1 ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE FIR . ' J.-' - -i' JVtt-jrcr?, 9. ' -.. - ,A few. minute after "11 o'clock last e-'-' ' Tening a fire broke put in "the, four; story V ; brick store, No." 3 South 'street, on the . ; west corner of.Cuylcf's 'alleys Thp build ' r Trig was cjcciipr ! by. Messrs. -Davis aYul I Brooks, coV.iini. Ion merchants, vho had - a larj and valuable stock of nierchandise . y-on hand. . The fire commenced in the 3d . story, and it is the opinion of some, "that it vas caused I V the spontaneous combus " V f i n of wool. The' fire, facd vith ; furjr r cfimi' timiv and about i 12 o'Hocktlie cable end of this buiUrini fellaninst the store of Messrs. Tucker & Laurie; on the J . bnnosite side, which was forced in. At this ir.r rnt a shudder-was manifested by the .1 -crowd of lookers-on,' as it was known that , ' 'nimost the' Vhole 'of ;Hook : andytadder " Compa; v' No."--!,'.' were in. the 'fourth loft. ' " of; the store '.of ru:cker;l-autie;:Thfe: - l'r nttentioh was now generally dratvn from ; the fire to tho sufTercrs, when it was found. : -that.tose who sustained, vine most, injury ; were Mr. William B. Dtspsway;, Jtfie i hue : fatiable foreman of Hook&KidderNo-1; v and Mn Ji h!i Spier, a member bf the same company; These genttemen were drawn t ';7 from beneath, the ruins very touch bruised ; to state, that Ajrr.Disoavray is, this inorn- ; .' ingconsiidered.roit qf : dnger,Und. Vtliat ' hopes ar enCertaincd that ilf; Spier will 1 x recjtycr-I Amongst the others lioSyere fr . -injured 'are .Mr. -SVlvester -JPhillip,3f J ' Hook and LaddenNoi l";! Mr. Voods, of i Engine, NolS j Mr. Sawyer, of Hook & Ladder 4No..4 ; -Mr. Giraud,' of Engine V- No. 4 r:Mr Anthony onejof the'Engi . "- neers, and Alderman Cebra, !of the first ; ward t--. . . . . The loss, by fire wdj -be Very severely felt by pome of our insurance:ompanies 1 vVTiie store of Davfs & Brooksjs nearly de- 5 -r . V sT dr anti'ltt 'cbods either - all Jburn tj. - V ofTii u eh-' damaged 5ywater."; These :. gerii " X fc tlemeti had an" assurance of Mrirty thou " ' nd'fhllarsn , thei$tock ;andotiA' ; . . . zctii'd on their store 1 The storetof Messrs: . - .Tucker & I-aurie, we are informed, was ;i. alsoinsured; ' - . ; . pi S. Siucc writing' the above,, we ; ". have conversed with the Chief Engineer,' . V. fend" several others who were-at the,-G re. ()n the lourstorv ladder when it slipped, .' ' J were M f. Fraucjs Giraud, pf Nd 4, con : A ; : ducting the pipe ; fre clung to Vthe " lud ':deY nntil it . reached the ground, lie "is V-" sevei cly -injured. Below :Mr. Giraud v stod 'Mr.3vnlett,-alsobcionging to . V 4. r -When tie found the ladder rgoin;: he ' V sprang froin it, atidfcu'ht..hoWvo!V!e , r. sill of the thiril story windoxv, supporting i' . hinself by hiRhantla'until another ladder was raistMl; At this time the fire was V C ' raginV within the building, and the win- J -lo"w sill; vas so hot; as to burn 'his, fin-;-' . ers i; he wasi however, " but slightly; in ; ' ! 1 ju r.ed.VThe..phief Bngi n,eer;'.w:is. struck : on the brfck ivV . the ; ladder,' "but hot , se-r-" .V Vefely injured. , . " . :,v 4 ; : - , ' . BTri Coiiradrjr. printer, -belonging, to , - !. 4'; was"" in th carret of Tucker Sr . '.- -V- Laurie's store,, wi th ten 'others,' when the gabte"was,..U.rien ih.5v.Mr:..-C.";'8prang to the falW and seized ; the rope was letting ! . himself down 'i but before he liad rcach o ed the Jcond floor, he was knocked from - ; ' it by Janother 'person :vno had fallen 1 through : thW both fell and were much v injurA'-Mfl- M'Dtmald, of j No., 4, Was r'sii?htiyt injured Mrv Osborn of No. -j , ;jhil Mr Hunigan, . of .No. , 7, do : Mr; ' -- James Van: Antwerp,. do. . 'J . '' . ', N - - Co riON.SRED HULLING MACHINE. '-"-'.-W bave'since our-la1! puhliratin, em r'o?ed a. ;liure jfiu'r.fin yiyiting .Fleets M it 7 at vhicV ope;jf the neiy Macliinefc of . ! esi FoLL-r Smith '(3tllbig, Cot-. . .oi Area is in tper.-aion -9 ari0,ir me very plain and'umdf sf :cfescripinn ofthese gen-. tlriiicn'Oectlpd ijupporUwe wpujd most ivil linly. add bur feeble testinionyjo tlieirs, ( the, pecu I iar meri ts a nd j transcendan t iiufnirtiiuce, of their invention to the Soulh tri'ii Stat e s' bf t hi s' U oio n?y 1 1 is as ta r . a s ourt knowleflgie of Ajechanical Science t ex tends, altogether original- anew princi- r 1 e a n n 1 1 e d U a ; h e w s u bs t a n ce-i-'i hrbugh which a uperaburidaot-ma erto only as a;manure fur uur fieldj is at ; ' - "once convei ted into a - Valuable ariicle of r : - commerce, the demand -for i I which -must cahtiime while a tate. focstune pf jht mot ' " useful' arts,' besid es m anof;;.thecoraTort : - anil Vlesaiictes .'of life, r endures. Cotton ;-T S-ed lias been known lor years to cnntnm'j cd-T-but like, the; mineral. m the unexptor e d q u a rry , ; i t s q u a n t i f y a n d k i h d -r w ere unf cc rtainV and :. sQinetlu ngV.w isfwa oted Jo clear aw ay the rubbish "with "wnfchVnature had encujmbered Jtv At Jength i h&rtestd Matuin h suppliel--the wortli ;o.f the ei t K c t i s t e sted by a c t u a 1 e x pe rim e h t Th e Machine no w runni hg id i he;yici n i ty of ou r T w ri,' xalcu I a lt d J h t: ,ralhe rr ;mire , tha n lwo'luVrs'e power, hulls aiid cleans a buh vl otke'rnirl in abut; 8 ininuies, and the ' quau tifyhiay. be- jncreasedj by" enlarging : upon, theVauie.priPciple, ad libitumS f . ascertained, 'that; Troi a' bushel :.of: clean; . ; kernel can be ; ei pressed -.jfVi o re than r two gallons til oil 'suitable l'r p'?s ting; lights, ;.." ''ai d other' uses, wordi a leas 50 cents per ' gdlon- . stftd in the Southern Sute l.ich niny" be " applied' io ihi purpiiSe ti ;6,QGO,O0C bush- JV el prKJu'cing42, 000,000; g-thms of oil, V - "V at the rate just ioentitintdthei e would be - - a nett gain of 6.000,000 iitouce to the : a- ...-. -- " - iT - 1 ... -- niQuni oi our pruuueuons,' wiiuoui inec iiniofr Some other, idi.ioti vW,dlaiPr:.l fuits,? ; . vvnar a prospect, here oper.s to the flew of the Planter !.;; HbwmxcH more ' .tru. -..-i. . 1 " ; , "a 1 uabl e; w ill.be his. f a t u r rrtVp of ( 'n 00 ' ""y-tl-in. bayebeeabe ;vVf :""'Th : Nulling t' Machine will '.rank;nrxt;in. importance ;to f' c Gm : of Wjutn uxr-but I may ; the, re . -: ; ward of its iner.tirs be different, fnnn the ; ' one whii h fell to the lot ufthat Ingenious , projector -Ptt. Timts., ," ir, .f - - THE TURKS 2: RUSSIANS. : vTha last American Quarterly rltevier;, .at:-the close 'of its remarks'' on .Malte-- , " , . .".. . . . ' ' .". ..... .. t-r ... .,...' Bran Geography of Russia, lakes the fol lowing notice of the present .War between the Tufksand Russians. v - ; . ;. f :V AWc are.lold by those who would place the affairs ")f. Turkey in an advantageous ligh t, t K a tt lie': Russia nsjh ay e bee n" en t irely worsted thatth'ey5 haJ"ln'ade?an soccessrul icampaignt; that' i hey Jiave in their iirn sii-fcred a drfiai like that.of the Fre nek, on tliefr re t r e;it from' M oscv. - An unsuec.?tul; camoaisn is it ;nutii ins to tiave f unt-d cumhlele possession of tvtif : tin Im rest aod "fi nest-provinces of jtfei r ppa r 1 ,ii rk y" r: - is i,t ni mng 10 nave h eJ i mli siu t e if control o f ? h e Dan u be fo r a great e UWtHf I he" fast pa rt of it s'course, h e inou thi'orthe:"scoil;nyer;in'; Europe., and;to liVve gaTWedKie H-i tress the viry first immrtance vithin lei than4 A wo Jmn iired milcf Cohtantinoptc itself ?. fls," hii hing to have g lined 1 two - fort resleS on t frev eastern shtircjot theCBlack sea ? ' -Neve r wo li a fi rs t c rtinp igh'fa -.Tuf kish ra r pregnant;with rresiul Hnk ; the siege of Sil istria or of C hurola been : a Uejrided witn:uiihear'dV.jf losses ?-; The siege of Oc zako w lasted n ea r 1 y si x niio h t h .-, ! a n d' th e' place!was finally taken only by; a most, bloody 'stoMii; J he siege, ot Ismail nau lasted more than seven months,- and hti Je i m pre? i ion was mad e 5 Pot e nikin was play -v ins at cards with hisv women, " while tht-v amused themselves with drawing cards and' tellinff fortunes.'!1 4i I; predict,1' said one of . t he m to Potern k i n, p lay f u 1 ty; 1 nte r pr e t -ing hiH destinys V'uwill take, Iimad; in ten d'jvs. L know anJ oracle- muc" nearer than that" said Potemkih, and 'is- sued a ri or 11 e r t o S u w a r r o w to 1 a Ke 1 c w iin - i n t h re e vO n h e" e v e r i n g be fo re the stonn ing So warrow addressed the troops, in these words, ' tof VnoVrow. early, an hour, before dayi l shall get up," shall say my prayers, wash myseli,dreSH inyseif,lhn shall crow like a cock & doyou storm according to my directions, 'v And in truih he did so 5 ,U- warrow crowed like a cock, and the soldiers torined.; Every body knows the result. The Russians lost 15,000 men. and aveng ed their loss in the blood. of 35,000 Turksi The emperor NtcholaB may not; have sol die rt lse by ieos of thousands; his mHle of ;wai f are may be les reckless than rPv tetnklu?; his generals lessiiitrepid than the hold, era fry; daring btnody minded Su 1 war row.:; Yet "lie has secured ad vantages of the greatest; moment;.:;.- -V;;;jl ,..r- : fllut we ha vt been repeatedly told by the Bri 1 ish journa I s9 wh ich al most al I give ear 7?nre statements of Russian power and po icy,;thatthe TuijS will yet turn, ojr;haye t urn ed , th e for t u i es n f wa r, a n d will a p pear in the aspect of the pursuersrvf Ima filiation figures the Russians as lleem in confiismn i belbrc ihe impetuous; onset- of 'Moslem enthusiam, and retreating beyond the "Danube, the Pruth,' or who knows if not beyond the Dniester itself. 1 The ex- mer,, war. In loll, ! urkey, compared .wiih Russia, was vastly, more;,pwerful than at present ; for, in the French con test,4 Russia learned how to use her re sources, as well as acquired vast increase of iheii', Now, in tjiecampaigo of 181 1; the Turks flushed by their 'successes, in holding the Russians in check, and driving shem across ihe Danube, engaged t in , pur suit. . And, to their litter. discomfiture. I lie Kussians won new victories out of their own reverses. . . - y It rcquirr but little of the gift of pro phecy to ; see, J hat the Turks in : thg present war c.tinol become, the attflckin partyvviTheir itioiles of .warfare consist in tiefcniimg fortresses, and their most fa- mius deds of recent valour; in the vigo- nus sanies on me uesirgers. : vve are e qually convincedi that peace will never be" restored, hut by means of concessions -nn the part of the Porte. It is now more than a century since the opposing interests .f the two piwers h.ve led to perpi tual, col , lisions. Thednndnfoiir-and free navigation of the Black Sea, have been ptirtoed as important objects.ljy the Russian . govern ment,f ith undeviaiing coiisiilencv. t, And every war. except the unfortunate One ter minated by Peter on tlie banks of the.Pruthi has ended inecunng decided advantages to the-Russians in respect to purposes si intimately coiiiipcte 1 ;with the-, prosperity ot tne wool e southern portion ot the empire.- of the Ottoman throne is h trdly threaiened. The grtrat in tefesti of RusU do not require it, and we may therefore believe: tlie. emperor to he sincere in denying, any such attempt. The orher objects are of vital importance to t he w hoi e cou u t ry sou th a nd sou 1 h f a st of Moscow, to J he vast reionsjof the Cau casus,nd, remoteiv. toNiheLPersyian pro yinces of Russia. ,Z lh ilo not bellei ctnt, in any event, ihe; interests of Russia; quiri, or; "would permit,? Conquests beyond the Danube, thouh Moldavia and AValla chia inay be retained. f , .'.J It is the history of former wars, between 4.he'.grfat'eastetii efj)ires of Europe, whit h must guide-us in jforming'ipur, opt f iibiji m the present coiitest- i and commercial independence of the nouth- era ppruon; itusiav nave been- pursurMl t ert ftseU to slHy. the; progress of Russian J Prusir,; n cr:rilyt.stablil'eVitsVefatfon8 ZAl" v !S of Pet rsburh, those relations f ariv'-noW drawo ' man t ImIw ; VWcm re :.m?zed at finding this comparFson m the .London nnarterly.' ' Mis-statements sb I?rcsi peceHsinl iirpair confidence in the pne. ial accuracy of Hut work.'-If passion.is to take Ve..place tf judginent .and party ' interests be pursued instead of truth, air truth, even - in Hiis toncal deads and political iutelligenct-, is'atan ihc nittural ouief nf Hujrgarian cunyriercer I it nohing to"ha ve t!kc.n scvt;r il places fJiniforiaitce t-Vih 8lh of the-l)wriube, with.the. .same zeAlas the conquests on the Baltic. It isjlrom hi.sJory alsb,thit e are led to. believe, that Prussia will not 'it ... tj-"" .-r: i : , 1 ties and lanuly csliances. " . Lven in tne car- ly vars of Catharine against the lurUs, the w i s 2 a n d . d a ri ng Fr e d e ri ck condescended to pay subsidies, for the prosecutin.i jofl iti tz. did not refuse the assistance which wis to advance successesiYemotelinjurlous to himself. .:The aspect in which "even'tfredef ri c k ; ' d eemed it itnpo! iti c to , prese nr :him spI f, :wUl nt be assumed by his successqrpi Nay,;it is on record, that Fredenckacted, in'his expressfons of favour ;to;Russiaf a gninst ldvown;;ebrivlctioii8,Vanrft;--8Qclie1tly: i ro ve . t o i e c i e a t C o ri s t a n i n p p aj s e n s (f 1 i oqv w liicli he'a f ter wtj rils . wia; coinpe II e l to deny, adding to his Mleniar, tlie jmean riess.of punishing the fidelitv . of hisbwo a- urent We hardly take .n. newspaper; with out accounts . of representations. mHde to the Russiah: cabinet,- of the renewed ac tivity of the diplomatists, of Jhe uoubji j)detl interference of -other powers. thee intimations ma Vproethe anxiety of o1 her powers 5 but 11 any, rule lor r.ontinieiicu'S can beVdeduccd fro transactions, the eftorts, of other. cbtnets to i n II U e nc e Ru -si a , 1 w i 1 1 u ni form lyj bn resisted.;-Jt is ni, hew affair for; England and France to offer their kind mediation in adjuiting th'e articles of peice between the two empires. UUt umier, wuai auspices, let u$dcmahd;did the RuWans-clMse the f rpatr of KAinardffir; Alid who was the me diator in the peace of Jasy ? .- Jn thj; latter instance, - terms. were made by btljers for Austria,, but Russia' dictated .hejr, own fi n tlritich flpo.tva sent to ffiVe en ergy lo the appeal , of British dipWmiacy, hnrf Pitt himself waS f the helm inne, if foreign ministers are to have any agency in forwarding a present .cessation ol arms, it will be,-we venture to predict, bf , sedu cing the Turks to acquiescence in s!omevoJl; t h e. nibs t we igh ty d em anils 'of N i c hoi as , and not'by iniimidaiing the invaders. ? : MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS.' : Tqjing the. Market 'sor Adventures of a Ahcl. of 7fobacco.--A Hhd. of Tbbac -co, raised in tt?e' neighborho(?d ;of :etersr burgjiifier being sold there for 81,0 per Lt d. was itakf n to. Richmond there insectel, and sold' to the highest bidder, for g5:10 cts. j It was brought back to Petersburg a day or two since, in a damaged stajti and sold for g5:20cts. ' 'I . ' , Bajifc-Bividcnd -The Farmers'! Bank of Virginia has declared a dividend of 2 per cVnt.for the last six montbs.j : lEriglish Sheep. Mr. Pickering of II li-. niis, "passenger in' the Mary V Holanjl, from Liverpool has brought out twj rams :aiiil,-vLt'wo ewes,: of the v Lincolnshire long wool preed.ofecp, one of which wajj shorn on the passage,- and yielded the extraordi" naVv jfleece of nineteen pounds m ; MqmtmetiTto Afr. : Jl'shmun. Tl le A meriiaii" Co'oniz;ation Society have Resolv ed t ha t a mo n u in e n t , w i t h a n " a p pr bp r i a te inscription, should t be erected over the gravel of their late'Colonial agent Mr, AsV mun ; and that another monument be rais ed to his memory in Liberia. )tluses. -The New-York ? Commercial Advertiser states that there are in the Lin- naen' Botanic Garden at Flushing, INew- 10 1, ss than 600 -varieties of the rose, nearly all of which were in bloom- r " v. , Vegetable Curiosity white Cucum ber, says the Charleston Mercury, has been left us, by a friend, as a horticultural cu riosity. ;; It was raised in a. garden at- Sio no. It measured 12 inches in lengtti and in ihb thickest part, 12 inches in circumfer ence. 'Spirits. In the, Connecticut River dis trict, in Massachusetts, several military Vompanies "have recently chosen" oflicer, &x. .rid several houses and barns have! been trecfed, nd xili done in good spirits with out ardent p.rits. 4 '"-"' rl)tvorce Ces. A Cincinnati paper states that there are 50 divorce cases before tne SuupremeCourt of Ohio fir one County, Hamilton; They are denomina ted applications to the Court to correct the mistakes '-made 6y parties in marrying the wrong persons." v ' , , Striking at the root ?- worthy gen tleman in New-Haven county. Conn, has recently ordered a fine apple orchard to be cut down, ' because tlie. fruit caii be con verted into an article promotive of one of the evils of the day." v ; ' Quick By means of Telecranhs, com munication from Liverpool to Holyhead can oe mane ana an answer received in me spacejor53 seconds. ;Tjhe distance Is 140 mih-s. ' ; ',', ' . ' ; r "I : .- i Desperate punning Te Capp-Fear Re-' enrder notices the ivturn -of a PockeirBok, by -the finder, as a rare Instance of restitu tion. I The Boston Patriot says, vve" should think it well done. t - -f ?rtrZacwe.- -The Richmond Compiler has favored the public with the derivatiiin r of the; : wartl Ifarbatue : r Barbe,v beards cue (queue) tail rrnft the beard to ( he tail or, as the Kentuckians say,' f going; the whde'b"&.n '.' '? 4 ' ."-" i j' Alabama A7AvDr. Parnell; of Greene county, Alabama, has manufactured about twenty-five potinds of handsome: sowing silk durin the present season. He is mar k i n a rra ngem en t s f ,f o 1 ex lend its cu t t ure, and expects to semi several hundred pounds to market next year. -: . 5 ;?v f ! - ; Cabinet Councils. -Th e N. York,Enqtii. rer i say : We k"f ekrri' that . No Cabinet Council has been held since the preserit y? ministration came into office, and the' pre sutoprion is that 'the t President 'doe "not a ppro y e o f forma f as se m b lages of: t h e l C a b met; ; for th e; pu rpose of ge 1 1 i ng thei r .4 fe ws on important questions." O . -z 1 , " " Prosperous Company -.1 The;" Franklin Insurance Company of Boston have de clared a dividend of S -percent., fo the last six months. ,;The; same, office' has di vided 42 per cent, inthe last : two years and aJalf.;; .1 ' r ; x ;i-' i - I; Int6xicati6h. log house; in Manches ter, .JN. York was burnt, ori' thi Q., ! and two childr-n prisbed.--Their parents were found soon after, under a fenceJin a " Stage abciderit. Th e Frederick, ;LId;; stage on its way to ii U u.norev on , batur-. "day, was turned over at Poplar Sritig,.; by the driver,, when coming. to the, tavern door. ;The;stage was broken and several of the passengers '! rely. scratched and oruiseu, ...among ijjcj, . mr.- .ruvereii, ., oi Massachusetts returning from a Western tour;vr;-; ; ;;:'-.;-i,r--?-; V" -; ;-:;'-w - jTo prevent wdunds froni - tnbrvmg- Sprinkle sugar on them. ' TheTurks, wash 1 resn w4ou no w 1 mi w 1 ue, a tm spruj jiie su gar over them.' - Obstinate ulcers ..mav be qured ith1 sur dissolved. ia a strong de coctfod of walnut leave. K - w . . . -Merchants and 5 Mechanic r; A 1 1 - t h e" merchants of (parlisle,;'Pa. but two have. signed a piper, agreeing, on .tneirpart rto cease,; hereafter, iinpirtins" such Particles as thexmechanics of that plac propose to . ra a k e a s s ti b s t a n t i a I , ! fa sh 0 n h U a h d c h e a p as can Joe purchased jn.the citiev l - -: 11 ocki n 2!iani ii n e r& & p ri ife . ' rgH li SubtcrheiT hi vimfset tted liimself at th is JL pl;ce, rcjjpf-ctfu I ly-, inform!?. the Public thnt he is prepared to, receive Company the prese at season.' The Kstabhshmcnt ha'i' lindtii'jyonef a' thorough repair, and , ailditionat Hoaprirf have been 'provided. vln poiot'of .Healtli "pr,e ,air and the medicnal"properties of the waters; this place will yield to. none in the State ,-tevjpry. ef fort will.be made to. jji veisatisfaction to those who may visit the? Springs i andlhe chires will be moderate: , , THQMAS SCOTT,. Lenox Castle, July lst,'lS29. v , . : ' 87-., : :,! Th Editors of the Raleigh Register, the Star.' the North Carolina Journal, the: Cape Fear; Re Carder, and the New hem Cent inel, wdl please ini' sert tfe above 3 times in their' respective papersj & forward tlieir accounts to me at Lenox: Castled : VvV, Xoticei; ",;: '; ; ' ; TIiAT; on the 2d Jbmda'y uV August next, I. will sell at the Court.h'use (Vfor in Roc1c-: ford, Silrry. countythe following tracis of Land, or as much as will be siilTicient to satisfy the taxes duethereorij for the year 1827; with costs : to wit K. . -. ' - - v v - ' - ' V " . . r .260 acres ; given in by Dickijoh v A. Slcidnfore, lying, on Deep creeki adjoining; Samuel, Sper, and others. ' , ; ,t . , . , : -: ' , ' ' 330 acres given in by Jesse Brown, lying on Hunting, creek; joining V; Talbert. . t. ' 60 acres not given in, as the prop ert yrof Law son Davis, lying: on Hunting.creek, joining tt.: Johnson. . , . ' ",., . - TIIO.'B. WRIGHT, Sheriff. May 25, 1829 . - y T , . '81 ? Stated of North Carolina . ; - . ' Wayne Countyj . V I . . Superior Court of Law Spring Term 1829. . . Jesse Harden vs- Ann Maria Barden. ' ' . Petition for Divorce. ' -; ; ;: -TTN this case a subpoena 'and alias hsevi ng been JL issued, and the Sheriff of V ayne county making return thereon that the defendant was not to be found, proclamation was duly i; made atj ihe Courthouse door aforesaid by the Sherifl of said county, requiring the said Ann Maria Uar-" den to appearand answer as she wa required to1 do in said subpoena, and she failing to appear,' it was ordered by the Ctiurt that publication 'for three months be made.in the, Raleigh Star, land the Raleigh: Register, giving notice to !tlie said defendant, that unless she , appear at the next Superior Court of law to be held for the county of Wayne; at the'Courthouse io Wajmesbbrougb; the first Monday after the fourth Monday of Sep tember , next, and then and there to answer or demur to said, petition, judgment will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. r . v . i - - N. WASHINGTON, Clk. T Price adv, $5 25. . j , 69 I : ', .'" i i"iiV , StaW oi Xovt CairuVma. 1 V TFayne County. ' ' - 1 :My Sessions, 1829. " -Benjamin Ilowell; Jr.- JSx'oaTI --'-'- ; - ; ; ! of Benjamin Howell. (.'-(-- - ; r?. VWUlorno Wdl. , Arthur Barden and wife and j 1 , . , , "others. ' . ;L ,v , , I N this case it havinpr been mide appear to the Court, that Lewis Powell and Nancy his wire, R jbert Peacock. and Wealthy . his" wife, Benja min W. Raford and Needham Itaiford, Heirs of Philip Raiford and Sarah his wife, defendants in this cause, tive beyond the limits of. the ; State, so that ordinary process of law c tnriot be served on them -it li therefore ordered by the Court that advertisement be made in the 'Raleigh' Itel pfister for six weeks, notifying said defendants that, a papery writing, purporting;. to be the, last will arid testament of, Benjamin Howell, dee'd, has been'exiiibited for probate at;4his lerm, to which a caveat has been filed by defend ints, and an issue. made up to - try' the; same according : t law.' Witness," lhilip tlooks Clerk; of our said Court, at office, the 3d" Mondv of Mayf A. 1L' 1839. : P.rHOOKSrClk:. y State of NorthrCarolinu ,' ' -'Buncombe County. . Superior Court of Law April Term; 1829. Ann Armstrong, Petition for Divorcei ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for 3 mouths successively irr the Raleigh Register, and the Yadkirj and Catawba Jftirn'al," that the Defendant be and appear at -the I neit Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Asheville,bn the 2d Monday atlter the 4th Monday in Seplembrr next, and plead or answer to the PJaintifTs pei titiortj or the same will be heard ex jjuw?;':.- : Witness, Robeit Henrj', Clef k; of said'. Court at Office, the, 2d Monday after the 4tli Monday of March, 1829. , 4l r - - - ;' - . . ROBERT. HENRY, . C.-S.-C. ; ;: Stvxie o ovt:t3aYoiiitx, ';.' ' ; Granville County. , I ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, s - ' - ;May Term; X.,D; 1829.' t, : Samuel, S. 'Downy, Exr." " Caveat to the ,pro- wain J", i uzt t 3 ' - a- :.' . j . . u . ; '.'. I bate of the. rust Will Smith'Murphy & others, and Testament' of Heirs of John (3. Smith, j John 'G. SmirhiVde dee'd. , ' s J ceased.'"'.' . - s ' ft T appearing to the Court that .las. Nod and JL Wife Mary, 'John Ci .UM)de; guarcHan f nes & Elizabeth Goode,:has. SmJtliam'I.Smith, "of Wm.Mamti Wi Smith.Thos,VilIiamion-.Jani-' ' Williamson, James A1ford .and' Nancv his witV, St ' dmitn wurpny, anu t hos. Smith, thirteehof the .heirs at Law, and next cf kin to Jolwv G SmlthJ ,deceased,'are not inhabifantar of th&State rlt is. ordered by the Court,.that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Register, notifying them to be ?.nd appear before the Justices of the Court of Pleas, and Quarter Sections: to be held for the county of GnknviHe and State aforesaid, ori the first1 Monday in August next; in the town of Oxford, and shew culse.(if -any they: bave,:) why the said paper,.wrilingj'urpntting to be the last Willimd Testament of joh.i G. Smith, dec offered for probate; shall not be proven and ad mitted tot ecord :s ;; . - ;. . Witness, Stephen' Sneed;; clerk -of said. Court. at office,the - first Monday of M;iy A. D. 1829. STEPHEN K. SNEEJ, CI!:; ; . Price adv. $3 50. . . - ! .; 81 6V w :y' BLANKS,,: Foe, sale; at tbisbfnec. commute couutyr.on the 2 I r ,T-"e Ja'l Mosely befbre'his termof .Mrrntie,.!?-'?'5 j p.red ,,-Thtf siict nSro ai Le hcJ1a ' " h mirin? that ' n7 a tree rnn , about 24 years ? T or 5;jncls high, and coal black. S. t(ft of said neprrois requested to comn rn'" Hft t property .and, pay charges or he will prv with as the law directs; ' i ;. e : - r.-rABS PATAlpn i . ' Windsor, Jierlie county, June 9. r,r r Vrircadv. $7 t - - '-t , ; . '-- .r ; . -Buncocobe Guuty ' $ujerior; Court of Law-April Terr, j'S,0 Andrew Presly, -1 N , t 1 ;7- - v- T . Petition for DWor county, at the Com? house inAshrt, : i 2d Monday alter the &lh-. Monday in Si-'t' nextj tudplead'orWswer tov the Pl-iti.Me:T,K1' tioii or the.sameViU be heard, rx pai.je Witness , Robert tlemy, Clerk ,f w - . ! r. at OtRce, the 2fl , Monday after the Ati. "d C01 of March. 1829, - i' Olid,. ROBERT HHXRV f?. S. : :;;;,;. -PFay'CowxtyJ. - h ' May Sessions 1829.' Brittbn Hood; Adm r.ot Sarah. Bass, decd. v.. . t t 'Cotenarit. Pearpe Rrog'don;Adm'r, . of John Bass, dtc'd.l ' "j N this case, it having been mnde to annpi .the Cou ft that UirfaJuMarv, KZ-J1 rail, Anne, Keziah, and Rich ud ffass, Ij!1Pf; Law of Jno; Bass, dec.:, deVendHntsnihiscauv live beyond the, limits Of the State, so ti'mt t' ordinary process of j law cannot be served o them; n is therefore oi de red by the Court ft ' advertisement be'made in the ! Raleigh lleu! ju: b a. j vrtviks, i( vijc.t CicitIloarlIS 11 annn,. Vi . ai r . i a & a Inn , 1 C .1 a. the Courthokse in Wfiynesboro on the 3d AW day of August n xf; then and there to shev cause wny tne lands descendm.to Suid lieir aiuiesaiu, Mian, jio pe Jianie to tile n UinMrM ictuvn i Hiups .romp iiooiis, Clerk cfn. said Court ,at. othcei, the 3d .Monday of Mar A.! D. 8129.. P. HOOKS. Clk. 0 ' ' State of Jor th-Caroling w ; , 7 Buncpmbo County. . . . . . Superior Court of Law April Term; 1823. AhurLyon; 5 4'jV -,:f - ' ' l v: . JC Petition for Divorce. Lucinda Lvorir.' S : '! l"kHlERED by Co irt. that "publication be made1 XJTfor 39 itiontlis jsuccessivelv ,tn the Itilei'h T I .u - tr .11.? ' i .! i - 'i ivt-t;r!icr, ami iiiu liMiKin aofi t;aiawt)a Journal that tte Defendant! be .and appear at the next Superior Court1 oi' Law to be seld for Buncombe county at the Court-house in Ashjiville, on tie 2d Mondayafter the. 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to iheTJa'tntifPs peti tion; or the same will be Jieard ex parte,. ; . , , Witness,; Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4tli Monday of March, 1339. i. - . , y'- ROBERT HENRY, C. S. q ; ' State of Jorth-Carolina, Buncombe. Cnunty. ; Superior Court ofLtw April'Term, 182?. -Jacob Rap er, J , ... f v. ' ; Petition for Divprcc. Deborah Raper'. ; 1 V - - " ORD ERED by Court, that publication be made for 3' months successively in the Raleigh Register; and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be lartd appear at the nett Superior Court ofLaw'to be held for Buncombe county at the Court-house in Asherille, on the 2d Monday after the 4th. Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the PlaintilT's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. .Witness, , Robert Henry, : Clerk of said Court at-Office, the 2d Monday - after the 4th Monday of March, 1829. ; r j ' J y ROBERT henry; c. s. c. State of jydrth-Curolina, fV ' ;, Buncombe Couhtv. y Superior Cou.rt'of Law April. Term, 1329. Thomas Sharpe, ." ' . j ' y.; v - Petition for.Divorce. Susannah Sharpelj . '''' 4 K RL) ERE l) by Court, J,bat publibatioh be made vJ' for three montlis u-cively in the Ifa leigh - Register, .and 'tlie Yidkin and Cafauba Journal, that the Defendant oe and appear ar tlie next Superior Court of Law. to. be held tor -Buncombe Count v, at the C 'urt-house.in Ahc- be heard ex hai-te.. ' Witness Robert .Henry, Clerk of suid Courts'. Office, the second Monday, after Ihe fourth Mon day of March, 1829- - V ' ; ' - y robert n enrv, c. s. c. : Stale, of Worth-Carolina, . Buncombe Coiintv Superior f ;ourt of Law April Tcrm, 1829 ; Polly Bucfcuer ;X V ll - ' ' . - 1. - C Petition for Diyorci. Edward. Bnckner.) " , ' ' ORDERED by Codrt, that pablication be m-v for 3 months successively in the Italeiga Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba JoiircJ, that the Defendant! he -and appear atlK Stiperior.Court of Law lobe held for lluncombs cwmtyvat the Court-house in Asherille, nie "-VLMonday after-tne 4th Monday in Septemutf next, and plead or answer to tlie Plaintiff's Pct'' tion; rr the same ! will be heard ex pnrtc. v Witness, Ifobert Henry, Clerk of said Cwn at' Office, the SdMond y aher the 4ih JIniMf of Marcil, 18J9. v ! v . - , ' r- 1 ' 1 . . - TjnrtP.nr. fiF.VRY. C S. C. tqn.' k. fr.f thr k-Alf in the niT"' bidder,. for ready mier; Jon the first dy gust n.exf;-at the CurUHoUe door in tlie jo of LouisLurg, sever-tk. valuable NEGKOE . mong -Uhich are two IRacksnaths (brothers; i ciucvauimi yc.ua vi &t r 15 IW . w 1 mrr0 active, -iiKeiv man, anu a icm v. u & . . . . . : 91 - a sense and oisposjtiou, ano ine.suu'v:.-- -for his being one of the best Smiths m e He can . ex-cute all kinds of Iron" Work per- ing to Carnages with neatness ana ec( He also understands working a kinds or , and has hot his superior in tne mauog or y and Plantation Tools of every description, youngest about 23 ears of ager w not P' , fn his trade, but promises to mate an e Smith 5 he is also a large, likely JeH. balance. of the Negroes consists of wome children they, are Tike.y and valuable Tools of the Shop will also be so.u. t - JOEL KINO, ' I Zto'V ! : CHARLES A. HILL, taken. 11 p and comr V V, this ; count vr, on th f HI) KUJM) bv Courti thut publication U Xjr JovS months succfssivoly in tbt i ' Register; sai I the Yadkin and Catav U, i V''1 that ihePD.ten.lant be ;ftnd u;,p-14l. a ',irM, SuperLir Coui t'of L ,w to be h,i flM. ,. e ,iex; viile, on the second Monday atter the lourtn Mon'day.in Swpieint'er next, and plead or ap svver to the IMahitiO's petiiion, or tlie sam? will ' 5 Valuuble Negroes ior hale. ipilR Subscribers iiavtnx quiilifieclnsixeci J. of Ihe iale Daniel Shine, dee'd. and in pwvc ui in cation ' : j