- f - r; 1 i V. "f :Our$re the plans of faiiydelightfiil peace UAwarp'd by party rae tp live like brothers.' - ;.. 3 ;". ' r j -v 1 :V ' ' - x j ' ' J , "pubn OPPr r. AT.KS & SON. V 5 ' ne DUcr9 per annum jhalf in advaceA 7n nstlv inserted 3 t'mes "or Hollar, and, tnty-five, cents for I- Urv 9,'icccedin publication those pt.great i length in .the ;same ptnportn....CoMMy- 1 cATf oss thankfully recelyed.v'0 liUAdmfssljon to the bairjrido: Any citizen ,of t wcnty-one yers of ; aSe, ihocan undergo an examination, which tn act clis rigid, but which island wel fear n;cessarly must be,the reverse-.is, en titled toft(lnissioti: zAoung man of quick Wpreh Blackstone's Cominfutariesvanii glanced at our Acls of Assembly, may be licensed to practice in 7,ur hiehest courts and many trade upon this snler stock of knowledge j. for after admission, it Is too much to expect,; hard study, unless there is business to require it -witfv the diUfactions of which, n vheto thVr batul, any thing lik'e profound ccmen crV My almost altngether iticompati Tli rtemtericy of this absurd system i s in e destr ucii n of 6 u r you t h in a pro f es 'lpriM hipTten' .1 n;,a ;mpil ; lyVn .-of : tjy ,i vv.' JjrRorance can.att ract rip client9--its insep arable companions a re id lenessa nd . low i n ilulncef. It .is true, if a halt educaletl jawf has a small indepjeridence aml' swine in(klier- it'he inay to 'attain a seat the Ifglslature, wfien by Vanning, so xongenial to little mind, ;he inaj raise himself eVejv to th bericll ; iu the wretched figure he' &en'nike.'anii the injuries he'thVb icomuiits, soon arenterj him an object' of, ridicule or abhorrencer : The only cure ior jfhis'evilis a long lentil io Yiciaie, ; Four years sf udy at lea8t,,slntl)d V required by law for in less time it is un fcoss'ble or an orciiijaryfycmih to have his )uind: sufficiently imbued with the science, to convince mm oi iue necessity oi iuiuic htuiW, if he vvishes to be eminent. Mem bers iuf the legislature in' whose. power, a- itie it is lo apply me necessai r correct luii sLMuld reflect ou ihesei thins.x They should i m ein oe r i n ai n n ig n o ran i ua r n c c e ss ri iy iereas anjunenlighteneda corrupt beDch', than? which there cannot be a greater, curse to civilized country-"" h ep e v e r3 1 h e law 1 s ren tl e re d v 3 gu e .and u n ce t ta i nV i njusti cVfari ) j udi ci l clespo t i stii ril e rooh shod t over t he necks of h e peo plei 1 Iii England theypay "'more attention to tills: mat ter, thcSgh perriaps, ttiey lean toV uch to the iher extreme. " con ti n ua on We Will observe, t Kat the bu sin ess of the lawyer is toreason, to disr ennuoate, to persuade. ; l The characters n Mhicli the young lawTer is thus variously t operate, &re men of business and experi- rience, urio'n whom the "choicest flower- of rhetiirick, and lie, euphony of a 'well turned perioil.alone. make little. imnresiion i Vet rlnuue is the only thin the touns orator has learnt He is to speak of objects iniv i'S ' the world as thev are seen and ktsoyri by inVn of the woriilhe,is to liis- 1 i.nr '.f !.:' I'll, m J !." ' lT 1 . 3c wi lumi as iney arP y"' we kuw liuthiuk either uf l he uurhL or the thiiiff-i f tie world; t llbw indeed, Shull he, .Vfhcu, bhlr's his; paternal roof, and his Kfto .1 room, he h is seen nothinz of it r He is to assume sometimes the tone oF su pmoruy : no ,ts ,t, sneak . as a man more KI0 vin than the in en to whom he speaks; Jtft how is ihh possible Or; if " it were, ir i,en, who, however; Ignorant they may npftjar in the eye of ' rcfinemVnt ire Jyet "'yqujcl aijdliutfp-sjghted in matters l btisijje, and; w,ho pride themselyes in v!ut thpy ealiliieir expeneiice l;: aeiiieii 7 surkto we easn v influenced ov nun thfy caniiot but esteem as tad i ib such, iherVfore, he will hot, wl&t ver ns talents maybe, have fair pi ay.--: ' putlk a cae,, can , any thing bu t failure failure is constant I h the result, and 4he youtfj: law ycrl thus retires from the ' MI 1 'tie agi ny ot iimmttut rese ti tine u t, j.ai'voie: to ileuure ; " or, if :ie continues iii his I'ltSMOi.jhf lose s by degr 5ei, eery spm k I ua ble e paiK hitii- muUtiun; iand?cntenTs 'f witlr j,'a kiiisr imitions fscur!iN lieV nf !'0ifcl4iure;"-lleiii which; altme; has the lwtiy appiy the proper remedy. ; t Pruvideiile,1 U;i. ZJiterary Subah rlt .';eu mtue.wlu ' ?, umi i ev,r iiiiitrursft -timmc lag ; . . v;. a,"i'c. UI tunes, nau 1 , , .,v.v erouai oeaulyj xatieiildest ; jiuan-iea tot itt sU;1inoriths!ie 0 M c? the ful (owing curh.us storv, the U ?',ufbed tor bythe Nushvifo tnis.- r 1 inni . , ' y . r . au-Mf unci -11 er 1 -Utl Wmntd;.am!J folhnved the after the lapse, bf Uuf f ?vv ;Csnei was young and beautiful x all ;,wha knew " ' ' J '-' ' '! . . ner aumireu 4 ner ; , a nu . ner . wealth, r and beauty 'and innocence, etipited urinumber eu8UitorsxwftO':;f-o:'fe:o pmm hand be red tlie ftte of her sisters,, and she fesolviMl to :&0en(lJierJj('i ness. For: i&o three: yea r she was, res olute but at length an officer of the Unit ed States jArihyMiy Nashville rapd -;wks'fotrddu ciety H e was a, hi an' of prepossesi ng, ap pearance 5 h is man ners were pol ished arid popular, arid: his gallantry ;and 'chivalry were never '.surpasseil,! ; Fie solicited her ha n d ' 1 n h oly- w ed 1 oc k i th e att raction f o f I the ohicef.cou Id noC be resisted $ she re fused afid declined for' a longv tiniV, and cited the melanchoi t fate of Her sisters, Whilst she confessed" that 4 the officerr lwas not uowelcoine tol her The;VMajorM;was aii adept in, the wars of loveV as well as in the. wariif arfiisandheres surrender the! attacktill I the c?tdel capit ulated, Hef was, sjuccessfu-thb young and blushing Hebe consenledand the nuptials we.'if celebrated. ' The happy pair lived in 1 perfect; h arm ony. fr a while- but, ere ;six. months had elapsed, shrV too, fell ayictim at the shrine of wedded love,' There wa;Spehing-ejcceeciing1y singular about ihe unhappy (ates of. ihese young la dies, and, though they now all slumber in thje' : same sepulchre, ''Aheir.iertSt:v,their; beauty, anil thejr forms are fresh , tn the iiijagi nation of those who experienced their friendship, and best; know how to appre 1 iiite'their. inestimable . worthy fb;;-T,:,.f-,v 4 'The united possessions of the whole family fell .into the Jiands 0F1 the officer," and he yet lives to enjoy; if, and to recount the sad and (doubly htelanclily story of the unkindness of the fates, andMhe unpropi tiousness of his fort.uues and his hopes. A mofe wot! hy ind iy i dual never' ex is ted and should tins notice chance, to fall upon Ids vjew he I will-be 'assured - tha t it was w ri t te n by o tie who. honors h Uj gallantry, and well knows how to rstimau? his exalt ed wor th'il istihguished bravery,' and splen did talents.'? The West begins' to bl osiom wi'h itu irovements. Gana Is i n i per pec t iv hot are plashing, fiv'rs are ie triiiu:, and that Sate,;lamy'a wil:jeriies,ls weyfsli Civilized man, vho but recently, usurped tne. naunts ur ine tawny sons 01 the iresf, feels arid; asserts the proud pre-eniinence of his lestiny, and .looks around him as loru 01 the creation,", over t.hej waning wilderness; with an eye i brightening into jy at the rapid progression of enterprise ami exerioti. inaiana jtoo, paicni ng tne iioble conragioii, is inqvitg; with majestic Strides in the highway of useful improve ment, atid is big with ' animation at; the brilliant prospects which brighten into real iiy before her. Ohio is alredy one of, the greatest arnorig her sisttrrs of the confeder acy 5 and her; gtgaiif,jc Undertakings alrea dy carrying on,-anil onn to be completed mark'her outras a star, whose brilliant orp no disaster of fortune, can obscure. ; The West is fast becoming the theatre of em pire and mwer. ;The Mississippi presents no sufficient tibsiacles to the rush .'of irrit provement towards the settihgisun."'-ri Missouri is 011 me move; 10 sre.atness in population, prosperity, and wealth." The mightyiversllbafroll their waters through her: wld e spread. d omai'n waVh -1 he. settle rrients of a people who h tve risen, with the) vtffor;t a . nercuies, irnn jtne we.iKness 01 infancy to the full sttength! of surdy man hood.;- I : --r -V-- i t; v' : j'Vhe Rocky Mountains vill soon fling their lertherted shadows over a swarming pipulanortof civilizeij beings, and towns! and cities will lift: their spires toward hea- vei'V u here now the lofty .forest sjwave their brjuiches; f Farther; south, rfrkansak stiVin become a StateiS:Her; rate of is already beginning to be run. "lor? The waves of a ireisistless emigration -are sweep ing away the sava ge hord e s whq .darkened 1 the. face of the oil ; and the lantlmarks.of her progressive, power are. re-ooved" far in to the sou Mi w es t er 11 w 1 1 I h. ; I a r t h er north AJichzgii is spreading fij arms opeiiipire; lar andvviilei and liikes are 1 about - to be married to l.ke?r,'by the.'force of invincible e n t erpri e. ; ; Tha t territory will aiso-soon b-coii munitudes; wh'i r 1 . tht-i f wa ves of power over it,-wil -o.n su ' 1 vj Utiue its. wilderness, and bring its. forests into suecesfurcultiviitiim Huron, t , s t r r(c h ng s i il I f a r t h e r; ; liij 1 1 h eC n or i and wesf is aaout to receive ;a territori.il rv'itnrtvn.uril erif, :.-aiii cvmu.eiice ,iis civinzeo t areer. : ceases. i'he ' ivr.hiMitt t. r "will stiii savage nautits win ue uroKen up The red man will but little;. longer th e white ma n : with drea d. His whole mass will be buned Ueue.ttn tiie successive bi) lows of that roiliog popul a'tion which :e ve trnow th ea tens f o exterminat e h t s race Hi lHUemir thari half d red? fcia ft i o ri s of so u I J o f -Jw hi t e fi m jftjr ! w 1 1 1 empire, nupresciehcetcah cy i & i in pnte n i trtfiic?iti out 1 1 s greatness j and should no utdoeseen, no uuanticipa!- months. ' I)ut one now :reinaihed. vif:f He ned or. felt a flamq!: Knelt at Jhephrinef andrsolicited her i n h oly wed I oc k'"Sh $ wel t remem tnrong his last great einpire of: civilz.ed - s iTVi e; fa t u re Jsxa n deu ro f tp is A tn erican ed evil uetai it, the American banner will proud Iv float from. the.: Atlant ct to thr. V- cificf . over, ten thousand cities, ; and its-ivn- a T ' ' - 1 - - - . i . .-. . -.f. iy o irrter. De Ucean's everlasi 1 ng waves, JlK fcirigdoms and ehj roueu or, ine gorgeousness ot : their past 6een.?.::yWhU.ci;N gh vy 1 ng "a s ))ri 1 1 iah t lya sVh e 1l em id e 0 f th e sun; bhalj be tlie 1 1' h is t ory y i 1 1 j ter tnw te on Iy w he n x me sli a : c ease, and t h Ws lory, of J ts grea tn ess arid its fame will be fold in eferenny. ' ; " j TCIUU114 ruewmerican. x- iHasf 'lately"; received fy'Considi'abVe'alccesiion to his Stock of Ooods. : He now I offers fq sale' bn . reasonable terms' the ' follow Articles : Gold and Silver Patent, Lever Watches i I .English and & Alarm ditto; fine Gold Watch Chains,Sealsnd Keys ; v Ear-rings, ; Finger-rings and , Breastptiis a !general assortment ; tine Gold Cable vNeck Chains; Coral, Amber, Corrieian, Sfoel, Gilt, Wax and Fancy Beads r Gold, jS,ilverj Peapl ahd Shell Sleeve Buttons ; fi ne Cut Smelli Bottles"; Otto of Roses,' Cologne .WAteri": Pen and Pocket Knives ; Pocket Combs i' flemming'g bes. Nee dles,' sharps' and bet weens'; Steel Watch Chains, Seals, Keys, Buckles, Clasps j; Key, jUihgs and Batons ; . Percussion Pistols,- Percussion Caps ; Dirks ;, Swords 5 Belts and Epauletts Walking Canes assorted, buck and ivory heads, with and without Swords f Chain Dog1. Collars j; ' Razors ; Pbckiet Books,; Guard Chains ; 'Musical Boxes '; Plated Castors ffom $1 SO to $35 ; plated Can dlesticks from $1 25 to $20 ; Plated Snuffers and Trays ; Plated and Britannia Tea and Table Spoons and Soup Ladles ; Britannia Tea Pots ; Dice ; Chessmen ; Draftsmen; Peart, j Metal and Ivory Counters ; Ivory and Brass Desk. Seals 5 Spectacles and Goggles ;' Silver Thimbles ; a ge neral as"ortment of Silver ; Plate, consisting of Soup Ladles ; Table, Desert and Tea Spoons ; Salt and Mustard b poonsand Sugar Tongs-with a variety of other Articles in his line. 1 x i WATCHES & CLOCKS carefully j repaired, and warranted to keep time. All kinds of Jew ellery repaired, at the shortest notice. . - -; J. C. S. returns his thanks to his friends for the patrbou'o he hs received, and. hopes to cunlinue t reet tve; a portion ot their favors' and that of the public generally, which it twill be. his studv. .to - merit, bv ? : continued' observance of the lu!ies of his-profession. Kaleiuh, Jolv, lrf,y. 90 3t lialeili and JSewbcvji feta&es; y:'HBj.lltOPUIETOIt of the'ahove Line, haV A inir lately i beared new ;sml cJmmodioud Stages, and added several -first rate Horses, with sieaiiy anu atwiuuiiiiujig , unvcrs, ar.u uaviii also obtained the bftt stands for the. comfort and cdnvenience" of Passengers, hopes to He enabUd to! give entire satisfaction to those who may fa yor him with their patronage. '., jj ,? J The rates of Stage Fare are as usual viz r from Raleigh to Newbern and from Newborn to Rileigli, stven dollars, and'for any ies distance sit cents per mile. Passengers trave Jing thro'; will please pay their stage fare at my house, four miles from Raleigh ; Way Passeners(who may not pass my house,) will settle with the Drivers in advance. Appiicationsior seats may oe made tol Mrs. Ann Dilliard, sivn of the Cross Keys, m twleigh.and at Mr. Joseph Bell's, r to my Stage Driver in Newbern. This Line of Stiges leave, Rileigli everyTuesday, .at 10 AM. ajid Fridays atj 2 P, M., aixl arrives in Newbern on Thursdays and Sundays,1 at 2 p; M. leaves New ern every Wednesday and Saturday at o-A M. and arrives in Kaieign tne toiiowmg erioays anu ; Mondays at 10 in the morning, j Believing the present to be preferable to any previous arrangement; and tuat it will, better,tnan any oihtr. that, can be adopted, contribute to the convenience of trav ellers, the Proprietor will use his,-ertueavors;to give it permunency,i by p reserving! tlie. Line in us prescni unprivt:u uujiiuuuh. - T : M E Ri (ITT D ILL1 Alt D, Proprietor!' Junet 2rth; 1829. j . 90 tf. ate or, ortn-uaroiina ; Mecklenburg County. Superior Court of LawMay Term, 1 829. Manon Tanner, i f ; U : .. ' ' vs. Petition for Divorce. -John Tanner. O' RDERED by court,5 that publication be made for three months successively, in the Ra le gh Register, and Western Carolinian, that the defendant be and appear at our next . Superior CMirt of Law to be held for the county ot Meet- lehbursr, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the i Monday after the 4th Monday nl feeptemner jt, and plead or answer to ttie piaiiiutrs peti tion, or the same will be heard ex p re Witness, Samiiel Hemlerson,. Clerk of our said cburu at Officei.the 7th Mdnday after the 4t i in March, 1829. v v .. ' .v r SAMUEL HENDERSON, C. S. C. Ratidolpfk County. Court of Pleas aiid Quarter. Sessions, i t , t Uis Mav Term. .1829. Alice iiiJdickr!.;i :i.-A 'v':;- .'Jr m. Widows & his -Petiuoh for Partition. 'i. ' V"' ' "ITT anneannir to the satisfaction of this Court, 'Ml that the Defendants are not inhabitants of mis oiaHS'-y -'ii is mejteiurcs rucrcu nm. juui tion be made fpr.six weeks in theiltaleigh lte: gVster that they aprlekr attire next Ootirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ltd be held for the county I d. Randolph, at the Court-house ia Ashborodgb, on tbe tirst Monday ot August next men ana tliere to plead, answer or demur to'the petition, otherwisef it - wilt be taken' pro cnfesb,nd id judged ccoTdingJv, 't-.4' I Witness, J esse Harper, Clerk of our said Cb'iirt atfoffice ihe first Monday of May,, A. D. 1829. A Copy, JESSE HARP E R,- c. ci great ness, v wii isq w t rr if into atoms oy . 1 ne siij eof this Jgrea t ?Repul XcJjktFheir I day :irf r zr, Lr! ii' Price adv. $2 75.' State of North-Carolina, " t . v' ' v-i. pay wooa County. Superior Court of Law-Aprii TermVi829; - . ;;john crow.--' i r. - t . y , c Petttionrto va- Jas Honand's heirs 8l devisees. O 1 1 appt a'ring to thesatisfaction of "the Court, i, that the Defendants' in this csTse; to Wit. Jas. Holland, jr. Rhotlei and ynthiaX his wife, "Perkins and Sophia, Jiis'wife, hes and de visees of , 'James Holland and" Holland, wi dow of the said James Holland; are 'inliabiiants of another State, so that the ordmatyv process f law cannot be served pit them it ls ordered that publication be made for; tlireetfnonths succes sively in the: Raleigli Regfster, tliat the si kl De fendants be . and appear at the nt at - S u peribr Court of Law to he held for .this county, at die Courthouse in AV aynesyill'e o'n th'e seCGtHl.HVd-; hesday after the" fourth Monday in - September next,' then and there to plead, answer or demur to' the Plaintififs petition,- or fudcrmeht f Pro con- fesso Will. be entered against them. I : V. witness, Jnn ts. Love; Clerk cf said Court at Office, the second Wednesday atrer the fourth Mrtnday iii March 1829r f i- .1 V i 7S' Sm V- JOHN B. LOVE, C. S. C. 1' S tate of .North-Carbiina. . , :M: 'Granville. County. : fc$J , Court" of Pleas 'and Quarter ""Sessions, ' - ! May Terhi, A. D1829. V . Howel FraizevAdmr. 'of Willtanr Hester, dec :' v"r -"Robert tester, (of Wm.) f v U Original attachment; . Levied W the hands' of '. Thos. B. Littlejohn; Esq:.aiftl he is summoned ' as Garnishee:' ' . "' " . . ';' T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ';. that:the defendant,. Robert , Hester, is not an inhabitant f this State ; it is ordered that publication be made in the Jtaleigh Register for six, we eks giving notice to the Said Robert Hes ter that lie appear at -the Court of Pleas 'and Quarter .SeasionSj .to.'bft held for the County arid State aforesaid, at; the i Courthouse, in Oxford, on the first Monday in Aiigiist-next,; tlit;n and there replevy and pteactto.issae.'-or judgment final will he rendered. ii pv-against him, and the property levied 'on; Condemned subject 'to tlie plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Stephen;K.: Sneed,' Clerk of aid Court, at office in Oxford, the Qrs; Monday in May, A D.1829:-Vi ; - " ' -75 6w pd ; STEP. K. SNKED. ClkY State afl)forth-Catolii '. ' a ' : ;'' Buncombe" Couoiy. - i-, ': Superior Court of Law- April Term, 1829 William Robards,kV: V, ' - -'- ( v." , v .C Petition for Divorce, 'r' . Margaret Robardsl 3 .:.:'-x;- V t: f - - - OUDEitED by Court, that publication be made for 3 months 'successively in. the ltaleigh Register, and the Yadkin and - Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and appear at the .next Superior Court tf Law to be held for Buncombe county, svtj .the'Cpurt-hoiise in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after the -ith Monday in September next, andplead-i or afiswer to the Plaintiff's pe tition, .or the Same witt belieard ex parte. ' Witness, litobert Henry, Clerk ' of . said Court at O dice, the 2d Monday after, tue 4tli Monday of March, !lJ29. f." . , i i : ROBERT HENRY,' C. S. C4 r Guilfmd'Crtuniy. ' . In the Court of Equity. : - ' ' -Jno. Anderson, ."1 " '-'- ' -' .- K t . Lytlia Anderson, j Heirs at Law of MiriamJ James Anderson, VAnderson, feme covert, Ph'ebe Anderson, deceased. V ' 'j ... - ':' Mary Anderson, J . ... .. - ' . .- J . . - IN this cause,; it appearing to .the satisfaction of the Court that the Defend ants are inhabi tants of another State : it- is therefore ordered by the Cbtrft, that publication be made for .six weeks iii Hhe Raleigh Register, for the Defend ants to appear. at the next Superior, Coiii-t of tw and Courtlof Equity to be held in and forthe uounty ot uuiltord, '-. at. tlie Court jtouse in Greetisborough, on the foiirtb Monday after the fourth Monday in September . next, t hen apd there to i pjad, answer or. demur to the. Cchp plainants B'dl. orthe same will betaken pro bon- iesao, ,anu uecree maue accoruingiy,. ;, Teste.M 5 s .: :--Air GEREN, CM. F State of Nartli-Carolina ; f Surry County. May Sessions, 1829.. ; (Mitchell Thompson rs Jabei Johnson, Admr. IN this case, it ajpeiing to the Satisfaction 4f 1 the Court that Joseph Payne, Walter, and his wite ousannan ravie, iviwam ii;iwk.h, ana ins wife Sally', and cEliphalet Rendal arid his wife Martha,- heirs at law of Stephen Payne,- deerd. reside outj of this-State. Orderet by the Court that publication be made six weeks in the Ra leigh- Register, for there to appear and ma Re inemseives parties, oiuerwise juameni pro con fesso will be taken as to them, at August Term 1829. : j- v:-'' v r.-A ' V Teste, fOHN WRIGHT, C. C. C ' State pi North- Carolina ; ; VSdrry County. " -l-'. - i' Superior, Court of Equity, March Term, ,1829.: ' .John Hilsabeck is.Joseph Pening'on. A 5T appeanncr to the satisfaction oi the Court JL that the defendant, Joseph Peniogibn; isviiot an inhabitant of this State f k. is therefore. order ed that ptiblicjition be made for three mouths iii the ttateign uegisier, mat ne may appear at mr next Superior Coyrt of Equity to be held for the County cf Surry, at the Courthouse in Roc 1c ford, on tlie' first Monday in Scpt-m-ernext,'to plead. answer or demur, to tlie complainant's bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard Test. wiNSTONlSOMERS, C; IL E May.19, 1829)r. adv. $5 25. 3 - , Hi oro' eScuiiuary fSllI.E .Summer Session, of this Institution will JL ?om me nce on the 9tb day o f JulyJ .Terms as heretbtore,'- " ' '.'4--' ''.:' baijiaiAar "tmTioc.. ; -.t -V V V4thClass;; $10 00, - f i X 2d & 3dJ do;i :Jrt 'soig; C " :- 4v. istf do as M15 :'oorrW0,v-.-v Contingent Expenses 50,J ' - V-1 'A4'-;-''..'. 1 OHSxjixaTAi. saac&X9: -i : VV' Music?: 524 00,S'r -"3 ;2- Lace Needlework; 3 00, h; Muslin Needlework ;2 00; f? CS,,0T - i Drawing & Painting.l0 00,J y v - ? Board from $3 to 10 xper month. . 1 i : ' ': W. IL GREEN, SuperinML ' . ..-"'". ... - .-4 M . , . Private J3oardinr Scliuol; irE Exercises . hi t he 'Su bscr! b , r's' S chool, ; t, wiU clgse on Fndy the oih ofune, and be' resumed, on the second iM.-m.-Tav in Jul''. . ' . There "will be public ? peeking: by his pupils", on .Thursday nf.M' the 4th of June, in5 1 !i e'ila sonic llalb-;- The :citi2en3 of the tow , ;:rere'-r spectfuily.tnriled to attewt. :J-.:: - '. j -r : :j..vrrnEij9iooN. ; r-'N. B. Tt-rms rf his School, $55 pC-r.'.'sesvc , for Bnarvt UMd't'i Itioo, paid in aclvanct. ' ; 'liiU,bQrt.ugtt.iav ty. ; y . 751 A BALL ahf ,lAtrrV wiU be 'furnhed 'I. SlioccoSprinss. on the eVenin'Tsf ih 1 0l and 11th ofAtio ;ri " i '-''"T--;' " Shocco Spring July '22 1829. t - ; COTTON YARN TON VAi.: J rN order, to met .the exigency of the present times & competition on a fair ground 'A Iso, to enaoie ifouniry-; Merchants ann QthtrV tt cliase CO'rrON, YARNS n cu :i rV, to pur- ovner pans oi : . tneuiMon l lt.v) self my .Cotton? .Yarns, bv "the e concluded to miantitv of 153 pounds and tirnvards in ftssortments' cf tau-A ' lantmties from No; 5, ,tb 10 u 21 xats per pound, with an advance of three' cef.ts per No. iip'to No. 20.", It is not "necessarytp" say; much T about the qui." ty of these : Yarn? us they af e f generally well known, aivd allowe'd; by "all who , have used them to be superior to uny in the Unhn. Oiders left or furvVarded.to -MrtWn. ClarT-, jr. l?eteiui4'"Jo--Mr.'l.'ti'rpJ'vWi:,ace, Mr. John Wyse and Mr. Wm; :Cfal k, "tif Rich;!, .r.d, , br ta myselfat the' Factory, w-ill be promptly attend ed to and forwarded' fV " - I am also preparer to furnish Cotton Yams . ' dyed of any color, suit, hie for stripin r; Ch eck or Ginghams, ;at .'prices to snit the aimt-H. Good white seed Cotton. IU be taken in exchange fc. Cot' Yarns,; or Giau.l for.the' customary tol', or will be purcliasetj at theTaciorvnd the high est price' giyeni! I have a Wool .C-. "n.j Ma-' chine' in operation at the Factory witli ..ew sttt of -Cards all complete, which I warrant, tb. card Wool Rolls in a .ahKer superior to any other in this1 Country Price :t'or carding ten cents a pound or 12 J cents f 1 find the frrease. The ; arrangement is o made with this thachine that Wool can be carded in wintf!r'rw31 as in'sum- mer. " r v f i ' JOSCPH.IIEYWOOD, : '-. ' -: " t'J'oiehatan 'CpitonUTactory, . " " Address, Joseph Hey wood, Sublets Tavern : Powhatan." "V: ry..yi : I r-.-J-.i v r." Price of Heywood?9 Cotton T&rn' from this date , ly wholesale of 1501bsl andlupwards, - n . No. 5-to: 10f equal quantity' 21 cents. " , No. '11! 24 .,27 30 13 U is : is ; .17 ltf 19 20- 59 : . '.' - A. - 45-' 4g 51 ' By the Bundle. No. 5 to 10 25 centn 26 - . - ' -12 , - : iiv: . 'Tk " ' r'-.---'l5' - 10 '.'v-- ir :- 19 35 38 41- '44-' : 47 50' 59" 4 20 July so: 92?4L . NOTICE. 'A' -kv"-':. '. MRS.SARAH uLENJENNirGjlate cf Grar- , "ville county, forhlirly resident in Raleigh, . ; has lately died intestate1 Jdany.oflier aextofkin reside at a distance from this placer and I da" hereby.n-.tify alLpersohs concerned that s.t the t . exptratit i of two years frofn the.,lstMay,-TS2Vi : as. prescribed by law,-Ihali e 'realy and vwl.: ling to settle the &aid Ji3tate.--The Administra tton of said Estate jiaving been committed to V hy the County Court of Granvih County in ZJay . . 1 will attend tr all con ... inicatior. (post paid) which may be ; addressed 'to me at JVdeigh, N. :. J; -; PARKER UAND, Ad.Tl'r, Wake county, 21st May, 1829. ' 71 - , Valuable Ne: re s fur .J- .le; flCW E S ubscrib ers having quaH f as ExeCUtcri . Si .of the; late Dair d Shine, dec'd,aud in order i to meet the demands against the Estate of tLelr . stat or, they will offer f t z to'fthe bigliesi ; bidder, for ready money, ' cn-ihe f.rst day of Au gust next, at the Court-I!: use door iii the Town '.; of Louisbur--, several valur We NEGROES,' a " roong which are two Blacksu.ishs (brothers) tl.s ; . eldest about 25 years of age, Tis a large, strong, , active" likely mnn.yind a; fet! rr cf excellent sense and disposition, and the : .'jscribers vou;h for bis being one of the best Smiths in' the State. -He can execute airkiijds of Iron" Work pertain-, irig to Carriages with, neatness and despatch.--.." He also ilnderstands working all kinds of Stet 1, ; aiid has not his "superior iii the making cfed"-cd ' art'd Plantation Tools of ev-ry deficnpticn. i l a youngest about 23 years ol'age, is iu t s pci.ct in his traded but premises to make aii excellent Smith lie is ais a large,; likely fellow. . The ; r balance of, the Negroes ccists of women and chifdren tley are HKeiy and -valdab'lei 1be ' T09U of the Shop will.also be sold. - , ' ;;),;;-;-;,if:jOEL:KlNG,'-'-t exo W v r CHARLES A. HILL 5 . ' Franklin county, N- C. July 1: ' SS3t .. SODA -.WATER.. liariLLlAMS 2t HAYWOOD will : keep .pre-, f T paied the above article during the Summer season.--'.; -5' v - - . -' ; ".l . ' Also, Lemon Syrup, of the first quality. ; ; They have just received a supply of superior ; fresh;linie Juiced .:-.''s ' ' -'' , Raleigh, June 1. , . ' ' 77 . i ?. JdstReceived ' r vH'aber's Difficulties of Romanism scott's Family Bible, in 6 vols Cvo, . ' The History nd . Mystery , of Met lie Jlit X : piscopicy, hViJUexi IfCainc. . A'Defence of the Truth as set forth in the;. 5 lljstory and Mystery Cf Methodist Ep-;-i- - t copacW by the same person. '-.. 1: . rvtQ: jos. gales &.saf - 181829.r June 1829. - ;) ' - . . . . t r" - 1 '1 '-'1 1 l4 -,v.' - .1?

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