,1 .IV u -it J" 'F""''ir Tf .:: - 4 v1 V -. kiiMvv M m mtt U& mi . ;fe! k ta . - --v; -? . c N N i v. i ;,n i. - f -- - -X, .X.X I ; X : : ;. ; Tn7rnea.;heatlvi inserted 3 times tor a .iioiia i ilnth in the lame, ptoportion....CoMMTJ- From this interesting work ? .. nf nn nf the most heriloua atl- rihjres reconieu:in me aunaia , ui ai r,!umbus to the ewrw iu,; u 'K? erforatcd: witn, woRns, aim .cu .w wrecks br storms ana tempests were a i;'g,Aoi1r s"" j' v i t.ianHA(l"ntt tho rnnst n i Jamaica. W He ordereel tnem to De run a na jieaiNhe shore, where tliey soon nd With; wateritothe idecks-In?this jitoation, under tnatcnea coyenn.ereci erfon the clecks, Columbus and Jis. crew spent .twelve ted i ou s i months be fore t h ey preeHevera?somet want of provistonsand.the Admiral seiT; during aimqsvme wiiuie ui mai umc, mnfined to his bed with severe illhes? No hope of relief presented itself to those adventurous manners! out to senu nouce .f their situation to Orantlo, the Governor of San Domingo, entreating him to des- natch a vessel to their relief, liut ; bow ttrAtt rma mPfiKJUrP TCI uc luuvocu a distance between Jamaica arid Hispahiola ss a gulph, swe rnntrar-c rnrrents. and no means ot tra n sporti n s a-vin eSsen;er excep t in" the ?ht canoes ot the savages.-' i ne voyage was undertaken by one Diego Mendez, a nan of da rintr con rape, and one who irlo- ried in'dangerous enterpnzes. He wj - , , .. - accompanied by one bpaaiard ana seyerai Itl.ey continued all day in a direct course, janunating meinuians, wnoiiuy igaicu iiic kinoes, arid who frequently paused ? at heir labor. There was no wmd, the sky was without a cloud and the sea perfectly kalm, the heat, therefore, became intoler able. They had no shelter from the sun, whose; burning rays were reflected from the surface of. .yie. opean, . and seemed to scorch their very eyes. The Indians ex haustVd by heat and toil, would often leap mto the water to cooi.tneir glowing nociies, and refresh themselves, and after remain ing there a short time . would return with new vigor to their labors. At the going down .of the sun, thev lost sight of land During the night the;fhdians tqok -turns one half to row, while the qt hers slept ; t h e S pa h i a rd s i n I i le, ma nne r.J their forces. 'Whi le one half of the divided em tooK in eir repose, the p other- half kept -guard itlf their .weapons in hand;-ready to dc nu tuemseives in case oi any peniuy on he part of their savage companions. Vit t c I ! i n g a ruf toi I i rig, in t h is way t h rough lie nig'.tv they were exceedingly: weary at the ret u r no f day.- -1 hey, beheldfeiiothing iiound them but" sea and sk v. Their frail Mnoes heavnig up and'down wiinine swei- gatd; sinking of the oc ean, see ming artidyfcpbei"6'fXtfVtaiung uii d m hi ions of a V ca tin ho w ypu lb they U ableMo live amidst the vaves and sftr- wt s, ' h n u q l u the wind arise r'v .1 n e -c o i n - maniiors did; aU:they could to keep ori the 2tjgi:")gispTnt 0 their men mnetiiues t v i H r 1 1 1 i 1 4 ( 1 : tli p m' n ' r p s 1 1 h p ' : a t o th e r iu,e took tthe paddb-s ami shared liitir luilsr Hit 1;b,i(ir a nil f a t i ro e - we re n fVn.T't ten n a t;ew'ioirce'of suffering. Uu,iri ihev nrecediri'sr Vultt vdav nr.il niMtt.1 r . o j j t, - r. lqiliari, parched .and fatigued, had 'JranU up all ttie, ,waier. t.They now bega ti ' eifierime tne tormpnfs iA thirst. In I " ptirtidh n$ toe sun arose, their hirst in- eiheif ; the calm'. '"whirl "favored the nav- aUou wf tliecaniVtrsVth'deredhi iniseW Jijc nirei;rifcjie.; There w as not it breeze t f u 1 1 h e ; i r 1 1 n - c n ii o t t v ,'irt thi : a i-i I i t I'M Tn 1J 1 111 (11 kill:.- J I' lilll"kl! vvie trrit.in-tl by v t?e prospect t arqunU '.'n ; nuihio" buiwieV, whde they were 'Khiftiih thirsi: ;'AfKnMdAyi'Jelr tt-laMcu. ; i hem,- mnln they could :work III ...... .1 . .I -' . !. . ...Mt.-.uviri a ui uie canoes tuuia!. or ore "lilt t'tl tii Ii ilil t v i Ktt 1 1 1 1 i. i" i-ifiii-' hlt theyr hal no d qbt ' ie2 ret ly reserved ;if'; slJ i h .an ; V x t re mi ty. $lm i nisteri ng l;'reci(usteonte"iiis;vfr6ni -tutie, " han ii or! iL.iui t V. I a I ' i .Jr t Vv t r .'.V. ' particularly to the labouring -Indians, enabled diernTriu vv cheered them Hvith the hnpes f u,rif.g hi a sn.air jslantl, called Nai vtll; Ii I i:';; ' .1 . ' -.-- . soon vasa. hiclt lav dirt'r.tlv in th.ir;W liff Was v eiht .....t,1. i-....i ii.o.k....;.t.. T4o.-i ,Jey oiihl beable (oCrjrocure waiter to al i'cir.unrst,;and mighMaKe repose: iiic ret oitne day, ineyiconunuea M.'- y ? 'u Wear Uy !al)(jqno:tbrward j tlivi yetherwanoirj of lahd " . ,;vu a cloud . on ? the horixon- thai cr- tauil y rcomihe VI isia'he f rotnlt JanVaicat at wnici avasayay. i v i iif jiv Dfgan to lear Hitihej:h;ul deviated fro n" their? course i if v they shiuhl; rhisV t he ; island en ti rel y. ;tfiu. pt;riMi. wuii anirat Derore iney ; count The-nigh t c I o se 1 u pon r t h e m " wi t n?u ta- ny sigh t o f the Ul and ; hey no w d e?pairei ol touching at it ; for irwas so .small , and low tht evep if they ; were ; to Cpass ner, iney wou.ffi scarcely be able to perceive: ic in" the dark. 4 One: of the Indi ans sank aiid died under the accumulating suCTerings of labour, heat, and rgng thirst-His body was thrown into the sea.; Others lay pant i ng and gii s ping inl the bot t oin c of 1 the - ca;- nes. l neir companions, t rou bled m spir it; and exhausted in strength, feebly conr tinued their toiisl Sometimes- they: en. d eayored to cool t !i ei r parch I ng p i ! a t by takiug sta waterin their mouths; but its briny ai en m ony rather increased their thirst.'- Now and i he ii ,b u t v e ry s pa n ug ly, they were a'lowed a drop of water from the, kegsY bu t i th is was only in cas of iiic' uiHiusi exiremiiy, ani principally uo thusewlMi v"rThehlght;ia4l'adva'n those whoejturn itv was to t ;ke rtpose wcr un able to s ! . e p f oin t he i ritifnsiryof (KeiVthirl j ; or if theyjslept, i t was but to be iahjali zed with dreams of cool fduritaits and run - iiMg bro-ksj to awaken toredoubled-tpr ment.'" The. lust tlrnp of wuter hd been dealt out lo the Tudiao rowers, but it had i'H ly served to irria Ve their s u (fprings. They "-could scarce' move t their paddles ; one aOer anotfier gave out, and it seemel i en possi bl et hat they - shou id I ive t reach Hispnida. ; .';V : : 4 : i H: : The commanders, by admirable man- u e me n t , , h ad I li'fhertp ke p t j u p i hi s we zr slruggle,wil1V'sufterin and despair. TheV now too beg.n to despond Dieg Men- d ez. sa w a u hing the hori zon , hich was gradually lighting up wiih thise faint rays which precede the rising of the moon. ,vs uiai piHiier arose,, ne percciveu it to emerge trom behind some dark mass ele vated ab -ve the level of the ocean. " He tin's; t o th i r " cal c ul af i o ri . t- the had t u wu W ua.hVpn dMvo of tKe nimeuiaieiy ffiives me animating cry ot nI.ntado. at the east end of the is?and,1lancJ- H?s. .rtlV,st cMi,panions were roused by it in hew life. It proved to be the island of. JNavasa ; but so; small, ana ?qw, ana uHisnif iuiat, nad it not been inus revealed by-the rising F the moon, they would never haye discovereil it The error in their reckoning with rea ped to the island, had aiUeu from uis calculating the -rate of -sailing of the ca noes from not making sufficient allow ance for the fatigue of the rowers, and for the opposition of the currrnC v j i New vigour was now ddiused through out the !crew - T hey exerted themselves with feverish impatience ;"by the dawn of daV'thPV rearhftl t'se .iruL nnd cnnnnrinn on snore, -..returned signal deliverance. thanks to God for such The island was a mere mis d nn tis, half a league in circuit. .... i . - . 1 here ; was neither tree, nor shrub nor. her bage, nor stream, nor fountain. ? Hurrying about, however, with anxious search, thev hiund, totheir joy, abundance: of rain water tt r in the holiow of the rock Eagerly ?co.jpirig it up with their calabashes, they quenched, their uurrtmg thirst by lonoode rate draughts. It was ui vain that the more prudent warned them of their danger. The, Spaniards were in' some degree res t ra i t. e d 5 but, t he poor Ind ians, wi o s e toils had iocreased: the fever of their tliirst gave way to a kind of frantic indulgence Several died upnn f hespqt, and others.fcll dangerously ill. , -V . . . l ' Having allayed their thirst, they now looked about in search of food. A few shell fihh were fouri?r along the shore, and Diego jptidfz striking a light, and gath ering 'drift Vood f jthey C.: wre'- enabled "To broil ihejiu and to tuakea delicious bart-quel- Al I day l hey re ma i ned repoi ng in the shad ef the i c ks ; refreshing the m ielve alter their intfe gazing fupun IlfsjiauiolawhoSe tnountiii.sf were seeu rising above the serene horizon, atj eigiM.Ieagu.e ltyi I h t h e coo J o f the evening they once ii oree 01 b a t ked , ' i n v igora led by repose, and arrived safely; at Cape Tibii rondo a he fil - lowing dayv 1 the fiiurth since tbeir ilerwrt-i u re U liorit Jauiaca i. I ere they land ed ton ibe banks of a beautiful rtverHerevthey tyc re ; k i iui ly: re cei y ed y i n cl L r ea te dby :; tj 1 e 11 atWe.s-Sucfia ret l pa r lie U la rs,?col 1 ect -cd frniii ditterettt stt'eeMifcihtllUvenruS J- nger. r ortuiiuiely at t..rs titne, : the V4ous 'success of W inch dp. rided the "le- 1 00 a an i 111 teres 1 1 g yoyage'o n 1 11 e pre liverant:eid iColunfbiiS and his cniwi ;NearVto; the island pf Navasahere rushes up iu thesea a pure fountain of f resh watery that sweetens the stirfaceltpr some distance tli is ciK CUmstance was of course, unknown to,lhe Span- lrtia-at ttit time. r---J?K 7 V '-'"V..':.;iV.y. ? IIIATV on t iCr2dV Mmidymusf nexti' I f JL; ' will self at he:Cour-houseTd6or in :Rock- lord, Surry couhty,the following tracts of;Land,' or as moch as wjll be siificeht to satisfy the taxeVs due thereon, " for te year 1827y with Tcoita ,Wit .iM-z r?yir-'f jrfl f, ;f260 acf es I given in by Dickson . A; ;Skidmbrer Jying tbhgpeepreek:adjoin and.; othersylf' t y: -r'm:-330 acres given in by Jesse-' Broxvn, lying on Huihting;c r. oo acres not given inj'ag tne property ot Law son Davis, lying im'v Udnting creekj ; joining B. F . . iTUO.BWMGHT.iSherhTJ?a RO NO KE INSTlTDTrpSf d IJFbr iffrhcHcaL Scientific Jiiitnictioki; -M. "will embrace the followintr DeoaVtmerita r' : I. ma7.This D e bartment ; wi W inblud e theV Greeks Latin- Frhch -anH , Siiihlsh tan. .11. The Jlfafhematical will emhrace lArithme- ttc, Algebra Loffarithtns, deometiry, Trigrt:orn etry Mensuration.- Survevincr. ConicJSeciions. Natural Philosophy, Ailronomyrvd "NavTi.tMjn. ana me turai sciences, as Bqtan; Mmfralo g y:and Natural'History t;cf'1x ' r . iiuuiaivaiieniion wiii oc paid at this iinsu tutiori to PracticulEducUion 'Classes in itadie- matlcs will be nraetic;dlv taught thft annliriatirin of Trionometrjv to Heights and Distances 1 Trl- angu lar S urveyi n; Levelling and Eng inee f i ng j Graduation of-Hoads'and Streets, the us or the Karometer, when annhed-to takincr the-altiuide of mountains and otheremin'tnts. ' Tin will frequently be taken but. to. practice wit ii the Compass and Chain, .Theodolite and levelling UoOs and accompanied, by their instructors, will occasionally take excursions for the riiiifnose of ; making observations in Botany and Mirieral- ill. nyA.This.DeDsrtment will include English. Gramm r, Penmanship, Uook-kee iog. Public Heading .nd Declamation, . Ancient .and Modem Geography with the use of the Maps and Globes, Ancient and Modern 1 History, Uheioric, Composition,1 rstici irri. Loeic and Moral Philo sophy, Construction of Maps with the. principles oT i'rqjecuon. v,,:- .-v -. . , ,v , , .. v.; ;r The mdiments of Education, as "Reading, Spel ling, Penmanship, &c. will be thoroughly taoght, und the Junior Classes! wiil in tins reaped, re ceive particular attention. ' !i 1 i . Physicul Education .--Tot the improve me it of the heal-h and the development of the Ph3 sical as well as mental energies of. the;. Cadets, they will be req uiredto pr.'tcticejlaily iid regularly, Military Exer.cises j lvliescliavini' tor their !rnin oojrsi ine preservauon 01 nea itn, w ill Del pur sued so tar only as may be requisite for this pur pose ; in no instance will they be permitted to interfere with other pursuits but will occupy those hours in the day, that would otherwise be devoted to useless and frivolous amusement. - They will consist of,the Elementary schools of me aoiaier,. company ana uattaiion revolutions, Light Infantry and Rifle Drills- for ma lion of re gular Military Parades Guard Duty the duty of officers ofr the Guard and of the Day4 U.e uroad bvvord Exercisei f - Uniform Dress.- he dress worn at the Insti tution will consist ot a d.trk blue cloth Coatee,- smgle, breasted and stndincr collnr. Blue cloth Ast and Pantaloons for winter, and white! do- mesuc cotton tor summer, leatner cpvwrii ap propriate trimmings, plnck si Ik. or leather Stocks. An uiKlress will le worn m summer, ctnsustmg a cotton striped Itouiidabout, single brekst&d and standing collar, r - , i-. . As the Coat cannot be made elsewhereithan at the Institution, a more particulni' description ot it is omitted. Each member 01 the Institution will want the follow. ng articles, viz : one single mattress either ot hair or straw, pillow, two pil low cases, tour sheets two yards an ten ert In and one in breadth; one pair of blankets, two towels, four shirts', four pair of white cotton pnntalpons, four white vests for summer and one blue cloth for winter single breasted, six pair of cot ton a.d four pair of .woollen socks, draws and waistcoats if worn, two pair of thin and one pair of thick shoes, at least two pocket handkerchiefs, jooth brush, penknife, quill, -wafers; &c. . Parents can furnish their sons with such articles of qloth- ing of the above description as they may have, if-they prefer it : or tliey may be'' supplied at the Institution on the most reson Able terms. The above quantity of clothing is deemed suffibient to answer a cadet one year - should hi- .le;vj; the Institution at the expiration of tliat ..time.lsucti articles a the cap, bed an J bedding, if furjuisii ed at the Intitution and well taken careofj will be received Back at a fail price. Eachj cadet must have his name marked in full, on every r ticle of his clothing-. - Qunh fication. Jldmhsion, c.r? No candidate will b.- admitted into this Institution., who is un der ten years of age, who cannot read and sipell, and who is jnot of a good .moral character. It is deemd advisable to admit none fur; a ".leas, term than one )'ear, as the. expense for, a less period would be propwlionably greater, and the ad van- tages to be derived pt oportionably less. Jfiejtsj69.'rThe cadets will be, divided into two Departments, Those under fouHeen years of agev will constitute the Junior, and those"over, the Senior.: The whole expense per acad emic year,, will be for the Junior $160, and tor the Senior '.S7$ payable $100 on adniis6n and the remainder at tlie exjiration of six moot is. This expense will include every charge for Board j Tuition, Fuel, Lights, Washing, P lib lie Lectures, .use of Apms and Accoutrements, UbpnVltentahd in 'short every expense except Clothing. andvBooks.i.The academic yeai - wil) consist of ,46 weeks, and will be divided int two sessions. -. . - " : ..'.. Board. '; vThe cadets will board in the same family with their instructors, some one or more of, whom will at all times be in company with Lthem, paternally to direct them -'boih io itheir studies and amusements and lo assist in toemmg a courteous, moral and gentlemanly deportment; Instructors f and instructed we shall ming e to gether as members of the same family, and pir- :sue towards each other, that familiar and respect ful course, calculated to inspire the pupil! with a; manly confidence and zeai, and the ihstructor with emotions of pleasure. v -"T - y t h?iExdminaiion8.rTlitieJ willbe't:o.publijc:-;Ei-aminat ions' in each year. The first to commence xn tlve Monday nearest the -JOth' of. December, and; the second on the fiiat Monday .in June, to continue each, oiie week. 1'iiere Will be pri vate examinations bf the Classes' every Satt rday, On the studies of the preceding week. ; : ; j Vacations. ere will be' two Vacations,- the first immediately after the December exaSniioa t.oh, and will continue till the second Monday in January : the next athe close of sthe june ex-; ammaiion. ana win .continue - iwu wceRw No eave; of absence will be granted in term exqept iti cases oflirgent necessity. : v ilJcSLdGIJE OF BOOKS.T time. p?2-danis Latin Grammar, (Gould's tion, iHistpriaeSacrae, Vmi Romre, Csc'sarfs jCom- tnentaries, Sallust, Virgil," Cicero'&beieclj Ura-i tibnv De Oratore,v De '..Anhi.ii,: jDe:Senectute Li vy , . Tacitus, five ' firstc books iof each, ' lAinsk Worth'sDictibnary; ' " ; ' y ; : ' j:, L T : Greek Goodrich's Greek Grammar; Jacob's GYfcz-l'tHleiVKeilson's Exercises, Valps De lecitus: Gracca Ma jbra, Xchopbon's Ahabasi vllo merfs Iliad, six hrst books. ' ' - J. '- : ?3tatltmidiw. y c -T ler's Arithmetic! Hut- ton's Mathematics, Bowditch'a Navigation, Simp son's p6nicVSectians nfields i?h'jiijsb phy; ganzm aiKl AVillaVii's Geagra Elements bf- I lisVory, 1 1 ale Histnry, of ilie IT-. States, M u Tray's G r mm.t r a nd , Ex ercise s,i iirs jlhetOrick; f ledge's Logic, Pa!eysMoml Piild sophy, ; Constitution of Uhe IJnited vStatesi and States; evealIy-'.--' J??jX . . Those intending to join the Jnstitution arf ad vised to bring any of .the aboye fnentiphVdbOolbf: they m y have io their possesioii aiy AlathemHi tical Iiistrumentsor AVorkvvalsb any Historical or I.iterarv Works i-''-rA: -'XZ' ' t . opef.-r-Arrangements will oe maoe ai me Institution to sii pply 1 h e cadets' with tlie neces-; ry-potks;,"Statipnary;and.XJ9thing,' if it is pre ferred,' at cost, provided payment '-Is madelown if not, and a credit - of four months is Vivcu ah advance of ten per cent, will be charged 01V the original costy which will be the longest indu'l- gence. . very. caaet wui oe Tequirea to have a pass book, in which will be registered every ar. tide of clothing, books, 8tc. that may be neces' aary for his comfort or, ini proveme nt. The ob ject being more to accoihm'ddte the cadets than to mase a pront our 01 nu m. : 1- THE UOA"NOKE tNSTtTUTION is located at LUtleton,81 VV a rren county State 'of North Ca- roiiiia, m a urugiuui. ana, iieaitny part or i tne Country ;-it is situated between Varrenton" .aiid Hahlax, sixteen miles from ttie former and twen-ty-or.e, from t he latter, surrounded by a beautiful country and in the' heighborjipod of a refined and polished society. Isolateit as this Institu tion is, no opportunity will be atiorded' to ' tbe pu pils to contract habits of vice and dissi pation j the temptations, held out by our towns and vil lages will here be'.rem'oreti und their contamina ting infl uence avoided. 'Every attention; will be paid to imviieaitii, manners, m r.us ana imptove nientsof the cadets : and it, is believed, that.un- der the 'discipline tiiat will be pursued in the Institution, aided by tlie superior natural advan lages of its situation, youths may be trained Op to h cbits 6f temperance," perseverance, industry and morality without the danger of corruption. Tlie object of this Institution; wilt be to i;iye a youth at good practical scientific education, to prepare him Tor the correct and1 efficient) dis charge of the duties of any situation in life,: in which "fortune or inclination may place .him'; to rear up a sound mind in a soandbody i to qual ify him to enter the world with "a iiead to con ceive and an "arm to execute, to teach him habits of perseveience, industry and economy," and to cherish 4hose rnanlyi noWle and independent sen timents which' -should form the character bf . a good citizen. Youths may, here be prepared! for admission into any of our- Colleges or Universi ties, either one or two years in advance for ad- mission to tne Military Acaaemy. at west 'romt or the Navy ; or they will be" crefuily-nstructed in the various branches necessary to a' finished education. The Institution' u-lll be under the general direction of Capt. Partridge, and under the immediate superintendaoce and controut of Mr IX. H. llinghum, . who will be assisted by the requisite number of well qualified instructors, to whompphcatiiiiis tor admission into the Iustitu tion or for further iufoi mation can be m.ide. , (J, Parents will please to Srgnify to . what bran cues theyish their sons to attend, upon 'en tering them. " The Institution is now. in opera tion, and students will be admiited at any tinuV Littleton, N. C. June 8th, 1829. ,84 . Mr. B. has been' favored wit h the following testimonial by his friends in Man land. . - : ( v ! v - Frederick "cilMdr ' ; .:' . j - ipxi; 8, ia29. -y . Vfr D H. Bingliam bcin'aDout to remove to Noith-CaToJ'iia for the purpose of engaging jn a Classical and Military Institution, to be under the general direction of Capt. Partridge; the under signed take pleasure in bitering him a testimoni al, to which his character and gentle manly 1 de portment "fully entitle him. Mr. Bingham has resided some jears in this 'city, and has been- eh-gaged-ih a Seminary similar in its character to that contemplated in NJrth-Carolina. We. have thus bad an opportunity to.judge of his quahh cat.oas; but on that point we deem it unnecessa ry for us. to offer any .recommendation in aid of the circumstance, that he has been selected for the station by so distinguished a ,pr'essor as Capt. Partridge, from amongst his very - nume rous an well informed pupils; .We may observe however that he has distinuishxd himself lie re by a degree of diligence, : perseverance and reg ulnrity, calculated to insure him,; any yi here; that success which we hope, will reward his present undertaking. - v -'-7 "s i- Signed, Hon.- Jno. Nelson, ' Hon. Henry 'li. H'arfield, Gen. T10A. C. ilro rthitiirion, Dr. JIV Bradley Tyler p v Jienj. Price, tg. Jo t . JJ.XPdiiiiert "Esq. Smlelon JJuvtilii Esq. Stuart Gaiiher, hlsq.i f I Granville CdunfyJ : -' Court.of Pleas' and Quarter Sessions, ' J-.r: ' May Term,-A.D.182msy : Samuel -S. Downy, Exr." ' Caveut to the pro -: y. . !. bate of the last Wilt Smith Mitrphy & others, atd Testament ,i of Heirs' of J oil it G. Smith., j John G.- Smith, ; de- dee'd. ' JCeased t T appearing to the Court, that Jas. Nod ;and WifeMary, John C. Goode, 'guardian FvAgr nes & Elizabeth Goode.Chas. Snnth.Sam'I.Smith, of Win. James "W. ',S"nfith,Thbs. Wri!ltamson,.htne Winiamson,-James AHord and Nancy his wife, &. Smith Murptiy, and Thos. Smith, thirteen of the tieh"s at Law, and iext.cf : kii to ,foln G Smith, deceased, are not inhabits nts'of tliU Srate ; It is ordered by the Court,' that Yuhlication be made for six weeks in "the UaleighUtgisieri notifying them to be and-ppear before " he Justices of the Court of , Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Gianville and .State aforesaid, on the ft rst Monday 1 if 'August next in:the town of Oxford, and. shew c:use (if any they have,) why the said paper Writingj purporting to be the last Will and restamept of John G: Smith.'dec.; offered for probate, shallmot be proven and- od mitted to record. : : H ';. ; v 7 ' Witness. Stenhen " Ki? Sneed. 'clerk of said Edi-icburt at office.tne: tlrsUMohday ofMay 1829. ; : Price adv. $3 5tXc v . t: - ; Internal lm pro vemcnts. r-K:-r- "'': ""'," r ;-: mHE Board ' forflnternal Improvements wUl Y M. meet at ViIminffton;on f Tuesday the :21st pleaae take notice,:. 7 V':- -.'-'V'V 3 GALES, Sec'y, July 4, 1829. " THEjSubscrftier avails-hmiSel(;6Dhearliefet - w, u)jmuiUiUij wiiMorfijnisinenis,C)C xnerpuo " ?.ic Renet-al,thathe has 'declined all piiblicipur e sjiitsj aVt -.wll) Ijefeaft'efdrire'.bis'attehdo'W t ifely to h cJiargvof this jjistittionu The ne- v cessity:Aylpch cpnfrcrs htrn1to adopt ibis course-iheui-estuarantce f'ii he taithmt perform- 5 anc of his duty. He wilf be. assisted byhis son ; ;tlane;l-JliilJ;iieye dies prepait6fyitp5ih!class in the " University or misstate., 1 he exercises of the Academy w?' o reumea on MomLty the L29thnst. at S40j-. .as at this place, there are no temptations to ex travagance,: the students have occasion' for. very litt le pocket, money j. too much of this,";; alway i leads to idleness and dissipation. ; " ' w - dissipation. A"v ';.:,.": - -? C A. HILL. A. St. 1 A ITietedttof.thRalelgh Star Free Press, - and Halifax Minerva are'; requested " to give the ahoye three insertions and 'forward tneir Jiccoimis to tn5SHbscriberv c :V- tatCof ortli-Carolina... " ; : ' .Granville County.' :'. t r. , '4 pprt 9f iPleas and Quarter Sessions .,. - May Term, A 4 D. 1829. I, . ; -Elowel FjizerAdm'r of William Hester, deCi" scssioujuir oparti, : ana persessiorrtor tr :-M tion. ;rheubscrii5er is prepred.fa accbmhiol- : date the hoarderg,: as tisuai?!irLhis owniamily :-i" ' "" r- vs.i:K' ,; r " W V..; x-7-r --Ai;oherOlesterCof,Wmi ' : " OriginaUattachjwent Levied : in the hands cf : r Thos. B. Littlejohn,r EstJ and he is summoned v ' --'-as'Garnistiee.'' V .1 f ; fSt'yi?, '-:' '-.-'!V-:;-'; ! IT appearing to the satisfictipn .oHhe,C36urt,rV':-f J - I that the ' defendant, Ftobert Hestferl is not .. ., ;V V ? an inhabitant of this Stateit is ordered that ; .'; publication oe mde oi thejHitleigl) Kegistr tor " ' r six."Weeks, giving noticp to the said Hobt.i Hes- ' " ter tliat he-appear at thei Court joH Pleais and "'':' " Huarter-oessions, ip oi neia. lor tuet;ouiity.and r : - . , State aforesanl, nt -the' Courthouse in Ovtord, v , I oh theirst Monday inAiigust Vnexti tjieh and- .K, there replevy andptegid tq issue, or judgment ! ' final will he feii'.lered;Up against him, and 'the ! "i . property levied ; pn, condemned subject tothe , . ' plaintiffs recovery! Witness, Stephen K.' Sneed, T r " Clerk of said Court at office in Oxford, the first , r Monday in May, A: D. 1829. - - , ' - : K -75 6w i.il ' S TEPJ K. SNEED, Clk. V ' . j'.'.- )' --V-vj UichmpndyaV. V' JSTetVr York' CoiwoUdaieiL: . 45 Nornher -6 Dj-iwn Ballots. , . , -;-. ' -- -': '''?- ' To.be drawn 15th itilyt ; ; - A : 1 of 10,000; is sio,boo; . ; , -" : : . - v - ilxAX - : "Besides b'thersf 8500, S200,i&d &c:v V " . S2,950 rjf the.S4,000 paid in iilbany t ; ' -" :. .City Iits. r)'M y--r. Whol6 Tickets S5, Halves S2 50, Quai4- r ; . - ters.ftlr.5iD. -. -j ' r ' '- ; A package of 15 Wholei wlvcii is:cbmpelled : tb;draw $30, may he had for $75j C Send your orders fo i 1.7:;, -t ' v ' -. '-,v: YATES & M'LNTYRE, " - ' 5:v .''' "' .S if ;-iRicmontlJ .Va.' .:'v-' ' - : !LtNAGEiiS OFFICE- v r ; Drawing of tlie Grand Canal, No. 15. s -,v;i Uriin.n Can al So'r ?-.' v 251 0S r 405 95 21 r-3 61 X ;ivl-: -JV::f YATE9 & MINlUE.; : PROCtATIO By the " Governor, df North-XfaroliriaSX ' t '' - v t'r - : - v--',..',- Two Ilundred ;.plarUertl IS XT H E jR E A !S it has been made knowh to me, -:. IT- that alurder has been committed in the ! Town of.Oxfortl," in the County of Granville and -State of Nbrth-Carolina, 011 the 4th 'day of No- -vember lat; and that a certain ?THOMXs MIT-? CHELL," late, of the County -ami State aforesaid, tands'.rh'irgedbjFythe;fin.rm.of a Grand "Jury ,V -on -.a-: bill - of Iiidictmeat j; witii having 'perpe- x trated the same 6n the bod y of ? a cert i n Shel . ton Hobgfb' I. of said C ounty : And ' as it is '. ; I further-,. represented and -male known to 'me,' j that , the said THOMAS MITCH ELL lath ab ; scpmled and fled from the jurisdiction and hro its of thTs Stati . and thereby eluded the arm of the law and of justice :'.'c l r- -.) "' - - -:''' '' , -" '.' : - Now the refore, to the end that the said TITO- '. M MAS;4MlTCHELLt may be;apprehended and r brought tfi r justice, tli" abwe reward of TWO '. U UND RED DOLLARS :Svjll be given to any pel son or-persons hq will apprehend and "con . . fines the said Thomas M-tchell in any; Jail in this. State,- so that' he, may - be brought, to justice -- -A nd 1 do, moreover hereby require command ' and enjoin, all officers whatsoever,' as well civil ' : as military,. w:thiu this State,' to use their best ", endeavors sb 'apprehend and take," orcause to " . be apprehended and tikeii the bodydf the -said ;';; Thomas Mitchell, and him Kafely and ; securely ' keep, so that he shall be brought to jlstice. - 1 ; THOMAS. MITCHELL js-abcui 19 years of ; : age, of slender form, down look; , little treck- ? led, round shoutders and haselevswas lately seen by a gentleman of Grany.tte Count at New 7 drleanspwhere probably" he, no w, is-.; : ) v.,; "Sfe :UNr!TESTI ONY WH EREOF, I ' havr caused-the -Creat Seal of .the '. '5SSMofc ;Sfate vt'o be hereunto a tji led, an J r ' . 'c.ihtmheil thrt .ame ofSciallv. at the tT 4 cit y of Rileigh; On the 20th day of :fy:-i vJimei;A.:D..18,;i'"- ;- v : JOHN OWEN. - c j , - "L .-- ; :'-A:.' 87-' Bv the I Governor, :.; ' ;i:; Johs 15 . MPSE, r. AX'ryc- ' AIhstttution immenktelyi..Ue mut be a gen- -Uemanbf high standing-for character d scuo. larshiufT 5?,.: P ! wo 1 ,u find a very Ucsiraxiie- . situation.' JUIV HI RR- (xOilJiON y- AtELY a Commission Merchant in Plymouth, Jai removed to Normlk,rgmnd ... twnWctauiy Business Jn that Juie-etltros. . fdgo t d4 c i v e them i a to a horjet M Accor- ' May 25; 18291 1 ' . - u "5 a . - -rr r. 1

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