4- V J V , 4 . Ours are tire plans of fair, delightful peace, ;v , Unwarp'd party rage to live like broiliers.5 1 - V I. J. s. 2, X t .it' . - I . . . 1 - -. I I fc vn7h-d every Mosoat andTixtritsiaY,by nnumTiftlf in advance. : V nVERTlSBMfcNT :r.. exceeding fxren in.?, , neatly inserted3 !-mei'for Dollar " and $wenty-five cents for err 8occeeding" publication r those of great. - f length in the same" proportion.. ..Commu ' . , ;fe-ATtos thankfully; received;... LETjaas to J he Editors must be po4ttai'L. ; . BLOWING SPUING: - ";;' ' A 'Natmcd Curiosity .'o: Ve ire indcbted( ifo atcorrespohdent ia f ' i-nmefT coutitv, for ihe followins cu L,irnformatioruw If the reality correspond v . description, it rntfst be atnon ZMne - a ,rlfh1'rorioiti23 of the Stat. 'Vtr.).finld be undei4 particular obligations - .nV gentleman; bo lives in the oeih- borhi-l tif tiie Spring: fpr. a very particutar lcCuont of the Phenomena-' If reminds us ofihe Blovnng Cave in the County of Bath, est - of which a current of arr seems to be continually passing. This phenomena has continued from a . period, anterior to the compositiun of- Mr.eirerspn'sNotes on -YiAnht which menfioni it,fdown to the Vpre?ent teynichmpUer v-:";;;;; Extract of a letter to thefBditor5, dated ' ' Jtivberrt, Ya, 12th July, 1829. j. 4T fiaVe seen naturlA curiosity a few diYS jn, that I arn vt-ry much surprised tai nbuttracted the attention if some1 per- nn sooner. IT is a verj jaigc po cunntv of Wvthe, being , one of, the tead springs'of Cripple Oreek abyut 19 "ai'esfrom the Courthouse, nearly a' south coarse.. ,It ebbs ,and flows in the months f 'AonitaDd Septenjber only ; runs Jour davs and stops lour (Ljsilunng the two mnfiths mentioned; . Tne balance of the ear. it runs continually.':' the water, i jimestone, and . the quantijjr lufBcicht.for iiiwand ijrist'mlll.'- It is in uncominbn lhr gnriricr: 'U wilt beirib to blubber. and smkback, anil not run one drbpj and at the end of four days, it fwill roar Ijke clans of thunder, and "in a fev minutes after, the noise vrith a -blowing; and the; ' water returns. The"gentleman who owns ihesnrini? and lives near Hi is the man who cae ' royself arid "one other 1 person this information. We we fit to tHe snrins and drank of the water, which was exceed ingly fine and cool and of a bluish color so much so as to color the creek.a; mile or upwanU below, into 'which 'it;empties.- The man who owns it and i lives there, is bj the name of Pointer a than of truth and respectability; : I asked tKe neighbors if it .wis true :; they told me it was;..' There Is 1 mill or mills witliirj one half ; mile below if, which has to stop when it'stp;:altho9 op another stream; :-: I told M r. PuinteK I Vu!d forward the account be have, to you," and give hnu as'my author He told rne to do so,; that- it wa3,lhe truths and coiild be proven by fifty ormore respectable nten -but sbife"how or other it hd& passed the aotice ! of men until how. j For my self,' t think it one- of the greatest curiosities': 1 tae eer sreii ; iuuch more.so thftii Ihe Nitimial Bridge nat has attracted so fiuch riuticr. From the authority fortlie f-rein-; account oCthe spring, I have no jloubtof its truth. They calf it the Blow- J"? Spri n. Th a t th e . spri ngN is . in . an ob cure. neighborhood is the only reasbi I can i,re fur it pasting ooiiaticed.'t fJ ' ; from the Savannah, Mercury of July. ; ' PUBLIC. MEETING. A;reeab?y to"a request privately circula te, a forge and resectable, 'number 'of the loters of brandy, j;in, whiskey, and Boston PrtiVular, assembled at the Buzzard Roost w Munday evening last, fur the purpose of iui ways abdk means ol counteracting t'2C iltMupm- lK."l'umnjr.,i.rA Q,.lotr.V and of preserving unimpaired and unim reached, the fights, custf mis, ,and iiniiiuni- ..y f.Kros drinkers,' punch drinkers, the eri of antrfogmatics.jatejps,apd . other. 'uuyi,0i -and of setting linnt to, the aiariuin; eiicrnachinents whicli have lately aitempted. " : 4 . : ! - V . Va mutiun f.f Mr.:Swiwtll, Mr. Reela- .nve thegood people of this community vwwoaiy drunk ori every meet and fitting ' r.,l(in w 1 hou 1 1 e t or hi ndrance. d. Mr. "Chairman,' secured, to us by Ihe ii 'u. v in tne respectable gen 4 is uem: V. rested from them -I "a Hat. . Vl hat- would our. liberty be VVIIhnn i . a f f . I . 1 ' I t f.sf fkia m. ...... . ..... fc'r.hawif. V V i-i'p :inn. "-reauy uen alarmmir pi x: tra tei,.- aJ air : strong force- ii at if' tic jff. w n What iarmi- t . . ... e 4 mroaisi-iu :3 wjicalled to the chair, and .Nepper- 'e. k, aPPointel Secretary v ' - th r' KeVrace rose, to explain i he ibjects of ie?eelm5- 'Friin time iiuiueinorul, swiil carr nii-uth3 n.tntl t injury I lST i0nr Uut 1 Mr. Chair- Jri:tfVn' vrff,,&e .''tike.n decided sui.d' .ofourjirml.v, . -. . - . -'; . ' : . . . r wBwi-r-rm r r i hwim w nwirm- r rii t' MnThi genuemeu unuEriaKc.To ueprive us ,oi me ! In' th. Hnurt nf R,n;f ; nnviieire How .will thy expectVus to keep coolthis hot weither J Not, ir, that I -am any ad votate for drunkenness. ; NoV sir,-1 cbrrt drutikeiinness I airi a very temperate map, sir I drink in moderation, in areat moder- ly" before dressing. g feat moderation. ihT c.v that I h.int tiki an'nnti-FiitrinAtic 1 after waging to the maket. . I am a very 0 ' t . 'i. temperate man, sir, I scarcely ever take more man two or mree urinKS oeiore;i turn from market,' (unless Lmeet- with a friend, or uncommonly good liquor,) just for ine Denent 01 my siomacn. iu, sir, 1 urinK in moderation, in great moderation, sir.-- And then a'glass or two ot bitterswbefore breakfast, 'to give an. appetite. No, sir,' I am a temperate mari sir -i aDUor uruiiKen ness ; I attend to Jrnv4 business : anl if I take a settler alter my cuffed cooler :t nine, a oracer at leo, a wnuier eJeven, and two or three 'stiffeners during the for -1 nK6Fv as my, necessities may require,' who I nas a rignt to compuin r . r ei, sir, i urinic ill mnderatiorf,; in gri'at moderation, sir ; arid whalVight have iflie teniperance folks to force their cold water' downny thrb&t ? My very bowelsi sir iiiufiny at the propo sal. , riI;re Mr. Thirsty put his handtohis a' . . t"'.-. 'r 1 . W t ? I I pockei, pulled out a uasK, wnicnmigntnoia about a pint,ar;d threw oif ihe couterits, by war of a composer in Kreat moderation, however, at- a (single v draft. -; -'But the thread of his discourse was broken by this necessary exercise, and Mr. .Holdfast ob tained the' floor.! i . Slf, said Mr. H., I agree with the genr tiemari WOU .naS ; lUSl prCCetlCU me. . - S 1 me. . - 1 I ui taxing jiioueraie reireMimeni rr. CurtW J-irircnn v on kmifWMuiu iiicj ucpmc iiiuuiu m ims tsue,' 11 appearing xp ine saiistciion liht draught in the moruing, fut to take l-of the Court tht the Defendants are hjhabi the phlegm from I my stomach ? V I am a pns ofan other State V Jtf S ; therefore (ordered temperate man,1 sir, very: teinerate-a tPm ever exceed:two or, three, drinks I ,tu trt J0..k. o..l:.ir. LirX---; I .drink: in moderation, and Court of Equity, to be held in and for the sir and then - sir, , will I County I of Guilford, at the Court-. llouse in shall aiwaj8eriace againstnarU unnK-)6tb ing. Yet, 8a!d he, a small feeler Wlll not 1 next, and plead or answer to the plaintili peti hnrfani minV.nd f h.imhlv ronrpivp ltion.orlhe same will be heard ex, parte.' I ' ' u.av .i.u3o i.-y-!..,. -"r-V to introduce tlie cold-water system,;; will wi-4n xa a v flTrnft ! ia a n 7 nva nrr meet. wnn tui nine success, in meirmw u res or preienueu xeiurinauon. ru, sir, theexftiorfinari couhencrnce which you, sir., have shown' tis this eveninr ; and the extraordinary 4 countenance which MK Redface has just shown us ; and which mylsamuel incuu, wiiu nas jusv c twwr, uas showd.Us,' will encourage us to persist in ourrigiji.; ; ' . . 5 at-- nil:r.:ilii zL.i:: 'j , i.li u i' ui uiRuai 1 t 9C auu tun uicu a set ot spirited resolutions, which ' were supported Jin a stipulating .speeehv After being seconded tbey were carried Uy ab climationi -Mf i;'-r ; A constitution of a society was theiiihWP".1"": tl-oduced.: and signed by several respecta- blje gentlemen, who were ftill capable of wruing iiieir names, anirine secn'tary. wai requested to call on the other ' indivi.Jiiah present eatlyjtlie next uiofuing,'.fdr theii signatures. , -: f-Vt ' ' '. : f.'.v-:; 'r-'V- wriling tlieir names, and the seer' tary. was o f , r.v. , ; - - . Taking a Newspaper, 'The Eililor of the Frederick town Herald cites a r-cent instance wnnin. nis. own Knowiedi?e.or the ' 3, , al vantage resulting: to Fariuer: from ta king a paper'; and as it is a matter -.in which we.fe'elsdme interest we here In sert it as an adiiHMiilion to those who are remissjrj 'providing thcmielyes with 'the cheapest ;nieanA ro ' gaining; information known in the! country; In JVnuiry .last when flour was 'etfing'.at upwfrdssof S8 per barrel in Baltimore, a subscriber to the ! Ucrdd had determi nml: after disposlnsrof one nair ips cnp at inis j)rice, to store the balance and Wait for a further rise in '', the inarRer. ; in:ine roeaniime there, appeared in:the Herald a statement of -the bnces nnd duties on lluurf in Kno-Ianil: From - a. k i Aim ' A ' - this statement it was evident that at no lime;id;thevpr.ces.tberei.exc?ed that duties were inen reuu-ed to iai cents t dollars for his; whole .crop, wldle Ms neigh- br,: who tbokilio paper,' but relied -on idle har- A per Darrei, anu at mis lowiaie-tney con- thereto plead, answer 'or demur to the petiuon, mvWnmci.uw iin.-Vrt:M;jMuu. ui i.no .t, , tiimed. but iif very short time, ' It ' was otherwise itwill be taken pro tonfesso M ad- ellery repaired, at the shortest notice. - - - .MAAGhRS' OFFIC. thrf..rp.Pviilent- that afrp Ypdiirtinir judged accordingly vHr : . . Richmond, . therefore eviuent. that alter eductinj; J"! jesSe Hahien Clerk of ourWid Court the patronage he;has received and hopes- to - ; n - ,J;nfrt: . T frr ffht. assurance. cOintnission arid a small wJ??e8f: J e59e. ""nJerj y ler k oi our saiu ourr . i . ; , ,f- -r :k- -ro ' , Connecticut btate XO. - . - -V ii at omce, tne nrst Monciay oi.aiay, a-, ".tio-'i'.i vv""': "r;-? --v 77." " .... , - - ,i. profit to ihe,rberchaut, it .was iut , worth . . a Copy, ; k t JESSE ;HARIk, cVc; thatof the public generally, which it will bejns To be Drawn August inore.lhab Sr-abiirel inythis country. f.Priciadv. $3 T5 rr cW'yA udyto; merits by ontinuedobservance of -;V,t N-0r m nnn U nio f- WibdW4uW . . .. State ofNorth-Cmoliuaj . ; ' SS? Sgll' ' " J ' y llof ' 'ooo prudent y resolved to sell his flour as he i cV.u::.,, r t WoV, v,,;Jj; 1 ' . : ' V- h : 9 nno ' r . .. t i i -- r L Superior Court-ot lw. and, equity, i i i i - j-- i ' xU)j JJ,Ul ) delivered jf, and realized, upward pf; 7 .-; ;.h 5 - r--Wuir. nWv. v-ve-:; Private Boardinsbclf 001. n H nn,. m r - rumor th.il Fiour would be Ss 10 before veaf, retained the greater part of his and , W1 .r.iX -t ff5 - . ' , - . v f l ' r r sues in this behalf .by G. E. Badger, Est. Ro erWinZ AbertR..Uum;;--fec;:; months, viil now be obliged r to .take So-50 - . V f ; Iwi':-'' - K . ery material-, uiitrrrence, - ana oneiThomas Uiimn,;Tiiomas iiitchte, Henry jm. mii- which, !' the present "instance ivould have enD'eu me sunerer. to pay.ior, a :iiewspa per fur a century to come". : State of :KorthC . .' rSurr County. : ( 'May'Sessiohs, :.1829 V ; r !,ntc!iell T!iompson Jabez Johnson, Admr. N thicair M anoearinir to the ftlstaclu.i on ' . m, - mm - li th Hfinrt thnt Jn?h Pavne. A "er. anl his wite b"c tnnah 1 :vfic, awaru ium ksi mux uu wlfe'-Sy, and I -halef Kendal and his.' wife! ti i r r Jtnhn Pavnp ripr'd. !e out of this Stated Ordered by the-'Court that publication be n r,de six weeks in theRa- fei'i liegister, them. to appear una ma&c Itu msclrs pai tit g, otherwise Judrne ro con fess. will be ulieu as to them, at Au-t. Term 1829. ; ' " ' ' fc- ' v-- ' ' T,lcfc " J0ON WIUGUT, C. C. J no. Anderson., - ; Lydia Anderson! ' . Li ,Hei rs atjLaw'of ifiarn I James Anderson. Anaersori. vterae covert Phebe Arrderson: deceased. " ' V: 1 'N . jviary Anderson; weensDorouern. on the tourtn Monday arte: fW'18. there to plead, answer or demur to the jCom- plainan?; Bill7or the same will be taken proW re-uesso, and; decree made accordingly. . . I,: iTjeste. t f V v jA.j GE RKNV C? M, RT; S tate Qf North- G aroliha. ';.U ' ;-1 Surry'Cbunty. '- "t'v. Superior Court of EquUyMaithelpSS!; ' John Hilsabeck tirJoseDh Peiiinirton! IT appearing to the sat isfaction- of the Court that the detendant. Joseph Penincrton; as not an inhabitant of this State : it Is therefore order- next Superior Court of Equity to be hekUbrthe County tf Surry; at the Courthouse iii Uockford, on th'e first Monday in September nexVto mean, One (1 1. J n Wo mil r Monn nlni nnn. K answer or demur to; the complainant's b I!4 or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex-parte.,. - est. VINSTON SOMEUS, C M May 49. 1829.pr.adv. ,$5 ;25.V-' - c -. Stkte of North-Carolina., f . . . . . . i -, Mecklenburg County. f; Superior Court of Law May Term, 1829. . S !i U vs. " V Petition for Uivorcd.; John Tanner. V'J- JkRDERED by court, that publication be matle V-F r tor.three months successively, ,.inv the Ra leigh Register, arid Western Carolinian' that the appear at ; our new,-u Superior lenbunJ. kt the'Cmtrt- Hniii in !har1ntt Uii ihp lonkiiwj at h.'Pnit' Ifflii.o !n hk.lnH.' Monday after the4th.Monday. in September - t v - . . - - - - said court, at Office, the 7th Monday : af er the 4tt) in Marqh i829.r; . si - ; , . SAMUEL HENDERSON, C S C. .State 61! X 6 v tli-0 sLr bliiiaV Court of pleas and Quarter Sessions ; May Terrn, A. D,1829. .. -.I S. Downy," Lxr.l Caveat to tbb ' i v-. S bate of .the 1 ast Smith Murphy Sothers nd : Testament Heirs ot John G. Smith; John G. Smith ldec'd.;. ., . r. 1 r : U ceased. : . J. Wife Mary. John C. laOode. iruardiahlof AW- nes & Elizabeth Gomle.Chas. Smith, Sam'LSmith. of Vml James.VV. Smith.Thbs. Williamson, jane ttl" - 111 a f m.T- ! ? i vvimanjson, james Auora anarvaucy ins wne, oc hwMciU. r not inhahitantf thW state! i it i. ordered by the Court, that publication b made I for six weeks in the Raleigh Register notifying f litem vtf .uc aiiu. ajjjct uciuic 111c uuaiiucs m mc tor. me county- 01 wrauyiue anu aiave aiuresaia, ion tne nrst Monaav in Au crust next-in -tne. town of- Oxford, and shew cause (if any they ' t 1l' jt -. - ' t . ' hve;) J why the said paper writing, purporting tolb'e the 1 lt.-ViH and Testament of John G: Smith, dec offeredTor probate,- shall not be, proven and ad mitted W record: A ".-v Hl'-'-v ; Witness. Stephen K: S need, clerk of said Court at Office,; the ' first Monday , of May A; Di 1829. M ; t STEPHEN K. SNEED. Clk. Price adv $3 50: .it: t - . ' ,81 6w Ttdifc XoviVvOar oil ' Randolph , Countv. ' 'Court of Pleas and Quarter, Session A J V 1 , May,Term, 1829 '4 wife" Sarah v J ; v;-l- -.'';- '.. "ffT appearing to the satisfaction of- this C I X that the ; Defendants are not inhabitants of this Stite" i It is therefore ordered that dublica- 1 . i mm a. ' m. - aw . It. . ItiOn bet made tor six . weeks in the .ICaleikh -Ke? PTC rrlu5 "PPc,ar.WnXnff V0". r'the . onlhe;first Monday o spring Term A.VD: 1829V The Creditors of William ;Ruffin,vCarojirte M. - uumn, Airs, uatnanne -uumn, "'"f it-r. Aammistrator vwnn tne win -annexea oi William Ruffiin deceased.,, John M.RUffin in- fuit son of Thomai Rufilrii Fred eric Ruf- - :fin arid Archibald R." RufB ri. ,? , OK PVIQTI O N, , it Vordered by 'the Cciirt that r' Benjar .in A. Barham, !Esqi ' be appointed Commissioner to 'settle the j administration: ac count of the administrator cf William RufBti, de- ceased."'ahd''(hat-he give notice of the- timernd I place ot taxing s U .1 account vo me primes inic - t , - a , . rested by.vnubiic advertisement.; in one, n .ine I newsmbers bublisbed lro , the city , of Raleigh, anu uiit uc uukc ucuui i .icjli ivuu vi Court,.. : - ; , '".Vs I.r The narties in the above named suit, are here I by ncllfied, that! shall proceed at my ofHce the G.ty of Raleigh, on the 29th er next: to audit arjd settle the Administrator. of the late William .d wh they are invited to "attend." - ; -;u . BEN.A.BAUUAjIJCornm'L. , r i Vmf ; State f Nbrth-Carolin v : : , - . t; Haywood County., r . ouperioy uourt ot Law -April j erm. ijy. y 1 , - John Crow, . ' t, 1... : r 'v " . C P.etitionto.va- Jas, Holland's hiirs& devisees. ca a uranu that the Defendants in . ihis case to witl js. Holland, jr lUiodes and Cvnthia, his wife; Perkins' and Sophia, his wiffei heirs and de visees ot ' James lIollindand- Hdmnd. wi dow bfthe saidJames v.HllAnd, Mre inhabitants ofnother State, so that the ordinary process f law canno(.be served on them, it is ordered that publication be ' rriade for tv.ree months succes sively in the' Raleigh" RegUter. that he said t)e- fendanls le arid ? appear at 'th ne 'it. Superior vuun ui LMw .ivncvcm lur iuis coumj, ai me Courthouse in Waynesvdle 00 the second Wed - nioua; i tne ivui it', xnunaay in , oepieiiiyer riekt then and there' to pleitd, answer er demur j to the PlaintifPs petition. 6r iudement: iiro amA. fessa will be entered agamst tlierh. 3 . V ? jjr w imu jl.. JL.uc,,-V.JjCrJS. U J SSIU, AGOUTI Ul I "nice, tne secona; Wednesday alter tne tourtlt 73 ,3m -;R.f JOHN B. jLOVE. C.'.fC. i ii- - j. iwf r'i.r';r"! - ' ' ' :, I'. - totdte ot North-Garolma. i ' . , : Court of Pleas and Quarter' Sessibhsr ; " ' .yTerm;-F.A .;.Oil829.;:yJ- Itowel'rroi2er,lAdmVVbf Witliai'Hesterifdec: v'Mit-i? . ,T. ;t Robert Hester (f VVm0 V T ! Original attachment.. Levied m the.: hands oi , ; Thps. B r.ittlejohn, Esq. and he is summoned p. as GanusheeJ v : :v;x 1Tppearlng, to the satisfaction of the; Court;, that ; he .defendantij skob'ert vHestef, ;'is not i.nl...Kit.in tins i Qf atu. i if latutsil f h publication be. made in the K-deig-U Register for six weeks, giving, notice o the said .Robert e ter that Vhe. appear at ? the" Court' of Pleas; and Quarter Sessions,- to held for the County an ! Mate aioresaui h fne ,f Vtonrtnouse in uxioru. on the first.Monday i n X A ugu stf next ; r t li'tt and.. there replevy and plead tp issue,xor; judgment final will be ren Jerd up aii property levied; on, condernnedssubject t ,4,1c plaintifPsrecoveryi WAtnbss, Stephen Sneed, Monday! in Ma, A. D. ,18294 &p&(i?Aiit 75 6w pd - - STEP K. SNEEfi ;ClJc. r w State of North Carolina. .1 " ;; - .; v; , :; ? 0 u n com be Uou n ty.V V- i ; : Superior Cotirt of Law- April Term, 129. vWiiliam tKpBaras, 1 t Petition for' Divorce. Margaret; Robards. V KRDEHED bv Court, that nublication be made V-rVfor 3 mbiiihs-. successively" in the Italeigh Register; arid the Yadkin and Catawba Journal that the Defendant be and . appear, at the next of March, 1329. ROBERT II ENRY. CI Si J. C; STEDMAN Has lately received ' considerable accession jns stocK oi uopas.. mJfaiid."SiIver:atent-IJever Wi Watch es English arid ; ; French ditto ; vRepeatittg ti Alarm C !p I countv, at the Court-house in Asheville,;pn the l- - 60 acres hot given in; as the pnpehv of r.v- p0,i aa .Monaay.afier tne 'iuionoay in oepieniDer 1 sou uavis, iyin, on Hunting creek, joining 11 win j next, and pleadxor answer to ,the .Plaintiff's pe Johnson. . . . '. A'; A.'l : .V ' 1 J- 0r I cuion, or iuc kiiiic win uc caiu cx- pwic.x i , i v: , , v-- s, , a HU. MJ., VVIilliH 1, bhen ' 1. "de-r vvaness, Kooert rtenry, tJietK or saiu.ijourt May - . . r. . ; 81 ' . - - P :.r.-.- v - - Ii, i . . Z . now 'otters tor sale, 'on lthe,yeststyieWti l lie- 'reasonabIe-ItermsV';,the f acisJ-..--? yj--. folldvvinff Articles Gdtdi Persons wishing to l- - m ditto! firieGold Watch ChairisjSeals.?nd iiv.,lv,v..VrtrrTr tV- ' , -Ear-rings, : Pi ngfer-rings ; and 'Breastpins, ,;; , -."',v; V' V ieroliassm tment -r rjnV;joC 'cCdRriiNG tothe term of a iJeed Keys ; I a - genera Ch sins': , Coral,1 A mber, Come ban. . S t el; ; Gilt. Wax khd Fancy.. Beads ; -Gold, T Silver, Pearl and Shtll. Sleeve Buttons ; fine cut Smelling Bottles ( Otto of Roses,. Cologne Water i Pen and Pocket Knives $ "Pocket Combs $ Hpri,riiigH besVrNee dles, sharps arid betweens ; Steel Watch Chains, Sea's, -Keys, Buckles. Claspf I - Key ;; Uiugsan! Buttons i Percussion Pistols, .percussion, Caps I Ivory Counters rfiypi7 ant israss wesi&eajs Spectacle and t,ogies ; suver i niynoies rage M a . WalBt B 1 a V a - - AaiiOi t-r ra . nrtunHui y ; w'r,u . Vi" ustinff-of i - Canesssprted;. buck and jvory heads. with and I iy0mif the sdriHe beirig a part cf thVpublic land ; r ' I Without Sword i CnanOOg I sonars i ltaors fsuld by Hhe Commission e.ts lap, ointedbv the . i; I Pocket Books ituuarci i-pAinsr wisicai noxes ; lEegislalure tor that pupbse."4 One Negro Wo- . t a--. Plated Castors JJrom c$l ,50 to Plated Can. nn ?riam?d CreaCy, five head of ilorse. one ;c? dlesticksSfYom$i;25 Harness, one t. ':Vi . . ': and Trays ; Plated and BritanniaTea aridable thuieen Bed arid Furniture; -and - co"iuidei- le ,. f - x j Spoons aiid Soup Ladies i ;iJritann la r l ea pots ; quantity ot other Household and ,ut :ourUl 1'C Chessnaen Vi Diftameni Pearl, Metal apd ture.iV ' V i VCtk C1 1 -27th-July 1829. , ' ; l f ffHE Exercise's "in the .Subscriber's !SchooT Wilbciose ori Friday" the 5th of jririe, and lie resnirapd otr the second Monday m July . x, . Hillsborough. May 19. 75tlA i NOTICE. 4 - mim' RS. SARAH GEENDENNING.W nf Rran' There -will be public speaking by, his pupils.) ... Viv " i- - , " , n; l nursuay nigoi iue-iii. oi jun,--m .iiie jia,- v.?,-! iiu vuouiiuutbiij ,. , sonic II allX The citizens. of, AheXtownare re- To be DraUJryinlFaJiJ.intori City iZjlh of spectfully mvhed to attend.- - . - -' - C -. . fhit 'itifh -"7 nl:i:C?' J; WITHERS PO0N. , ' " . : -j . r fV.Vr" nr.,. - 'N. ermof his: School J65 per, session,. V ' , ,C J.J " ' ; .; ft Wft ft. t ft At-.m VH !- Wftft.ft Vft W ft ft W W P vi T- . -r- ; , .. i . . : . iL ville county, formerly resident in Ilaleigh. i uaa laticijr uipuiiiicsuticwanr oi uer.iiexi oitin i resioe i oisiance-irom ;inis; piace, ana rai 4 hereby notity-aU persons concerned, that it vahh""" . jr? "" .'r ; asprescribed by law, I shalKbe ready and- - 1 line to settle the &aid Estate .The rAdnnm&fra- in I tion of said Estate having been commuted tome accounts-of the 1 .1829, .,f ;w - ' 1 s-J 'RufXuiXV when I 1 will attend to all oSaK!ur.utions (pc:t plod) ? h ich may be &ddrt . .ed to rae at llal i igh; N. 1 ARKERL RAND, Admr. V f Take county, 21st May :X829. ;.- 74 f ANX GGEill JT -N- ,; 'll". A; THE MAIDEN OF THE .SlRjrAKTERScOTT. ' Jjist recefved, by ; R deighV. tl nlV JO. ' ' : 'CLESfcON.' 40,. H en ras of Post irid loolscari rAfhil, dilterent qu.dil.iejy ju L received by . J. GALi;:j Cc so:;. RaIegfi,.Julv 7. -'C, .,,v. jks-: -'Z ' r r NORTH AMERICAN TtEVivr.- Contents of ATc. r:ir 1 Aru Ii? Memoir. . aPiiiancici 1-4. wl. i ; -tc .v rniicip jes or CVUUOf - ' IS.... - .Tl . iwsiuit uirctieciuui .fnuosc ; -'4. De Beranger's Lifend Writii -3 , ' The Greek Rev ition . ','-6.'Xbbot's.Ietteri on Cub - 7. -American Foe'ms - - 8. Pohular Educatlyn,: , 4 r 9;: Bosjqo: Exhibition of t'icluies '' - . J 4 510- Constitutional History ' s pubiicatf .s. Subscriptions received by; T? AT : Koc.fclDgnaml"XlU'erai HpHliir'j. npiiB ubribehAvinettled hi, If S this iJb, nlace;espeanjlliifbrma the I'ui: t; ai l hp is prepared to receive Company t!ie present seasonV -The Establish n; nf - has ' ti i .aer f - a j bj-en.,. provided;. Mn "poj . . t of He J and the rnediciriai'propertiea of t pu ' 1 1 1 i!ok ri?1 .,;U i....... :..t it. . tort wilJ be, made i-ffiv satistkcticu u ti - who may visit the S pri nirs and the cfnr-f t e modeTato; - -fTl I O M A S' S C ( SODAVmTEI irXlAMS &. HAYWO0U will keep, prd- Kf Spared the above artirle during th - - , U J Also, :.rmonruptif khe first qu.' K ' ' f VlThey have just ''received Vsupnly c " -it r'io- fresfi JLime Juice. - Rujejgtoy Jur l; : 77- H AT; on th e 2d M yntjay i n Aligns t r ,t, 1, ' will sell at the jDburt!-hr)Use door in "ock: . ford; Surry county, thejfollowin jract cf Land; .or. as niiich as will be sufficient to satisfy the taxei ' dueliereoniiibr' '--the year' 1827V wiUi costs : td , 260 acres given in by Dickson . A. jBkidmc I lying 'on IDeep creekl adjoinihlr' Si Samuel :.Sp ter'- j I andoih'ereijs- 1'?.' L 1 :- 1 ; "330 acres giveh'in bv EOR SAIJ rWlHE: subscriber ii v authorised bv the. Jlev'd Wiliiam Si PiiinierJ to;oner.Yor tale hii nuuoo aiiti Ltj k r jilauc i,ovvn 01 tlill DOronlu , It is a very highly improved Sc elegant establish- af It to I ment.ee is situated in tne most pleasant nart of tha tiej town $ tie ouuaings are ; all new arid finished iu lot consist of five or six: ' - '--j '"(-. -i- purchase Jwill apply to rr i 'at this-place !i A'viy-'i i V1K ' Hillsboro,' idly 27 IS J.WiNOUWOOD. eed of Trust 'iY executed by Greet! Bob bitti on the 2ith of J .nuary ,11828 forthe benefit oft he fate, James Tajrlori;I:halt:ri.Siturdayi-.the 22d t.y of.-.' Augusts next, proceed ; to close the same by a sate of the-Pr0perty"tKerfeiri corivieyf d. : ; firconsrsss ot. --.a irree acres, ana ot an acre, 1 adioiniiig the.qityM.RaUiffh'.o'the eastern sidek ' '. i andflvinir directly south of the 1 Gr ve-Yrd. nml ' sn Fund" " purchi. f isix months credit ;wiH be given V - sers;upbo bond arid approved secu: 1 The safe wilt take nlac at the residence vfr I - n-ft , , '11 1 ; CI1AS.' M A? iA'i T, And many other valuable, Prizt-i Wlio'le-Tickuts 54.1 ' " Quarter j 1. 1 1 5 2.C .5 . 1,000 '5. OCX) Whole Ticeis'-.S..'".!!' 2 -CO.' - . : Quarters ' 25 . , . V , ' - - ;i A tad:;.; cf 23 whole, which u c - the i v.'ith a cbunce r,i ary C tt.j i .vu iy.be h .d far 100- - - v! wd i oapuau, . collect; thut Yates lUiitvr"e tb3 ! la nagerso -il j.-ttene aatertised by uie;n.- And. let all your oruers- for ticVet be s-rat to ibem at' Uuajaond ' ...ib,wiJI be nrorrpny attended to. - u aiINTYRE. C. Oil t " ' " ; . . ; ' ' . ' , - - ... i

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