i 4 S 4 X Li. t -1 Outs are the plans of fair, delihtfiilpeace. el9 UnwarpMby party rage to live like brothers. TYrav s Aayv August Gv i&W; ; .. . . " ' . : y . i T . ' . - . I . ' v'necvery Mo at and-rHCnsnAT,by JOS! num half in advance. :invpnTlSRMENTS - V edsixteen lines, neatly 'inserted 3 , fo'rVnollir.ind twenty-five cents for r Succeeding publication , : those of great- C- inn-thin the same proportion. ...Co:irc. 'Ltio thankfully received.. .Xettshs o Editors must oe posipm. MISCELLANY; From the Kattimore Patriot. iAUSE OF, AND,COKE FQJl" HARD TIMES 1 profess rojelf to be an honest- farmer, .B,e frthat kll he country is Jim.cted lif n mvstlf, ' .Ever? one is coraplam: j5c- -a j..-. Hut T find .bpp do not ten now men SHhera.;J knoW it is common forpeo- J eiU W others- or at least to; excuse . hems el ve . of the .charge. . ,1 am i . in great 'TL. hf "toKkeeb upthe above Iracter of anWnestmin, 1 cannot l.riPncc'Mv; thai .any one. has hroutniy trouble on me but, myself. lofi re, an J abj e. to work ) i $ fi ft y o r si xty lollars' a year more , than ? all- my farm Drinks me m. Now1" sir. 'this has sone on'severaLvears, anil ha brought hard times into my family and 'if I can't reform! !! ruin must follow : my land musgo,, I am not aJoire;hirty ,iu our "parish b'uve gone liand in hand with me vnd they all say hard fi m e s. No w M r. Printer, -I don't know 'how you 'live, may be you are more fru;lp 'than ,ve are, a all f us need to bV ; but I,ain still- master of my owq house. I ain determined to alter my way; of JiVing to what-it fwas:ttwenty years ago, when I laid up oie.hunlreU and fifty; dollars - a year.' , I kiow I : pan do it, for ; t: have got'all ' my :Jaud yeti; With good management it willjieid uie as much as 'ever:' "SI wj 1 1 increase rny-fiheep, my flax grouhdarid 'in y orcharding.. :;My; produce brings (scarce iiastmdney,;is) as much as it used to do. 'Not thitiff'to eat," drink, or, wear shall come' mtd. tny httusew:which is not raiseu on my rami,, or.tn ine parisn,j or in the cbun try,' except at ami iron work' for repairing my builiJinSiand-tools j';no tea'j'suarcoQe, or rum; The tea kettle shall be sold.:-: i, shal I then, M Printer,' live and .die with; a gpbd '.conscience. My iaxs .wiucn1 appear -tnt 'ieraoie,' win- inen be easy.'r iMyyounger chiltirenfanrl my grand children; will seea good example be fore them,rantl' I shvlt feel happy inkseeing a reform -of abuses, which have been grow- Union Ccintil Ldttevtt ' 'To be drawn .ltb.Aoffust. - i irrize or3r5iu,uuu is, ; iIrr;;;rv5,ooa;V'';::, -1,995, i 1,000 " ' " . 500V' ' Besides: many other .valuable! Prizes Whole tickets g5, Halves 82 ;50, ('Quar ters SI 5. 1 1 20-;! 20' Sia,)oo 5,000 2,500 :i;995 20,000 10,000 -1 TTniversitii otJVirsrinui. 'r!jiriE next session will bejjinon the 10th Sep., , U., tember, arid continue till the 20th 'cf July, following V' - ;C ' , -i Tlie sixpences for the; Session, of opwartls of ten month?, are as'follovvs jr , ;'. ; , 1 s : L Board, including bed and other rpom fur--,'.1-, insure, wHsuiui; aivenuauce fiJj '. Fuel 'and. cantllesj .to be'furnished by the ; Proctor at cost, and 5 per centi commission ki, estimated at" , r- ' . .'. - ; 20 ' : Rent "of an entire1 Dormitorjr 1 6, for half, ' if occupied ,by two students - -t --8 ) Grand ConsbHi a. ' Class No. 16. 4 ' ,cUse of Eibrary "and .pUbftc rooms & X t VrAVV. Gil A ' i vlv Professor of ' Anc'ent' tajfiguages br. Har ioDe arawn tu Autrust. t r - i -9 Pmrpccnr xtnriem t nm. - ri rnze .OI - ID,UUU vis; Kl.UUU termann, - :' n k . ' . " x 6,000 v, 6,'00O 11 3. professor of Mathematics,. Mr. Bonnycas- 'uuu ca, Dp. Eramet. . A, , r'-.,.'.' S,000 ; fi,ooa . Besides 400's, 300 V 200 V 150's,f o.: froiessor or natural Philosophy Dr, Pat ,000 terbnf; T ! ' - ,: i ' v. 2,500 6. .Professor, of Medicine, Dr.. Dunglison. 7 100's Professor of Anaomjr and JSurg-cry,Dr. ' Johnson.' i J , . ; - " ' " - S Hard times, up money,' says every man. rjg on me more thaa 2:0 years, y 7 I1 X short tory of rayseif vvill'show t)oy it ; If yVu.will tetljmy story, it may. .work A FARMER. Tazerstoien, fferatdt edited bg . a" Physi - ij nVPWPSTA I JUT A A Atf & W k. . ioirtp hard times and ho money' wrth jsome Jood, ancl vou'iihall have mv lastinc p it the asce oi OJ,' who uac u:cii i iruiitis. ' iveaoer- uoyou uuueriaim me forty years. vf. .'"-."VJ ::rnorf.lf' V': ! , Mv parents-were, poorvanu f mey pui - ,-aioiaiOt me at 12 years of aey to, a farmer,, with ppy tU whom Uited untiit l, was i- itip o'ut'with two stout suits of home ?nun, fur pair, of-"socks; fourshirts and ;This.termi-which'hasbecome. incorpora linnair of shoes. At twentVtwo, 1 mar- ted into 'Verv day'smyersation, isrthe ;;Pt jue aWifeJandJ a. -oou wotKing wo- maiany or trnzt-grsaon, ari inini aiso oe u'ari she Was. i e-ftOoK a larwir iony appropriately cuiien lueitc y inuuiziice .:. Vni'.v' -tlv industrv we saioed a- When nature- is curtailed of her fair nro Keau iMs , In ten years i was able' to buy portiohor iercUe.i fresh- air and sound -We a farm o? sixty cri8yAvt . which: X be- aliment when she is loaded with superflu- camf'mt own tenant. . lthen in a manner; ous-Tneats and i drinks or .vih ere she 1 pu, rirn ' I -added ; another sixty acres stinted in muscular i action; or doomed to with which i; was content.! I Jjoukht sev- languih'under oppressive vsleep, debility 'era! UacU of out land for-my children, vho and - obstruction, tseize .onjthe :itals,"arid imduntcd to seven when i was forty ifive dyspepsia comes'ainwng thefirsin the train years dld.w About tliis time I. married my ofdis'orders, to prey upon; the human' sys lri"pt'iliiiphfer to a! clever Ja'dJ to wjioiri 1 tern 'Vtat is" tlie remedy ? ; Return to.na- gtTeone hundred acres of my out land. This ture Ubjure all aliments whichj d iuhterhad been aj Jutiful working; girl ting in a child taste the fresh i are not fit air of II e. t- Therefore l fitted her. out; weu anu io ner ven.in, long waiKs . aria regular exercise mini) 5 for I told her to'take of the be&t xf jiye-to slutnber about six ..out of the twehty- (dv wool and flax, 4 a rid spin hersejf gowns, fourJiours--abjurVaU qiiackery;vyour soot and coats and.stocktngsv and shifts, nay; I tea, 'youHievspluti6ns, your, blue pills, your aftpreu her to buvsome cotton,and make anteacidsi 'tour, toborants anV stomachics. it into sheets; as 1 deiermined:to do weil In the use ofwholesome exercise orr fool by her. -j ' " y; ' iiV on horsed more'- inay . be atcomplished - At this time' mV- farm -eave" .tne. and rhy than from all. other remedies together. t-' It thole faroily a goodi living on the! produce is to be nsedgerieraUy; till sweating is in; f it, arid left me on'? year with another a duced not perpiraion,but titl briny drops surnius of , one-hundred anu.intty suverstiim on tne loreneam . rixercjse propels ' L -f , i s8- Professorof Moral Philosophy, Mr. Tuck-j end your orders (post-paid) to , i - - w. ' . ,4 r , Zxpii - YATES &IHNTYllEt..r;.: ifer vf'1 .. . t - '.: . . (J Richmond." ,;Th.lrtctitiifIrtn it rnnvao ri K..' Richmond; Aug.1,1829. - ? 'J. - - - land partly by the study of pproyectteit books. f 1 1 1 1 1 ii i i MANAGERS OFFIClE, ; 'th:j , - vv ; August lstj 1829. Vivainin tutt ao tttvs t - - 4rORTHE BENEFIT, OF THE ; 'I ' ' : Dismal t Swamp Canal' Gbmbanyl Tosbefdrawn and' in all .cases the Liassiduitv of-th6 student is tested by a riffid system of examination , ' r" Every student, under the affeof 21 ye fs, is requo-cu 10 aiienu m least tnree rrotessors or two Professors and the Demonstrator of. Anato my antVSurgeryfunless.swhen hematriculates his'parentvpr'fjnardian shall have prescribed,; tin wrumgiiuc suuuia wuiqii lie is requireu. .TQ at : Slate Oj I ' - ' Buncombe Ccnnt . Superior Court of fr.v April ; Thomas ijliarpe, v. Petition Susannah i S!iarpc fT RDERED bv Courf. that Mil V. v. -foi- three months MH'ceivx lei .lieisterj "and the, V;..!':' Journal, t!.t the Defend. r.t no tlie next ireripr Con A' I. Buncon. . j County, at the Coin : v Ule, o n . t h e second Monday r. I : Monday In September nex,- v ! swer to tlie Plaintiff1 petiiior be heard. ex -pnriei -v -Witness, ttobeit H--.ry, C' . Office, the secnm! ? 'iy ;.; i t day of March, liJy. itoBCRT.nr.Nnv, c. n. c . State of JKortli-CarcU;' X- .JJuriqomhe C mty. ; 4 Superior Court of Law i, jiril Ti . Ann Armstrong, - y .;.- ,: - ' v. 1 1 , J. Petition for! Dhx . Sam'L'Armstrojiij. 3 ,'.1.' r ., . ... TrDEkEII by Court, that l t!.- - he t VH- for 3'k months;-ki. v.es&in'lv .,, ti,o i; Register; and the yadkin and .V.Ataw!) 4 that the Defendant lie f nd appear s.i Superior Court oC Law to be heidfor V, . : county,- at the Cotn t-hous'e in'Ashe " 5d.Miday after the 4thf Monday ; i i next, and plead of answer to the, Pl.ii,.i. tition, or, the. same xvill "fc o heard ex ;e. V Wimess Uobt rt Ilenr :lerzot r at Office, the 2d Jllo ida tcr the 4th I " . . ofMdrclr1829: , " . .II F.N It V, C. Tract . Depository, nilC;TS from tlie American Tract Cc - i W- iv !l"JWi "d. or Unless the Faculty for good causendwn' tt also from the Union Tract Society, r :v ha " q?tm?2J iS "CT' hn Mo' him to attend less than. throe,': V.; had in .any quantity, at the Society's , J! 1 1 1 20 i'i - 1 40, - -r September 00 iNa. Xiotter-y l"Pnze.ot;Sl0 5,000 ,S,500 1,995, -liOOO t '500. ' ;ioo 60; 50 1 10 "ids v -1530' 5;00Q-. 0 2,5Q0 -1,995 r :t o?ooo' r. 10,000 ' 4,Qj30 ; S,050 - 2,550 l. 3,0!50 ; - S,00 ' 15,300 it. . scrti ,W VHcets;85; Halves 2 50, " i, "V.;-;;teri 1 25. ' To be admitted,, he ..student miist be sixteen Tracts will confer a favour by ivin years p age; - he. -is. required to wear a uniform j a.few, ipsertions their . papers, dress, the, particulars ."of which are detailed in think nroner to chares for s doii the enactments, ",1'his rule. will be rigidly u their . accounts to this office for 4 i.i I forced the prescribed uniform will have to be 'Ralerffh 1st' Attust, 1829. . - IWnrn orv all hcaainns hrvth urithiM: ami w!t limit' ' ' ' , 1 ' 1 . . 1 1 .' " in ' '. 1 the precinctsj when the student Appears out of I sStoXfe.' m UVlVl-ClW ViiV ins luiin, cjli;ci,.miiai in warm weaioer, uemay wear, such ' light gown or; coat within thepre cinctfi as the Chairman may approved ;Tlieu at tention of parents andvg-uardiana -is particularly .j i . . i .... "... U.IMVT.U I.U mis cHctraeni, in oraer max; ineir sons or.warasmay not be providea witn clothes which cannot be permitted to ber, worn. i, ' 7 Students' enterinfftheU commencement ot the Session only-for-the time unexpire aSovc wlio en! Gu i I ford . G on n v . , f vr. v ti the Court of fcquit'. ; Curtis Jackson, 4 5 J' .1 .- UJnor Anderson; r ? 1 Lydis.Anderon', . 1 HeTr.s at Lav.ef james nuerson; ..AnueTSon, i Qiiar-1 b.ut 5ha11 P the full fees . snail-pay board j Zi: ".I 7 v d;atthe yearly rate ViJ It - i' and tents at whatever r rr i .u v'i ' Vv 7- ; - ' t - . , s 1L of the Court that the Defendants tic inl - collars ; or r never spent more man ic uie uiuou-inro'it;ii hic shwh jcsscis 01; iue ilullsrtt a. vpar.whirhJ 'was for salt. -nails and system, and ffives to theskn that kind of the hlceV Nothinc to wear, cat or drink, lac thin which 'sustains the equilibrium ot was nnrrha9e Willi this savin 3ed; a9 my farm produced .all.' vital power :t the lungs;' inspire niore air in .iviri J nut money to interest,' a given time, when excilfd bjtQUscular oouoht catne, ,? fatteu and splti;tnein,:auu mouon;-. inan'.:-vrfien..ie oHiy;;-i8-.a-.resi- fiu'tie vreatpmfit. 'If-.1 V " , and. the' blood is"thus enabled tirpart'with In two years after,' my secondjffaughtr its etcreted . and receive its.vryifytng'pnn- was.courted. ily' -jvife says,' VCotheyou ciples.' -v y C :-;Vv-V "'; are rich ; you'knowiiMollv" had. nothing but , Tb cure the mind's wronjrblas spleen-- 1.4 what she spuii amV'0 "ither clothing has L; Some recommend the Rowling-gieeuvvi mrc.Mne iuto outhouse for any otitis '.;Pme hwwww! . . s iiuu' -Fling: but atone the giant dies." - nh must be fitted out a; little ifche . . O , ' - . - - v V t-, 2ht ta fare.as wellas neighbor iKorris' ' Ve corifidehtly recomnienrl - the', fot Belly. 1 miist ha veSsome, money and go lowing presepptions tt dysppptics,"as the t town.' vWell wifer it shall be as yoU hest we know for tbis'diease. r,''' ' v 1 think-.be't,vl have never been sungyi ; but .'xTakevaiwalkfrom-'fiv&'ilKsizjin'the it seems .to ne that 'what we; spin at home morning,-":: :v " . oui(l lu.? : Ffpwevet, wife; goes. to flown, vrIake your -'breakfast .on. a cup. 6J bla'ck 'dretyrns ivtih;acalico gown, a calimainr tea; and a tumbler of milk with crackefs. co penica-a- set bf stone tea cuns.-and a ; . -Takea walk from" ten'to twelve befdre ' i., '.- - I " i' . , ' . . - ' . . .. 1 . - "2en pewter tea'snuons and .a. tea ketue. dinner. ' f- ' hev ritl hiif1 liiHnl 11 'tiit ntir.fVxal Iflanrl I Pt-vnTii Jilnnor f brkito! miiftnn - - 1 .Pnjs-i,was pleased to see, them.;.;r&;t- j beef, vi'i thou t btftter or gravy, with any M.ncii;uuwi-u ua a gu 1 tu simple, vegeiauie 5 atuinyieioitiniiK, wu.jr I'ar.sh. - j-, t; : . ' ? a cherry pie, will do for a desert 6c mo- In three years more my third daughter Urate. ; ; s'r'. foul I a parkand a jweddlng tei:g qoticlu.- ") Beware 3 of sleep after-dinner doze a edt:pn, wife.conlps again for the purse, little on an arm-chair; . - , V ui,en she returned what did J ' see, : ,rTake'excrcise tworhQUrs"afterdinneV? 'ken envvn, , silk.for a cloaki; a .looking- freely .very freely' and, let your supper L 1 lm,a a-SV: 5 hundred oth Derthe most moderate repast iakW during 'm n 7 v . . -,- j ' f 1 tne uay- - 11 you. are nungry .uuring-xxne ue wortroiii, r.;rrrteiv..ome 5ne'rvaj bcf.een meals, eat: crackers on Send -out onlers (P-P) to ' . I. , Tv Uhiveriity, is considered by the .authorities, of p f Patioabe ' fur t - v - ; - YATES 6t M'lNTYRff,. the University, of Pennsylvania; as equal to one w'ek m fit? ; Ke?Ster'.f 5r" rr i . r''- ' nirhmnti'd l course there v r - . ants to appear at the next Super r, Co rt of La ' .. .-..- itlclimDnu;. t course mere. - L- nA ,nU rc u ki ; , - 1 r.- . . . t 'i: r: .a . - a. s. hrockenbkough, Vl v r r i-- n r ,, - . - TD- T? rtX:.r,l " . 1 , - v- v I County of Guilford, at the-. Court Iloaia 11 tvT i. "'r -s ' ' July 28. r-l - 952 preensboroifgh, op the fourth ?-aday alter 1 Faberjs:Difficulyes ofimanism , r ? ; ! . .yuxsvy founh Monday Jn September uext, then Scott's Family Bible, in 6. vols. 8vo. .?;-.; "'fKAYED : ' " ' V there to plead, ariswer pr demur to the Oc... ' JThe History and Mvsterv of Methodist E- ' - x 1" nlainnnti n rth c i(..-;i(ii.i,i.,.n nr, 1 . . s - ; Episcopacy, by 'MexM' Caint. pefencer'uf the Truth as set forth in the VAr History and 'Mystery Jf Methodist. Kpis- - copa'cy, by the same person. - ' : JOS-GkVLES & SON July 18 1829. ."X - r - A'. GERISN, C. M.;T.; . innXT t vir! nltv nf" I?a1inrfi a four rtova an ' f ' i '1 .. .. v. Hi ; - ' . r" C7 .y 1 Tesso,-a:ia --aecree nuae accortnniy. . . ouian aijcupiiiici iiuc, wiiUH u:nu race. J V, .. .Tpt nis "inu tecs crooiteu..: ne naa on a. uexiAvnen 1 11 r . he went off. v s: - . . ' r "iiMAf ot.4LrVAi:M V Information of said Horse will be thankfully I ' . :-'X- fu - - . , . ne is sunnosea to nave cone towaros jranre 1 i v- ; . jounty. - ''NOTICE;' 1 ' " County, from whenceHe was purchased some r?1 - ,vVr ,7' - . ; .V.-V r-tss- 4'1'; yearsW " - " The Creditors ot William Muffin; -Caroline taken' up and committed tp the Jail of '-; yjuiv 7Qgff iS'tyf? i: '.".' u- v . yAltuffin,.;' Mrs; Catharine Uufiin; who U f. county, on tne Zd ot Jkiarcnj last, at- - ... ... ' , 1 covert ana wite ot ArcniDaia ll. iln: , r. supposed to be a blaye, twno calls r ' 1 Kfnft n 7i ' rmniiifr - 1 v-sues in tuis oenait oy u. ti. JJad.crcr, . ; v. I MlliiL W1LKINS, and .Viysithat lie - - Ofate OJ V 1-bflrOtlllff; - ; r L - bert It Kiiffin . ',r ; t an.aODrentice to.Wm. Moselv. of . 'i - UuncotiiDe Cwunty. , I ft - - V - pis negro iman himself S A was bound Norfolk. Va i and that he ranaway'from the said I Superior Ctsurt of Law April Term,4829.' Mosely before his term of a'pprenticeshipjhadex- Andrew Presly," - ''riv-,'!;( t!y,- pired.''The sajl negro has been Jn this; county - , v.,, V Petition for Divorce. : ( . 7 5 or 6years, and has passed during that .time' as Eleanor Pre-sly-' ;" -l V- i "--V ': a ireemn ; ne is aooui iiyears or age, ? iecit 1 i-iuiioitr'U uv uuun, mwi jjuuiitauyii uc nniue or 5. inches hicrh. and coal blacki ; Thd ownerliHJ' for o successively in the ltaleiirh ofaidj negro is requested to tome forward, proye J Registeri and .Ithq Yadkin and Catawba Journal, j Lr Benjamin A. ,i?arham Et , be "aprfl-.tc ;i nomas itumn, i nomas uiicntej iif ..rv . :. . ler," Administrator with thfe ' Will annexe William RtffSiri deceased, John M.'Iiuf 'fint rTTr nf Tlinm uo t 7 I? it it Prod tf fin and Archibald R. Huflln. -rt ftjS MU 1IUJN, it is orctered by the Ccur t property aim pay cnarges, or lie wiu o,e ucaii u1,h ic .wriciiuwu hu i mc, mcav iaiuiuiiiuhci -io; seiuei uic ...usiraii ;ri with as the law directs. : M ; ." . - . . LSuperorCourt of IWto be heldTor Baneombe count of the administrator of William lltiC : ' ! 4 , t a. .JAMES PALMER. Jailor. coimtt', at the, Court house ,in Asheville, on the ceased and thafbe eive nofice of the ti; Windsor; Bertie county, June 9. -. 'l.:. - tT -J A' I live au . loo nt tot' v . ; v J 2d Monday after ;the ,4th .Monday in September place xf taking such accou -i5m. 1 nexi, ana pieaa or answer io me riamxitrs peti-1 rested by puDiic, advertisement lion, or tn ssmp wn i ne neara ex narte. . i nfutnnpra .nnhiihpi in ,t ip tv I rtJourt j and that he make KepoMto th Monday i Court; r - ' K 'j J 1 i;Thr nartiesrin the :bove nan. A GREEABLY to the last, will and testamenil1 - . ? . KOBE III HEXSKY, C. b C.. XjL' of Abraham Eahardt, dee'd. the U'ndersign-)w , . - - . ' t ' ' ed. Executors to said, will a!id. testamenL nj. -btUte Of jOrttl-Uar0lina Thufsday,'the 27th day of August next,; on. the j : v , Buncombe County. 1 1 t. . ... T. , ....... . v. I " tion, or the samewill be heard ex parte. V v-v -v " LaildS jhLinC'oln GoUntin Witness Robert, Henry, Clerk of said Couf - Vm- im' m - - ' - a Office,: the;2d- Mbndayafter the 4tBT Monda i or,- tl.. d'r. premises, win expose xo punuc saie, severa. au Sliper5of Court of LawApril Term, 1829. , joining tracts ot LAND, containing, nearly 400 vA.hUr Lyon, ' ' - ' - cf ' V s , - " J 4. ;- V Ip -Tr 1 - v.-' : ' . Petition for Divorce. V . These lands are lying on the waters of. Kdh- Lucinda LyonA - ' k ' ' ans Creek, a mile;and a half S; E pf Gen. Gra- uuEREDby Court, t!.t puL::tionbemade WtfIrnaeeadioinin?lM J) tor 3 m0nths'succesi; elv in the Udeiirh dy, Lbtfe, and Diiikin,vand are equal Equality Rer'; ahA ihe Yaxlkin and Caiawba JcarnSl . Ji'v B"(4. , , r ; t that the-Defendant- he, and appear at the next J v.- 1- " W"' , 7. y f y f4 w- Superior ;ourt otLa iw and Gnat-milL and Cotton-machioe; county at the Courl. 1 Vaa-ii i JI!aPr,?Seivb,V"s, stale bread, or a little ginger bread drink tn..i r? a;;",eArce; tins charge in- nothinr; "stronger thanvmead, orVspuce' "-.him hold luruitur unknown to. us-be - tni ' n, llo;7Sj ;:H - 4 BALL' 'and PAUfv will be furnishedV I or f,Sr 1 U sub&t ' ,a . V( aS Vr A: Shicco Spring, both , evenings of the 20lh - lUul S5-z-r ribamlji, tea,u-ar, &c. :nd 2Ut of Aujju'bt. i ' r , fii.il f wn,c, usertu go to- market, Shocco, Springs, July 22. K.29. ; , V '-." ' brought mon,,v (s now pxptMid''d , kat' 1 ' -m r , . ,f . ' c. u-le.- Hlcakla.t, whicli.icd to ?t uiinnies'iutly when We wei c sat- - i . J Buncombe Countv. 4. r . milk, on pottage made of it, ! Superior Court of LVwApril;-Term,'1829..--vii( I r'' i VV& iuy '""'ifi an hour, at tea abob lljr-?' M-'' ; V ' e Vi tft" t. - ukin r ,fv . r i , .-:M:rv- -"XPetitton for-Divorce. i-'F-l : Wtuh uMjr- flU"U:i M!i:l1 ,etl neborah Riper. V - -V- ; ,f " Cash, ;i!etiiWe.ileii at home .""ORDERED by Court, that publication he made J i i,Mi. 'Pto niarL-f, are, brought back Wfor 3 months successively i ' : lUJeigh j Uf- !s.H.f n ue lhat insteud of lay- lgistcr, and tK-3 Vad' ' and Cati Journal, ,il t fcondred and.'fjity dollars vs.- Lh u fl!3 "cfnda- ' 2 anJ - p pear t the rest i )CiVl'fiiit mIj 1 - Superior Court ot ti be held tor Cuncc e Han Vit! jdl ny lonse inuuov i, C(r'nt at thCvurt.llouse AviU on Uie cf . landed 1 - CJ i?,,;i 1,1 441 m- c: Mortday after the 'i Monday iii Sepfember Citrrv u " 4H4'' hf lug straitened, I cannot next, and plead c ans .v er to the Plaintilf's peti- iid 'rU lT Curm to so "o-nLadv nt - as don, r th" sai'io ,ill be keard ex parte. .l,erlJ that it brings me "net WiU' - it Henry, Clei of . .1 Court mises, a Saw but .house in A sfieville,' oit the" t at present only the Gnst-miU is iri opera-) 9A nfia urtttv tUfh A.u tnnrUv r" I Xaa Tm'mm am a11m4 a ' VM - niirlhntd t I . . . ' ... - . V '-r BC-W . v,,,: 'V ., i 7:" tion, or the same will be heard ex parte. machinery, haying a considerable fall and good witness, Robert flenrv, Clerk-fof said Coih4 water-power. , , ; VV? r J "V atofficethe 2d, Monday after the ,4th 'Monday Y:le'Premises a gnoti ippic ircuara, uf March,' lti29.V-' r . - znaJ'C fC 'A'- s ; JROREtvT. HENRY,' C.3 S. f.l ' :Condidons :-Ope and twp years ;cretjit jvap. State, of JOVtlU Carolina, , proved security will be required, - and jtitle- to -r y,7 - - : ' v y r j . -; J-v bv notified, -tliat t shall 'pi oc ber next,;,to audit and settle t? Dccca? Administrator of the late AVi!" t I.'f.in and wbsre they are invito J to ut . .REN. A. HAUHA: Ccrr Rale'-rhjuTy It, 1839. k -u . MANAGE US. OFFICE, - ' Uichmbiii1., Vi. v Connccl-lcut Gtate No 0 .7b be Drai. . August V 'of 810,000 is 010,0CD , .-.l - S,C0O 1 And many ether :T ;el: fi r; f -fc , i cl' t lJ. l v 1 0, l, 0 )!i Prizes. Quarter. . I.- Whole Tickets "4. ,1 pass at thte payment of the' purchase money. ; .:t - U , JACOB F.ORNEV, tcd? . . 1C. ' ic.'i Cliij 20th Cj -.:". -!' ' ' ' r v ' ,i "". Surviving Exrsl LinboTn county. July 16th; 1829. ' -93 4w- FOR S LE. Supevior Court of Law April-'Term,. 1829. 1 :iy lluckner, ' . v. ' - Petition for Divorce. Edward BucknerlS r--- ORDERED by Court, that publication he made y for 3 months successively Jn'the Raleigh Register, and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the Defendant be and appe. ? at the next r o fnHE subscriber is authorised bjv-the Key'dl Superior Court cf Law to be held I. ' ! ...combe il1 William SPJumer, to offer for' kale his j county, at the Court-house in As!. HOUSH and LOTS in the iotvif of lliltborourh.7 'Jd Monday after the 4th Mo.idav i It is a very highly improved"; elegant, establuh- bext; and plead or &..swerto the Pliiatitf's pti- Grant! Oonr To lie Jr. , V . 1 of . 1 f - - '5 - Besides 5 of f 00 ; lO.of 3CD ; 10 f 200 ; Zi ,.on the j c li'J at a ij .t u, tember ' . . VL, Twkets" 4. CC0! 5, COG 2,025 1,000 ML. ; . -'.- 1 S15JwO (5,00(1 - . '.':4.00fJ..' town ; the . Buildings are all bew and finished in - Vitnessj Rcb'er Henrv, Clerk cf said C i the !. t style.., The lots .conclit' cf fl, or cix at Off. the 2d Monday Iter tlia-'i " , . : - w r c s att. . son3 .wishing to purchase will app' pi - BLAK1LS1; -f' HilLboro,' JuyC7,l:V 9ti. . l Gfall kiadf, for sal? ttjisOClcc. I. 60, Sf),fcc. ic: 1 - -' Quarters 1 25.:';-.: - ? ! 1 , A -Package of 20 tvhole which is compelled to draw With a chanceof any of Itie above Capita'" f niay .be had-for 100.. ' . : T..c Mzr i that Yates ! I'lntyfe are the Ma--..jers eft; 11 Lctteries advert! rd by them. ' And ' t : 11 your orCcis for ticket De'.s:nt to tbera at vndwhicli will be r jcr.;:!- dzd to, si tf h bte filu.,,,,'."- , , . rt March, .1 -.v . 1 i ff i!y. than bew 1 . - ; 4 bODEAT-IIENUYC. J3. C '';'-.' :; i-: 1 y'-jft4 .

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