-v-TT " ' " '- ' , ' 'TT -r--sr v v- cr- - l ,V " ' V ;. .- ',. ;-T' i j- ,- ., .- . ., . ,i. ' i -v.:---, ,f. r . - . . . . . tt.-,vaitor3 must pe pMt.: , a else was known. thera;rbtt v i msmi for broihers, -and came from thinly setaeltpartSpfrg.mai lo Their htorv is wonderfulas well " nPwiTaDnearetl :ifibnnt l shall P . . k .niismn ftf 1 hp ! vpar ,1 i a w nfletuan naihvtl:Lanfbr(!f a, ;t.iftN'f ft.r Kenluxrkvwith the liitention bown an :7?)o?V5 Trace. . On reaching the vicinity Itifth e w i lt!e r li essa ? wou nt a irt u and uninhabititl tracr, uhich.at that time cparatf th? isetuea , pan s .JveniucK jroS. tfiostr f -Virginia hp stoj;ped to break fast at a-public house a?Btg Rockcas ir; I? i ver. Tra veil ers 17 tb i s description U.any oilier unleed iban?hardy woodsmen this lonely : rfgMm 5 ana. Jhey genauy liAif ihriinh in barHes. t M r; Iiangforci; in tlel a v; U e t er imnequ s procecu ,.u vuc Whilbrf akfastvvA5 PrpanngVihe Harpes anil their wmnen came up. JXheir appear ance denoted povcrtyV wu but little .re b-A ril to? cl manliness s t two? very ?i ftd itTe.rent hojsesljwith some iBaVwiung acfis ihem, snilji rifle sun or:iw6rqomposed 4neaHy tlieir whole equipatSqulid anclmise rahle " ther skeined obiects fbT VY lather . 7 " " V If ' ' ' ' tvere! attributed morel tak hunger: tnaiiio guilty passjohv They lere fjtire;tran irpr in'lhVt niiorhhnrhnml.r And. lilte Lah2- trd, wrre about to bross the wilderness. When breaklat was iervedupJthejnid- Inrd, a wacu stom a ry a t '' pi aces, in. t n use tims. inf ited all ner&uns who wure, asem- bled in the commonjperbapi the onl y roonr. Sti hislltltle, inntjilitj jdon ibutthe llarjs declined allejir m InimeyjatHe reasoni 1j of a lively, generous disposition, on , hear- ihTih8HjVvUetivth"ekiv - ... t . 1 i''iv -' . ineai aj nis expense f tney accepteq-or uie jnviiattn'i,, ana atet vpraciousij, hev hiici, thus -refreshed thetoeiVe.s; and ivere about loj re n ew tb ei r-j u r h ey 1 Mr. lr.gfjird callel frtofe bilU Sn! tn tbe act iyx cits'piayeu. a i'f d i.ch d rji t . j i n prji dent. then set out, to- ItaniSful of feHver. . ' ether " A few d viy s after, some men who were condacUnir a drove of caltlctdv;yirfiiiiiai:; by' ibej 8HH i-oad vvbicb had bd travel led by,:Mr--;Lingfirdndlihe fiveu uhm a lewriiule ot the;c castlefriveVtAvber:theiifca find (j a i i fi o r i he. roa d; ftisbed ddvyn - a bill injo tile jtvoodsu I Ipl cilectinlrf tbem, c the dnvers disco ve ret 1 I he dead i bod vd fam an concealed behind a I oi& covered with brush ai.d leaves. Vlt Was ndvevtdentUiatihie a'llcfhad been alartnedby K the 'sinell lof 'mj ;in I it- rnaI. 2iil MS the !nnl VvfXniUlL- 'iitfk r violence, 4 1 vv a t ctslds' pu ma i a tjjunicr-iiau ueen perpeira'tMi lt re''centlvV;i';Tbecttrpleft1 e noutse wn ere -ine : iia rpes, v oau linn I ' . . I ' ' ' '. " - il r -viv,aieiii anu rectfi'oiz.eu i oe. inai i "r' tanptird 'whosr ri:ini . wa -inarked 71 4 tl his possessionsit Pliind ei wss not th el r ob ject : it rav fell e ri th py robbed and murd ered, uur iroui p tnevinnaoHaniaioey iook .onjyj anrio more tlVaKJwa sarjto jMippfy-j the ntdftnatdrethejr stfded fyithouubavln andwithdut tne pfospecir grby riding to k milpiivi t h a bag df corn, . wa seizjHby bem put against a tree ? : but tlie horse which hei rod e and ,the raip were Ifeft 1 unmolested. Fenialesi cbildrenfand setyantsvA0 lonSr dared to at,irbroad ,vUnaf toy eh co u a t er vai Harpe j--. and , the8olitary hu Ater. b e lrod theiforeSiv-podklat round btm wi tli :i Iwatchfu i i ey ea dd when helsawastrang stood, on ihe d e fe niyefx'B0. 'M V t eenis - i n cried ibf e that sucft'a t (rod - ties could have been often, repeated, in a country, famed fcgthe hardihood -anil al lantryntapopl die of courage ad d Bu t tba t - part o Ke in t uck w hjebsih scene of tl iese ba rba ri t ies; was then a I most a wilderness,', ami the vigi I an ce -of the Harpes for. a t i m e i n su red t pu ni ty."; ; The theniwith tbetmeans of yioledce and of es- Lcape. : Alounteu on iinenor4es, iney ptung- ed jnto,Jheiprestiuded:pursuHstoy ire fjuedtly changing their course," and appear ed, unexpected ly,i to perpetrate new enor- mUes, atiits"distant?ir tbeereuppdsci:d to lurk. On ihese oc casio n, t hey tftn left their wives and chi 1 f dren behmd jthetnji;" ah(i rable to the community that vengeance lor these, bloody deeds was not wreaked on f the helpless, but in some degree guilty companions rjof thiei perpetrators. Justice hdweverwas'notl i tron t ter is pfte n the re treat of loose ihdmdualsVwJio, f not fajmrliar with crime have very s blunt pcrcepijdn dflyiiHue Th e ge n u i n e wood s m en, the real pioneers, arejndependent, brave, a nU u prigh t, bu t as tlve j ackal pursues the! lion to devou ri his leavings,fthe footsteps pf;t he sturdy hunter are closely pursued by miscreants d esti lute dfbia ddble qualities. j 'Riese are the poor est and-theldlestdf the human race averse to tabor, and impatient df the restraints of law, and the courtesies of civilized society. AYithout the ardor; ibe activity; thej love of spdrjfahclj patience J bjK; fitisiieS which distinguish the bold1 back woodsman? these are doomed tdheforest byv sheer laziness and hun r-for a bare subsiste nee t b ey are the danlcers i of calm world ami a lontr peace,' jhe elpless country inhere .done starve and few i beg, slepp u ufjl b u n ge ir pi nches, then strollrinto 4he woddC for a, ueal and return to tbeir slumber.. They dre sometimes f mere wax tn the hands yl. the designing, ana oecorae the .accessaries of ihat "guilt which they havJnot tbej courage p the industry : to perpet ra t e J Wi tl - s u h nen, t he i H arpes are. supnoseu 'to have sometimes, lurKeu.-r- Ndn,e are known to' have participated' in their deeds -of blood, nor suspected juf ha- rif.ff their.'counsels : but they sometimes crept to the miserable cabins of those .who leareu.or were not inciineu loj oeiray mm. " 1 wo t ra y if 1 1 e rs came one night to the house of a; iha.ii named Stecal,' and, for want of better Iod;;ins. cjaijned under iii iiiue root-uiai inisjnvani j: vvinuu .jjia - new country iSi . fou nd at tv e ry ? h abi tat ipn.-r 9hprtiV:attert'ine,ti.arpe?.arr4ven u jon tii e Mar ries? b d t Wererf pursu e d "i-ymienueu -near tne ftrau urcnariu of where by ra wee tikkfed;t( 'S ' j 'I1 Wr J Lid'cpl d4ou)i4y whe i lifjNiv e re elx ami tiedaiid. coinni ited t afe" enin2 nd -nrobubl V forAia 1 'S. tbe foy tpad e 1 1) ej ilescapefir ed n 1 . H'C I yf wJilp hiijit "that tidie wi fi)egiinung to be-settt-d.: I - - , ... V "re they sooii actio ired ad read ful Mi ! ? s" al J nd u ice in e n 1 1 1 d iK ef cdrii mi ssi dn -4 -' jtccmru in ;ovrni tueii coiuiui l .Vae.iluriiCifdrlruyi ju,'gndy against liuidan nature, cuuld a - in 8 rtluvrcd in theirT aciioos.i They iiT ?reJrX defedceless &ihg who fell iK l4nd burned their dwcllins t whil; xvi " tness the dyiojj acouits ol his noti 1 1 ce m si tbeir fir st 1 t si tif tVr . Mrs. anteers'had pursued theor: the v had been "cunning; butjiad oiot the prudence lo desist, dr to fly; the country 1 ir eredr t h e -asiassinsi tbeaydcdeedioEtibat- i ney. came :sx suddenly upon Harpea that beytbkd 0nly time rectiorisf Accident ldeditheDUMuersI P. ' 5. bf t!i e HarpesiSvas i a Ua rge J i an d the other a small men ) the firsrusuaUj rode a strorig-;ppWerfui horse, the other a jtteet ry4pf disht they had eichan&red horses. The chase: was long and hot iFtfie smaHer iiarpescapea unnoticed :. put ne other, wbdi was kept in ivwrsDU bleInhnathich he rode arid iwhichf al ready ladedi bp?.m to fail at -the nil nf 4ve if drfsixi j milesi Stinth'e miscreant presu fdrwa none cif hi pursuers were neari but LieDeh lwhd I had outrid jleri hi coin pan ions, be was. notlw iU ling t( risk;a combat with a man as strong and perhaps bolder than himself whaf wais animated with a noble' spirit of indignation aga mi st a spocKin g anq unman ly f ou tragei Leiper was mounted oniab6He,df celebra ted powers which he iad borrowed from a neighbor for this occasion. At - the! i be ginmncf of the cbase v he' had pressed - his tl a ft trt' it. kAinti; A. ttia t."iiA J ' J:.r.il iHUILltl t,IIC IICISUV Ul 1119 SUCCU) taxciui- i y iveepi ng ou ine v. crac k oi me riarpe, or whomi he sometimes cauffhtiaVglidipse-as he ascended J the hills, and again lost pight i n the ,y a 1 1 ies and the brush. Bu 1 5 aa he gained on the foe, and became sure oi bis victttn,'he slackened his pace, cocked his tifle, dod deliberately pursued, sometimes calling, upon ithe outlaw, td surrender. : ijeogth, in leaping a ravin ejHarpe'si vorse strained a; limb, aud Leiper overlook hiln Both were armed with rifles. . Leiper fired add wdu nd ed r Har p ' , . through , the body ; he latter, turning in his seat? levelled his pidce,i which missed fire, and he da shied It jo ine; grounn,wearingii. was ,xne iirst time it had ever deceived -Hiroi He then drew a tomahawk, atid waited the approach of - .Leiper, 1 who, nothing . dauutedj ' Un sheathed his long hunting knife and rush ed u pdn .his desperate fe,: era ppled I with . .-' ' --- " . jr- . - . . I . .. . . him, hurled him to the ground, and vwres ed his ; oi1 y ! re ma i u i h g w e a pp n J from .'fiis witn tn? inss oi omiMu conqtsered, but un subdued in" spiri u .ir 1 ay pa ssi ve at the teet of si adversary.- . h r pecti u i4ey ery moment tne arrival or me rest , or nis pur suers he iriuired if $tegAl part and,heiri aswere live? (ie excjaiinedl Then )1' am. a ilead of hisi cdmpanlons we're absent,' to'slay Mea ion,? andf putng: his head in a bag, carried it to Natchez,;and claimed jhe reward.- rhe claim ilwaa admitted jtheiheat.. of easobi was recognized butspraiso'vais he tace oftlarpe, wbo was arrested, con- and executedt Reams ibf Post and Foolscap PAPER,4dlSerent qualities, o$t iceived, by eJghTuly '2T, e:iJ$!fH2 Rockingham MiheraI ; 8 pringf. : rii puusvriucii Haying a;iucu luuiseif i vims pUei irespectfullr informs the f iblic that be is prepared to receive Company, the present season. i TheEstabhshmcnt has ondergone at iiiuruugu ,.irjiiv siiU j ouuhiuiwi . ivuuiua uc been provided. "In point 'of Health, pure 'air and1 the medicinal properties of the waters, this place wilt yield to none in the State."; Every ef fort Will be made to. give .Satisfaction to ; those who" may viisit the Sprines ; add the charges will be moderate. 1 f ; , , THOMAS SCOTT. maji,i. That i would make wid difference,' rc- jueiper, cairniy ; you must die at any rate- i no not;.wisn mi kin ; you my- sen, put ii pnpooy ejse wiu do iy,i mast. Leiper.rt was a numane map, easy, slow- S iega I bid received id s t r u c t i o n s ff d! n them whicUe8hef-:d.ared!ndtlisobey,be dress them by their real names. in the pre- senc e oi tn ini person s. v, up ; i nis occasion they Contrived to in foirm h er! that they f i n- teipdU;t.opersooate:meto(af and ordered her td arrange matters so that one ot tneni snoutu steep with each ot tiie sira n r s, w n o n i u i ey , j n i en u e a xo in u ru e r, Steal was absenU and; the woman was ,o blied to obeyi' i The strangers were com -i pletefy-deceived as to the character of the tiewiy arrrveu guesis ; anu wnen it was an no unced tha i .the hou se contain ed b u tl two beds, theyt;beerfu 1 ly assented -d the nriipdsed drfapementk: prjevreptifito a beimtheiiJ rdSan, wiiiie tne oiner, retired tnioit witnane dlbe?4dtbfth y5dtHfiTJM$)b eetned ih pupishdVeiiM behfdif. theui no evidence of iheir crime and con- sum mat edb.tl lefou It ra ged yj by: ni u rd er i rtg Id'etrhfedstcstr we I- f ..v f rn -I nis see n er ? o i ', iuu u e rj a ;iu - hi u ri l.ey,)?ejer If It e fi pi ta i er ly favdrtl bv ih a S i !i ey ue i I e v t' U , e iia c e u n in e i r i i ou i s i e p Tlicy dil hot cease their 'flight uiil late the ensuing day, when . they- halted . at . a spot which theyi supposed to be far from a- ny.n umaunauuai ioii. ncic mi ey r. j uiru .1 fire a ndew ere d ryingilhei t ic lot lies, atitdinisraht; w ild had Wi'cbedibis: tent ii a ra , Dy , s i ro i iea co wu ru s . . i it i r v a ui j j. x e wds;in .search of his horses, i'w hich hd straed;?at if they had seeu itliem." Whts u nsu?peCti ng woodsman iliey s f eadd comidtt tbetr re treat. ; In:; tb e ? tdeah wh ie,ildurag6 t h ese tnurderers h ad: iipt capc d notire, nor' v ere, they tani iel vsubmitMXoThe Governor of Kentucky, had H'ered "a re- spokeiiv Vaod inot Quickly excited. v but a thorough so dier -when roused. : Without i n s u 1 1 1 ng tb e e x pi ri n g c r i mi n a 1 L h e q u es Honed him as to the motives of his. Jute a- trocitiesL The murderer attemn'ed hot to palliate pr deny them, but-icon fessed that fr? pau oeen ;a,ctuatea4 oyr no, inducement but a settled hatred "pi'i bis dwp pecies w horn he had sworn to d estroy witlioti t d is t tn c ; t id n $ i n rej a I ia t i dd for s o me fan c led in ? I'll rV i t-Ti iv fraaf I rir rArri - firi 4 n f ins t oioouyneeosi - except iiiat-i wrucn ne confessed iht had erpef rated upon ; tine of fiivriim ehltdrfirt. 4 Itiiifl.,isaid fimt ami I kiflf'd it : I had always told the .vfornen 1 vtfould ta ve jno crying:abour(merT- W m : A - I . - acknpAvledged he: had a massed RTHfAMERIGAN REVIE' i', 1 -jf:-y:iii; 'V'- J'.: i"ArtiItemouVof ki'inahclerfii''S ?v 72.: Principles of Elocution ":0S Princinlei a 3 4 : History of tdlellectual Philosophy? A IJ ei It pra h tr&ra Life ahrf-lVMtinn ' -C.t Abbot's LetterVon Cuba v -iV ,ii!8.':. Popular : Education ! irS'B :v ':& 9.j Bpston;Exhibition of Picturest : 10. iConstit utional History fiw . Quarterly 'list .o ne Wpublication3. irfe 'V Subscriptions receiyed by i r' f J. UA1.ES & bON -tUMIOH. "SODA WATEK.H rilijilAMS;-ife-kAXWOblli;w season. ;h Also. Lemon Sym p. of the first quality. i ".They;haveJJust received a supply of superior Raleigh, June 1 '.V. Vi in'i '' Slate (rf OTtti-CiAum Court of Pleas and Qdarter Session ,-1 May-Term, 1829." , Alice Riddtck, . "V.-v"-. wife Sarah." J ' ,;::--,fv' XT ' appearing to the.stisfactKM of this Court; JL that the "Defendants '' are not inhabitants of mis oraic , 11 is ineretore oraerea mat pupiica tion be made for six weeks in ;thef Ualeiufh'i Re gisteri thattney appear at tne nest Court ot Plea and Quarter -Sessions -to hela tor jt he; county of Randolph- at the Cpurt-bouse in Asbbldrougb, Pit the' first; Monday. of. August ;'oexti then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petitioni otherwise it will be taken pro cbnfessd knda4- j Uded ' accordingly. ' Hi" ; Witness, Jesse Harper, Clerlt ot oUr said Court at office tbet first Mopd.ayj of ay; A'4 1).' 129 A Copy, i ; - v JESSE HARPER, C4 c. i; Price adv. $2 7Sl-,; -Wg Superio Court of Law-April Ter 1 829 Andrew Presly.T . 5 r Vn ,. y 1. v. . VPetitioii for Divorce. -- Vv '1 : Eleanor Presl r- " -V-Tr: r;,: ORBE IUD bv jCdtirtVthat publication barnaaa ..;fp?v.3 morUhssuccessivelyif i the 'Raleij? h tegister;and iiliYai'lkth ind.'Cataw ba journa,T';' ' that'j'bel'Orfendant Ik eaxfd appear' attbelfiexti -j-' Sdpt-rior Court of L to be heididr Durfcb' z " countyaraielCpurt iijii: in hevine, on t! j: ' ; 2w Monday 'tffter thev4th Ionday in SeptenVje next, and plexor answer to the PlmatiiPs pcti ' tipn.- or the sanie :vill be beard parley " J - Witness RobM HeoryVlei f snid Court at Office; t6e.2djAJonday after the 4 ::x Monday vt f Mmi.m:n - : -;v i- Urn AMiiAwiMWb vyUUt . : Superior Court of Law-r-April Term, 1S2?. iAahurLyon, .hi sVv' ; : -; Pelitidn";for;Divdrceii:- i: lciiidaXyOfVJil'V:- TKRDERED by CouH; that publication b e mad i X-r for 3 months . successively ,in the .R:ilei--h Register, aridTthe Yadkin n1 Catawba journal ; 'C Bjat ; the Def ndari t bend ap pear at - th z r.ct Spperipr Cpdt'-dfjLarto be hfbr Runcor CountyV'at thel Court-house in'AsheVflleon t..ii : 2d Monday after ' he 4tb londay'hi ;Se0en;ber' next, iand pleaiior ..attswer.tqthe Plaintiffs etU ;f ; tion, or the aame4 will be heard ex parte, i f Witness, Robert Henrv;iClerk of said Court . at Ofi5$ey the 2d ilorida y after the 4tb Zlbnday - j of March, 829, ?U r 1 -:V V' ROBERT HENRYCC. S.: C. 7 v ri5Buncodibe , - -::i U--". i S uperior1 COurt pf t w -ApritTcrn: , 1 225," JacobRaperj-t:' :S-'y' vi'V'iS; Petition foitiivotcz; - J ; Deborah Raper. Ve1 ':.J ,l .:r; ' ; ; ..r1 ;. ORDERED by.Court, that publication b 3 t-ds i tof: 3 months :sbwessively-in tts IU.1 Register, ".-Brtd thekdkinf ai Catawba Jour ..iii, thathe! Defetidant be' andv iippekKdt the riesti Superio? Court: of Law to be hejd for T : nccmbs county, at th Court hpuse ti f.AsheviHel "en thp 2d'Monday afer thfcith 1 pnday. iti; S s p vraber; hext,xand plead or'dnswer tothe IiintiiT'a peti': tioni br the SaHie wilt .be heard ea 'zhcir. T Witness; ' ilobert Heary, Clerk of said C :t at Office, 2d Mohday i after the 4th I lor. Ji ' of M;"ii829j.nfe . ' i,, ' 9 . fv v-vV-?WjT.Rd BERT HEKRYVCr CT' r V- '" - State of North-Carblh 'atlaty. :t3tatei of North-Carolina.;! x Superior Court-of Law and Equity V :i:: Wake County, i i?:i;rf-; 5: Spring Term, ;A.ll. 1829 ; ' The Creditors of Vyilham - Ruifin,: Caro.ih'fe UL Rumn , Mrs. Cathan ne ; Itumn , who is feme covert and wife of Archibald - R; . Rufiin, : who sues in this betialf by 0. BadgerEsy; Eof beh R. Ruffin. Thomas Ruffin, Thomas Ritchie, Henry M, Mil ler, Administrator with the Will annexed oi .- " lrv-- k i '"' . i a. m -' '' " V vviinam Kumm aeceasea,! jonn m. nuitin m. fant son of-Thomas R.vRufUn. Frederick Ruf fin and Archibald R. Ruffin. v .:i ON MOTION, it is ordered by. the Court , that i Benjamin A.; Barham, Esq." be appointed - ..ri A ' -"A1 J Al-1- -TA 'a ' W . vpmmissioner. to.iSeiiie .ine suniiuisuauun ac count of the administrator pf William Rufftn," de ceased, f and that- he give notice of the time and place of taking such account to the parties inte- newspapem published :in . sthe , city of ; llaleigh. and that lie mate Keportio ine next term pi mis suihs'pf ! muney, ami described the places pi. concha i inenv, ,uu i ;a none was e v ruis -eoieid J ijt ; j &;-"jrd Iji eJ;. hffCfiX! dot dpcafe the tr d tb'. :Lei pe rhad'fi red seye ra 1 t i m es at H k rpe 1 u r i n g t he ? chase, add wounded him ; aniliwhen the latter was aslcVd why, vhen'KV fou ii d lit l per ru r s u j r. h i di la lone hedtd iihM dismount anddfeo- a treei fro in behind w n ten ;i n e 4 co u 1 u 1 n e ita piy ha yel nbdt hi in fas he aPrvacbd he deplic'd that h e had su on sed ' there; was n 6 1 a horse in the country equal td lr rod ei; anu that he was conndent or i&aKing htS escape. - : le4houghtv ;,aiSo, the pursuit Would be less eager,sp longiaiheahsfiain edt f rdnxiheddini; ine biodillof? any oivbis pursuers-JlttJp the- arrival ot the re:! orrre partthe Wretchtwis lepatched-i and he LlargeJ Court,- :lqa dj,ren and the coutlaration tf. ward' lor-their head, and, parties t of .vol- died as.he'. had jived,;jd reinorseless 1C12 juiir. rhejother H a feiiail e his wiiyUo4he wboibpitdf' iatehetovlrrt!:fiened g 0 1 rpu be f s,cn r; eu py a rp a n pain e ti, Mea;sori,whds&viU UiataUeward;w th a t Iperipd, astisfdh a ing? t he sl)6res df i theOhio attd'liisDPiw:ere:sHl!' SettiedthVdurlJwlniViiibo tliosel rivers must n ecessarily-pa4 ,and tb.'tri at Jife wi;Or) ea uattP iliX. land'bau to cross idid tall y Widest! t etedf habitsriy AieasdnV who! w as a man rather above the prdiua 1 y statnp,, infested these deserts; seldom com -tnittioSAlmurdef inlhis wayvS Sdmetimeh pfund ered "the dese ad i ng biats? j '? bu tin ore freou ept ly lid allowed tthose!topaSsi d iv irersi of their money ias they returned , dldasantiv observjns: that those lpetple were taking produce to market for him.-. Harpc took an opportu nityr vhen he rest A.The narties in the above, named . suit, are?here- a .. m ' . ... ' . 'a oyTStmed,-tnafT-i snao; proceeu at: my oraw, m thdi City of Ra1eighWonitnie:29tl dayjpf Sepiem ber nexr to audit and settle the accounts df the Administrator pf tbe late -iiy illiam;JKuitin, Jjv Oen ana wuere mey are invneu 10 aiitjuu.. ttaierghi July 1 1. 1829. BEN., A. BARHAM, Comm r. :- t Supeiic Court of X-a-April Tenn, 1822. ; PollV-Bucknl'te.: &y:.-:Lir: ;.-ri" 'd4'fe.t4'riiiv Petit idi for Divert i'Z'ir'J1. h''' Edward &u ckner. if fLRDERED br Court.i:.at nublieatiQn be,nV: 'HJifor3.:moha$uccessivelyUri the JLalsi uegisrer, :anaie. laaKui ana aiayDajjourr.zi, that rthe Defendant be; and - appear t -the nrtf Sierjpr Cdurtf Law couniy attheCdurtodsei ini Alhevi!!? on tha dAIortday after the, 4th Monday fn .Oepte iberil iiext and plead, or answec to the I himtiiFs peti ' tiodi drthe same Villiie heard a:'?cri'. U, WitnessRobert Henrv Clerk: of said Court - f at Office ;the2d Mcair after the ; 4th Mondry. f - ROBBRvTfENRVVC: 5w CT. ; A. GREEABL.Y. fo-thejast witl and testament jT3l of Abraham Eahardt, dee'd. the iirjdersin-ed,- Executors Hd said ' will ''and.testaraentV rri , Thursday; the 27th day of Aogd'st nez, on the premise's, ;.will . expose ttoipUblp;saleyveril td- joining tracispfLANDj cbntainint; nearly 400 acres. jr y an 89 Supfilior Court of iAawApril erm Thomiis Sharpe,'7' -; ? 'f'-i . Petition for Divorce.rr . 1 t These landiate tying op the , waters of KillU? J is Creek a'pille and d half S. E.: of Gen. Gra-i'; . 1 ham's! Furnaceadjoimdg lands of Graham, 1 .00- i dy, Lowe, and Dinkin, and areroual in quality ' to any lancfs in tt(e neigliAorbood.. ;. ." t TjWmerlyl tbWecen;Opjeratl6n on the pre- r ' mjsest a SawjoidGrtsi-mlltpd v 4' but at presents Pidy )thd; 0ris.mill b in opera-K ti&nzjfi :,?v1 b:;si- -' i it ;V, ' The s'eat as' an; excellent one for any kind cf'f ma'chinery,- haying a considerable fall and f Wate powen; ' y : t-HcJ.iiu ' , . tOnVthe premjsea isJ atgood iApple lOrch-rd and also a consi'lerable quantity , cf meJD-ft' . , lapd;-; i,v';'. h ? . V CohdatidnsOiie;an credit ti sp- i ' t proved security, will .be .required i, J and t itler td: pass at tne payment ot the ptircnase mnney. . ; v . j Acoo fu it:; uy, ; - -. ABRAHAM FORNEY; V Lincoln county July jieth, 1829; f 93 4 v - ; . yii . 'ir NOTICBi d pntj.c'omml t nty.Pn the 2J I liegio man supposed tot be a Slave, who; calls TTOTAS toeii 1 ttpaddi coThmltieaioTlBeJa?l cf : liasdottrV.p.n4:the- 2d of March ; UzU k SUsaHnan anarpe: J tr-M himself SAMUEL: WILKINS, and rays that he ORDERED by Court, that publicatrobsmaas bound an apprentice tor rn.' I lo-ety, of : forrthreer months successively mth-NorfolkVVa. and, that he fana; v f r th ni vUleodthe second IoMayafter tbeKfo;uth Maftdav, i n Sentembef . next, - and , plead Or an swer tathe PiaintifTa petitioUA or the same will be heard jkrwft1 ii?'-?? iWitnes? Robert Henrj Clerte ot saut f ;itrt at Office, theseconil ';Mo'tidayatter tne tourtii Mon-: dficl829;;-? bfZmi f P& I Jm- ft4:..ROllERTHENRYlC 'f'-iViBuiiconibe Cdintyi'i'i-f SuerioTCdun Ana Armstrdngs!t -Jr - .i"r - T - Petition lor Divorce i ; '5. SiWLArnwtrdniS- iTvuDEKED by; Court, that publication be made .J'foriSimoPths'jcee II " ligh Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant bVand appear at the next Superior Court of Lavr to' be held for Buncombe cunty; at tne Court-hpuse hi f A$heyille, on the 2d Monda'railer the 4iK ; Monday in Sep'temb r ne xt, and plfad :or answer i-tp?$he.'la1htia?ii; pe- tltidn, dr thesame will bei heard ex ported Witness. Robert Henm Clerkf Of said Court at Omce. the 2d a?on day alter tne 4tn Aionaay :,.JB0CEnTHETRY,C.-;C-;;; leigaKeisxpr, ;4na uicu( xauiijwwpioseiy betore nis term ptappmwreri.ip rifles- journal, -tnat 1 nuei?npanv-.o a wu appear at rpiced.ra he saul negro haS bt.n in 'tL r coant. tne nexi oupenor you" .v. mc i d or O yearsr ana nas passed durin:- tl. .Uir'i a Buncombe ,Cciity, at thei Vurt-house in .Ash- free man he is about 24 years oje, 5 fw t, , lor 5 inchts, highland coal ikk. rhe cvnv; property and pay charges, or he will be dealt with as tho law. directs.- . :T V ' : - - -?i A-ME3 lAL JICR, Jiilor; , . XWindspiypBertie county, June 9.7 Price' advi t-H. ' : . v v;.; - C2-6m 1 rjnHATfpd theid "Monday 111 !;AUgst npV.-i-' '" 11, will sell at the CoUrt-h itise door in 'Iiock ; r ford,s Surry county, the fallnwirrj' tracts cf Laud; or a much aff will be suKicient toeati ; .the taxe ' due'theredn, for tl.e "e.r 1 C27, tfitlv costs : to witlr?. .-, . .;; , :Xs: :0 C:.:4;,: 20 acres ."'given tit by Dickson A; Skidrncrcr r lying on4' Deep creelr,! .iidjoiuin'Samuel S pecx -. v and others. ' ; ;" X:C' ' r J--' ... . :-33Q acres - given .i p;hy:" i ess - Ero wn4 lying ott ,-' Hunting creeks 'joining V.; Talbcrtr , i -i-Ci' .A acrei not given jp, the property of Law- ; - -sop Davis, lying ion A-Ijlunti creek j :jaimug Ii . JoLnsoiu'r";'-'-itffi t , . ;- -vVc;: 'S- "'. : T U O. B i: WRIGHT, C f,"criiIV - v blanks 4 t .-

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