1 . - i & ..-.L. i ' J vl :. J 1 - IMS:.:- ALETTE .. . . . .' ;". .- . . , . : " v ''.). , - ...,- .-.' -t. . v .,,.; , -i -1 r, : - v ..... -L.j - .- - - ... : : "' " " ' ' ' ' 1 v - - . ' . . . - yy - ' f ' - v ..;,lllii ' , . ''iiigHtnmw na means ilesceucis.in one , un-vJ"Vjiotildvhererecafiinienil A sricu 1 1 ure -amiuation, and. will continue two weeks".- No' A: TT.T1 T5-?S,X!S fci.' 1 "JY.11' 9" ra c k,;; DutDodies or various Ki.ntll in .apeaaltiiattifirtN.it such Tanning ,e;tve Vaosence ffrnti in terra im, . iVpubltshed every at imVTRbttaftiT. by r-JOSKPTI'GAtiESl&'SON, A t A't. X? .'ar per a nnum h al fi n ad vance. ; ,. " ; ,: ; j A 0 V feRTISEMEN TS ot exeeedinff iteen tine, neatly inserted o . 'times for a Dollar, ancl 'twenty-fivej cents for err su'rccedinff pjiblicatJon : those ot ffreat. -ere Locations tbinkfuHy ;feeived...;LKTT5ns.tp pn;in -. ,r ... -i.-t-. "the"' Editors must.be poitaiil. ;: BAKKRUPTCY.;; 1 f n lftte'ixicetins of, citizens at Boston Vo consider the expediency, of, a modifica- lion Ol-lOe lilwa,CgUiiuiiip mi, iviauiMi of debtor and creditor, Mr. AVehster,' ttie distinguished Senator;--oTAthe.y. States; '..nmscpflan oninioni that theV establish I went of anything like.a general . ysteni of bankruptcy-was now, altogether improj. . bah!e.J:Weconsider this iiecJaratioh from that source, '(observer the i National Intel liencpr) as settling xne quesuon, against a bankrupt s vstein. to' homing for the riext decade, at leasts if riot for half -a century! The failure of tins' "measure, mpon which "the bestjurists: have spent; so - much time and labor in vain duringthe last 15 years' must be attributed more to the force of prejudice than to the actual objections to it. though we' do hot deny but there is room for r?OM&.as tivits expediency in all its details-,The : prejudice against; the measure lias 'arisen we believe, from an general bankrupt system would be direct ly the rcversebf this.' This general bankr runt system having failed by that name, its vital principle, uniformity in the laws of the several $tatcs, must be sought iii -some oiner lorin. : i uuiuc is iiuiuavc- ViaT the oDject very important." V The on- Jy rational ' system :is.to subject; every ' man's pi dpertyV exclusive : of his nccessa W domestic" goods, to the payment of his debts, and leave his person free from con finement and his hands" from bondage. The penning a-man up in.'a dungeon,' to ' make him pay debts that he has no means .'.of paying, is. an absurdity too gross to de serve : even to 1 be V ndicu led. An d the holding an. honest, man from the pdssibil-i itr of . ever again laboring for the benefit of his family, by'subjectin his earnings, after insolvency, to tlie claims oV oldxre-i nlitors, ainongst whom every thing he had has already'been divided, is the very re finement of cruelty and barbarity.. These unomalies in a liberalized government cannot long exist. . Nor .are they at all necessary to the enforcement of the pro per cibliations of contracts . Whert they 4ire abolished, contracts will be made less freely, perhaps, but more honestly 'and usurious 'dealings will be done away witli ' in proportion to the'curtailment of cred it, ami consequent : security of debtsi r. LIGHTNING ' j ' At tldssoabo f the,year,whert thuodt'r ls'nnn? fi:iyf be frvqoentiy Vxpectedji fhe fol t I -wit i jr. directiins, frui ,,'he Mechanics , Maihzinf, ar6;rie.bet means of pntec ' l ii .:i jnii.st '; I ish' i 'dig;r i ni ay ;"-be wiii iliy vf u!i ii'iiin. particularly fry :t those to whoc 'tiwi lllngs no cnductois are attached : 1 , ''Places f the greatest saf tv in a thuti-der-storif.. In 'casca-"sthuiidff slurm wrf 'to happvn while a person i "Jn liie i !?. Vktii lorfiishrd wih a proper citduct Vr, il is alvifab?e inl l stand near pla ic wluTe tlierelii any mejat, aschiinnVys, j:U fr.i-i.es. ino 'cifvinents, or' the. like-j b'it'lW k 'nVto the.rojddlenf the room, and .-.ml ;fiilejvir, tostand irT sit- upon the b.-t n'icinnocUir: th:t. can be fniMtl' at- H-a'WU'av-'aif oId:chair, s:od, tic. It istill afcr ;t bring tvYr three' mattresses'-or h;iU iiit,the middle of the nom, and fld "i g . i h e n U p; d o u b ! e,y put the ch iir upon tai'ia ;"fr Jhy ; nt , bing uch 'good 'con' m ductur a " the, walls, the iilithi:.g.wil not ; cloc nil interrupted course through tlieair d il: iom5aitl he beddiu;, ; uhen il can jj'i UyVjcTH a continued and better cohUtic'; lor. the wall. The place of most stbsolute 'd.'!v is . Ihe'cel I a r , a nd parti cula rly . the middle i of it, forf tvheu a person -.is"' .lower than theurface of the eart!, the lightning mu-it strike the fiurfacp of the'eartl). before g 'above and helow, aftbrds the safest C tu a t lou'a- persoiuca ti h .ie. in' any ' room 4 " hat soverV an d.Avhat, indeed,; may be 5 h,,h'rel quite lece from danger ofa py st con- a - quite Ireelrom Uanjrer of aiv stroke 1 hh I tii r; 2. 1 1 a s tor m ha noeus , w hif h t a ."At ' , g ft A '-. i'rae5. J50 quite near ihem, but Kh6ufd , "p-ft iti'j t fi t tee r -' vr: t weii ;"yf f e t ? from ' impression that it proposes a 'protection for debtors' against the' Just demands of creditors : -whilst the real operation'Jof a f ii caa osibry reach; hiin. " Buy. when it can be -had a lja:iimockj A or, "vswjngirig-'.bed "impended by itlkcord equally distant : from' the walls oh every side,' and from the ,f , in tue open uuius, ana lar iriioi ' a hy .i Idi g -tvey best 1 tjdng lie ca ii . do- U i ; tu teiiii: iihin a.tnH.i it4nCV!uftlfc; high ir".or tiet-s! he cUri set fat";-"; he; inust T.- .. . - "wig hIkoUU XiiiC tlicreibJut, it. tvill -very ' hably : Ktm ii 'thVri!Jeesi;and;sbuuida k ljbpiir; ;ssretiu-lvat tliat-dis- r ' , . . , , 1 ;iv;ii,n..,'Aiiii'iit'Mw .wii;y.i-y . o I ni av immeuiaveiy-ai icr. uue ucvicnucr ttAaiiuij.t-i iirniti '.l.i... . il n. 1 w . ... ....'..ij..l,,..i.l".ri- -.' r- ' -.' '.- ; - t . . . . - v. , ... . .. - . . . . I - . 7'-tV,.,cHfco,. i.iMi. t pcuicu !!-. 4 speculation, asturesmn or Cumpeicnt louu von, and will continue till the seconaiMonday in : Test, ?,,J,WS U'ftaa'bv'ca aceftJiiicifthut the aud raiment ' J 4 - :W Wanuary : the next-ar. the 'close of the June ex-y by 19, i cin.uicrfner snare i iwmne same iira(?v as consists inlnrat ran ninff in ilpMir tanHs r r r j " v" . - v- y n proporjion to iheir.quantitjr of copduct- ndxmofjgagih for p anient, 1 , ! CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. V in; power, r . . kv L fieri biurbwinj money to put up fine build- . Latin- Adams' Laiia r.rimnip, (Gou'd's Kdi- ' . t . . : - " ' - . . '-v 7 infra - Wnir,fKon riJi.iniTmonf, n' iV J:oi,i Histopia.Sacrs, Vjfii llomx, Cesar's Cwn 'U'nc'i lA In 41-' f 'i0 10 mentis, .Sallust, '-uVJ, .C.W. .Select. Ora- ,-rhe process of, em ration m .this quar- fnn; - No i 'I his is t not 'the . ivav. . But n.. Vw r . in;,;,;, n. c,.,t, Yry seerhs;to have.coinitienced with renew" ed a la cri t y i Tii eN vessel st hat ha ve 1 e f r u r ;pdrt :fir? fortb-A ineri ca have a 1 1 ' exhit bite dyiin! hyi r . d f c ks a n u ;i e ro u s c o mpl if merit of paAsehgers.Amohg.them; we have observed both males aptl feniales of every age, and of various .' classes of society They all seem to evince -an 'eagerness iii quit the country of iheir birth," and judging froin 'their coiintenauces, . we should. say tha t' not one j n a hu nd red feel s any 'regret uporUhat screV though .i t is 'miore ; thari , probable the observation of the poet, Ne set qui nataysoIum,'- &c'. may be verified some f ew, years, ; perhaps tnoti ths hence.-- That some a mong them may have formed a ;very inadequate j"! not ioii of; a voy age; in search of wealth and independence to the northern extremity of the New World, is evident fro n h el toll o'w i hg ii n e c d o t e, u pon t h e t rut h o f w h ( chV u r rea d c'rs in ay ; re ly ' ; Qrr Tu esl ay ;;m brni ng ' I as t v th e lri t on sal I ed t from .this j port ;f or Qufliec, . withla full share of passengers; iThe wind "was tin favorable torji getting dowhotheHuinlieri' and she . was cohseq uen t ly beaten about, for several hours. ;VJ An old woman,, w hoi on the ship's leaving theiiarbor, had t etir-l ed below, ;in the coure of the afternoon suffered her jVuriosily, to gf l the better f Her; terrors, and Ventured lupdtt deck. The first bject that attracted her attention was Paul Churcru 1 which we may remark for the benefit Vf our distant readers, is situ ated about eight? miles 'down the river. -She approached the pilot, and in a strong Eat Itidiiig dialect; accosted him with PrayVe, hoy,: is that'iirtcAj ?V '' Nil, jiot yet .l)ther,,. w as f the , auswer. VMiy, bairti.5 - rejoined , the old lady, 1 wlioip it. be'.mt iifuch lurlher, or me and rry owld li.an'il gaiig back, fori hivir verc su'i: sick o iiouuht V iiiv whoal life!" ':S,::t;':l ?". :- Mull jacket. 1 ".'-.'' ; . -'-O- "... rr ' ' r.. ', earn fiom an Irish gentleman, "later ly come from the south of Ireland, that the lower, classes of the Catholits are im pressed with a belief that Relief Bdl will in souie waythey scarcely, know how r materially improyo4heir condition. They are rn doubt right in their general expec tali ohs," but some of them have curious no tions of the wajr in , which Emancipatiou will w operate. . Au aihuog instance of this w,s relatetl to us by our friend, as follows : -A! laborer in Cork got drunk," and s iliif d ut into the streets, in a ; very pugnacious humor. . One of ihe cry tnagis-f trate,'.who was on the spot, seeing that the man wanted some,! one to fight with liioij and. that crowd wasrgathering, went uj to him and ladviseil him to go home; saving that if he did not, lie would regret it. th h,' said Paddy, what is; there that j I ran regret now r sure and . we're eritanci- a t - 4 W11, my g'od fellow,' said the in'agitrate, and ''what do. you mem. todo itdw th t(yui are eoiaocipilerl ?' Och' replied the tiiari sure ami ,V bind -my son to a Judge ! ' : Liverpool Times, y; ' Jl Fair near CattherTly th e foil owitxg article Jrom the Catskill Recorder it will be eeh that a lady of Ulster county caiight a Bear. There are some ladies who oc- casionalty Icatch biped bears, whiciiv are worse than quadrupeds ; i t Female Heroism Ay a letter from a friend in Warwarsirig",-Ulster connly, we learn that a Mrs.' Donnelly, of that town," cuught a Hear, ori the Sth of the present montb'r.and carried it ;'; bom in lrinmpriy he hud ben about three quarters of a mile ' from ! home, where her husband ..tas at work; to carry him dinn-r. : On her return, through a bye road, leading through the wdods, she discoveied the youngs bear,, pursuedahd caught i, without much difficulty. '-With a won derful preseiice of mind, she grasped him by tU. neckto prevent biting-; and mufiied hirii so that his cries khould not alarm the old one; ' and bore him off a prisoner of varTJiere might; have been ii disagreeable ; rescue," had the cries of the ursine youngster roused one or two of his sylvan ancestors, y Few. .women would' hazard sitcli an' encounter,'- even were there no'flanger' of a"re capture.' y This is true old fashioned female cou rage ; such as bur female ancestors knew, when they sioou m oany epeciauun 01 meeimg; Dears, catamounts,- anu uosiiic iiiuians. . lpUfj-. in) your i ruffle i;'Tfrprna9?v.e. ha ve a few nai Is to inakesaid sal blac Mil uh to his son,' as he cnefrMh school vat 12 -o'clock. ;J honas t uckeil irt hts rulHe, an'V'.'t soiitii ; lil I lie jli ad'.earned -yliiscltn rXerantl ilieh 'ateil with a gm your rufHe-' 'Thoin'a s i tis' 'schooUtimeno w said the fath j Thisis th d ay ; - bu t i t ' wou Id a nswer j ust'as wed for a good tiiWny ntli rsV? v hmiias expec ted i t and .'fidt as bappj at the anvil-with his fuff fle lucked in,; as his InVateHj at;their;.ptay.;5':-. ' It would be Vtoi bad nbtioufj y in these hanf tim'es,V for tna iyr a y ou ng m a n to uck in his rufflei and syi;g an axeyotiolij pi ough , or ' m a kc: a na i l or n any a y o u ng mari? yivhosc expe IhegainViof trade aresadljr'lfsappointeil toewrh; a iWing in wiling honors' Irss "bu t pays ; be tter-some humble V'Sc u pat to n w h i ch w hi le itholdsout o o d e - iusive none t immense weaitii r dj a sin2:e i V v o u r. ii v n sh n u 1 d e r t it t h uh p I . - o r L- in vbur i ilfflei f arid earn vour bread bv the sweat of vur brow., -It will ' I jfe the sweet- est you ever ate. v , y . ' ,..'.' ; . - r-ivlyP11 EXPERj ENC E. PLiO A.NO KB INSTITUTION :, h lbr Practical Scientific Instruction! fFIHE Course of -Education at.this Institution! JL will embrace the following Uenartments "t : $ L Clarical. This DeVartment 'will 'Include the Greekj Latin, French and Spanish Lan guages. '.; ;:',- -..y l-; pW' ' H. The Mathematical rV emhraSe' lArithmei tic, ! Algebra, Logarit h ms, Geometry Trigonbml .ucnirauon, ourveying, - tmc aecuonsj lurai ;iiiiosopny,;AMronomyjana Eryavigaiion, and the NaturatSciehces,. as Cotany, liueratb gy and Natural Hisiory.yfy'y y"; bvrih . Particular attention will be paid at this Insti- "t'uo lo -r raci-icai rancaiwn.. uiasses in uaine raduation of Roads and Street the use of) the flrfmtl urTln .'unnliArt tin far"mtr of mountains and other, eminences. They will frequently be taken out to" practice . with the Compass-and, Chain, Theodolite" and levelling lJotls and - accompanied by their instructors, will occasionally take excursions for he purpose o" making observations in .B ttany a nd Mineral ogy 1 '-- ;- v.r : l ';?Ky.," r f. . v-V-'y':'1 'fill.' English. This Department will j nclud e English (iramm ir) , Penmanstiip, Uopkkeeping, Public Heading and j Declamation,' jkiicient, and Modern Geography with A he use of t$e Maps and Globes; Ancient and, Modern' Historl; tthetoricj dompositibn, (;ritlciim,' - Logic and .Voral Philo sophy Construction 'of 31aps with the principles o Projection. " ;y y"- .;!..; ' , . .. r . , Ihe rudiments of Education, as.Re idingf Spel lirig, Penmanship; &cwill be thoroughly taught, a id theJuntor Classes will in .'this respect, ; re: ceive particular attention. ': 'J , . . '.. y . yPhi'tictil Education .--For the improvement of the heabh and the developement of he Physical dk well as mental energies of ' the . C adets they will be required to practice daily an I regularly. Military Exercises 1, T'hese having fur their main object the preservation of health, vill be pur sued so far only as may be requisite or this pur pluse ; in ui instance; will they be pjermitted to interfere Willi Other, pursuits- but twill occupy those hours in the day. that would otherwise be devoted to useless and frivolous amusement.1--?- lliiy'. will consist ".of, the Elemental schools of the Soldier, Company and Ualtahon Evolutions, Light Infantry and ItiHe l)rills--forrnauon of re gular Military Parades Guard Duty the duty of officers' of the Guard and of the Day -the Broad Sword Exercise. f t 'K j ' J Uniform' Drea.--r I Ue dress worn at the Insti tution will consist of a dark blue cloth Coatee, single breasted and standing collar, f nine cloth Vebt and Pantaloons fori winter, and white do- meslic cotton for summer, leather Caps with ap propriate trimmings; blacksilk or leather Stocks.' An undress will be worn in summer consisting a j cotton striped Roundabout, single .breasted and standing collar, i y ' ; j :'4 ;i ' J As the Coat cannot be made elsewhere than at the, Insiitutiona more particular Aescripttbn of it is omitted. Each member of the Institution will yant the following articles,-viz : one single injattre&s either ot hair.. or straw; pdlo v, two. pil low casesfoiir sheets two yards in ength and one iii. breadth, one pair of blankets, two towels, four shirts, four pair of white cotton pantaloons, tour wnite. vests tor smn'ner anu onejoiue ciotn for winter single breasted, mx pair of jcotton and four par of woollen socks, draws and; waistcoats if) WorriV two pair of thiii and ooe patr of thick shoe?, at least two pnckethandkeixhiefsooth brush, pi nknjfe, qti;lls,- waters, Stcly Parents cin furnish their sous with such articl'ss-of cloth ing of the above description as they may. have, if ithev" prefer Jt? or they nia' be su bp I ed at t he Institution on't he most reso4i;ble terms. The above quantity of clothing, is deemed suiBcieut to answer a cauec one year snouni ne .leave ine ill nit:, sucii if furnish ed at the Institution atfd; well taken ciire o'f.will br, received back at a fair price ach -cadet must liave hiswiiame marked in full, o u every ar dele of Iu5 clothing, . . . : y 1 Qiidlificatwn, Admission t&c. No will br admitted into this Institution; candidate who is' un- der ten vears of age, who cannot reac and spell, and who is hot of a good m jral characiei'i It js deemed advisable to admit none foria Ifessterm than one year,' as the expense foi unless period would be propbrtionably greater, aiid the advan tages to be derived proportional? ly, less. ' ' . -1 Eperises.-Y cadets , vill be divided into two Departments. y Those under fourteen; years of age; will constitute the Junior, and Lhose oyer, the Senior. ' The!' whole expense pe academic year, will be for tlie Junior 5160, and for the Senior jl75v pai'ale.$100;on.adriiusion and the remainder, at the expiration .of six months. This expense wiU include ;,cyery ? :harge . for llbarcl,;TMiVon;Jb'uelliLi Public. Le ct ii res, ' use ' of ".'a rm a i id ! Acco u u ements, Roui Rent,' and in sh urt e y e ry e x pense. excep t Clothing, and rRooksyTrhe acemi 3 year, will consist of 46 weeks, and'tivill be.divid id into two sesitjniL-,;'!'';: ff't k-- '-'- S : r :.: BottrfL The cadets ' ; Will board in thesame family with their l iistructors.same; o ieor more of whom ) will Wt air times" be iii ;Coit pany Jwirii them", paternally ; to direct4 tlienu bo ,h; in their si .idles and amusements and to assist in forming a zou rteous,' mora I and "ge u 1 1 1 tu an ly de port roe nt. In strutors and instructed we shall minglexto getfier.as meinbers Ttf the same famib , ami pur sue, towards each bther that familiar and respect ful course, calculated to inspire, t he pupil with a manly confidence and zeal,. and the instructor Witlvemoliona of pleasured i,'-:- '-ii j&aminatiohsTheT two public Ex aminations ineach.year. . The first to comraence on the Monday .nearest the 10th of. . December, au'd the aecond on .the first Monday .. In J une, to continue each, one, week, i; There,; will be priT yate Examinations of the Classes every Saturday, oi the atudies of the. preceding-.weekj. ' : . ' . . !FflcofM)n.-There will be U wo vacations,' the first immediately-after the December lexamina- i - -' j .:.ii !:?j.'.jl.-.zh .t -1 . a ji .... : matics wdl be practically .taught It lie! application of I"rigonometry.t.Q lleights antf Distances ViTn angular Surveyiog ; LeveHinii" and Eiliri nee ring i Livy,; Tacitus, : five first books of eacli,f Ainy worth's Dictionary.".'; u, ; , , t ,: Grtfe-Zr. -GoodHch's Greek Grammar . Jacob'; Greek Reader, Neilsonfs Exercises;jlr;dpy' De lectus Grseca Al jora; Xenophon a Anabasis Ho mer's Ui:idr six first iipoks. ; .t Mathematics, - & c.r T: ler Arith met tc, -1 hit ton's MathematicsJBowditch's Navigation, Sinipl son's. Conic Sections, Enfield's Natural -Phi lojid;; phy, Sganzin's Civil Ensineerinir-.Woodbridge and Willard's Geography, rlast edition) Tvtler's Elements of. History, Hale'' History pf '.the: U. States, Murray's Grammar and Exercises. JYlair's ithetorick, Hedge'slLogic,-Pa ty's Mot al Philo sophy;4 Constitutionbf the, UnitedStates; and States veridlyij-y'y Tliose jntenojng to jomhe Institute vised to bring any of the above mentioned books they nviy hay ortheir tical I nst rum ents, or; AVorks, also any llisiorical or LTterarylWorksy iy;-y (liiS ; ' i Supplies. Arrangemehta Wili befmade at the Institution to supply- he cadets with1theriecesi sarv Boiks, ;Stationarv and Clothitigiif1t is o re ferred, at epst provided payment is made dbwiii ii ioi, anu a crcuut , lour monins is given, up advance: often per c(ent'iVwiUI be Charged on the original cost;; whiclSyill be the longest s indul gence , Every cadt-t will be required to liave;a pass book, in which" Will btyregistered every ar ticle of 'clothing; b00ks,t &c; that may be neces- sary for his comforj br? improvement. ,. The ob. ject being more to accommodate the cadets than to malce a,. .probe out ot tuem't ffM-'iPv'--'y TH E ROANOKE I INSTITUTION is located at Lrttleton'i VV ai Ten county. State of North'-Ca-, rolina, io a delightful" and healthy part lof the coumry u is siiuaieci oeiween -warrenton ana Halifax, sixteen miles from the former apd tweb-ty-one from the latter, surrounded by a beautiful countrj' aial in the, neighborJiotnl of a i efi ned and polished society. :'; Isolated aj this. Institu tion is, no opportunity will be afforded a o" the pupils to contract habits of vice "'and dissipation; the .temptations hld out by our towns' and' vil lages will .here be retnoved ami their contamina ting influence avoided. hp Every. attention will be pasa to the health, manners, m iruls and onpixjye ments of the cadets : : and itxis believed, that un der the -dlsciplinethat will be pursued in' the Institution, aided by jthe superior natural advan-. t ages of its situation youths may be trained- up to habits of teinperajice, perseerance, industry and morality without the danger of corruption. The object of fthis Institution will be to ''give a ymth., a good practical scientific education,. to pre parts mm ;ior tue correct ana erncieni cus charge of the duties of any situation in life, in which fortune or, inclination may place him lto rear up a sound mind in a sound body ; to. qual ify him to enter t he "world with a head . to con ceive and an arm to execute, to teach. him habits of perseverence,-jindust y and economy, and to cherish those manly; noble and independent se n timents which should form,, the character. of a good citizen.- Youths may here' be prepared for admission into any of 'Our Colleges ir Universi ties, either one or two years in advance- ;' for ad mission Jo the Militarv Acadenn' at West' Point or the Navy 5 or they will be carefully instinct ed m tne various orancnes. necessary to. a nnisrieq education 'I'he Institution will be u dtr the general direction of CJap't. Partridge, and under the immediate supermtendance and controul of Mr. I). H.rjingh:m, vho will be 'assisted by the requisite number of well qu dified instructors, to wiiOm applications for admission into the Institu tion or for further information can be made. QTr Pare nts ;; will fpiease to signify o what branches they wish their sons to attend; upon en tering them. The Institution is now in opera tion, and students will be admitted at any time. '; v Littleton, N. C. June 3th, 1829.' r y.84' ' Mr. B.r has been .favored with the 1 following testimonial by his friends in Maryland. . ' , , ; , ' . ' . Frederick City, Md. "r ' ' . .ip'nl 28, 1829. y 5 Mr. D. H. Bingham bein. about to remove to Noith-Carohnafor the,.purpose of engaging in d Classical arid Mditary Insliiution, to be under the general direction of Capt.r Partridge, ttie under signed take pleasure' in bUVring him aHestimoni al, to which his character and 'gentlemanly.-' tle portment "fully entitle himy -f lr. Binghani lias resided some y ears in this city, and has bedn en gaged ihia Seminary similar in its character to that cbnterripLtedtin North-Carolina. ; V e, have thus had an opportjmity to jildge of his qualifi cations; btlt on that point We deem it unnecessa ry for os to offer any recommendation in aid of the ci rcu mst a 11 c e, t h at' he h as 1 leen selected for the station' - by so - distinguished a professoi as Capt.; Partridge; 'fronV,; anitingst.hls very, nume-f rous and well informed pupils. y't We may observe howeverthat he has distinguished Uimself here by a degree of diligence perseverance and reg ularity; calculated to insure" him,- any where that success which we hope will reward hisl present uridertokinV.'';-vlf--:- Signed. -" !-'y- '-ii;4?AAf):b-Kw-f: . r- t- '";; y .Hon. Jan. JSelson, -y : y y ' "' .--.' 1 1 oii ' t :'( rv. &, H 'arfield, ' : ' ThoZ ClVoethinpontZ ter;iM!iradiey sfygr;:? '. y y Jfe'j. Ft -ice, J-lsq. - ,!Sf jl 4 y ' r. ij: is StngletowDitiiuuiJiAq. ." Stuart Gaither, Ksq. . j riLLl'Al-:i"a:AVWPOp'iU;lceeprer r V pat cd the above article during the. Summer asbn:yy; S P -S Ittl' Also, Lemon' Svrup, of the first qualit-." , y ' Ihey ha.ve just recelyed a Supply of superior fiI.'Lme-Juicer.r;7'' JtaleiglC'J une.lt '&&1Zf$r- ?;i-y'y'y7r. S tate of1 North-Carolin a; '"-'' Supe riit doOrt of Equity; March er829g v . John H ilsabeck.r. J ose ph Penington y IT. appearing', to the i tisfactionof the Court that the defendanli-Joseph Penington, ia not an inhabitant of this State ,': it is therefore order ed that publication be male for three Vmonths in the Raleigh Register; that he may appear at btir next Superior, Cou rt of .Equity to be held for the County cf Surry, at the Courthouse iri Rockford,' on tpe first M outlay in September next, to plead, answer or demur to the complainant's bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex-parte.,y r' y-y'- - .--y '' ' WINSTON SOMERS, C M. E. , l8?9.-pr. adv. f 5 25. ' : . J , J. GALES & SON, -wIHVE 'JUST RECEIVKO- Mrs.-Opie'. Woiks, complete, in I2oI vvHsuiugTon irvings. i. do - do. Byrona.:"";flo-:-clu.;'?-in-ona vol. Sv Svo. en Vied C . yvith splendid engravings. . ' . Burns do .do ' in o-'e vol. Rvci. - xShak espe'aVe'in one vol." stiperbly bound... .. Spectator, 'in 2 volsl 8o." 1 ' Joseph! do do.- ' 'V Man of two Livev r, y . ' , TWO tllllltlrpd nilfl tlnr oir nh 1d Pnnt.nt - J .. " - .-v. wit IffUUU IIV"' Domestic' Duties or Instructions to'young martin , , ed Indies., " Mrs. I Iemans Poems elegantly bound. Po.H'Kik's Course of Time V do" . iJwell's MediailXpmpanionv last edition, ' - Also; the 3d vol. of Gales Si Seaton's 11 of Cbngressionariiebates - ' r ' etstcr y, ;v 'Splendid Luck! ; i MANAGEUS OFFICE. - :;-.yv : DRAWING p?:THE,OISULy5WAMP CAKAX. : 'Ayy1:.' ? XOTTERy, xUth CLASS. . ; . liie tbllbwiiig Capirala were sold at thtt'Man gers' Ohice; -. iri l9;58; $10,000 sold to a Vender in Pete ::burg.yyVtl;yv: " I7hl 9, 43f $4,930,tsidd tb; Mr! Innis Adams, cf i:'thi?iivi:t .- ; y M ?i,Wf -sold also tp . a gentleman of :tichmbhd:i .- , . ; -540,, 58,1600, : jsold orie.half to 'a gentleman 1b Warretitwi,;N. tb other half to a'gen.' . tleman in Fayetteville, NV O. . t. The clrawing of thevNew-York Consolidated, No. 7; rwil! be -received thi davJ Coitalj.. $10,000, 5,000; 3.044, 2f of 1,000, &c, ' ; : ttru;.i'n::i't'i-'-fi''.'-'A '-""'''' "1- " --TO f 'CKei o") nan 2 pu, yuar. 1 v- " . -j. Call at. v i ... v.y ; .XLTES.SIcIITYRE Office. .June, 27.-86 -Su.-ri r: y'- "''':, ' 37 albable foi4 Sale. - y ::'vryys.'4.?!;t:V.' ?-' . y." r-..' j. v ; : fllfJE Subscribers having qualified as Executors JL of t h e late' Daniel Shine, dee'd, and in order to meet the demands against the Estate of their testator, they will ofTer for sale to the highest bidder, . for ready monej ; on the first day cf Au gust next, at the Cburt-House dpor In the To w n of Xouisburg,,: several; valuable 'NEGROES, a morig.which re.twalfUcksmiths (brothers) the eldest about '25 .years of hge, is a large, strong, active likely :Jmanan4 a., fellow of excellent sense and 'disposition and the subscribers vouch for his being one pf the best Smiths iii the State. He can execute all kinds of Iron Work pertain ing to Carriages witli neatness and despatch. i He also understands working all kinds of Steel, and has not his superior in the 'making Of edged and Plantation Tools of every, description. , The youngest ;about 23 year of age, is not so perfect in his tradeiVbitt promises to make an excellent Smith ; he' js also a, large likely - fellow. The balance of the Negroes, consists of - women and children they are ihkeiy: anid - valuable; The loots otthe Shop will also be sold. ' ' jo;-:l. king"- ' ",.;' , ' ',' ' . ' yy - CUAKLES Al iiill, 5 r T f Franklin C'iunty,.N. Cjuly l; 8$ 3t ; . . ' . y County., , ' SuperirCburt of I.aw April Termj 1829. Ami Armstrong, f A - ... ' ,t ,'; ,:, . - . i : ;' Petition for Divotce. . Sam'l. Armstrong; 3 ; i'y ,j , ; , . '"'" ORD E It Elt b v CcMirf?f that publication b e maile for 3 moutlis Hucessi vcly in the Raleigh Register, and the lYadJi?n knd Catawba Journal, that the' Defendant- be and appear, at the next Superior. Court of Law to be held for Buncomb e countyi at the Court-house in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after the-4th Monday in Septembrr next, anl plead or answer to; the Plaintiff's pe tition, or the same will be heard ex parte. , ; Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk 'of siid Court at Office, the 2d, 'Monday after the 4th-. Monday of March; 1829. J ' ROBERTJIENRY, C. S. C. Stated , 1 ' ;; j t HutiVnrribe County. 31 ;" t Superior Court of La vv-- April Term, lw29. xVndre w PreslyrX 4 . : ' - v. Petition for Divorue. Eleanor Presly.jy y 1 . o RDERFD by Court, that publication he mid 2 for J months successively in the RakiU Register, and theYadkin and Catawba Journal,, that ythe Defendant' be . and appear at the next Superior Court of Lw to be held for Bunccxnbs count3 at. the Court house in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after' the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the Plaintifl',8 peti tion: Or the same will be heard ex parte. ,. yyV itness, Robert, tie hry;. Clerk of said Co rt at Office,, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March; 1829. - , ' I, ; ROBERT HENRY, C. 8; C. ; State of North -Carol i n a, . j . ' .'y: ? Haywood County. -;- . ' ; Superior Court of Iaw April Term,' 1829. Y:--Vy.!'. John .Crow; :..") - t JasJIp a 6ra,nt- Irappearng to the satisfaction of the qourt, ; : ' that theDefencLiuts iii this case, to wit. Jas. Holland, jr"-r: Rhodes and Cynthia, his wife, Perkins and Sophia, ;. his wifes heirs and de visees WJamcsJ'lIolltipd', and Hollind, wi. dow of the said JarriesIIolLmd, are inhabitants of -another Stateso that the ( ordinary procet , ,f law cannot be served on them, it' is' ordered that publication be. made for three moiiths sti'cces siyelyiif the5 Ileigh'ltegisfer, that the said De fendants bef and appear-: at Vthe-: nt xt Su perior Court of.Law to be held for this county, at. she . Court-house in Waynfcsvillton the second Wed nesday after the fMift h Monday in. September ' next, then and ther to ple id, answer cr den-ur - I to the Plaintiff'' petition, or judgment pro con jo vjh oe eiuereu against mem. - , ' , . ? Witness J f;hh ' B Love Clerk of said Court tt Office; thsecondt Wednesday after tLi fourth Monday mil arch, 1 829. y : ' .... 73v2ro - ,;JOHN B. LOVE, C. G. C. . SfmMESN; GORDON, fT.ATflt.Ya Commission Merchant in riynculh, ' ' i!UA has removed to Norfolk-Virginia, and v. ill ' transact any Business in; that line entrusted t , his care, with the' grcatett attcntica :id J! pence. ..' , - ' ' , - ;"' Norfplk, ,Ya Lfay 30 1829, " " 73 -t. '

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