4 'I L v 4. ., - ,3 1 ( . detf ' ' In the last Itcccrsh r, .v.-e promised -our rradcr, an acrn n.t ofthe dinner given in hnr.orto (.inver i.rwv.T.y. ucareuuw.i..- to fnrniU th -with the following tch in fulfilmcntof our promise..-,.-; 1 At h:df p thrra o'clock, in the auer- r.oori a ninncroasVornpanyorcUizens and 4 invilcd rni'ts, sat-do n to a HvcU'far VifthedVtdin'the Ion- building-attach;. . x l to e -ComiiLcrCilaUWelvt ChnstO ' Yhcr lV-.dtev; Esq;-presided aniV4)octnrs Jamc- I . Mcllee ambJOhn Hill assisted. Tl utir.; s good . humour, ami sociamy r-.ail m! ; and the mn-t pleasing excite nn nt rt fcc!ir.:,s was e xperienced by .all. r rr -ui. In the incidents' of the dayr Tit V nrcsence of tJie'Chief; Magistrate .of ll, ate; which connected as he is mii our citizen, by tiesofinte'rest and friend ship, "would ntany - time have 'awakened cmotiotvo a the preset) it occasion super- ,V ' lid fled an impressive dignity, to the scene ' of which he was the. honored personage' It "was f rati fr in !? ta their local pride.' to i t b l.old His Excellencybut lately f called lm:n his residence, .in im ihihucui9- . trie!, by.-' the VponfaneousufFrages.of -' thn, Lpjlah:re-j "in the enjoyment of. a . . p 0 p a ; . r i ' t v ,' f i i r. d t i ! i i p u bl i c . e s t e e m a n d 'limited t-rav by the iinianea pi our ex- ! . tensive . State participating with us in ; V ' entertainments of the 'festive aboard $ V f . and it was equally gratifying to Ins fcl ; . 'low-citizens of iistown andrits vicinity, ; to hav a opportunity.! of evincing, that w ' their n -ect'andvattacHment;..!waS''corii-' : inensu ra te , wi th;,tfte virtues , that , adorn his private nndhispublic character; " ; The 'following toasts; were -drunk, ac- ' ; com 1 : n i ed by appropriate music from the ''.;r Vu!ur:teertBaniof this town. ; ' - j V ' - 1. 'O-tr CountrVIVher wj be ;ways of rsT,. ma HAft'hfr njth be peace. ' - 2. i'oliwcal prejudice May they now sleep r..r,rrf -.n the tomb of Ihe. Capulets ; tnd miy - k n S?'r-tt peciitati-in or jheoretic construct!-. . . - " a ...nt mtrrfcnvmr trom the general o. v,' rmnmt cur Wr and just proportion of the pQb - X The spirit and men of ?76. , f:f - .' 4. George WatWinpon-i-IIe has bequeathed - 1 to -ritr. an illustrious -example of. prudence : ' ' in council vlsJonv In. drc'isTpo. and energy in action, fortitude in ad?erstljr, and moderation in ':'' i ' success. -.' " v' V '- ? ?.'. 5. Tlie President of the United States May . ' . Iks lm"uustrtion realize the anticipations of his j friends, and. merit the approbatiA of his Count " ; lrx. . - . . '', ' - ; : "c. 'fV-rditinguhed 5ue&t-May he feel him. i I lf rt iro.-nr, JHmldJiIs old friends,c assembled -, here interc!.un?e. jrreeCnjrs and'gralalationa; " u j.ii) the return of hn of thrir uumber Willi me ; rited honof and unsought distinction, ; . V This toast-wa drunkwith great fefcthu-; .-I ;; sias; u A"ooftathecrciteinentprbdu- " ced by it had subsided' the Governor a- rose a'nd addressed the companVin a ve ry eloquent and appropriate speech; whicli was received .with'reiterated cheers.' - At the conclusion, His Excellency offered the following toast :v ' ' . , ; The Citen of Witminton-llay they soon '.' become distiojriiahed fort their commercial prosperity as they are prorerbial for their hos pitality I C-'. l ' T T The Hoard of Internal Improvement Their disinterrtea z-l fur the public good entitle them to the only revrd they would he willing to accept, :Te gratitude of their native State. . 8. The industry of the United States. : Vo. Tl.e Armv imd Navy of the United States. . lO.,An impartial Foreign policy -Holdipg .all . " xuticjns alike -snemiea in war, in peace frien!s. r American Geniuv-She , wings, ber Eai?le .fliKht aeaiast the blz'e of every : Science, .with : an eye titat never urn as, anu wm iut. . ' , '--tires. 1 '. ' v .'-' . : . V ' 12. The University ,of orth-Carolina--May f ouryoutiV the future hope - of Oor- State learn " ; Udoniifrotn her Instructions and be. twined in tlie pmctice of virtue and in the love of countiy. ' " ' 13, Our Uives. Sisters n'd Sweethearts . ' f Aul t nature swears, the lovely dears y'.Jjs Iler not les work she,claHses O ;' K' : , , -Her prentlcerhand she, tried on"man" . v .; - " An then she made the lasses 0.'.:3 . '"J 1 i'.i." ',' , . , Voitx3Ti5s..Vv ''li 'j -'J. w " ' 1 Rv the President of the Day. Tlrehealtb of ' ? . n'rr friends,-the absent'roembers of the Board of - lmproreroents, Col. Q.Jones and A. Joyner.- ... ,.T - j'.y Mr. Gale. . The United Stales'. Corps of . ( u " Engineers ;heif skill, is a security. that no im-'- .practicaUle scheme of improvement; will be un- ' dertaken by ths general government and their , industry, a pledge, tnar, wnatever is unuexiasicn, " tvilf be accom pushed". : " . w-' 4 -' v , . ,r cpt..nianey.' The State of yortharo- Una among the first to assert ourTindependence ' v t and to vindicate .those '.principles .of -JHertyK frf . -which are the foundatioffHof our national glory -;' ; , and of oar individual happiness. ' i . ; . By M..C mpbell, Esq. The chief contribut s ; ors to -national wealth Agriculture and Oom- t T ) , , in ; . c 't ot iortn-t;arojina--may ine.wjsiom e " V ' '"vii.cd in the selection : by rthe Governor and j Cout-' b5 confirmed by the intelligence of the - " " 'Xegi-' --.are;-' V ' " ' ,i - 'I x 'In the mannert of Governor Owen, there , ; -' i a unifnfth 'dignify .and' an unaGTected af : fubiltfy, vhich attract.attentinn aiid engage ' ; -confiduice ; and his conversition is calcu Uted' to strengthen ti.j. favourable linpres- " H ' gions' which-are made by these pleasing r, characterisiics. -In speaking of publicihen ; we generally confine our observatipns to their personal merin-rbut in the-preaent instance, we cannot . disconnect1' Iri. our V minds the repatation of ourXhlef Magis- . trate, from the recollection of his venerable . . . father, now no. more. ho actel a ennspi ': - cuouspart inobrr?vJuLionary tlr i:ni and - S ' ivh, after the 'vhieyemetitt ' of . inrfej en dehce,rosfc superior to the prejudices of pa'r- s ; , v I y ; and ch4e tp saenf je influence iid z to hazard obloquy,' rather than lend hit counieoance 10 toe spirit ex persecutJou. TbeUte CLTaoxxs 0 wxt of n!" Jen coMnty. IVra. 11. luisey, Esq. Tne lion. Jobn D. ief, one of the Judges'.of-the Supreme ""Va-lm--ton, July 17, 129.--; : Tli n c. v! 1! e n c pi n 1 1 2'c r. -3 of D f. Viral-'iir.-; cln 1 yesterday. Two letters were I.Vrcd by the counsel .for the ty States, which gave to the case'ayery adverses rct for-thc accused. One of them was letterofexnianationswhich Dr. y,at kins wrote to AlrIIamsthft-NayAgcnt at Boston, and in which he attempted to shew that all his drafts :uponv Harris and Paulding were drawn vttn ine Knowieuge and approbation" of llr. Southard,, nd that the money.thus raised was to' be ap pl i e d tfrao'me parti c ul a t i t e ins " of Navy, exberiditure; for WhichWproijriations had nht lin jSrnntfviL AVsoori as Dr.AVat kins ;. was aVfestiT in Philadel phia, ?Jt; ap pears that he enclosed a copy of these ex planations, in a 1 etter to Mr- Southard, ild rnpd ' tn hi in n t Tren tori : J)U t' Wat- kinul' havin'mct with a friend of lr 'Southard on - boaril ;the .steam4iQit?. and learnihir that Mr. ' S Irwa;then -in -Phi ad el ph i a , sen t to him ! a request' that h e would take1 this letter-out of? theJt "Office. VMrl'jSoiithard did sV, & iristantl v, .(fo although there'was nosrgnature tohis letter, the handwriting was-wellvknown to Mr. J Southard) wrote-a reply ' to it; - "The. letter.-, to iir. soutnaru puicaies a mind, tba clear : perceptions . of C which were iniured by the uncontrollable agony under which Doctor AVatkins wassuffer- ins" Had he been in full possession of nimseu ne .uuuiu. never iifiveappucv he did in that letter, to Mr. Southard, 4o confirm the . explanations which' he had made to Harris.' and ' thus -to I-implicate himself, gratuitously and falsely, in 'tlie double crim'e of connivance in the fmiid, and also in the deeper crime of perjury 1 ne letter lnmcaies an mienect siiaK.en by thefirst shock occasioned by his arrest, and his whole thoughts seem torbe- en grossed- bv-his wife arid children,' whose distress, fancy painted to htm with Ihe pencil of truth.; Mr Southard replied, that it cave him regret, that he should have p! acecLhimsel f i n su ch a glari ng situa- tion, ana ignorant as ne was 01 tne precise allegatiops against him,; Mr. feoutnara said it was out'! of his nower to' say "more than that, when called upon to give testi mony, he should give it, with a strict, re- saru to trutn, as lar :as nis recollection would permit hlmr .!"; ; ' r ' The whole of Mr. Southard's conduct has been manly and highlv,, honorable. t . -"- t ? ' a. i " I .11. L!.L ins emotion in reauins uie letter which he had delivered up, by order of the courts was extreme Z, ITe felt that the fate of the accused was in bis hands, and that it was a" cruel but unavoidable duty, which com pelled hiin to" sacrifice the man he . had oncie esteemed. i ; Before heVcould finish the.reading of the letter, a gush of tears choked.-' his utterance s Judge ranch kindlv took theletter from hitni and fin ished if, and Mr." " Southard sinking into his chair gave way for a few moments1 to 0 . a lit'' ; ' . I ' '1!:L- ! - leenngsnonorauie tonim, ana wnicn gam ed him honor fron all." - - The following; is' given in the Baltimore Republican, as a copy of the letter from Dr. .Watxins to Mr. SouthArt: ; ' -; K. A yhiladeJphid, Mail 1,-1829. .- On you and perhaps on you alone, - my worthy and honored Sir, depends the fu ture peace or lasting misery of an innocent, xcelferit, . wife "and ten children. Their Husband and father appeals to your mercy to save, hot Jiimself," but them from shame arid contumely.? 'Driven to desperation at limes, by the embarrassments in which his long and ardent political warfare involved him, -every other source; exhausted, he re- sorieu ; 10 nis omciai: auinontjr to - raise fo'nds' which he most! firmly . believed at the. time woulil result in no loss either to the public or. to individuals Fate has de creed Hi otherwise ; And those, against whom- he fought and against .whom he wnuld wit'inglyi have lot ;every drop' of nis oiooa, naw iriumpneo, anu now tram ple Upon-the enemy who more than all oth ers, they hated and feared; He is ', here in tire hndsjpf the Marshal of Pennsylva nia on, a criminal charge "die wason his way to AVashirigton where his 'family are anxiously, tremblingly expecting him -The enclosed paperwilltshovir how you may save that faimty Ifrom wretchedness and degradation vlf: is the copy of the explanation forced from him. at Boston and addressed to Mr; Harris ihe Agent; rHe forthwith sent a , copy of jt'to the 4thvAu ditor who yill j receive it "bv( this day!s 'mail. Contradict it; and thefamily of the wretched being. whom j you ohceoJiOnoreff "with thename ofyVirrf, "will ;live, hence forth in ignomiuy-andf disgrace- r Qonfirm it, antl. they are sayedj :The papers refer red to were mislaid or lost during your long. illness ah d a bs en c e fni ni t b e ' office.? O God he can write no more the officer isitt his elbow to carrv'himr toVashtn- ton." VnteJto Mr. V. runder cover to her son, W.' IL ?V. at the Branchy Bank, NyashingtoriTmake her' happy and piay tbe all powerful. so bless and prosper you." .. Hun, SamuexiL. Southard, j r ' ". , Trenton, 1 N. . J- V, r '.y;''.-: i' : every point, cccrrdm to the troth jand recollection; . ;y other -answer you w ou I d . n e i th e r a s ! : n o r , e x pe c t m e . t o give.. I have onlylb , that I sincerely hope a full investigation .win prove inai you Tree.from just censu . ., :'-'' f-' ' r I. a On:- VPn'V. lICI. ' - -7-'.-- - -vi;t' Q A V1.T SOUTHARD. are; of about four pounds' weighty whichvield ed seventeen pennyweights of gold, of ex traordinary durabilitv,.lrThis ore was found on the north; side ot tne vitappanannocir, ;-a bout Jfou r milesbeIov;theFalls; never beard-'O.f any ot h'err' indication liin jts neiborhbodJ';:t ; INTERN ALy I M PROVE f ESTR y TheGold recently discovered lis on the south4 sidexof-the' iUppahahno many milei from, tlie other location.; Tbe pursuit dfrthis att racii ve metal, Ho v?ey er, is moreeductive We have received the first number, or ieo to a jong : searcn - uer; .Kmiv ' X, v . - . . -r tV: I nhfr?A . Stone;-m which uniany i fcirtuues a new-paperxalleu Ve, View, printed a,t Cha dupeso kiiavishllchym bounty)!Virginiaby James; M!;a?b&Y':& same lust of; gld X?aeraJamMjdA& CdTirom-whlch;wep impoverished many indiyiduatsnd States --AriiJi::LJi::ik iridiinVthe1lhins:r Wlhinkit isithe teresiinir iniuriuatiuu i-uiuciiiii xfivw.-. i . . . -j. .-., a nalTmprbveinents in that direction. as t: session of bur General A hh R: vn a 1 1'- w ho re m a rks that Soain has y atwavs oeen in possession 01 me ncii.est e act Or I minct itf nrpniiiuv infttjiiM fortiieriv ill .The the last session of oucGenerarAsem nrovidi'rir forthe1 extension ofthe Henaw- I sinc;'the discovery fxAniejrica ahdft lialuf nike to the ICerttucky bbnl jr,- Biaiu has generally be;eo-ilorlcr ColonelCitozET'thVr-Pnnci er. than sUrruundiiig natiojnfs:( of the State1, is now engedwith fits as- shovs i why' irfs that a gedd mine-nnles sistarits, in locating the road, determining it be very "rich in ili precious ortisTgerie the quantity. ana, cnaracter 01 tne, woriwvvo- rany. ioe icasi . ,priuawicyi f ,'T "),u be performed, arid estimating the epen- work ;fiirlhe article being so vuableiri s2i of construction preparatory toj jtle p4oportiontolifs bul and wejh?; eanba placing'bf the whole line under corittact more -teadilyjtraris The nassaVe of this act' Kas'already fur-" tant markets,)andahe produce fithepuoiv fJJvilS next session wUl bejrfnnn --'-' Itember,indntiri The expences fbr.the ReSiioiTnr f teinpnthsreasfollows Boards ihclutjing bed an other rn ' 1 mture, washing and attendance O:3Sf0r. , r-ZfpGVpnd caridIesI!to befin-nu:" Proctor at cbsU- and 5 nei- 'CG bY the SHV-andi.uhiic Vooi ; Professors fees not exceeflm- A v 1 V ; f. : l,VPrpjessor;of Ancient Ungues -52l: termann.'i4 rK::;:;'; 5 HrBlt 'J- .Professor of Hlathematics. J . U " : : tl Jrofes?i' of Chemistryind Mato - :ca;rD4mmmw-- " rer,a Meet 5, , Professor of Natural Philosnit,,, V tersnn.' ? wr- Paj. y BProJessor OiitedJcink'rip " - i - k: Johnson. vVThe institution is convevetl nJMV.. . an. I Philosonhv aim parMv oy ujc iMoy of approved ter and m all cases the assiduity 0f th i nished the. most gratifving; evidence: of er mine will nave to come into compeuuon i .very.stuaent,!Under the age of 21 v., . thein,ortanteoftherpaJhen xutiaaia. I - . , , . ... . . , ,- . ' I rriv and Surr-erv- linlAe i. ittto. In I art tl ticipationL'r6f this ' event, M and : Belden, of Richmond, Porter and Belden, of, Richmond, have PRESBYTERIAN UHUKUH. nnnr In Uiil I ' nnnri f ?fn n f riWplcl V liOf nf f , 1 ' ' " . if ft;.kar.hif. rnnninVTrnm the'.moutb- of Extract from a summary view of the Statistical bvterian Church in the" United States, for the year-1829. , r - ? ,v..' Guyandotte, via Charleston, ;Lewisburg the White Sulphur, the; Hot, and ;artn Springs!,: to tauriton, norsurnasseo in the comfort and convenience yi the car ria?-es. excellence of the hbi-ses or in the obligins care and attention of the dryeVs, by - any Westetn e'xtension TThff General Assembly of ihe Presby te- nan vnurcn in me u.,oares,,uas uouer us f care .Nineteen Synods : Ninew?two j?rH V IOr prnnrl , " shall allow him to attendiless than JZ; Bilonthly, circulars are written tn th and guardians atating the attend,; ir clV' th.biting the stucW oroficiencv and denortment. UCI1t i I. l o be admitted- th nrt t w-..5 t i rc4'iirea to wear a un'6, ' dressthe part t. . . - . . 7- -T-" win 1 run Kentuckvr to the' weal tliy and nebulous 2070 churches; or congreSations, under.lhe m SzZ "!!! I rmlent PP ut towns ifJxion and tl.it we spiri.ual government of suany SeSpsJ it.TO : must uiaiuiy iuuiw mr iua tuusuuiiuauuu m. wh, iniiii-r .ii. oi-.,rvy, cmcj:?, as tne unairman may approve Th of its '(enlarged 'usefulness- From, the Eight Hundred and sixteen C&mmunicants; tention of parents'and guardians is particuia? mduth ofBigSandy RivertKe distance, During the vlast year wreen7owsoii d ;uc. r;vr'..- " .1 "-. -;'' i. -1 loiHuiciiccuieiii i riue oession, snail nav 1 liftve. 155 miles. ;From the same nlace. and 3155 were added by certilicates Irpin only for the time unexpired, at the vZA by the tipper rou te, passing Little San- loreign vu rciies,ir were irausiaicu iiu.u, v-u h(mjuuci ana rents at wbateret dv;Saiines,Mount: Sterling -Winches- ter. ana Lexington, 10 rranK a . 1 ' . f a ' " t f' a ' rate;' derstand the distance is comnu mila' I 'l 'li a n rro nn fa ia enmowhilt u.. - K-' J Iter deducting: deaths, removals, and sus- a ft. W 3 ft. m-M -M ft. fc ft W ft ft - ftA ft ft ft flm. . ftft . ftj ft ftft ft . - - - . k - try For ly se fafth country more populous. By we are. j persuaded may be tormed :t Ar.S 'pnpCKENBRblJGH," Proctor., 95 ,2r much ofthe way, and is but thin- n-.w.? " T""V"-i"vq k A m J . A. ft J M-AXI & Savins' LLU L If 1 LiUl tTllll IUC ZAUftll tJII mf J ft . ' ' ' erl and pisses through a district of eded that of ihe-preceding year. r1 ; a . STRAfREI) ; , t - - - i r i rft ww inn nil m liar 'nr PiiKi n rn vn i n i r5-n i mmm w . --- - .r . - - - w more fertile,' and consequently --i:" ... .- ' . miui 11 ui ciuc in uiiiHinni i,i iiislci a uii t rai a - - i n - . - - .i ait h.i rt thnSA wnntaa l 7 - , -i.- .-- - - . --. . j a siLia.il -aiireii afirrei. unrsn. ivii ri , i wvTm w aim. mi r Tib .inn isrBm 1 1 vhii :i iiii t u. . I. . I . 1 i t - . that a well eradedoad " r iv ho on a , ana an me Driages con- -.1,1:: Ar t,,;.--ricviMn. r Infbrniation of saM Hdrs'eiiwinhp v - ft 1 -ft nisi m wr.m m. m m mr. u h m ft. h lt 'tia m u. w ft a j t . t t - - w ofKriAf Arl : ffi" fSf 111 tiAH vt in inftliinin tv ' I " "Hr .w F V"! " Tlk8 Pe" ISO.V.Of our Ministers, 40 one half the expense of a bridge at the or-Vi -Vil mouth of Big Sindy River; Should th? Statof Kentucky turiher ? I?1! few days igo, aDaidFace. Hell whes thanklii'Hv are rre- r" r ' - zy r' : - - or TJieo- r " " ujijwscuw;i; gone lowarus unngt . ry- J County, from vw hence he Was purclusecl some ins- mthe yertf&.-mW r -,..1 - - i i iL i - . nay ui vie v. oiaies auu aic cujiaj;- t.. uiy i 4o. .. . : , - - ' i ; - tfonlihn eitiiochillrtn tha 1 m n.ntrntr art T I , , . . CJ 1 - : - . .. . " - ft , led ; in missions to heathenv Uur increase runcomoe.tjuntv. - ? 1 , ,r. oi tn.a mporianc line 01 iutercour8e,uu of Zicintt4es has been 1 1, and of Chnrfi we cannot think that it will escape the Lv,. thcrft h- . , )ecre of 47 In consmeration oi so intelligent a: peppiei 0Qr last statistical year, there were baptiz Suplsrmr CMirro Term, im tne nappiest results must iohow to ootn l within Wnh..hi:-iQftWd.dfa5nil APew ; presiyo r ,-. 5tates.l " Indenendent of 'the exeat advari- Lnt :r. . .1 rito F MyAv:'jyPeUtipiiTor Divorce. i " w : - m m u www h w m -m v . hi m bb. - - h L. . . -i;. r :r I iuaiiiu5 i Eleanor Preslv. a .: . Willi. II - i c will, uiil I rr rm viivinir x l T i - - i r-i".o,-i a i T 1 t r i j . t." T r J r -I tisiusjwnicn exceeueu tnose oi loiajuiyvn. jneir ve stocs. saiety-anu cneapiy w ue The gum8 rcpor(elj .as ' Mb'" ant iwwic nuimciu maicisf ,i p(i (f) delrar the travelling esinenses would open the most direct 'practicable I C!nmrniinnirs t fh fat fipnpral? Aspml I that;the Defendant be and appear at the next route peivreeniie -c&piiais oi .iventucity k v. amount to 442 fiT- The comra s- r-,rv."r r J vv" "U1 - - I f , I I " .l ft-' i 7 - ' 1 AII nTr or triA a -javlftV' HAiioa A IS Atr.ll nnfhl ana Virgin a.well as between thee-?ii itnlSayWS tropolis ofthe Union and the Seat ofGov- ed; were 176 and the distance ; which;th?j "net and plead or inswer :t6:the FMniftPspeti- ft 1 ' . AL l - II fl 1 ft . - - t nun, or me same win oe nearu ex parre. ( i Witness,' Kobert He nryv Clerk of said Couft at OffifeeHhe2d Monday after the ih'Mondi; ui iuarou...404y.;i i; ;f h.: y; ; ernment of Kentucky, j and securf be- travelled in passing to and from Philadel tween these important' points, at htt dis- phia a little exceded 7o,000 "miles lant- penou, Gaiiyvcoramunications py - The funds reported by our Presbyteries,- man cuacnes. rrom rraasion w- jrvicn- i as navinjr oeenxoiiectea during ;tne - lasit mond the distance, by this line will not year for sundry charitable purposesare the exceed Jive'hundred and thirty miles. the same route' to - Charlottesville,1 By folio wins, viz..; For Foreign and Doniesttc and J Misiions, thirty nine thousand one hundred then c e by way o f I? red e ri c ksb u rg, to if o- I and eighty dollars, fifty -three cents for the tomac creek, the. distance from Frankfort I sunnort of stiveralTI'heoloicaLSeminari will not, exceed Jive hundred, and thirty ten thousand arid fifty bur' ddllar;an(i:i0fS h. W0?1, 0Pr??e: . I n ' V yi r tl" . .."-. l- 1! - r;" 1 -c? W'-K-l O-ttDERED by CourCthat publication be roal4 Boat reaches; Washington City: in eight and pious "ydw 3 twenty thousand yiree saeeasivelv.iii tbe. Haleiga f. ' 1 i 1 mi f -.'-. 1 1 1..1JJ .)! .;.:::J Jfi: ; - 1 ' ., . . .r. ... . .1 nours, .:XS- V L B u n c o tube C ou n ty.; ' : V '. j!v v r Superior Court of Law-April Term, 1829. ;: Ashur Lyon,1 't-y.: ;f :Crl''3. ' r -V-The following is Mr Southard V Reply f to theabave1: 4; pv, ' vT-- v'r:!i , ; . -1 rhUaacrphia, 1 9t May, 829. S i r J Y j u r : 1 1 1 le r . t o roe, :, without ;Jgnn Ure, daCed at this plate, on thi, 'd.ny," wa , ana eitner from mat noint or tticn- xnunarcaxinu mneiu uouars, unu miu-wur i Reeisteri and theYadkiri and Catawta joun mono, every laciuiy is ottered tor uxor- ccms. . inese two iasi sums may De saio uiai we ueienaant pe anu appear ai uc thern tout's, by thatcheap and expedi&ous tobe Superior CourtrUw;tohe held for modeofconyeance;;4oyldntdcky, 9?4506. .to.alconecjiols as. we trust and believe she- will: confi- o7o,0oo -So 'cents ; -.t wk P!amtHTiDeti- - - - - , y t . - v - - -- - --'. a.. i w a ift-. aiiu uiau . ftftifta7.a. w.u uiv - nue the Road to -Frank fort, we venture to predict,; without fear, oXisappointment, that, fih p. will sfrnrA f ht . mirininnl MitTival I r '' ' ." ? '- ' . - - 'VS iU "? r k: Vv-:ir L- 1 .4 ! BALL and- PARTY will be furnished pqus , m m eia sixjaays loose irom Richmond, within three days and ay half j to effect which it'will onlyx be' necessary to eivei upon this route the same celeritv ano despatch; with which the .Mails are now carried on ' all the . we 1 1 - graduated roans ot the JNorthern; States. at Shocco Springs, on the evenings of the 20th and -21stTof Aucrust. ".'-: ''-:Xv'?4';v:C-:- Shocco Springs, July 221829311: tion. or. the same .will bethel rd ex Parte. i : Witness.? Robert llenrv. Clerk' of said Cr- at OfficeJthe d Monday after the 4th Monu of March,vl829.., . ' :' ''''":' ROBE ItT HFNRY, C T" " a 4 GOLD -MINES. State of JV)rth-Cardliriai .'A';v vi'.w f Buncombe Country Superior :Court of LawApril ferm, 18. Thomas Sharpe 0:&-. vr V i ' V.-i' .;.'jy.C.petitiortr'(br Divorced if: SiisaiinaH--.SlMroeV?"W ORDERED by Court; that publication be made iur nn;e iiioiiiiis sumiesaiYcty in, iuc i .. -it w .-- '"rube leigb-Registe and tlieYadkihtand Catawba I SupenorCobV of Law to be held for B wcolD ;iv , 5dliuncombe L-ounu Jacoh':RaperiTli-1::;: h l' : :';v." :--: 5- Petition for Divorce. ORDERED by Court, that publicabon be nw forS ;tnonths successively! M the Bw KeP-ister- and the Yadkiriiand CataWba jow that the Defendant be and appear at tne .nc- n- s ; 1 rerei vrd by me at th'j; post office thja.hiorn-. '"V,-.11 'enclosed the statement dated Bs tVivSrth April ,1I820, which you. inforin , Tliecorrc'pondcntof the United States : . ; Gazt"tte,;hc3 the folbiwing explanations - of -the natarc of the corrcspcndchce 'be 3 ,twccn Vatku& ;an ii Mr. SoimrAnn; which has been" rnystcrioasly Eluded to r pttiiuc prints : j. you .me. was'addressed, tn jMr.- Harris,'- Navy Agent at BfLm, -and forced frnin you at that pbo. '. I hie re-id both your letter auu msisiaipiucni wiiiv care,- out cannot comply with vt5ur request' toj confirm "the stitemriit. ; I am not abje to gather rom it with any certainty, what. tje allegations against ymt.are : odoes my recollection serve me so as to give any satisfactory an swer. 'Z'-WhehM-.r- i:shnll. be -accurately informed cf the char-es . hirh ir mi.iA. i White's land; Virginia" is, however': norecfe to t'discdver vi One speefraen ? at leasV wasfound ny years airo. Mr, Jefferson says iahis Kotea o n Vi rein i a I know a: sin Ie mstahes of. jold found in this State; it was in rspcr- iu Binaii speciis mroun a itic cl ore, ROBEUTHENRYCSC ' " V par thpre ia arowino un -- orrtAoT ki; - -i.i i t.r-..ir.:ii I Journal, that the uraiic iui uuiiiiiicuai.iiiau mc result will I .Vi o;.-.- luslify. There are several more minesopen- RliIwnmhP r!,ntv. ed in N. Carolina 5 ahjd the search and ape-1 ville; ; on the second Monday after the" tbucih" CUiaiiun . arc iiibi casing. . n. v niiaueipnia' xouuay 111 acpiciiiuci- uc,i,; aiwa iicau. or an paper states, that respectable quantities of 8wcr to intifPs petition; ; oivthe samewill Nortfi-Carolina; gold are carried to the beTf :'45 R- -:u'Mr:t.A c 1 - : . r Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at, M mt to be coined into Eagles, Jl vein of nffi thW rtn.t inrt thW fwKx ..-..a- ' u..j.ii i--r vi r-vrr rv-rr"j-"Trvi" uiiivtMiiuiun ui euuiu 19 ajiu to nave oeen re- tdav of larchl82y. -v-. .'r..-- ?- 4; centiy sirucK tn some nevr El Uorado in 'that States ';r.;f:;v:; -Trhere are. 1 some indications, anda few yei n s of the " ra eta I fou n di n Sou t h-Ca roli na -thoughpeer likerytd liear any compa rison with-her-valuable' staples of cotton and'-rice. r: " r ?v: .a ' ve ri in Vi rgi n ia t !i e p recio'uVinetai ha'i shown ltscif-rA few lump; have beenlundj in Ins coHnty ol pottsylv ania,3c arrange- iiciii rc "v i:uKing (o wora. a .mine: on jjejenaaniDe ana appear, at ane oui-jiusc lu...v.n . al the Conrt-hoiisA in Ah- I next.'and nlead or answer to the PwmtiJl sp t:Stateofitfc 0;xjuiiuiuiue vwuuijr. Superior Court of Lawi-April Term 1829. :.v. f n I rexiuon ior u 1 vorce yfDn Armstrong SC." 1 r' l'-ul- i ' . - 71 ?m trcaptld cffeer'ru if iiiwe?SSi 10 spUs thr0uSh A IdBi ei Saml Armstrongs - vfRDBRED by Courtj thatpublicati i be made . J forT, :3Imohth successively in tL RaUi-ra ltegUteri.r. ' the Yadkin l and Catawba Journal, tnat the E - .ndant be r :d appear at the next Superior Court !bf Law to be ! ,!d for H ..orabe county, at. the Court-house i.. Asheville. cn th? 2d Monday after the-4th Monday inSeptemL : next, and ple-.J or answer to' the PlaintifPa pe tition, or the same will be hear;1. parte. ' Witne". Robert Henry, Cle. of sid Cc.t at Oface, .lie 2d Monday after tL -ItbvIIcndny , - ' ; T.occBTiic:;r",c..i:c.. "ti nri. or th e 'same uri 1 1 be heard ex parte.- , i4yitnessItobert,HenryClerkiof -" at Office the 2d Wohday after the ,4th Monwj v; .ROBERT IIETUCVjV fl Statc of Xorth'Carolina, . SUpenor Court ot-JLaw pni - r Folly Duck ner," Edward Ruckner v : ! - '-C-iJl's. maJi if I1DERED by .Court, that puDWcau9i ; .j U for Months s'lcccvelrm l Petinoa for Divorce. A 1 - . nd.heyadkWandC.uw W fendant be and appear C-ner: :r Court of Law to be hedfarBfC, i?d Monday after the 4th WnJ&ZSrP' tf-t; and plead rr "answer -to the PUn- 1, f rrthe ur r ill be fj Cc - V rt Herry, Clerk cfs ft o...ae, f - 2d !:r.iiyi.nerthevtb . 1. w' of IliTCfc, Cf dl LyVJb, fur fab at this Wat' ...

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