --And I half re new. uy( prime., . ; .1 jvPlay o'n ! play on tVf am with you there, r. ; Vln the midst of your. merry, rinv V ,')L I caq feel Ihe thrill ofthe daring jump; r i - And the nish of the breathUsi swing. ; -. I hifi wilh vnn in the frairrant Ii:-V v;. " " - o - - . V - - And I whoon the sotlcred call. "n And. rriy feet slip up on the seedy Jibor,. - "v And I care not for the fall. A: V , ;"I am willing to die when my time shall come, f . And I shall be triad to'ffo. v : ; ' For the world at best, is a weary place, 1 wn(r ronuise is irexiintrjow s . : .Dutthorrveisdirkand the heart will fil ."-in treading is gloomy, way , - , V And it wiles, my heart from its drear ines. - To see. the young so gay. -A. r J AVE just received, the following newj pub hcations : . : i;: -... r Vernon's Reports, 2 vols, first American edition; ;. tjiwa of, the. United Statt s, 3 yoss; compiled by 7 r . Judre Story. nd containing all the. Public Sta- ; '-r tut es parsed from. 1789 to 1823, whether ex pired, repealed or in force, arranged ,in cpro- Hovenden Supplement tti Vespjv'Jun; 2 vols. , ' Stirkie.on Evidence, 5 vols new edition. 1 " , Rper on Legacies, 2 vols.' first - American edl ' IIpfTrrian's Legal Outlines, being the substance , of a course of lectures now. delivering in the University of Maryland,. bv David Hoffman T Durnford .Et East'a . Report, eig-hi volumes in Smr new edition. - r- - " - - . y - v - m iscELiiANEotrs : : f (-:;:v;- Irving' Conquest of Grenada 2 vols," vLiTe of Ledrard, by Jirad Spirks., ' American Commonplace Book. ' . ; .' Memoirs 'of Hev Leigh Richmond, with a Like- ness. - ; . . ... - , WncmoniCT, or theTablrt of Memory, Leing a - ' " Resier of events from the earliest jeriod tp f tlie year 1829, comprehending n epitome f " Universal llistoni Chronology, Biography and Georapliv, by William Darby. - Juvenile Skech Book" ;;!f j Monitorial Instructor. ' ':. '. . ' '.The "Work of Mrs. Opie, complete Jn 13 vols.' .wjth a Liken8s.:, " . ,-, . .,':--. .' . a' vShipp'a' Memoirs, 2 votsl V " v ' i V; ' - 1 ; . . V NOVELS & POETRY. , The Protestant, 2 vols. - ."Tales of St.-Bernard, 2 do-";. " The Caslilian, -..2 do.". '; -CTil Thornton, .; 3 do. - .',;;:' , r , Salathiel, : ' V. 2 do. ( ' -X ' r "I Tales of the Emerald Isle, or Irish Legends. .Scottish Orphans.,! ' '' 4s " Pollock's Course of Time.' : ' -. .; . Playa and Farces. I y i ' ' " : 'I' .-r- - ALSO, .''', : 1 ' '- A general assortment of Stationary Articles. My 6;. 1829. 70 : W ANTED V ; . IN an 'Apothecary Store, a Young Man who has a liberal educatim and wTites'a god hand, r -" iRnqnire.'of WILLIAMS' & HAYWOOD, v , 7: KS JOHN VII AY WOOD re pert fully an. j ; lvil noun'cesto the-Public, that she is .prepared ; , to a ccom oxidate Travellers- Gentlemen & tlu-ir '.'.' -; ';Famfies Boanlers by the d,ay; week, inoith or ; ; " ' -year School children for any length cif time. - : 'f '.'-Vi Her House is situated in the immediate vicinity ( v. ''. xrf the Capitol, the: Banks and the several Semi ; . ries' :t : Learning. ' .There is a btautiful and ' ''. highly cultivated Garden attached to it ; her I 1 -' 'Rooms .are"spicious and airy. ' She '-assures all those who may Jwnor herewith their patronage ; that' no exeVtions sliall " be wanti.n on her part to render them comfortable.','-' v 1 ' ; " - Mrs. 1L has also a gool Stable which shall be well supplied with Provender for, 'Hort.es, and a arcful Ostler to attend them. : ' -." ! , ' At Prices as moderate as those of any Boarding I i . 1 house in tht; city. -. I - f;- '-V - Haleigh; May.'14 ;i - " -'r : ;' ; ' 74'-lS; : ; MANAGERS OFFIC E; : Tork Cpmo lldatedJfo 8 . , ''5 Number 6 Dr.twn Balloti.;l , " To be drawn l5thlluly.--'-v-.r- i 6f.sio,ooo:is 'Staooof ": ; -V.... ,1 o 2,000 i . ,2,00O. ; 'i-; --J ";:.V::;.:, 1,750 -'V-V 1,750.; fv-v- - - : 4: :J ; l,t)00." ;!! V,000..r , t BesTd cs others of S5O0, 8200,v &c. &c. . S2y30 of the 84,000 paid in Albanj; ' ;-,:y- 'City Lots-: v Vv- i"?:f J v . Whole Tickets S5,: Halves 82' 50,Quar- 4 - tera SU ,25. :, A psckagef :l5 Whole, Wcli is. compelled 9 'draw $30, may be had .for 5. " . ;V., " Se v our ord'-rs i o ;; v ' . :f '?. '-v- 1 .V. - , . ;" v ;: t" Hichmond; Va.' M ANAGEII JOFFICE.; ' tDm? of t he i rand Canal, No..-15.' , Sup reme. Court R6 ports .;, r Union Canal, NoV6;v' ; ; :-v ;,, ' YATKS & NriNTYRE. v v -TT GALES e SON have jiist;oiiblished the . " i R"Prta of Cases argued and determined : s.i the bupreme Court of North Carolina, at De ilt ucx i vr vet l.fcan be had arpcation. L i v 85 5' l :x'Ct2l7t'.t't'""i")9 .C-C . -. - ; - I a.-:-;'':-'. Wale CoantVvV-"'; V-T J. GALESs Saw -Mill on- Crabtree; within W wiU clonlltha .Ay I A t .ft.l.h.mv be had PLANH returned-on;thae J nilUinf timber leftcat the Bookstore of J.l ' " '"f' nLn;. 1 rik & Sonr in the City oPRaleigti, & GaleR & Son. will be immediately supplied,' a if desired; deV ered in the City, there being at prpent a good stock on hand, , partly seasonea. iTT.The Grist.Mill is in fine order, and grinds in .the driest seasonW :y K t': S:s v : i' Clean Rags pvrchased. at . the Paper.MdL or Bookstore.; iw ' ; t. : .vi.'AVv-: , ' State ofTorth Cavo Una; ".- Court nf Pleas' and Quarter essionr, " r Muy rrrm, A' u " r ; ' , ' Oriciftal A 1 "ir V '' . I 'on a House a Jno.pufTalow I of Rale. h; Muy TrrmAi- D. 1829; "V, l- Original Attachment i . leTieo nd Lot in the City and r sundry, other getlier. with divers persons - summoned M vuann- ' i r - -i : XT"ppea"'' JT10 the' Mtififactiori of the Court, 1; th .t the Defefendant, panier Peck is not an inhabitant of thK Stte.It.u ordered, thar puD- weeks, irivinir nol?5e to ihe sid Daniel Peck, tliat h? appear at the Court or Pleas and wuaner Se-ioti3, to be heM.tortne uouniy ana aiaie a fmWt'ul:' at tlie Court house in Raleich. on the fltl Mnnr!nv in Aujrust next, then and there re nVw and'nlead to issiicor iudtrmetit - final will be rendered ud atrainst hini. and the property levied bn condemned, ; subject to the -Plaintm's recoverv. Witness. Beniamin 3." Kme.-CIerfc of said Court, at orhce.in lialcigli, tne Ja Aipn day in. May; '1829.. .l' C;-.V A-.r ' r-'T'-' Kr:i " T1ENJ. S.'",KINO.- Clk.: Sta te of JSyvth-CaroUnay Cbiirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 7 . .: - - Mav Term. A. D. 1829. r i ' if ririfinttl Attarhmnti levied William Peck, p - 1. v t - : on a uouse anaL.01 in uic ty. of Raleigh, and ? sundry o ther articles i - together with Damei Peck.- ' diverse persons summoned as r? v V':-"5,.J Garnishees. " J ' v - TT anpearinp to the satisfaction of the Court, I :hat the Defendant! Daniel Peck is not an in habitant of this Stater - It i ordered, that publi cation be r made in. the ; Raleigh Register for six weeks, giving notice to.the! said. Daniel fecK, that be appear,af the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,- to be held for the County and State aforesaid, at the Court-house' in Raleiphi'onithe 1 3d Monday in Aweust next, then and there re- nievv :na Dieau to issue; or lune-meni nnai wh e rendered up against Irtm,- and . the property lene on-conaemneci, suojeci xo riaimin rr coven. tt viTness,yiieniamin a. hinr, ier x said Court, at office in Raleigh, the 3d Monday in May, .1829.v ; ..v- ' : : ' . :-x . ; l i. - BENJ. S. KING. Clerk. I WISH to sell the plce within a mile of Hills borough,' on which I now reside. There are 20J,acres, about one half cleared, ten acres of Meadow ..land and the balance in . wood. The improvements are all new, and finished in the best manner they consist of a' Dwelling I louse, containing -eight rooms with: fife places, besides passages, ; closets,' 8cc. h large Barn and Stables and, other necessary Outhouses. v There are se veral never failing Springs of the best water on the tract, and a large and well selected fruit Orchard.'. ': - - ' ' ' ; v ; : I will sell this property on the most liberal terms either for money on easy credits or, will exchauge.it for Negroes or Western lands. ; "Application may be made by letter to the siib scriber, at Hillsborough. ! ' -x - W. ANDERSON Nov. 15. 2J eotf , : '. Tract licposvtoY. ; EERSONS wishing to purchase Tracts,1 pub lished 'by the American Tract Society, -are informed that they can obtain Tracts at the Pa rent Society's prices at the Depository of the North-Carolina Tract Society in Raleigh ; price 10 cents for 100 pages. - ' y- ; . These Tracts are published by a Committee, consisting of Christians of different denomina tions, so that none need be afraid of meeting with any sentiment unfriendly to pure religion. - - .vppiicauonsui person, or oy letters post paid, will be promptly attended to, by -. P. W. DO WD, or ; .V r ' '; TH. P. HUNT. - May oO, 169. ; . V s : 771m r NOTICE. ON Wednesday the 17th inst. the new arrange meut of the Mai Is will commence. v" " The Northern Mail wijl arrive here at4 A .M. and depart for the Sout h in half an hour thereaf ter. - This Mad will be closed every night at o' clock : : ' ' - ' ; : ' ;The Southern Mail will arrive "here at 8 A. M. and depart for the North in half an hour thereaf ter. v .This Mail will close at 7 A. M. - i : Tims' g. scott. p. m. Raleigh P. Office June 15. v ' 81 S tatc o1l X ortU-ljtvrolina., v "' Guilford County. .. J V''; V v ' ' I '' ;r' In the Court of Equity. ; ;;A , v ';, Curtis Jackson, ? ; '..V. -t v '"- xk-. ; ::r-, ii ' 'i v ..;; ' .Inn. Anderson, ;, -,- 7 . A-. ..." .t;.: Lvd'm Anderson,"' i 'Heirs' at Law of Miriam James ; Anderson, '. V Anderson, feme v, coyert, son, f VAnde son, f decea in V ! pSif be" 'Anderson ceased. IN this cause, it appearing to the. satisfaction ' of the Court that the Defendants are inhabi tants of another State":' It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for ;six weeks' in the Raleigh Register, for the Defend auts torappear at the next Superior Court of Law and Court of Equity, to be held in and for the County of Guilford j at the . Cpurt ' House in Greensborough, on the fourth Monday after the fourth. Monday in Septe mber next, then and there to plead,' ansVr , or demur to tne Oom. pUinants Hdj,.ojrtbe''sameiwill be taken prbori re',.ai).l decree made accordingly. 1 ' 79r' -Tesie;' - ; " '- A. GEUKN, C. M. E. ;?''-'-: FraiiklinrCowityN. THE ' Subscriber avails himself of i he sarliest opportunity to inform his friends,& the pub he in genera l i hat he has declined all public piir su.ts aunnrivereafier ;dovote his attcniion en tirely to the charfr. Af th;B ln:.,.:.. , cecity winch compel, him to adopt this course, is the surest . guaranty for t he fai infill performl ance of Jus duty. yiewitl be assi,tedby hisson Hamel S. HilLj i. Here will be tWght.alf thesij diea preparatory to any.class in ', tl.e . University of 4l,s. State. 2The exercises of the Acadeni be resumed.on Mopday the i9th inst; UQ per T T"T 0JV nd f 10 per session fbrt' As trai f.ttl lea atUus'placethera'-.n lveever been i i iv K aeance. 'the ' ;,uu, 10 W.'aetoip'it as theii-Treirerand ii;.V 2-1 e nockt-mv;! ds to idleness Ur OI W hereby ; given, that t tn'dQ rT! " Free Preu, ahj HKfe7 ii ' -arl?oro ' '! Trustees, for DutKcti,CertirA.A ' . - PWperly of tawi accounts to the8ttbcriber.; : r- I"".: rcaaureruoard cl Trustees. ' - Ttn ':;-r.v;-i;':':'-'-;?::- ' ' T S0A;yi u- spectiully invited to attenn. g.P1v s------ s v. ' .r- 'vvi; j j,: wiTHERSPOON. 4- N: B. Terms of his School,, Jpf per for Board and Tuition, paid in advance. y Hillsborough. May-19. -p y V j 71 A '.tv KRKN GH LANGrUAG E t- TBTtASY.. METHOD lor acquiring a KnqwirY. JU the French inguageadptpa xo onooi3 am rThe toilowiilg Works," by A. RoTmVr. Professor he Pi-ench.lingiiage;in ; the.lfigb;. : School . of 9 r krihi...Vpp ui,jiv ,v, o o-!:'!' : , - - , - - y- Philadelphia, are to be had at tne uooKsiorc vi ti f5 f iTS &- SON. '.". . -;v . u . - ...... i - r. - lsu A Collection of-onevbunureo or rernn FabIes, ;aecompaied.by a Key, containing uie text . a literal and. free translation, arraugeu in such a;mnner a to poiMt our ihe ditterence between the French " and't.he.:Enlish idioms Xho. a , fl rriired bronu nciat ion of the Frenchy according 'to tlie best f French' works extant on the sVibiecU-;Tewh41e preffd dby a 'freat thi-Knunda f ihe Ftenchr laneuaere, -as coinp'are'd with those of the VUigtish ; after v hich is a S'yllabaireor collection of French wordsf with the English, trpm one. to eigni synauics. . , -2i Les Aventures de Telemaqu par fenelon. aernmnanied bv a Kev to the hrst .eight boofes; r.int-.inmo' lilr the FKbles the text a ? literal and free translation 'intended as a Sequel to the Fables. : -:.'v " JVTwlesale & Jietail PRUG & MEDICINE STORE! -V; HAVE lately received a large nd extensive assortment of Drugs and Medicines, "consist, jngi in part, of Sulphate Quinine Gum Opium, i)enarcoti2el do. Refined Camphor, Cantharides, Cantor Oil, Vitr. iEther, Elatariu4; Extracts . of various kinds. Solidified Copnivi, Oil ; of Black Pepper, Iodine, London Blu Piiyiilack Oxjde Mercury, Citrated vKali 'for makinjg. neutral mix ture, Comp. Extr. Sarsaparilla, flydr. Potass, Sup. Carb.-Sodae, Tart. Acid, Turkey Gum Ara. bic, Calc. Magnesia, YelltiwiBkrkl Calomel, J la'p. Rhubarb,'. C Tar lav, Sugar lUad,": Spt.Ni tre, WaU. Copaiva, Sj). Amrnnn, jl'art v Antimo ny, Sulph. Copper, Liquorice Paste, &c. ; A - general assortment . of Patent Medicines Shop Furniture, Surgeons Instruments, Dye Woods Hatters Trimmings and Materials, such as ' Adua Fortis, ' Quicksilver, Logwood, Row Strinrs. Skins, Bindings and Bands, Ruckles & tiruthes. vervlow. A laree sunnllv'of Paints Si Brushes of every description, Spt. Turpentine, Linseed, Lamp and Tanners' Oil, Gold and Sil ver leat; Copal and Leather Varnish ,'superor qu.ditv, Window-GIassi 8 M 10, 1U 9:iz;iZ.9 16 and 16 i 18. and Putty. " y v V ' " Their assortment comprises every article in the Anntheearv's line s the Drincipai part ot which havincr lately been selected !by themselves in Philadelphia and New. York with' Cash, they are enubled to sell to cash dealers "or punctual customers on much better terms than , ever be fore offered in this market. Physicians "and Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Rateigh. June,3, 1829. i : ; 80 State of North-Car61ina. i . Wayne County." - ' ,; . Superior Court of Law Spring Term 1829. Jesse Barden vs. Ann MariajBardeiu -; i ; Petition for Divorce. .. - IN this case a subpeena and alias having been . i issued, k and the Sheriff of W ayne ' county makinir return thereon that the defeudant was nnt to hp found, rjroclamation'was dtilv made at the Courthouse door aforesaid by the' Sheriff of said county,'; requiring the ;sait Ann Maria Uar Iden to appear and answer as she wa-s required to do in said subpetna, and she failing to appear, it Was ordered by the Court that publication for three months be made in the Ralejgh Star, and. the Raleigh Register, giving notice to.)the said' efendnt, that 6 niess she appeal at trie : next uperior Court of law to be held fdr the county f Wavne. at the Courthouse in Wainesborough, he first Monday after the fourth Monday of Sep- ember next, and then and there to answer ot demur to said petition; judgment kill be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. j ' Price adv. 5 25. - ! .- 69 J':-. Staiti o 1" X oy uk'ui iia Wayne County. " May Sessions, 1829. Rritton Hood, Adm'r; of Sarah Bass, dee'd. ! i - v. '-' ' Covenaiit Pearce Ilrogaon, n of John Bass, d V VN this case," it I the Court that 'earce Brogdon, Adm'r. I ilec'd.; J t having been made to appear to zabeth. "Sa that Unai. Mary, EI rah, Anne, Keziah, 'and Richard Bass; Heirs at Law of Jno. Bass, deb. defendants." n this cause. live beyond the limits of the State. so that the Ordinary' process of law cannot be served on them, it is therefore Ordered by tlid Court that advertisement be made in the Raleilfh Register for six weeks, for the defendants to appear at tlie Uuurt house in Waynesboro, on the 3d Mon day of August next, then and. there to shew cause why the lands ;descending to said heirs a'fbresaidi shall "not be liable to the plaintiff's recovf-ry. Witness Philip Hooks, Clerk ofoiif said' Court, at ofhee; the 3d A.'D.-i8.if.'; '-? ' ';- v p Monday of : May, . .HO(IKS. . Clk. . More New Dry. Gootls. ' W'KUi; siirS()N & CO. take Heave to in- form their Friends and the Public' that thev have jitst' received a second Supply f New and Fashionable Ury Goods, adapted to klie season . consisiuig or . r- r : . f 7 - r - , , 1 Case, new; style Calicoes I1. do 4-4 Irish Linens of superiar quality & warranted grass blcacli"; Y t : ; V 1 CotePs utt fiw-;ge'' Dresses, assorted Co lors : ; r , -. ,v- , : . French Gauze, Barege and Fancy pilkHkfs , imHatinn tiauibnck - Very Fine Book Muslin' 4-4"and fiH Bobbinetts" ;rRng!ish Silk Hose and Cloves" 7 Horsekini aiid Kid Gloves ' vV Bnt best nuulitv lrpit i :chAW - Cotton Casshn t-re and f J randureUs V,1 -v. -French and Russia JJriUuigsV&cLZ'' V R-deigh, June! 5tli.1829.' V 'r J'-i Uui versi tyBan !c Stodk.; 9 r iriuIC5 KVUV iTHIRTV SHAUHa oi ,e vapiiai rocfc ?of the Bank of Cane- .accommcKl pa. kiiftntf-tit-iiU. -U J -.:il Vsuridry; other articles? f eether ywith divers per- 'Damel. -Cr. Aons summoneu.as ivar- nishees. appearing to the satisfaction of I the Courts that the Defendant, , Daniel i Peck xisi not an : itoKW nt nf 't his State i It is ordered . ; hat. pub lication be made' in the Rjdeigh Register or, six weeks, vitig noticie to" the ? said panieftPeckji that he a p p e ar at , ' t h e : VC ou rr of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions to he held for the County and Sttite aforesaid at tb eCourt-h ouse i h Ualei gh on ibe 3d Monday in August ; ney U then and theTei-e. plevy ani plead to issued o julgment fial vydl be renaerea up .ag;insi.niT, i'" 4,"r' i-";"i'.v . v levied on comlepinesiibject-ta Tecovervw WitnessBiriyaminvSHKingClerk of said Courtat office in Reigh, the 3d Mon day in '.May, 1829'lS.r;i;-v4, ::-'-- - , tv M-M l-wC; ."BENt 'S, KIN G, Clk. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,- i; :,' ;'--' v'--: Ma Term. A. D. 1829. -.-'- r. . vnginai viiai;niii,f u1- f 'Vt' on a House aiid Lot in the City Lewis; Peck Dan'l.Peck, of s Raleigh, and . sundry X other articles 'x toeetherWUhdiVersH neraons summoned as Garni- IT appearingvto the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant Daniel Peck is not an tnhabitan t of this State" : It it ordered, that pub lication be made in the Raleigh- Register for six weeks giving.notice to. the said. Daniel Peck, that he appear; at the Court of Pleas.a rid Quar ter Sessions, to be held for, the Count j and State' aforesaid, at the Court-house in Raleigh, on.tlie 3d Monday in August next, then and there re plevy and pleail to issue, or. judgment final will be' rendered up' against him andtthe property levied on condemned, subject to the PJaintifPs recovery. : Witness, Benjamfn S Kihg t Clerk of said Court; at office in Raleigh, the 3d Mon May in May, 1S29.1: J : " 1 . ' : , s. ; BEN. S. KING, Clk ' State of North-Carolina ' ' - Wake County. ... '"v"- n;- Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ; . . May Term, A.. D.J 829. ' " ' Original Attacirt levied on a House & Lotin the city of R;i- Wm.,Peck, as Agent, See. '. Daniel Peck- -' "y!eit;h,iiuiHlry other articles ; -tpgetner with divers persons summ'nd as Grvrn's, IT appearing to the satisfaction of, the. Court, ' that the Defendant, Daniel Peck is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered, that pub. lication be made in . t h e Raleif, h Regi st er ; for six weeks, giving notice to the sail Daniel Peck, that he appear at the ; Court ?of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, Ho' be held1 fr the County and State aforesaid, i at the Court-house in Raleigh, on tne 3d aionaay- in Augast nexr, men ana there replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final will be rendered up against him, and the property lev ied on condemned, subject to tlie Plaintiffs Tecovery.. rWitness Benj'n. S ; King Clerk of said Court, at ofEce in ; Raleigh," the 3d Monday. in May,1-1829;: V ' -.-.'-.; ;" ; i ; . BENJ. S. KING, Clerk.M . .'' -Fori SiiltorJfnt pHAT, Valuable stand on Payetteville Street, ' 1 : receritlybcciipied as. a ' Grocery 'by'.f 'Allen Sims, and formerly by John F. Goneke, as a. Con fectionary Store.! : : Apply to -.-y : :;-;. .:' : - - ,-. '. - 4- !';. - W. R. GALES. " ' Raleigh SQth May i - ' V ::l 'r- '4. - State cyf iSTovl Ctiliuiftf ":. .frcrvne (hun!y.'y:y:yfjyy Y . Mav Sessions; 189. Benjamin Howell, Jr.;ZEx,or f rot lienj tmin iioweii. i v -. vs. u; i : H( VWillorno Will Arthur Barden and wife and others. ., ':. ; ';' j;,:rr;'-c.',s fN this case it havinsr been made appe.ir to the Court, that Lewfis Powell and N'cy his wift, R ,bert' Peacock and AVeahhr;';liisr;-Wife';':Be'U! mi n W. Rai ford and NVed ham Ratford, Heirs of Philip Raifonlanrl Sarah his wife, 4d'fcnd;nls iii this cause, live r'yond ih? limits of tlie tate, so that -ordinary process of law cannot. be served on them -i t is t h erefore ord ered , b y't be (Jourt that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Register- for six weeks, , notifying; safd defemlants that a paper writing purporting -to;;be the last will and testament of Benjamin 'HOwell, dcc'd, has been exhibited for pro bale at this. term, to wliich a caveat has been filed by J d e fe nda h t s, ' jti ul an issue made up totry the sarae accordiiig to law. , . Wiiness, , Philip Hooks Clerkof our said Court, atxjfiice, the d Mond iy of May, A. IX '.-U":' v 1. HOOKH, C.I k.' 18J9. 8 propnetorpt-tliipenodical i n'owmakV r. -Jl ing arrangement toissuV the NewVolume . which will bq commenced on the! eUveidh da otJuitf nearim a shiendid manner. The copper- P!aiEc"8rav' or ue mijf quarto size will be executed by the best artists ? the music Itl ranged " ? ?." ' pusers ; ine iype v-new and beautiful, and the p ip r of a superior quality . in 5 cry ueparxmenr tne, seventh volu.ne will 5ce! yhoseV heretofpre pubhshetl. IThe te ms OCT Subripousrreceiveilby the Editors of 5Ile Rx'J::&$$i , j us Mirror is puDiisiied weeklvv at Tn. 1T? ""aiDireet,.VNew acta yyy m ill, must u& post paid '.V y tne t ourt ft PleasandxCuarter 5Ssinn netd tort lit Count y or Wa n-. on tb r t K.nl Monday hi February .last, the " undersigned oh- iai neti i .ei ters Ot A Jmmmtration on t he KstaiP f AVlfer)m7ideceased iv consumed in the Payment" ot fnnrln rr unavoKiaDje-expencrs inCRienti tti his list: fV'u.UeiaygHinsiitue aM't tecf: , ' t -.i s ;. v " m v.i:i ttAltiN US, ' Waynesboro y ..Ttine;3 80 3t, ' J; lA;ih2d)M(mdayJAugus will sell aL tlie Cdurt-h mse ;Vtri-1 r.JC : torn-. SHrrw r.nt . Jf K II - ' . ' . i .or as much as wilfbe suTncient tsatisfr the taxei r or; i ue miormai lon-t ;i it concerned he ayaiTs; himself of Ids. met hHlf st t i n t hai he fcs- ate ot ; M r,' M erriman is entirf 1 v i nsolvent- as the small amount of property w h'i'cli lie Uft has. been duur BUFFALO ,e St f! Public tbat ly occupied by Wm. v JS.s Alex: UYe-K. on Hartrett. Htit' ' Ue" .Wilmingtpn Street, ;'';vfhere he will be elaiJ,lePcf 'jceiyiTravellers .'antl 'other's rand will . , .0rp- mpstiexeruons.to accommooate them bly,:-HVut i .!t. V COmfu Jlis StableB are " win oe thohtfi forai singJepetsbn; 1 f r He has a H A . C K; ;vt h ree CI ( 1 S and tor 1 1 ire j 'at the shortest notice. , ins, j.ijic vigs,anu ; I iprses, are 3 a ft , the flack Gig with Horse & Boy $2 a ,lav f hdHrse,without a Boy $1 50 a diy , felone r-$l'fa day:; a .Gisb-Centa'a day Rahjigli, TAlril'2.; ,:';,.v - .'..' Ci, -. - Xu D P rsvna i h i ri ng Gigs frcm m e 60tr 'II fc. crAiJvirii . icrjaii - ffiiV' injury UOn o repair an v "Whilst "in their. possesion. to them, TO THR AKFLICTEU ?':4v $5 Powder ttvbitiDlS EASES OP THE LUNf;? mtj E Prorietol: b t his Medicine; afte ten -r .. .i.v.1, nave nce tonr4fl with 1 hi- mricl virrn-il onf i. .i;'-,.-!!.!; . i,fllri..i ?.i ...... brl: diseases' which it.,is designed .to rej'evA is .confidence that it will be, found efficacious ficularly if taken in the incipient kagti ar'tv n full k: For, two years pastr th? Medicine has L prepared in the form of a Poivder, & taken hs infusion, with the most happy success. it j3 , '' offered to the afflicted in the form of a Sirun in Powder, as the Patient may prefer, undertU conviction, that either form will produce th! same bappy; result Among its most promi', J qualities the foUpw ing may be mentioned, 3en titled to paiticular consideration. It promot that gentle perspiration w dcji is deemed hjealthv -and' checks i those sweats which are morbid an? pernicious. . It' velieveS chronic affections am( congestions of the Kings by giving force to the languid circulation. ..It asuge.s coughs. It motes free and bland expectoration, v Itrtmotej pain from the chest.' It relieves aathmaiic and difficulty respiratiom Jtcorrects obstinate tog, tiveness, and thus leaves the bowels in a regul.: and healthy state, 'fbus, i is found, that these painful symptoms which indicate diseased luns, readily yield to this powerful remeily, when sea. sonably resorted to, and that it restores the pi. tient to that bodily vigour, which that cruel disorder the consumption, if left to its riaturj operation, would very speedily destroy. Certificates respecting the virtue of thisMeftj cine will accompany each bottle. Price of the Syrup; $2 50 per bottle or $i4 a dozen, Of the Fowderl per bottle, or-$9 a dozen. ' JAMES HADL0CK. : Payetteville, Feb. 189, ; 53 ;(Xj This Medicine "may be had at the Store ot J. GALES & SON, llaleigh. f - ; , FRENCH PERFUMERY. Il1ltAM3 & H AYvVpOD have just recti? I T.T ed a handsome 'assortment of French Per. fuiriery and other "Fancy Articles which an be sold unusually low for cash. . ; ; - . ;Co'ogne Water s " Lavender -do. ' : ' VtKears: Oil ;J I tJ ;.' iKvVaC?'fsa j'v'do :::"-;, v ' l yy'i'rl-f Cosmetic Wash. Balls ",''.'.' ' X". l-v';Cf;"..Em;'leot- Soap, for 'shaving ' -Rose-' '; do . .-"... . ' :: " ' ; Cmrtamon do :r : - 1A variety of other Fancy Soaps. Also X if genuine Windsor Soap in the original package as j i mp brted. ' v-' : . .Junel. WaKRUN COUNTY. NoaTH-CAUOLIA'A. the first day, of - Jii tie1 next, the hou9esat ..J5iOcco Spruirs, nine mi;es South of War- r'enton and th ree miles! ro rn t e Northern mJ ;Sutherninaiii Slage Rciads, will b? opened for the reception )f y isiforsj '.- The reat advantagtt of : this waterintr place in most casjs of discaw and debil.tV. Ii5ve been so often testtd bv those who have attended it, that to such, it is onl) cessary to sa5r, that all the buildings ur in I cellent repair and condition. The accom'i oJ' tions,;in every tref.pecU sliall be such as myb efTorts' can effect, fur comfort and convenience tail u lio m iy visit , the- plac. To those b have not visited Shoccor it may, be necessary 1 say, that the: buildings are sufliciently nuaurou ami- conveiiientiy arranged for the accomm-.vs iioii i'fjf a Urge embl,ge Hie private apart nientswiil .frord:;ampl''retire me nt to those ! pieterSjt, Aiidttie,;ptib'ic Halls are abundantly spnCious to receive all who may desire comr. and w heremime aiid d tiicing can be enjoye J by siich as ileliht in iti 1 ! - . . Ul .Ah aVrngemiit:IwiIf;b'macle to, h:ive div r.e wbrsbi p; pV rfpmedat 'tl'f e Spring on the Saobuta dnyV wAvrel shell Afisitprs as riiav choose, cw lend nreachtnir u-ltli. ait inconvenience. t ln'atldi'ioh ta tbe v-ihiiible' MidicViul qntUief of the Shocco watersi-it is located in a most hedtfiy part of thecon-Ji.ty,; surr un ijsh ed ..sbcie tyi ' wlie re i lie i n valid cn ided by W an he rtsiorca hyaitU, ait agreeable circle. ; rMyteVmsloV 'boardj'; &c, will be the nW- la: t yeaiV- viz. I per day for each rrdwn f;' "soil- z .-5) fir- iiVfin-ia nt-r u i-C ;d'ensuid ,'setya'iiis hdA price. - l or horses, per rabmh,' or 60,cenii per'-;Lyi. W-i?1 y:ys y i ANN JOHNSON. . M-28,i8'29;?Hirr..-: & 50;rhe l4i etfcville Observer, Cape Ye l- corMeiS-Newbern Spectatfir, - Hallux ;3iiner EdenfoiVGaZette, ;i l arborw Free Pres, Lnei Spectator, Mil)edgevine;f journal. Char est''" Coin ieri Richmond Enquirer and Norfolk lur will;inlefVlie''bVve ii -wetk foitighi eeii and for waixl their acountso this Office forpJ rpiiERR will be BALLiia.fARTV rn rifl.ed Vt ShoccoiSbvinffsr on lh3'.eyenin. L the Istjind 2d 6f July"!;? t v' ?jWjifrei). lsV.3;jb-2f :v to 5or .Gyearsand has passed during that tt . a free man V he is about 24 y ears ot ce, 3 1 . the of said negro is requested to come iorw", r property and pay charges, r'.'hewill be f i-fc cr tKis' 1o nr 1 s f o '. Windsor; Bertie county, yunt y. :S' Price adr$?i V-J v ..' ;; III supphed with plenty, ot I'rpvehdcr of t verv v- 7 pwing;to the scarcity Of money and ness of produce the price of Board fn At u" ui.,tii k;7.v 4,;iiA-wt j... . . ,r wan h,i IIUISC Will p i UUIIitril or T-AS'takettS'ijrf'nd'cfimmittcd to the Jau v iuisoiintym'i :;th0. Sdcif ?-?'ch 1 negro" man .sitpnosed tQ' he a Slve, 'bo himself H A MfJ KL 'VVILKIN3, and snys tlwt was bound an -.apprentice 'to Wrri. Moschi -Kbiolk; Vahnd that he ranaway from the Closely beforeVhfS term of apprenticeship tr -nired Tiie saiit "nerro has been in tbw ecu-