ft i s ! -. -. t v : 4 v i j s . i- .. x v- -. ..JVrj,,,-- asSpe'erand rrcrc availa! st pt-;t!;al nhcl nmable perzcs, serious in their dis- &bcut two 7Csks, daring which tioe it wsaf f TttTo 7" " V ; " : - -: .nBm. r-iiicns;?ahd tis far from encourang a- heard a tr.-Iters', ;MrtVDick&ml "r !?xc6tH CoV- '"tV -.--.-:.'VoM r?dr j &k&. Wt. itkutthetfto make ipcrt,as aiiji MrNickoll'si in the same neighborhood; P;,: ( . ..; v. . -r roan, ic cAr: . . a i ugx - law r who is as poNvemiljn tne seriteTasin the v . ;. v -i . - tt v i ciAr il rt i r i i l a GRFrAm v n." i . : " ; i 4;i?.rlislo he lecture cm of hi knoxvG them. ftelieveV that theytknowany Burhetand .believed 4t to beUhef same t-ffS&AS aiS S own :nfver!y ; nigbL ;rneaW thing about the matter ThehafiV but didrhotbh f Sgfarld of Europe an d mnveti caj d afl 'Yi ngfofjKp ;m ftittid et he terror.) f i n l ' . ters, f and a inah vKo?e"OTet1fotce; ofcKa- ;.i;Uf?ssof'ditrio1js " -"i-T circumfan - .t' DCiore. ito proaucc-tne euecr, ann sooner ?,.cuaTer niusrnay,e prpu u ecu u ,y ei iuj r. tniehtf.K . -' ;r 'rhe'icoVbiiS ni easu rea":: .of Itbe.VtSatholiiSi ,a AKsocrationii, oivn!cn;nejwaAneiii.an souUltJieoldlconcep 1 ' tnrnetl to Parhauipnt. amr testins attne . f , )aFqf the Hrtus ' v of flhe acts , puJar uCteTnenlv , t IThe fb! Iqwinsr yl v VdikVtchtukejifron? 1 ' tlicfewyorjk rTnitli Telier)f what -pass . .; ed m the House ot Uommons, Avhen lr. ' 0ipiifi?l 1 1 appearedthereV; m V; interest the reader - .v V ..-the- iniense'i .amorfity.:-ehibfted byll the O'CohhelLanheared ?n the House of Ctmmons " 'JbrtlieJpurpose of attemptinglo tae liis 'seatf : . svmember Ibr.'Clare y" irliia! has fitjed s6 larjte a fepace in' the public ihd-1br"sot!nV'year3: bad , nt-'vei seen Tiitn vvcro iipxibus to know hov far V- Jiia $ettpf&tk&td i wHfi',,iiiTeati iwlitle, ,4 thoVe whViknehiiru ; ; 7 tlifttnfvel xhibHin'bf; his : courae It-was ap ocsn of gaV InrtsV- r There; was no politiqil principle inyorTed Jn the X issue;. 5vhich; mcrjel,: concerned ith individual; 1 . riffhf,vnd that 00 a . right jhat courneyer: be ' t : claimed bv. another; !, .; ;' The hotlse waUsual!llAn the benches I were crowded f;eVen to, thoseintpnvenient an ' ' V'gularVeas i wherelthti ? sWspingmenerslwhb ar'; l ' rH-r late arc. obliged to pech themselves aloff , 1 'cnmple'tinf theampni-theatrical mass of; popu-, fi.r reprV&ehtafion. The Ytnembers galleries i ttetvanimated tV an increased number of strag- )r1e who were deprived of thei means; of 'in ' i " ' dwljrinfc their HhViifary usto'rn oftrctching their : ' full lengthen the cushions. To yawn and cross , ' " hi s ,?egs rrs k rmicti Ks "the npsjt indolent con n 1 ' try : irenllerrtaH ' -hxlyrof all "that Is legislative jn the 5 people "was settled d'e v. njas cldsely packed asjf iti physical ' atoms had been well shaken ' into their places, U :onl I a pproacnea 1 ne , na rv. - a m uiversa buV.z arove to the ro.f. Every head was toop , ed, forwatd ;j eveii i the speaker became fidgetly, vlVv'ehought.V could d .t ect": .in X-bf features a- x. phiy" of awukerifed neryourtcss. as if, although the course o."he pursued Vas clear ana ' pre ;ir- Tan.gefl hewiis agitated by liisriirst.colltsion wttli ' :r."t.'ll..: ;.l ' i .....;.l. . iue gT7 senator v iiriaui tic was. iuc u pair ot th'? ftcuie bn him'f devolved the ofTice and theVrspoHsibW to vithdrjiwANit w r fMrtctionarj',ececited it ulth a seriousness . tht ' was th'c jbest screen forthel flutter of his spirits. "tpcrson of OConneU;is somewhat retr&rk; t''ihJeV:'lle"isiib . izinfe to th full the acc'Uis of the old race from Which hespriihg; iIJis whblef airs that of a lileslin Cht-f,' conscious ot his power- -heredit ary, moral and pohticaL His strong and well -;Jcnit Irame. ;'seWmsemme'.otlyadaptl to the.toils VI ll MUUVU3 MfCCI u'illlf the fatigue of 'watftre iirthe mountHihs or in "thefonnfllrthiaacV the,e are some points of great peculiarity. -Ppon his expanded and L herculean sljoulders ahoKt , neck, supports a "small httt expressive- head. - It presents a full featured "countenance-'. in miniature, . capable : of varied and constantly abifting expression ;f his ' eyea are of a licht" and? singularly transparent i grejv sunny an d gornlf hatdred, , and rarely se r vere;"i lit cheeks, slight ly collapsed, ' assist an " the Formation of perpetual smile that plays - round hisrnpvrthi i niparring to it a tone of lively - diculeTaot of the Autirical but of the liurnor v . ous kindrAUhougti jve;have hea,i5cl of htsutter- Sng anathemas Mhd, jdenuntiation, there is ho in- ' -dication ofan evil temperament biit his per . abnal appearances OnthbTntrary there" is 1"' much riaiura! kindness, and j ap: intellectual riaU . - tWe'inhis whUe;aspect.:'4-:-OA Hi ipeech "was heard ith breathless attenr , ; tronand firquently cheered ' It was exdeedin -'J- Iy,rndcratb&uhdue nbne.,of the afiutes oT-Coarseness and violence that the fury, 1 r of partyhare either wriing froni him, or stigtna Xt ed hith with ;The toneof his1 voice was mod ulated ti? Atespectful equaHty seldom rising to -' rhetorical baldness; or sinkfnginto artful ) transi- tibns.' The brogtleis rich opojv his tbngiie but T iot thatvtUgarV brogue that- clips of; swells our , la ngxi age; but a tnu sical cad ence singing through r" ' the wotsjpccasionally in a plaintive, and oftener - In a burnoTOusrintillifluence.' (4 He is a subtle mas ter of pbpula declamation 5 his action is free and suitable. hislirriods. fuH of variety, and his choice of language copious. When he had con- eluded, Ihe- hoie,cheered him " r it;wa& felt that . " . the Relief nilljiad deprived.him of his stings j ir and now that hewni afetltioneVe barin f stead of an, agitiit6r4he mostconscientipus;of I ministers bore testimony to his talents: - ; hat: the Tiicsdayn bight" crowned i his parlia rg.'. tnentary labours. :$ lie, 'was called J.o the"; bar in' order that the obnbiibUs oath "should be tender- id toliin again; . previously .to the order of the dayhting Vcad, Sir; Peel Jwas .to beeen lean ingon the elb'ow. of the S pecker's chair in deep conVersatiori t those who know the right honour- - able gentleman'. person will be able tb estimate the' gracefulness pf 4irs atutnde;':rhe" private conversation between the minister might i . have s continued mbch;: longer, had nbt' the solicitor.' general wluspered something in the right , hon. odrable .gentleman ear that induced mm to iook u p to the gallery i "wertb bu ght the action.waa - i'l commentary upon at hint,' that the members of v ' . x the press, who were at the moment busied in ' t arranging ttbeir note" books, had bbseh ed the ministerl! cont rebce. Kir Peel jwithdreW to 1 , hisseat, and O'Cnhell wassailed to the bar, ; ,- The answer pf the member for Clare to the'qtu s- tion,-whether he would take the bath, was short ' vhutemph&tic,'' and ,uttered ira ybCe;of subdMied " and solemn railTeryv ' I see in this bath one as ' ' ertion as to a matter of fact, wliich I Anow is not " ' true t and ! see in it another assertion,' as a mat-J . ter oFpiniop, which J bpaete nor true; I there - 1 fot:.rcfuse:;:lo;.;UV4th oath-? ; Vfieii the an, ,- ' fcjjrer was .delivered, Lord John ltussell broke in to an. injerjefctujiv MUat onveved .an; eloquent . j ' $neer upon thv dee $ satire-of that tirhple 'jnega canctioning an ba Onart,o and ancUie-r paw;doubttuJm,8pr.inr fiAfy'ir KT .7 w Mr. Br. tiehm Were the advocates of Mr. O- vonneirs pnvikge. r wrKice i & snjaji mdK ''HY SF .wower9..i,a itipg;iQ lit .went round - ,;dual, ith rather a clehonaire maimer aiid3n; -bn'"tKfe'tede''ie'eTU:)hey cbuJd disco 1 , cceedhigly' ; arithmetical understanding. W He ' veran v'bhe; whpn fi'iritfi?lvJ-v;.;:;ii-Cliua to details rrti;iciou ,i himsf lf.to travel ;out;into p?i wnples. J- rfr" li ?wvhinj:lt V 'Ane iy ot prince js-much dimialjaied 1 lu" r ,l"ev ; sacrea or protane which any tMiwoia render hiai niore conspicuous ncappearto be simple hearted, upn-ht monies fif oui line arer31storted iana a boilv anna rently incapahTe nf fatigne. l,It is incredible how renote tlfBnHseem atthenientajr.ppVer struct el maii At bnreaJollossus an4 a tlvarf, nature fias Compensated his bodily imbeciUty by aisociatie it wit brwipnderoua elasticity & vWout f' intellect ; H In , advocacy, -however , failed t nor va it "urjjed witb a view to thf violation of rrlmmetrUry Jjse v;btttathftnat''jihetiaflrj which was to. KiVerffeeddin 'to; all his mnjesty'a subiecti should not be '. mde a penal statute acrninstonev QConhenwjthdreVi lean 4 inn;his merid;jG uiacc cneerea nim as tney passed along; 4nvtprjf sajs theCharlenMercufY which opyifom be C amtlse- alfanu may possioiv interest sorne ofburreatlerc fhere) ihartlly human : beimr N h o lias . not :lso m e' ti nc- ture of superstition in his char:cter 5 and although "maoki nd 'general ly, eitherX tlifo' sname or pnue, . uuect. iu nuicuie uie ap pbarartce or operatibrt'slbf; supernatural beingsTeiit U unque alm'Qstkfc they deny; by tfieir I i ps", : Thei : story, ' at all events, lssaiu b the, jEu tors ot. the Cailinian.' wii6 ivbuld not iest Unon such a jarcsu attested f by respectable individuals 5 andperhapsi al h ouh they thems el yes- M are not dispos ed to b1ievefinf''a;ns'ele !a-prsof nature, there tnay : be those who neither, consider it contrary .to the laws of nature rior belieye.it to be useless. vLet all, , therefore . read it either for the sake of being amused oj- alanned-fbr the pur pose of ridiculing nonsense, or of disco yerinj; and' improving some: mysterious and important truth--as may be most con- sonant to tneir respective oisposmons. M .From the Ettgcfield jCqroUnianj July 11 The following statement af facts in relation to - a matter which i has produced " much inquiry and speculation in this district, may be depen - ded upon by the public,, as' having been care vfully compiled by a gentleman of piety and of - a strong' and well '? cultivated mind. VVe are not disposed to think that a breach has been made in theiUws of nature, without arty tise 4 ful purpose, but "we hAve, not yet heard any ;, satisfactory explanation of the circumstances y upon rational principles : X j r : 1 ? MessrsZ 'EdtiQrjA& ipti blic curiosity liasbeen greatly excited, and many tales more orj ess true, haye. gone out, concern ing the mysterious and invisible being that has been heard at Mr. Isaac Burnett's, in this district, for some time, it seems pro- per mat me puuiic snouia pe in possession of the facts relative to this extraordinary circumstance- The voice was first heard i n Octobe r last, ,i mi tating yari ous noises, 'such as that of the spinning wheel, reel, ducjesv tans by MrBurnett, about twenty yards from the .house, which led him to suppose it was one of his neighbors' children, hiding in' the weeds and trying to frighten his children; It was afterwards heard in the loft of the house, and Mr. B. supposing it to be a bird, sent a boy op to driye it out, but nothing could be seen.' It thus conti nued to perplex the minds of the family Tor some time; until, at length one of the children said he believed that thing could tal k and commenced asking questions, which it answered by whistling! pretty mu(; 1 ike5; a parrot.; This icircu mstance getting but, many persons came to hear it. Mr. John Shepherd, a pious and worthy citizen who lives in the neighborhood, conversed Avith it inpresence of a: number of witnesses. To, ascertain the ex:tent of its knowledge,, he asked it various ques tions about most persons' in' the neighbor hood, and their circumstances, which it answered correctly. It told his name and the number of children he had, also the names of most of the perssons present. He asked what it came there for.- It' re plied, because it had no other place to go." It was asked if it came to do the tamily any harm.; It said no it loved the. family t was asked finally if it loved Jesus Christ, to which it made noreply, nor answered any more questions which Alr.?ShephVrda eveningafteri it answered others, but would, riot answer him; ! Fthe fii lt three jmonths it was heard onlynce.a month, but afterwards much oftener. ! ( has been' beard at vari- ous times, both in the da v? and at night, but more frequently i n the day Search has been .repeated ly made by the th e fa mily and othersut frothing found from which the yoice could bceedThere is, no place of concealment abbut'tne house. It is a small house with but nroomf? k loft of boards laidi across ( the jblsjsarid a piazza; on ohe ' sde 7 The house is- "not, u nderpioned4 vso thatyo caneeifr(nv one end tofthe;bh sometimetiepice ly ;to . proceed' fromthe further end of the house, opposite the fire-ptace and ItKe upperrtorloft If ; a nyttmt except the. child renY would cb to that en d o f the hbusewhiie' JtVas tatkinKbriif any one wuuiu steal ruunu ever so sottlv to t VMV " """"SF.w uiosev in me . a. 1 end on the mitsitle bf the houe when it ,UT " lamiiy ,3 it i . ,. , ,t ' v wucu iw a rational sunposi ion. ihat this-cou d 'be wlien a namber of persons, were t iere.' n".'.1;. i. 3 -i-i. r on accbubt of it; but bavins: so tar;experii enced no harm; f rbm it,V they have reso lutely maintained their ground. .Jt man ifests: a great partiality for a little daugb terlfof the fanvilyi who is aboutlfl years or age. t x nis so aiarma. uer uiau sjue gcu e ratTy ge ts sick wh e n ever' she ta Iks to it a nd she; has been knowtfp quit Uje house precipi taelvhet 1 he lias heard aloni in the hbuse. ;tfot 'J however, she quoted to ;it a whicn a piousfriend pointed out- fendad- vised her to memo rize for that pu rpose, YlTiint 1. XV.V arid itbaeihef hbldlher jaw,vbut she persisted in quoting the pas- A.irrn until it hushetl . an d h as : not snoKen to herrs i n ce. 1 Sin ce ?o; m any persons went toliear it, it has Jecome very shy abd-iseldmn heariwhea many persons af ef fibou t7 or :when-any person 5 isSnyJthe house "except the1 smal ler children. They haVe never been able to; ascertain who;' or what it is, or the objact of its visit., j; It has! told its name repeatedly butf cannot beufulerstood. ;,It; wiU serious of religious questions. A When it said it was he - ever heard, and appeared to lauglj. - : ctThe IteV MK Hwlges-visited the fami ly several times and held meeting, at their rjequet, without hearing any thing. j How eve K' bp th e 25t h of "M fi M r H, b ei ng. i n the neighborhood,, and calling at the house hf Mr; "NfMra-N: informed Mr. H; khe had ut!6eentb Mr;BarnettV& heard the voice -Jp., n. immediately roue over pany with er. John Shepherd. , n coin Mr. S. went up to the house first; : to t the chil dreb ib the house to talk to it, and after it commenced, upon a 1 signal given. Mr. H. went up tb the house and seated himself in the piazza: A little boy eignt or nine years of .age, 5 stood ou just inside ot the Uoor to ask anv nuestions which wre susrsested to hjmby;the company, p It imitated; vari-5 bus noises in a whistle, such as the crow. i.ug of a o f th e coc k , cl u c k i h 2 ; ' ' o f a he n , n 0 1 1 e partridge. &c and answered a variety of 81 m pie q u est ions; There, were put few answers that Mr. H. could " unde rstand, but when interpreted by the family, who were more accustomed to hear it, he could then trace out some resemblance. Some word a however were pronounced vepy plain such!" as kitten, ves. no. coose-qu 1 1 1 J &ci The f family sav. that it eenerally spoke much more distinctly and could be much better understood than on this occasion. Mr. Shenherd savs the same. It was on- tiers tobd however, to sat it knew Mr. H pronounced bis name tolerably distinct, baiu.lL got acquainted wiin mm mere, anu that jt not did like him. When Mr. H. spoke and 'said, I have come to drive you a wayit was anilestood to reply 1Di if you aare ' iuring me conversation wim which lasted about an hour, no person was Mr. present excepi iMr. Burnetva wile. Shepherd and Mr. Hodges, with the small children. The oldest was the little girl aboye : mentioned, who was in the yard with the little children; Nbone wasinthe in side pf the house except the little bay who asked the questions. ; The reason. why he was put! there' to ask the question was, be cause for some time it had ceased tol speak to any but the children. There wei e also in the kitchen, about twenty paces distant tt'nejgro woman, and an idiot girl spinning ana weaving, wno couia not nave nearu what passed in the house. The twoj older. sons?were absent, at work ia the farm. M r, S. and Mr H . after the conversation Glided, examined the house and fourld no- thiug During the time of the conversation it was asked to sing a song -it saidjit did not know any. ' Mr, , H. whistled a sacred tuney but it said that wbuldnt do. ; It then whistled Yankee Doodle very distinjdyr -VVhen Mr. H. first Heard of the- circum- st.nce heyery naturally, was led to sus- peci mat it proceeuen from some one in the neigh bo r Hood or fiiii i ly w ho polsesed the "? art "of-i ventriloquism. But against that tipinion lie the lolluwinz obiectibns. viz : ; Jst. It is certain that it isno ode, not of the family, as no such nersbn lias been seen thereabouts at the. times when t was heard, and no person could be there always without being7 seen especially in the day. Mr., Burnett and wife, whose-word wilbe taken, by all who know them vState that no one individual of the famil?: who could possibly be suspected of such 4 aV thing, is" always present at such times. They State positively, it has been heard when. the ne gro iw oma n t (the; on lyj; ser va n Xr aboij t the house)! was in the field at work. , It: has been heard when the two pi o'er sons, who arejneirly rown, were absenti as w, is the fact when Mr. H. heard it. It has! been heard f when all the other children w( re at school j except the t wb iyobngest, one of which is about three years -old, the lother ap infant; The ideot girl has not the in t el lige bee which this invisible being tnanir fest, according to the testimony of all who have htjaniit Furiheriporeeven supposing any of jthe childrerripi ami baji the deposit ion ii carry bn thede- cepuon, lor o lorigt (rmeto the evident tniuHiaiante which contraaicis tnis sup- pbsituib.f About two months' ago, M Burntftiat thesugestio al'estabient in the placeivwhence the. Voice app0arjd to;prbceed places bame down into the bouse audi said twas going ;,a waVi TheVi asked whyiit wf gMg awayiIt replierit was bblig- ed lo go, itebbld jstay there rib longer, bade thlrm,farewbllIto Was therj al and. absent mi. r . w - . 1 1 i " . a f r . t - to those place. None of vMr. Burnett's fatnilywereat those v places when JtWas heard f Since'ils return it has occupied no particular part or me nouse out. is ocara in various parts'. : ' R is now seldom' heard, as M r. B. d oes : n ot al to w the childre n. to tii I le t o it--th ey. tl o pot pay mu ch atten t i o p to :itiTiis;are 1. theroositroaterial ,cfr-: cumstancetCon affair, for the con firrrtatioxVof : which hti for fu rther i"nforrnatlon,the public is refer red to Mr. J. Shepherd,- Dr. E Andrews. and Mf. G. Slippy,-who live in the neigh borhood . and who al I heara it. M r. ' Bu r- i iet t Jives u bout 12 miles below Cambridge,. and about 3 miles westof the road leading tb Hainbur?. near Mr.- Wiley B err v7. - SEVERE STORM. 't .' : p ' - lVZWr JLQTKv UUlU lO. iYesterdiyiafterribon " about 4 o'clock, the city was visited by a severe storm :'of winu, ram ana. nan. : it, arose very suur denly from VSW. and Jfbr a few minutes blew a; perfect hurricane rthe rain; fell in. tor ren ts, 'and the hai i u nusuaiiy large. The sloop Gurriere, Capt B.ergh, pf Khi- nebeck, in passing down the Worth liiyer, andf when opposite the foot of Barclay street, had her. mast and bowspri t carried a Way, and we regret to state; that Capt Bergh was struck down" by the mast, had his thigh fractured, and 'was otherwise badly, though not dangerously -wounded. We understand that a brother of sCapt. B wh o form e rly cbm m an d ed the abo ve si bop, lost his life by the falling of a mast some tiine since. . ' y. f:' : . - Several sail-boats were ; u pset in the North rRiver meS Steam Queen pi eked, up seven persons .from one boat -other boats were assisted by sloops and row boats. There were -many ru mors afloat of persons being drowned but itpon enquiry we did not learn that a lite had been lost. ! "' ' ; - ;V The ship Concordia lying at the foot' of Duane-street, slipped her, fasti and swung round across the entrance of, the basin -she appeared to have sustained no damage. jThe ship John Linton, lying at the foot of Jay street tore up the post j to which she.was fastened, and drifted about two hundred yards, y- colored man, at tached to her, is said to have been blown" overboard,! but was saved. v V The flag staff in the West batterer, foot of Hubert street, was blown down. r The tornado only lasted a few minutes, and appears tb have spent its fury between the 'Battery and thelState Ppison, a space of about two miles. Immediately after the gale, many small boats were engaged; in the North riverj picking up empty barrels and boards that were blown from the wharf. Most of the awnings along West ' street were blow nl away, shutters were blown in, and many panes of glass broken by the; hail, i A stable, foot of Liberty-street, was un roofed two houses were partly blown down in Duane street ; the gable end U f a new tnree story oricK nouse in opringsireet opposite C I in ton Market, was. biowc lown several small buildings were" injured i and fences and trees Were blown down inr ma ny parts of the " city. ; Several of the trees in St. John's Square had their branches torn off: -a 1 A-": ' ! .:: ;-; - .1' n The Pyramid or Tower, recently burnt at Hoboken, ;and one 01 the tines; trees. were blown I down, together with; much o- ther triflins; damage. ,4 The storm was not violent in the Bay below the city, and iti influence was scarcer ly felt by the steamboats from AiDHny,otc. on theirway to the city iV. D. Adv. LUCEftNE OR FRENCH CLOVER. FOR THE PALBIOH REGISTER. Messrs. Editors : L:nf y. As Agriculturar topics appear 'tol be (especially in theNorth) quite the fashion, I beg leave to'say 'a little', to our Plant ers and Farmers on this valuable Grass- so great an addendum to the comforts' of the btable and the Cow-shetl. I mean to be short. Any Farmer who7 raises Tu r nips annuauy, as most; or tnem, uo, and who prepares" a Cow-pen for them,. can haye this valuable c Grass f Prepare! a Cow-pen then, precisely; as you wbild for Turnips, ' and purchasing some! jyu cerne seed, mix and-wet therp up ;in,.a common house-tub, "with Bye andJisheh that is, the Lucerne seed, the Rye seed. and the Ashes al I together ; and sow them in September, (the 30th day just as .you wou Id- sow Tu rhi ps the: b n ly d i fference the time, of year. Rationaifr-tite; Rye after it vegetates, is tq act as a screen from the too scorch i ng rays o f, the sum mer sun, and the Ashes .will draw mois ture; (chemically, from the atmosphere;) wmcn tne jbucerneris jona or. Alter the Rye is cut youVwill see the: young Hu- berpe flourish for ;;:':h!pe;'year8yTad'jy)oii may cut it for your, Co wi and Horses for n lneyears in succession Soon as yob aave fed away one cu t' Aritxu s like.! 'i t wi 11 be s een pu t ti ng b p fro m th ejgrpu hd again. Have ycritr Cow-perinear your Sta . t-i f t v SINCLAIR; Jr.; Rockingham M fjiak Subscriber havi .j settled himself at this JL" place, respectfully informs the Public Shat he is prepared tb receive Company Ube present season. 1 The Establishment has undergone ,1a thorough repair, "T- and additkinal Hooras have been . provkied. In point r of . Healthy pure air aod the medicinal properties bf thevwaters, this place will yield to none in the State. - 'Erery cf fort will be made to iri ve satisfaction to tbbs2 wno tnay visit the Spnngit and the charges will be mbderate.5 r-:Ay n .THOilAS SCOTT yv:-.yy . Q, ' . -'y y i rem.ses, win expose to public aale jommg tracts of rIiAND, conUiSi S??1 acres. 5v; ,.yr .f-.;, .. -mu nearly .4 s; These lands are Jyinff brfihe L . an's Crrek. a mile and half s: l l?t pQf ham'5 FunaceadioIruT1a.l..l- 1 .Ge&- 4dy. Loe '-,d DinV.ri0 to any lands in the neighborhood. 'J Tormerly there were in operation on u ' m.seva Saw and GrUt mill, ihd Cott0he,- UUH -5- -10 u on..' ; rhe seat is an excellent one for' anv u- , machinery, having a considerable fill L il ? water power.; ;; 'f; : ; y - - V? jjood n the premises 'is a ' gwxt AbnU n . and also con&i lerable quantitvf rchai land. r-j-', : . -H. - Uly Conditions sOne andtw v proved security wiltbe.required.-and ill ,Jk pass at the pay ment of the purchase money I .ABltAHAU FOBNEY( '-"-" ',-""---'' 1 """' '. ''.-- " "Survivini pJ -Xmcoln countvy July 16th, 1829; 4 NOTICE. 1MT?S ttPadmmittebto1" r n 5 ;; ? : this; couhty, on the 2d of liarX r negro nun supposed to be a Slave himself S AMUELHVILKINS, and 'sn l4 was bound an apprentice to; Wm. liJ Norfolk, Va. and that he ranaivay from thJ ? Mosely before his term of apprenticeship pired. The said negro has been in th"a 5 or 6 years, nd has passed during that tS a free man 1 he is about 24 years of ae s 1 or 5 inches high, and coal black The S of said negro is requested to cpme forward. nrU property and pay charges, or he wiU'beE with as the Jaw directs, a , - 4 . :"-; J AMES PALtRp t.. Price adv. r. :' ? ' -' "-' Sh State rifihroKn : : Boricwulie;Carity.- i 1 Supenor Court of Law April Term. 1B2Q s r- ;V. ; Petition for Divorce. -Eleanor. PreslylfT :.-:.t.rr?. OttDEREl) by Cbdrt, that publication be m& , for 3 months! successively in -tu-R.uj. Register; and the Yailkin and Catawba jouruS that the Defendant be and appear at the net! Superior Court of Lw to be held for Buncombe county, at lhet2ourt house in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in Septembei hextj and pleadprsirisver to the PlaintHPs peti. tion, or the same will be heard ejr parte. Witness, Uobert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th MondiT of MarChI829. it I 7 vW" " VRODERT HENRY C. S. C. State qf JWrth- Carolina.. ". Buucombe County. J . : ' ' -Superior Court bf Lave April Term, 1829. Ashur Lyon,.0"--:;-:::' :-,'r -:'t v !- vv: -Petition forDivorcel Lucinda Lvon. I i -: ' - ' ' v:'' -. x ORDERED by Court, that publication be made , for : 3 months successively iivthe RdeifFfi Register, and theiYadkin and Catawba Jounudj that the Defendarlt be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Ashe ville, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. y. Witness, Robert Henry; Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Mondj of March,.J.829A---; '.' v -'I ? v ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. State of J?orth-Carolina ; r-v Buncorbbe. County k -; Superior'Cburt of Iwr-AprilVerm, 1829. -Jacob Raper, - V : ....... i: x :v v., ;. S. Petition for Di?orce.: ' ' Deborah Raper. V -- ; - 'i ORDERED by Court, that ;p Tublica'tjon be jmde for 3 months : successirely in the Rileiga llegister, and the Yadkir. and Catawba Jourad, that the Defendant be and appear -at the next 4 Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in AshewiHe,; on the 2d Monday after the 4tb Monday inSeptember next, and plead oranswer to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. :, Witness, Robert Henry, .Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of Marcbi 1829. . : - ". i 1 ; : v v ROBERT ID3NRY, C. S. C. State of JVorth-Carolina, Bubcbinbe County u 1 .t: :', S uperibr Court of La v AprifTerm,' 1829, Polly Buckner, y. ; , i ; ,v.l-.: ' y:: C Petition tor Divorce. ' Edward Buckner. . . - - I y. ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for 3 ; months successively in the Raleiga Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and. appear at the next Superior Conrt of Law to be held for Iluncotnbe county, at the Court-house in AsheviUej ontlw Vd Monday after the 4th Monday ih September next, and plead or aiwwec to the Plaintiff's peti tion, or the sme will be heard ex parte. " Witness, Robert Henrv, Clerk of said Court at Office,, the 2d Mondiy afier th? 4th ilonJay ofMarch, 182.; . , r y I -y. -; ROBERT HENRY, C. S. C. ' ' v State JVTjrftaroKufl, . - Buncombe County. j " ; Superior Conrt bf tw April rerro. 1829. Thomas Sharpc," ) "' S' .:-v 1 v; ;T. ; Petition; for Divprce. Susannah - Sharpe. 3 i ' - i ,' d k RDERT1U by Court, that pttblicationhe mac , Jeigh; Register, and the Yadkin and Catavba Journal, .that the Uetendant oe ana the next Superior Court of Lay to be hcU for Buncombe Coitnty, at the Court-nouse in vilJe,on the aecond Monday after the fowVk MOndav in Sent ember next, and plead or an swer to the Plaintiff's petition, or -the ; amc ; wiu De nearu ex, parte, ' t - . . yj.v : ' w.fnMc Unhpft li.nrv. Clerk of aw Conn1- Office, the second Monday after the fourth lion- f Marclii 1829. i - c r :fr--- JSTotic I ,y'l mtfAT bntheM MonAiy ni Augosr nw. n . .i. n n...M t..nci floor in itpc ill sell at thb Coirt-l miss door ford,-Surry;county,the following trac.a - . or as much as will be sufficienUosstfy ef due thereon;; fbr th ; year If. V C - : acfis : lying on Deep CTeek wnff Sanaa and others." : J. .' " T - -.. ivlf o 330 acres Wen in by JesaeBrot Hunting creek joining Taleru - oOacrts not given in, as the P'tV son DavisV lying on Hunting creek, J r Johnsbni V-l!-l I ymriT: SheriS " : :yys-' ;"::- f yruo.v) '.Msy 25, 182r BliANRS v -y: ror sale at this 03i " v.wyy -MVv; ' f1- 4 i-i. V- .- - -

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