3 r A 4 : V c1 .V -4 ; -v. 'V .. '. Our, an; the plans of faTdelfehtfiapeace,; -V . - .'r--t.V '.',-.:. v , V ' ' ' "vT r- -v ' 'i'i v'- ' y 4 i-' i-n-J.f" -V,-1 v; t M -v': ''Kiifhed every Mowdat andTHuiiaiiiT.by : pP JOSEPH GMiKS &ON, v v: : rniUarf per amhilf in ady - i n vr. TIT T S KM R NT S V -"; rteee&nixfeen ?m,v neatly inserted 3 mes for a Dollar, an tenty-tive ; cents tor 7 rvsniceedingpubllcktlpnj those ot -reat- "ViHrtlin the same propoPtion....Coraiii: i-2edo iliarifuUyr received. vTs to . L Fetors must beostfiaul.- U c. i;-; V: ; sleep" walking.; t ifhe fil i 0 vvi ng " extraor d i p a ry , i nsta nee of flmDambalsm 'recently chrrem Mfd die 'Haam, (Cocin;) The 'water. of the Vrtir le states that the facts can be substan; J - kic cliin: Ftll sleeD in his chair Mtrtrkk ill riij v-ftw-w - . . .fce.he begun to, k' .d; called upot;a . .-i nnt nrifit.; and said come 'I . n N Ul llJt ; VTVuiv. re ' two w . ' - t 1 , .... . ...1 Cn arriving at tne scnooi .nuuSt- v v.r Wructar happeni to be,,he.went jn t,ok knt ami t(f,K nis 8"rtl .Willi an .ific turned to iheplaceHn Arithmetic where he XvJ been; cyphering. Thiwas.theOih problem io the Uule or Ihrccw uauon-a w hich . he had stuued the . A .til. Ml a( lt nrreedrng day wi'hout bVingble to solve. Winstroetor caine to him and aMted him ATI lllllr 1 ILft if he tuuld not g the answer.. - tie replied in the native. IJe then nai the questioii acd th? teacher told him how : to. sat lU He made the statement, and then Vaid he iould not b'rlns: the pounds,", shillings, Sic. t dollars.' vBting; told how. to. do it he pro ceeded according to'thertlirections&brougtit out the true answer . The teacher tlifri rrnt him to.the black-board .in. order t drill him in the general rules of arithmeic. He was told to find the sum of. 8, 12, 66, and 26, which he did correctly. He was examined in all the; .rules frour Au?i i ion to the Rufe of Three, and '$o' ther astonish inewt of all present g:ve as ready ahd cor; rect answers as if he bad been perfectly . a-w&ke.-After sitting some time heasked. per mission to go home which wastipt granfedl Upon this tete.ncherwUhdrew.to anoth er part of the "room, for the purpose of ob. serving the issue of this interesting scenfc; Its&eins that a former teacher, had a ddli- culty with the boy arid had corrected hiia l his correction the boyfhad not forgo (ten. for the sake .of an experinieut one. of the young men who attended t..h'imf .assumed the name of this teacher, the otiier-inai hi a scholar:' The nr tended. scholar sug gested to the boy th idea; of avenging the DunishH.eji he , had fonnefl v , received by burning up the: rods ,with which he had been chastised: -t H Searched k the room until he found the sticks which ithepres n 1 1 ra chr r k p p t f o r i h e co r r e ? ! on 0 f t his whulars ; broke and burne'dJ themv -L w h h the exult.itjcn he would have roanifest d fil the -.whof e been a reality-;o.--F'jr;,thii cf.d u tt .he was arraign ed by , t h fi c ' i tiou s teacher for destroying hii ncU ; Hcchaig etl hitn with the deed,; but he '. deuied it with perjiev. ring obstinat-V;; But it was proved by the testimony lof ' the-: fictitious Kholar.V Anticipaiing .the '"punishment, and not wailing for, its execution. heC?e Ka to cry out,"to writhe thii body, and to cringe wider the imaginarylstroke of; the whip, jW as if it hd ' been "a:'matler tf fact. Thiiki ng to retat iut e this su posed fljSe.lhitionhe proposed, to -th'e other schol a t o" a Ksi s t h i m i n t u r n i n i b o t f i h e h us e live prrtelided' instructor. He complied, fc'id the. soiititumbuirst .exerfetl hiihNelf with U his vigor io putting him v out- I)urjng all XWii iitneAhis -u eyes were ; -closed Jlis Wthing was hardV'and He appeared ' eV3 TJ w-iy nice u M.orn.g he was fo!il 'if r what' bad rJaken Hcei and was uei foctf vi as' ' oliishvd, Y He had nY recollection of any thing sincV he tu ftliea asleep iii.his t-haiK- and was ln Tt'fid a! whit lit,? Jud dtie hi the pes J"Ce tf his instructor,- i liar he could hard-. V" Kevaiied upon, to .atfend- scnool. I Ins is oulyoue'iimohg inany ofihe "smgu , r. Mfeta iices t hat' h ve occ u rred"; i n v 1 h e nisturv f ihis iad.' IeJi iS- been., known ftft up' in the nighisaddle t Weride "" mc "istiince. aml'retiirJi in nefl aaKt. U ; V u I ii n t a vi txi 'i .. ! c ' - Middletown Gazette. ;e.oo rint va lipi. ffim' ik'ki-.ii. tiO'lfc f -uiatVur Mill' pVUlT I i.!r! .0 coiemn rraiies that manvii.;- ; ? "T'gauous nave feted by tne moi u..!!r .A boy living jn ; thn yin,,ge;b6ur 13 ' . . . h n ft 1 wt r u 1 iinwrii' toeiik oen present, whVaccompnnied.hini iiliefcchoot,one of whom responded to the 1 .... nd acted the part '.of the-absent boy; Wopriety and decorum tnacne woutu Ibsrfed at any tim vHe "said -in a, low ftturivi&r.?:and'. 1 llllll' V . : . ..... 1 T i: it,.il . . : '""'at bring conscious of-what-Ke bad , p,; "hen in. this situation , it. seeis v,llilluVi it not impussibn'to awaken .him; itrl' mi e A ' k tni; d rougf dy j i tn d -UJM h?U tried to briog'hioi- to' a stale r-uM hMiMiess,.but all U.vain.;vThe .way ;MJpted by his friends U to let him go on, atjOuftave gfowri .out. vfjoourt; at olScerrthe 3d Slduda of . May, A.l. uf the-Fourth; vAVc-haye 1 1829. , i - . -PllOOKS,,cik. ?'V'' Iv i irv- , v ' , " 4aeiueDt heard . however ati!v;-sL;traigh t : that there cart be no mlstake'about it,' of one iih pleasant .iftdir, of h domestic nature, which occu rreilin the booth's wfiich it Tsvhbned; 1 1 Ife f rj e n (1 j f h e;d i s ngui sh e d p 9 r t i es Co 0 1 cerneu, win De discreet enough to arrange with nut jsuerng it to-become thel subieni Erin,: was celebrating Tndependence.in the most natural ,way. v - '1 4i .- : 'iHe wa9 as free as nature first jmade man?; x ;Ere the b:ise laws of servitude beeran. - - r j When wild in woods the noble savacre tin. No ligatures controlled the freedom of his motions ; a nd nvcumbrou' itifeguments in terfered Vwhhthe graceful aciibri of! his whole system?1 -In fr-wordrhe vvas as na-, ked.-'a s'A'datn i n '4Pa rad ise. ' This dec u rrfng in the great public CorporatiouQrogtMar ket ,of:the day, the ; good, society, of . the boot h s were so m e w ha I sea n d a I f ze d , a n d th e w i fe of th e: gen (1 etna n 3 in u burH i n'- pa n i cu -I arthoughhitf proper to; gi ve hi iV a li in t ori the subject ' Indeed, sheTga ve, hiiri some very palpable hint s for, tvin up in a hard JcrioV.hia subhgicula, which thevulgar catf i hts pantalotns, she laid them over his back withra'vigor ahd dexterity which indicated previous practiced Ji 1 he " nations of .his breeches?? told with surprising eflfv-ct upon Paddy, whose., hide,' riot being quite as thick1:' as tha t; of a i hiuociros, wa soon', under the wholesome discipline of his rib, rendered f as-spottedas a leoi-ard's. The 1 .dies screamed - and ran -away,1 as' well the y. inrghf i it tU.isviolat ion of conjugal 1 e c or u m ; a il tl'n u c ii e xc i tern en it pre vailed a -mong the speculative crowd. O lds were laid oo the woman, whose whacks vere be stowed -wiih 'an':' emphasis arid rapidity whicH rendered her , customer's predica ment une.fi viable j until, growing tired of th? exercise, he fajrfy, knocked her into the gutter 'I here sheilay io her loveliness, a Venus of the deep, amid the roar of waters, which, accumulated, swollen, and turbid, rushed around and over ber, ; and what af terwards become of the parties, ! we are unable to state. TCom. JidQ. - Rockingham .Mineral Sgrings' fTHE Subscriber having settled nimself at this ULplace, respectfully informs the Public that he is prepared to receive'Company the'present season. -The Establishment has- undergone a thorough- 'repair, i; and additional Rooms have been provided.-' In piot ot Health, pure air and the medicinal properties of tbe.waiers,this place will yield to nonein the State. : Every 'ef fort will bemadeto give satisfaction to those who' may visit the Springs j and the charges will be moderate. , - THOMAS SCOTT. , I-enox Castle, July 1st, 1829. i 87 - JTlic. Editors of the ttaleiglir Hegister the Star, the North Carolina Journal, the Cape Fear Re corder and the Newbern Centinelwdl please in sert the ubove 3 times in their respective papers, & forward their accounts to me at Lenox Castle. fpHAT oh the 2d Mondiy in August next, I iL will sell at the Cdurt-h use door in Rock ford, Surry county, the following tracts of Land,' or as much as will lie sufficient to srtHsf' the taxes due thereon, for the year 1827, with costs : to wit - ' ' - . '.'..26Q acres given in by Dickson A; Skidmore, lying on Deep creek," adjoining Samuel Sneer and others.", ' , -."J i I , ' , . . - , L - - 330 acres, given in by Jesse tirown, lying on' Hunting creek,' joining VW lalbcrt. ,v by acres not given m, as the property of Law sow Davis, lying on ; Hunting creek, joining li JohiibonV , J k"'' . . . THO. U. WRIGHT, Sheriff. , May 25, 1829 , - - - -, - t 81 State of !Srorth-Carolina :; - -, - ' Wav ne County. 'x X v Superior' Court-bf Law Spring Term 1829. v, Jesse Uardeo r.' Ann Mria Bardeu.' ' w Petition for Divorce.- . f ;H"N this ciise a subpama and alias having been JL issued, and the -Sheriff of Aavne county making return .'thereon that the ' defendant was not to be found,' proclamation was duly made at the Courthouse door -aforesaid by the SherifF of siud county, "requiring the, sukI Aim" M na Har den to appear arti answer as she was required to do in saia suopcena, ana sue jaumg 10 appear, it wis-t ordered -by ttie Curt that publication for three -'months' be' made in the kt;deigh Star, and the Raleigh Register, giving notice to ' the said defendant,' that unless the appear at the next Superior, Court f lay to be held for thecoiinty of WayneVat the Courtliouse in Waj'nesboro'ugh, the first Monday afterthe t'iurth Monday of ..Sep tember -t next, and then ,and thereto answer ' or demur Ve), aid . petition, -judgment will be taken pro confesso and beard ex parte r - -" " ... t'Nthfs case it "having been madtfappear to toe fiCoort; thnt Lewiit Powell and Nancy his wife, Robert Jea cock anl Weall bV5. his wife,, Be nja- miiY AV.a Uaifofd kiid Needham Raiford, lleifs of Pbdip Rarfoitt an J Sarah his- wife,' defendants in this cau&ei; live beyoridhe liniTtso tbe State, so thutor.iinary process of law c tnnot be served OUT them it is" therefore ordered by the.1.. Court that advertisement ' be made, in the Raleigh Re gister for: six Tweeki,notifying id defendants that; a'paper wri tn "purporting to ; be . the; last iv ill "and testament of . BVniamin Hp wetl,y-dec'4, has? been exhibited foKprobate at this term,, "to wtiich a caveat lias been filed by defend;nts,nd ao issue-made up' to try the same according rto llaw.. Wiiness. Philirr Hooks " Clerk tfourjsatd - -' May Sessions,, loy.. - - - v tr ; ' Benjamin Howell,' Jr JS?xor"l '. JL. r - , ? -u JofiBenjamhi i Howell. (-j' l -, ; , , r ; r. : : ; -,Vill or no Will. f ; Arthur Barden and wife and j, , ; ' 1-.. V;' t 44... ".-"-. - NOTICE. .!.-.- - t TTT' AS taken up and committed to, the Jail of VVi.this conntv. on tht 9.tl nfMatvK lf i 1 I negro man supposed to be a Slavey who calls himselRSyVMUEL VWlLKINS.' and savs that he was bound an apprentice- to Wm.MoselvO of a. aim inat ne.ranaway trom toe sato Musely before Jiis term of apprenticeship badex pired. i The said negro ha3 been in thU count v 5 or j6 years, and has passed during that 'time us a nee man p ue & aoouc Mk year ut agei a "feet, '4 or 5 inches4iigh, and; coal , black., fhe owner of said negro is requested to come forahl; 'prove i'Riy ana pay cnarges, or lie will be, dealt wniijus ineriaw Uirect&r- - , :U . JAMES PALMER; bailor. W1indsor,.Bertie county, Johe9.'1 ice adv. $7. - : 1" -' " J j 826m: - j1 State of North-Carolina. -. Superior Courjt of Law April Term, 1829: Andrew Presly, , - . -" v.l. Petition for Divorce. Eleanor Presly.3 - - - ' - , I Ji'lPE RED b v Court,thatpublicationbe made for 3 months successively.t in the Raleigt Register, and the, Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that' jtlie Defendant be and appeart the next Saptfior Court of LW to be held for Bdncbmbe counfy.at the Court house, in Asbeville',' oifthe 2d-Monday after the 4th. Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the PlaintifPs neti- tion,.or "the same will be heard x parte. - witness, Robert Henry, Clerk ot said ; Court at Office," the 2d Monday a'fter the 4th Monday of March1829. r I I ' . ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. 1 State of ortCco:6li!aav ' J l Mavr Sessions. 1829'- " Britton TIood.'Adm'r. on 4 Sarah. Bass dec'd.V- - v r :v. 5.- - j : CoYenamV Pearce Brogdon, Adm'r. ( - r' .? of John Bass, dee'd .1 ; !N this case, it having been .made to appear to the Court thatUriah, Mary, Elizabeth,:; Sa- rab, Anne,' Keziah. and Richard Bass. Heirs at Law. of Jno. Bass, dec defendants, in this cause. live oeyoni xne limits of the State, so tpaf the orcunary, process or iawv cannot be .served on them-it istherefore ordered by the Codrt, that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, for the defendants to appear at the Courthouse in Waynesboro', on the d-Mon- uyoi August next men ana mere to snew cause v why the lands descending to satd heirs aioresaia, snan c not De; naDie to me piMintni's recovery. . Witness Philip Hooks, Clerk of our said Court; at office; the 3d Monday , dfMayY A: D 8129. " . - p. HOOKS.lClk. State of North-Carolina - . Buncombe Ctmnty. ' 1 -Su jerior Cdurt of Law April Term, X829. 1 ; ': Ashur Lyorii lj . . ' . t , ' v ; Petition forvDiyorce' ' f Luciridai Lvon. S 4- ,'-". - - V" ' ORDERED by Court, that publicatione made tor a- months, successively In the Raleigh Register, and the .Yadkin and Catawba Journal,' that ,jt he Defendant be and appear at tle' next Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-bouse in A she vi lie, on the 2d -Monday after the 4th Monday in Septemher next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiflf's petif tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. . 5 : ; V Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of saidNCourt at Orhce, the 2d Monday alter the 4th Monday of March, 1829. . - - P ROBERT HENRY. C. S. C., State of North-Car olinci, I : Buncombe Countv. ' ' Superior Court of Lhw iApril Term, 1829. Jacob Raper, - . ' ,J I v. . ' Petition for Divorce. Deborah i;Kaper. I.',!.' JkRDERED by iCourtj that phbbcation be made F, for months successively: in the Raleigh Reirister. dnd the Yadlcir and Catawba journal; that the Defendant be and an near at the next SuDerior Court of Law. to be held for Buncombe county at the Court-house' m AsheviMe;i on the, 2d Monday fter the 4th. Monday in Sejiteniber next, ana pieaa r answer lo. inei'ja-intin s ptiii'igs iu .pi.Vjin.wiivjr-Hon.- "or-.tiiiV VtiTte Vdl.be- heard 'ie -hart. " '- JUvbenses -The cadet's f Will : be- diVic i, Witness. Robert Henrv. Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Mondav after the 4th Mondav of March. 1829. ' . , . I ' ...ii . . ' I i . t - : , : L t - - KtlMKIM HFiMKV I:. Si. IT- State of Nor th Carolina j . - - j' v Buncombe Couiiiy- ' ' " ? Superior Court of Law April Term, 1829. Polly Buckner,. 7- I . "'I v-" -'C Petition for Divorce!' Edward Buckner. S ' " ' -4 ' ' " I ! d t U D ERED by Court, that publication be made LPlbr 3 "months successively in the taleigh Register, and the Yadkm and Catawba Journal, that SUpe's -w Monnay alter me ?m .nonnay in aepiemoer nextj and plead or answer to the PwintiS a peti - tion, or the same will be heard ex partek - Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at imce, ttie wonaay arier me m .uonuay ofMfrch, 1829.'-; . - - ,: ,v 1 . ROBERT HENRY, C S. C. ' N aluahle iSreiiroes for Kale. 11! E Subscribers haviHgxjualified as Executors 1 JL ok the-late Daniel Shine, (decM, andjin oi'der tfy meet the 'Hem-iOiIs a'falnst the K.tate1 iA' ttieir testator; they will offer for sale to the j highest oiaavfr,Jtor.reany monej; on tne nisi ii;(yoi au? gust1nest;'at the ClnurtHousedoor inthe Tdwn ofIouisburg severed -valuable T EG KOKS; a- lmong -wnicn are two iiiacKsmnns QortHierj tne eldest abut 25 years or age, is ajlj gtf,j strong, actiy, likely man, "and r a fellow, of, e;xcenenv sense and disposition 'and the subscribers vouch" for"his being one of thebest Smiths in tlje State He can execute all.kinds of Iron Vrork;pertai ing to -Carriages ,-wi 111 -neatness ami-despatch. tie aiso-unaersianus worxing.ait mnus uw o'cci and has not and' Plantat y oungest "about in his.trade. but promises to make Smith s he Js .tlso a . large: likely-; fellow. The balance; of the Negroes consists of women and ,- 1 - . i-i .- , ' rf.. ! ' TU cnituren Uiey ; are: iiKeiy ami vaiuauic The Tools ot the, Shop will alsooe sola. "w r .i!irrn i ..-.:-, E- Vr'K . CHARLES .A." HILL, 5f ixo'rs. Vie- UtfTentiam oe anu, appear au . i.cai nf ;w. w II at all Y3nWh. aorvoun oi iaw 10 ueiiciuiui . 'w,":,c them, naternallv -tod rect th :. .ri'.r.. Li L'.l.l 1'..''I1..L... ..-1 -- :t- -. oouniwanne uoun-nouse in AsueviiieL un ine .....v.:: ...wi -i ::..r...:'':'.-:... his super r. m;the making :ot tdgextl 1 , 1,m. ov't v" ,.."- ion Ttxds of evtry. description. ;The I mentanes, hallust, VirU, -Licero , s L elect Ura- 23'4ears of age, s not so perfect I nons,.ue yraiore, ue micuia, xtj . neciuu, t Franklin county, N. C J uly .1: . . s $6 3t '.t -t ' ' ,.V,:V I-". ROANOKE jlTSTITUTION flHE Coui-se of Education 'at this lnstituticm'. JL wili,embrace the ToIIowifig. Departments t - '.J., Clawca!. TKir, t)enartment :Will include ther Greek,"! Latin', French and - Spanish Lan guages.. - k ;7;f ... r , . X. The Mathematicrl will embrace'-Arithme tic, 'Argebra,! Logarithms, Ge6metrvTrigo)prn etry M ensurationjSurveying, Cnic Sections, Natural Philosophy,-Astrbnomy and?Navigauon, atui ine ixaxurai sciences, as uoiany,. xuineraio ey arid Natural History CV:.'! " "'.' , : Particular attention will beLpaid at 'this. Insti- mtlAn i-Tt fir.i'z.'A :n'iiak matics will be practically taught the application of Trigonometry to Heights and Distances .Tri angular surveying Lvelling and Engineering. ; Graduation of Roads and Streets tire uaeof' the Barometer, when applied to taking the altitude frequently, be; taken out to practice with the Compass and 'Chain; Theodolite and: levelling Rods nd accompanied "by. "r their .instructors, will occasionally: take excursions for "the purpose of' making observations in Botany-aud Mineral- ,111. 'AwftThisDepArtment.wgl include English Grammars-Penmanship, BooCkeeprng Public Reading and-tDeclamatiori, Ancient and Modern Reoerraohv.with the lose of th Mans and Globes, Ancientrand Modern History, Rhetoric, Compositional Criticism, i Logic. and Moral" Ph'do sophy, Construction ot Maps with the principles of Projection; - , . X T 1 he rudiments of Education, as Reading, Spel ling, Penmanship, &c.1 will be-thoroughly taught; duuiut iassra.' wii u iuis rcspci, re ceive particular, attention. : V vJ" ' Physical Education For the improvement of the heal;h andthe'developement of.the Physical as wen as mental energies oi the Cadets, tney . '' --! 1 . " . , . . ;- .. ." . win oejrequireu to practice aaiiy ana regularly, Military .'Exercises 4 These having for their main object the preservation of ,beaith,i will i be pur sued so-far only as may be requisite for this pur pose f in no instance--will they be permitted to interfere with other: pursuits but will ! occupy - tnose hours inthe day; thatiwould.otherwise be, devoted to useless and frivolous , amusement. Thvy7 will consist ofthe; Elementary schools of the Soldier, Compan y arid Battalion E volutioni;- Light Infantry and liifle Drills Formation of re- guiar jMuoary farade uuara uutyi-the duty of officers ' of thei Guard aridTof, the Day- the Broad Sord Exercise, -- "it . Uniform-'Dr'est.' l he dress worn at the Instil tution wiJI consist of: a dark blue'; cloth Coatee, single breasted and standing collar. Btue cloth At and Pantaloons for. winter; and white do mestic cotton for summer, .leather Caps.wi'hapi propriate trimnjingsi tilaskailk or leather Stocks. An undress will he worn in sum mtr? Consisting cotton striped "Roundabout, single', breasted and standi i. g , collar, . ' " As he Coat cannot" be made elsewhere than at the Institution, a more particular description of it is omitted, t Each member of the Institution will want thei follow ng articles, viz i one. single m:ittree either of haif onstraw, pillow, two: pil low, cases, four- s 1 1 ee t s t wp yards t n le ngth and one in breadth, one pairofiilankets; two toweli four shifts,.four pair of white cotton pantaldb'ns, four white vests for gumoier and one blue cloth for winter single "breasted six pair of cotum and tour pair or woouen socks, uraws ana wais1. co irs ifworn, two pair of tinn'and one pair of thick shoes, at least two pocket handkerchiefs; tooth brush,, oenknife, qu:lls, waters,. Stci Parents can furnish their. sons, with'-sucii articles of clothe ing of the above description' they may have. if they prefer! it: or tby ma'y-bfSUppbed at the institution on line ost rsonpie terms. . ine above quantity of otuxhio is dee'med; sufficient to answer a cadet nc year--shult he W.tve the Institution at the expiration of that; time, such articles aa the cap;",i Jeddingf':,ifi furnish ed atthe Institution Tv. weQVilcen care of,, will b received back atf a' 4 iririce . Each - cadet must havehjs name marked in full; 011 every ar ticle of Ids clothing.'"'.- .h Qualification r domsion, : Cc.-No candidate will be admitted into this Institution, who, Is un der ten yearslof age,' who cannot read and spell, land who is not ot a good moral character. It is deemed adv isable to admit none for a less term than one year, s the expense for alessipehod wouiu pe proporuonaoiy greater, anu ine auvau- I twb Departments.' Those iinder fourteen years of age.' will constitute the Junior, and those over, the Senior., -The -'wltole expense per'academic ...Ill 1.. - I J . ,M - il C (I f .1 M ' M. . I vear .win. uc nor. lue junior, exuvy, aou; lor iur In.' ..'ij -er .'i ns l . Senior 175, pa able jlOO. on admission and the remainder at the expiraiion of six . months. "litis . expense ; will include every charge for Hoard, Tuition Fuel, 4 Lights,v VVasliingi, Public Lectures, use ot y rin' and, -Accoutrements, Room Rent,, and in short everyT expense except Clothing and Books. " -The academic year will consist of 46 weeks, and will be divided into two sessions. .: ' . ' JJoarrh The cadets, will board in tne; same tanuiv wan meir instructors, ome one or more in , company ' with em- both ii tlieir In iiit in Fnirninir a courteouSj 'mori a-id gentlemanly deportment, U t t ailll ,mtriu.lwi-tt. .h 1 tn- gemer as memners 01 i;ie. same ram.iv ana pur btie towards tacli other, that familial und respect' ful 'course calculated to inspire. the, -pupil. with a manly confidence and zeai, and the instructor wun emotions or pieasure,v ? - .-.i, 4.' r Examiititwns. i1'here will be twoipublic Ex- aniiuatious n each year. The first to commende on the Monday '.nearest the l,ut of -Uecernuer, and the second on"ue firit Monday rinJyue,tta continue' eacii, -bne .week. v There 'will be pri. vate examiniitions o'tthe Classes every Saturday, on the studies of the prtcexhng week. ' r - V; f; jfaeaii6hs.Tlkfe svil .befwo" vacations, the first' imtnediatelyafer the December examina1 tibh, and will continue till the second Monday in January 3 the next at the close ,of the Jane;, ex amiiiation,?and will '--continue two weeks. No leave of ab-ence will be granted', in term time,' except in cases of urgent necessity - CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. . Xaln Alims Latin GrammarGoutd's Edi- worth's D.cti -nary. , - -r . r - a 7 ' t . -1 1 i Greekdiead?r, Neilia v's Exercises, Vipy's I)e. lectus Grscca M jara, Xenophop s Auabasis, Ilo mer'sil'ud, sjxrjr&t books. V: StathemiUicsUc T lets Arithmetic,' Hut I lou's ilatheuialics, Bowditoh'a Navigation, Simp an excellent 1 y aciuis, nve nrsi : oovks ox c. : ai;;s j600'8 Conic Section Xnf.c:;.' Xt- :a1 V phy,-Sganzin's -Civil. jEhgineetiiiT, .'c andAVitL l's Geography, (last edition) tl . Eteroents of .History,. Hale's r,Utiiy of f:.e-U, 5statesMurray?s Gr:mnur and Exercises, itTir. Rbetorick, Hedge's LHg-ic; Pa ley's : Ic: al rhilc-sophyiConstitutloa--cf . the United ft; tea : i States, sererally-r -" . ;' ..; ,;'.- " ; :,: ' : hoseimehding to'join i tlie fnstitiuL , z.re u vised to.brrng tiny 'f ! t heabbve 'mentioned b obki'- ineyovy,nave jn tL r possession j any Mathema fical :lnstrum?nt or Uorksl a!s0 an - Ilistc c:I wr .u.uerary, w.oiics; ;7 y'i'tv..' :, - t k P?M.rr-Airtpgements u ill be made st tli'a Institution tb supply the Cadets .with the nerea sary;Books; Statiooarv.ahd .Clntliin if h uv,rAi 1 ferred,' at cost; provided- payment', is made down j if noti. and a credit F I fhur dvancoFTten.eieeritirwiU' be.'charged or. a i!!bhiH.be"'vthe indul "-py- ifetrwdl.be-required 1o have , pa;tiMk;-iiwh!ch;:vjIi be registered every rr. ticleof clQtbmgbbpks:&.cl that may be neces saryjfbrhis.COmfgrt orimnrovement. Tlii f J l J!?c heing more Joaccommodate the ''.cadets thia , THE -ROANOKE JNSTlTUTtO'T U hA a Littletoni- Warren coimtj State t Ncr th-Ca- ronna,,io,a;neiignttur and healthy pan: of the; ' country f rit is:sitaated between Warrentcn 'ir.V HaUfaxslxteen milesrfroin.the form- - ind t?;Pn. ty-one from the latter, surrounded b v ii hrsl iir i country and inth 'neighborhood ; or4 re Kned-" and Pplisheds6ciet tton.i?, no opportunity W-ill be afforded to th pupiis 10 contract nabilor vice and .Use; n atioh ; paid to the health,;manners morals and improve ments of the cadets i v and it is Bel i eVed - that' i:' i derheicipbrie that will : be pursued in .tI-3 insii'uiionaiaea oytiie superior natural advi.r.. -tages bf its sttualibfnyo -v : t9Jbdits of temperance, perseverance, indu .rV miu uiai! wimoui iQe aanger ot corrupt1 cn . Tntbjec"t;ofMis tnititution will-'be ta-ive n ytuthiagbod practicaj;scientific Jut tion; Id prepare him Afor the obrrect and eC sie nt d! :. charge Ihetii ies of any situation in lifeV ii wliich fortune or inclination may place him ; to ' rear-up ajiouhtl mmdiriU sound body t to qail ify himfd ente tfietworld. Witfi a ::head to ccr': ceve and ah arhj to; executeto teach him habll: ' ot perseverence, f mdust y and economy. nd t- cherish tpose manly, ridale arid independent c timents Vhic of Q g66d citiiieili;i;YoM be' prepared fry v admission into a ny of , our Colleges or Uni ve - ', . ties;, either one or two ears in advance ; for a ritiision to the Military Academy at West. Point or the JJavy $ or theywUl b carefully instructed j in me vanousprancnes necessary . tj a finished ' evocation: The : llnstitutiohwill oe- under tfc ! generaj direction cf Capt. Partridge, and under thfe immidiatepfcri ccintroul of. irtu. nKingnam, wno wdl be" agisted by the; requisite number of well qualified instructors, to whom apjjlicat'ons for; admission into the Institu--.'-' tiori ror for flirther information Can be made. ;ft;p'arenta:twiiirpl VwhatTl branches theyVishheir sons :totteiid ;uobn en tering thenihelnstitution iiTnowin oberaV tibn, and studentswill be, admitted at any time. r.-o.t naa oecn ravorea wnn tne ' lolloH lu testimonial by Jus friends in Maryland, ; - Mr. D.' H. BiogTiam. being about to rerr.ova to North-Carobha forthe, purpose of enga.-. '. .. ? In . a via?sicai ana . jwuiiary; insinution, to be under tha general direction of Capt. Partridge; ;the under- signed take pleasure Jn offeringhira a testlntonW at; I td Which his character and 'ge'ntlcf hly ds- portment tuiiy entitle him. 5MrrBingham h o esided .some j ears in this city: and has been ct iraged ' in a S eminary similar; in its character to tnat coiuempiatea in iNorttMjaroima. ,we Dave.: thus had an oppbrtunit'ito judge of his qualiS catiOns; but on thitt point we deem it'uni.Jce&aa-" ryv ior.ii ttw.uuer aiiy-recommenaaiion m ia Ci, thejeircumstanc has been Selected for ; thejstatiorijby sovrdisiinguished:"a professor--S3 Capt-Tartridge,' frornximbngst his very r, um s rous ana well informed piupils Vie may c' ?rvc however that he-has vt'isUnuished himself Lere by a deCTeeof dijigencel perseveran - j a rc ularityi Calculated to insure bun,, any whore tha: success which we' hope v ill reward bia present undertaking. - " - : !- "' : , : , . Hon. Jno. JSelson. . If Hon.' Ilmry'B. lVcrfeldt c Gen. TAos. ' C. V.'orthingiov . Dr. V. rradley. Tyler. ;k - . - . 'j&enj. Price, Esq. ' :? Jb9, J. Palmer, Es y. ' - - Si'ig hton JJuvalf,' llsg. " . " . ' otuc t Gaitfieri Bsg. - - r- j 111 - v : State ofNortL- Jcirulina, Buncombe Couitty.-;, -'.V ' U Superior Court of Law April Term, 1825. , Ann Armstrong,,, j ; - v. , iv 'etiticn for Divorce. Sam'l.'Armstroug. 3 !. . - .' ORDERED by Court, that publication be made 'for 3 'ir.onths ticcefslyely in the Raleigh Uegister, "and th()Yi Ikin and Catawba Journal!, ; that ' the Defendant be and appear at the szt Superior Court of Law-to be held tor nun , ...be counXvi:at'tue'pouft-"h'0use i'i Asheville, c ' hD SdMonday fter the 4th : londay in Sert .ber- titionV oK the same ill pe heard tx parte n 4v Witnesi. ftobcrt Henry,' C!'erk of sid Court at Office; the 2d Monday afur tlie 4iL Ilonday of March; 1829. Vrv- -w - v?;,:-' - ... T , . ROBERT HEiraY, c. S C. ; mmJi,; j.. 1- 1 -ii r i -ii ir -1 - r- 1 ' - State of North-Carolina ... - J'- Buncombe! Jounty.; f ' ; SuperibrCourt, of;Iw Aprd'Terml20. 'Thom.s-'Slxarpe, S) --"Ui ..'y:.'-;; ':L C: "rf-vv .Petition lor.Divcrce.. . Susannah Gharpe. 3 : ! ; -' - ' " ' i e"RD ERED by Court; that publicatlorv be raj. ?fortbree months successively io the 1! . higti V Register j andHheVYadkin -aud.. Cat a l l Jciirhal, that the Defendant oe and. spp: r ct the nextCSuperior Court 'bf- Law to v be- Ii -." ? Buncombe County at tlie Court-hbusa in A:e." ville; ron thelsecond Mbday 'fcfter the f:urt!i . Mondav in Septemiier, nexy and p!-:.d cr swer ta the Plaints petitioocr th4'aci3 tril be beard, ex parte. ' ;" f-'-.Zl ' ' 7 Witness Ilobert irenryr Clr C. said Court iZ OfIiue,; the Second EXocay after lha fourtU ile: day cf 1, lft - - ;.. the temptations jield putrby our tbiVr.a r.r.il vil. 4agea,wiU hererbe remoyed ahd. their c-ntamir.r -ting influence avoided: J Every attention wilt bn - . . - .i- s - . 1 s : " !

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