7 .- - .f , - .. r - 1 y V 7.-! ,s ; ti. ; '-7 Frorn the Tlarrtn Reporter, ' - ' W h tn I'if c'a list parting-ray shed;. And darkness shroud 'this trallld form jy- . - ; When I have laid'tm aching head 77 ' S ecure. from, every .vital s:orm i 77 ifVv' vt r then how plcasing'tis to think . . . . .. -' . c : l nat snmt tona nearr, yci warm miu irusiv -Will rlicrKh still the fieverM litik :: v " Which '..deatha rude hand hathnapptd in A V 1 oft in evening's pensive hourtJ C Vro;n all the busy world will steal, .'S'JSj ." .To nurse the, vine and Crop ihe flcAvef, 7 7 , ,TIi it'lccfc rny grave, with pious zeal 7 J '""Anil lingering there,- will lightly ttciuVV t v " As fearful to disturb my sleep, 7 - Xv' ' ', And ol.t reclitie.h'r aching lead ':vA 'jf'A "Upon her nlndcr hand and'wvep."7 V . And O.'if jn that world which; rule3 ' 7'"-7; I SuOIime beyond this earthly scene, 7;?77;. 7 That love still warm departed .souls,-;, v ."Which m ce they -fondly cherislted here, f h. Oh I ye?, if e'er such boon la given, 7 - J Anrl naripfl nnl siirh tcfnei mav see.- V v At that fond hour Pit lean from Heaven.-' Ant? lrift the heart that -went fr me K. JGale?8 &:Sori: TTTT AVE just received the following new jiJL itcaiujns: - l Vernon's riepotis; vols. firstlA-aerican edition; ; Laws of the United States, 2 voJsV .compiled by ' , Jttde Story andcontaining all the Public Sta '. ' tutes parsed frm 1789Tto 1823, whether ex Z pired,' re pealed or in fcrce;' arranged in.chro . i -1 ' not cJgicirofder,' with marginal references. ; - -alnemonika, of;the TahU t of Memory, being" a L .:. Register of events from the earliest period o ' the year l? comprehending an. epitome of ' . - . Universal liufory, Chronology,' Blograph'y and ; Geography; Uy William Darby.' .., s.; '" Juvenile S3cech"fiook. -Hi "!, .: - NQyELS & POETRY. ;T?e Protestant v . 2 vols.-": r " -Talcs of St. Bernard, 2 do. I -J, The Castilian, -2do.;;'. Tides of the Emerald Isle, or Irish Lege oda. VrScbttish Orplian'iV '.' ;; "T'-v "" " '3, ;'PViys and Farces "'-', ' j'; ...v . o -y '' A-general assortment of Stationary Arllrles. p RS.-nJOUN .11 AY WOOD ' respectfully- an. 1 A noiincesto the Pubhc, that ,she i prepared to accomnvxlate Travellers Gentlemen. & their Fmih. Boarders by the'dav; .week, '-month or r ,-y ear Scf.ool children for any length of time. -vY'.:J'r Her 'House isVituated 'in the immediate vicinity .' of the Capitol'the, Banks, and the severarsemi- . uaries . of Learning. There ' is a beautiful and " ; . ;", ' highly. '-cultivated . Garden attached to it7j bet ; Room are apacions and airy . ' She assures all fc' ' . those who mavhonor .' her Avith their-patronage ;.-;: that , no eafettionstMiUv be wanting on her patt to render theni cornfortableV. f-v, r - , . ".Mrs. II. has also a gooi Stable, which shall be 'J. well supplied with Provender for Horses, and a j " '' ;V careful Ostler to attend tlterri. - 'f .. . ".. - . ,k Prices as moderate aa those of any Boarding- house in the city.' - ". v : . v " -' Ualeigh, May 14. : ;rr4; Navy Belaud Pork for 1830. vKavt Commissioners! Officr. vr; SEALED TroposaTs'.wiH be .received 4 at this office, u'ntil the first of September nextfor the supply of J0OO b bis. Navy Beer, 5c 2400 bbls. Navv Pork, for the use of the United States' Naval ; : J Service. 1000 bblsof Beef, Ic 800 bbls. of Pork, ' 'to be deiivcrcdat' each of the U.'States' Navy i .Yartlv, - CharlestoWn.V Mass. Brooklyn, , New ; . '.';rork j "and" Norfolk --Virginia t ami the whole , -r; quantity must "be delivered at each Cc'every Navy 7 , , Yard by: the first or ;April. -1850. The, whole quantiry of the -said Beef. 8c Pork must be of the V best quality, ,v The Beef mut be, packed from V ' V well fatted cattle,:, weighiug not ss than 480 , pounds in the quarts or 800 pounds on the Itoojj , all", the leg, legrOiinds clods, clieektjskinu' 'and , . i ,"Me nede of each aniMdL, must be wholly excluded ' v--fnm the barrel, and the' re.majndtr of;the car- case must te cut into pieces, of ten. pounds eacJi ' - " "" ' as nearns rn iy be, so that twenty, pie ces will ' . . make a barrel of 200 pounds nett. weight of Navy V l-BeeC 7-' 7 ;-The Port must te cortvieu.ana well-fatted ; all tlie sJcidit, feet, and AXnJ c.evirrer.must .be hollv excluded from -.the-- barrel; Wnd. the re'- rnaitider of the flog must be Cut" into pieces of . 7 Keit pound- each as new t be, o thttwenty- - live pirerj,, " ,u'p m uncc which snail r.'t " houldei,.wilI rnalpe'a barrer oC200 pounds nett - - : .weifflit of fcvyPorfc. - . " .I 7 - ' 9 -:' 7,- -ThrVf.ple quantity of the said Beef and Pork jTput, be nenectly, aaltea -in .the. first instance " with, and; after wartis packed witha sufficient - quantity of Turk'a Island, ;Ule;of May,-or St. ; -Ubes Silt, and no other, to ensurejts preserva- .tjon, with five ounces of pure Saltpetre, to "each and every barrel. The barrels in which the said - Beef ancj Pork is to be packed roust be made of It- v 'the bet seasoned heart ot white oalt, or .white . ' .MilT free.frooi sap, with one iron Jioop ron each " : ' . v chirve, and otherwise fully and " substantially '.'C' hooped and Wach barrel must be branded on it head wfary. BeeffV or Navy Pork.V with ihe . contractor's name. and the year wheji packed; ;: 7 7 ; - 7 All the said Beef and Pork' on delivery at the K respective Navy Yards, ,nust be subjected to the test and inspection of some tteorn Jntbcctor '"of V the.oU -.within wnicu is lo.oe delivered, who V ;- ahalf be selected by the Commandant of the Na- ' rr Yard at - the place ol delivery,, without anv 4 - t charge to the United States therefor id when 7 K' ' inspected In said manner,' they -contractor "must . put the Darrei ro guou snipping ortier, or- the -licet aiMi fotK win not oe.rcceiirex; , , lna:r are ret; iira (o-siaie their nricea sen. arately for the Beef and for the Port, aiklifthey' ' nfTr tn fun.ih at -nar. than orit- Yat'-. ifu.- ' - -v " stately fcr each Yard. Tlicy are ido required w - '. -"rmtll 3r IJ. to .itn . niiij . ..! jcuce, and the names and residence,; 'of their sureties, minutel ;ly i aid must transmit their brtl'cated, arid "en dorsed oncr to snmisn Navy.BeeP or Navv 1. -:The Comroissioiiera'cf thflNaVy are at lihertv , . xo iaite "iinjv uMiuvr iut any one . Yard, '7 ,or for the articles deliverable atiany "oneYaril ; 7f in- crcot:" pjroonufis, .if; such bids be the A ny but not made in conformity to this ad ver rmrntvor not received within the limlMiil; 7 will net be opened- - 7 ' 77 7 ' 71 he parts 'of theanfmaLto be'excludel Vm y,e btc, wjiiue particuL-irly described in dr-w mpa whtch' wdl. form part of the e..,iir...: - s - , . fprwi t TiPiri ti a. 1 r . . t i ' v vur 1 1 1 1 i 1 e- uni ati npnir 'ii 1 -v - , r a a. - . a - .. . -.r ; ; . t , v ---- f ,; T J. GAf.HS's f r.i'-r.ill on Crabtree, within i1 three r.es of IUkiUTr.ay be had PLATUI and SCAKTLTNG cf cveiy'dcscriptionr-V;.-yS: -Hills of Lumher Iett at: the .Coqlcstoreot J. Gales tt-Soni will he immediately supplied, and'. if riCTnretL -delivered in the City,' there being ai pre?nt a good stoclc on ,handf partly Reasoned. 4 (TT'The GristTMill is in fine order, and in tne dnedr geasons. ; VClean Rag purchased At -the , Paper-Mill.- or Bookstorev: ; or. ' -;',7--: s Slate WoriK-Carolina, . : , v Court orPleas and Quarter .Sessions, ?. .3 ion a I louse and Lot in the. City JrwT13t?a;,ow4bf nalerrh; and sii rid rj' other. w-' v. v V-'Tarticlcs ; tocrether.with -dive P, r: K per tfons eummoned ' as Garnir "3TT appeari'. jc to thef satisfaction of tho Court, U Jtht the Ileft-femlant. Daniel Pt-ck is not nn inhabitant 6F this S tat e i It is ordered, that' pub- llcatlot't be made- in, the Ualeih Rcerister for six weeks.-t-mncr nbice-io i he said Daniet.Peck, that he appear at thetJourt of Pleas arid Quarter Se-sions, to be feld for the County and State, a- Coresaid,' athe Court house, m Raleigh,- on tne Hi Mnnrlav in Atirtist next.' -theh and there re- nlew and nlead to issue, or judement final will be'.rend'rediip ainsf him. and : the property levied on condenined; a'ubject to ?the. PlaintifTs recovery. w ine.ii urn amin or iihk'vm- of said Court, at office in Raleigh, the 3dfMori Am in Mir. -'1829. :'r.w.-i ?. ry,: -v -7"-v;7 AVVake' Coontjrij;5:' .' ' . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1L.'v -May Term, A.' 071829.7 - 77 Original Attachment levied on a House and Lotirt the Ci WiUiamPcck,; ty ; of Raleigh, and sundry ther articles i ? together with Daniel Peck. divers persons summoned as Garnishees. - : :' 77 ' ' ' f " IT -appearing to -the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant; Daniel Peck is not anin habitant oC thiS'Stateit It is orderedthat publi cation be made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks,' giviftgnotice to the: said Daniel .Peck, thai Ive appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter. 'Sessions, to be held for the Cnihty and ; State aforesaid, at the Court-house in R ileiph; on the 3d Monday in August next,- then -and there re plevy nnd plead to issue, or judgment final ill be rendered' up against him, 'and" the property levied on condemned,- subiect to PlaintifTs re- covervC1 lWitness, Benjamin: S. King,' Clerk" of said Court, at office in Raleigh; the 3d Monday in May, 1829.- vlV- - -r. . 7. 'v r -v ; BENJ. S. KING. Clerk. - ?7"U'V,,7 EOR.SALEJ7.i7; I WISH to iieii the place within a mile of Hills horotttrh. on which I now reside. . There are 205 acres," about one half cleared, ten acres of Meadow land and the balance in . wood. 1 he improvements are all new;, and finished in the best manner they consist of a' Dwcl liner House. containing' eieh't rooms with fire places, besides pnssTges, closets, etc. a large uarn ana otaoies. and other necessary Outhouses. , I here are se-. veral never failing Springs of the best water on the tract, and a large and well' selected, fruit Orchard.-; T:f 7.- :'.': (:"7-7' :v -,7'-' ; I will.Rell this property on the most liberal termv either for money on easy credits -or will exchange it for Negroes or Western lands. ';.. ; Z Application may be made by letter to the sub scriber, at Hillsborough . : . ' 7- 7r ' - 7 W. ANDERSON.. Nor. 15. V : 7 ' ' ' . - ' 2J eotf. - BOOKS & S TATIONARY, ; , - ' , t ',.. -.. - ...v.--- ... - VUHITE GALLAHER 8c WHITE, 108 Pearl 7 St. (Hanover Square,) "Ne-u-Tork. offer to Country Merchants, an extensive assortment of 7 7 SCHOOL BOOKS 8c STATIONARY, at very low prices. They have also on band, a large assortment of Medium, pemy. Cap fj lieu ter Paper, " which they will sell at the -Manufacturers' pricea7 '?v-v? 7-' 7"- ::'7- ,N-7. Ne w-York, July, 1829. j 7 7 86 60 liockingbam Mineral; Springs. TH E Subscriber having settled himself at this placed, respectfully informs the Public that he is trepared to receive Company the present season. 7 The EstabhshnSent has undergone,; a thorough repair, ; and additional Rooms have been ; provided. 7 In" point of Health, pure air andahe medicinal properties of the waters, this place will yield to none in the. State.-" Every ef fort will be . rnale; to giv. ..satisfaction to those who may visit the Springs r and the charges will be moderate. , .i 7 . THOMAS SCOTT. "... ; 1atox Castle, July 1st, 1829. 4 7 - bT-'j'; The Editors of the lUleii Register. Vhe Star. the rorth Carolina Journal, the Cape Fear He- corcier ana the XVewbern Centinel, will please in sert .the above 3 times in their respective papers, 8t forward their accounts to me at Lenox Castle. .'.-'." - '"v"-;- --'.v: ' ; : .-: -T."s.-r -;: ! -7: 7-Vv-.--Department of State, -V A Patent Office, Jurie 9, 1 829. A LL persons 4iavinp business with the'Patent IL Office, are requested to direct their commu nications directly to the Superintendent of that officeinstead'oflne SecteGiry of State tlie laU ter mode being-attended' with conaiderable 1 in- 1 1 .... . . convenience ami sometimes rise AH such com munications are free of postage; and will receive immediate attention. " .. JOHN D CBKIG.''. . -7 - 77 '7r ' ' - 7- .-' :' : Superintendent. v - June SO. ' ';r .-- v '-.y X ':;. - y::rf 87-4i; iState jjfJTdrthCaroUjia L 4 f -. .iBuncombe County" vv ' : ..'Superior Court of Law April Tefmi 1329. 7Ashur Lon,. w -z-: y; ... :.'.'7--V:." V .7 V ' v. .: 7 C Petition for Divorce7. ;-- ;. 7 Ludinda Lyon, j . y ; r.' . i,-7; ? 7'. v" :'v'.- OKDEHED by CottrUthat publication be made for 3 months success! velvr in the Mtdeiih Register, and theYadkin and Catawbi Journiil, J v ?nat v tnef ueienriant he -a net appear at:: the next Supetior.Court of Law to be. held forJltincombe coutity;at fhe Court-house. in A shevjlle, on the 2d, Monday ;after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to he Plaintifi',s peti tiou, or the sam will be heard ex pixrfeC ; Witness, Robert H enry; Clerk . of said Cotirt at Office, the2d Monday fter the .4tb Jklonilay 129, R0 B ERT II ENi: Y, C. SC.7 lit j GERTIF1C ATES FOR THIRTY SHARES .ortheCapiial Slock cf ihe'Bank-of Cape FTr belonging to the Tr tees of the University of North-Carolina, h ave never been in tmv"nnL sesxjon as Uielr Treasurer, arid arebelievect t- have been loat oKmisIaid-.; Notice 'is"tire'rrforei hereby; giren, thrt at tlie expiration three months from the iLv of the'tlate-hereof: aTinliru.' tiou iU bt-'m ide to the lre;;W,V .,; ,? t,,-,. mi uuit, lu'Oir.name and IGINEOTORE; 7-CT 7',;. .7 I '7; AVR lately recev;a-large! and assortment of Drug na Medicine, jconstsi irig, in part; pf Sidphate.QuinineGuraiOpiumj DenarcotizM do: Refined Camphor, Cantharides, rtnr n;i: Vitr. JEtuerl Elatarium'.' .Extracts. of fcind. Solidirted;CoDaiyaiVOiI of Blacr bics Calc. Magpesia,' Yellow, Barl' Calojnel Ja- lap,' Rhubarb, C Tartar, Sugar Iead bpti wi tre,-Bals. Copaiva, spt.. Aromon, ian ..jAiHiuiu nyv Snl ph. Copper, liquorice Paste, &c7?y7 - Ac general assortment of patent Medwmes, Shoprv Furniture, -urgeonsglnstfumertts,lDyer Woods Hatters Trimcriings and laierjils;uch as". Aqua : Fortisp Quicksilver,- iUogwoqd , 'Ur Strings, I Skins'-BindmgH and Bandslltickjes St Brushes,. very low;' !A large supply of Paints& 'RnisHea of every descnptionSpt. Turpentine, I'J nsced, Lamp and Tanners' I Oil," Goldiahd . Sil ver Teaf,r Copal ahdLeather vYarnish siiperpr quality. Window-GIass, 8 10, 10 H: 1271 X. 'Their'rjrtm'entCAjmpnses.eydryTinicie-jn the Apothecary's-.line ;;-theprincipaljpaft of which having lately been selected by. themselves in Philadelphia arid NewY6rk wjth; cash, they are enabled to seltto cash dealers ' or; punctual customers 6 ri much better tetms thin ever be fore offered i in this wniatket Physicjaris and 'Merchants' will find It to theijriterestto call and examine neiore purchasing eisewuerc '; Halei?h:'June 3.' 1829. . -V 7 it i 80.7 W . . ' : 7 ). (7 IVIore NeSvDnp Goods; EORGE SIMPSON ?c CO., takeieave to in- XJli form their Friends and the Ptibhc, jihat they have just "rec'eirei. a second Supply of pfew and Fashionable Dry .Goods; adapted to the season, consisting 01 v. ; . .- ' r. ' 1 Cse new style Caliches 77 ;i tdo -.44 Irish Linens of superior 7 warranted grass, bleach ; . 7C quality f Very Fine Book :Muslin " 77 ..: 4-4 and 6-4 Bobbinetts Worsted Braids L"'-. k " v 7".' 5 Enelish Silk Hose and Gloves 7 1 Horsekin and Kid Gloves 7 77 t I Box best quality' Prunella Shoes! ' Cotton Cassimere and GrandurelU . ' French and Russia Drillings &c. Raleigh; June 15ttyl829. lV 7 f flltE-Subscriber avails himself of te earliest JL opportunity, to Inform his friends, &j the'-pub-liciri general.that he has declined all public pur suitsj and will.hereafter devote his attention en tirely to the charge of this Institution. KThevne cessity which compels him to adopt this course, is the surest guarantee for the faithful perforua ariceiof hialuty. ille.will ber assisted py his son Daniel S. Hill. Here, will be flight all the stu dies preparatory to any class jn. theTJniversity ofthis sjate. The exercises of the Academy will be resumed on Monday the 29th ins t. att $40 per session for board, and flO per .session, for tui tion. .The, subscriber is prepared to Accommo date the boarders,, as usual, in his ownjfamily, As at this place,, there are no temptations to ex travagance, the students have, occasion for very, little pocket money too much of this, aln-ays leads to idleness and dissipation. " , i . .7 ;7. 7;W';'--'V c7a.hill1a: m. ...jjune 12th7l829. 77-,;., ; - V - The Editors of the Raleigh Star, the Tarboro Free, Press, and Halifax. Minerva are requested to erive the 4 above, three insertions, arid forwahl their accounts id the subscriber. i PllOCLAMATIONi r ;By , the Governor of North-Carolina Two Hundred Dollars Reward. 7'HEREAS'it hai'beeh made known to me, w that a Murder has been committed Jn the Town orOx ford; in the CountyTof Grariville arid State ot North-Carolina,- on the 4th day Ot Io- yember. last; and that a certain THOMAS MITr CHELL, late of the County and State bforesaid, tands charged by the . finding of a Grand. Jury , on a: bill - if Indictment, with baying perpe trated the same on the' bod, of, a certain, Shel- ton Hobffood.v of said County. And! ' &s it is funheri represented and made; known to "me, thatr the said -THOMAS MITCH ELIJ hath'ab sconded and fled, from the jurisdictiojj and lien its of this State, and thereby f eluded the arm of the. law and of justice Now therefore to tlie end that the sM THO- M AS, , MITCH ELL may be apprehended '- and brought to -justice, the above reward jofTWO HUNUKKi) UOLLARS will be given to an v person or persons who will apprehend and con. fine the said Thomas Mitchell in any Jail in this state, .so that j he may be brought to lustlce A d 1 do, moreover, hereby Tequire, icommarid Pepper, Ioduie; 'London Blu? PilU BUik Oxyde ; Mercury, .'Citrate jil Kalf qr mkiiir neutral mixi ture7Comn7Hxtr. Sarsiiparilla," Hydr l Potass, Sim; ftatb'; Sotixl Tartl Acid, Turkey Giim Ara tOiepaiie aim uarege 11 cases, assui icu ou lora , : -'-7-: 4--77 "f- 77 -k ; French GaUze.Barege and Fancy Silk U'kfs- Imitation Cambrick - 7"f : rX and enjoin, all officers whatsoever,, as jwell civil J between the French : and the- Enplirsh idioms. as military, wjthiti this State, to use their best I Also, a i figured- pronunciation : of the f French, endeavors st ' apprehend and take,' or causeito;accordingto the beat French - works extant (on be apprehended and taken, the body of the said the subiect. .The whole precedd : by a Trea Thomas Mitchell, and him safely "and securely keep so that he shall be brought to" justice. f THOMAS Ml FtJHELL :is ab9Ut 1? years of "6.y' siswici, iunii,. uiiwii iuwa, . iia.ic - iicrt - R. - led' round shfutlders and hasei.eveswas-'lateIv.M.Prict'Vlr.-'.Vlt?-lt-: seeniiy a gentleman of (JranyilfeCpunfy atNewl Orleans, where probably he now is. 7 l:..ir,i i 1 ' l-J?Jlt''--:!L: -i l-S ,j - lN:TESTniONY;WHEREOF,I ---HAVE JUST RECEIVED- ipienuui engra vines 'r5-- . .: M v. : . Btrrns1 do : - do - inDNe vo VAtHiL8hniniihRnnit if. Li - .r:?.?.-V7.'7 :. iravfri.'WK --'7' : I . - .d ..y-a -r44 :1 . -u'Pcu assistant,, t J 11-v.vitc tuiiviatnm!tr..ciajs rvW.VJ h; SgigMfeS State ;to be heretiritrt affixed, :nd 7 " i R .yF.;-,,: 't'ttbscribed the same officially; at the ."'v--r'H-fSI - ffeSR 7 city ot - Raleigh; o the ;"2oi day: of M;47: JunV A.yi).af: j 47? ROMthe vicinity of Raleigh, aieysago, 1 .f7 . y.jL'v 7'7 JOHN OWEN. small aged 3orreI Hrtrse with abKldFaceii uy ine tiovemor, - v . ' . .. 5 . ;o nniiiu jejja woukcu., . iu on a uen wuen Jon B. McsyP. e 7 '7 : I 87 beent ofr.7,7. 7 T r . i c t w-. a t T.-.0 o- -cit- ' " , " ' -ilnformationbfisald Horse; will.be thankfullr Mrs. Opie's W?iks; complete in 12 voW 7. Wasingtori Irvuis .-.' 7do : dd"- -;'- 7 ' ';'' i ' -V'-Byron's 'do : do in one voL: 8v6. embelli&hed ., f, wnn ! v 1 a '1 v 11 ' ' - laonwoUve:- ian oi two Lives.- , , vj v. - term of our County ' Court; reauesrsm riersnHar Mrs. Hcman's Poems elegantly 'bound, i V- : Wt?v ..;n.-.;T. . .i . , -tlo PS'iT-7:-' .CrjntyK-J 707 Court of Pleas' and Charter: Sefssions, r. 7-1' A original .Attacnmenrj I I: :sd on a House St Lot" Joseplv Gales tVSoii J ia the City of RaU - . ' "V " -r sdndry other afticl iu the City of -Raleigh, 5c es s to IT appeattri tqthsattsfaction , of the Coitrtt that tins Defendant;: Daniel Peckia3 not an inhabitant of this State : ,It is orde ed, that puK lcat iojUbe rnade iwthe RaleigH Kestet for jsix 'wefc giving notices to J ,tbe7$aW :panf VPck,1 thatrhe; appf aTfktJhe tkitt pf Weasjsind Quaj ter Sessions;;?! o be held forheCnunty and State foVeska1d7at tte 3d Monday in Angust rtext,: then and there rei ple;vy ind plead tojssue orullgrrintlfiiVal will fbe rendered up. agtmst nun, ami the. property levied n condemned, subject to: the M ntm' recovery. ,.. Witness, Benjamin 57 Kinfrs ;WsrR of d CrU at day in May, 1829. ft- BEN Jsking; Clk. :j;7May ,Term A: ::Dil8297 7f 1 ; 3 Av Kai t AiutciiiJinivi - icTicu Lewis Peck; ; j on a Uouse and Lot in the. City ; R;deigh,;..ancf sundry other ,VT j'ri ir tea - tniretheRT Wit h : divers Dan'l. Peck, persons r summoned as ' uarnt- shees. IT Vpparing to; the: satisfaction of ,the ' Court, that the Defendants f Daniel Peck is notyan inhabitant of this State : iCord5red,that pub lication be made in the RateiglHtegi!terl for six .weeks,, giving; notice to the said ' Daniel Peck", that'he appear7at the Court: fPle'as arid Qiiar ter 'Sessions, to be held for the County and State aforesaid; at the Court-itouse in Itale'igh, on the 3d Monday in : Atigustext, jtnen anuiuere re 's recovery. --Witness, . Benjamin S; King, ClerK of said Courts at bhce in Rleikh' the 3d Mon day ihMayvIo29y-i'' i:y--7;'':: S Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesionsr -- 77 r 17 . i 1 Iei irh. s sund ry ot n er s ';7 Daniel Peck .777,7 1 -articles-.tv tbgethft ?y?&rt .i:'r.'I:7H;l Jwithdiyers: persons : .?7;--'7 v 7 ;' .'r'-J su nun -nd as Garn's. IT ap pearing7to the satisfaction of the Court, thatv the. Defendant, Daniel Peck ; is riot an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered, that pub lication be riiaile iti tlie Raleigh. Begister for six weeks,' giving n6ticetb;tbe-sald;pa that he appear at the- Court of Pleas and Quar ter -' Sessi ni; to be .held fr the County and State aforesaid, at the CcHirt-h'otise in Kaleigh, on Ithe 3d Monday, in August, next, then and there replevy, and plead to issue, ;or judgment final will be. rendered up against hin7 and the property levied 'on condemned, -subject to' tlie iPIaintifT's recovery." , Witness, Benj'n S. Kiiig, Clerk of said Court, at office in . Raleigh, the 3d .Monday in May, 1829. ".'-' 7.;': V .7'-. . : - , BENJ. S. KING, Clerk. : -' 7 - lfpi'7 Sale ortRent j7.fej f IH AT Yahiable starii recently occupied aVa Gmcery,L by AUen Sims, and formerly by bhri F. Goneke, as a Con fectionary Store. . Apply to 77 :;)7' 7 : :7'' ;- ';. : ' j 7' W. ' R. GALES. ,v " Raleigh 20th May , ... ' Th e :Ne w York Alirrdr; rglHE proprietor tfthis periodical is npvV mak - .1 in 'arrangement to issue the New-Volume ; which will be commerieed'oti the eleventh da of July next in a splendid manrier; The copper- plate engravings 01 ineiuu,quartlo5i?e-w;iiije executed by the best artists ; the. music ai ranged with accoropHnimentsf for :fthe.7pKriorfe;by the most sRiuui caroposers, 5xne; type new ana beautiftilvandithepapr of a superior qriahty Iri every :.r-dei art rhent, Uh.e sevendi 'vplu.ne: Will e xcel t h ose h. e re t ofore nub 1 ished.r 7 Th e V terms are jour aouavs per an mini, . wiyauic wtyufmaiivc. - (Tj stjnscripxioiiS 'receiveu uy iuc; ruuors 01 the Regiser.-:7 7 ::MPM0?: v The Mirror is vpub!ibed weekly at J Ncwl65 Ayiniam-streetNew-Yrirk.All cpmmurticatrrirtsj serit iv mail.i must be post jail i t4U .??S:zih-. " - . - : , . F REXC H I.ANGUAG Kg 71 ASY M ETf IOD foracquiringa knowledge of jLA the French Lancruasre, adapted to Sc 7 The" following W orks, by A; Bol mir, Professor of the French Laic,uac'c in the Hiffh - School of Philadelphia, are to bef had a t ' t h e v Boo k store of j.: gales & son. ..7v--';"---r-'- lf) - : ; Ist. lA Collection of .one hundred of Per rin's Fables,' aiefcompanied by a Key-.containiriif 'the 1 text 1 a f- literal rand free translation, arranered j . i h such a m 1 n ner as to poi nt out the'difierence tise on the 'sounds of the French; language,' s compare'd with those of the Knfflish 5 after vhich J is:aSyllabaire;forcolfc 1 vtti.ii iu7 K.tigti&ii,--1 ruin-vTte 1 rtf .Syiiaujes. ;,2. Les Avehtures de Telemaque par Ferieiori, I acebmpanie i:by aKey to the first etiht books r I continninrr libe'tlie: PKlee !lrVfo flrtwt H e is Supposed to have' gone-towards Drariire County from w lie tit et he w as purchased io n eT 7July7:i829. 5-;-f ?m:?:-mwv'i -. : -notice.- vAIso,-on-,;Monilavthe -ir3h.rof,-AttVit?t neict will be sold to thebighesf bidder; 'by the sub4 Sr""eJ " U15 vourtnouse, in; icajeigh,T WO n wuucm, ?Urange & mev,bein t!ie b ifanCe ii&State of ortlCaroiifia - -v- iniirr nr t-iras nu uuner csuuus. . : .-1 plevy ano pieaa loissuc, or, juuuieuv m - wj be rendere.d up sgairisthimfandtlie property 1 levied fo'ii condemned," subject to-the' Pianuitt. a . - May, Term,; A? D. 1829. . 7 A -.'7-' ': H7-7- J levied ona House 8c Ym'i Peckas Acent78tc f Lot in t he city of Ra- -at tnei 01 tne.proDertv-ot t urf estate. ' A credit rf I v illi! r purchased the Public'llouse fofn -J -ly occupied by VVm; V. AlexHigh, on Hartt Street; at the li a Wdmington Street; where he will' be eh vv"c? ; others. and wille, for Hire," at Jhe shortest n notice.7 ihs iiiacKjigs ana j Hrses,r are--3 a 'r ihe Hack ;' G'g with Horse & BoV J2ada f I:,r atid Horse, without a Bov, 41 50a Jiy a iV ? airing $1 aMay rGigiO Cents a daV orse: t - TUfei-h. Anril 2, . . ' I vL'vl ' - '-V - -V' : - - expected to repair aiivjnjurv'dcne t .1 e vrltilst in t heir .possen-ion. TOH EFLlCTEir jFOu DIS EAES OF THE LUKqs ' mifPiprietdr f tlvaMedxlrieaitei' rcD.t bended'; with the nrost iignkt success, now off itdthdsewbauTaffl was0 diseases ; which t is designed, to relieve, in uft confidence t hat it yrili be l'ound efficacio'is: ticularly if Uken in xh incipiem stages of i& diseases.!7;t;77?7,'t-' , 7 r7Fbr Jtwb;year?t past;.' this Medicine has beei prepared jn the form of a Powder, & taken infusion, with the most happy success, it ,, offered to the;afflicted in the fnrm ofJa sinm . tin. Powder, as the Patient may '-prefer, 'midertu convicuon, inai eiuier lorm win produce the same,h a ppy restilf, r Among its most prominent qualities the following' may' be meutioned, MtB. titled to particular Jconsideration. :' It' promottj that 'jrefperiraOoli.wjticb is deemed fieaUhv and check.-1 hot ! weat s w bich are morbid and pCtiiciousj- It. . liey'7bridriic: affecUoo and corigestiohs of tne longs by giving force to ; th. lariguid7ci'rcufci'tibV(i assuages coughs. It pro. mote's fieand bland expectoration.' It rejnuvej pain fromt the cliest. U relieves asthmatic and ;difctiltrespirfrtioh4 pit :; corrects 'obstinate cos. tiyeriess, and thus leaves the Jow els in a regular nd:liealth that these fiainful symptoms vj hich indicate diseased lungs, readily yield; 6 thja powerful remedy , when sea. srinably resorted to:, and that it restores the pa. tientno thatodily ' JgourV , which that cruel disorder Hhex consumption, if left to its natuml operatipn; woutd very speedily destroy. ! aCrtificateV respecting, th of tliis Medi cine : will accompany-each bottle. .Price of the yrup, pw per. poiiie, or 944 a uozen. ut tne Powder $1 per bottle, or y a dozen. JAMES I ADL0CK. Fayetteville, Feb. 1829.; . -v 53- G3 This Medicine may be had at the Store of J. GALES & SON; Raletgh. -' FltENCJI PJEHFUMEllY. ILLIAMS & II AWpqp have just recelv ed a handsome-assortment of rrenchPeN fumery arid other Fancy Articles which un hi so Id . u n usua lly low for pashi- ? Cologne Water , ' t iravehdtr do -Jllfears'Oi! . 1 Il'iraanfi do'v7;7-;i:"-,.;;:ri''' Cosmetic Wash Baits 7 7 Emollierit Soap; for shaving ' .Uose.Y ffdo; , 1 Cinnamon tdo ? -7 '..''.;.,. : . A varietv of other Faniv Soans. . rAlsoT geriuhr7yindsorSbap in the original package as impbrted.. Juhei.. SHOCCO springs; '.v t44: -.fn1l1i f " llllli W AltitiSK C OIJXT Y, NoRTII- AU0LINA. V' N thefirst day! f ;Jurie; next, the houses at ' Shoccb'SDTinirs77ii; miles South of Wir- renton and three) miles from ,tie -.Noril.iern and Southern main S'age Roads, will be opened fitr the reception of Visitors. . f The' great advantagrt this; water?iig place' in most casrs of -disease andebilifyhavt? be"e n so often tested by those who hiave atttridedjit. that to such; it is on! ne ceSsary.to say, tliathall llie buildings are in ;cellenVTepairarid?nndilipn7 accomnooda' ;'tiori'vin..yeryVrsj be such as my best etTbrts' vcanXeflect for comfort -and convenience 'totl whoTny visii ttie1 placeJ To ; thoe who Jhariot'visited,Sh0cco;it may be necesssary t saythatithe buildirigikre sufficienjtly numerous, ind conveVnently arranged , for the 'accornrood tioh of a large assemblage. 7 The private apart- me'ntk. will afford ample retirement to tnosc ' - prefer it,, and: the pubHc Halls areabimcwnu. .spacious to receive all who may -uesire coii"; and wji'erermusicarid daiiig can be enjoyed 5 'rsucKs5leljg'viij.t;$ I' vv-'W'.''- liTAri artaiigemerit will he made to have umne IwoTahrppe! SubbiW Vflay witeruch' visitofs?as may choose, cs tend pfeachjrig. vvitlii riT.mconvenience. 7 . '. 771 n addt-Ton to the Valuable' M dici nul qi!ne of tlie Shoccb; waters; it .' is located m mf, healtJjy part!' the -countV; surrfuncle'l hy a V "'rafi.d;ociet'y;fw b rcrca Voih'etti'ir ai?igreeab.le..circle.'- 7 ' ' k ilr. terms ibr boartl r&ci will be the-same la-t Vear, v iz. Si per, dayfor each grows jjej utv $2 50 per mori;h, ' 6 per wiek t , tlretj andvservams Mtlf price. t For, horse, piec monih, or 60 cenis per day.' 7. ' uabltfegroesi for Sale. HE Subscribers having qualmeu "P. . :'of the la lianiel:Shi.e, dee'd, and in or. ( tfieVtem-iud against the . Estate of W ;teatafdV'th'eywiIJ ; otter tor, saie w r ... . , . " :-!. ii -,-.A; v ih. first day ta Oirjacr, lorrcaiiv; """" . . TnB m Lbiiisburg, ::yerl ainablebGROL3 ;inorighich are two Blacksmiths (hmtuer; eldest UhtAit H5 years of age, is r5f reft actfvV likely: mnnvlnd a-fellow ofex .;lrid:spc for his bemg one or-xne ocs. '; ' - inirio Carnages witurneaine --surt X-es wTthi neatness anu rT" A jstands WrWrig" ah kind ot . a . iis superior in the 'makn.g oj cv Ile-susO UiKUd": - rtp.rrlDtlon., , and fiantatJon i ouisi"iv ,.,, erf t.1' ri T ools of every nc. f'-i vottnyest Kbont 23 vears'of age, is Je,t in his trWbut promts to fl SmUh i-hetis,iS:JaJarge. I.kely ftWgJ- balance- o the Negroes consists vi m chiUlren they arr likfiyand valuable. ,. Tools of the bhop will alio oe sold. ;; V C v JOhL KING,- ?Exp' His Stablea are, good arid will be contt " ? supprted with plenty of Provender of vert v-,,y 7pwinfflW,the.citylof riuney and idemifl ncsT protiuce, met pnee ot. Hoard frr Xt u Hors wllbr V dolar,ji r; or eirht ti? n :mntk for a singly 5 1 r!lar ?7liehas a !IAf;K7three Gifts anH ii(7 . """SO 63t ,- 'i.m1: M ill Jul v -1. HLAJSKS V For 8aie;at Uj Office. - : 7r .v ; r; -.7- -- 7;; .'-r u:--'7.f ::r5u-:ri ' " 77 ':V ,:'- ' 1 !- - . a:V-:''- . :'-7-:vtv-77v- - j-v -' - - , "v" J . . :v '