'yy - v - v. - ;v Like:ttie , Universe. the day tt MfKinerfs jJ 2;euUemaiiwbo!atten(!edVthe recent;iexam of theirpatHotifOTcannotiHetjiie cold wate?, 'p-ff tyh&XhU toast ? nayi bla';-tinder stood, J t Is ne cessary to stafetTkatv citizens parteoVof uVlinn please take notice, w l.- this c- mHE. Dbanr fpr Internal .provements Xt: 1 t t c WAO 'lie 21- hicbwilifthee;pTbd ilersa -rhe memorably sThc eyer TnetrtQf01e-fr omasinhcred: bv1- aeiiQQt MIXTION. : t " x j i tia vera j;e nuring i A. ' a ' i. -. t- j , . w w y stmieiit was? under jqold Iwater; was JrunH4AierIudjBffto;tlus MfyttiGovcnidx? i number 1 a ci n 5' a ; i ntu I . t an coji 9 nno ye men t . A t; onris an approprfote lookplaceatltbe nch in xonsequencebf tlie imfevorabfe iftate lhe ' Vd.: After I an exc ellen t 1 n ; troilu c to prayer by, tbcJueVVMf-x'tfoJlejfHi fct'lt i MUodist Churchy and sa ?Hytnn Vof - prater the Rcv; Piecw assf rd'!theA assemW 'p te' ami V i mpr essi VcXin an ner,ii ucujeat intheQtyofV peculiar recollection?, , by; due aknowr leieinents gratitpU who is, t he author of i U e ; C ivi t and Rel i -ious iVivileges with :wiich yvc are bless-f etl- Another HymnwaOhen-sung the whole : was? ci dsed by? a h ocju tent prayer fromjbejtey D ?t; 11 yclqckVithVp the Methodist Hi rone of Grace bad been; addressed; by the v Rev. Mtv 'JVb;tbel:ijie6!a Itidepetienc J Haywood, 6hd Oration, frbm intervals in- the exercises, were' filled pj appropriate Music from ' ah' excellent Band. ' ; At 2 o'clock, a nii inber, of the citizens at down to a sumptuous dinner prepared for the occasion bj Cap Gmon of the Ea gt c Ho t el , : t o w b i cb" t h e; J u d ges o f th e Su preme Court were invited r Governor Owen p resided at the , cl i nn er, assi sted b y & J as. I RSDEiasyice treat den t. '. A f- te r the Cloth was removed t e f ol I owl n Toasts yere drank, followed by appropri ate Mc sic; from the Band ' as 4 expressed low'ahclinterspe' iCLd con v I vial -.sons - :rf -, - ;"- - v-- j..--,.1 -. .".!;' ?iaye passed by wnd the sun of it4 J'lory is march j'a OnwaMtoitszenhhJMusivl 2. lVastiingtonrl& fame istlie liberty of our country- its prosperity his Utsting- mphument. o , The departed Iteroet and PatrioU ofihe 'Be zaliition '-'VXxe Stars7 fade away. but iheir -.fyldry rcinatni: ; f;.j - -' RofKtt Castle -i 4. The 'PreVident of ; the; United States and AteA i s of. 13 e pan mentis., Jrisiden t ' Maritu f : 5. -The Ex'2,rcsitUntsTheT services are re menRbered with gratitude Be iheir errors coii sitrned "oblivion." 5- . miuld ban Syne. 6. 1m fjyette-' The man who est i mted as but dust in the balance all the blessings of this life, hen irt the opposite : scale; were placed liberty & Intleoendeace." Lafayette' $ IVelcdme. t- Our, Army & Navy-r-Tttt n u rseries of He roes; " turret for tKe Bonnet s of Bine: natt-tfie '-'path'-to : l&e&,ljttlc:6t yevlufa csmin:' : '.. -. "y i ' " c': :-:f. The Press-The .Tyrant's focthe Peoi pie's n-iend. ; t Jefferson & ljb'rfrr,4 10. Hoath and Canal In peucel the : arteries four wealth ; in roar, the sinews of otirstreng'tli. -v' "1 ' ' -:-rp'txSpeed the.ploul-:X Tlfie Militia The cheap defence f B3 tions." May & efficient discipline in pence, reii !er them effective in War. 7'Ar St Spangled Sitiuner. . v --r.-At jV:; "'V-.."f ;,r ;-:J" 3 2. Catholic ' Emancipation- A vmoral victory ovrr Intpferaiice and UiKotr P add y jrry f 13." IVoman$ .SVm?Theitlelih't of infancy, the fruition of manhood and ttie solace of wge. ' ' . J S My hve ts but q lasiieti l " s.:s" ' -;- i VOLUNTEEUS-r.f ii Me President); Charlesi Carrol - of- Carrol ton. . j . . - : ;Y-'i;:-zMi: 15b fhe. TiceTresidenti Th. ITninn nfthe States a by unaerminsng jhe pTincipfes oirwlu'cn it is Judge TJull. Virtue and Science, the ide srrnvof Liberty. i?y 77 y vomer. The Constitution ofthe(tX Wed States, ably expounded ahd wisely rfldmtift n t dy. l&irWs: ji!6toii of ilidifa The 'people of .T?T V1 VifVjl 'av tverv UeDurtment of the i 15-,, . ;." , "u, ,:Vv4&Kortli the first' to r-a oul J "dependence,- she will : ahvays be rtrto wri$itzs,x'i: '.; y y-yyL :-', Wm. lUyhtu - Martin Van fturenthl aide and pat not tc St a ema.V'' : f i : j . t,v P" Enlightened iblic Opinion- Wn f ""iT""' i riie memory of the est-m pence and iir war t.he''A 9--it ui W C. 0Vt"r,0fced ju our; over zeal lb protect vuiier inerestt:.n'v:!5-':;r-'-.'--; "Slav hivtA .1:- .'-.r -t : . r j;i .1. !'-fvtuuuiirauo 1 uemc ins lo-rin o:Mm-Uxions of his friends, and disap. Mpred-ctions of his enemiei V t- Sttn.sM i 11 r - ' t4. . me ;i ciiu?.- oiii no reappear on morrow xvith thj,more VefoUenr splendor. na. . tnnKCaUSym David II; S wain-oiir con nt Ve our natve 'W, above the (conneet " r . ntor, oL the ay ubvi,? tt-v,iri ,hi oast, was a sentiment which 5isiSKasDas vOf:'ioprJet.rforbi4'i oar pub- Vtre n ?!1.nuiW of .entuflj' the scholar the J eratur? f,ns Wgxy;PApiertcin rij nsnea triiisl, .avv.. . !-..- -i .pun eoap. '" & - 2' am. TlnT;Z?; V. fiririil - I ll!7 Kiclr-...; 'r'" . c luory OI - imo- I a, r . "KV ..; 7'?'S v- -vr.. --ry 1 ,r wjMHcy , im iufcu r?.urc iueueii iroui tool "Jucniiiuioneiy anu ois- r c 1 1 ic,ao ovc. fern wcHi-Hfi w I P t eLPC Xt : Hegisterrgivp a&rticuf accou nt of clinneHt '.r:,'A Ftp r; th e Governor, J tit e Ju d jjes o f the So pteinef Con rt SandtlGenlTredellKbad 1 eftth eVt aibl e; tdst jT cbin$imeraWyt t!ie,mwereseYeraliy.jrveriOand th com pan p s ena rated atvan ear y hour; :i n ;1h e f$:Mrmqny &fTbe Gdbcert Avhicjiisy& Jgivch-ratinigbjn wa s post po ned on account 'of th e neav y rai h'- unttlthe Jn rsi fa? Beyenih:C!50. i i governor iiwkn nas leu tne,eat nt t.io ,vern;meitlqri H; i s no t expc : c 1 i to "ret u r n U lifter 1 h 9 iweeiiiiK r inc ooaru, iwr iuiernai i:u. proyement to be held fat nuns: on the 21st instant tDr. 'James' Craig: am! James- BoyU t-s y-y i bfthge6unty,jiarejalsrt i dates to represent this - District in Cbnsffess" it -?r TheBanlcof Gape; Fear lias "declared Ja DiviilerTil of too'per cent. on; its'- Capital jStock? for the? baity eaEnding oh thebtlr n 1 tl m o. W&:p - AT vf-- iSt ..::j.r The ' Western . Carolinian , states, that Gen.i?amw JiA; vSrfm of that place,' an dither Revl ITunipfirey? Posey o f M ac p n cQuntji have been appointed, by the Pre sid en t .lqf;th e Uh i t j S t a t e s , fi om in rsslon"; ers under an appropruition made at the last vsesion of Congress, for purchasing su clt reservations of I atidas are :yef c ai in-; ea py ine AneroKec lntuans wumn tne li mits 6 f North-Ca rql i nal . Th ere is no douht buthe sum appropriated j(S20,000) will be am p! y su in c i enj) q Jpak e th e pu r chas e . o f Li n col n county, took fi re on the 2d ult. duriris the absence of tlie family, and was entirely xonsnmedj;idgether with all its contents. , . ; ' -.;v,v 'rfCz -f Ilk. Supreme Court. -Hamilton Graham of Newbern, has received a County Court L :cence. :(er at Sprinsfield, Mass. removed I o m a k e way ior-a'-Jacks6nitfri.V-i:--v-''.'! ?R.bert Rr r Kendal I i has been removed! from the office of Postmaster at Free Port, Maine, and Seth! Bailey i app)inted. JV Isaac Austin, Hays of Philadelphia, is ap poiiifed Consul at Ilio Grande. :' " ' i I Henry H- Sherwood is hppointed Col lector at Sacke.tt'9 Ha ibdr, vie e" J olih M. Can!ie!d, removed.' t y A'y,: .yy'.U. ' Wm7 BJjicksiion, Postmaster at; Smith field, Ohioi i is removed to make, room for a Jack-onian - y)y -' ;;,'s'-' v yy":' I n Ne w Vorlc, Dr. Eli Hill is appoin t eel Postmaster at Genesee."-vice Mai. W. I. Spencer, removed Simeon Commits do. at Bata via, T. Carev", removed 5 Henry L. Fraiiklin b. ar IieWision Bates Cook, re inoved Morris H. Tucker Lockport G. ' H." Botiglirtm; removtd 7.; :.y: '' ','y.?'- ! Geprgti Crockett; has, been appointed Pusi m'aste r u i G a tia tin p'en n., vice James Rtibb removed , ., c - -:-.-;;ff ''' 4 tJrider the heail of Reform the New Of reads; Argus, announces t several new ap poifitment, andtatnong them jjthat of J. Hall,, CaijMakcrJi o, t lie :MariheH o Kp 1 1 a in tlnit city, vice Joselr le MaVine Ho under 1 h'tf ton tplf of tjQeneral 0 tWern- m en t , aui npweye riiutn 01 e me oil 1 ce ,01 v 1 7 ffi h Al a kf r. t o . t h e re s t a hi i s m e n t 'f in a v a Hi part pine n,,our,ra IdCrativennelc'Ke everthefess,. the idea that the prose HpttonVpiw cfryingjon should reach suiifi a place, is hpnible. . ; T - '": -- . 7.0, -C -'-"v. ' : . : ,i -jt . v '. .. . - .... - . talor, f hatCl.; J'ln Speed .Smith declines a ccentiiVg i he office of Uni ted Slates A torney'for - that district The reason was not nifntinea;'btit it is saidjhatuMr. Smith lias ateljdeclared himself in fa yor of MK; iCfofef iirftlie jiei lJest d eh U; apd f d oes not findKnnsellyrr theVronditiofTin'which the presentAl ministration expf-cts td see eve ry tn an whm it a p pol ri t s t o o fij ce 5 a n d the 7AdiniiiTstraiptrf as fried by jts!act,: islwev imagvne, such as he does not feel disposed to. take;offi.ceunder.yB:":" -&r' :yyyyy$yyysMyiyM .public Jclin &lwari(:Eyerett, -jh s rft. & v eret t4 waif t cias t ednd an. cai rii iMii yyL ycyyy. tainingrinp-allusion nect ' wa ihf! growth and :'nrnTiri :xktf .we r. - rr r tybthc western itatsiiftheiHfertifecouTT- TfVh.i runwr o4t....... ' 4U.m . .if ..5? 1tcatheHarrietp WS. Kdeonstrationsas;:: ;tZe ;l829i tlnuKfnot less Jhftra ouestiptis proposed wer rallStaltuC mo thatjan are nj no' to fi - trr.i- . t f fLd -Ki. -'vf ."'i u ? '!2f.s.vti i r : fi K unW Irilffp. "-'I-Thel t wi first Tp.mi n.i titm tri idepartmentso jieu oKcptirse wuhuut b tiJrcce Lp.&iuYt6tbetrtr Biinrinciii hi . w I lie ii iiiev:nrncifuetii 10 iti- jbejth!cb pcfe H ng . f r etn on i iirr. vafc 1 1 e mjin sr r ? a n.e It rsl ex am - iiiai Ktn wnica i vvjr ncsseu wa& or r n e tai by i a h lull s ta-n u a ri I if he nerf or man ce o f S4 ; Pt .M.o.i it'iese geniieme n jn ee c I ed , to u e c a i tfM" H lalllirP Mill I fihntllir n h miSt; In ta- i e y (p It iv i in la ny t!u" r I i r mj u Uori ; w i tlr wh cn I a 111 acquainted, the, amje number of in d 1 v id u ate cou I d be - sel ec ted f rbm jt lie i ni o st em 1 n en 1, w n u n o e r t tie. sa melscr.atH rj w ou I d ;a crj ui f ,1 he n 1 se I yes o-h I tiy'Vtyei neit eVaiiiafiort, iif the claVswhich'ehjere.d AvasV las as-there 0vas ' atiyU diffVrenie, ; imorej far seafchmg thanihe refas1 the? iid iut' be tore been examined l:i 11 3- publicVfiandtbe itr'i ngci m c nt win ch ti ad ? beri m a d e of th c m I w as: n ii w to be rev i&ed 4 'The perfiirinance w:asl,vbrii 1 ia ntuA geti 1 1 ein'ariV- eni 1 ni en n science ;who sat nex me, andv ivho had been- more constantlvtDresenr remarked t o itie t ha the 1 1 id n btv be I i eve i h at aiue- r ttoil 'could ; be ''proposed?' trohtxliegeiider's' treatise, vyhichi either of the' five aiesat the head tf .the sectitm w otild not answer with; instant prntnptness and entijre preci siou. A The last exmtriatiort whihl'vir- nessed was of the first section of the hib- est class in Ethics. Here asain ihe exhi- hition ; as beau i tu I, t o a degree for which ,1 had bc.n less prepared,'; sthei;tirancU: of, s-tudy not falling irijo directly: wfth what on e accounts the leading pursuits -of the institution. , .The text boo k is IiJey, - but in answer to questions which wt-re. propos ed jVomdifletent quarters, thejyoluiig gen tlemen ollcn gave a clear development of vie ws, opposed lb the viewk of tii?t author,, and in a. manner tp ; ttiat ih!r.p wers of reasoning ' hi this field bad been finely disdtjdined.! iSii- t We understand that the Selectmen : of f-tnis town nave determined not to comply ivi th th c rea u es 1 6 f t lie Acre ri t b f La fa ve tte res pec' tin g a cas k of ea r 1 1 r from . Jtheqa t tle grauritubf Banker Hill; thy eihg conyinceu tnai.t ne request origiiatcu in tne pmciousness or the agent, and not m ttie wishes of the General P; i 7 ; j ... irora. Jxpedition.'Th e C I eavel arid Heral d states that by the Eclipseline of stages, (owned by Messrs. Ihorp and iapragues of Albany, J. Parker, vot utica, and fc. onerwoou,; a mercnant arrived atiuieave-v rt t I i " i ' -. Iat ' tana in Tnree ttaysanu a natr irom. tne city of New-York, a distance of about Jivt hundred and eighty miles Savanrtalij ftlnt 25. The Smithetn' Recorder of tlie 20th instipreritions that on Wednesday and 'JMfrkday 1 as t ci t ize n s fro m 'e veirj quar ter-ot the btate poured into Muledgeville to get money from the ' Central Ban k.-- The;- number fof' strangers in ; tho place could ribtj bCj less than " 500, aii tl some thought it was upwards of "500 " The atnou nt of - money 4 turned over to the Bank, exclusive of D.irien bills, is un derstood to' be 8245,000. " The notes offered arebelieved to exceed Sl,0D0,000i The! Directors have an arduous task, in examining so many papers and apj ortion ing he sums to the numerous app i cants. At 10 o'clock on Satu rday do mor ey had been paid by the ' Bank y ';Ui '";-.v:--7 ";'"V: 1 ,; : ' - i " -h :U , - ; ; : ? -; 'Ablate the members of the; Legislature M 1 a conv enieiit vie w of a n In fa n tjSchbol ln?oberatioiri5 a fpirtion - of iMiss-Bloutls school in Bedfonf-street - was tak n - into Esse x -treejfc C h ti rch 1 ast Th u rsd ay m orri ing, and went through various exercises op a. temporary platform.. raised in frontoF lhe pulpit. On the back part ofthe plaifurm the s'aU of the child r n were raised a bo ve each view bout other, andjgayejthejf audience la fine of the whole group, consis.' i rig ;of a v fiftv of ihe larger uuoils 1 he house wa;s filleuV; wtffi gehllenentf .the IjefrtslaK tore and. citizens. -The. very first rppear- aricelpf the scluoi ;waiafpting.Ac ccom panied by their teacher and her assistant- i h ey jiinarched , i ritp th e house to thel row n t sliiflMcl'; repeating: th ti ifi.ptf.: th ree. ton r, &c." " A- soori ; as tliev were ti 11 i n pla c eg i h ejrg r bse gHh e f4an d sng JliiTir JniMnirig ''by f b' n'ai'd t!evnw erect su c h In ues-tiuns a sho iv ed ' t ha t t hey i nd er Wt.HAlftheeiitnife conv th en pray ed 5 a n tl y ery m uclithle usu--aljexercises' if ihechio( jere;? passed, througlfi For rieaf the audience weVe:hi2:hty :elii ertaihed rabd o i'go ieu uy. witn essi ng -1 oeir y m prove-v jf h en l s. :V Se I d o rn ,7!ev a ppreh felrtd, b 0 any projector enierprizie 1 bee I fisof conclusively presenieo 10 mis community, .s i was me I h fan jt'Sc : hpol ;sy stent i s t ry clip n t j Jh i s public, exbibition AThere - w call for a repeti tionof it, that the know (ejige i u sed b u t the cb i I dren "ma y t not re v e i ve ;coure'vtlosw be fiiiv 'dismissed Aincbjppetentv. &Trtd : r i-spo, arMy-Aiie aiev -'.i .nave,-flototnr'Durticulitr' apd 'farailyif he apief h a ve-' ot h i rtq " part icdlar' 1 rir i ?l. . 1 . - pm a soort; time ; out.i see every 5;tuing':car- ''Srytfcii"te?1w oiintiy;taiid have P theie: i m 'u nd f r 'a totsa nd Cob ligation s ; t o t h e v f u t e rt31e,fbrendi4e' cfoefand rtv- Post efritvi tottfie benighted tape! f Mfncand hope Ithat God ,j jut o less every one to at put mtne least mite to ist'pwaysWeJha jfost) pr eni.tiou ine. uev. air.. f ay nejrpm tcb-rpona; The- loss 6f or A.Crent has been niitcli bemoan ed bv"the.eolonists&H . ,,yJwV ''"Proper io- state, tor tne. inriu thetwriter pthe "above letterV? resMed foreman v yearin.this j iowp, fusUifieila most e?cqelfnt: character, 'al)ti'CwaV circu instances t han'colored 1-neohle renerallv- AVeiconsider-her! letter nrtUYui vaiif..Yi-i'f.t expioiung' Me impression made oti an honest and a n a rtless mi n d v 6 v t h e i-Pt n prat, unnci ra n p ? tiling aroiipd her, jrV a sit ualion so' novel and parucu tariy as .?pewi ngvt pat tile colonists, tleep ly as they regretted the death of such; valuable tndivtdualf s Dr. Randall apd Mr.' Payne, were not Kt all disheartened .by .tliose, eyehtsfc; y-4iS. Pet. fiit.: 1 he re a re'a. se t of jm enwhotc f a y eul in if9 Sbtl dani Jn principje; 'would Jkneel niri to'those in power, and lick the duisr, irrbu i'Mjttyrf then) to Vcbm or oam pWce anu prouu; v jviac sarcasm m uie play ay f I never stood; erect in any great man's presehceV antt the old Frentth couriier told his friends that he. Tetainedr his situation all; his. 'ile by beirtg a pt oifl. The ; exi in pi esvpf .' these wpft'bi es i s not lost :igtit of inthe ese jdyifThe Vicar of Bray js so often lHKbeJteVwlth, lliat hisvappeafancejease at, and is hardly talked of. ' . To iriui one's satis to titer popular breeze-io be every thing tiall nento suppri r4w ford f as loiigas Crawford had a chance to obtain po w er -c ry out, for A dains'as 1 oii g as A d am had a chance of keeping power-and io KiiucKie ip jacKSon nowitnat jacKspn has . got power- "i s a consta n t occ u rrence j and it is perhaps unreasonable tl7 suppose that m e n a re d i fleren t n o vv1 h ; tli el r ii isnb mi t i o ii s f r o in w h a t t h ey were -centuri es ago to tnmk that; iheywill not natasthen, ?'Croolcilie";tlantliiin& , That thrift, may follow ' i&Wninj; rfi y.: y-:'i:: Ask, Where's the"Nortn York, tts at ' . . rl . ; In Scotland,7 at tliVOrcades ; and, there. . v At Greenland,7; Zertibla; arid the Xord" khdwg . :v "whore." ' tV;f -'-y-' We vvere forcibl y reminded of the above lines 01 rope on reaaing an account in; ine Coliimbus (Ohio) Sle oiirn w h it fcotn e 1 11 o n t h s s i n c e 1 e ft 1 Iva t v i bi n i t v V to go 10 one of ihe ivestern bfates;' A few years since, ami men who taJKvU or the Western States' ivere pretty weif cpntentr : 1." ' . .i ::' . 1 ' t- 11. . : A . ;'i:"V 'L'.. -' eu . w 1 1 n 1 n e-1 o:g u u 1 1 e o 1 kjm o, a n u a p pea 1- en to act and tnitiK as it its western boun daries were the" neptiis ultf cf of iiu man mi gration; - Pd say if aiman,tthat fhe had gone to Ohio, wasto send the mind of the hearer upon one of" those "stretches that is sure to awakn remembrances, or, bring bac k id eas of Ing epa rationbf death : But now they have found , Beyond the' lowest dpth a 16er deep' A nd t he gtiod people of O'tip, talk of the Western" States, as : tf they were' in id way between the two extrciiies. U. ST GHz f Epitaph on Colonel Pi cheHng.Ai Monument of Chelmsford Granite massive'and ; p'atn; has been erected over the remains; of, Coi." Picker inc and his wife, in the South Burying Ground, oniv a snort distance Ttom tbe.tnansiiiir nouse m Inch he was born, as well as from that in which he died: ''Their bodies repose in . one e-rave7; next. tp those of his parents, agreeably tolhis w'uli " inVlirstpd imt . lonf before his decease.' The iuscfiption we understand, is from the pen of the same gentleman that furnished the sketch f the character of Col. published in our 'pa per immediately after his decease. Mrs. died a few months before hia deceasets7 J :. i" . Sulea Gazette We beiieve many people are not aware. of the excellent e fleets of Chloride of Lime i n ; purifying places charged ' witlt I fiiul airi and destroying., the smell arising- frqm sewers, gu tters, It is iyery ; clieap and certainly efficacious- iIt shoufcbe Kept in Douies, weu: sioppeu aim uuexpo seti. O u et table" spoonful; J ii a gal Iouj of water,1 thrown in toa place designed to be pu ri fi ed yp 1 it tlest rtiy;te1odor ya ntagesu that would resuit,froin.its use,; iltinri thejsuminer Chloride of Lime; can be Iprbciired we Vxpecf, frpln lie yyykyyyyyyyyy ytmmdrid "Gazyy rfyyysiy ggg JlARRiEP, In Edeecomb county,6n the 18th Ult. Mr. Tho mas Gat I in, to-M iss Ju lia Pender. 'y-jlS- W, Inllstrifax'mirtyonthe'lst H Oi the 4th tilfUMr. Ifotden W. liles, of Liles- vide, Anson county, to M iss Elizabeth Stubbs, of Marlboro', district, : S. C. - 1 y 'r:-: ' in Rowan county, Mr John N. Adams to Mies .Martna A. uangnter 01 jonn anarews, csq.-j At Oakland; Vaoii the 16th ult; Jas W 1 crram; Esq rof Lvnchburf:, toMiss Viririida John son, dauchter of Wm.vSt. Johnson, Esq : . y illn Fayetteviiler on Friday morningjasf, after a; very short illRess,' Henry ShatVin "the; iSUi year of his "age, eldest' 6oa pfohn 0haw,VE ,Samp'sonumyi.-;.i3 lower, Fayettevilie,, on rnoay morpiny iasi. Goodorum Davis, g?do2 vear? IlKREASJt has; beep made known to . i-ttharafMurder bas bdeP comcitf ? in iL-t Tflwivbf Oxfortli Ixr the Count v of Ci . in lilt- an .State tf,fbrthCardiiiai oiv ihe 4tfi d ty of No VKinbef ; Ja-;r,and ihat a. ceruin THOMAS ? !IT- .OiibLU Iate.of the County and State tSox aid, stands rgt by the, ysrJict of a Corcn.u'a in qdejiwlthb;vfa on the .pdyvofc'ei Job'a !, cf s..i-l CoonlyAnd; asft Isfuhber'-represeptcd'and piade krnpwbl fi; nie thai the said :, Til 0 1 1 AT3 in'CHELUliath'sbsc6idel and fletl frdm the jurisdiction ahctlinRm of this State, and thereby eiuda Hhe-'ifnib f t n'e'Ia w' a?1dvof iustice V - - - 'JNq 'therforev41o the end that, the said THO- ;"' VILLI jiiay be 1 apprehended and brouvfotisticH TWO IlUNJlftKl) DOLIivnS will he pef-spn pr persoos hoCwill apprehend ' con fine the, said Tlippis Airfchell. in anyai. n tl h State, so thatihejtiaVrbe broup-ht to it ce. ,.d ii do,; morepveri hmW require, command am ciyujuj.aii oiiictrrs vn;itsoever, as wel; civU aimihtaryi 'Wdi .belt endeavors soi apprehead aiid taKe, or cause to beiiiprehndeandiakenrthebodyo II Tbornas Mitchell and him'sa'felv and iiecurclv ,keep;fso thatbe. iustice. ajfeofslender, forndoWri look; a; little free::- ,iea, rounu nouiers,anti nasel eyes-vas Uv-Jy: seeii byai gentleman Pf GrartVilb CouPtv t P.Vr." Orleaiis, where; probablv he now' is.; ilfih-tcausednhe tiieat Seal of tf i Jt; jaPi? il State to be hereunto ;iffiT-.rl r.n.l iSg?t,4?cb.d t6.ene'offictally;- aiftha ; City of Kakifrh. on the- 20lli day of s JOHNOWEIT. By tie Governor, ' -. i-.nncipi is wanted to take charge of this XJL Jhstitutiou immediately irc most be a' pen tlmapluiih; standing for Character and scho. '.. larsliip. ;Such; a fcmU YyV would5 find very desirable 3 and ' rtertP Inent situatioik:tv?- '-y.yyyr.r:-y-- -.:;,.. ; . July j-yy --y::h ;w y t:yy--yi-..u.--&7-: -. j bckihgBMih $ ral '4 S p ri itis flHE Subscriber lUvih settled lilmself at this Jt i place, , resnectfulhvlnforiTis th I'ablin t h.-it Te is prepared to, receive Cdmpany the prese nt tKoroUgli: repaiil and additional Itooms- have been, provided 7 Irf point of Hedlth, pxire air and the medicinal properties of Ihe waters, this place Will yieldto none irithe State; Every ef fort Will be made 'to give:(satIsfUctiori, tp thoss who miy yfsitltlie Spring j and the charfres will be.moderal ; SCOTT. , I.enox Cast Ie,; July 1st, 1823.; -: $7-.. -' . The, Editors of the Raleigh "Uegister, the Staf, e Npfth Carolina Journal, ,the Cape. Fear ' lie corder and ttie Newberrr CeivtiHel; will.please iri sert. the above 4 limes in their respective papers' tdr ward their accounts to me at Lenox Castle t. s.. : ' .k . "y CIRCULAR. ;Depa rthent O F StATEj ' ' . Patint Office, June S9, lSsD. ' LL persons; having business With the Patent xJL Office, rare requested to direct their tojnmu office, instead of trie Secretary of State, the Ut-ter-mode being; -'attended with Considerable in convenifcpee ancl sometimes risk..; ; All Jiidh com mil ideations are free of postage, a nd w ill receive immediate attentibii;,vs JOtlfj l). CRAIG.: - !.(-.. ,Vsrf- t. CiiriiiHiiranfitinr JUrie 30. 87-4t. ' . . . Buncombe County. 7 ; , tlSuperiof Court df JLarilTerm, ' ; Ashur Lyo';0;;3-vyw;";M :; ,-.. v. VS Petition for Dirofce. c ' - Litcinda Iybn; 'y '' 'Tv; :-: OUpERED by .'doiiri, that publifcatioh be mads for . -3 months successively in the Udeith Register, and the Yadkiirand Catawba Journal, that the Defendant: be and appear at ttie next Superior Court of Law tp be held for Buncombe county. ;;at'the Court-house tu A hevdlei 011 the 2d - Monday after the 4lh Monday in' September next; and plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or t he same will be heard ear purte. . t (WitnfesWj Robert ;Henry, Clerk of jsaid Court at;Office,::thfc 2d Monday, after the 4th Monday of March; ::l29(;;t;':--i7:7;.K ;.:. ' ; KOBKKi . II riJNIi i,"vJ Si. C pyyStdte!6fQS(h ; , v. . v . tsuueomoe vouniy. v : r ; Superior kCourt of lw April Term,' 1829. ' William .Robards, .r';V'C'v''.i'J;V K.';&r.'::v..J,'"' vPetitiba'for Divorced - Marcraret ; Robards. S "r .'V;r v:-;';-, '7:.;' . .',.' ' : ORDEREO py court, mat publication be made forr 3. months I successively, in the Raleigh , Recrister.'and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court. of Law, to be held tor BuDcombe cbuntvV at the Courtdiouse- in Asheville, on the 2d"Monday after the 4th Monday -in September next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiff pe tition, or the same will be heard ex parte.; ' Witness Robert llenry, Clef b cf said Court at Office the 2d Monday after th 3-4th Monday oMarbh,J1829J -V'l- -; : - - ... hobErT n enry; C; S. C. ; ' State of XottVx-OavoUua, : ; f-Mcmaoipii-: uouniy. ; Court of Pteas and Quarter Sessions, , ; :fv ,-; May Term, 1829. r. Aliftf !?jddick,f Petition far Partition' Wm. Widows &. his ;Ql WifeSaralul ITppearing tdfthe aatisfactioa of this Court, Jthai the- Defendants; arc not' inhabitants of this State-; ,'lt is therefore ordered that publica tion be made for jsii eeks in ;the. Raleigh Re gister that.'they appear'at the next Court of PJeas and Quarter Sessions Jto be held for the couf.ty, of Rihdolpbi attlfe Coiirt-hpu in Ashboropifb, ' on the, first ;ytlonda)r?of Atiuit r st, tlun and ; there to plead, 'answer or dsrr.ur to the petition, otherwise itjwill be-ta'ian pro cc..f;:;p and ad judged acxordingly 4V : - - . . iWitnessJesse Warpei Clerk ofpurcaid Ccwt, f.. at office, the. firatMonday of May, A. D. 123. . A Copy; r i ? JES3 li II ARP SV'c c. m price- adv. g3 7s.yyy 'v-;- y x-. ; 4; ; ; ' : ai ; JAMES GO illipN, Tf, ATfitiY A Commission Me;x! m in PIj mouth, Jlji hs tcmovevi to Korfolkfinia, af will transact any Business in t harjiu en'' jl t a bis carewitfi thjj. grtest atwtiv- ddi- 4 I ' r - '- 7'---

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