. . . : v - V I .t 1 r,.-o 31 ' The n tnr ftiemuei a i vu ; i csa nf G'ur State Legislature, ,takes place . ant ,"rhoofthc State on xouuujf T a few counties', it occurs sooner, Dy lk or fortnight, to prevent it inferferin ' ... ..i nfll,ntr Courts. V We rrdbya centleman from ' "ii.tfiitfiatCouoty. miliam B; Sheph plained a majoruy PfrreS. of VOtC , -jar v"'r". . :' v... this crrat increase "-Dhard tvill ensure hi: 'rrftfmle.Geu L- D. "Wilson, jSrayXiu ' e of the poU.: : For Senate, Wilaon-450, ,k; I4X For Common, 'Litlle 630, Bakr 613, Uil'nn 5l6, ; . -: -' "' ; ? 1 f)r. T. Halt received all the' votes : in' - r!h Kihpridf-el iSl Heriiamin T. j .-I.n. W.D.Barnard, C ' . V , Tiafmf an tvill nnfnr a fivnr hv i , , rostmasterswill I contcra layor, by 1 ' monday, -august 5. j -forwarding io us a eary.a pmu.wu.wui i cannot oei.eve it necessary, na mere . . ..u.fik'l'l.nrt 'n tu rQr are some considerations which would render the, - . ' '' - - v . . "',-', xoanties. . : . , ; - - i - . r , : rpe Tear 'Rivtrr-Tlie Hillsborough BccorJer has a paragraph on the improve oentof this. River, from which M seems 'Certain that complete success will attend tie efforts which are making to render 1t navr'able for boab from Fayettcville, to Haywood. The locks at Buckhorn Falls, it which the hands "have been for, some time employed, are'now completed, and boats passed through them oh.the 20th of Jul. 'Mr-. Jonathan Harrals 'wood, lately sent to Fayette v Julj. Mn Jonathan JHarralson, of Hay- ?ille twenty-1 4U r r..i ,.ie t,vA; boat in the charge of four hands, three ot t i s 'j r''u - . ' . . . , I mated his. own atthepnccjhe gave lor carry Favetteville in waxns,at forty cents per tundred, the usual price rom tiaywooti to Favetteville, would have been forty dollars : thus exhibiting a dear saving of twenty.ght dollars-independent of the, f 1 - u. c ' 1 t-.'iA. V 1. SICK , , 4 . r . .'. H- '. The hands at worlc on; the River, have gone down to Smileys Falls", and re-cbrov luenced the work at that place, which. the ' -The j2dministfation-Some of the Ad- 1 ministration presses finding that the Ad- tnmistration is rapidly losing ground in the estimation "and confidence of the na- bon, are beginning, their iendeaVors ; to Wilrfl lirh 5 n Vk.ft 'a . 1 wmtntl nnnjl .4 txtia u -w ii uuiu o.uvi i uuuu , assri uui is, i respecting its popularityi Vwhat: they so J percetye to be wanting .1 n poiri t of fact, z It cannot, we thi nkj have . escap'ed (h e no ti Qe'bf a n y atten ti vie obse rv e r, ) that thetAdministratioi. rhas disappointed and mortified its friends, and we give our read - I I rs a sample of it in. the annexed- e'ktract uia wie uosion uuiieunv a xnorougn-gi-in7ack?on print. : The Editor is remarkt mg apon a letter, published iu the .United States Tel egra ph, w hi cK .purports to; have been wri tt en from Boston, and professes !. give a true ' account of matters and ingi in Massachusetts; ' , . 1 - -irwc.ii ..t:i.I . i-.m ' mtiTiiierfrom that noliticxf darkness in whfe! has been enveloped, and trill soon tour forth U Her naiive'splendor. If by this sentence, I ac coirepoRlentrof : the Telegraph, Vwho, ; it lit- presumed, w ould pass himself olT for a j "wnd vf Gen. Jackson, means to asejrt that.the cf the- Ai-lmTn I Lh.i .Tter, racTB. obliges us 6 declare that x '.I i-wi. vi nuionous, anu we an- profji io every one acquamiea wun trie I "le)f parties herl lh.it th. cnttrlnr. nf.fjMa!n uct of certajni ?fa who ha? tntvortMly crept into the favor of pntaenth& inspired the commanity'witli such v,,,nj.ni cigu that the 'Jackson party anl I t lament tfkf nt-r.MvjtV u. liiU i-nmnVlx to civ Jm 'lumtllcc within, the last wx months' to a part iVf the policy of; these menand they l ,.; wpaniieel a regular sv.tenv of olanocuvirng II DV V ft - ---- . v a WJF V. Wl 4fc I IV-.ll T t II I to V Mrtttptft, fbiMbis purpose the ia? VkI-,uTe,7lnient entirely in the dark, respect K'fteir ostandinir in this commuuitr. Eve iSrTlJual ati-convtrsant with tha present Z n r l,aies in this cityr knows h o be a act W rot,S1lt to the- polls ix;months agf), la- , the number coud how: t)e,muntefed on 7 H'lestion in favor nf the Administration. Ami V the e.H.se "l.It se 'tyrtmnicuKtivache, Vm.- rVeen coniided to their direction ; "Tw Una anon." .. -tile Followiri w''c4 A A ''A . V taster General.-Mr: , w llhe' victims of the present pro- ;lDV? P0jicyevinces in unequivocal I5ehjs" opinion n tr iho fs:,r Hi S1? 'hich have beeh' made.' vnvte nT"t ' vhora thi8etter was ' has been ejected from rr"' ryen bales of Cotton; in aboat belonging r- .I,arruon: lo "5 naiwrtai :JA: tr. of fl.A thi-V xvith wlilrh-Mr.' Montalban, (Warren county,. Mississippi,) Mebane descended some , two or three ,n Pe Dr- Vs removed. . -.-ti,.-?nr.l fr. TTarmlshrt nt hia . : At Xenia, (Ohio,) J.1 IL M'PUerson.Eq ' U" ViPr. ifind . thp hnnt nf. trift .nnr.o.'' nf I 2 one hand; and-the whole expense of the the: exustmar hisi assistant, alio wiiig -'trip- going and-raWnincluding..all' h"'aJ l,;c prints of. the office. v; l6 . f v. 1,1? R. G.-Foote, Esq. has been reformed" jhe provisions, was but twelve dollars.. , , 4 t . . . . r : ". s . out of the nost omce if Malonp. YN. Y.i lnf.tnissame lotton to t , f r. s . .: 7 approacn 01 inier iatr last season inter- watKins, on iiie,iniiictment.cnarging nvm rupted. 4 , v v,: . .t , . with hayjngfrauilulenily embezzled. 87)50 ' t )) .VVV- " - ' of ."the public funds-. This was the, case CWV Wdratl place , and conseque i,ce by aJr nd are'abusingr.witti.': a fifth hand the notv.iths(r.ntUn liig.r testimony of fered . by' Judge Til'Lcntr to his capacity and fidelity; It seems,' that anticipating . removal c:, account ,of his preference lor Mr Adams, he wrote to the-Judge. requesting his opinion as to ,iheexpedi ericy of his. resigning : ' -'s .;;". Cincinnati, SOth Jpril 1529- master General,1 statin?,- frankly, ; what "your course, hai.be en, and ask of Jiirn the- justice," to inmrm you, -n, any: represemanons snouia oe andl Have done enousrhl in a-oolitical point of viw to howTrty 'pinciplesf of action. I would -tc tQ the Po,lmasterGeneni, inyour behalf, step injudicious,( unless tit were indispensably necessary v v . ' , . : r. ' respect. y . '. " ' i ' , JOHN McLAN. v.. J. R..Tuhhr,' Portsmoutli," O. 5 t' .f?brm.,,-Col. JainesAy.'Exum, t be Marshal cd the Western District of Fiori idaV vice Adam Gordon, removed. Mr. JohnFily.gerald, late, the' Printer of ile. Nashville jKepublicfn. has; been ar P?ntea rostmaster at rensacoia, yjce w. "m,.,,,i i . . ,lrS been-, removed, and W m :T. Starks, ;. , . . . 9 . En ; s-appointed1, in- his stead.' The i.u.f iho mis a tc ! d ftl f Si. ixiitK m . ,.J- j t... - r . . . .mil Daid Brewster, reformed into it. .John Johnson Chief Clerk, of the Coast wise ana Clearance ueparuneur. in , tne Boston Custom! House, 'has been removed by David Hen8haw(-(the Colfectnr; of the "Fr-S' Port) and. Paul Willan - t " -.1 . t ! ard Clerk. of the-Sen- Charleslown Mass. appointed in hiJ'place'J'': . ; ...A hew trial has been gfranted, in th'e rase'of, the United StatSs against Tobias e las in which the Jury-rendered - a verdict a few days since. I jThe trial on., the, SS50 indictment has, sincej occupied the Court and the Jury,' and the; Jury afterxemain- ing out 30 hburdlLwere, diacharKed; beihjj la A. 4 SX x wx x . Mx frft m.1 'a ' "'Ix x ' m m x a unauic iu uj;icc. uuun a tciuilu .iiic vase seems as 'far, as ever from being brought ton ciose.. ,-t . a .. . . . v:- -::'yl.5?:::-'.".:Vvi' , ;A few days ago, a negro belonging s to I Henry JIowardi Esq. of Wilmington, iwas acciuenraiiy Kiueu in; a scume witn. ano- t '.-ix... r - "x r .,!, , !; 4 1 . f, . j- tner, dy ins oacK coin in or into contact witn the lejr of m bench.. . . - . ,A ; - -..-'' - j . . JLatestJjrorhEngl 'British slip ;Jeaii-Iasier vatiNew-YbrJci frqm Greenock, brings :Glasw;;persVtf.;;the' 1 5tli Jun ei i ncl u si ve. They con tain ion doA advices to the 13th and Paris '-to the intti Tun a t. vThc" most important articles; they fur nish.-, are .two Russian .bulletins-." ;The first is dated May kl and only; announ ces the passage?of the : .JDanube at three different j)oints ;jThe " second is dated from Ihecnipefore' Si I i '$ t'ia';. (Myl'2d'i) ' detailing the preparations Vwhic'-;are-.;'!ma-' king to carry op the siege with the u tmost acViyity.yi.Th :theeii-einy-remain, quiet," and 'seldom disturb even .the Russian outposts which are star tioneu vai onij , ouu ;iuiuoms irom . ine counterscarp ofttHe place.' The, remain de'r.of the ;bulletinelates to -the advan tages gainecJ,oyerihe iTurks 'led'-on by; 'theXOrandiiiier.j;-in person : who left Sh u en) a v it h the -in tention of .'attacki ng Prayadiwi th:vI5000 men,' and was rafter wards .reinforced. withlO,Q0O .more 5: but he was ultimately deiad: after;' much hard and fuWous fighting, with. the loss of 2,000 of his troops .and1 was forced to re tire to Shumla, The Rusians -lost 1000 men.- r- . , r -Tror tiling: CaWtf."VVrewerj9t annoy ed before: the last e I btiion, among bthr railing:' accusations b ad m i h i st ra tion,vvitXa"c occasional 'journeys Vejare; nqtdesK rou s' to ; im i tate such ypTe6eden vel ling" is occasional l-asnecafybh private; bu sin ess Hand 4 for Crel axati on, to public men as tounofj ciaKcitizc n 3 y'f But it Isaircady'a jmatter ot Xact.th the new ofiicers are asjforiil of being jlocbmo;tive as any o f j thjeir p red ecessbrsi I h ay e ever. beVn.yAThe Se ere ta ry ; o f -Sh e.easu ry,T si he e.jhi s; a p tfo'i n t hient-'i has ripe n t 'rl ea.r"ly; two rnopths in PeunfylvanivThe Secre tary of the '.Navy, has -visited North Caro lina;- The At torneV General avraember - , ,Dar sir :,i regret to see evidences of a more member, and as w;e suppose to- get' the g (general change of officers than I supposed could name of the town ;of Adams changed.' -m h. - - - are in - be other day the Executive.- not with Currituck, ministration. ux,;-'-?-r' J - V? P la,n publican simplicity of his pre- ard ouruuties oave been lauhtuiiyperforme i.ucwr.u.ui jivu ail ine pomp any cere ; land you have not, I. am sure, '.used the" 'facilities I mn'ny attepdtnglthfi . progresses "at. kings uucrwu,y ot your oince, 10 proauce a pout.cai enect. u f and emperorsveht on a party, of pleas s. It is thou-ht ff s'inff " suci 5;oumldocnrA?ns,.ir?.yur con: ufe.'Str. - hairtke cabinet in hislri b. to' . .- . v m ' I "nuance m oincc, private station isiue post or I ' . i, . .. . ' , ;in favor, of Mr. honor. I hope you will not be molested, it jftfceiyelhe.hora'aM of the . good citizens election. " - ' Imipht be. welt to address a letter, to the' Post- I r Iorlolk.;. Verily this IS a moYing cab- ... i aavise you, Dy an means, noi io icsign. uc- wouia llKe to suDScnoe ior ttie time: tnat main at your post and continue faithfully to dis- Assembly, which is so deeply interesting ity -r, ,.Sr to all, may sit.: To accommodate all this; city,. and went juL .;u nil ' u Ge6rrri:u -The Secretary of State i3 a.bout to, proceed to Delaware The C.cretaryxfthd ITivy is. on a trip- nere Dy-water, inline . won- stellatibn. , I ic tliU, who has peen- re formed into au Auditorship.and Jwhbas a-sort or an. appendage .' to; the . cabinet, went on to WewrtiaraDshire as soon as tl the legislature was about ta.nVeet.'-.arf k Inhl J inet,5 " i TK three.times a weeK, as .out readers., mil wish) to h'ar! rapidly fromJVhe Cbaventiori, knd s their prociedings will probably occupy -much space-1 It has been suggest I .i vii F. ' - ?w?II!?.bb , ey tothera, that many, persons ;Who are Pwr to take Newspapers. by the-year; such; we shall relax our rules, - and':, take subscribers for the session, at the rate of the price of. annual subscription, ;If the Convention are in session two,jraontls the pricelof the paper for that timeV ;wUl ; be one dollar--Ihchmond Irhxg. '; ,.v -x f r-, . - v . . . - - -- - -: ' Arhtntan'i political ' .History A, berbf work! are now in preparation, num or on 4 the, eve. of nublicition. )':htvinr refe.rencV;tb the formation." and adrninisirution of, our g'lvrnmeni.v .Ajr. aiadison tievoies ni ret.raieiit toa w;rk of this kind.' I This memoir. will not bV'publishVtf till after his d p a t fu - M r.. rfferson's ; 4" 0rf Correspondencey: will ! bep. published few months in six volumes, ociavb. Washington' s (Correspondence; Journals," &c"; are in he hands of Mr.' Sparks, who is preparinjj to:publish them.': The papers f iiiv u c iur u.uuiii3 win. uu uuuji. uvr ci- en tojthe world by his son, who will also enrich the literature of his cOtihtcy"with;a memoir :or his own times. 7 . 4 he Liife and Correspondence of Arthur Lee is . about to be' put to. the press in , this city j anil the memoirs or Maior Woi- Jackson ot Pinla- delpliia, are written and will be published alter' his death. Bostm iraU The Phoenix. Plough-Boy describes ;the Kfil nmrt nnd d api-Tv imnrpsfiivp f.prpmnnv' of B.aptiam by immersion of Mr. Henley Taylor, an adult. . It-took:Yplacealt the College landing, about a mile from! Wil liamsburg, orf the 14th instant. "The Rev. Mr, Empiev Pastpr. of the Williamsburg Episcopal C hur ch , a n d Presi d e nt o f jWm. & t.Iary:ColUge, was the, officiating: min ister.; Ihis.ceremony is s a ye ry u nu sua! occurrence in the Episcopal Church j anil not only . drew. a considerable number of persons to witness the ceremony,' but has formed the subiect of much , conversation ana commentary since tne uove.i event Frit Blacks .tnOhio Ttseems from certain publications in the Newspapers of Ohio,!: that the Legislature ot that State, at its j last session, passed a . law in rela tion to PtF.R Bi.actcsI one of the provisions of which ,isi" that every person ofthai des- cnption, now or wno may nereaiter joe a resident of the State, v'may be compelled by. the Tiustees of 4 Townships, to give bond with security to the amount of 8500, tnat ne wui.noLDecome'CnargeaDie to tne p aci sli f ai I i ng to d 6 w hi ch h e is com pel led to leaye the State: within thirty claysw This is a severe measure ; and is pecu- iianyjstj in inio,,as nunerio mepoucy.oi. that Commonwealth, has been totenqour- age the settlement of Free Blacks within its limits, and the emigration -has, accor dingly been great from all. the Slavehqld ing. States adjacent: Ihdeedi now t im pose 'new, conditions of residence, ifter holding out j tempting-inducements and authorising very different ; expectations gives rthe law- of. Ohio, an ex post sfacto oearing, we nau aimosi saiu a treacuerous character, which iust-rulers would be! loth to i n cur th e i m pu tati n x f b ri gi ndti rig, -4 Howeyer, a- law,- with some - such hard featu res as . abovementioned,, is at this time about to kbe enforced'5 forthe Su- premej Courtilofj Ohio having been'appealr ed to-i that-tribunal has decided inv avor 'of )ts constitutionality arid now;no filter native1 is left v the" Free" Blacks, bdt r to comply, with its. provisions, or rehiove from the. State.' At' the last dates we have, they were holding meetings to con sider vhat steps to take, as notices had tbeen triven them the result we. shall learn in due time. ret. .limes. . -The following' portrait is: extra cted from an Oration delivered by Judge B AlLTV- win, at the summit level . of the .Chemun so -'Canal." on :': the 4th inst. . 'r It h froinlthe hahd of a master: i.A1 tho rough and" reckless! party: man v becomes absorbed in the sole desire - of-oppresing nis opponents, anu irever a rayoi -piea, sure crosses his sullen-soulit is "whn fie1 has, succeeded in the infliction -of ;Some misery upon them. In; his -blind .e.tcess be-neitherjoves himself, his party, Jor his cou n f Tj'm ; ' ; He would', y ol u n tarily - i mino lateHhose attPchments upon the altar of war, the field of pestilehcei ori the.;ihe tre ol ramineHe;cah.;de'cree tQ JVris tides ostracism," Vnds to Socrates the deadt ly .li .docktto, Adams the block, and to Jackson texbaltcr, and the'nexi day vear tne tnanacie or euner,-ii im .3 maua- cles 'shouli but L3 jnaae oi jowiver." n 7 (jp.'Jerdonli holds t!:2 followini'lanr': . in t.ib Cirirc MIn all social and civil dutie. and in all the courtesies .ana an me charities .or jue, tnere suuuiu ue no uisimciion wnatever. amontj- myse Avhbear.the differinjr religion s 6r creeds.-: A 11 civilities and all personal kihdaessesi Should be a ucc is auuuunv uceu nut auu, tas uuruiai and sincere) tb.those who disnifroro us,: as to those, whoafrree with us.yAnd. besides the v e- qtial privilege secured' by: law' to ,:all 'religions, every Kinu ot aetere nee conceded by society at large to the, S icred order, smndd be,- rendered with entire equality, to the accredited ,c1ersv ofj air.denominatioTw. -r Kot '. to .'allow C the1 rMfhu, whether of be r or decorum, to our fel- low Christian- iti2ens;would.ambunt to Th e Al ni i gh ty b est o w s the evil aa on the good j one; andT lbves f0nlv: the a species of the sun and though; He 1 rx t lion . UHIVI , XX X. f though . Wf. allow and Oppose the errors of our 'mistaken .brethren," shouhltne ycf dare ; to regard . them - with lesd ,fa yor thah'j their and-our Father does eyn. the worst of liis unworthy children.'- In tHe paruble df-ihe"gd SAnaritknur'l.ord deikunoed the bigot ry of refusing kind offices to those who dissent ;rpni us in religion " but He - deemed it ho bijfotry to tell the bainaritan.woman, vp'Iaihlyi ye . wbrshlp' ye knowTnot.what, sahation is of the Jews' Blessing t StdardLThi' N- York J 6urnai;of ;Comm erce takes the; fql lo wi ng n 0 ti c,e : of the; proceed! r gs " at Ch'arlesto n, S. C, ; on the fourth ult:'"":. V.;:' - Wj? perceive by the Charleston papers ; that on the 4th of July . the. novel and sublime" pe remooy of Itlestmgl a Military Standard, was performed in, the Roman Catholic. Cathedral in that city, .by. the Bishop in full pontifical dress, wearing his mitre and 'carrying bis : crojEier.'? We had hoped .that such mummery would; be confin ed to countries less enlightened tlvan this,be living as we do, that; our horses,- asses stapd-.ardvTtea-keitlics, &c. are well enough without being. blessed by the' Priest.-. 1 ; , ' a k r.ddpeper C. H., fVa. Julv 16. 7. 'Jl ' Shocking 'tfcridentr,-rOnl Saturday last, ;M rv1 J osephi vJa mes; a hfdy respecta bl e you tig 1 gen 1 1 emai of Mad isdn , cou nty j accidentally shot himself::- We learn, - at 1 her time this distressing occurrence: hap- pe n e u ? ;vi r. a i m e s w a s s la n u i ng p n & . I og of wood cimversihg; with a gentleman, w itli l he b u tt;o f h is gu n on t he sa m e -h i s right hand over the muzzle ofthe, piece, I andJresting'his head upon his handv .In this situation tne. log roieii anu in suaing off, the lock,of the , guji came in contact wiili the sid!of the loar. which caused ; its d i sch a rge. a hd t & c on t e it ts e nWring a : 1 1 eb e 1 ii W; t h e-ey e. m ap gl ed his- ForeJi ead i n the-most shocking manner, and caused, an almost instantaneous death. This is only oof of ,the.tuany unfortunate accidents pro ceeding from car eiessness, which it has been our unple.isan lot to record. .. Men can not be too cautious in1 handling : loaded guns for in life we are inthe midst of aeatn." : anis is iruiy a uisiressmg acci4 dent ! j A ymng man, idolized by his.pa reots, beloved aud .respected by all who knew him ofte moment enjoyibgvlhe com pany sand conversation'' of -a friendthe next; a melancholy victim to his own : in discretion i " . y :-' k t . Camden, July: 25.' Meldncholu Occur rence.ftiei on .the 12th inat. ather, father's reidence,on Bea "v erdam, in iCrsha w Disfrictv Cy othia, the daughter. of. Mr. Cewis Hogon, in the'.dd year of her aire. Her father. had? ot Yrom a Druggist, otne .cobalt, for the purpose of oesiroy lujj, nouse nies, some or -wnicn- was nuxed c;with isugar anU wuterf .and placeq for those troublesome little insects ?o sip the child unnoticed, .got to. the plate and took some of if , whi chv:in a few. hou rs, pu t a period to her existence.. Every effort to expel the poisou was unavailing : the' arse nic was too powerful for oils, milk, &c. & .) and the lovejy infant was torn from the em brace df its doating parents, without their ha ving it; iu their powers to Alleviate, for a single moment, its indescribable sufferings . . m y ': ; ; Jfew-VorW, July 52. Attempted Stnciden Meilou, Esq, formerly practising attorney at North Yar mouth, Maineand recentlyCashier'ofthe Dover Bank, who had taken lodging's at the Franklin . House; attempted suicide this morning oy opening tne mam artery oir uie j-isht side of the neck. The -wound was made,jivitha; penknife.'and in .a) skilful manner.- f l)t. Perkins was instantly called and succeeded in stopping the blood, after a disch irge or a Done three quarts. Mr, Mel- Ion was then left in charge of a nurse who Watched hicri closelvv He declared that he had ho wish to live, and seizing a fa vourable opportunity drank off a' vial of ar quafortis. He has been , removed to the Hospital with, the: belief that he cannot live inany hours. b ? Skj -U- ; 'Interesting FacL-S i 1 1 i m a n's J ul y No. of the Ainerican Journal of Science tid A'rtsiicontains tVo j letters from Mr. J oseph E Muse , of Cambridge, M aryl a n d iwntcn gives an account oi iiie resusciiaimii of a . vaiuableHound,1 from' drowning by means of oxygengas- The dog was cold, stiff, and., to alt; appearance pertrcily deatl, "when Mrv Musedppnedxa small stopcock With" a long beak attached to a large blad der filled ;yfith:.the gas, (that is -tbe pure part of t.heratiw6sphericvair.) XA soonas he had thus forced into "the lung a Cupi ous dese of the gas, the.dog liiirtde a con yul i.e and soliury yeipV tojthe full pitch of ' '.usual and shriif voice in the. chase. The. procesj was - repeated till Ithegas, which Mr. M. happened to have prepared, was exhausted the dog was uhen .wrap ped in blankets,' repJaced by the fire, Frtc- tion ya constantly appueu, ami alter a grea'Cdeal .of trouble' and 'skilful manage; menj, thehound ,was fully restored tothi use of his pbysi'car faculties, in 0. orlO ays.-. ' ,3. ysS, . 7 ; -: - r- 1 -n This.case suggests therefire "a problem of an important.. charact'zrii Viz. :how;"far the inflation of tile luogxi with "osycn,. in': steatl'of cocdmon: air is calculated to res Vuucitata' drowned ; persons I.iay. not 'a sufficient, quantity xf the air be' preserved iinbsj bottles' with ground stoppers in in- which he delivered qH tl.2 0t: -'ay last to the Convention-of tl;3 Peniisytyania Dioces-VM..vvV'-V'.v'-,v '- " stftutio5..i;!,.x.'s r.rc f'iii-r.cj covery cf ih" riroivnrd -.t::J peritnent kizvj u . - ' - N f.: ) rc-- .2. 1. it: ill;.... A t i if , " Iiv Unwan on th . 1 ut 1 to Miss fiabliel DicLson. Lr. ba' lei x In Ire'deircc'mf cn the 14h i:!f. IZr. " V Mufclocfc, ift the Sptliye-jrcf i a-e.:- T: gentlemm 1. .5 beeh.'fnarried ") ye;lrr, k live"d ph the 'plintatiou Vvherc I;'e died f.r :.';c 65yearsx On tlie -7"th"julf. afitr sev :.a: protracted' illness" Mr: Willi xr.i . tHevSrith.yearof his agcvso.i cf L: yard,-Esq'."'of Jredcll county." - " Tract' D 6 p 0 i to r r , tIR ACTS Svon the Amcrici u Tr t a also from-, the' Union Tract Sc : ' had in'anv:Ouantitv' at the Social v .r . ff. m forwarding orders, with the'Cashr ' 1 V4 Kdltors in N '.C." favourable to the cair.s c" Tracfs will confer a favour by -ivir','the cbov M..ICW insenions in intiir papers, inose .wr.o think proper to charge";foV -sa'doing, will ..r i their, accounts to this oHlc for 4 i.) -jrtions. Rale ;h 1st August, 1829. . ; ViSIdnasers.' Okie , 4i- -Clasi 'Njo. 0V ; j : To be t . : i w n"l 5t hi A . t. . 1 Prize ;oF Si 0,000 :i: 310,000 5,C0D .'.j , C C 3 x ' , x :C3003 1 ,5,000' ,' 2,500 : 1' 20 1,000 ":500- SO! 1 . ICCC0 Besides many other valuablj PrizcsV Whole tickets S5, Halves S oOj Ou-r- ters 31 25. . - Grand Consolidated Lo: :r f , . ---:-'-;lass-Nd;i6.;. . To be:dr:iw;tr29tL Au-u; 1 Prize of S15,000 is l 1 t ye 1 1 5 5 1 6,000 , - , 4,0?0 -' V" 3,0w3 M,0Q0; . 500. :- , G,CC0 . i xj , C 3 0 5,CGD 1 C xJ iy Besides 400's, 300'sl SOO'si 150', Send your brdcrs'fpost paid) to 1 . YATES & M'INTYTIE,.. 'x L .'-...-i'lucamond; Richmond; Aug. J, 1829. MAN AGE RSr r O ST17 JB? . .'.'?:;:"-:J..'.'YSv;' k''ACGU5T lstV,lCD. firiJfr.f State liott ; irf; . TOR.TIIE BEJJli?IT OF.TIIE - Disnial Swamp Caual ;C6pxiriy. To be drawn at Richmond, on' Wednes-ay, lCth, - . SeptembeM829.. '-" 60 No. Lottery-r-9 Brawn 'Ballots. 1 Prize of giO,00O U SlO,063 , 5,000 . 2,500 ;i,095 - l,t)bo ; 500 c7 106 " , 6p K" 50 .30 ' ; 20 ,r:vti so.; 102 10 f U5$0 11,475 i " 20;000 ; ; i0,0C3 ! ' V;ooo : 6,000 ' ,550 3,0C0, :'23040 -- 15,300 JS7 ',375 16 ..A x x Whole Tickeis 5- glaives '& 50, C-rv v. '--' - ;7 t-, ters 1 25.,':;. . ;' . Send your orders (post pxid) tri ' ' ;V..,-V;!:t1fATES&3i'IITYItE,- ;" ;?.VrU7-,:-.r' ii Richmond. " S'' i - Just1' Received ; - . , Saber's Difficulties of Romanism - ' . Scott's Family Oible, in 6 vols. 0vo. . P . . The llistory and Mystery of . Mt tar-Iiit C - ' piscopa'cVrf by Alex. M'Cai it. - ' ;-A Defence of the Truth .as set fort'.i ii th - - v History and Mystery of 3iIethodi-t 1 : 7 is- 'i.copacy;j by the same person. -. ' ' : JOS. GALC3 Z: f.C.;, -' : July 18;" 1829-' -. ".slSS'--', . - : . ".NOTroE-. :v. ; "to A taken up and committed to t!:2 Jail c? .? V this county; on theJ 2d cf llirch 1 , -ts , nerb man supposedto !bea Slave, wb .11 5 himself SAMUEL WILKINS, and says t;..x. ha Wig bound an. apprentice to Vrn. IIoeI, cl iNorfolkv'-Va. and thatTie ranavvay f. 1 t! j rai ilosely before his term of ap pre: lie:- " 1 1 adc;: pired, .The said negro has he 1 in i county .5 or years; and has passed during tl.-t tl - ? 1 j "a free man ; , he is about 24 yc-rs cf i 5 f. . ' , or .5 inches higb, and coal black. The c of said negro is requested to cor- 3 forward, j -. : property and pay charges, or h 3 will b z t. with as the law directs. ; . ' s .- ".: -- v JAM'Es"pALx:i:n, j; . ... u Wjndsorfc Bertie county, June 9. :.:: Price adv. $7, 1 S '' "' Z2-.ir. Lands in Lincoln 'Cc , v f '-f ' t&UxJx.j .. ' A ;GREBABLY.toth? list jill and , tec: jTSl of AbraharprJCaharflt, dee'd. the iir !... ed4 Executors to said will and t: tar..:. c 1 Thursday, the 27th day jof Auus, i.c .t, c.i the .premises,-will expe-e to pablic sale, several : l- ; joining tracts- of LAIID, containi;: j -r.c.rly sr:0 . acres. twv ' . ; ' x ; , These tands are lying on the water j cf Ilil'.I- . .an's Creek, a mile and a hulf 3. U. cf f len; Gra ham's Furnace,Aadjoinin'j lands of G.ibi. , J lc- dy, Lowe; and Dinkin, are eql ia quality " to any land i:i the r. ;rhc !. Formerly there vvcrj in operation ortthe pre mises, a 'Jaw and Grist r. ..!!, andCotton-rrachine; butkrp:c:ent enly th Grist-mill is in opera-tion-- -v-- "'"'' -;? ;'""", - tThe seat. 13 an excellent "one fcr t,y kind cf machHxiryY havir.j a' cottsideVabb full and good water power.. - . ' ; K .f , . - - Onthe prerrases is a pood App!i. Orchard and also e. considerable quantity., cf ir.z-Zz r lahd- .... ' - Conditicr.i One and two -years crT.t 1 ap? p'roved secrity wilt be required, an t. till to pass at the i ;ymjr.t cf the purc'ia-3 ...r.ney. ; ? " 'a. . s. . . t' r - JACt)3 FOI.'ri", ' , .. T . ft' A t T ' 'r' ' i.a -:.... .-"Ai. -t .y..-.- : '.; iJU4k.ii.4' Jk . 1 kd n. , '. - "S y'- ''-'-- 1 n : -Survivin,; Cx'r2 - Xmcolh county, 'July lCih, 1C29 ' -93" 4w . : -: V'; V-iilHITIITa , Of Various descriptions neatly 'A ' , ' . xt this CZIc e. - . of the cabinet, paid a yisit to rv-,v '-'p'