Y:. i OS1 ..T , - l' MR. CLAYV SEECn, A tthe Public .Dihder.fn .Kentucky,. M ay i i I- ,amnvarc 1 1 haj ;the ate. 'fact s of a 4 ml o-1' , ; hhk rfu I V to animadvert -( I h pe. vi ihoil t . r iviW pfrv in any opniy fellow-ciliicnsSs ; I jn ns I 4m I cere I y wi s .: 1 o i v e t) b o V v w e rke Rustauifd iipon '.some yngue ,qotHon-r.;pur-.. ; , . tb.it ofn;' tii el nil (est trumpeters pf reform 'IV-'v' Vi crtr uite ;vhohau:;la .'C'rptntB . toiuVrJiv&M'iffi T : xnu st an i ted. ir.asxa;u-jrera.: aiiim. V ; -'-sttbsta n fiat land ;y a!uibU xform ; en :.;VV p? a c" t?l r f CVUt ; something mbreex J ... t c h sty o ly ,ie t tfi ci al i ot h & peb pi v; t 3 a r e conunencp , - ,-Ttrjcnt, $ni Jirulitm . r 4r lhe; late adihiniAt . in d.e c(ntiatltVA7as, :.tnlkcd ofiVso as to V, '.-ilicy .were 'elec ted , and u llntel. ternr br v ? x nat l lie rh . ' Tji is?: p i pji tio'i tj jpe- r dt? be. - - -.rejcetvvd 'wilK rriuch-Irtvor slicud b:; - irt "the M." if Knrsentatie vieH.!! jitter w s $e i f n" a t . ffr ta't K-n'gt b.Vunur ' th - uhuua e loq u c t ce a net ot ti: av naj omy urn sol ore, b -ih'e last gesi(W alter the decwuin rih Presrdn'ial ttUPS1on,jU f . the kiudnesVwnh vivid chit hat), beetr ongi- n v "feceh -ed had -greatly abated. Its cl - i Yitri TiiiiiL'ii uairt.n luauu iieiirrinv! y cult Ti:enairt;.f he. House to xonsderif.r Jj.ciT seeineiirspetl:toacr;!e ti ;ft- and, l , iitrh ' fr;)M Vn e 1 1 m e, th t i tiiej - ' '- tU i pniiabllii jfj if ijs pasagejkaVleat rl-C'th t tKip,h ,t Ift bouse. 1 5 ,reat ch am oinii . (eii.::SiMyti;li.yirgim presexHt; wth V ' V " " re!lotCrseveriuce H Bui onfrirTunatel v:- I ;Vhn, atVleit r ' " In uent and earnest a DDPais ' t6 tt S l .akVn ; upnexviylws appeared or haveLaddeiily J : struck, ;the;rrnnistsr yJ v . - an a in end me ifv i J lieir e tes, ; so ! ml ispen ' " sabre.V( j lie ,p'i rity of tjtsr -cons il ution, atjd . ; i'. 1 the llrJ4rjfVlw1J$cilappeafed' toe so resot - ted to .carry nnw,-b u direct or indirect ; f vole ii ;e; it , the fi-byi jV-That mij rity, 1 "',v I be! i e ve j';ya's co in pisecl ' ". i nf pa r tr 6r m em ' . ' '- A "JVfs mKo Tifter th.fouV!hof;March last J ;1 j;ave the-jil'es t;pra.c tiVI frec'aita t Son '.of th ei f ' '"t' r fi:un ; bv accepting froioFt he he wU'r - sident :lucrativcvaonointments iri direct 1 ' ; ' r.ppw,tiori to"the 'principle 'Irif lheiirvvn1a. ' ' ' tijen!tjnent;And hoG - 'Snd it yeti -nvrempracti i?ajl e: t if fiiH kei; ( ;- r ' ' t a ui ' live in, -1 1 rnsol j t e to his cohrVa-'r.-c i tive-iilter-ition in the coijtituiruri than he , - Ud to'ain an), to hi; Exposition of the i 'jRerormV' arh as alone could interest a " iuhole, peplr'-can only take place in ;jh? ' -1 cw st ittition rff ';1a w.. or plicy.'Of he-.'gov- - ' fcriimeijit Nw' and ihphonder every ad- ininistrahon,'; arid "at ail liinesy af! faithless " w" ,-nr incompetent officer nr 5y"be discyeredv . - ' " ivlto ttit.7 belip!a'cetirf fjArl" trTat.;.itii " alt the department if Oovernineiit. 'But v ljpresUme ihaV 'lie correction of s J 'ras(inal abut-c cbulil hartliy " be expecti'd J- v " to fulfil t he promise of reform w hiv h : had , ' i been bo kuleinnly made.y I would inert ak 1 " what rivattthettftifm? '- . A , part 0f tfi contiiu ion was to'be altered? -fAVhat latf repealed 5!mdnf branch of-'the 9Vttled'pticv.Y;oftheTc'uot be ' J ' ch aicd ? J TTte;.' people , ha' ve a Jrih t:Jto knw - what 'jjreat btessinga si; i tit ended; Iy-their; raler for them, anditodeniand . some tangible, practicable Kodf in lieu of "' :'r- 8 general, -vagueyTanc! antlefiued assurance r -"' .of retbrrii.f ; JJ"-;; ; ) -V'-?:- . -f 1 kno w that 'the :rc'cenrrerovv?srofr 1 fr e ore attempted td be juVt'ified ba pre - . cedent drawn from M r"; Jefferson's. aiJmin . ' ilrdUon Bui-thcre : . , tant a nalogrb'e( w.een .jjiVt wca;. Sey ? ' era! -eaf;pri6ri'to fiw relectMmjithepublic j ' - ';i idficers of. i'ie cou ntry hs d been u I morvXi ' ; ciusivcly bestowed upon the ar ty to u hich ' tfut, Sat theead of iyhichiKe I. oppo'ed When the hi'meircedliisad- tnimstrat mn, hei found -wthjeVejnonopoly.' of theni ih' theliands ptlh? ad vers? party. -. ( He d isim?sed, a , f e wc in c o m be f i r fr th e " pnrpo!6 of nitrbducir in their pladesc V th-rs of hfs' own party, aid thus doing e- A V.; qual j tjstice to' both seel s. ; But .the number V r . of femoVdU-'-wa;Tfarfii. . 5 a Mi-iWV io; pngres.;-YVV hen 7 rresHlenl 1Sr J ir !; son.' en t i: re 1 . n h t a d m 1 n I u 1 t ra tioi 1, IteToanrf-Va ;fv djnrenrare tthii..-r J r if fh fjiAt Vrhuld be ascertained, I beneve it tTouid be 'fiund: ih.it' there! was;a;larg trf number of vfficers, onder the government, e v e n t,l t&aTHl)eii S ioUtcd ' 1' a r!here hail been u pre.vjus-iTiiMi ( V PublicoHices were anke- Yiilu" -1: ly bis ' 'C TriVnda andAVbbvneuts in the: late V eel ion. - attached thahAbpposed to his elrc"?ioo;.. . Further; In th'case elctipntwt!ib9s" pe nle havnS'deterlniii ; t f systra fnere was geieral wbiel a mon t h e miij rit y, who brought abou tnhat "v 'the constitution in the enactment omieaiien I ! 1 'and sedition lawVjthat theyihai-coihrnit v 0 ' y'4et ottier ,vr eaVbusei f andhatome of ' ' l them coritemta liilthe - ' chnracter f our gernnenti as ta ghe ' a monarchicid aSt.M.tattf ihe historical ' ' , 7 facW Wltnoor-tnitMiuiug c V'l ' ' casVitm f deemingiit necessa uV examine pi' sach a destffn existeu or nt. - ul -9 Ihosewhbat thntl .rillv be exoecteo ' to atmjusce y tor tae. b v . t he i r onDo n e o i m the minor ity rif ihrt iiaVtof.l if -all ihe.nfficct l rnmVnt, to which ohre ;of them; were; be lieved to be" hist"lejn principle; x.Theob - "'tt ofM r J ettersoii ' .tva to DreaK,iiown,a - ire-xisting tnoiiPlyhehuntJs of n siraii existing equiiibriiim between the 1 vr paries"-to.-the.Jate cow testwd to es tTlfRh a luonopoty. Ththject pf Pre. dent Jeffers'tn was, 'the; Rpublil and y riot ; Uimsef. ;Vrh ? tof President JackVon is. hhu- cii aTw n 0 v t ae ta te. i: At npVer was advanced unuerA Mr. Jef ferson's ad mini s'tiratio n th at d evo tion a n d a tf achm en t to; htm .vr c re an fnd is pensabl e hol d'iOiv be ap po5 n iecf'tQ pffi ce v''-The Icon 4 ir as tTbe t we e ri; the. i n awral sp e ech of that treat llHiW uiiu tuaL ui ins wicjcm auvtca" SOr.:was reiniii Kayits in cycjio ptrv . avi Jefferson's breathed abmt fifpeaceoilt oreatneu a iiriv ui uttiui pi.iinisniiiijr .au dignified ronderatipn.r t treated the na tion ai tne family. We are all repub- lican, all federali dernchiiipnfC; nor comtiictlof his 'creat-nvl atul iminediatc, bfetl6ccssf)rWhai3r,the ;characterdf theiihaitsrural speecli 6f-the reeht'Chiei AiacistFate. a snau. nov auempv xo skciuh he honest t is h e capa b1e ; is he faithful t6';th''ic6hVtitntibV?"c- Irttfn ty iandyJid ell tyXcconli righto itlie rptoifefn..rttle,apjVar; to coiint for, nbthi rigV- frunds"anb:fci6r citizetisvitlobserva- tioiiiipbn many of the late changes; i My objecChas been to point your attention to ihe principle winch appears , to ; nave go verned all b f . th e nn an d t o cl asses : I re pbatf that I would not have 7 touched; this u n pi ea sa h t vt bpi c,-hut th at i t s ee in s to me I.. t-- 1 1 ' Y y r: 10 lurmsn uiucn anu gusi occasioa lur se- nous alarms 1 none xnai 1 naveireaieu it in a manner; becomme me; without m- currine: the disDleasure of any. one now p res e ri t.'-'; X bel i eve t he t imes requ i re. a 1 1 t lie calm hfe ad s aud; sound he a rts of the country. And, I would not intehtioriallj' say one ord to excite the passions.' But there are i few cases of recent re- moval,'6f ucli flagrantiihpropriety,sas 3 incer'elythink that" lxannot fcirbearal ludihg to ttlieniV! Undfef Lhb admihistra- tion ntior to the present; from the com mencement of the Kovernment, have our d i pi otna ti 6 ' Ireprese n tatives " beeii cd I ed frbmabrbad! on accbunt';bf i the political oninions which the v entertained in regard to a previous Presidential election. With in my recollection, at this time; there' has been butrone instance ofj recall of a 5 fo rein minister, under the present consti tutioivbh bcci'hnt of any" dissatisHiction with ;him didnot recatlOol. Monroe ;the case fe lerrdHo) from France, on his individual account, but because he was not satisfied with i lhe;inanhcr in, W'Jiich ;he perforined the iluties '.lf ;;the mission. ; President Ja cksb n ord ered horn e two of our fore igil Ministe.rsV'bne filling; the most. important "European mission, and the other the most important of : our missions Von the conti nentYY lb both cases,' the sole ground of recall si;thaV they, were opposed to his e lectioii as President; Andas if there should.be no possible controversy on this head, one of , them was recalled before it was knowir at "NVashinitbn that he had reacnea jaogoia, me piace 01 nis uesiina-i tion ; and consequent before he could have possibly disobeyed any instruction or violated any duty . 1 i ; j V 5 The pecuniary effect of these - changes is thbv certain expenditure, in outfits of 818000 and perhaps, more than! triple thatjsumin contingencies. Now, it does sern to me ; (and I put it to your candid judgments whether) this is too large a sum for the public to pay, because two gentlemen i had ; made a mistake of the name" whichthey should have written-on a It tile bit, of paper thrown into the bal lot boxes. Mistake ! . .They had in fact made no practical, mistake They . had not. voted at all, one being out of the U. States, and the other but of his own State, at the time of election.; .The money is therefore to, be paid because they made a mistake" in the abstract opinions which I h ey n el d ,',antl: wii gh t possibly, i f t h ey . h ad been at home, have erroneously inscribed one name instead of'anothcr on their bal lots. . ;.i ,-,j;.-" -f.W ', .There . would be some consolation for this ? waste of public treasure, if it were compensated by the su periority of uali -'fi cat ion' on1;t.Ke.. partof, the - late appoint ments in coniprisbn wTthithe previous. But 1 kh o w a 1 1 fo u r o f; t h e ge ntleme n p e r-1 lectiy weii, ana my nnn conviction js, that in neither charigehas the public gain ed any intellectual advantage. ,'Iti one of tliem indeed, jit he.- victor of Tippecanoe& of Tiiafiiesojr;whose gallantry 'ma ny -who are now, here; were witnesses, is replaced by a gentleman who, i f h e posses s: on e single attainment to - qualify " him for the pfice;I solemnly declare- it has escaped my discernment.; ;-C:Y-f ; v: -" !" ; y) There was another class " of persons whose expulsion from office' was marked witliYpeculiar hardship and injustice. Citicns of "the District of Columbia are deprived of actual participation in the; e lectioiis of the United States.1; Tliey kre d ebarred. f rom voti ng fora Presid ent, or tiy)metiiBer:;ffCones jments; theretore; in relation - to anyi:elecV tion of those officers are perfectly To punish them, as in numerous; instan ces has. been done, . by .dismissing them trom their employments, 'not for what they did, but for what they AowsrW. is a cruel aggravation of their anomalous con- timpn- : 1 Know well those who have been discharged from the Departmen tof State ; aim,idM; pleasure t m oeanng ; testimony to their: merits- r Some of t them iwbuld have done "honor ; to any bureau 4. hi any country. VVemay worship God according to the dictates of ourownfconciences- i No toanfs rightin that respect can be called into questions The constitution secures it.v Public offices are happily,' according to the theory of Cour constitutionf a hke accessibleto all," .Protestants and Catholics, and to every denomrnatibfi of wclw Bat-if our homage is. not paid to Mrefrsoni poiiTth Kthis iastaVlatioji; into his.VujeYdr.;'a"mbm Avithout the aUsorbihg viHuefidelity 'tb.pre.sid'en i Jacks oh y '" I rvi I lF hot "consii mefthe J time cmy a mortal, wc are liable to - a punishment j which an erroneous :wotsh;p$ ; ttbtbririupon' it seems; -who iaveFaiicd; devotlbii'tHatmbr1!,:fa by au tne pumsnmenL wnicnTUietauiii-. flic0in vifte1)f iawsftfc vate;DurDosesTKiil;y' I -: A t iKft? rn bs t i m nor t a n t nor 1 0 f the U S v the office of Collector was filled by ,Mr ThQmpson,?hojrejiaby .1 UY' lY- u .l:h!i4;;nn ? Ktr sbm e, o f its ffi e n lw ponji the - igrou n ti f hiiUegedattachtn isut the lateresruenyas ur niovame. m his4resbluti6tilto.depriyeno jfficei n; coriieq tien th of his ,politlcalo oiniOns or nrefereticetM f removal !svsisiofte pressbv)fbr;the reasoiiusty aniinrjia iry -was ihad e b tithe Becrea rybf mfrTreMufy into Cheihahn the iluties of the cbfiicee better sUoi iector-uin.;4tne tpuuiic serves 5 iiHl.ahati.hisTeturrts iegul arly and l n eatly re nde fid'an daU; th e d u ti es of h i s o ffi ce ably aijd p nestl y " erlbrmedf asifar as he knev ipr believed. JThis meritoribua i officer fias eh imoyed jtjbtprbvide aa ! whbse;ssociatibnwi th Co $u rr, is hof ibriou throughout Ytlie United States. 1 put ktd tlie caiidbr of airwho are' here to say;1! f buck change cab be! justified in the piirt'of Newyork; f thereyenuc coif 1 ected at which,1 ambu tits to about SlO, 000,000V more than one-third ot the whole revenue 6f the U. States'? 'Y!(M:i( v Ifwi 11 d etai rt the prse tit , assembly no longer upon subjects of the General -Gpy ernment. : I lope tfiat I shall find, in t he future course of the new administrationV less causefbri public ; disapprobaion;AI ijiqsV anxiously hope that, vvh in its ineas-, ijres come to be- developed; - j it the next; and succeeding sessions of Congress, they shall be perceived Tto be suchl as'are best adapted ;to promote the prosperity oy the' cjbuntry. ? I jwill say with entire sinceri-J ty, that I shall be most happy to see it n i n i n tr th & 'zl A m e. r i r. a ri S vs 1 e rri i 'J ; l n C I U- flitch was committed to his hjindsfor the; publiicVgooflr and ' " t.l '7'" ' i " - r- 7 -Jr . ... or thV 'etahtihpd 'nolir.v nf the tiOVern- ent at home and abroad r jind I shall ey e r be as ready to render praise w h e re , praise is due, as It is now pair ful to me, under existing circumstances, to parti ci pate in the disapprobation which recent occurrences have produced.' ' j ! No occasion, can be more jippropriaie tn a 11 the p reseh t, wh e n su r rou ftd ed by my former constituents, to say a few words upon the unimportant subject of myself. Prior to my j retu rn home, I had stated i n a iswer to all enquiries wheth ar I should b i agai n presen ted as a candidate to re peseht my old district in the House of ReDresentatives, that I should come to no absolute1 decision until I had taketi time for, reflection and to ascertain be the feelings and wishes of kvhat miklit those who had so often honored me with their suftra-. fi 'SwThe-presen t Representa ivc ot tho' strict has conducted himsc If towards me with the greatest liberality : and I take pleasure now in making my public ac k lowledsments so justly due to him. He. hid promptly declined beins: a candidate, I would offer, and he warmly urged me to offer. ; . A- . ; - - Since my return home, I have mixed freely as 1 could with my friends and feU low-citizens of the district- They, have met me with the greatest cordiality. Ma ny of them have expressed a; wish that . I wpuld again represent them- Some .of the most prominent and respectable of those .who voted for the presen ffiktrate have also expressed t chief ma la similar wish. , I have every reason to believe that xnejre wouiu ue no opposition io me no m any quarter or any party, if I were to of fer.; But if I am not greatly deceived in the prevailing feeling throughout the dis trict, it is one more delicate aijd respect ful towards me, , and I appreciate it much mgiier, uian 11 k nan Deen lnaniiesieu in loud calls upon me to return p my . bid post. '; It referred the question to my own soper judgmenti Jy former jpopstituents' vve re ge n erally reac ly to a c qu i esce fii any de,cision . I might think, itrope to make. , If 1 were to offer for Congress they were, pr spared to support me with tleir accus toi ned;zeal and true-heartedness. I thanB them all, from the bottom -of iivy heart wh e th er- they agreed o r d ifferetl -with m e: in jthe late contest, for this generous' coa huence. ; 11 . - . ;i ; Lhave deliberated much on the auesti- on I- ,jViytrienUs in other parts;6t the' U n i q n a re diyid ed in opinion abou t the u ti- lity of any services which I could render, at the present periodjin the National fie- gislature.i This state of thins:sJ at horne and abrbadletVme frbe to follow the im- piike of my own leelings ahdHlve dictate of my ow me to remai totiiisreso tior every last 11 this best ttenuDiic they may choose to designate; m 'I have serve d m v enuntrv thirtvri.Mvnot;v.; -! :, :; --JL's 'Y-vY Y, HOW"" "TlMr I ry vigorous, requires repose. My health, alwkysCx)f;late earsery delida mands.care; My. prjvatetaffairs wahttrrv1 aiiejiiiuii din- Internal improvements, and uphold'pertectiy witp n in private lire." syIh ;cnnii I r''" j: 1-' r'i? H lution;ldicln6tmeanitoirn ?iri vouia liereaiter, if my life, and rtirtJnr:U ready at all times J ' . . . "ii.vvt. mmci WHICH I fr Vs ..:- .- i - - , . "-r- vYYl. citizen,rimypinibh?itdbd;tb'th; ickerihgbf human life tb exertmhsi to t h srvar i y"y 10 act incontorm- S:n v v j " " untauuji wiicnever it snail' vKu itv - be il pleasure oPthe ncinle. anl rb wh ch.th? .Pc,i,le l,lct;r r zens lncannot nart i tfwuviiii f vj l uaciuinr.v kiih y 1 u t a ir 1 r -1 . v . - . -t j o , j .i j ivvciiau uc u 1 . iiy er v ice. w n fields a - sure .Y V unuiiryaii'circuHjsia w;Knnf hein, liahleir to the of deretiction of any public duty to my couhf try or tomy friend lioine fcireastinSif nbttlufmpthfre feainderrniy lifeam 'eotisuenft,cliieen hy themV'aria.lihtet jfriehdiy "offices1 tneiden te to private !fe I Wished to seethehrallUo shake hand cprdi ally with therajtn tVeathsIilTirthsSmi teresti ngey ehfs a mbn g" thetir i t& Jd e n-, ifyiinyseif in MtI 4hSni:.anotiyith sprung up'.wiiUsfel semng;thcm!v.' affairs tb risrhts and: 1 f ; I can wi th , the! WessinfrsVof Providence;! tb fnbllslt .heaiUi 4WM i&'W&f but they couhtbe easily; put .straight by a little moral courage on the ; part of; tlie; G Assembly, and asmall portion of caii dof and good-will anng thejebple bovealU we want an efficient systehv of Internal : I ni prove m en is y ad opdbyihe; Ci.' a YX"KT itlriaH' ioIuvrQ Vol toil . l ri OtatC. I1U IVCUlUWIViailf iiyw:uiviiyAiii or outbfitif could?-beholdrtKe Owetchett conditioirof bur roadsi thou theuleep-S est mortifi cation? iVVe jire greatly iniYthe; rear of a! most all the adjacent States,- some or wnicn sprung ijiiu ciisicntc lung a fterl elwere an establ ish ed Co tn m on r wea I f h. - W li i 1 s 1 1 li ey ;are)bey in g th f pi rr i t of the age and nobly m arching forward in , the impro'vement of . their respective te rri tori es, 1 we are ; absol u tel JvS tan ding still, or rather golngvb scarcely credible, but nevertheless true, ', that it took my, t ami ly 9 1 n th e. mo n tn ot ApriW near four days to tra'veU thrbugli ' ::' m , :. - i.'j ! .'"'v- V . v i' - 'f'''-' f '''' ; ...I .. .1 Win I ' r r . III U U O.IJ U III .n c, : a 11 1 a m 1 1 v-t . u. .yi j j .; aiAtj.r four mi 1 es, over o n e of the most frecju en t; ed roads in the Stated 't! V"f ' yK And yet ourYAvants, on this subjecti are i- o . . - - j juuiciuusijr ;, appiivu.,. ; u.isliu vicii s 1 uiiu f from Maysville to the Tennessee Jine,fone branch in the direction of Nashville, and' a Second to strike thermou i thuf C Cu ihber v land Tennesseeriyet!(- ntartificial road ex ten d ed from IkjJi 1 1 e, ; to i nter sect the other some whlebOu t Bo wling Green. , One passing .by helbyville and Frankfort to the Cumberland (iap. ;And an artificial road extending from - Frank fort to the ;mouth of Big Sandys compose all the1 leading roads which at present need the resources of the State- rhese might be constructed,. partly on ; the v 11 c- Adams' method, and partly, by simply graduating and bridging them, which lat ter mode can be performed at an expense less than SlOOO permile-! Other lateral waysjconneeting these main roads might be left to the public Wpiritrbf the local au tho ri ties and of private companies.. ; Congress, without doubt,' would aid the State, if we did not. call upon Hercu les, without putting our shoulders to r the wheel. But without that:aid, we f could ourselves accomplish ,al 1 tlie works which I have described, - It would not berprkc ticable to complete them in a. period of seven or eight years, 'and of cou rse n ot necesary to:raise the whole sum requisite to the object in one year;s Funds dra wn from executed parts iof the; system might be applied to the completion of those that remained- , This auxiliary resource, com- oineu witn tne ample means ot the otate, p rbperiy d eve loped f ati ?1 " fai th fu 1 ly ap propriated, would enable us" tbcbnstrUct all the roaAlsVhiclvI have slcetched, with-' out burthening the pe6pl:-S; . But, sol icitous as I feel on .thi s inter esting subject, I regret that. I have not yet seen sufficient moristratibtis '6f the public; will to assure me that the judg ment of the people hasV carried the same or similar conclusions; to whicli my mind has conducted me.: Ve, have beeh,i for years pastunhapbil 1 istracted rid? divided tThWcissbnt: tionsVhave dtw greater to '1 ess limpbrtant obcerns-. iri1 !iav,e excited bitter feelings and an imosities and created strong prejudices (U?a,l(,uses-l3: I tear from i these caiisest1 the publicjs not vet brenared hinasinnL ately to consider and to adojit? a compre Jiensiye, ii think;;the0bulv'yracticable; i5t0Int6hat Impethbnts, iti tills State. A premature effort miirht reta ri instead of accel erating theijibject. : An d I must add that fear extraneous raiises would bias and influence tlie"judo:inent of . uPn tt 1 e who! 0-Im u 8 t"'S eel i rte accedii irig to the wishes' of those who d esired 'to vuc xjcsrisiaiure. i YAS: v.. 1y; see ine in the Legislature. Retire merit: ness1 to th e Union or to romntl v obev n n v . 1 1 be pleased to make.' s and fellow-citi- froih youi ohrjossihlv V1 J I occasion of ihever publicly ail HS JPFf vi tKotit t rci tera ti fi uKxi tiiocciitt r.:J:Ykl. YY' Y- r f Y . ir ir. WM. tu;db- 5? Xicame" amonjr m the j licved.that I could be usetul at i ran&irt. t seetlun tftyiyx;Iearly tbejwann KihiuckyIts fiijancisar J0"' nin? mre than thirty years an), an iif'-r ji fie. angervtovyou slbVenlyibu teVei-y thtngms mcreed and atVhi. eneu? your aiiection;, tor me v 1 vvi K 1 worldahd assailed by a! most evct y t6 ahel pen ahd pressk you have f ?th 1 i. k anii man 1 u 1 iy sioou oy. me, w j h . ' ? and man fii 1 1 y stood by me. win. 'T id fri r J When I felt as if I should s nt ),... K the stortn of abuse anxl detractibn, Vy 7 c!i ru;iHjr urounu me. I l found Cinysejf upheld . and sustained h you rentburagihs: voices find your jour rtnzi smiles milesi havet! doubtless cui u iatryr!fautts'an.(.j !t' ted " many hdnestly" an d. faithfully se r ved my R rytthat-IJiay it . UB that libVeye lament tiw. am luduucdi lit, v'"c; ui vine presen ! 1 r. C. . cb : c 1 u 1 e d by proposing t!,e f,, lowing tbast :f ; ; ;Ste ;ONprtli-Carolin:l. Uv, it"-rF-t-l,iB i nl n .t.. c . '; ;;;-' :ly Term, .1 .1). 1829. Howet Frai?er, AaniV.of WiMiam Hester tHobertillester '(of Win.) firiginar'atchmen haf , . fhos. Itlejoha, Esq. aJ JJe isum:none1 IXappeaHnff to the satisfaction of the " that the; cleien!ant,J Kobert Hesifr Court, is mt ao mimoiianioi uiiYisiaic ; it is ordered th tnlmbitan't of this , State ; it' is orderv six weeksivingpiioticc 10 ihe siiid Itobert u there, replevy and. plead to isstie, or iudemm niiai win i;"ucicu ui aiamsi Dim, and he property feyied, on, condemned subject to ihf pajnUnwse'cove..:;Vitn!Rsit Stephen . Sneed Clerk of siid Court, at office in Oxford, the firJ Monday in May, A. D. 1 829. ; 75 6w pl - - j S TKP. K. SNKED. Clk. KilCoiirt Of pieaaid,Quarter Sessions ;;-jMay:Terin,;A.Dv 1829., . ' : Satniiel S'. Downy, ExrV-Caveat to the pro. rLF-'ViKr-M'l'i I bate of . the Smith" Mutliy oiher Vand Testament of Heirs of JohiG. Smith. John - C. Smith. A. tlec'J. ; .... - j ceased. . jrT appearing to the Court, that Jas. Nod and JL Wi VVHluamson,1 James Alforil and Nancv his wife,& Smith Murphy, and Thos. Smith, thirteen of the heirsfat'Xaw, And next of kin to JphoG. Smith, deceased, are not inhabitants of this S tate 5 It ii ordered by the Cout r, that publication bV made for six Ayeeks in the.Rareich Recrister. them to be and appear before the Jiistir.pq nrth - m - . J "'6 Court of PJeas and Quarter Sessions , to be held for the touiuy of Grauville and State aforesaid, on the firsts Monday iiAUffUst next, in thetown of Oxfonl; and 'slew cause (if. any they have,) why the said paper writing, purporting to be the last :it and Testament of John G. Smith, dec. offered for probate, shall hot be proven and ad mitted to' records s I , ; : ' . . . Vitness,-,Stephen' K; VSneed,-- clerli;. of said Court at olRce, tlie first 'Monday , of May A. D. 1829. y J t r y STEPHEN K SNEED, Clk. . Price adv. $3 50. ; ; ' , ai 6w nnHATon the-Sct; Monidiiy iu August next, I 1. will seli.at the Court-hmise door in Rock fordid Surry couhly,the folio wins-tracts of Land. or as hiuch as will he safficient to satisfy the taxei. due thereon, tor ' theCyear 1827, with costs : to : .; J.. v.v-' y:' ; 26D acs' giVen hi by Dickson A. STcidmore, lyin;n Ieep ereek, "iidjoinin; Samuel Spccr and others. ' y' j ,T -,;.;;-; - ' 330 acres ? g? ven ijT ;bv ""Jcas? f Irown, lying1 oa Huiuihg-Cjek, jouiiii JVlTdbv-rt: . . : 0 aci'es not jive"tn,?as the property of Lav soii Da vis lying on' ' jjla ntihgereck, joining 15. J6hnsoi;;i-;;f :"vY;";q ':zs .-. ; ,. ,&::M Sheriff.-' :.Iay?5t829v;;;Y-';i 81 y? i fFklin Coimty; N. a ,fp y.iS wbscri be r a vail s "him se ir of i he earliest JL- ppportunity to ihfot'ii his frienda.Sc the pub He in jeneraT,that he has declined all public pur suits, anct ilt Itereaficr-tlevOte his attention en tirelyt the' ciiarpebfttfis Institution. The ac cesnitywhlCh;coinpela him to adoot this course, is tlie suieat ptiarahtee tin the faithful perform ance of his duty, ffe will be assisted by his sou ,DanieI S. llili. lleie will bi- taught nil the stu dies preparatory to ?my class in the University of t hi Stale. Ylhe exercises of the Academy wi!! hel resumed on Monday'ihe 29th; inst. at $40lr ' ses.sioirfVr hii-d,Yand : S10 per 1 session tor ttii tion.- : 'i'hcsuhsciibei ,h prepared to accommo- date the hoarders, as usual, in his own family. As at thU place, there are 110 temptations toe.v travagance, tlw students have- occasion for very little pocket money ; too much of this, always leads to idreness and dissipation." - ' y '- -: : ;'-;--: f'C a; hill, a. m. ; June 12th,!t829. J y The KiUtors of the Raleigh Star, the Tarboro' Free ;lreand Halifax ' Mi Uerva are requetei to give the- above three jusertiohs and iorward tl vei r account s 10 the ynh !crib er. V JVr-Tovh Consolidated JVd. B, ' Iy . 45 umber-6 Dra'wii Ballots. ' ' ;YY?t ; - y1c e tlrawu,15th .lulv. r Y ft . lf B 1000 IS Y SI 0,000. :-W; '.' . iJBeluies others of gOO," S200, &c. Sid nl S95U of the S4,000 paid in Albany' ' Vhole Tickets Hal ves S2 50, Qwr- t packa ge of 1 5 ..iv hole, which is compcUea iolrHw$30; rcaiyrhe had tor . Send your orders fo ! . " , Yll&flYATES & M'lNTTRE, :?rLvMAVAai?nG:nri?r'p - IfDratving of the Grapd Canal, Nu. 15. Ate : . u n in. x -V ii i, jl,' u ' w w?hW broad ,n3li;; "5t ypurcharityJBut I an sav, in ; the presence of my God and of thk , " a r3 rirt 0tner,accijunxs, 1 invoKe t,ne stem jUst .iyithbuHlie or.:' displeasurYYV - ' v v. fill : . Tte.Siatf,KVutky) V.ciraial union' of V partus in favor f an efHc, . t system nf in,' . Imprbvemeuts ailiipied to the wants rithe si. iState afotesHifl, at tlie f Courthouse in Oxf;,n! on" the first Monday in Aiiertist next, tln ' J re Alaiy, John C. Goode. iriianjiah t,f A.r. nes 6c tnzaoe" uodncUnas. Sjnith.Sam'l.Smith bf'Wm. James V.' Snith.Thn?- VVillinmu n ' ..' R. . . I i . '.vi StalksoF lashvr'a wIa 1 -vl -7 . 1-. J - "Pf ft.1 " s.oi i?vs. y uiu . . "j-t-H r 'JK'-Y Y r '" " v ; ' ' ' - . - : Y' , -k; -v-i . 1 - f - Y-i -S,Y Y. .fv Y. ' j, '.c--- - - , :v"'t ---tY-' -v v. - , . - ' St

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