? V 5 i !- rf 1 i4 - t ! 4 -t; t : 'IS 1' i - "r ' 9! i i COMMUNIO N zona; ' S i " - 'Z'cssrs. Editors': Is it not a little sur prising -tHat GuatletneiH in this ?iuf ;5 " .crt end equal rihttj cannot be allowed to cqlebrnrie throuivrii , biFJjOLT. peaceably ' artdirTtl JV rnvn wav without; subjecting "'themselves animadversions. ,-J:- . , V -With th-late Cold Water Celebration v, W-American-IndepcndcncmtheOitylof L , Raleigh, the. Editor ot .the .Camden Jpur ij Ot.al se'eras to bave been cxcecdinjy yexe l and irrigated.; He does .not; likesuch h a r i u c ( ) ii s " d o i n cs ; -an d is q u i to. i n d i g- . riant thats'.i?eni,c marchT-im- should make such a,Jackatiapes;of:ftsclf. - lNov Messrs. Editors, wc4 have long -lacen aware that Cold (IWatef, when sud- tl'enly applied, would give a. considerable uhock ; but never in our lives before, did : .,. ."-."we know or hear of siicba thing as its blistering a hy body (ra i n s t i t n e pea c c n 1 1 ii " n 1 1 y c :c -; - ' ' V t to the point. j What wigHty offence. ?M ; has the Cold . Water:: party coio mitted fa- ."'j- cainstaheneaccrnd di:nitv of the Ue- ."vv.'.publ i c They inet a t the boil r appointed V ; Meniearied themselves as orderly jcitizeps, - heard a patriotic address? .and partook ,of . -a dinnerat hich nothing: vas'drank but 1 t . -told 'jvater.J SucjiAvaS their "Offence ; 'and j lor uus, -tuey iiaw, recuiveu severe xuuitu- rial - castiration ;W ;Ha'J the party celebrated the . day difr fr iferently--had. theyasiometirne.s happens en p'h rvrjicirnc. f.nrr5'il Kai r nnf rift- ' tisin so far as to sret srlofiouslv drunk in th ei r cou n t ry 's cau Be, we wi , ven tu re "-..to--ass ert iha"t6u r eighboiM n-J awj; wi tli t h 1 s t r e m e nd o u s : q u i II . - . ; ;:all his abhorrence of intemperance, .would ; ' " hardly have, got angrf with the'ra about it, ' ' niucb less would, he have taken. the trou- . "We-of.RiihiertSn1 ; them' to the discmline of - ' f: Respecting : the Toasts.he writes as folf tV ; lows. ;r f We' have ;npt seen, the I oasts, but '.we' will bet a halfdoen of ; Madeira, V "ajfainst ay reasonable r quahlity, of cold i"v: I'. watery that tKey. were as flat as stale beer, ' ana as chilly as ,XNewiounuianu . iog.- , v. ,5 . 4 Have no t seen the Toasts?' ! Indeed ) ! ' ,'7 Few; Editors an" the, nation, . we. presume, vH c cos Id have made sucli a declaration with . V ; :-,a good conscience :But be it vso : it is v then -proper to inform him, that theseself- 'r.: Same Xoasts, about which he lias conjee . :V- V" ,tufed so tincharitably, and Upon which he ; .hasmade soad venturous a bet, have been t1 IT; Jiseen by many ; and to Jpurjcertain'kjnow- ledge they; Imve .gone'the round of the 'S: ;Nevpapefs, .''.mpstmacytllously; -..Now,: i ! !' - -"although an Ed i tor mayi 5 opce i n awhi 1 e, - ; ji bl i sh w hat v is -.. an d chilly ye t'itj s V-;;:'.: yecyunusual for a .majority of the ..I5co--t: tfierhood,! far and near,! io unite in giving i ' :f currency ' to; productions, uninteresting, ahd stupid. -We are then obliged to cot ' cludev unless' we' would' insult the Edito rial corps of the nation j ,tHat the Toasts ; in. ques.t tojn were neither; flat . nor chi Uy ;as has been imagined. i - . - - r - - ,V e trust, thereiore, that.the.hitutor ,oi -the JournaU 'on i examining into the case! i - win liauuiuiy, u.uuiiL uui ue uas iusi uis bet-: .and,, atter detaining a much -of the Madeira as: tv ill put him in a good liumof, and keep him3s6,(thathe will forward the Temainder,as. soon as convenient, for we assure -him thatwe have no objections, f. iri a ugre th ese Cold Water Celebrations, to take a: little -wine' upon Call "proper oo '.. caons,?,. for the stomach's sake. ' --hrThe; Register :"f; thf 3d" July, 'contains an extract from the;M inutes'of a Quarterly Conferences of the -Methodist Episcial ?- Church held: aAFavettevflle on the t3th, ..wherein they resolve thatj hey will not vote for men' who treat for; Hlectioneerinr piir- a J ,'pnses,aifd recommei'id f lie private meoitWs -t)f that Church to follow their esamplr. : s h 1 1 h roughou 1 1 he S t a te. jw h at wou I d beJ t h e '-: result i A total d isfra nch tgemen Xj f every member of pur Church arid a total los of all influence fn the gtv?;ri;ment ! 7-Thepi-tous members of that Conference seem 'not tohave' perceived; that-in proportion as - the sober, inorai; religious part of the cota ' .munity. abserit themselves front ihe polls, '.exacttyjn that proportion do they increase the powerarfd influence oftiie- immoral and . intemperate,. . . : : , i iThe object of that Quarterly Conference Ms a : praiseworthy one, but the mean rve-. 4 commend eii see m s ca lcti tat ed t o d efat its tyw n i n t e n t o ulrte I ; be leave, the re f r e,v f j jin.piHethe following In llieu1 thereof . I ' y . . ' Rksoi.v , ,That we u-lll, not partake 4of any j- mt,At or drink offered by any candidate, or others; rV'ifor lection eermg purposes, ---f, . Y . , 1. -tins (e4ntihient be adopted generally, A v-- 3- j..--:V cand idai ea'r-wi U soon' bee oni e:f a sh aa: ed- -wf oReiin t4 treat those, who refuse to partake, . a n d th iv p ractice w ii I ; d Te w i t h o u t a t rug gleJ, 4 tFutil llieu, it is folly iii a few irulivi 1 iial V drvpersed 'over t)ier couhiry, -to at tempt to controtrit by,. such rah 'proulises tithe ofie coolained in that .resolution. . I'- ofteh'JiaHpens -that iimonlr sever.il can- I didates,-" some artfenlightetiefl-'men afgrVa moral; vwiit th,'. ulio e into '.the prWtio I ce just; fa r as in oy be f n e c es sar v to p re v e n t meir?" noi ireaHRg'irtnnrneinS'-inaue': an ob- jection, anl- yvho wouiu-j nylu hy. aid' in sup i ,v p r e s s i h g i n t c m p c i i 1 1 c e o f e v t ry" k j i f, v h 1 1 e . : iiicir ;upuurm juu reverse- in every; re snect, uuua me d Weiphop' of: gucc5s oKa 'of ardeT.t spirits. ; "In Vach u profuse use public -Aifi dress recuntly delive:t;ti.in neif trie;Ci- I ; tciety standi idle Wid;v a'fVVl.siT Vou LT - !ILr ,eFa V nd see tlje inteioperate carry the d , v ul b?? , to the, Greek I T , v j- A ME ni01)tSTf - Il squadron wassentinseardi "of . -7-' w..a....M.7 JU, lit - f- ,4 , - , V.' ,.' .1' if - . t . -r- Veav slddtn inej. m ith a fnorespi . ' Til-strfring picture-llum'! p?esented :in ; r the following extract, from .u is cohsi - Nctiohal i , Enough is seen and known art d fel t, to authorise us t denominate; intemper ance the. scouVweroYtHe'laij..Jn" our, national.. weal Ui.jt eats jilce a canker ; upon the 1 eart-strings and'-life-blopd of our tcitizewsj ft preys" like a . vulture' $ it reakupytfie eryifoondatiorisbfiuimorf talinellectf itmatures depravjty-into open and ;, fearful crimes'; .aad it buries tlie deathless soul li n thc.depths of eternal, .woe.' Tins eyil: js every4 year -grong upon W as la, people. It outstrips s e ych the swelling tide of our populatioi-. It has already become so fotmidableasto menace-our political institutions;. and .if 4t be not checked, it will overspread & de-,j solate this land. Weh Ave heard many pro phecies of . ruin to'o'ur country, from the operation ofone political or moral cause. and another and doubtless many of these aremcreureanisoi tneimagiuauim, uum perid Qjion it; that! thiis people cannot cOn ti nue to-?. belft-eW if the waves of intern perance are not stayed by a'decisivei'spir rit,and; rolled back by a' mightyVhand. A n.ition;f drunkards cannot exist. In temperanee Iwoiild forge chains . strong -and heavy;etioughto lioW: in bondage a nation, of giants- Let this evil diffuse it self through the family; circle ; let it pre--vail at the polfs of your -elections J Jet the" drunkard be honored with a seat' in CongressV-and reel into the Senate Cham ber; and nod on the bench;: and doze r in Jthejury box?; andj liberty is' at an end. I tremble for the country, when' I reflect upontheiprevailing'intemperance of the present day,j in connexion with the ; free dqm - of ourjhstitiitions and the. expressi on of the- eleciiivej franchise. If liberty shall here find her graved that grave will be dug by drunkar-ds' hands If the knell 'of departed freedom shall here toll, it will; toll amidst the reyels of national intoxi-' cation. If the; march of intellect; in this western hemi sphere, shall be arrested, it will bearrested Jiy the swollen torrent of intemperance ; and then these heavens will be hung with ipournirig and this earth will be wet with tears..; Should ignorance and despotism; and 1 all their attendant evils here prValU j they will prevail Jhro' the influence of arflent spirits ; and then this' air, that is full of songs; will whis- per only ; sighs. !Ae fairest nope oi - a world 'inbondase would be extinguished bv '-the foe of God andhaDoiness. The last star of promise; to ithe' Inations would be shaken down from its sphere by this blight ing curse7 & sink in the ocean of darkness forever. But while this ruin is hanging over us how many appear indisposed .to take the alarm I The n a ti on: i? si umbering with a li ving viper in its "bosom. Do you, ask where d linger,, is ? . -, I ahswer. every- where.--Tliis is the master sin the giant evilthe burning curse. A . Ttj is not enoughrto say, tint intemperance' is greater: than this or. that individual calamity. It is ! probably not too much to gayi thatHhis single eil is iufl cting more injury upon the physical, intellectual-moral; and' eternal interests of our country, than 'all those evils which are ordinarily deemed special calamities, com bined togethep. !; Yes, marshal in one dread army, under one bloody flag, all the judg ments that ever desolated this devoted world of sin and death blasting, mildew, hail stones, tornadoes, earthquakes, epidemics, famiriei war, confi gration, shipwrecks, ra pine, murder- blow the trumpet long and loud, and call them to one-combined, uni versal, dreadful onset-let.lhem bear down with fell purpose and with unworited.wrath, upon this terrestrial citadel of man, and s t re w their p4 1 h w ith ru i n a 8 t h ey pursue their oh'uard inarch, and here is one mori s'er -one'plagueofi plague's one scorpion of scorpion une curse ofcurses, that can Mrgit handed; outdo them all. j His name is Legion His spirit is fierce as a wuuuded tiger; uncontrollable as a famished wilf, and rnalin;intas a desolating fiend. His footsteps must be arrested, or the nation is undonr!" f ., I ' ' i r. THE GREEK1 LIEVOLUTION. i f - ' " , The last numberi of the North Ameri can Review contains an interesting arti cle oh-this subject,! the folloyving abstract ofvhich is copied fnnii the Baltimore Saturday Evening Post.: - The first movements of the Revolution coin menced wl th $he Hetaireia, the cou n -cil of the Greeks, so that the people, at (large; were unapprised o'f the cleftgn. .On the 4th of April, 821, inJtlie. Morea, . Germanos,?the tBishop of Patraslisplay- .tiie cross, aiui-cailed on, the peopte.to rise against their toppressors. This calfas immediately obeyed throughout the -Morea, ;andsoon thespiritof resistance extended 1 1 h t h e i s 1 a n dsr : Mohammed was sent by Kurshid ; PashawV the Governor of tlie -Morea, to suppress the . rebellion. His army received a check at 1 la, which animated the; Greek ;si As soon as the re nvoi utiona ry mo vemehts were kno wn -thrd?-ou 1 1 h e Turkish tto m i n io n s; the m os t hor rid scenes; were exhibited. : t.Tlie Greeks were hunted , and , 'murdered like wild beasts.' Ru t! these cru el ties served Uv rouse: and u m te. the Greeks i n; the cause o tlie re vo 1 u t io r. ' Asem blies ; met anjl addressed thefr uianifesfos to' the1 people of Eo rope' and -America;: iri v'bking their sympathy .aii'd aid-1 'At thistimelTpst- Turk i sh ; n uv r. ; a 50 n n sh in o f wiwrA ras aestroyert by meahs of..a4ire,rship "At thl.tKoe -.'also the fsiege ' oT; TrP polizia --'vas: preyed jtii -Ypsiianti and Prince Alexand'er-i J .trbcordatb come fro'.n;;. Italy: t -witji, z&fr amaiunitiba ; a, ami tic cFtl-.a North." Tlii Crater Ev:!9 ai:d obaerves :" -. V .--iV 1 land supplies", 'to. the assbt-ace of the revolutionists.- ;: 7:, C', t ' in vLugusi, iavariao iiiuii .jiai uu . you west side of t the M oreaf capi tiilated to the Greek besieging force, t The Turks in theNorthernprovinces "came toj theas sistanceV.of their f Sciitherii Wethren.1 Ypsliladti left Trippblizza, to meetthemy In !iis-absence,v,the ofi&cers madej apar tiallahd disgraceful treaty with part of the i n habi t ants of th e1 to w n, i n ord e to se cure' the rich booty. :'The soldiers eas-, perated at this, rushed, in, and put tovthe swdrd about fifteen iousand'Turks"- v national assembly met at Trippojjzza,; on. the I5ti December, td effect ja more sysiematicrganizationl v Mavrocordato was chpsen president ' ' - - 6n the openingjof the, year 1822,; the Tuiks devised ' their . plaii) of Operations. One army was to march, through Eastern fleet, and, dispersed it, and Corinth felL intfj the hanjls of therpatriots :. Sciu, the beautiful,5 fertile Scio, fell into the Jiands of thervirksrand met a fate, "which is , but too, well known. J " j . : f: j . " On the 2tst of June, the Acropolis of A tli e, n s i sUr re n dered to t h e' G rees. "In this monthvalsir the important fortress in Greece; Jsapoltle Romania, was jalso re d u ced by j the same, to. terms of capitula-:.! tiorj. fForty days were, allowed to make the , necessary arrangements!, r But du rinthistime; aTlar armyj iinder Ma homet Pashaw, advanced; and raised the siee of Napdli. V But ' iU was - objiged. to retreat with great loss, both from sickness & slaughter Not being; relieve by the fleet, as the garrison expected,' they vvere sobn obliired to surrender. While these events were transacting m .tne piorea MaWocordato I and the gallant Botzaris were gaining an enviable fame a.tl:Missa- i lontrhi. x . - K I The t7n nth a clh 'etro Mai fd year ot the war, commenced witn a cnans;e in-tne uree government. i r . i - . i .. ! ... : a. Petro Mavrochalis wasxhosen president, J in t.he place of Mavrocordato. The plan 1 of the v Turks remained the sami. The campaign .was - opened with I tie bat tle I at - Karpenitza, in which the. Turks were routed. But the Greeks paid dear ly tor their victory, in the loss bf their gre it GeneraU Marco Botzarii.' " The Grt ek fleet was commanded by Andreas. Mtuulis, iwhose courage; virtue, t and ta Jen :s, gained for Jiim universal respect --4 Iri: this year, the Bey ;bfiEgtent his assi stance to the Tiir ks The Jarrings'and jealousies" which had b fore cola me njced, arid had increased among the Greet chiefs, cannot be contemplated by the1 mends Of liberty without1. pain- c This year) closed, without any signal successes on he"part of tie Greeks. . . ' ;-;( 0 i... J 4:.W'; I rieowfAear of the revolution was characterized by an event, which vtilt long oe; rememoereu. n inuivtuuai caoie. io the! I assi stance! of "the Greeks, who sWemed to raanimate their drooping spiritsj and to inspire them with fresh ;courage inindi yidual who bid as fair to.be as dist nguisn ed a son of Mars, as he had been ot-Aptdlo and the Muses Ve, of course,, a Lor J By rbii. But unfortunately for arid unfortunately for hM own fame lude to Greece in arms. he was suddenly cut, oft' from a field where he probably would have reaped the proud est ponors. - - . 1 The Turks, this year made great s naval preparations, and wereassisted byt of Ej5ypt,twith a large fleet : but so the liey firnil v were the combined fleets met by the Greek?, and so much Were they injured by the. fire ships, that those nch escaped the enemy;' were glad to seek safety in flight. -The general condition of the Greeks, therefore, at toe close of this, campaign; was highly .flattering.! J' " f '- ;;-- ''''y'K'i: f" :' The yeirl815, thej7i ofthe Ca mpaign. accordingly fiund the country in a hopeful condition.! jjf Their, enemyjhad been toiled a t every piut. vj Th e go ve r in m e n. t j waisior ganized, and in effici ent . action throughout Greec. Contluriotti was President of the executive fody. But clouds were jsoon to overcast the bright .; dawn. While the Greeks wbre planning ah attack against Patras, a (divisionrof the;EyptiatS afmy and die ffeet of Ibrahim arriyed. k,rheir fore ;s, wercconcentrateil ag.iiust Javorino whichy;su(rend Soup-western pa rt of the M orea, brahi m wentto M taik! Trippblizza; the; inhabitants of which Q& I onzhis approach. ' (le Jalso went to assault Napoli; but the place; wa9l too ivclt defended , by the Greek fleet; He theHeloreteU back to TripolizZawfi y ;C - -'iyf Mc;Jll.ese.?eVeh ts w er e ; ta ki n ; pi a ce in th Mea, the itacliitPhawa attacked. Mis4otTght v w h ich o wetlj its id e- fence I more to the bravery, tha n to the number ofi its g.irrison-1 ,Ji'.bra'v'erMiaa 5 arrassed theTuikish fletvery much. witmh is fi re-shi p 5 J a n d, su c ceeji etl Occa sion idly o j thro w sujiplies But Gre for ! tner n"inng::lecisiye:vtQ0 ks wVfe wainngvCwith intense Inxiety; f ril Cochra ne'sJ fleet, and for the A cau frg ttesf Nrithe evei arrived, lne- paititut artairi of : the tyiga i es is ! toojyell knowti to be" re ca pi t u tated here. ; I h? subject has been discus-1 sedj and the p u bj ic geperal ly, , k rto w the ckueof3lie- bUnje;re"s1sy Ehe prospects f the Greeks,! at the t cp mme nceme tit of Jt h & sixth yea r 6 lt he re volution, , were 1 ra th er gl Qrmy0HM iau I is, oweJeKefiectcd ifiid )iirhtsrmm Biilf tliis plae; jS heold -tn t hroughiheene J?f Xl14! M iMe b rave nenhff who its successyls interest degree. eyerw:ere thefeeateri exhibi- tiojispftrufbr were theresuch ' scenes virdfnr- wV.i" j pjuuder add devastation aiitf -. crsqrllcr; le- Greecevto,Corinth, andr thence, 'vere to go igaiiUt 'TrTppolizza.1 !quadrou of theiGreeks at this time met the Turkish fore. . (The wounded, tu3 Sicklhe"infirm," arid the women who, could notescape by flight, repaired to a:miH,,where,a -quantity of p jvvder was deposited, to be- fired as soon as the Turks shmld :ente the town Theii came the time-for the' parting of huk 'haml 8 an d w i v es, o f b ro t he rs a n d i s t e r s, a f mothers arid sons.V The conflicts: between duty .and-0necessity;on: thej one part; and -the sfrongest'naturaT affections s on. the : 6 fher, were;agnizing indeed.; , But jheir course was fixed. - They rushed : out cut tneir way.'iturougn.iiie muruerous . i, utns a mi jjai n e d th e t ni ouhtu i lis. ATh e e n e my der, foundnothing but mangle d - bod ies, a nd a rwid e ex t e nt of - sm ou 1 d er i hg1 rui n s.; s -The. fai t if M issoloii hi was a grea t bio iv I t? 'the' re vblu tionis t sy, a rid d epressed thei r spirits to great degiee.;. la .addition to" this, the J uiks had attacked AtHensy pal a k en ) he 1 o w r it w n ,& ; w ere b s'i egi ng i h e -Acropolifti ; . Ba t tJiis citadel theyw ere 'un able lo take.'-' Ar 7 the latter 7en.d of the ye r, one htam-boat arrived fYoriVEpg.!und and"!a'Trigate7frouiAYnVVicrtfc.wht.ch-:srvel', tti . rea n i ui a t e . the d ro ( pi ig ; s p i ri Is- o f t he' Greeks". 4. , -J. 4 y. v 7f rl, At thehcommehcimenty of the seventh year 'the situation of G reece ; was d isl ress ful in the extremes C-They suffered greatly for theveiry necessaries of life. X But the appeal to Christians, throughout." Europe and America, had vbeen heard; and supplies were sent to them."; The whole-si rength of Greece was now exerted; to raise ti?e siege ;of:the Acropolis? t But notwilhstand iiig the assistance of Lord Cochrane, , their efforts ,Were Unavailing, and the citadel at tiSt capitulated; at a most unfortunate mo 'men t; For had they heTd ou t a 1 i? tie Ion -ger, as thev;vniight have dojie, the; Greeks would have held possession of ithe' place when : the;-allies of Europe interposed zbe tweeu the combataritsi 1 For aVmost infer esting .accpuht of .the arrival - of, supplies f r o m A m e r i c a , o f 1 1 1 e u n i v t r sa 1 j oy w 1 1 i c h the newsproiluced, and of the thousands which were, relieved r fronv starvktio'n,! we would refer the reader. to Mr. IIove! wock Pe44ry ' 9--- l Th e s i t ii a t i o n of a ff i i rs va s ri 6 w , .d e s p e ra t e, "bu t w ere re I ie v ed ' by ..-1 h e- i 1 1 terpbsi tiun of the allied - powers. j-Thereity; of pacificatioiiwas ly, 1 827: The eflext of this i's j'o fuV receptioii 1 t)e jGleks- jectiort bv Ithe Tu rki f h e e t e r i it I of . t he I .combined, fleets into the h;irbdr fNa an the d s tructi on o f th e Tu rk i shari d Egy p ti a n , sq i d ro n s- t he s u c C ee cl nge y e j i t s , a ri d finally the hostilities" bet eeiiJllUssiaand the Porte,! declared on the 26th of J April, 188 are all ram 1 har: to our readers. To Col. TJiomas Hawking Dennis O'Brien u mid Gent. WUlidml Ti UliamsoftJPrreh cbunftj Executors of Joseph Hawking dec'r BurweUJVad- and Is ftah$Pad&of MG;uilbrjd iMessrs ; J, IV. Peace and Lewis IlallomaQ of Jlaleigh jlseif Goodwin tffGjiatliamf . and John Newiok of 0vw?e y TAKtf NOTICE, tliat at dtef next County Court, to lie held fr the County of Wake, on the 3d Monday of August, 1829, I, shall. ap ply to be discharg'ed from iinprison raent and- to take the benefit of the Act of Assembly, ' passed for the benefit of Insolvent Debtrs. 5 - ; t J O UN ? W HITEH E ADr ?f 29th Jull 89 - To the Printers of the U. States. OF late the prices 1 oflt the ; nmterialstused iit making Print? PT Types, haveTbeen gr'eally re, duced & t)e-facility of manufacturing greutly in creased : The Subscriber; theretbi e hasjbeen in duced to make a pronoitiboable reductHh in the prices, which, from the lst'of April, Have -been as siaieu in me annexed list.. - : . ; k, f v .; f .; Th e character of the Type made at this Foun dry is well known j,o the JfVare, who hTI assured that in regard to the quality uf Ihe metal, finish, ancl durability, no deviation has beennide. : , 1 iHtt haso 11 h a nd a com p 1 e ie asso rtlih V a qd can supply any quantity oh a short nodce ; he will be happy to receive orders of bis coitomers, wh:ch will -have immeiliate;xitteiidoh Meri. chant s wh 0 1 1 a ve rp.raera f rom RbTOadan h a v offices complele'with Presses, and evrythin necessary fbr-a Printm inf Hie mostperfect roan ;ier!1 'it1i - ' IX .'; itiuirA lib r6n a troj Prices At six months credit, for appKved paper, or a xiistymu ji o per cent, lor casn. Pearl, per. lb 51 40 English; lWvr S0 36 Nonpareil. , 0 90 O 70 10 56 0 46 0 40 0 3S : Great Primer, r if 0 34 I) ou ii le," Pica, 1 1 ; Q, 32 Minion, : Brevier, Bouriteoisr Do. Great Primbr, 033 ,L.arge letter, . -plain ' Scabb rd s arte Lon. Primer, 030 Smalt Pica, Pica, 4 036 jQuotations, L: 0 30 The prices of other descriptions of Types are j proportionaDiy reduced... . .t'ifil ; Old Type) received m Davment at 9 cents ber pound.--, 1--;:t;. . -: r '- I? -K -rt' 1 1$- Philadelphia Jhf 8. ANN OK G EIRSTEIJ : - ; wV'.' OR -; -ij THE MAIDEN OF THE MIST- ' , BY - Just receivei;.byv;--V:--- f , f,::: t; --tr?rf' 3 GALES &!$C GAt,Eis;g4 - AT ; Superior Court of Law- April TernV iXKy . - t jonn urovr, r i " --'-' Jas. If bllancTs heirs e'deveesi $'ra"t IT appeaing"tQ the sat tnatTne lietenaants rnjhw ease," to vSt, Jus. nonana, jr.i f-Uhodes, and 1 Cynthia, ifts iirjfe, is and ;Sophra,"hi wife heii Ind de- ; Perkins visees or,Jane& Io!hhd and ' Holland Cu-i ;fo the.PJaintiif$ petifibn, or iudirment ' tvo c&n fetso will be entered against themu 1 S CVjtneolm-'BIye jClerkof said Corrat O ffice, the second V edh jrsday ' itft e I hi ! faiirtlp Mondayin March, 1829.-' ; , , , . w w44 . ... ."I,.-.V. VA S- fciV , JU M entered the town 7tnejcrain or.powoer was t ou ch e d t hV, 1 1 ii 1 1 . w a s . b I o wn to : a 6 ) a ml the Tu rks, instead of beau t y an d pi u n 1 4oy 'w'-the5 skt James vlIuJK tda1i taints of an other S tateV so .that t he or dinaiy, projcess. of jWw cannot beei-ved on theni, itls o6ier d thai publication WmadeVfo?.tiire Vmouths iueeel lyy:iiv tli4 Kaleigh thTt eiy t hat ih saitUii e fendants bei.anf?4ij)e athnxt!upeior; Court of tavv to: bd'forth!sohtvi at ihe oouri-notise i n .vv Hyuesyi t le, on tlie second W ed-1 nsda afhe fiu next , t hen-aa d there to p!eid, aas weV or I mu 1 - i-s r::.'.r ''WntcTntnTw.. -v.4siM .. v ;TTo be drawn Sat,irdav ifiUi SPLENPJDi SCHEME, ' VWaystof 10,000 Dollni ' 1 v-.:;;l;ooo5 1 ft CAn "5 ,:;2o":- V "" 351 'S : 102 :v V 10i2V 1 -VO0ODolI "l W Dollar : 60Dol!a ;; .toi)oiiaP8 x t . 0 Doarg " T:ckts S5, Halves' 3 SO. Q. V A variety pt luckyijS"onrV)e-s 4 I Si prompt attention, and ln: alt cases wh arevreceived too late to invest in ti ,"0t dravvn, the moiiev Iwdl be reti.pA rk ' Cash paid at sigltt for all Prizes orders addressed to F - - ' istui:i829. ; : Peter8H' For 19th Ati-ust.' E&aulj'MQton 'nuts aotttrtt - ... 13th Class.. UJ CAPITAL PRIZE.' SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize .of 10,000 Dollars 1 - " 5,000 DollArc " ; lv k'.'.l- ' A 5 1 ;10 ".. 20 - - 10 ; '2,000 Dollars i;S30 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 400 -Dollars ' 300 Dollars 200 Dollars - 100 Dollars ' 50 Dollars 40 Dollar?. -30 Dollars 20 Dollars ; 8 Dollars . -;-t4 Dollars -r 11475 Tickets S4 Halves 2, Quarters I.- GrdhdiConsolidaied totUn !a'3Mt -.ffl!fiiJLS3i'';v Drawing mjishinglon ori the 29ta uga :..v I.. :-.',-;" ' .:.',- - scheme.' :. v,.- : " ; 1 Prize , of 15,000 Dollars V 1- 6,000 Pollars 1 1' 5 4,000 Dollars 45,000 Dollars 2025 Dollars -3 ?000 Dollars'- fc ,.500 Dollars 400 Dollars - 300 Dollars -200 Dollars "150 Dollars 100 Dollars ; 70 Dollars (50 Dollars 50 Dollars 40 Dollars ; 30 Dollars V ,. 10 Dollars MO "yip; :;: -24 ..:v5l. .y -51, ';.v5i'. 14)2 1,530 11,475 A 5 Dollars Whole Tickets; &5, Halves .'2 0. Quar- i? Tickets and Shares in tlie "above Lotteries far salcin ayaiiety:of;liicky -'h ambers at the eva fortunate Office, where has. been sold within tk last ninety days, no less than U'en Capital Frita.. .Is--'' .;-H!k Petersbarf. !Aog.Vl,1829 'AM. J. C. STKD.MAN Has lately received i Considerable accession to i his Stock of Goods. He 'now, offers for sale, ca .reasonable terms, the - following Articles : Go . and Silver Fatent lctb t Watches English -j i'rt-nch ditto ; uepci & Alarm ditto j fine Gpld Watch Cliains,Seais keys T; liairings'Fipgr-ring-s -and lireaslpi'A a genei-al. assortment; fine ( Gold Cable M Chains ; Corals AmberCorneiian, ' SieV Vax and.Fancv Bea ' GoldV-SilVr, Pear! ana S!i-ll Sleeve Buttons i fin? cut Smelling UottWj Otto of Roses, Cologne Water ? Peq.an4 Poct Knives jf PocJcel Combs -r Ilenminj's 'best' dies, sharps and bet weens ; S teel Watch Cham Sea!S;vKeys,t Buckles. Clasps Key Kmg? Buttons ; Ferciission Pistol, 1 Percussion Cap Uirkft? SWbrdsVBehs atid EpauletM yw'2 Cahes assort f cVuc&antf ivory heads, w.tb without Swords Chkin UoICoHhm; lW"; Pocket ootitiGuJtriL Chains.; Musical Boxw? P tat etl Castors from Si .50 to $35 ; plated dlesticks .from $1, 25 to. $20 ; Plated Snu and Trays i Pbted arid Iirrtan'nia Tea and ' Spoons and Soup f.adl ; Britannia Tea 0 J Dice1 1 1 C hessmen ; D raft sine n Pearl, f. Ivory CouiiterIvoW md lirass e . I Spectueles ind Gog?l es ; Silver Thimbles nerai: assortment of Slilver Plate, c :)nsif . ohp LidleiVTible, - Desert a.nTea bp tiltund Muslard SpbAnsa rid Sugar nj- ift variety f(therArtJcIf3 in l.hf- r - :aW:c.!is&:qt;OjKs.;ciref' 1 . .i .. L .. i - y i 'rl....T . All 'L'illJ Wl a d;wiirnt n t ex I to ke pt i ni e i. -v I --r - r --. ; J. C. S. ret ur sis his uei rpa;ri-at iup ,ov "t"'fj:pn V itu'd.tbmerkiiby-.a-continuca ot- the du ties of hiscfofession. - - ' ' on 3t' kllisIiimidMincral Spring nNn'B:.SuhWnbefhWi.n tLSVplce;: respectfully ';infonns.t!ie ru Bt he is prepared to receive Compar . r fie ' a6on,Tlie:Kstabl(shment has undeg thoroushrepair; andvaddioonal tbnprovidedIa:poinoi 'XVaiers anHih tnr ic nal nreneniw w ..,-rvrf ' nnn in the State - v I f. The drawinerTwill cartf,Tnt,r il turdHy ' 15th ' August. Orders fcr1 051 S; closrns: CiUihof ,Priie tTicket. u;n lc cositixiuei to received a Iprtionortueir w thatxjf the pulMic geiierally, w.nc "nccCf I fort wiU hi made'to wti.fact.oa ,s vvha'may.visit the Spring VaCOT f- ' ,5 4 U V. '.lttW' J : ' :; 7 . 'I- "r . .. ' - ' - 1.x' - '

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