v, 4 f -f. v5 i ... ,tm .'. X--. - ' 'v i A . I UNF.HA L HYMN. . the lite Bit fop.. !,:-pJ J n nrt '--if t a the Grave but we will uotde- Here the- '.- .s V- t ? ;:- i Thou-h sorrow and darknessncompass;lbe . . ' -t-r..: The Saviour passed .tnrougn us portais uciurc ' And fhs lamp cfhislove is thy. guide through . . Thou art oe ta the Grare we no longer be- .:r; hold thr-, r: ' . ITor tread the rough paths of the world by thy ; . - side 5 ' : ' .' ' 4 v , :; ' MvBut the -wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee,', x-' -v'-v'-v : Vv.v , . ,V ' And sinners may hope, since the sinless hath .. .Thou art gone to the Graven and it3 mansion :':' : " ' Tbrsakin'v y- ; ;'"'v V;'J ' S'"- 4 TVrehance. thy weafc spirit in doubt lingered :,r';v'7' lons ? 1 fr1 I"'; '' 'J. 13 ut the s'unshi r.i of Hearen beamed.bright on th And the -und which tLsi heard?st was" the Se2pl-iira, song,: ;., f.- .v-'-. . -.. r - " . i .rr- -4.- - "" . ; Thcu art gone to the Grave bat -'twere tain to - ' . denlore thee. H ;.; ' .' --L : - When God was thy ransom, thy giiardian,.thy lie gave : ej He took thee, and He will restore And death hath no tmg-since, tne saviour -' hath died. S;- ' , : r JOHN HAYWOOD respectfully an. 1 VivJ. 2 incesto the Public, that she is prepared to accommodate Travelers Gentlemen & their Timilies-Roarders bv the day. week, jnonthTor vear--E; .ool children, for any length. time.- ,IIer House is situated la the immediate vicinity cf the Capitol, the Banks and the several Semi- ; iri of Leamintr. There is a beautiful -and . ' bi-Llv. cultivated Garden attached to' it ; her " Koomi are spacious and airy- r She assures 'all -" those who may honor her - with their patronage : thaL no exertions.shall Jef wanting on herjpar V ta render them comfortable. V v :f ' . ' . : llrs. 'H. lias also a good Stable which shall be. well supplied with, Provender for. Horsev and a ' careful Ostler to attend them. V. ,-c ." " Prices as moderate an those of any Boarding-) house in the city. -, ; - 1 Kaleih, May 14." 74 JVctr?; andlfolrtifor 1830. ; " ; NAVT.CoMMissiONEns' Office. ; -; . ' ' v:f ? : 1 7i June, 829. ; - C1 E A LED. PronoaTs will be received at ; this ' -. ofiice Until the first of September next; for J- the stipply ofoOOO bbls. Navy Beef, &2400bbl.yf sNavy Port, for the use of the united SUtes'Jiuval S ervice. 1000 bbls-of Beef. & 800 bbls. of Port, to b delivered at; each of - the IT. SUtes Navy i Yards, Cnariestown,- Mass. ;Brooiiyn,y iSew . York, t and Norfolk. ''Virginia ; and the whole quantity must be delivered at each & every Navy . Yard by the first of April, 1B30. The whole quantity of the said Beef 8c Pork most bevof the ; best quality..'";. Tbe Beef must be packed from 'V well fcttted cattle, weighing not less than '480 ' pounds in the quarter, or 800 pounds on thfi hoof t V all the Iega, leg-rounds tlodt cheekt, kintt and 'Xi ' thetneck j each animal, roust lie wholly excluded v :rom the barrel,' and the remainder of; the car ; ; 'casennust be cut into pieces of ten pounds each N'vu near as mav be. so that "twenty pieces will X- make abarrel cf 200 pounds nett weight of Navy- ' j VThe Perk must oe corn-ted. ana weil-fatted 5 all the skull feet, and hind lev entire, .must be v wholly excluded from the barrel, and the. re- -, - mainder of the- Hog must be cut. into pieces bf I . eight pounds, each as hear as be, so that twenty : ; - nve pieces, not more man uiree oi wnicn snail shoulders, will make a barrel ot xw pounds nett weight of Navy Pork. i ..-- X :r j-:'XX" r; : 4. -The whole quantity of the said Beef and Pork, must be-perfectly salted in the first instance with and afterwards': packed wjth a sufficient 'quantity of Turk's Island, isle of May, or St. : . a Uues sail, ana i. oiucr,(vwxusurc its yicscrv- Vi - u l . a i . f.f- . tion. wjth five ounces otpure Saltpetre, to each ; ; " aiid eerv barrel. -vThe barrels in which the said 'w :' ,Beef nd Pork is to be packed must b.e made of ; ; - the best seasoned heart of.w bite oaky or. whpte ';'vV'v asH, free from sap,v with one iron hoop on each f chine : and. other wise fully ' and substantially, ' r ' hooped and each barrel must le branded on its head v Javy Ueet,' or.' Jxavy roTK,- wiu xne contractor's name and the year, when packed. ; XX; All the said Beef and Pork, on delivery at the resnective Navy Yardsi' must be subjected to the ;1 test and inspection ; , of somewori Inspector of : tne atate Trunin wnica io Bcucuvere.wno .ahall be selected by the Commandant of the Na X vy Yard at , the .place! of delivery, without any charge to the United States therefor j and when V - inspected in said manner, the. contractor must put the barrels in good shipping order,1! or the IJeef and Pork will not be received. h . : (f , tt Bidders re requird to state' their prices sep 1 arately for. vhe BeeCsnd for the Pork, and Shey offer to furnish at more than one Yard, then sep-T arately for each Yard.;. They are! also,', required $ -'0 trive.'iucir names, . vucii. i csiucjic, auu mc - names ana resiaence. or xueir sureiies. minuie- -V i ;j jy . and must transmit ther bids sealed, and en ' ; iv dorsed OfTer to furnish Navy Beef'. orNavy . - Pork' for the year 1830." : .'!- U---' The Commissioners of the Navy are at liberty tolake the offers' of a bidder for any one YaTd, r 'or for. the articles deliverable at any. one ?Yard," , worJn greater proportions, if such bids' be.tthe ;' r"lowestrf'--.,v.;r:1, ?X-'i ' ' !;' ''XX:?-'i'?:X-'X Any bid not made In conformity to this adver X iisement, or not received within the: limited time, '.wilinot be pened-r;f..;.;-;;,.yV ;.; 3 X'-: X v The parts of the animal to beexclacled from v .the barrel will be particularly described indraw :' ' Ing which will form part of the contracts; J Person desiring information upon tbe subject -v with an intentTon to bid',; may'obtain. it by sea - ! sohable application to the Board. " t June 19 ; - X ". XXXX' - : ' ' 54 vrtd.' n J. GALES SON, HAVE JUSTr-JlECEIVED Mrs6 pie's Works,' complete in 12 vols. Washington ; Iryiugs V hdo j lo.' Byron's do do . m one vol. '8vo. embellished rx .with splendid engravings. -U .w i ' K ; Barns vdo ; do in one !vol..8vo.-i - .Shakespeare in.one vol,! superbly bound. - . specutor, in -yois. svo.i ; 'Josephua y do '- do. Xx tr 'X t- 'I llxn of two Uvet Two hundred and nine days on the Continent r-airav tieman's foems elegantly, bou nd. . ' Ewell's Medical Companion, last edit r ' Alio,the 3d'voVof Gales & SeatonV Reiruter xf Congressional Debates ': X '" ' ',v- . July ln -BLANKS 7 , Scrx.itlrr. ya T 'CM I tTil n 1 t: 2 r." t C:ITL1NG cf. every description. 1 1 cf Lc aerleft rt the . Bookstore of J. Gales a Son, will be immediatelv supplied, and, if tie red, delivered In the City, there being at pre cnt a good stock.bn hand, partly. seasoned. C?" Tiie Gr'st-Mill is in fine drder ; and ihthe driest seasonsiH ;f, ' j V; v ; Cleair llags purchased at th Paper-MUl or Bookstore; : - L : t V : :KOIl SALE ! IT WIST I td seU the place within mile of IlilfsW JL borouirh oh which I notKr reside; There iire 205 acros about one half cleared.- ten acres of Meadow land and therbalancef in' "wood. 4 Tbe imnrovements are all new. 'and finished .in th best manner-they co-: V Dwelling House, containing eight root passages,1 closts,&.t and other necessary vval never failing Sp. the tract, and a large . nlaces? besides rn and Stables, There are.se 1 best water on A - selected fruit f I will sell tlus jjropert.pn the ' nost .liberal terms either for money on easy. credits or w;" h;nVe it for Neirroes -'or iWestern l:nd!U ; State of tu:th-Carolina; : ,r .'.TTWayneoiinty.,-- "SuperiorCourt of Law--Spring Term 1829. , ',.r Jesse Barden'ww Ann Maria'Barden'. . ' ; . .. -.c , .petition for Divorce.; v v ' vv IN this case a subpetna Bnd alias having, been issued; and the Sheriff of VTavne county makincr return thereon that the-defendant was iot to be founds .proclamation was duly made at the Courthouse door aforesaid by. the Sheritf of said county, requlringthje said Ann Maria liar den to appear and answer as she was requite to do in said subpoena I -and 'she failing to appear; it was ordered Xy the CouttUhat publication, -for threes months be ' made in the Raleigh Star, and theTtaleigh Ilegister," giving notice to the said defendant, that, unless, she ; appear at the next Superior Court of law to be held for the county of Wayne, at the Courthouse in Waynesboroughr the first Monday afer the fourth Monday of Sep tember"' riext and thent and there to answer or demur ; to said petition,' judgment, will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte." . "XX . - . ; sv WASHINGTON, Clk. . : - Price adv." $5 g5;V.KT--T; -'-X 1 e&J'xj COTTON YA IIS I COTTON . YAKN - f COTTON-TARN.'!.' T :li IN order to me etj the ' exigency of the present times 8c conopetrtiori on a fair ground Also, to enable Country ' Merchants and. others , to .pur Chase COTTON YARNS, xu cheap in Virginia I ot'ie'r parts of,, the. Union I. have .concluded -to sell mv Cotton Yarns by l tne quantity, ot lou pounds and : upwards, - in) assortments . of equa) quantitities fromo.- 5,-to 10 at 21 cents per pound, with an. advance oi.tnree cents per- JNo. ub to No. 20. ' It is not necessary, to : say much about the quality , of these Yams as they are so generally-well known, and allowed by all-wtio have used them to. be tupenor, to any tn the Union, Orders left or forwarded to Mr. W m, Clark, jr; Petersburg s to Mr. $ Wm., Wallace, . Mr John Wyse and Mr. Wm. Clark, t of Richmond, or -to myself at the Factory, will be promptly attend ed to and forwarded.: j .v . ' f' ; l am also, prepared; to ifurnish Cotton Yarns dyed of any color, suitable for . striping .Checks or Ginghams, at prices to suit the times. ... Good white seed Cotton will be taken in exchange for Cotton Yarns, or Ginned for the customary toll, or will be purchased at the Factory and the high est price given.V I have j a Wool Carding Ma chine in opeiation at the Factory with a new sett of Cards all complete, which I warrant . to. card Wool Rolls in a manner superior to any other in this country. , .Price for . carding ten cents a pound, or 12 cents, if I find the grease.-. The arrangement is so made with this machine that a.- L' i r r 11 . ' wool can ue sarueu in wrinicr s wen as in sum metv ' ; 'XX JOSEPH HEYWOOD, i' "X- y i Powhatan Option Factory, Addressi.oseph Heywoodi Sublet's Tavern, Powhatan. ...XX' . ; ' 'Price of ffeyieoci. Cotton Tarn from d$ date, i X. J By wholesale of 150 lbs. and upwards, - , No. 5 to 1U ; equal quantity. 21 cents. No. 11 "t : 24 X27 30 33 ' 36 :S9 42 45 48 51 xX7vr: x.. is ,19 By the Bundles . No. 5 to 10. i 23 cents. ;Xyr;y,.,:iv "-26-; 29 -,32 ' 35 - 41 :;4; -47 o 50 59 k -12. , -13. 14' 15 16 ' irs U 18. 19' 'X 20. July 20.' i 92 4t. v and Newbcfn Stages: TOHK PKOPRIETOH of the above TJne. havl TJL iritr.. lately procured new and cnmmni;mi Stages, and added several first rae Horses, with steady and accomodating iDrivfers, .and having also obtained the best stands forthe comfort and v.uu.viiih,i, w f uwiicnri uopesiooe enaDiea to' give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor, him with their patronage. ' ' -? The rates, bf Stage. Fare ares uial-i-viz ? from Haleigh to Newbern and from Newberh to Raleigh, seven dollars; and for any les distance six cents per mile. Passengers travelling thro., wilf please pay their stage fare at my 'house, fur miks from Raleigh ? ; Way P:seriif ere ( U h , iy not pass my bousf.) wil 1 set tie with the D i X in advance. ApVhcatioiis fbr seats may he n . i ... at 10 in the morning. Believing the "present to be prefeiTibletb any previous arrangement and tlm it will,: better than arty other that can -be adopted, contribute to the convenience of trav ellers, the Proprietor will usehis endeavors tb give it permHiiency, 1 preserving; the Line . in i present improved condition. ; Appucauon :nay.pe iDauu ujr icuer 10 111c u.u seribefat Hillsborough. I, ;SKp ; -...a:., ;,v'V.,;.-.., --4,i.V..5Ai)EnSON.:" - . -! , 4 V - - 4- 4 If. ' III." - . . . . " . - -I .. 1- i- V . Usleig!i,4nd at Mr. Joseph IleiPs, r to mv'sta'ge Driver iit Newbern This'Litie of Stages leave, Raleigh everyfTuesdayat 10'A. il. aud Fridays --r i.,aiuirrivts m Newbern onThutslavs and Sundays, at2 p: M. 'X- Leaves Newbern every U'ednesduy und Saturday, at 3 AVM. and vrriy'es in -Raleigh the folio winir Fridavs. and : 2, DEUfi Cz I,. DINE STORE TTTrAVEllatelv received a laree and extensive iOl assortment of iJn nd Ji dipine?, cpnsist- Denarcoti2eii do.llefined Camphor, Cantharides, Castor Oil, yitr, iEthenllatarium, Extracts? o various kind; Solidified. Copaiva, Oil of r Black .Pep'Rer; Iodine, koridoh Blue Pill, BlacH PJe f Mercury,! Uitratca Kan ..--lormaKing ewrai.ijii- ture,.Comp. Kxtr. Satsapaniia,;ilyar, r-pxass, Shop, Woo as Stri Brushes, very low. A" large .supply: ot .Paints & Brushes of evrv description; Spt. Turpentine, Unseed, Lamp and Tanners -Oil, Gold and jSil- rf Hondl and Leather Varntsli. superor niValitv: Wmdow-Glass, S X 1010 X 12, 12 H 16 and lb X 18. and Putty. 'u-:-X, 4"v VTheir iassorlraeht 'comonses every article in the- Apothecary's 1me $ the pn which havinjf lately been selectetl in Philadelnhia and New-York' with cash, they are enabled to. sell to cash dealers or. punctual customers oh much better terms than 'everi be fore' ofFeredl in t this ? market. U Physicians (and 'Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere'. RaleighMune 3, 1829;; XXr X, 80 PHO CLrAlVIATlON, : Pij the Governor xof North-Carolina Two Hundred Dollars Reward: "CTTTHEREAS it haa been made known to me, ;.f r."- that a Murder has been committed in the Town of Oxfordin the County of Gran vil lei and State of iNorth-Carolina. on the. 4th day ofiNo- vember last, and that a certain THOMAS MIT-J'. (JiityLiU, jate ot tne uoupty ana state aioresaiu, tands charged by the finding of a Grand Jjury , on a bill of Indictment, with having . perpe trated the same on the body"; of "a certain Shel- ton Hobgood, ,of said - County : And as further!; represented and niade knowiv to it IS W1 A that the said THOMAS - MITCHELL hath ab sconded and fled) from the jurisdiction and lim its of this Stated and thereby eluded" the arm of Now therefore, to the end that the said THO XIAS- MITCHELL may be apnreh"eoded and brouRhtto justice, the above reward of, TWO II UNI) RED DOLLARS will be eiven to any: Person" or persons who 'will apprehend and con fine the sWtThomas.Mitchell in any Jail ih this State so .that:, he may -be" brought to justice. And l!do,' moreover, hereby require,, command and enjoin," all officers whatsoever,"' as well civil as military; within this State, ;,tb . use. their,1, best endeavors so" apprehend andtakeor ca(se to be annrehended and .taken, the body of the said Thomas Mitchell, and-him safely and - securely; keep, so that he shall be brought to justice. . THOMAS MITCHELL is .about 19 years of look, little freck- age, oi jsienaer j form, uown iook, . a iittie trecK led, round shoulders and hasel eyes .was lately seen byj a gentleman pf Granville County at New Orleans,, where probably he now is. -k IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have caused the Great Seal of the 3 k -w State to be thereunto am xed and sup. Cro auuz, iHruAuui , uijyum aioresaiu, at uie iouri-iioasc. 111 ivicijiiiyi. 1 w iuc auun bic, Calci Rlagnesia, Yellow. Bark; Calomel JJa. j 34, Monday in August next,; then and there re- his Hack, Gigsnd II lap; KhUbatbC; Tartar, Sugar:d,-bpt,jXNuiteVyand plead toissue or ijudgmenrcfinal will t theHaclriiGig. vitb ynrit.A . ttnl cr tinf htm. : anrt the 'nmnertv I and lforkei withmita ny, Salpli. Copper, Iaquo'rice Paste, fee? U g I levied on condemned subject to the: Plaintiffs' alone $Ha day a?Gig A' fireneral assortment;-of Patent;: Medicines, Teciovery. 'Witness, Beniaroin S". Kiner, Clerk IUleib, April 2. v Furniture; iSurgeonsV Instriiments,-,uye: of said Court, lit bffice n ? Raleigh the 3d Axon-1 13. rl- Hatters'. Trimmirtcrs ana. Materials, sucn flavin llav. 1890. , :mfr..r i t; t I ? xnecieci Aqua) Portis QuidkMlyerivIgwoocU .Iow vu- r t.t . ti . .1. . 1 k.i tti t:.ifc iq Ar t i i n ' j 1 ' . . '. ' - ubscHbca the same, officially,' t the fectionary Store: Apply." to' !m i "City of Raleigh, on th 20th day of i r 1 ;XlX Xkk By the Governor, ' Johit B . Muss, P.' Secfy. 7.; MANAGERS' OFFICE' J. NewrYork Consolidated No. 9. To be drawn 5th August 1829. Prize of 38,000 V is ; g8,0Q0 ;i 4,000 l 12,500 - 2,000 v944 t r 500: 2,5f)0 .2,000 ;i,94: 3,000 l Besides man v other valuable prizes R3000 of; the g4000 priz payae in Albany lands'. -X:T .''XXkkX kkAkikXtX Whblfe Tickets g5Halves S2 50, Guar- v H. ters 8U,25i;-;f; Send your orders to k : " t rC tYATES M'lNTYRE, Ulnce tteaa.aartersf-..i. ...f Hichmond. ate ot North-Carolina Wake Countv. :X. - ,. Qurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May ,TermA.-D-I829J:J;t v 1 rf ': Original A ttaclimentlevied William Peck, ; I f . f to . . w - . r ' ttX X Dame Y ther ;,-articles ; f J togeth er j w it h J divert persons summoned, as Garnishees: XtXX, ;d XXXk Peck.; XT appearing to the satisfaction' of ; the Court, r that the Defendant,- Daniel Peck is not an ih- habitarit of this State Itjs; ordered,' that publi cation be . made in the. Raleigh Register for six weeks,) giving notice to the said VDariiell Peck, that lid appear at the'Cdurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessiorts, .to be held for theCounty, and 'State aforesaid, f at th e C ourt-hou se i o Ttalei gh,r on the 3d" Monday in August next, . Jthen and tlere re plevy ind plead to issue' or-judgment fipal will be rendered up against him, knd; the property levied joh condeni.ied,; subject to ZPlaiiitiff s re covery' Witness, Benjamin , S.' King,' Clerk of said Court, at office in Raleigh the 3d Monday in WyUBS?:;; Stated N6rth-Car6Um; i: XkkXm i Wake-County: X 'tl Court of. Pleas and, Quarter SessWns XX:X-;' my Term- A: T.?1829.':T-- , l v'gnai . Atxacnment levied jno.Buffaiow -ry ""rr , 1i,;lflc v oi- uaieign, ana sunary otner fatticles ? itogether with divers Danl. Peck, persons summoned v as Garni shees ' V c::-' h''f "v -;; a5 .-. . .. IT! appearing to the sitisfaction of-the Court, :j that the Defefendant Daniel Peck is not ah inhabitant of this Stats : 'It s jprdered, that pub lication be mad" in the. Raleigh Register for six ;weeks, giving uwtice fd "the saidiDaniel Peck that h? appear at the Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sersiohsi to be held for.the COuiity. andlState a foresaid; at the Court house in Raleigh; on the 3d Monday in August next, then and there re plevy and plead to issue, orjudnent final will be rendered ;up against him, and, the ' pr -rty levied on condemned subject to the pA. 3 recovery.. .Witness,, Benjamui S. King, ClerL ot said Court, at office in Raleigh; the 3d T '-a-djv in Mar. 120 ' v, i BEN. SZONCtCl St ' -r ':ivX SlaU of North-Caroline Wake Ci.anty.''. -1 Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ilay Term, A. D. 1829. Onnnal Attacii .4 jevi a on 1 nouse u it.-- . Lot Joseph Gales t Son, in the City of Ralei vsundry other articles Daniel Jfeck. ' "... gether with; 01 vera per sons summoned a Gar nishees. '::-itei-!4-:-' .,1 Tjy. IT appearing to the satisfaction V of; the Court, j ; - His Stables are good and will be v that the Defendnnt DanielPecfc ; is notTait supplied With plenty of proveml on,t'Mlv inhaBitant of this State t'.Itls'orderd.'thrt Y kH vieks,;giving notice ti,thesaV3 : DanielPkpjorsUl b& a :doTlar a: day or eiU , 1 tliat he Appear at tlie, uourt pt fleas ana Hisr 1 uionm for a single pe.son. : ' ; urs a ter Sessions, to be held lor the County and SUte hv ?HeJias a HACK, three n GI(;s and.tinn Stale of; J6rlh'Carplinar Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ;'M'TermAD1829;B Attachment levied s every article in r Ve,c i V" "MJ"v J , t"' i X - ; ?r; - -nrihcinaKDariof 1-?w,sec t of r Raleigh, arid sundry Tot her -1- " V KvemseWes ll'f0' i oh a House ; and Lot irf tlie City persons sliees. -V; --' T, r .; VJT!;''; it to those ' who- are-afflicted with th . . ffT appearing to theatisfaction of, the Courts disases whicirit is de4iP,t t ..i -?sl -XthatitheDeftn is not an collfi(lehce that it will bfbund efficaciLW fujl I inhabitant of this State ; ittit ordered, that puK ticiilarlv if taken iiTthe ihcitient ktJj0. lication bemade in the Kaleign, Registertor six ev:WXXwXXX I k I i , 6 X xtlt weeksi civing notice to tlie said - uaniei f ecic, pnr two Vears ns:t; thi iu;L l that he appear atthe Court f Pleas aud,Quar- C;-n ;hft r,f iu;aM,t., M- bc ter Sessions! to be held fbrthe County and State f Lf.TUU tU mALt i,rtK . K.en. 48 aioresaia, at tne v.uurv-uuu3c in imiciki, i nfFcl to the affl iMrA r.m 1 3d Monday in August nest, eiv th blew andplead to issue, or judgment bnal wm j r0nvirtinh. that 'eitli , be' rendered up against him,v knd the property 1 . hannv VesultZAmonp. it. tte State, of North-Carolina i '.,::.: 'May Ternv AV'. D.::1829.f ff i Original Attache, levied on ft House 5c Wm. Beck," as Auent, &c-1 Lot in the city of Ra- 'kAXkkX'kv i;leigh,sesundry other Daniel Peck. articles iv tojrether - with divers persons I summ'tvd as Gam's. I T appearing . to the satisfaction of the . Court, that the Defendant, Daniel feck" is not.an inhabitant of this State .It is ordered, . thut pub lication be made iU the Raleigh Register for six weeks, giving notice to the said Daniel 'Peck, that he appear at the Court f Pleas and Quar ter . Sessions,' to. be lield for te: County and State aforesaid, at ' the Court-house in llaleigh, on ' the ( 3d -; Monday : in "August ; next, Hhen and there replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final will -. be rendered . up agaifist him, and. the property levied on .condemned, subject i to the Plaintiffs recoverv. . Witness. Beni'n. S. Kine. -glerk of said CourV at office in J?aleigb, the 3d t ' BENJ S. KING, Clerk. f;EorSalevb THAT Valuable stand on Fayetteville Street, recently occupied as a Grocery, by "Allen Sims, and tormeny oy jonn j? . uoneae, as a jou- W R GALES -Raleigh 20th May. FRENCH; LANGUAGE T7I ASY METHOD for acquiring a knowledge of I the French Language, ""adapted to Schools and Self-Tuitions ' . ' V, k' X-,X:XXXX.Xk--The following.Works, by A. Bo! mar, Professor of the French' Language in the High , School of Philadelphia, are to be had at the Bookstore of j. gales sc oN.. x:.MyXxm.x:xxxxk 1st. A Collection'of one' hundred of Perrin's Fables, : aecompaitied by; a Key, containing the text ; a literal and free translation, arranged in such a manner as to point out the difference between the French and the : English r idioms; Also, a figured pronunciation ot the French, according to the best French works extant op the subject. ;, The whole preceded by a Trea tise on the sounds of the French ; language, as compared with those, of the English ; after. which is a .Syllabairei or ctdlectibn of ;;French' .words, with the English;. froih one to eight syllables Price $1. ' 2Les Aentures de Telemaque par Fenelon, accompanied, by a Key to the first eight 1ooks ; containing li:e thev FKbles the text a l literal and free translation ; intended as a Sequel to the, rumen, . , , jii-ciL-.??' f.JVayne County. .y ti .May Sessions, 1829. r : r h ;. , , . Benjamin Howell, Jr. jEx'or"1 .. ' . of Benjamin lio welh : ' j ' k k " w.'' -1 Vwiirorno WiU' Arthur Barden and wife and J. - y- X' others.- I .. : - - . J 4 -1 .' JN this case it. having een made appear to the Court, thrit Lev4s PoweRand Nahcy his wife, Robert Peacock "and Wealthv,his w min W,Raifbr-andiNeedham Raifbrd, Heir's of Philip Raiford and Sarah his wife defendants in this cause, ? live beyond the: limits of theState so that ordinaryprocess of law cannot be served On them it is therefore ordered ! by ther Court "that ad vertisement - be; made in the. Raleigh Re gister for six jWeeks iiotifying said' defendants that a paper ?!wrjtingA riurpbrting Hti 'etthe las will and testaoient.of Benjamin ' Howell, dee'd hast been exhibited ;. for probate at this term.; to which a caveat has been filed by defendants," and an issue made up la try the "same according to law; Witness, PhiliprHboks Clerk of bur said Court; it efface, the 3d Monday of May; Ai D. 1829. . - 1MIOOKS, Cllcl! v - . Wayne County. k ) yX May; Sessions, 1829.- Bntton Hood," AdmTk. oi Adm oi" , - . : ft . : ' -: 1, decV.. ; 1 , c . r s 1 i X :k . . .V Covenant. k . V on, AdriVrVI ' ' , I. xv : ;sj dee'd. ' J ' X V , . ' : r ;. t . t Sarah Bass, !v- Pearce Brogdon. ,01 Jonn as B tnis case, . u navmg been matie to appear ti the Court that,Uriah, -.-Maryi' 'Elizabeth, jSa JSa. rahAnne; Keziah and Richard Bass HehVat Law ot J no. Bass, decy defendants; in ibis cause, live: beyond "theimltsf'the State, .3 that the ior six ;weeKs, ior tfie cie t Jants to appear at , the Courthouse in Waynesburo on the 3d Mon days of. August next, theh andithere to shew ;cause why the lauds Tdc -cending to said' heirs aforesaid , J shall- not- be- liable to the plaintiff's recoverv. WitnessPIulin IIooi-. Clerk of our P I i-ud Court at ofiice the 3d 1 id-y A D. C129. l llGw.;S, Clk. .ordinary process of lawcaniiot be served on them, it U t' erefore ordered by the Com tthat advertisement be: made Li tlie Raleigh Tesister. If- Public Sritertaiiicient. JOHN BUFFALO fully informs the Public th l? Cct ..'purchased the Puhlip i,' :nat W t KM -.rt-K - Rr n ly occupied by Wm w J0rcs ceive Travellers and bthe -1 rs anH lr- 1 Li most exertioiis to accommodate' thm 418 esi nonce. II .-a orses are-rW a d,v e Rnv Si n - j ' tm. 'U5Q 50 a.QJV . ' n tf Centsa'day. iiniv. PersHs hiring gfrom me. : will t.- to . re pair anv Pjury doric to ,: ,c leir possession,. ill- J. it. .y- .7, a- y a wuu v vAi) nicsuitivc OV TI1K LUNGS. , virt tended withthe most ten congestions ot the lungs by giVtng force to the languui circuiaiiun. k it assuages COUglis. It pro. motes free i4 bland expectoratioii. Itremovei pain from : the'ehest; 1 1 , relieves astbriiatic nnd difficult ' respirat'mn. It corrects obstikte ki. tiveness, ami thus leaves the bowels ina ttsh and healthy state: Thus, it is found: thifth , painful symptoms hich; indicate diseased la readily yield to this powerful remedy, when sea. sonapiy .resorteu to, ana mat it restores the pi. tient to that bodily vigour,- which that cruel Vfis6rderN: ebnsuMptibn,i if left to its natural operation' would Very speedily destroy. 4 Certificates respecting the virtue of jth?s Medi cine Wilt accompany each bottle; Price6f the, Syrupj f 2 50per bottle; or $24 a dozen. '6ffi5 Powder $1 per bottle, or $9 a dozen. -'mXXMfk.t XkX JAMES HADLOCk. ? ;FayettevilleV' Pel.; 1829r.;.-j kkt -X -53- ; l:f(3b-ni:'Melicine,.Way',..be had at the Stareof JV GALES.& SONRaleigh. FRENCH PERFUMERY. WTltLfAIS &HAYjvOODihave jast receiT, -ww- ed a handsome assortment of French Per fumery and other Fancy 'Articles which caq be sold unusually low for cash. : - - , ' cologne w ater . . . ,.. Lavender k do . -:i .U ' , " ' s -X JJears Oil,:lrf l4 ' X; ,A Macassor do ' '. ' - X .Cosmetic Wash' Balls -p ' 'Emollient S bap , for shaving- k&X, xkk '4 . . nose ;,,;o;?;, ... 1 v v-:;' ; - r ;f Cinnamon do ":1 ; kk " ': . k A variety of other Fancy Soaps, k ; Also genuine Windsor Soap in the original package as imported. Xi; - v . ; June 1. SHOCCO SPRHIGS, Wauken CotrifTY North- Cauoiha. xX-Xkkmm-'X 'XkrXk-:k KTkN the first day of June next, the houses ( Jr Shocco SpriiTsrsV fitae-: miles South ' of War- rentbn and , three miles: from tfie Northern n! Southern main Stage Jtoads; will be; opened for ,the reception of Visitors, The1 great advantage! of this: watering place in most cases of. disease abd debility; lia ve: been so often tested by tin 1 who have attended it, that to such, it is only n cessary to say,v that all t he buildings lire h ex cellent repair and condition f fhe accoramodi tions,; in every respect shall be such as my fecit effbrtis can eflect, for comfirt i and convenience to all wh6 may c visit .the place. To those .vU have not visited Shocco, it may be'ne.cesssaryU say, that the buildings are sufliciently numerous and conveniently arranged; for the accpra!ti,M tton at ment preter it. and tne p spacious to"reyeive;ll who nay desire compaiiY, and. where music and'djihcjng can be enjoyed b; sucn as ciengni 111 it. ? V . 1 ,. v, v An arrangement will be : . made to have J-r -worship performed at. the, Spring on tlie Saiibata day,, where such Visitors ; as may ; choose, can tpnd rtrfswhinp witlumf inhnnveiilenCtf. ' - In addition to the va of 1 X lie S hocco ? Waters, uuwiv . it is located m a n io- healthy part of . the' county surrounded by a r lished society, where the invalid can be rts " ,lo health, 111 an agreeable circle iMy terms fori board, &c. will be the same lastyertri: yizl; per ilay for 'each grown g k Chi .; y-w- , . T- 7-. , son i nr tnon n. or xo per wt dren and "Servants half per mopth, or ISO ce uts price, t For horses, H per day. , . . ANN JOHNSON. V May 28; 1829 73 lnOTrs HI'ATlONAJlV. ! miitE GALLAHKll & WHITE, J0 Ji SiWSt(Miiovfcr Square,) iV.lt,o vvuuur Mi.ivuaMV'i .....--. r ... ... . iv , T . I ? . . 1 si Ar a-vi3 r. 41 & 1 im:v Auii M very low prices. , T farge assortment of MMum,kDsntya u,.t ,tw. . 1A. ter' Paper, 'which they turers prices. -:':- Will At 1 1 ell at tue . Ne iv. Vork , J illy, 4 829. 856' Tlie Ne-York Mirror. to 1 n (V2 cxecuted 1V the best artists.! uie f--'i; this Medicine, after r.. nes. ' which h 1' U?succnoWo- t 1 1 a larqre -assemblaire: me private s will afford ample retirement to tlise w ibitc Halls are aouuu"v; rijint. p4r;to;rf tHiie iL- ing arrangement to s e the f New 1 - which will.be commenced on the c'ay r in a splendid n?nen .1 fcf with accompniiiments . far the, --pianu-. . the'xnost :aki!ful.camposers i the ' We al;ty beautiful, and the paper of a ?eri0jXv.c In every department the seventh ,10. excel those theretofore publiabeoV 'are pur diUzrs perntjm, W? ' - fj.-Subscriptions received ..by the . the 7!c !-ter. . t'.v1:".v- V- .- JfiJ T..ellirrcr ' FJ - WUlIaMtreet, Newark. A11cg , xtnt by isill tnuit bp post-pn . 'iiX i X: s" ' - XXkk:-,:-:;kr-cX--Xk y-k'XX'XX ' ' i,- i ; ' - ' "V-.-'i ... .. - :tA -1 A- .',.v V i . . t. - , : h3 s .