" - f r- Y I : 7i Jr 't r ' . ft:,, .j A I if, . ; ' - -CN ?; r . W..' ... '- 4Q5Reanrof Post rind scuiusness,iai;napmer.iu0uaveiea -iai it was dangerous1 tko Uoo; he oP c " HE WSON'S? OFFICE 5 ?" Zliu'ii i Vs -.Rj - i -v: nr his tnalCcomin on; sucKr waathe him he did not go on.lW mattibaid t.ca;4i.iaS iL U ..44si.ivt-? Mfe Pi,veriof jnIiwphey, nothin mire, butfookhihie.d ftlwo" 53$ 't K !'. .nVERTISEMIJIfTI be executc.l. within jdTex .lays after Lis ver!.in with long grass and baniUW- ' SSM" . v.. - rinlfarmnd twcntv-five cents for veiy .cceeling jttblictToii those of OTat, j;n'hiW;tlmymeipropdttidn atlSCELTNEOUS. Translated from the Italian INTERESTING ANECDOTE,, it was durina severe seasortV mn ter ,narkable Ar ;ta .long ana inciemeru the largest nverswe ind the people were seen to fall dead with Jjd that in the French jtijwn tMetaja !!;r .pntinel was seni unon guard cin one Ihii bitterest n!eht9t;when a fie rce-nqrthl W'"" . . - II, ' fl!. ..i.l.' tnndauded to tne usual coiu; waiwr as the mostxposed situation tf , the nlace, auft he Hid scarcely cveredfror ;e?ere jndispositionbut wa? J a soict ier tni) declared h Ireadjess tpvtams .; ffVct?ons to a you ng woman 01 xne same citT sooner heard- br hiibV 1d findutyf CtlaisKJ miiit bitterlvvdedarins I itltobe -i,inh possible lor him-tosury ive fthe insufferf. SleseTerity after tlillnessuhdeiwhiph" hestill linered.ormenteitl: a itrj she was u naoie to jcipse ner eyes,yor en to retire fest ; a iii?anced,the cold becomina: inbre intensca ier fangj depicted him struggling agai nst the fear fu I el e raents, and his own; weak ness, and at 1 ertgth, lio l onger able to su p port muiseu qxcrpuwcrcu; w.u ijikuiuuci , ana siuiting?- tu .xiciuaii est? frottM';Madde1tteUv keedless of ; consequences; clothen.;nerseii as warmiy ;as sue- cuuiuf raQout of the housei; situated not far from the place of . watch and with; the utmost warage arrived alone at heyspofifii And there she indeed found Hers 6oor - soldier earl j;as exhausted a$ sKe had i magi h ed bcingwHhdifficulty able!tb keep his feet owins to the intenaenesai of ithe- frost. -r- She earnestly conjured hi m to- hasten, though only for a little hileI to Revive iimself at her housed when having taken some irefreshracntihe .might return ; but ware ot the consequences ot sucn a siep, this hie kindly but Vesolutelyi refused vto do ! But onlv for a few minutes," she continued,; while ivott'melte horrid frost, wliich has al most congeal ed you a-live-'V Kot ah instant retu rned ; the widier; it were certain death even to stir from the t spot " -; Su rely not cri ed tfe affectionate girl,: it will never be own : and if vou star, vour death will be still jndr6 certain .ybuHave atleasta chance, and it is yourlduty,Hif; possible to preserve' your life. . . B esid es i hb u I cl If At m U-. I ' 4 ' A- . f ' T? - - I ; u i aue n c e - na pp e n ; : 10 o e A o i s c o v e reu heari nff ihese tidingsi t was little in -com- parisbn with. the remorse and : terror that distracted the breast of his beloved - girl, who, . .in i ad d ition; to jthe . grief of 1 osirtg him, ;in so pup i can qgn qmi ni ou s a nia nvr nerpaccused !)i ersel f a's; ith'fe usebftlvef' wbol e cal amity,' i tt'o ? Wb o m she hab! been st long and 'tender! y attach ed wa s nbwtqlfa1)f,asl verebythevliartdS of bisetrotid bnde strangeness and suddenness or the? events that her feel i n gs b'ei ncr w rbu sht un to 'the liighes t pi tchq fCexcj tatibn'Snd errors her very q espa ; i r seemeiq to give ner;st rengtns y a n a&as 1 1 ng al "fy fjear bficorii sequ e n ces-- a- in ad eja yo wi t o" sa v e hi m i b r. to perish in the attempt.! v Bitterly weeping and with dishevelled baiW she ran wildly thro' theVity beseechingpity and cb sion .from, alt her friends and acquain- tahceV andbliptifeeTery and influe nceV jtb;u n i.te!n ltittqning j fqr a; pard ofbHh ef; j b she ; beiri g; th etf sol e a u tf Or b f the 1 fau 1 1; The circjumstances beineinade known, such . wasthe. tenderness and cdm passion excited in-her beh a I f, Ian d su ch tli e ad mi r ration bf her conduct,1 at otice so atTecti- onate an a spin ten, .mat persons of tne mgn- eai$jfanKy became "Ini6reaifecl.-::fo used the most laudable etTort to obtain a on for the poor soldier 'The ladies o r in e , pi ace a is q. exeneu uieir in iiuence. The Governor, no longer, prdof against this torrent ot pupiic ipeung, maqe a merit oi granting him forgiveness,4Vbn;the conditi- on oi nis Demg immeoiateiv unitea io ine neroic anu nouie nearieci gin, anu accepi' mg with hec a jSinall donation, an -exam-ample whichfAysfje people oi. every ranK ; so mat tne young bride had the additional, nleasure ot- pre senting her beloved withla handsome ddw er, yhic!i satisfied their moderate wishes and crbwed tjieir humble happiheis. GOLD- TOeJlcetvillbwel nnat thW lieaclbif his in e n J a nd had-moved :;Sl oivl y hal f .asteep on his saddle for about' ftVe miles.when " r'lz " r',VrcV"!? r"ar ,aou saw 4a very. $Hil$K fri ng pas t' him; so icl os0 jth a t almqst; brushe JpheeJ ttedvtip his swordrtd 8lueld,lbut in an iiisiaui unuer me annnai s was - pawiwriqtqrned rouwitrtbi i his BqutftgrowH andlooked did whatcould be doneand vrith his men attacked the;tiger whom they wounded so seyerelythat he4 dropped Vhia-preS.' But' the fifsp blojiy haddqne i t Jrork f efiectui allyiaiic! the pobr' ed in i "8gcTiu:a!manner, a Jiteral ly vtblbe all i n. pieces- The officer.told Major KamiU tonv frbmf that day tljmar this scene was r seldom absent from his d reams, 1 and with the least illnesi or fever he, had i al WaysWreturn of, the visibti of the tigei w i vi !?u u i or cu ii aie j , m an i n ; n is ;-jaws, whjslroprod rm(f JGm: mma ;.' county . executors of . Joseph Hawkins. deJBurwellWaod and 1 sham Wade of Guitfbrd dMessrsX Jfy, IK Peace and, Lewis Holloman of ' tmd jo hnATewt6n of: Oran re t?'i& . i m Afttjr: NOTlO E, t!at at the next I CoUnty X' Court, td he held for the; jaunty; exf W&kev oh the 3d Monday of AuffUfiV 120. I shall ao. ply tb be discharged from imprisonment aid to uic ucnpni i,ute Ai oi Asseraoiy, passea 29th Julyl 829. 95 3 w ers of the IT. States: The Information . of :1 1 . OF late the prices of all the materials used in makihc'PrintinB' Types, have been srreatl v re duced .. a the facijity, of manufacturing greatly in creased 1rThe Subscriber; therefoie, has been in auced to ma Re a propornonaoie reduction in tne prices, wmcii.Trom tne ist oi vpni, nave Deenas s1Th Character df the? Tvne made at this f'irtun drv is well knnwri to the Trade, who are assured on fif pvpry .day enlarges hbat in regard to the quality of the metal, finish! the ext en t of the Gold! legion .ill tHe' South-1 emd durabdity,1 hri deviation has been madel 4 ern'Siates:.f3esldes:itfiilh hand a complete assortment and handCablnusirvorth-Cron the.MrssrsUa-noiiMre.orkinsl..to grf at wh;ch wih have imrftedUtft nti: lv Mer. advantage in -BurkelTiie Virginia H Who have orders from abroad, can have ' . ... ' - - - 'I ! i- " ' ( -.1 . i -i -m 4 " Li y fnuiff pdt up: 20 PIlIi31!S OS1 Gl-iJOOi n Can a Lottetui9 th. Class. . VV SPLBlcbiD SCHEME.''' ;; ? .v vl -Prize of 10,000 JDol lars ... M&0p.i;: i 00 PollarsM: 5i; 102 60 Dollars Xifr;i'-5d.Jbl Iars SO Hollars r t ! . V;l Q2w) it-:&-$'; vv20-r Dollars Y 1 V5S0 m:m V l 0-: Doll ars A kiiwsmmmms .Dollars Tickets S5, Hal ves 2 "501 Quartersl V25. v -'A variety or lucsy ixumoers tpr sale at : - , ;Th'e -drawiner; will certainly take place on Sa turday, ; 1 5th August; g Orders for Tickets en closing CashoriIi2e Tickets, will meet, with prompt attendon,f arid in fcU cases when .orders nre rreceiyed: too late to invest in the Lotteries drawn, the moiiey' will i be returned or remain subject to order , V;!f ; w"VV: ' N Cash paid at sight for all ; Prizes-send your orders' addressed to ;- ;.v'-v'-:;V 1st Aug. 1829. .Petersburg. r- ft. ttoZLOttttrjti For lUtli Ausrust. .;.;-;-v" , i 13th. Class. :f i " ; CAPITA Ii ;P R I ZE: SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 : !HfI"i ;Hzebfi6,000 Dollarst: $ ,1 ':I4 g: A; 3,oqQ Hollar 2,000 Dollars 1,830 Dollars "1,000 Dollars ,400 Dollars aiu sav rnat ajioui lias Deen iiicvereu onjomces complete wun presses, ana ever eight: dinlerent1 plan neceaafyfor iiPrintiiiff iUtaidisUmenV One of which viz; r of Capt. WjA K nd tn;, the most Wf fr i'. -wv :'.':;.': rf v k4? :..; 1 RlCiHAltD RONALDS ur. r.uinuuu " nite, aouut suu worin oi t.Jl At B X:monih H.t. fm snnroved surface-dild has beenObtained AWithina I nabeV..cir a Discount 'of 5 ber ceuti for casH. -i ..V U. iw - It 1 "Art i. : : ' :' A r few -months. Mines are now worked : in I Heart, per lb. liancasier .ami, union m inis. oi.ate ann i GblU was foundrby!-: Pi bf, Variuxem in Spar- Mmion, 4. k.Kn a-np-'f-k nmt ' urn, aar a l " I .- .t . " I -V r.ena.ye uiiriy conveiea Wini an; in- Loj, primer, leiiicngcii'nuiiii who ntis rtceniiy visieu imn rica, tne ie!toi i Carolina, ano are nappy wrrwa, i - ft4Q , 0 90 . 0 70 0 56 0 46 0A0 I 0 38 0 36 Great Primer, Double Piea, Do. Great Primer, 032 t Larce, letter, Sca bbards "and a. Quotations, " pi 1036 HO 34 0 32 0 30 1 6 id t 2d ' V 40 ? 1,530" ri 1,475 . ,1', 300 Dollars 200 dollars T 100 Dollars . ;50'D6lIars ty 4Qh Dollars 30 Dollars .20 Dollars K 8 Dollars V'L? Dollars uarters.Ku. Tickets S4, Halves 2; Qi Grtm&'ConsoUddtefc 'Drawing: in ''Waaliington .on the 29th August; : ? Prize ; of ' 1 5000 Dollars ' PAPERS - different'qualitie?, just. (Raleigh,-Jnly 7 ,r-5,'Iru. Surry ..Count v. ; - Speripr CtirtfKqtiity,; March Ter , ! v J.onii Kiisabck v.joseph'Pentn-:ton. .. ; TTT. appearing Cro the' satisfaction. c T.the Court IL that the deffiidajai9lpseph PeHirj, Is anjinbabitant of .this State it is ther- ' . orJer etht,publicutJon be. m ail e. for tli re -.nths '3 the Rale'ig-Regsaterthathe tnay.appcar Rt o r he,xtSupeftor Court pf Equity Ub.heid fur tl County .cf;Surryr at iUe, Courtiiue uj JJcckfciJ, on tbe.:first Monday m epUmher -xt topica l, aasweij -or demur ol'the, cbnip; ant'a bil!. or the sme will be taken pro' cotifesso and heard trJTest.r; "WINSTON SDNtERS, C. II. . 3tay 19,:i829prVadV. 5 25--, v - V lRS.SARAULEDENINGj iVJl yille.coUDty, fdrmertv reiid'?.nt tn'-Raleih;-'-' has lately jlied iinesUte.; Many ofher ;n e xt a f k i n reswleata. distance from ttu placed and 4 c! hereby :n itify all, persoiis .concV ned, thar at t 1 . i expiration.pt two years from the 1 at Uyt ID;, iU prescribetl. by. law.-ishajlAbe ready and sziU liner to settle the said Estate. The Administra tion pf sai4 EstathaY.i.ne coramhted to nis by the County -Court of Grinvilie County in liif 'y 1 will attend to all communications '(host which maybe addressed tone at ttaleiji) Vi v . , 5 ; rAIiKEu RAND,- Adm'r. -Wklce county. 2lst May, 1 829. v; . 74 6n 21 C s . State :hf:ovtfi: Carolina, -4 v-ltcRifttburg.ixiunt,;j.. -k Sunerlor Co'urt.of li&w ilav -iVrmJ IF.? lion Remade in trie Ka- ORDEIiED b courti that publtcatio .-'for three mpntlis' successively, ii leigh Register, ,and Western Carolinian, that thd defendant : be nd appear at our next; Superior Court of ilaw to be held for the.couhty of ?.Ieck v lenburff, at the Court House in Charlotte, on't he -6th' Monday a jer;the4th;1SlondayinSepternh:et neit, and plead or answer 'to the" plaintitPipet!-'; tioo, or the sanii? Jwill be herd ex pnel ; ; f . :J IVitness' Satnuel i'l 1 ehderson. t Clerk of cui r saitl, cHirti at Office, the 7th' ' Mo'iday kftef t!ie 4th in March 1829. - ' ':" ;-'.';' : . ' ' -- SAMUEL liENDERSON, C. C. v--;-jjunc0rabe Uounry , auperioF ouroi law Apm t erm, . , -yilliam;Uobardit jir ? ' " ;' : ?. 't-':'':-y v.H;'.r !V .Petition for Divorce ; M-rearetT,Robatdsl;-S ' Vv-X': ..?-".' 'V: 0 30 'C4yen yui taKe pity upon us, anapro vide in somci way for our priBservation- Yes, said iheoldi the question ; forsuppoI wi'h imnunitv. is it nnhl nr ' h nil' o rahle s jtn aba ii'doniw onguRrdrj ?uttheJeHvill bisonie ! f Toil consent to Vn'TT will . remain Wc nntil you return. vl am not the least Ud U : K11 n milPV Xt fnn m a vnu i a I'm a - ' ' -J ', uuivnivv ui vine t 1 1 ii o - ni jrpquest she enforr'pcl with Roi'much eloquence and tendernefU.Tvandsd many Jwrs, that the ' poor soUher, ag-ainsti his tter liHiffment: ws fain n 'ifld. 7peally as he" felt himself becoming er and fainter and tinable much'lon Sr to resist the cold. Intending to return lun: a few minutes,' he deft ' the; kind wteo girU mjiis' place,, wraphins ber hi$ cloak, and wpvtoxether with the watrn.wnrd anil WNvag Ker delight at the idea' of having SavCU the life of Kpr 'KlnVVll Vr!W cKiAirWe !or artjme insensibleCtolthe intense severi or the weather. - But just as she was ftenng herself with the hon4 of Vis re- 1 an mhcer made liis appearaace,vvh(v se. forgot injter confusiomto ;ive,the , WMspo;tea that the soldier had either 'Menai . p .. overpowered; witlv alarm, and 1 ?.ie to pye any account oherself, from stale, that the report as tn the evil effects P The; prices of other descriptions of Types are itnoutjounaauon ami on me conirary, it rnminri"' f ? - -v ;r . ! r - 1 a; giveia-. new spring to . exertion and XPtil&1tfj& 8 ;jU t ; ? ? 1 96f 3t ; '1 w frua-alltv. haye'tia t u r a I ly been e 5 jVc t eij ierierail y dipoWit tofclabor wf 1 his. is indeed was whatitueht t o tr: MK m vfina I rP ic 1 mil E Subscriber ha vine settled himse If at this; ion (hov won 1 r r i. .viniace.-reapeciiuiiy nuuruis uic , ruonc in mat uicir ioij jvi. ut?srecoinpeieu.aiiu. to he is preparen to receive company, ine prpseni be cononiiciiliwe season. f-The Kstabhshmertt "ha .undergone a ortfi;-savi.- -V ': Vf '-' thoroui repairand 'additional. Rooms have - .... ' . " J -. . i x . . - .. ' hn nrovided. In noi.it of Health, nure air a ed to us a lew days ao : ; A honest Irish blacksmitlvnear the Gold Resrioh.i latvIvrIiscovered a bunk-of- Iron pyrttea (sulphuretpf Iroii) ori his firm, and doubted imt that he had lou ud ' Hc pr eciuus incralV 'that had furtieiUthe. heads: r'lif , his neighbors. X As the supposed Gold was in specks . on'a crest . number Mif stones he t ho u -jsh t i t av o u i d he b ts t t o pU 1 1 h eip i n a n irn noti sand place it irr"a furnace, in " HUg minia r UOhl or yellOW le- I . .uVVdicinRl nrtmtrties of the watersl thi ver as It is soiiietlim's called . Has spread lni.rfk'-wti vielltn none in the State. Everv ef- widely,; and every. ' one who - finds on his j fort wilfbe ,made to give satisfaction to jthose farm n Irasment of rick Iwith a . speck of 1 who maV visit the Spruiffs ; and the charges' wd v , 1 1 w.t i t: v i, v.u iiniiia ilia iui mi uv I r ; 11 . . - maleV The following anecdote was relat-1 i I J p, ST'Kll ,f AJ1 Has lately" . received a considerable accession to his 3tocfc of Goods. ' He now otters tor sale, on reasonable ' ? terms ; the followiner Articles I Gold and Sliver Paient JLever Watches ? Ehelish and Trench ditto; Repeating & Alarm, ditto fine Gold Vatch Chains,Sea;is .nd Revs si KaMinirs. 'Fimrer-rinirs and Breastpins; der to make the; metal Wltand itm into a chains 1 Coral, Amb, CornelUn, Steel, Gilt, luinp. -After a J itile puffing it JheTbellows I Wax aiid Fancy "Beads'!; GoldtilyerPeaH arid the n'-at'nl tne nre mane tne suiunur nv on, I &neu ?jeeve uuuons ; puv .BuieiMiijj,?w i- t . i- . - .... . .. -. x. . ' a r y.ue, agnation and .xears;;, - U. "8fluiiy ennuueteu to tne jruara rit , a!?' : rtored rto somexdee of ?Cp-tllc-'Pt"r,'girI- confessed-the thtoncitinitlvtliaan-uish lardon lor her- v.a .. v "istractionvja v MuaL huand- "He 'was instantly in fiQc?!le (ro hrhouse,;bat' was found i . ' , " l-" c" Miesjj' iiKim ilie '.78 tl iJ r i ttV. " -ai1 -,!lerSone, as to leave lit ...T:VrtB r his survivinn- -aura ,.f imuvu umir.uit them.? 'lt y, with the assis- f4lffi Vlc vicerthat he was fes KznVfy give 'an , 'intellifribli J'CM in i "er wnicn ne; was r r.ha.d been for me4 the servinAhat it. was noti , r con- country . ioWrch sind vvnen'he looked into ihe pot he found .o olAVses ".. t . t it i, ' i Knives ; Pocket Combs" f.Hemming's best Nee-v r,M h.n,: bura jxarcof btackene.i stones. d, between. 4 Steel Watch Chains, OJr! the Dryil, the Uevil,' said the poor Seals Ceys, Buckles. Clasps KeyvRingsnd astniiUhed sinitli by the holy S?; Patrick Buttons ; Percussion Pistols, Percussion Caps $ thcMleviU, :orne: of His friends hearing Dirks ;j Swords ; Belts and Epauletts 5 tkinfr bis nuciferous exclamation, 1 rail tin and assorted, buck ami ivory headset -.. '. , tv. : f ':Vn' t . 1 : - . l, without Swords' s Cham-Do? Contra ; Razors ; e.q.Aref. the Cause:: ,'Pch' ud, . he bu t Books; Guard, Chains ; Musical Bpxes old tNiCj lbepa!peen, hiuiseIf has been !- prated Castors from 1 $1 50 to $35 Plated Can- ter runuinjs) way fwidr all my jgfe.! Did dlesticfcs from $1,25 to $20 V Plated$ntunTers y(uVgee:hiul'?'Jiiiklithe"ifellda'-eagerlyv and Trys ; Plated anil Britannia TeV and Table Ni honevhe was too cute for the' tike, of Spoons and' Soup .Ladles Britannia..Tea Pots-; s.; 6,000 Dollars 4,000 Dollafs 3,000 Ddliars 2,025 Dollars 1,000 Dollars V 500 Dollars. 400 Dollars t: 300 Dollars 200 Dollars 150 Dollars 100 Do lars 7ti Dollars 60 Dollars 50 Dollari 40 Dollars 30 Dollars 10 Dollars y'5 Dollars Whole Tickets ' S5, Hal ves 2 50, Qu af- i ;C: ;: , . r ters I 25. i Tickets and Shares in the above Lotteries for sale' in a variety f lucky, numbers at the ever fortunate Office, where hass been sold within the last ninety days, no less than Teh Capital rrxteu Petersburg. ' . , - ;' ': Xvv .".'-'5- - : 10 10 20 ; y' : .-24,i::- - ;5l'...'S ,:'5i;v : ?.-5tW -102X 1,530 11,475 i'V :Aug. 1, 1829. 8 V fH' ANN OF GI5IRSTJEIN THE, MAIDEN OF JHE MIST ,.:"f v. i ' v sir JfLTEA scotV. jusi receive u, u j 4 Rileih; July'50 JJ GALES &. SON. tkState6'r: i Superior Court of Law April Term, 1829. r-7J lv"7r,VV:.-Yt: Petition to va ri; . C catea Grants "B T; appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, JL;that jheDefendants in Vcaaej ' to witJ jas. Holland, jr.",;"' ,': ' Rhodes andjCyrtthia, hii wife, ; Perkins and Sophia his wife heirs and clei visees of 4 ame Holland :ind '."' ;, Holland xrii dow ofJthe said James Holland, are inhabitants of another State,r so that the; ordinary procss of public tion be nude for three - months succes ' aively in the Raleigh Heijister, that the said De fendants be and appear- at the next Superior Court of Law to lie held forTthiscountyy at t he n . &i '. 1 .1' Vouri-uousc in ayiicsviiic on ,uic secunu eu nesday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the PIaintifis petiUonbr judgment ro ccn fesso will be entered against them. . w ; ; . ltness, Joan JJ. love. Clerk sawr Ccurt s.t CHlce, the Second Wedne-day-after the fourth I londay in March, 1823; - v ; -, V 73'3mi ; i ; fOH:rB. LOVTC. O.C.. ifikROEKEiD by Court, that publication berha jl Jr for 3 .months successively m the lLaler Register, and the Yadkin and : Catawba j o urn . ' that the. Defendant lie .and : appear at .the. ne. -Superior Court of.LaW'tohe held lbr,Rutco?nL -county, at the CoUrt-hbuse m-Asheyillei ch t!: 3 2d Monday fter the 4th Monday in Sfep niber ne.xt ibid plead or answer.to the : VUtntiif's pe- titioni or the same wiibe heard irr parte. '-V Witness Robert llerir-,. Clerk lof said, "Court at Office the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of Marcli; 1829 i V-:...'V;i;;: f v- - , A U V ROBERT TIKNRV; C. S. C. .To be drawn 1 5tt August.,' ;' t Prize tif SlOiOOO lVV ;.'": . -:Y.' 2,500 v i:BiiK;Si,995,Y: 15s 20 20 :i,ooo 500 ,20,003 10,CCJ ' Beside many other valuable Prize; Whole tickets S5, Halves g2 30; Qar- Grand Consolidated Lottcm, 1 3 v-To be drawn 29tb Adjust; : ,; , ; Prize J of-: S 1 5 00C ; 4 : is , Sl5,0O lv; 15 5:- 5, 6,000 3,CD0:' t2,0 . 5,CG0 200 CO'n, . 1 r .. . -i . .i--t. . r .1. . uice s vinessmen: uransmen; i iia, 'Uii. v. BiHri i ue uriinsuiic aoi mw,i c 1 . ... i --., t.w- n.;vcia ' . un .u . - Ivory Counters , Ivory and BrasDesk. Seals T? .u,r;-as. fc new .up h.c w.hhhc;. gpectacieg An(j Gobies ; Silver Thimbles) a ge- 1.1.-, 1 neral j assortment ot Silver riate, consistingf 01 ; A . AT7T7HOTING 1 STORY. v v Soun Ladles: Table. Deseit and Te Spppris ; f Bishop Heber relates the following inct- Salt and Mnatafdpoon and Sugar :Tongs-wUh JenthWij happened fwheh sfn the; Vg, Epst-Indies., . One .of MajHamilton's ac- and warrknted tokeeptime. Air kinds of Jew- auaintanbe. who was marchins with a bo- ellerv renairecL-at the shortest notice. ; ". dytif troops between Guillinkole xDun .-T J? C. S. returns, hia thanks t his friends for warra, called oh a Bheel villager to be his I tW .patronage he has tTijnd. hoprf to ' 1 ii . 1 1 y.i - 1 j ..rJ.! , continue ro receive a poron;,v.-vuc- uu.s ".i(i', wu - J, - - r I nTt nnh' - minffis 1 1 V. .vniril.lT Will rj I1IS & i siuav to merit, or conuuucu uwcnjiibc . the custom "of the the duties of hi' pro profession!; before daylight,; andj(: Raleigh; July, 1829. 90 3t, '-6,000 :--4,ooo;; '3000 , ; JJ,025 . si,obd - ; 5oo.' - Besides; "Send your orders (Dosr'naid) to 1 .;f : sW" - Richmond. - Richmond, Aug. 1, 1S29. -' . , ' MAN AGEH "5 OFFICE, ; . -,. r; . - i . , . ; . , August, 1st," 1C V "'; FOR THE BENEPirOP TIIE ,; , - Disiiial- Swamp -Ganal Oomn 'zn' To be drawn at RichmoixL ort -Wednesday, If -;,,'..-; -i September,. 1829. i - . " J 60 No. Lottery 9 Brawn Callct3; 5j : 1 Pri7ie of 310,000 ijJJlO.CCD 1 .40 Sl ",-51' ;;102. 1 '7102', Vl,530 11475 fc- V 5,000 ., -, :,oc3.-. 2,!500.- '. v -:,jco 1,95..1,995; vr 1000-; 5G3' 100 ; co : j 50 -16 20CoO - O rr - . O ... v . " rV 2,?:o - : - t . Tte'rs t p5 V r a-y:. - v .Gendycur 'crders (pcit paid) to : : K . ' 4 1 t ' - -.v .v c- .''14 a?

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