i'' i - r1 1 '- i 'v. - , v- m !;-v I'-'- - ' t - X: Gales Son ?v :X JiJ. iications i -v.."-""' Vernon's lie rts 2 vols." first, A WricanVditiop; 1 ; of a c urs-v hfYLcctures- nwdelfcwtt in the :;Uinveritv of V.in la WV oy u-vui-. ii i wrani . rliife of Ledyurd.'by 'Jrad puks . Americah Common Place lloolt. ; . " ' iW5 of the United "StaOw,.3 vols, cmipil cl tiv " x- t' . --fcndge Story; -nd cnt aiiting-aH the Fu'.dic Sta l;' ' Wi pa 'sl f.n0789 tiV 1S2 Whether ex pircd; re pencil of inf'ueVrangj'' in chro- A . i id Africa. crApr: with 'imtr trimd TxftMntir':.:' .oretuUnV SunplcmcnL Mb sry Jin. 12 Vws " 1 Starkieon Evidence, 5vo1npv ttliimin. Ronev rt Legacies; ,2. vols, fust American cdi rtionV 1 -i -V'A ' - AftrA Xir lines, 'bein theubstance Memoirs of UeV. tetgh Uichraond,uith aIite- ness.V 7,- -- " .. . Vi- ' .' J. .UneTRoirikr. "or th Tiihl t tr. Mc-moTj beinj? a Rerjsler; or events from tne eane. i-ikxi to with a'lJkettess. 8hippji M emoirs. 2' vols. ' :- NOVELS & POETRY. V Universal llistorr. Chronolo biography aiul j'vrGeoicraph'iV- bvSvilliamiJarby: fjv -'' . ' Juvenile Slcech: aobk.-f ' :- 'Qn Monitorial lftjnnictVrvV?.,? -;flie ' Works of MrsOpte, complete in 12-Vols.' .. XV 7'ales of StlJei nard. -J do; .Th';'CastUiaii 'v-g Cyril Thornton, - , 3 do. - Tales of theKraeirldd Isle or Irish' l-egends.. Scottish Orphansi i f f polIpcks Course of Time. , -4;"v A, eeneralort ment of Stationary Articles tft an Apothecar' 6tbre;a Young Mart wbdlias ' .. ' JL,a liberal 'education 'and writes apxl hand: & HAYAVOOD. MK3. JtHIN .HAYWOOD respectfully an nounces to the Public that she rs prepared to adconmddaf eavellersGen & their ' Families Boanlers' by the day, wock.v mom !i or ; yearScI.ddl children for any lengtli of tune. t.'i Her House is sittited in the ..immediate; '"vicinity . V'ftbeapHo),3."rlhtn;arid the;.evfi;:d Sv" . n lrieiof .Titawuna r. 1'uere- a b,viut f'll a: d 1 1 ighly. c;uuyutea .araeanacne .;t o its $ .. .pc.r UoOKiS jare s;iaciows aixd4 airv ;i Ste assures all those who Vay honbr h 'tlial tnd'eSejt"ions 'sludl be j w.anting on Iter fpart to render tlieutconfor4a!Ie.y. -r- v ' Mrs. HIiaslsdTa gpot.Stler w I ieh shrd ! be w ell suppUeil tfTtlt ProvWVdr foi; Horses, and a 'careful Ostlerto lattend them. 'c?fv - : Prices as" moderate as those of any Hoarding,! ".house in 'the citv. -V-' :'- ' ' - '-. r' N- ; Raleigh May 14 -".;-s- 7i ' .VK G ALPS ON have jiist iub!Sbed the cj 'miU :,p"?rs of, Cases argued tfnd tletirmined. in vhe -Supreme' tlourt of North Carolina, at De cember Term, J828. - Oy.TgoHiS fDr-VERcux. OCj- The. htdex of. the Vol.' 1, can be bad on application. v .luneSr, 1,629.. 85 jyivjff$etf$h 8301 NAVYOMMissibXEns' Office.- 3 CJ EXLrl Proposals will be receivedat this R office until the firf September iVexi, for ! iysuomr of 3000 hbls: Navy Beef & 2400 bhls. ' " ' . JNay Porfcfor .the :'userof .the. 'Ur.itf-d Hta4esNaal , ' Service.lpOO ;bbt$V-of.Heef, St 8p0 bbfs, tif PoVk, , f Io be detiyeredat fleacrt of thcCU.' Stales! Navy YadaiV Charlestow,-Mass.,.llropfcIvrt.:i; Ne'w best: efuahtVv The ,IJeet must be packed, irom "well f tted cattle, weighing not Wss than 480 j . . , Yorkj ;and-Ntrfolk,J Virgmtas; and:ihe' whede ' auanuty roust-bdeliv2?red aYelCQ&-'every Mayy. farbyi'thc?:fi'rsUof1ril ' auantitvf the 'saB Beef U Pprk' must be of 't he pounds"tn"A? qiiurferj ov SOQ pounds on 1hk h&ff idl ith&legst leg-rbundst ikinsl a'lfl - - 1 1 nvtle barrel, frni ne ;re nja nu r of. the Cars av casei miistj-be cut into p'eces of ten piunds.tac1i 4 - as near Vs rn y h " " maktf a' barrel dt20kpoujuW nett"werght xif Navy f The Pirk" tr. ti st be C rn-fc u hollv evchied fm tire; feTcl,Mid. tfee Te- mamder or inctoj,uiui uc -m inm jncvcs. oi -sigh'v.poVnds'aas. -ieaf-aii be. so thattwenty ' five piecfs,ntintrltban threes of; which shall shoulder, w ""ke a' barrel of 2D0 pouli. Usnett rw'e1ght:,NvyPork.ri; ( - uTiie w5ole quantity or tne, Rata licet and rot-k wit h and. ?f VcrW ards packed wtth , a. su ffi cient 'ouantitv oTurk' iilaitd, Isle tt". M yV or; St ? , UbesZSalt,Zand nos other, to ensure its preserya- tiAiVbed land each barret must be branded obits itead avyBeef,?ox Navy Porkif; with f h f ; ; tton.v-w.itn r-nve ounces oi pure oau peire, jto eapn Z-'t:p-; n!dVerybarrfc3. 'lbe barrels tn whiclr tlie saict ?Vl Reef and Pork is to be packed mu4t;bejmadedf " I'- - - " .' ' aV M J-k- TWT U ltTaCb Oal . Mi k t - - ' M '" . a' f fcat.-t Aha JLaMt... -i.a '-.Iff''. , ; asni, iree irwuva, .v v..., un i corder a i 7" contractor name and: tne year; wnenJpac.keoV l..;".;..-' ' AH the satd Beef ;a)iid Pork jqivdcliyery utthe 0 ftr f.; - ivspectiveNayyYaiSv m -v t est tindispection of smniwrt Jrupri format ti,tf aSVctfff- with in r whrch H is to b.e.dt;'Kv'eVed :-w-Wo t'-.'i VshaU be selected ;H;tlzC united ; yy Yard t vliace ideh vety; with ou t i any Charge.. to tne yjawa jiaiea inereior ana yen. fer to fiiriiish at mortf ; tharohe: Yartl, then sep utely for fcRch Yand,;..Thev.ftfc' ;fso -"required " -to tnve lite I luiiucs. . men . i tsmiucE, jiiu (jjh The 'CoftirtiasieTi-'f;theaTvet libertv to take the rsfters M ,a!hiddef tVr Knyn.'ie SYardv or W tbe Krticliis deii verableat;any one Yartl, or gtcter'i propVPiia,4 the iowst.l:: t--- ' tiWmH'-tto fctfeived within the limited time. -; rk prts of the fntmaltoexcTuded ftrom the ba te! will bv particularlyrdescriSed in tiraVw .tnga. wimcii ,w u lorm ?pari iiie icoutractS' ; - v iinsnected m said manner, iiie, contractor must l r'"'k'v."r, . , ,vv v'" "oiaie, tne, iat- Vint the barrels in gfrod'snipprng orderr- th j it Heef'ai.tiwrtl nofoi; rvedtW v c0; vv Biddrs are requird td'statetheurices ?spi- -"W-wpri :iH'arafelV .orUhe Beef ShI: . . . , oamesnd resideoce-, of tteir ?irreties,.-niinute- t f4tVtsed'-i: Offer to turiuih Navy;Uedb Navy; " Pork' foV tliW--y eaTB5;i y? W$h: i persons Ufs rins lr.inrmaiinn imnn . 1 I -vl i - ub an jn.e;tiou to ipd; riiay obtain lit byea I i .; 'h iotble tpplication to the Board. "';l ' " -jFlanky 'Scantlings &fc.x , ' ';T .K (5AI.E5' Saw-Mill'on Crabtreeithin l'vee m1es oflUleih, may be fiail PLA.NK and of every description....;; , ; nills of., Lirnfer left? : at the Bookstore of; Ji' Gales '&"Soh. will be imnredlafely supilwdr-a.rd. ; GristMilUs iii fine-order, land' grinds t season V' '' 5i m tne dne Clean 1' purchased at .-theriaper-M:.U,ir St,ciic of trlh'Carollnu titmrt 4f P.leas.and. Quarer.Bessionj-V v vj i yr i t Tin,. i. j j. 182 , Y Original Attachment levied ,aiW. uanatow ;f :1&lriff!lB: a,'ui bUnflry other U ..V . 'sfavticlrs t toeelhcr 'with divers " r I petsoMs sum-moned rs' ' Garni-' TT appVari, u o'lhft(Js,itisfactinji of the Court, flnt the MlefeMdant. Daniel Peck 4s nut n inhuhtvant of this it i It it irdtred tlat pith- tiraiioVue made f the;la!ei!r Keisfer tor six weeks, eivinir no'ice- o .1 he' iiI DanieLPtfck, that he appear nt tlie Court pf Pleas and Quarter Se-skms, to be litinor lhe-Uoay ami iave a fores id. :t the Court'house in Raleiehr on th 3d Montlay, in August next, "then and there re plevy andVlJ oissue. or judgment final wiil he rendered ud airainst him. and .the. property levied on condemned, suluect to the Plain! iil'' reovervtWitnei'si Dejiiaoiia SKiujr, Clerk of?paUl Court, at office Ja. UaUighj the 3d iMop in . May , 1 By. w. -. v State "ofioYth'Carolma, ' aV ,:Vake Countv. f f- Court of Pleaand Quarter Sessions; - :MMa;TVrm,'ArDi1829s-r5v-' --;- , Original Attachment; levieu oh a House. and -Lot in the Ci William Peck, vj-.-s..: - ' Daniel Peckr, ty j.of RaTeigh, and sundry ,-o. tber-articles : tosretht-r with divers persons sumniomed.as I Garnishees.jr v v TT appearinc to the satisfaction of the Court, J . 3 il...t . u r- J . .. t -.1 n :i , 1 a on utc f seicnuaiu. uiiuici i ci;k. is' -hahitaitt of this Slate : It j.s ojdeTed, that publi cation be--marie in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, giving notice to the said Daniel Peck, that fie-, appear at the Court of plea and Quarter Sessions, ; to be h!eld.for the County and -State aforesa'd, at the Court-house in R;deu?hi on the 3d Monday in Aurusr next, then and there re plevy nd plead to issue, or .-judgment final will be rendered -lip against him, and the property levitd bit cohdentned, subject to PlaintifPs Te. coverv. W i tn ess. llenia min S. Kine, Clerk of said Court, at office in Ilaleigh, me 3d Monday in May, 1829. . . -V-- TJENJ. SWING. Clerk. TT WISH to sell the place within a mil of Hills- Z. borough; on whicii 1 now resided TlKfre are 205 acros; I :ibut one half cleared, ten acres of Mead""' .land and the balance in woml. The improvements are all new, and fi nished ;in tlie ;. est manner t hey consist" ot a D wclli ng House, contfning eight rooms with fire places, - besides passages-, cl setsv &.c. a large Darn and Stables, and other necessury Outhouses. There are Se veral never failing Springs' of the best water on the tract, and a large and? well selected fruit Orchard. - i ' ""f " ' ' I will sell this property on the most liberal terms -Either for money on easy credits or will exchange it for Negroes or Western lands. " Application may be made by letter to the sub scriber, at Hillsborough. I " 1 : W. ANDERSON. Nov: 15. v- i - . -, -r!' . 2) eotf 1 : 'tract Beiosioirj. v RRSONS wishing to purchse Tracts, pub lished by the American Tract Society, are piformed ',tht they can obtain Tracts at the Pa rent Society's prices at the Depository of the North-CarOlina Tract Society in Ualeigl) j price 10 cents for 100 pages. ' ' riiese Tracts are published by a Committee, cousisting of CUljistianst Vf -different denoniinar tiptvs so that none need be afraid of nieeting with any sentiment tinfriend'yto pure religion. Applications in person, or by letters post paid, will be; promptly attended to, by P. Vv. DOW 1), or SI TH. P. HUNT. May 30, 1829, 1m BOOKS & S CATION All Y. T HITE GALT.AHER & WHITE, 108 Pearl V St. (Ilailover Saiire.)-ivfw.Fnr'nnF of f j jji itcs. . i iiey iiave aiso on uami, a large a.sol tmcnt of Medium, Dintft Cap & Let-te- Paper, - which they will sell at the Manufuc-turt-rs' pictS. --v ' . ! ;Ne iv.york, JulvV1829. y- ,r 86 6 " : iiockirighain Mineral S priiigs . if3,HubsHbr a vinseltled himself at tli is jl. place, respectfully nitorms the Public that he is nreiJared to receive 'fiomnanv ti. .;.... i season. rhe Establishment -hik ;nnfl,h.,;a .thorough 1 t --.!! - . ... . u Kti .repair, ; ana aaamouat Uooms lave provided. J In Doint of Health. niir '..Ii- t been crd the medicinal piyjperties of the waters, this piace will yiclJ.to none in theState. Everv el 0iPfy lslt te Springs t :and the charges Will te$&4ir&r ; Ijt - ri;;-x. NOMAS SCOT I'i ?V J.enox Castle, July 1 st, 1829. : &1 I lie KdJtors ot the Ualiorh l)a;DD. ai. cJ. ' - . . Livciaici, nid T i :ir Carohn Journal, the Cane i Fr nd theNe wbern CentineL will nlease i s above 3 times in their ir',tiu '--. lXwW4ri'ejrccojii nts to me at Lenox Cast le. 5 Pli-: M ULAll.1 :J .. v-:; , " rU : ';-' D kpaktm ext 6 f State, 'Oi v ; ; Patent jj Office. June 9.- 189.Q. - -' -Prsp?.-sfiavmg' business withnfe patent J iOfiice, arii requested to direct their comm,.: nitiaiiohs direct IV: to the -SiinerihterKlphi rV... Mateof uperior:G0imof,awA Ashur- Lyon, Petition for Divorce. -' Lncrida Lycm ?MV , iUontlis suecessivpl v i . . . SupenOT Courier La w;t6 be held foruS! co,Wt the 2d Monday afterUte74tIr ! , WitnessrcRobert Henrv CWt j- u.x HISNKYy C. C S H isireo uenvereu in uic -uy uifc uctuf; v fre?e?nt rapoo'l'i;toc,1c on hand; -p:irlv" sA$6iTed, Country Merchants, a ii 'ex;t endive assortment m XSCHOOrliOOKS & STATION AUY. I June 30. - ;- " - - v'-' . u-r a. 35 nnHE Exercises in the Subscribers School! IL" will close on Friday the 5th of June, and be fesumed on the second Itinday in Juiy-- J . . ' There 'will be public speaking by. his pupils, on Thursday nicrht the tb of June. in! the Mat sonc iau.. r wuib wi " ;r . ,7. . specttully -inrdettto aiteno. , " Nj n; Terms of his School, fS5 per session, ur,ooani ami i umou, jjiv w .. r ;:j!ilisborouh. May 19. "T - 75tlA 1KR.KN0H. LANGUAGE. Tt. r.itl(ivm:Work!L.hv A'. IloimriProfesspr of ljeFreiich taiiguai?e Jn thejlifch: ScboqUd iMiilUdelphia, are to be liad at the Bookstore ot 1 1 t. A Collection of one liuncurett ot, renins FaS cst nrompai'vrd v a Key; contauuqff "rteral and free ir.nslatijn artaMk'ed textj in '"aAch a m nri?r an ta point out ; the difference hrti ern the IVt ncU and t!ie l-.nu.inn ii.:io:ns.-. AlJ; a" fiiTiire,! pronunci.ttioiV of4tJej French VWtriPii to vhe bvst French works extant., op the js.ihp-ct.. Te whhle preceded 1 by. a ;ires tisen the ; sounds f he Prenctr language, ns irtV.n Polish : after which is a isvltibaire or .collection of French words. w ith tngiisn, irom one 10 yiwic3 o .es Aventuresde VeJemaquepar Fehelon, nanied bv a Kev to the first eurht books; acc4nranied by coniuninlike the F:ldvs the text ta literal ml f ree; translation iute tided as a Seqtle.1 to the Fab Wholesale, & Iteldil. D ItUG&M EUICINE ST.OltE. ..-.' AVE; lately received a Urge and 4xteusive H ft assortment ot JJnigs Hxxa juemanef, consist tngj i.'i part, of Snlphate Quinine, Gun .Opium,' Ueriarcotized do, Hetined campnor, antnariaes, Castor Oil, Vitr. JEl -.er. Elat arm ;n, Kx ract s O varikus kinds. Solidified Copaiva, Oil., of Black Peri per, Iodine, London Blue Pill, Black Oxyde Jletcury, UUrateu Kan ror.maKing, neuirai rau turel Comp. Extr- Sarsaparilla, Hydr Potass, Sup. Carb. Sod, Tart. Acid, Turkey Gum Ara bicJ Calc. Magnesia, Yellow Bark, CakjmcJ, Js lap Rhiibai-b, C-'iTartar. Sugar l.ead. Spt. Ni tre. Hals. Conaiva, Spt. Ammun, Tart Ant imo nv. Suloh. Copper,' fiquorice Paste, V , A general assortment - of Patent Medicines, Shop Furniture, Surgeons Instruments, i Dye Woodr, Halters' Trimmings and Materials, such ftsiAnua Fortis. Quicksilver. Logwood, Bow Strings, SkiuH, Bin lings an-l Bands, Buckles ;6c a. I ' - . J a - Hiiishf S.yery low. A Urge -upply ot jPai.nts & Hrijshes'ofj every; description, Spt. Turpentine, Liitseed, Lamp and 'Tunm-trs? Od, Gold, and Sil ver! -leaf; Copal and Leather Varnish J superor qu-litv, Window-Glass,!8! 10,' 10 X,12, 12 X 16 Wi 16 X'i-1'8, and p.utly. J Their assortment comprises every article in the Apothecary's line ; the-principal part of which having lately been selected by th amsclves in Philadelphia and! New-York with cash, they arejenubled to sell to cash dealers or punctual customers orjl much better terms than ever be for offered in this market." Physic ans and Merchants will find it to their interest tt call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. - iJeigh, June 3,1829. -.' 80 State of NorthfCarolind. , . .. Wayne County. , f " I ' V .tv Superior Court of Law Spring Terntf 1829. Jesse Harden vs. Ann Maria Harden. . Petition for Divorce. . j XN this case a subpoena and alias having been Jissued, and the Sheriff of Wayi county making return thereon that the defendant was not to be found, proclamation was duly - made at the Courthouse door aforesaid by the-Sheriff, of saic. county, requiring the said Ann uia Har der to appear and answer as she was required to do n 'said -sub poenay and she failing to ppear, it was ordered by the Court i that publication for tim e months be 'made in the Raleigh Star, arid the Raleighi Register, giving notice toj the said defendant,- that unless she appear at . he next Superior Court of law to be held for the '"count' of Wayne, atfthe Courthouse in Waynesborough, the first Monday after the fourth Monday of Sep tember next, and then and there to answer or demur to said petition, judgment will je taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. j : N. WASHINGTON, Clk. Price adv. $5 25; 69 Vtaife:.6i!-Xoviv-jaroiiia,' JVayne County. j May Sessions, 1829. Britton Hood, Adm'r. of" . Sarah Bass, dee'd. vr Covenant. Pearce Rrogdon, Adm'r. j -of John Bass- dee'd. J I N this case, "it having been made to appear to the Court that ? Uriah, Mary, . Ehzabeth, Sa rahJ.Aune, Keziah,-and l.tchard Bass, Heirs at Law of J no. Bass, deC. defendants, in t bis Cause, liyej beyond the limits'of the State, so that the ordinary" process of law cannot be served on them," it. is therefore ordered bv the Court, that ad.vrtisement be made in the Raleigh Register ppear Ht for six Weeks?' for the defendants to a the Court house i r.f Waynesboro, on the 3d Mon- iy ot August next, tnen arid there to snew cause . why the hinds descending to said heirs afbijesaid, shall hot be ! Iable to the jilaihtttf'a recovery. Witness Philip Hooks, Clerk of our said Court, at oliice, the 3d . Monday I of May. P- HOOK$. Clk. Mote New T)ry Good: jTi EORGE SIMPSON & CO. take, leave to in IJWvform their -Friends' and the Public,4 that thev havfejust received a sccoiul Supply bt pew and Fashionable Dry Goods, ;adap ted to the, season,' consisting of r ."" '''. ' "" :-V 1 ';---r 1 Case new style Calicoes ' : v ' 1 do 4-4 lrish'Linens of superior quality & warranted gra'ss'hKach'" ,'"-A-:';- .tif.'-.: Cotepahe and Batege Dresses, assorted Co lors . . - - - ' ' -,JA't: A v( j y ' - French Gauze.Barege and Fancy Silk" il'kfs imiiauon cafiiDricK. ' Very Fioe Book Muslin - : 44 and f3-4 IJobbinetta i " V? Worsted Hra;ds: - -C- English Silk Hose and Gloves; Horsekih and Kid GtoveaCi C ;? ilUlox best quaiitytocelU Shoes Cotton Cassimere and Yirartilurells French and Kussta Driilinys. &.c. Raleigh, J ii-ieT5t ' 1829. -i ; 1- 81-' Uuiversitypiank Stockv Elm KIC Al'ES FO U ; THIRTY. $ IIARES of the Capital Stock ol true 4ank, Teak belongirij? iq the. Vrustees of tte tirdversifv niversity of Nrth-Carolina,:have never been in session as theiir Treasurer, ' and are Abe hav been lost or mislaid. 55 Notice' U my pos- ieved to therefore herebyVglven thafartheexpiiiQi' of ( three kPYt KTimn for hcqrinpf a knoleftffe ot iVjthe ti Im-uacredaptrd'to; Schools r,1-"-,''-. loJne president and -Directors or said,lank.f iif the name snft ctr urtr satd fl rusteesor-JhiphcQteCertincalel ofaaid TPitftti Sluires." t. .i-rnsr mii1 v-oti iWi-Ci "V Treasurer Board of Thpp i-- R4leigrt,'30tk Aprjl. -1829; V Wake-County.; tJ "t : Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ' ;. Asundry other articles ; tc Danfel !feck.aV; gether.:with dtyers, per- . - i J u.l sans' summoned as l?ar- hishees.,- legion be made in tberH.deifchHrKister fornix Greeks giving notice loathe said rD.uu d-Pexk, that he tippear at t lie-Court ot vieas ::uu ,. ter Sessions, tb beheld for the County and Stte aforesaid, atr the'Coart .house ' in Raleigh, on tne 3d MoUdav m Aiigust.neyt, . theii;and there re plevy an J'plead to isue, or judgmeptiinal will be rendered up . agVtnsJliiin, 'd lle PSy levied on condemned. Mihiect to. the PIaiunits ..r.-.-rv. vit.ni.-' R vniamui 'Sa 'KmC", Clerk of said Court, ht olDce in Raleigh,! the 3d-Moii day inlav; XS29. ' r.y"-', . - , " . "-RENT. S. KING, C.Ik. : - State" of Jmpvti . ; ' ' i CAV tkVtJourit v.". : : a : ; ; tJourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,! j c" ' May 'lernvA. I)."1S29; C ' - "."I Ong'f)a1 -'Attachment ? levied V . '--' - dn'a- House and Lot id the City Lew.sPeck, I of Uaiej and sundry other f articles ; together . wit U divers J persons summonetl as , Garni-sbees,'-" 'I ''' '-i7 7 ;f: Dan'l. Peck",; 1 T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court; ht th Detaiuiant. -iianieirecK is noi o ;hQb;trif of this State i It it ordered, that pub lication be made in'the Raleigh Uegister for Six weeks, giving .notice to the. said Daniel Peck, that he appear at the Court 'of Pleas aad Quar ter Sessions to be held for th County and State aforesaid, at the Court-house. in Raleigh', on i the 3d Monday inf August next,; then and there re plevy and plead to issiie,-or" judgment final will be rendered up gainst h.im, and the property levied on condemned,sjsubject to the Plaintiff's recovery. - Witness, Beniamin S. Kiug, Clerk of said Court; at office in rRaleij;h,r the 3d Mon day itf-May, 1829. " - f VJ" : :.:.---'; -'U' BENt::S.'KlNG,.Clk. :-- Siate of North-Carolina .;. -V -' Wake County;; 1 ' .' Court ofTleas and Quarter Sessiohs, : - May Term A.: D. .1829."'- -' ;;.' ; v:-fi" ; ' f ,: : : i : Orjginal Attach't ; V i " -" l levied on a House Sc Wpn. Peck, as Agent, &c. j Lot in the city of Ra- . v. -, - Daniel Peck. ; - leigh,KSU.ndry other a " articles i . tocretner with divers persons summ'nd as GarnV IT appearing -to the satistction ot the Court, r that the Defendant, Daniel Peck is not an inhabitant of this State t It is ordered, that pub lication be ma.'.e in the Raleigh Register for six Weeks, giving notice to the said Daniel Peck, that he'appear at the Court of Pleis and Qiiar- ter Se.shK ns. . to be held for the County and State aforesaid. d the Court-house in Raleigh, on the 3d Monday inAuirust next, .then aivl there replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final will be rendered up against him, and the property levied jon :onlemned, subject to the Plaintiff's recovery. Wi' ness, Benj'n; S King, Clerk of said Court, at office in Raleigh, the 3d Monday in MayV 1829." - ' ';: , BENj. S. KING; Clerk. For Sal Rent, lIIAT Valuable stand on Fayetteville Street, v' i recently occirpied as a Grocery, by A Ileii Sims, and formerly by J ohn F. Gonekei as a Con-1 tectionary Store. Apply. to i W, R. GALES, r RHleigh 20th May.. ; - .42 Slate oi Voy Caruliua v i ' JVayfie Couniyi . ';- . , ' . .-' May Sessions, . 189. . ; y Benjamin Howell, Jr. xor"i -; - s of Benj imin Howell. " I . ';r . vs. ' ; - Will or no Will.' , Arthur Barden and wife and J ; ; i ; ' s . . olhers.: ........ .:. Om ..J -'"- '" . ' ;' JJ N this cas it having.been made appear to the C Court, th t Lew-is Powell and Nancy his wifVy R..bert Peacock and Wealthy -yhis-c wife, Benja; min W. Raiford and Needham Ra fi.rd. Heirs of lhilip Raiford an J. Sarah Itis wife, .defendants in this cause, live rbeyond the limits of the Sate, so that ordinary process of law c mnbt be served oh them- it is there -fore 'ordered by the Court that advertisement be made, in the R deigh Re gister for six eek9,- notifying ' said d-;feadants that a. paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Benjamin Howell, dee'd, bas been exhibited ;for probate at thU te-rm,! to which a caveat has been filed by defendants ;iid an issue made upv to try the same according Lto law.'- Witness, Philip Hooks. Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3d Monday or Mav, A. t. isjy: : : p. iiioks. ClkJi The New-York? Mirror. ; flHE proprietor of this periodical is nojir malc JL ing arr iiiKeincut to issue the New Volume which.,will be commenced on the el-rjentlrda of July uexirn a splendid manner. -; ThVcbpper plafe engravings-;-6f fhetult quarfo, size- -Will be executetl by th best Artists ; the' music airangecl with , accompaniments for;the piano-forte; by the most, Skilful campbsers j the tvpe new and beautiful, and tbe parier of a snpefior quality. Jn every department the seventh . volume wiil excel those heretofore published. The terms areaur dollars per annum, pya ble in xideaiice. OCT Subscriptions; received by the Editors of the -Register. :.-'Z ZS: " '.iviVr- Th e M i r ror U publislied weekly :t. Ko.v 1 63 yiliiain-street, fJew-York. . Alfpommunicatious, V!7 Ut; (lUhl- pHItl --1 r M AN AGERS? bFFlCE. Tfie'TtirtjwmItaYi.U -gersVOtfjCeV, -'i.-izi-'r :ir 19,80000,0111 to a Vender in Petefe : ': burg :---i--i;-v--. --;-.. s r 17, 1 9, 9J9J0; jstdd to" Mrv I ii nisdmoV tins CUyiv.v;.-;. ..,'-'i'v,.'.- ";.:; 5; 17, 43, $1 ;000 sbld also to a gehtlernanSf Richmond. -?V r ---" , -. - ohc Sifi to' : a; get iemaS 1,1 WafrentoH,. NV. Cl the btherrhalf - to -a -en- tlemart irt FayettevitlN C. ' 'j iLt -.,7 & vonsonaatedr No.' 7, , wll be re cet vel this lay. Cariitali HODA WA TEH ILLl A M S.-& H A V WO b D wil 1 vl.n i ;i pared theabove article during the Summer season. They have just' received a siipplv cf superior freshXime. Juice. .y. , - ? c , , - ' - " 1 Original,, Attachment i . , l j Jevied on a lloyse & Lot i-j-'ik.riUitk: Son. in the City of Raleigh, &. v - IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, - that the UcfemKnt,' Daniel; Peck is not an ;.,KKirant i.f ibis State t It is ordeed,th.it puo- Vliole Ticket S5,-Half 2 50, QuarVl 25. June b'-2f. 'Vxv.--.-.; V-PuLlic . vEtilcriainiiieiit. SiSii U "Hy os the Public, th,t K. T ! ! ! I 7 purchased the Public l inn.l y occupied by--VVfii Alex. High. on Hargelt Street, at the IUV Y ilmingiontreei. ; where Jie will be glaj 'ceive Travellers a -id others, and will use h'0" ;;IJis.5tablf are godd and will, be ciumsm supplied, witn plenty of Provepd-.-r of . Vt ry f .-. Owing to the scarcity.of money :nd - .Horse- will b a ilofar a day or eight uoliar " minth fofa single pe.wth' ;.'-! He. has a IIAi'K.' three GIGS, and i in c, ai MicaiiiM'TM nunir. !i3pric--r his l!ark,G5gs and :II'rses,,;are-.53 a tUv' t tire -Hack 5 CJig wi;h Horse & U-w jfJadav " t ana ii'srsr, vninut a uov &i a rny a jj alone'l a -day V':G7g 50 Cents t day. ors2 , N. JJ Persons hiring Gigs frcm me, uiH i expected" to re parr any ipju'ry done to t,f.,'1 whilst in their pyssesMon, .-.- - , j ?' TO llIE "AFFLICTED' Vegetall Sirup' andr Po7oiJCrt ; FOR DISEASES OF. THE LUNGS. ' fTHE Proprietor.of this Medicine,fte-repea. -JL ed trials F its virtues, wh'ch have been at tended with the most signal success, now oii if to those whbar afRicted with the wasttn diseases " which it ivdesigned to reVeve in r..ii ,cohfidencethat it wilfbefmind efficacious, nc ficularly if taken in iUe( incipient stages of ihcse diseases.-;.;. ;v,:"i i.:: V ": - - - t - 1 v V For two years past,! this Medicine ha beet prepareti;'n"the form of a Powder; & taken as stii' infusion, with the most happy succtss. v l i5IK)w offered to the afflicted intjie form of a Sirup or" in, Powder, &s "the Patient xnay-prtfer, ui,Jert,e conviction; jt hat either form; will produce tlie same happy result. Among its most pr .miwent qualities the following may bemenlionetl, ustfK titled to particular J consideration i It promote. , that gentle perspiration wndcli is deened healtjn and checks those sweats which are morbid and pernicious." Ir relieves j chronicjiffeciions md J congestions of the lungs by giving forceto tie languid circulation, It assuages coughs. It pra motes free .snd bland expectoration. - It remove pain from -the chests v It Jjelievea asthmanc and difficult, respiratipn It cbrrects! obs'tinate cos tive.ness and thus leave the bowels in a regular jaud Jiealtny state, f Thus, it is found, that these painful symptoms Which indicate diseased lungs, readdy yield to this powerful remedy, visen sea. sonably resdrteil toand that.it restores the p.. tient;tiv t!iat bodily, vigour; wliTch that, cruel disorder the ronsumptibn, if lef to its nalur.l operation,, would very speedily destroy. .Certificate respecting the virttLecf tnis Merl:. cinf--will "accompany each bottle. Price- of the Syrup, $2 50 per bottle, or f 24 a.dozen. Of the Powder $1'. per bottle; or $9 a dozen. : JAMES HADLOOKi - FayettevilIe,,Feb.-.8;9. i - - 53 ' J3 Thi- Medicine niav be had at the Store of' J. t.Al.ES &. SON,1 .Raleigh.';- 1 FRENCH! PERFUMERY: t ILLIAMS & H AYWOOD have just receiv t r. 'eda liandsvime assortment of French Per- funiery and other Fancy Articleswhich can lie sold unusually. low for cash. ..t' Cologne "Water.. " '. X," Lavendtr do - 1 Rears Oil' " '-;-' '..'. Macassor -e do . - ; . Cosmetic Wash Balls Emollient Soap; for shaving r " -' lfose i j do .' " " . - Cinnamon do 1" :;V.' A variety of other Fancy Soaps. Also, genuine Windsor Soap, in the. original package as imported V ,'. f f Junel." SHOSC3 SPRIN r-4'' Waurkn Coukty, Noutii4Caiioli.ya. ON the first day of June next; the.houses Shocco' Springs, tjnc miles South of H'sr renton and 'three '-miles from t';e Northern ani Southeitv rhain S age Roads, wiil be opened for the reception ..f Visit rs. .The reat advantages of, this water ng.p!ace::in-most cuis-rs cf diese and debility,' have-been so often tested by th se who have alteiided'jt, that to suclv it is only ne cessary to saVj that all ihe buildings ar in ex cellent. repair atid condition. " the accomnDoda tions; in every respect, sba!l be such ;s my best efl'orts eit cfiect,kfur coinf Jtt awl convenience to all who miy vivt j the place. - To those ho have not visited. Sliocco, it may be lucesssary ta 'say, that the: buildings aresufiicicatly nunicrjus, ad conveniently arrnnged---tor .the accornmod tioh of a large asembfge.r Thept -ivate apart ments will afford am pie retirement to tfi'wewbo prefer; it, ; and ..the pub ic Hails are abundantly spacious to receive ad who tray desire compa". i and iv here music aiiddancing cau be enjoyed by such as clcligut in it; --r . J An arrangement. will be'-macle to have :-divme :wrs1ip'ertbi hed at the Spring on tlie SabMn day; w here-such Vteitwrs :umay choose, can t. tend pJeichitigitiH titiftconvenierice. , - - N In atldi ion! .o .th valuable. -Mdicual quahie ofthe Sibc'co-tera,'U'.;is,iocated" 'ift bealthy part'of the county, surrotinded b) I' ,lish'd society,; where the invalid can be restored, jo heattti, in an agreeable -circle. My terms for board. Sec. will be the same last year, viz. '$ 1 jer : day " for each grown pJ son-'; $22,5i) per mon'b, or i6 per..wek C-.'dren- and4 'ser-ants "hitf' prices.- For horses, jlJ -1 ler inouiir bt 60 ceats tier dv. 1 - - , fv- i 'rr ,v A JOHNSON- V linbl e Xesrr o for Hale. fTHE Subscribers having qualified as Ex' cutoc of the late JfouiU Shine, dee'd, and in o;d-T to meet tlie demaiid against the; Estate of tbe teslktnr. iUm': fr.t:ta. ti the bifhc 'bidder for-TtSady" hioiie,ii the fft diy of A'J sehie'nd dispbsition,v?'nd the subscribers voa fpr.lii being one of the best Smiths iti the SH' llejcanc jpf Iron Work per An biff trade v but promises to teake an excel v Smith rhe is also a large, likely- fenoav balance of the Negroes -consist of won.en childreiv theyre -likeiy and -valuable. ... Toolsof the Shop will alsbbc; sold, ; - JOEL; KING,' - : 4 t ex& ; - CHARLES A. HllX, 5 "-c , Frank lin'ou nty. N-C. J nlv i: - ! - 8 5ot . llirm.,. 1 . II ..1 1 aV mtst niti hf f!.iiM.rfnn Ifir in the of; Lonisburjg.VsVyral valuable N EG tfOtS-mong- v iiicii jire two Blacksmnhs hrthvr) ;-e eldest abbut25 years of age is a larg-, stTOn. He a!o uuderslai.ds working 1 kinds of &jl ? j .'a'ndPiantat ion'T ;ols of Ve ve ry description, r - ;ri-- . - - BLANKS : Fair sale at;tfei05c. l i , " V; ?;.W; v;.N.r. ,v v . , -:v;.:,,; - v. - -jr..-' '-:'t'-A '

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